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Construction of modules to showcase the Social Responsibility programs of the Zona Arqueológica Caral

To show the results of the programs aimed at the population living in the area of influence of the archaeological sites, in October 2015 four modules were built in the entrance of the Visitor Reception Center of the Sacred City of Caral. They show the course-workshops and social responsibility programs implemented by ZAC to promote the socioeconomic development of the local population: the courses-workshops: “Recovering the Musical Tradition of the Caral Civilization” and “Functional and Decorative Pottery”; and the programs: “Caral’s naturally colored cotton: An ancestral product to contribute to the comprehensive and sustainable development of the current population” and “Organic farming in the Caral Valley, Supe”.

Along with the construction of the modules, the Reception Center has been reorganized, access has been improved, the box office has been relocated, and the exhibition space called “Science Tunnel: Caral, 5000 years producing knowledge” was integrated.


Cane, stone and clay mortar have been used in the construction, as well as traditional materials that maintain the style of the entire design, with a structural system consisting mainly of modular cane frameworks. In these versatile spaces, reed is part of the indoor furniture. In harmony with the surrounding landscape, the diamond-shaped columns along with the perspective create compound lines and provide movement to inclined planes.

Furthermore, climate has been taken into account to achieve comfortable workspaces and exhibition areas; high ceilings and open roofed spaces were built. In the latitude of Caral (10°53’) the sun falls almost perpendicularly; therefore, to avoid excessive solar heating, the building has inclined roofs, one towards the south and the other towards the north. It is a position that also channels water in case of rains due to the

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