Rangi Ruru Girls’ School offers scholarship opportunities to highly motivated students with abilities across many areas of life.
These areas include academic, music, sport, leadership and cultural contributions and talents. In order to be considered for these prestigious scholarships students must be willing to contribute and participate fully in the life of Rangi Ruru, upholding our values and embracing our spirit.
These sought-after opportunities are largely for ākonga entering Year 7 or Year 9, with some catered exclusively to senior students.
Our scholarship recipients are not only given financial support to attend Rangi Ruru, they are immersed in programmes that ensure they reach their full potential. This handbook covers the scholarships we offer, and the supporting programmes.
Rangatahi must demonstrate a high level of achievement and participation in two or more of our four identified areas: academic, leadership, sport and cultural.
Excellence in Music. After application, a selected group are auditioned for approximately 20 minutes. Further details will be given on notification of selection for audition.
Students must demonstrate academic performance in our Scholarship Entrance Examination. High performance in other academic competitions may be taken into consideration.
This scholarship is open to a student of Māori descent for three years from Year 11. Active participation in cultural
activities, overall experience and previously school achievements are considered.
For Year 7 entry for two years awarded to the daughter or granddaughter of an Old Girl. An academically able student will be supported to continue her journey.
For a Year 9 entering boarding, awarded for five years. A student who shows dedication to academic study and allround abilities.
This scholarship is available annually by application for an international student in Year 12 or 13 taking subjects including Design, Painting, Printmaking, Photography, Music, Product and Spatial Design.
• Applicants must be New Zealand Citizens or Permanent Residents.
• Scholarships are subject to continued academic progress, school involvement and adherence to Rangi Ruru values.
• General Excellence, Stellar Music and Academic scholarships are for a maximum of 50% of academic fees.
• Recipients of Stellar Music scholarships are expected to continue full involvement in school music—curriculum and cocurricular—throughout their time at Rangi Ruru. Details and parameters are discussed individually with the Director of Music.
• The recipient of the General Excellence, Stellar Music and Academic scholarships are expected to continue full involvement in the areas for which their scholarship was awarded. Recipients who choose to withdraw from involvement in these areas may have their scholarship withdrawn.
• Applicants are required to sit the
scholarship academic examination regardless of the scholarship they are applying for. The grades remain the property of the school and are not released to applicants.
• Year 7 scholarships are for two years. Year 9 scholarships are for five years. Scholarships are reviewed annually, and recipients meet with a member of the Senior Leadership Team to discuss their progress.
• Students in Year 10 may apply for the Mana Wāhine Scholarship for acceptance the following calendar year.
• A $100 registration fee is required for students to sit scholarship. Those who have already submitted a general application for enrolment, do not have to pay an additional fee. Those whose mother was an Old Girl of Rangi Ruru Girls’ School are exempt from this fee. For those students who are successful in gaining a scholarship to Rangi Ruru, this will be credited to their account.
It would be hard to find a better role model for an Academic Excellence Scholarship recipient than Amber, who attended Rangi
Ruru from 2015 to 2019.
A mature, perceptive student with an outstanding work ethic, Amber showed considerable tenacity in the pursuit of her academic goals. Earning Elite Academic Colours for her NCEA results, in addition, Amber was named Proxime Accessit for her exceptional academic outcomes across all her subjects in her final year at Rangi Ruru.
Amber embraced all opportunities, willingly seeking to extend herself. She was Head of Form Seniors, a member of the Service Council and the school’s World Vision Representative.
Amber’s genuine nature paired with an admirable strength of character endeared her to many. She received the coveted Dorothy Bates Trophy for the student who demonstrates Outstanding Potential (Reaching for the Stars) in her Year 13 Prizegiving.
Achieving outstanding NCEA results, Amber was offered the University of Queensland Merit Scholarship and a Liveris Academy Scholarship which provided considerable financial support, travel for an exchange and internship, and mentorship.
As a scholarship recipient at Rangi Ruru, your daughter will be supported in all areas of her development. We have a number of specialist programmes designed to support our ākonga to reach their full potential.
The HPL Mentoring and Support Service offers a personalised approach to provide continued support for our most highly able students as they develop. The school accepts that gifted students have different learning needs and that, as a school and as teachers, we must respond to these needs. Areas where particular help is available include:
• Personal Development Plans (PDPs) with the HPL Coordinator who works closely with Deans
• Guidance and Careers Counsellors
• Acceleration / multi-levelling
• Subject choice assistance
• Workshops / field trips / lectures
• Clubs: Chess, Philosophy, Creative Writing, Robotics and Future Problem Solving
• Mentoring / Pastoral Care / Acting as an advocate for students
• Provision of emotional and social support if required
The HPL service offering is relaxed, supportive and inclusive.
At Rangi Ruru we are experts in NCEA. We believe this qualification reflects learning that prepares our students for their futures. The flexibility of NCEA allows Rangi Ruru teachers and students to construct programmes that suit the individual, something other programmes such as International Baccalaureate cannot cater for.
We are very proud of our students’ outstanding NCEA results. These are consistent across many years showing our students excelling in NCEA.
NZQA Scholarship examinations saw Isabella gaining Top Subject Scholar in Music and Art History, an Outstanding award in English, as well as scholarships in several other subjects culminating in her being one of ten Premier Scholarship Award winners in New Zealand.
She was Proxime Accessit to Dux and was awarded a premier award The Dorothy Bates Trophy - Reaching for the Stars.
Whilst at Rangi Ruru Isabella studied flute at the University of Canterbury, played professionally with the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra, and was Principal Flute in the New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Symphony Orchestra and NZSO National Youth Orchestra.
“Rangi Ruru’s support of co-curricular activities and a give-it-a-go attitude helped me to develop the courage to explore new opportunities, allowing me to maintain breadth and flexibility in my study despite the increasing pressure to specialise,” says Isabella.
Isabella was a Rangi Ruru academic and music scholar from 2013 to 2017. In Year 13 she was the student Head of Sustainability.
Performing outstandingly in NCEA, the 2017
She currently plays professionally with the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra, teaches flute and piano and is a volunteer tutor for Victoria University’s Pasifika Mentoring Programme.
Rangi Ruru has an exclusive partnership with international university admissions consultancy Crimson Education which enables us to deliver national and global opportunities at an unprecedented level.
Our dedicated Careers and Pathways Strategist is a full-time member of the Rangi Ruru staff. She meets individually with students to establish their direction and goals. This is followed up with significant tailored assistance in order
to secure the best possible pathways outcome for the individual.
In Crimson’s time with Rangi Ruru we have had 100% acceptance in international universities for students with that goal. Over 90% of Rangi Ruru students stay domestically for university and, with Crimson’s assistance, numerous prestigious university scholarships have been offered to our students.
Crimson Education sponsor the annual Dux Award and the Crimson Scholar Award at Rangi Ruru. Each year the top academic student in each of Years 9 to 12 is named the Crimson Scholar at Prize Giving, earning $1000 of Crimson Education services and mentoring.
Stellar Music Scholarships are available for students in Year 9. Scholars receive discounted tuition fees, a generous grant towards instrumental/vocal lessons, and are given free access to mental performance coaching.
Music scholars, along with other high achieving musicians, are well supported and given many opportunities through our music extension programme, the Stellar Enrichment Programme (StEP).
They are empowered to challenge themselves and find their own voice through music. Mentoring is available from leading creative and forwardthinking professional musicians who inspire students to extend their musical horizons both at Rangi and in the wider community. Students are also actively encouraged to become involved in the wider academic, sporting, cultural and service programmes available at Rangi Ruru.
Supporting Outstanding Athletes at Rangi (S.O.A.R) is a unique sports programme which provides support and guidance for student athletes who demonstrate talent, potential and determination.
At the heart of S.O.A.R is the philosophy that better people make better athletes. The focus is on empowering and challenging student athletes to become the most outstanding version of themselves in their journey through sport and, ultimately, life. Underpinning the programme is a focus on building a platform of behavioural traits which positively contribute to sporting performance but also to life outside of sport.
S.O.A.R athletes receive specialist support
and guidance tailored to their own needs, as well as access to guest speakers. This includes:
• Mental performance
• Nutrition
• Targeted strength and conditioning, and body balance assessment
• Performance analysis—utilising HUDL and expert coaches
• One-on-one check-in meetings with the Director of Sport
Participation in this programme is based on application. Consideration will be given to students in Year 9 who are on General Excellence scholarships (tagged to sport). Numbers will be restricted and limited to a maximum of 20 students in any one year.
Juliet Collins
Assistant Principal of Curriculum
Mandy Anderson Director of Sport
Janet Kingsbury
Director of Music
Stellar Music
Scan here to see scholarship application dates and timelines