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Tur k meni s ta n
SEIS highlights
Turkmenistan maintains an established and functioning environmental governance system, although most of its data and statistics are generated and designated for internal use by state actors and agencies. On the other hand, the country has always maintained strong traditions of public awareness campaigns on environmental issues through magazines, TV, educational activities and nature protection societies.
In 2018, Turkmenistan’s President decreed the Concept of Development of Digital Economy for 2019–2025. The use of the Internet for environmental reporting is not yet common, but several electronic editions of the state of the environment report have been produced over the last 20 years with support of international projects.
The use of the Internet for environmental reporting is not yet common, however several electronic editions of the state of the environment report have been produced over the last 20 years, most recently in 2015 with the support of the EU, Switzerland and CAREC.
Turkmenistan fulfils international reporting obligations and participates in regional information exchange. The Ashgabat-based Scientific-Information Centre of the Interstate Sustainable Development Commission was instrumental in coordination and input to UNEP-sponsored regional environmental assessments. Turkmenistan also actively contributes to the Caspian Sea assessments and action plans.
The framework for monitoring SDGs has been set-up, with responsibilities defined and allocated among governmental and other actors, and methodologies for data collections, analysis and reporting under development.