JOIN US IN SAYING TO GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE 2021 marks the 10th year of the Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women campaign. In that time, Zonta clubs around the world have undertaken thousands of initiatives to raise awareness of violence against women and girls, advocate for legislative changes and provide direct support and services for survivors of violence. As Zontians have persisted in their stance to say no to violence, we have learned that there is no simple solution or simple cause of genderbased violence. It has become evident how intertwined other issues such as human trafficking, child marriage, climate change and lack of access to education are to violence. Each club action gives an opportunity to share and spread knowledge of these issues. By becoming more educated on why gender-based violence happens, the world can work on how to end it once and for all. To view more actions by Zontians who are making a difference, visit ZontaSaysNo. com and renew your commitment to creating a world without violence. Top: Zonta Club of Glens Falls Bottom: Zonta District 31