balance is based on mass conservation. It reflects that the rate of change in water stored in a hydrological unit (e.g. catchment. As the water accounts link environmental information with economic data and information, defining the programme of measures can also benefit from input from the water accounts. With the EU's technical support, and as a pilot activity, Belarus has developed physical water flow accounts for 2018, which are presented in Annex I. Azerbaijan also developed physical water asset and flow accounts at the country level, with the technical support of the EEA.
6.3 Infrastructure 6.3.1
National data integration
In the EaP countries, water-monitoring systems are mainly implemented as a state service, divided into regional divisions in the areas of hydrometeorology (water quantity), geology (groundwater), hydrochemistry (water quality), hydrobiology (ecology) and public health (drinking water). Although all countries have monitoring programmes on water resources and water use, the usability of that data in policymaking needs further evaluation and improvement as the data are mainly collected and managed in a very fragmented manner among several governmental services and agencies. This often creates bottlenecks in the compilation and organisation of water-quantity data — for example, in developing water asset and flow accounts with the aim of identifying water availability and sectoral pressures on water resources (Globevnik et al., 2018). State statistical offices collect data on water resources an annual basis from various state water services and agencies and publish (bi)monthly bulletins or annual statistical books. In the area of water quantity, in some cases, they simply do not collect the data on different variables. For example, Ukraine's State Statistics Committee only collects data on water abstraction. As regards water quality, the respective water agencies inform on any exceedance of limit values but do not deal with integrated status assessments and trends over long periods. Overall, water policy recommendations are missing. State water services and agencies in the EaP countries are generally very reluctant to share their data and information on different domains of water management, which inhibits comprehensive integrated assessments at both the national and regional level. The challenges ahead include:
developing a positive attitude towards data sharing; the need to assess the environmental status of water resources, notably by regularly monitoring its decisive biological quality elements; and identifying key pressures on water. It should be underlined that the integration of water data from various sectors and sources will underpin a reliable and robust interpretation with available data, not only to design the current policy and programmes, but will also certainly support the development of IWRM in the region and at the local scale.
Water Information systems
The EaP countries have advanced at different levels as regards either developing or using existing (water) information systems. For instance, Moldova is currently developing an automated information system called 'the State Water Cadastre'. The system is designed to host data and information on various areas of water, for example, water resources, water resources management, hydraulic structures, protected areas, water balance, etc. The State Cadastre System will be an integral part of the Integrated Environmental Information System to increase efficiency in data processing and eliminating potential duplication in gathering information. As a pilot activity under the EU-funded ENI SEIS II East project, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia have developed water information systems (in Georgia) and the EcoPortal (in Armenia and Azerbaijan) by replicating the overall structure and philosophy of WISE. In 2020, the information systems deployed in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia offer the cooperating institutions the following functionalities: • a data dictionary and harmonised water-quality dataset, which enables dataset comparability between different institutions; • SQL database, data-processing protocols and procedures for water-quality indicator production; and • a web portal, which enables the presentation of data and information through text blocks, dynamic and interactive charts, and GIS visualisations. Effective use of the established information systems depends on two key processes. These should be followed and reviewed once the systems have been
Water availability, surface water quality and water use in the Eastern Partnership countries