Level 6 proposal

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Level 6 Dissertation Proposal Question - Unsure

Having now done a number of essays throughout my time on this course, and having all those essays being based on the same topic for consistency and for my own interest on the topic, I have chosen to base my dissertation on the same topic again, and that topic is Identity.

I have chosen to stick to the same topic as I already have initial research from previous work and this is something I wish to develop on. Most recently I have focussed on gender identity and how dress contributes to portraying us as a certain gender, whether that be biologically true or not. For my dissertation however, I want to focus more on the behaviour side of identity, and how dress determines behaviour and vice versa. By doing this I feel I can take the topic deeper by looking into psychology and how the mind or dress determines certain behavioural traits along with stereotypes and if and how they relate and correspond.

To get the appropriate research and understanding for the psychology and behavioural part of my dissertation I plan to spend time with students who are studying psychology and in depth behaviour, who have just completed their dissertations. I feel this is ideal to get the correct understanding from a psychology point of view and not from a fashion-stereotype-representation-prejudice point of view.

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