7 minute read
Learning from global experience
Over the years the international community has developed a variety of tools and approaches to combatting climate change. Among the most common are certified emission reductions; forest carbon sequestration and emission offsetting. Central Asia already has some experience in these approaches, and further efforts could be made to upscale them.
As the first global scheme to provide a standardized emission offset instrument — certified emission reductions — the Clean Development Mechanism under the Kyoto Protocol established a market-based approach for developed countries to offset their emissions by funding projects in developing countries. Similar, but modified Sustainable Development Mechanism is envisaged under the Paris Agreement. To qualify, projects must provide emission reductions that are additional to what would otherwise have occurred and contribute to sustainable development. The CDM has become a model for countless other offsetting opportunities for individuals and businesses (UNFCCC 2020a). Uzbekistan already has the initial experience in CDM projects design and implementation in chemical and energy industries. Kazakhstan has designed and tested another market-based mechanism: domestic emission trading system.
The UN Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+) works with developing countries to reduce forest emissions and enhance carbon stocks in forests while contributing to sustainable development. As a key asset in the fight against climate change, trees can remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to be stored in biomass and soil in a process known as forest carbon sequestration (UN-REDD 2020). As In situations where emission reduction is challenging, for example in aviation or industrial processes, offsetting by investing to the planting of trees or renewable energies is an option. Central Asia countries can study the international experience and micro-offsetting schemes. a low forest cover region Central Asia did not participate in REDD+ yet, but countries and local communities implement numerous afforestation projects funded domestically and internationally. They can apply the international methods and experience, improve carbon sequestration monitoring and reporting, and pursue nationally appropriate
mitigation action (NAMA) forest projects.
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The Regional Coordination Unit for CAMP4ASB, Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC) 40 Orbita-1, Republic of Kazakhstan, A15D5B3 camp4asb@carececo.org +7 727 265-43-34 carececo.org ca-climate.org
The National Coordination Unit for CAMP4ASB under the Committee for Environment Protection, Government of the Republic of Tajikistan 5/1 Shamsi, Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan 7340346 camp4asb@gmail.ru +992 44640-15-16 tajnature.tj
The National Coordination Unit for CAMP4ASB under the Ministry of Finance, Republic of Tajikistan 3 Ak. Radzhabovykh St., Dushanbe
Republic of Tajikistan camp4asb@greenfinance.tj +992 221-02-34, +992 221-67-43 camp4asb.tj
The National Coordination Unit for CAMP4ASB under the Agro Industry and Food Security Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan Labzak 1A St., Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan, 100000 info@rra.uz +998 71 241-45-30 uzaifsa.uz
Center of Hydrometeorological Service (Uzgidromet) 72 1st Proyezd Bodomzor Yuli, Tashkent
Republic of Uzbekistan, 100052 uzhymet@meteo.uz +998 71 237-35-11, +998 71 235-73-93 meteo.uz