Zoo Med Insect Brochure

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INTRODUCTION: Insects and invertebrates make very unique and interesting pets! They are low-maintenance and are perfect for small spaces like offices, apartments, or dorm rooms. Disclaimer: Take caution if you have an allergy or sensitivity to bee stings, some insects can bite and/or sting and allergic reactions may result.

HABITAT SETUP: Always start by cleaning your enclosure with warm water and researching the requirements of your species. You can house most invertebrates in our Creatures® Habitat Kit 8.5 x8.5x11.75"(22x22x30cm) or Creatures® Den 10.5x20.5x8" (27x52x20cm). For species that need a larger enclosure, choose one of our many Naturalistic Terrarium® sizes. Our Nano Breeze is great for species that need an open-air enclosure.

SUBSTRATE: Choose an appropriate substrate based on your species' humidity requirements. We recommend providing all species with a deep substrate layer, at least 2-4"(5-10cm). Deep substrate allows for natural burrowing behaviors and makes maintaining humidity easier in a tropical setup. Arid/Desert: Use Creatures® Sand, Creatures® Soil, or a mixture of the two. Excavator® Clay is another fun desert substrate! While desert/arid animals are adapted to dry climates, the entire substrate should never be bone dry. Mist a portion of the enclosure and its substrate about once a week (depending on the species). Tropical: Use Creatures® Soil, Creatures® Eco Soil, Creatures® Floor, or a mixture of any of these. Top off, or mix your substrate with moss like New Zealand Sphagnum Moss or Terrarium Moss for extra humidity retention. While tropical species like a moist environment, avoid over-saturating your substrate.

SHELTER: Provide a variety of shelters, like Creatures® Natural Cork, Creatures® Cave, and Creatures® Leaf Litter. Live plants or Naturalistic Flora can provide further cover and make your habitat more beautiful. Moss can also provide shelter for small creatures, like isopods.

HEATING & LIGHTING: Many species are comfortable at room temperature with ambient light. However, you can illuminate your enclosure with the Creatures® LED in a Creatures® Dome Fixture. If a warmer environment is required, the CreatureTherm Heater can be applied to the side of the tank for a 24/7 heat source. Monitor the temperature and humidity in the habitat using the Creatures® Dual Thermometer & Humidity Gauge.

Some invertebrates (e.g., scorpions) glow under blacklight! You can observe this unique phenomenon by using our Creatures® LED Black Light.

DIET: Insectivores: These creatures eat insects, like crickets, mealworms, and roaches. Herbivores: These creatures only eat plants. Provide a constant supply of species-appropriate, pesticide-free plants. Omnivores: These creatures eat both plants and animal protein. Most will thrive on a combination of Creatures® Pellets or Blue Death Feigning Beetle Food paired with Creatures® Food Jelly Cups. The Creatures® Feeding Block and Isopod Banquet® Block are great as a long-term supplemental food and calcium source. Detritivore: Many omnivorous invertebrates are also detrivores that feed on decaying organic matter. Feed these creatures the same as omnivores, but replenish leaf litter often.

WATER: Provide a Creatures® Rock Dish for species that will drink from a dish, but many invertebrates rely solely on hydration from their food and/or dew. Tropical species will appreciate their whole habitat misted often, while desert habitats should be kept mostly dry, with just a small portion misted once a week. Keeping live plants or Naturalistic Flora in your enclosure will also provide a natural surface for your pet to drink from.

CLEANING & MAINTENANCE: Spot clean and replace substrate as needed, but take care not to release non-native species into the wild: freeze the used substrate for 24 hours before disposing in case there are any eggs or larvae you've missed.

HANDLING CONSIDERATIONS: Invertebrates make great display pets, many keepers also want to handle them. If you choose to handle your creatures, be cautious of some species' defense mechanisms and speed. It is also important to be aware that many of these creatures are fragile and need to be handled gently and close to the ground to prevent injuries if they fall. Always supervise young children.

BEGINNER CREATURES: Isopods (Various Species) Humidity: 50-80% RH Temperature: 65-80°F (18-28°C) Diet: Omnivore/Detritivore - Creatures® Isopod Banquet® Block, Creatures® Food Pellets, Creatures® Blue Death Feigning Beetle Food, Creatures® Leaf Litter, Sun-Dried Shrimp, Crested Gecko Food, Flower Food Topper. Isopods are easy and fun to keep! Many species are available in the hobby, but you can also find some in your backyard. Popular isopods to keep as pets are Armadillium spp. (i.e., rollie pollies), Cubaris spp., and Porcellio spp. Isopods vary in colors, shapes, and patterns, but general care is the same across different species. House them in the Creatures® Habitat Kit or Creatures® Low-Profile Den. A deep layer of Creatures® Soil mixed with New Zealand Sphagnum Moss or Terrarium Moss makes an excellent substrate for most species. Top the substrate with more moss, layers of Creatures® Cork, and Creatures® Leaf Litter. Leave an open area towards the front of the enclosure for easy feeding and enjoyable viewing. Leaf litter makes up a portion of their natural diet, so replenish it often. Isopods have high calcium requirements and always need access to a calcium source like Creatures® Isopod Banquet® Block or cuttlebone. Isopods are actually crustaceans that use moist gills to breathe. Therefore, it's important to maintain proper humidity by misting the enclosure as needed.

Blue Death-Feigning Beetle (Asbolus verrucosus) Humidity: Arid/Desert, 40% RH or less Temperature: 70-85°F (21-29°C) Mature Size: 0.7-1 in (1.5-2.5 cm) Diet: Omnivore/Detritivore - Creatures® Blue Death Feigning Beetle Food, Creatures® Feeding Block, and occasional fresh fruit and vegetables for hydration. Blue death-feigning beetles are excellent pet insects for beginners due to their hardiness, ease-to-handle, and docile nature. This species is exceptionally long-lived, with a life span of up to 10 years in captivity. These beetles earned their name from their beautiful color and unique defense strategy of rolling onto their backs and playing dead when threatened. Their powdery blue color results from another unique adaptation that protects them from harsh desert conditions: a waxy coat that retains moisture and protects them from the Sun. When kept in overly humid conditions, the beetles temporarily lose this waxy coat, revealing a black base color. House them in the Creatures® Low-Profile Den or the front-opening Naturalistic Terrarium® (item# NT-1). As an arid species, they do well with Excavator® Clay molded into decorative tunnels, caves, and hills. For their base substrate, a dry mixture of Creatures® Soil and Creatures® Sand works well to mimic their arid native environment. Use Creatures® Natural Cork, Creatures® Leaf Litter, and Naturalistic Desert Flora to provide shelter during the day. These beetles are primarily active in the evening, but occasionally emerge from shelter to forage for food during the day. You do not need to provide a water dish. Instead, we recommend just lightly misting a portion of their enclosure once a week.

Indian Domino Roach (Therea petiveriana) Humidity: Arid/Temperate, 40-60% RH Temperature: 70-85°F (21 -29°C) Adult Size: 0.8-1.0 in (2-2.5 cm) Diet: Creatures® Food Pellets, Creatures® Blue Death Feigning Beetle Food, Crested Gecko Food, Creatures® Leaf Litter, fresh fruit and vegetables.

Domino Cockroaches: (cont.) The Indian domino roach is a great beginner insect with a striking pattern as adults. Individuals are not exceptionally long-lived, but because of their ability to reproduce well in captivity, colonies can easily be sustained long-term. Observing the life stages in a colony is one of the perks of keeping roaches as pets! House your colony in the Creatures® Low-Profile Den or the front-opening Naturalistic Terrarium® (item# NT-1). Creatures® Soil, Creatures® Eco Soil, or a mixture of the two, makes an excellent burrowing substrate, especially for young roaches ("nymphs") that live almost exclusively in the deeper substrate layers. While these roaches originate from dry scrub forests in Southern India, providing humid areas and lightly misting the habitat is still important. Creatures® Leaf Litter is essential, as it provides layers of shelter, a natural egg-laying substrate, and nutrition! Decaying leaf litter makes up a portion of their natural diet, so replace it often. Juveniles lack patterning and primarily remain hidden through their long maturation period, but adults are bold and active in the habitat. These roaches are safe to handle, but because of their fast speed, we recommend using caution.

African Emperor Scorpion (Pandinus imperator) Humidity: Tropical, 60-80% RH Temperature: 70-85°F (21-29°C) Mature Size: 6-8 in (15-20 cm) Diet: Insectivore - Crickets, roaches, worms. Emperor scorpions are the most popular pet scorpion species due to their generally docile nature and mild venom in the case of a rare sting. They are tolerant to handling, but can pinch and sting if frightened, so are best as a display pet. In bright daylight, these scorpions are glossy black, but glow neon blue-green under blacklight! These large scorpions are native to West African rainforests, so prefer a warmer, tropical environment. House scorpions individually in the Creatures® Low Profile Den or the front-opening Naturalistic Terrarium® (item# NT-1) with deep substrate. Use Creatures® Soil, Creatures® Eco Soil, or a mixture of the two. Provide plenty of hiding places using the Creatures® Cave, Creatures® Natural Cork, Creatures® Leaf Litter, and Naturalistic Flora. Maintain proper humidity by misting the enclosure as needed and always provide a shallow water dish.

Mexican Red-Knee Tarantula (Brachypelma smithi) Humidity: Arid/Temperate, 60-70% RH Temperature: 70-80°F (21-28°C) Mature Size: 5 in (12.5 cm) Diet: Insectivore - Crickets, roaches, worms. These tarantulas are one of the most popular beginner species due to their simple care requirements, calm demeanor, and longevity. Males usually live 5-10 years, but females can live up to 30 years! In the wild, these tarantulas typically live in dry forests and deserts of Mexico. House them in the Creatures® Low Profile Den or the front-opening Naturalistic Terrarium® (item# NT-1) with deep substrate. Use Creatures® Soil, Creatures® Eco Soil, or a mixture of the two. Provide plenty of hiding places using the Creatures® Cave, Creatures® Natural Cork, Creatures® Leaf Litter, and Naturalistic Flora. Lightly mist the habitat once a week, and always provide a shallow water dish. While these tarantulas are generally calm, they may act defensively if scared. Their first line of defense is to eject their sharp hairs, which can cause skin irritation. As a last resort, they may bite, and their venom can cause varying reactions. If you choose to handle these tarantulas, supervise young children, wear thick gloves, and wash your hands afterwards.

Bumblebee Millipede (Anadenobolus monilicornis) Humidity: Tropical, 70-80% RH Temperature: 65-80°F (21-28°C) Mature Size: 3-4 in (7.5-10 cm) Diet: Omnivore/Detritivore - Wood, leaves, fruit, vegetables, greens. The term "millipede" has Latin origins, meaning "thousand feet". Most millipedes do not live up to their name, and only have between 80-800 legs. The first millipede with 1000+ legs was not discovered until 2021! These hardy creatures make good pets due to their simple care requirements and docile nature. The bumblebee millipede is a beautiful species native to the Caribbean. House them in the Creatures® Low Profile Den with deep substrate. Use a mixture of Creatures® Soil, Creatures® Eco Soil, and Creatures® Floor. Top the substrate with Terrarium or New Zealand Sphagnum Moss, layers of Creatures® Cork, and Creatures® Leaf Litter. Decomposing leaves and wood comprise a large portion of their natural diet, so replenish leaves and substrate often. Fresh greens, vegetables, and fruit can be left in the enclosure for a day or 2, but remove them if they mold or rot. Maintain proper humidity by misting the enclosure as needed. These calm creatures generally tolerate handling but can excrete an irritating substance when frightened. Supervise young children, wear gloves, and wash your hands after handling.

Madagascar Hissing Cockroach (Gromphadorhina portentosa) Humidity: Temperate/Sub-Tropical, 40-65% RH Temperature: 70-85° F (21-29°C) Mature Size: 2-4 in (5-10 cm) Diet: Omnivore/Detritivore Wood, leaves, fruit, vegetables, greens. These gentle giants are the largest roach species in the world! They are great beginner roaches because they do not have wings and won't bite or emit foul odors when frightened. Instead, they squeeze air out of small holes in their back to make a ferocious hissing sound. These roaches are endemic to Madagascar, making their homes in leaf litter and fallen logs on the forest floor. House them in the Creatures® Low Profile Den with deep substrate. Use a mixture of Creatures® Soil, Creatures® Eco Soil, and Creatures® Floor. Top the substrate with Terrarium or New Zealand Sphagnum Moss, Creatures® Cork, Creatures® Leaf Litter, and Naturalistic Flora. Lightly mist the habitat once a week, and always provide a shallow water dish. Some states require permitting to keep these roaches, so be sure to check your local regulations before taking one home.

Arizona Praying Mantis (Stagmomantis limbata) Humidity: Temperate/Sub-Tropical, 40-65% RH Temperature: 70-80°F (21-28°C) Mature Size: 2.5-3 in (6.5-7 cm) Diet: Insectivore - Crickets, mealworms, flying insects. This species is widely available in pet stores and is known for its voracious appetite and simple care requirements. This mantis is native to the Southwestern portion of North America down into Mexico. It occupies a wide habitat range from semi-arid scrub lands to wooded temperate canyons. The Arizona Mantis lives for an average of 9 months. These temperate mantids do best in the Nano Breeze open-air enclosure with a simple layer of Creatures® Leaf Litter. Provide tall branches, the Creatures® Cholla Branch, and Naturalistic Flora for them to climb and hang from. They will actively hunt their prey, but will also accept tong-feeding when they reach adulthood. Like most mantids, they are safe to gently handle. ZOO MED LABORATORIES, INC. 3650 Sacramento Dr. San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Phone: 805-542-9988 Email: zoomed@zoomed.com


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