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Care & Development in 2020
CARE & DEVELOPMENT How it’s looking in 2020
Our wrap-around, holistic approach to pastoral care allows us to call on all of the expertise within the Rangi Care & Development Network to support us with directions and solutions. This Network includes the Pastoral Team, Learning Centre, Global Living, Health, Student Development and Leadership Teams; through their programmes and initiatives, we are able to provide opportunities, a strong sense of connection and targeted support for our people.
The Pastoral Team consists of Tutors and Deans who move through the school with their year level and therefore really get to know each individual; the International Dean, Boarding Staff, School Psychologists and Nurses, Chaplain, Careers & Pathways Strategist (Crimson), Wellbeing & Digital Engagement Coordinator and Health Coordinator, all have a much broader knowledge of the students and apply their special lens and expertise to the health and wellbeing of the students. A common understanding and regular communication ensure we are covering all the bases so each student knows they have at least one, and usually several people, who will be their champions and guides.
In response to the increasingly complex world our young people are experiencing, over the last 18 months we have expanded our Care and Development Network to include two School Nurses and two School Psychologists who job-share their roles and offer choice and professional support. This was a timely move, given the repercussions of COVID-19, lockdown levels and the concerns around mental health, particularly the increase in anxiety that many students and families are facing. We discovered over lockdown that communication is the essential ingredient and every Tutor, Dean and Boarding staff member ensured contact was maintained and needs were responded to. It became quickly apparent who was thriving at home and who was struggling with the requirements of online learning and a sense of isolation. We all recognised the value of increased connection and the insights into our students as people with lives beyond school and as family members, as well as learners. While exhausting the online connections, particularly video chats, it allowed for more empathetic and creative responses and solutions, and we have all been particularly mindful of the loneliness and additional strain felt by our precious International students. Our student leaders and councils have been magnificent as they also provided tips, activities, things to look forward to, a sense of connection and aroha to support everyone.
Our School Nurses noticed an increase in demand for nursing services, both physically and emotionally: “Some pre-existing conditions have been heightened in particular with chronic medical conditions and mental health, the knock on effect of lockdown for some girls, as well as an increase in new presentations particularly for anxieties and stress. We have been actively encouraging the benefits of forming healthy sleep habits, the importance of staying active and eating nutritional food to fuel our mind and bodies. We are so lucky to be a part of a wonderful Pastoral Care team where communication and care plans are crucial to providing the care and treatment required to help each individual achieve their personal goals academically, socially and emotionally.”
Our sense of partnership with parents/caregivers remains central to our work and the Rangi Values, gratitude and a desire to serve others, underpin our actions. It is a privilege to be part of this mutually supportive and dedicated team.