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In 2008, the Zona Arqueológica Caral began the implementation of a community museum network in the cities and population centers of the north-central area of the country, to convey the social and cultural values of the Caral Civilization - recovered through archaeological research- to the local, regional and national population. The goals include:

• Promoting people’s identification with the cultural heritage, so that they preserve archaeological assets;


• Improving social self-esteem through knowledge and the revaluation of history;

• Encouraging reflection on the current reality;

• Promoting social integration, based on the population’s understanding.

The first museum of the Community Museums Network opened in Végueta, Huaura province, in February 2008. In November 2013, the second community museum opened in the Supe District, Barranca Province.

These museums show the social history of the ten urban centers of the Caral Civilization, through museographic resources and objects recovered from archaeological excavations. Exhibition spaces are educational and interactive.

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