2015 Ohio State Conference Z-Reader

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Ohio Z– Reader Newsletter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, Ohio State Organization 2015 State Conference Edition

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated

2015 State Conference : A Grand Affair

Mary Breaux Wright International President Michelle Porter Norman Great Lakes Regional Director LaRita MJ Smith Ohio State Director

Ohio State Organization Executive Board Isi Ikharebha Chair to the Executive Board

Chamomile Ware Graduate Member At Large Adriana Green Undergraduate Member At Large VACANT Secretary Kellie Glenn Treasurer Angela Smith Financial Secretary Natasha Smith Historian and Public Relations Chair Monique Hall Parliamentarian Vikki Shadie Nominating Committee Chair

International President Mary Breaux Wright joined Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, Ohio State Organization for the 57 th Ohio State Leadership Conference in Cuyahoga Falls where Mu Rho Zeta chapter of Akron served as this year’s conference host. With more than 150 participants in attendance including Sorors, Amicae and youth, the conference was held October 16 -17, 2015 at the Sheraton Suites Akron -Cuyahoga Falls. Great Lakes Regional Director Michelle Porter Norman were also in attendance.

Faithful. Great Lakes Di rector Norman along with Ohio State Director Smith also announced that plans are underway to commemorate our two founders in 2018 as part of the celebration leading up to 100 -year anniversary celebration. The Centennial Launch Party event also brought together six of the seven living past and current Ohio State directors, an historical moment for the sisterhood. The past state directors in attendance were: Mary Curtis, Cheryl Christie, Susie Crawford, Rhonda Eberhardt and Annette Ross -Gray. Each state director received her own stamp As Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. is which she used for Sorors ’ veering closer toward a celebraCentennial passports. tion of 100 years of service to the community, the Ohio conference featured a Centennial Launch party on October 16, commemorating a kickoff of events leading to the historical moment in 2020 where the founders of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. will be celebrated. International President Wright said, Sorority members in Ohio should be proud because they reside in the home of two founders Viola Tyler Goings and Myrtle Tyler

Dignitaries,Akron-Area NPHC Show Love to Ohio Zetas At Opening Ceremony During the opening session on October 17, 2015, Sorority members, Amicae, youth and guest received a warm welcome during the Opening Session from Friend Betty Connors, Ohio Amicae Presi-

dent, Ohio State Director LaRita MJ Smith, Great Lakes Regional Director Michelle Porter Norman, Nati onal Graduate Member -AtLarge Patricia Jones and International President Breaux Wright, The Sorority also received greetings from representatives of the local National Pan Hellenic Council organizations, including Michael Leftwich, president of the local Delta Rho Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. , John Williams, president of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated, Eta

Tau Lambda chapter and Staci Freeman, president of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Zeta Theta O m e g a chapter. State Graduate Member -At-Large Chamomile Ware officiated over the opening ceremony. Friend Betty Connors, Ohio State Amicae President, delivered the invocation.

Year of the Undergraduate: Ohio Undergraduates Showed Up, Showed Out At State Conference Nationally, it is the Year of the force University had 100 percent Several Xi Gamma Sorors served Undergraduate and the state of of participation among its chapter on the scrapbook and chapter reOhio is no exception. Undergradu- members. port committee. Sigma Alpha ates from the state of O hio attendchapter of Kent State University ed the state conferenc e in Cuyareceived first place in the chapter hoga Falls. They were v isible evereport competition while Psi Epsi rywh ere from the Cent enni al lon of Bowling Green State UniverLaunch Party to commi ttee meetsity placed second. In the scrapings. book competition, Ps i Epsilon Xi Gamma chapter of The Ohio placed first while Sigma Alpha State University had the highest placed second. attendance at the state conference while Gamma Epsilon of Wilber-

Warrensville Heights Amicae Returns

New OSO Officers Elected

In an historic moment, the Warrensville Heights Amicae, Soror Isi Ikharebha of Sigma Iota Zeta sponsored by Nu Theta Zeta Chapter was reinstated at the Chapter of Reynoldsburg was elected to Ohio State Leadership Conferserve as the new Chair to the Executive ence. The auxiliary chapter is Board while Soror Angela Smith of Gamma the first to have their ritual perZeta Zeta Chapter of Columbus was electformed during the Ohio confered to serve as Financial Secretary. ence. Thank you to outgoing Chair to the Executive Board Celeste Pickett and outgoing Financial Secretary Abbie Lang. Page 2

Ohio Chapters Represent At State Conference Mu Rho Zeta Hosts Successful State Conference Mu Rho Zeta chapter of Akron served as the host chapter. And worked dili gently to ensure that Sorors who attended were wel l taken care of. Whether in blue polos or wearing s carves, Mu Rho Zeta Sorors were easily identifiable throughout the duration of the conference. Chapter President Kateri Hargrove could be seen every where from escorting our International President Mary Breaux Wright to manning the registration table. Chapter Soror Vikki Shadie

serves on the executive board as the state Nominations Chair. The chapter also placed third in the state chapter report competition.

Beta Zeta Zeta

Delta Phi Zeta

For Beta Zeta Zeta chapter of Cincinnati, Soror Keisha Kemper served as the newly appointed Elections Chair. Chapter President Abbie E Lang served as outgoing Financial Secretary, Past Great Lakes Regional Director Doris Stokes stamped Sorors’ Centennial passports at the Centennial Launch Party. Friend Betty Connors, State President of the Amicae Auxiliary was also in attendance assisted Past State Director Susie Crawford's Centennial stamping station.

In Delta Phi Zeta chapter of Dayton, Soror Celese Pickett served as the outgoing Chair of the State Executive Board. The chapter’s Amicae auxiliary also received an award for its chapter report. Past State Director Annette Ross-Gray stamped Sorors’ Centennial passports at the Centennial Launch Party.

Gamma Delta Zeta Sorors Georgette Witherspoon and Kimberly King of Gamma Delta Zeta of Cleveland served as Amicae State Coordinator and Legacy Club Chair, respectively. The chapter’s Amicae auxiliary also placed in the state’s chapter report and scrapbook competition.

Gamma Zeta Zeta Gamma Zeta Zeta chapter of Columbus received several recognitions at the state conference. The chapter was recognized for having the largest graduate membership in Ohio. The chapter also placed first in the state scrapbook and chapter report competitions. Soror Arlene Taylor received the State Zeta of the Year award. Soror Monique Hall was appointed State Parliamentarian. Soror Chevon Toler was appointed State Stork’s Nest Coordinator. Soror Tonya Thurman serves as the State Youth Coordinator. Soror Felicia Ocdise serves as the State Scholarship Chair. All of Gamma Zeta Zeta’s last intake class attended their first state meeting. Also all members of Gamma Zeta Zeta’s undergraduate chapter Xi Gamma attended their first state conference. Page 3

Ohio Chapters Represent At State Conference Nu Theta Zeta

Sigma Iota Zeta

Nu Theta Zeta chapter of Warrensville Heights was recognized as the second largest chapter in Ohio at the state conference while also having the most life members. The chapter placed third in the chapter report and scrapbook competition. Soror Chamomile Ware serves as the Ohio Graduate Member-At-Large while Soror Adriana Green serves as Ohio Undergraduate Member-At-Large. Soror Kellie Glenn serves as the state Tamias. Soror Leevie McCaleb serves as Time and Place Chair, Soror Ebony Boothe serves as Recommendations Chair and Soror Jacquelyn Remmer serves as Ways and Means Chair. National Graduate Member-At-Large Patricia Jones, Ohio Graduate Member-At-Large Chamomile Ware, Soror Tamara Manning and Soror Wendy Horn also served as workshop presenters for the Protocol Refresher, Undergraduate Advisors and Be Finer Workshops. The chapter also made a spirited presentation as they will serve as the host chapter for the 2016 Ohio State Leadership Conference.

Sigma Iota Zeta chapter of Reynoldsburg was recognized for assisting with the Centennial Launch celebration. Outgoing State Secretary and Chapter President Isi Ikharebha, State Historian and PR Chair Natasha Smith and Centennial Launch party chair Tennille Cooley received special recognition from State Director LaRita MJ Smith for their assistance with the conference. Sigma Iota Zeta’s undergraduate chapter, Gamma Epsilon of Wilberforce University, was acknowledged for having 100% attendance at the conference. Soror Jennifer Fowler served as the Evaluations Chair. The chapter also placed second in the chapter report competition.

Xi Beta Zeta Xi Beta Zeta Soror Susie C a r t e r C r a w f o r d stamped Centennial passports at the Centennial Launch Party as a past state director.

Thank You!

To All the Sorors, Amicae and Youth Who Helped to Make This Conference A Success See You In Warrensville Heights in 2016! Page 4

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