1 minute read
Spatial dimension and review of environmental data
Air Quality
Air quality monitoring is conducted in major cities, but data are not available in a spatial format. Modern methods of air quality ranking and public communication are not yet implemented.
Climate Change
Climate change analysis is carried out periodically, in connection with the preparation of national communications to the UNFCCC. Visual climate change information is available in the UNFCCC reports and the CIS Climate bulletins .
Water quality monitoring covers the Caspian Sea and major rivers such as the Amu Darya. Spatial information exists mainly in local reports.
Most forests of Turkmenistan are sparse saxaul tree natural forests and plantations. Saxaul forests are often not included in global databases and assessments because they are barely detectable by remote sensing, though they are very important in the local context. Spatial data on forests are available, but detailed information is not public.
Protected Areas
Good and regularly updated information on protected areas and selected species. Details available from the responsible institutions, general information can be found in public and international sources. International data on protected areas may be inconsistent with the current national data due to the lack of up-to-date spatial information.
Gaps remain in the overall data collection on all types of waste in Turkmenistan. New legislation on waste introduces a classification and inventory system. Some spatial data are available from regional (Caspian Sea) and international sources.