Monogram Kuvar - Kapi raja preko zalogaja

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Kapi raja preko zalogaja THE DROPS OF HEAVEN IN A BITE


“Hoću svoju krušku!”

Tako je počeo jedan san. Sa željom da se vrati zemlji, sa idejom da se zemlji vrati ljubav koju je ona generacijama davala nesebično, polako, na obroncima Donjeg Skugrića pored Modriče, počelo je da niče carstvo behara. Počela je da se stvara priča o zajedništvu, slobodi, kreaciji, znanju i uživanju. I tu priču sada sadrži svaka kap “vode života”. I ta kap se dariva svim prijateljima po otvorenom srcu i hedonizmu.

“I want my pear!”

Thus began a dream. With the desire to return to one’s land and the idea to rekindle the love that has been selflessly shared for generations. And then, gently, on the slopes of Donji Skugrić near Modriča, a sprouting empire began to blossom. Story of unity, freedom, creation, knowledge and enjoyment began to write itself. The story completely embedded with each drop of the “water of life”. This drop is being offered to each and every open-hearted hedonistic friend.

How should food and brandy be loved?

Countless essays and poems, myriad of wonderful juicy bites’ descriptions, immeasurable joy and knowledge on their relationship! Yet, the love between the brandy and gastronomy has remained neglected or, at least, a secret. But, the gentle gaze and ardent touch have always been there. Tease, provocation, song, and friendship too. A sweet talk here, a sip of pleasure there. And everywhere - a unique and valuable journey through the world of taste and aromas, various pairings, originality, and superior craftsmanship.

Kako se vole hrana i rakija? Koliko je eseja i stihova o vinu, koliko je opisa divnih sočnih zalogaja i koliko znanja o njihovom uparivanju! A kako se vole hrana i rakija, ostalo je tajna. A nije da medju njima nema nježnih pogleda i vatrenih dodira, izazova i provokacija, pjesme i prijateljstva. Uz gutljaj zadovoljstva i sočan zalogaj, ide i čašica razgovora i jedno dragocjeno putovanje u svijet ukusa i mirisa, raznolikih kombinacija, originalnosti i vrhunskog umijeća.

Tekst napisala Written by Tatjana Venčelovski

Štampa Printed by Stampatija Compex d.o.o. Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina

Tekst lektorisala Edited by Dijana Mišić Prevod Translated by agencija/agency Wordica Fotografija Photography Zoran Gajić Dizajn i prelom Design and layout Zoran Gajić i Dejan Jović Nosilac projekta Project owner Krušik d.o.o. Modriča, Bosna i Hercegovina Koordinator projekta Project Coordinator Jasna Kostandinović

Dodatne fotografije sa dozvolom Extra photos by permission of

Restoran/Restaurant Deltino strana/page - 262, 264

Vedran Blagojević strana/page - 20

Restoran/Restaurant Madera strana/page - 268

Boris Čikić strana/page - 78, 84, 202, 203, 204

Restoran/Restaurant Wald Haus am See strana/page - 285, 286, 286

Denis Bašić strana/page - 192 Foto Canon Studio, Modriča strana/page - 31, 35 Old Mill Belgrade strana/page - 220 Restoran/Restaurant Tabor strana/page - 236

Krušik d.o.o. Donji Skugrić bb, 74261 Modriča, RS, BiH Tel. +387 53 877 020 Copyright © 2015 Krušik d.o.o., Modriča Svako kopiranje, umnožavanje, objavljivanje i distribuiranje cijelog ili dijelova ovog kuvara ili članaka objavljenih u medijima i elektronskoj formi (uključujući tekstove, slike, fotografije i sl.), bez prethodnog odobrenja vlasnika prava (destilerija Krušik), zabranjeno je i predstavlja povredu autorskog prava i krivično delo, koje će biti gonjeno u skladu sa zakonom. Any copying, multiplication, publication and distribution of this Cook Book or articles thereabout published in the electronic media (including texts, photographs, etc.), without the prior consent of their owner (Krusik distillery) is prohibited, and shall be regarded as violation of the copyright and criminal offence, to be pursued in accordance with the law.

Škola kuvanja/Culinary School Alsavor strana/page - 290, 291, 293 Fotografije sa Shutterstock-a Shutterstock photos strana/page - 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 150, 200, 284, 288, 302, 304

Posebno se zahvaljujemo svim Šefovima kuhinja i njihovom osoblju, vlasnicima i menadžerima restorana koji su se odazvali našem pozivu da učestvuju u jednom ovako lijepom i pionirskom poduhvatu kao što je uparivanje “Monogram” rakija i likera sa hranom. Hvala im na gostoprimstvu i domaćinskoj atmosferi koju smo osjetili u svakom od posjećenih restorana. Hvala im na poštovanju i vraćanju dostojanstva piću vrhunskog kvaliteta kao što je rakija. We would hereby especially wish to thank the featured Chefs and their staff, owners and managers of the restaurants who have responded to our invitation to participate in such a beautiful and pioneering attempt of matching the Monogram rakijas and liquors with the food. Thank you once again for your hospitality and home-felt atmosphere we have experienced in the restaurants visited. Thank you for your respect, and for restoring dignity to the top-quality liquor the rakija sure is.

Kapi raja preko zalogaja THE DROPS OF HEAVEN IN A BITE




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Uvodna rijeÄ? Priroda Rakija Restoran i kuvar Restoran Monogram Dalmacija Istra Bled Sarajevo Tuzla Zagreb Beograd St. Moritz Modena Hedonizam Cigare Recept za dobar dan Recept za hedonizam Index recepata Index restorana

Intro Nature Brandy Restaurant and chef Restaurant Monogram Dalmacija Istra Bled Sarajevo Tuzla Zagreb Beograd St. Moritz Modena Hedonism Cigars Recipe for a good day Recipe for hedonism Index of recipes Index of restaurants


9 36 48 76 78 128 150 160 168 192 200 206 284 288 294 300 308 314 318 322

MILAN MIŠIĆ hedonista

Dragi prijatelji, Dear friends, Zovem vas tako jer znam da smo na istoj strani života. Vezuje nas radoznalost, ljubav prema životu i otvorenosti prema onome što nam život svakog dana nudi. Ne bismo se drugačije ni sreli na ovim stranicama. Davno sam prestao da vjerujem da slučajnost postoji. Pred vama je priča u koju je utkano puno entuzijazma. Priča o jednom pionirskom poduhvatu, čija je misija da piću karakterističnom za naše prostore vrati dostojanstvo i razvije kulturu pijenja rakije u slavu harmonije i sadašnjeg trenutka.

I address you so, as I know we reside on the same side of life. The curiosity and the love for life, openness towards life’s daily endeavours puts us there. Or else we would have never met in these pages. I stopped believing in coincidences long ago. Before you is a story woven with enthusiasm. A pioneering project with a mission to return the dignity to an alcoholic beverage typical for our region, and to develop a brandy-drinking culture that celebrates harmony and the present moment.


Proputovao sam mnogo. Vidio sam kako se u svijetu tradicija mnogo više čuva i razvija nego što smo mi tome skloni. U nedostatku posvećenosti ili znanja puštamo da nam iz ruku klizi pravo blago. A nema razloga. Za posvećenost nam treba samo pravi motiv. A znanje je, danas bar, lako steći, samo ako to hoćemo. Uvijek sam se plašio neznanja. Ono rađa blokade, predrasude, zastoje, probleme. Znanje je, s druge strane, plemenito. Ono nas razvija i njeguje kao bića, i na mentalnom, mislećem planu, ali i na onom emotivnom, jer razrješava čvorove i dopušta nam da budemo slobodni. A sloboda, prožeta odgovornošću, jeste naša prava suština.

I’ve travelled a lot. I’ve seen traditions preserved and developed far more than we have ever been inclined. In the absence of commitment or knowledge, we are prone to let the real treasure slip out of our hands. And for no good reason. Dedication only thrives on real motive. And knowledge, nowadays at least, is easy to acquire. Only if we want to. I’ve always feared ignorance. It gives rise to stumbling blocks, prejudices, jams and problems. Knowledge, on the other hand, is noble. It nurtures and improves us as beings, mentally, intellectually, and emotionally as it provides solutions to complexities and allows us to be free. And freedom, imbued with responsibility, is our true essence. 10

Zato je ovo priča o znanju i slobodi življenja i stvaranja. Nju su, prije svega, stvarali ljudi koje vezuje lično i poslovno povjerenje, otvoren duh, dobre namjere, puno truda i istraživanja, spremnost za hvatanje u koštac sa problemima, zajednički rad na rješenjima i zajednička radost. Tako smo se prepoznali. I tako sve više širimo mrežu. Počeli smo od porodičnog nasljeđa. Ne samo onog koji se zove zemlja. Htjeli smo da sačuvamo i razvijamo i one fine porodične veze, način na koji smo vaspitavani, kako smo odgajani u duhu privrženosti i ljubavi. Od davnina smo mi Mišići jedni drugima bili oslonac. Znali smo šta znači odgovornost, učeni smo da stojimo iza svojih postupaka, da znamo šta smijemo, ali i šta još možemo. Zasluživali smo povjerenje jedni drugih. Danas, kada tempo života sve češće onemogućava čvrste ljudske spone, mi smo ponosni na to što smo uspjeli da očuvamo tu vrijednost, taj zajednički duh i posvećenost. Teškoće nas nikada nisu sprečavale niti da radimo niti da se radujemo. I to smo prenijeli i u biznis. Željeli smo da napravimo nešto što će odražavati naš duh, i duh ovih prostora, tu filozofiju života da ništa ne ide “preko koljena”, nego da treba da bude vođeno dobrom idejom, iskrenim trudom, zdravim odnosima i uživanjem.

So, this is the story of knowledge and freedom of life and creation. Above all, the story created by people joined through personal and business confidence. Open mindedness, good intentions, significant effort and research, readiness to tackle issues, joint work on finding solutions, and shared joy made us recognise each other. And thus we expand our network. We’ve begun from family heritage. Not only heritage called homeland. We wanted to preserve and develop fine family relationships, the ways in which we were raised, brought up, in the spirit of devotion and love. Mišić family, since the ancient times, have always been there for each other. We know what responsibility means, we were thought to take responsibility for own actions, to know our limits. We worked hard to deserve each other’s trust. Nowadays, when the pace of life increasingly hinders strong human ties, we are proud to have managed to preserve the very worth of common spirit and dedication. The difficulties have never prevented us to work hard and rejoice. That very quality we transferred into our business. We wanted to create something that will reflect our spirit and the spirit of the region, the philosophy of life that promotes that nothing is being passed down from generation to generation, but rather earned and guided by a solid idea, honest hard work, healthy relationships, and gratification. 11

Stvorili smo nešto što možemo nazvati uspjehom: dobar mali biznis, ekskluzivan brend, prepoznatljivost, priznanja, zadovoljstvo kupaca i klijenata, zadovoljstvo u radu. No, mi želimo više. Želimo da edukujemo ljude, da promovišemo cijeli kraj, da motivišemo preduzetnike da nam budu konkurencija, da podignemo opšti kvalitet alkoholnih pića i gastronomske ponude, da jedni od drugih učimo i stalno idemo dalje. Tada ću zaista znati da smo uspjeli. Ova knjiga je jedan od koraka ka tom cilju. Od vrhunskog voća nastale su vrhunske rakije. A onda smo pozvali vrhunske kuvare da izaberu i naprave jela koja će s njima upariti. Moram da priznam da smo se osjećali kao osvajači neistraženih predjela, hrabri i oprezni u isto vrijeme. Ne znam da je to još neko uradio, osim kao vrstu prigodnog testa. Odazvala su se prva imena kulinarstva u regionu, šefovi najpoznatijih restorana, laureati takmičenja, nosioci titula masterchefa i magovi kuhinje. Divan izazov! A još je bolje kad imate partnere sa kojima cete da ga savladate. Rezultat je pred vama, kao pažljivo iscrtana mapa. Ona će vas odvesti u svijet uživanja sa smislom i otvoriti vam vrata najfinijeg hedonizma.

We have created something that we can call a success: a solid small business, an exclusive brand, identity, recognition, customer satisfaction and satisfaction with own work. But we want more. We want to educate, to promote the entire region, to motive entrepreneurs to become our competition, to raise the general quality of spirits and cuisine, to learn from each other, and to constantly move forward. Only then will I know that we have truly succeeded. This book is one step closer to this goal. First we made premium brandies from exquisite fruits. Then we invited top chefs to select and make pairing dishes. I must admit, we felt like conquerors of unexplored lands, at the same time bold and cautious. I am not sure that anybody else has done the same, unless as an occasional test. The top notch culinary names in the region responded including executive chefs of the most prominent restaurants, competition winners, master chefs, kitchen magicians. What a wonderful challenge! And, even better when you have partners to tackle the challenge with. The result of that challenge is before you, presented as a carefully drawn map. It shall take you into the world of enjoyment with a purpose and open the doors of the finest hedonistic experience. 14

Jer životu se treba radovati! Treba uživati u bojama, ukusima, mirisima, druženjima, novim stvarima, novim prilikama, novim ljudima. Život treba prigrliti i trčati s njim paralelno. Prilagođavati se trenutnim krivinama i promjenama ritma, ali ne gubiti iz vida svoj cilj. Ne dozvolite da zbog problema budete slijepi za svakodnevne trenutke radosti i sreće. Za nas u Igmin grupi, “Krušik” i “Monogram” su izvori te dnevne radosti. Lijepi trenuci u poslu su jagoda na šlagu našeg uspjeha. Želimo da i vi budete dio toga.

As life is to be rejoiced. Colours, aromas, scents, companionships, new experiences, new opportunities, new encounters. Life should be embraced and pace kept with. One should adapt to life’s curves and rhythm changes without ever losing sight of own objective. One should not allow problems to overshadow simple pleasures that are all around us. For us at the Igmin Group, “Krušik” and “Monogram” are our daily joys and simple pleasures. Beautiful business moments, cherry on top of our success. We herewith invite you to become part of it too.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Beograd - Bijeljina - Brčko - Šamac - Modriča / 232km / 3h 30min Beograd - Batrovci (granični prelaz HR) - Šamac (granični prelaz BiH) - Modriča / 191km / 2h Zagreb - Slavonski Brod (granični prelaz BiH) - Odžak - Modriča / 241km / 2h 30min Zagreb - Šamac (granični prelaz BiH) - Modriča / 267km / 2h 40min Banjaluka - Prnjavor - Derventa - Šešlije - Modriča / 138km / 2h 15min Doboj - Modriča / 49km / 45min Sarajevo - Zenica - Doboj - Modriča / 195km / 2h 40min Sarajevo - Tuzla - Srebrenik - Gradačac / 187km / 3h 10min 18







BiH Sarajevo






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5km Skugrić Gornji _______ 4,4km Krušik Modriča _______ Gradačac _______ 5,2km Ždreban _______ 1,9km Krušik

GPS 44.922972, 18.382048


MODRIČA Opština u sjeveroistočnom dijelu BiH, na 9,5km od destilerije Krušik. Municipality in the northeastern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 9,5km from Krušik distillery.


GRADAČAC Opština u sjeveroistočnom dijelu BiH, na 7km od destilerije Krušik Municipality in the northeastern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 7km from Krušik distillery.


“Život me ne brine, jer u njemu uživam.” Tako je govorio veliki Wolfgang Amadeus Mocart. Iskreno, velika je to privilegija umjeti živjeti u trenutku i u svemu vidjeti povod za radost. Savremena etika takođe naglašava da život ne treba da bude povod za patnju, već naprotiv - za zadovoljstvo koje pružamo sebi i drugima. Francuski filozof Mišel Onfre tako preporučuje uživanje u davanju kao dnevnu dozu sreće koja nas krijepi i liječi. Dnevna doza sreće za porodicu Mišić uvijek je bila u obliku davanja, zajedničkog okupljanja, razgovora, smijeha, razmjene dobre energije, traganja za novim, ostvarenja ideja i snova. Na nasljeđenom parčetu djedove zemlje, ta radost bila je još uočljivija. Dodir sa prirodom i suncem, miris kiše, otisak plodnosti, zvuk priča iz djetinjstva, sloboda, zavičaj, spokoj, osećaj pripadnosti. Tu, između posavske ravnice i pobrđa pitome Trebave, ispresijecano brojnim potocima, u selu Donji Skugrić, Mišići su uvijek imali svoj zaselak, svoj dom. Svoje tlo. O tome svjedoče i istorijski podaci. Donji Skugrić pominje se prvi put u službenim spisima u popisu Zvorničkog sandžaka 1533. godine1, kao selo u osnivanju (mezra) u nahiji Gračac (Gradačac). Iz tog popisa saznajemo i da nekoliko sela spadaju u timar2 kneza Mišića. Knez Mišić je najverovatnije bio vođa vlaške zajednice, koja je imala ulogu da snabdeva tursku vojsku ili su bili tzv. “akindžije”3.

“Life doesn’t concern me as I enjoy it”, thus spoke the great Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Frankly, it is a great privilege to know how to live in a moment and to see reasons for joy in everything. Contemporary ethics similarly underline that life should not be the source of suffering, but on the contrary - of joy we provide to ourselves and others. French philosopher Michael Onfray recommends the joy of giving as a daily dose of happiness that strengthens and heals. Daily dose of happiness for the Mišić family was always in giving, gatherings, conversations, laughter, and exchange of good energy, quests for new ideas, putting ideas into motion and making dreams come true. That joy was even more distinctive on the inherited piece of grandpa’s land. Contact with nature and sun, the smell of rain, the print of fertility, the sound of childhood stories, freedom, homeland, serenity, the sense of belonging. There, in-between Posavina plain and gentle Trebava hills, interspersed with numerous streams, in the Lower Skugrić settlement, Mišić family has always kept their hamlet, their home. Their grounds. Historical data are there to prove it. The first mention of the Donji Skugrić was in the official Zvornik province documents, namely the census from 15331, as the village in the founding (Turkish “mezra”) in the Gračac sub-district (Turkish “nahija”) (Gradačac). The census tells us that a number of villages comprised a so-called “timar2” of Prince Mišić. Prince Mišić was most likely the leader of the Vlach community, a community tasked to supply the Turkish army, or “akindžija.3”

1 Iz knjige građe DVA PRVA POPISA ZVORNIČKOG SANDŽAKA IZ 1519. I 1533. GODINE, koju su objavili Adem Handžić i Milorad Ekmečić u zajedničkom izdanju ANU BiH i SANU iz 1986. godine 2 Timar je naziv za feud u Osmanskom carstvu. Država je davala timare uz obavezu da timarski spahija obavlja vojnu službu. Spahija nije imao pravo vlasništva nad timarom, već je od njega dobijao samo rentu. 3 Laka konjica sastavljena uglavnom od hrišćana koja je plaćana dijelom ratnog pijlena 1 From the book collection ZVORNIK SANDŽAK PROVINCE TWO FIRST CENSUSES FROM 1519 AND 1533, published by Adem Handžić and Milorad Ekmečić jointly published by ANUBIH and SANU from 1986. 2 Timar denotes fief in the Ottoman Empire. The state provided timars in return for the timar landholder’s military service. The landholder had no right of ownership over land, but only received rent from it. 3 Light cavalry composed mainly of Christians and paid partly from war booty.


U životnim prekretnicama kojih nije bilo malo, desilo se da je jedan dio porodične zemlje izgubljen. Vođena ljubavlju, odgovornošću i nekim, tada još nedefinisanim snom, treća generacija Mišića uspijeva da tu zemlju vrati u porodično okrilje. Postojeći hektar i po njive tako je proširen na pet hektara. I onda je izgovorena ona rečenica: “Hoću svoju krušku!” Prva stabla su zasađena 2006. godine. Ona su simbol ljepote i nastavka tradicije. Voćnjak je kupljen za privatno uživanje. I odmah opravdao svoju svrhu. Bilo je tu okupljanja, druženja s prijateljima, pečenja rakije. Jer, rekli smo, sreća je veća kada se dijeli. A kao što je i rodonačelnik hedonizma, Epikur, govorio: “Nema uživanja bez znanja”, od samog početka brinulo se o propisima, disciplini i domaćinskom odnosu. Kupljen je prvi kazan, pa hladnjača - da voće ne propadne. I rakije je prvo bilo za male domaće svetkovine, pa za poklon, a od 2013. godine i za široku potrošnju. Zadovoljstvo u svemu što je tu priču okruživalo, bivalo je sve veće. Mišići vjeruju u budnost i otvorenost, u prepoznavanje znakova koje nam život ispisuje, u prilagođavanje okolnostima, u mogućnost da situaciju koja vam se nametne iskoristite najbolje što možete. Zato, čak i ako djeluje da je priča o uživanju i uspjehu počela kao slučajnost, sa sigurnošću se može reći da, kad je već počela - onda u njoj ništa nije bilo prepušteno slučaju i proizvoljnosti.

In life’s turning points, which were not few, it so happened that a portion of the family land was lost. Guided by love, responsibility and a certain at that point still undefined dream, the third generation Mišić family managed to return the lost land back into the family fold. Existing hectare and a half of arable land was so extended to five hectares. And it was then the famous sentence was uttered “I want my pear!” The first trees were planted in 2006 as a symbol of beauty and continuation of tradition. The orchard was purchased for private consumption, only to immediately prove its purpose. There were gatherings, socialising with friends, brandy making. As said, happiness is greater when shared. And, as the founder of hedonism, Epicurus, said: “There is no joy without knowledge”, from early on regulations, discipline and host attitude were respected to the utmost. The first cauldron was purchased, and then cold storage - so the fruit doesn’t go to waste. Brandy was first made for small domestic festivities, then for gifts, and then since 2013, for wider consumption. The pleasure in all of it that surrounds the story kept growing bigger. Mišić family believes in alertness and openness, in recognising the signs imprinted by life, in adapting to circumstances, in the possibility to use the existing situation in the best way possible. Therefore, even though it might seem that the story of enjoyment and successes started as a fluke, one thing is certain, once it started, nothing else was left to chance or arbitrariness.


Mala proizvodnja voća i rakije je rasla. A sa njom i standardi, kao i ozbiljnost i cjelovitost pristupa poslu. Voćnjak i destilerija dobijaju ime “Krušik” po prvoj voćki i postaju dio već postojeće porodične firme Igmin Group. Zbog “Krušika” i simbolike koju nosi, Mišići su spremni na brojne promjene, od prebivališta do ritma života. Cilj ostaje isti - dati sve što možeš, učiti, držati se zajedno, uživati. I opet lagano, i prirodno, kao i uvijek kad nešto radiš s vjerom, i iz duše, otvarala su se jedna, pa druga vrata, i kroz njih je ulazilo sve više ljudi koji su cijeloj priči davali sve jasniji smisao. Rađala se nova tehnologija, nove ideje, novi “Monogram” brend, novi izazovi.


Small production of fruit and brandy grew slowly. Along grew standards, serious approach and integrity in doing business. The orchard and distillery were named “Krušik” based on the first fruit planted, and encompassed into the already existing family company Igmin Group. Mišić family is ready to numerous changes for the sake of “Krušik” and the associated symbolism, from the place of residence to the life style. The goal remains the same - give all that you can, learn, stick together, and enjoy. And then again, gently and naturally, as always when acting with faith and from the hearth, another and yet another door kept opening bringing in more and more folks who gave the entire story a more precise meaning. New technology, new ideas, new Monogram brand, and new challenges were born.

Sa jasnom vizijom i šesnaestoro zaposlenih, “Krušik” se danas prostire na 30 hektara zemlje. U zasadu je 25.000 stabala kruške, 15.000 stabala jabuke, 5.000 stabala šljive i 5.000 stabala dunje. Najbolje vrste šljive uzimaju se još iz zakupa od mještana ili iz uvoza. U 2015. godini zasađena su prva stabla dunje. Voćnjak je projektovan po najvišim standardima, uz primjenu guste sadnje, najsavremenijih agrotehničkih mjera, obezbjeđenja protiv mraza i grada i sistema navodnjavanja “kap po kap”. Hladnjača je kapaciteta 900 tona, a destilerija može da proizvede 120.000 litara rakije godišnje. Opremljena je najmodernijim kotlovima njemačke proizvodnje. U sušari kapaciteta četiri tone voća dnevno, dobija se sušena šljiva stenlejka i ukusni, zdravi čips od jabuke. Dalji planovi još su širi i idu ka organskoj proizvodnji.

With a clear vision and sixteen employees “Krušik” nowadays covers 30 hectares of land. The land is planted with 25.000 pear trees, 15.000 apple trees, 5.000 plum trees and 5.000 quince trees. The best plum species are also purchased from locals or imported. The first quince trees were planted in 2015. The orchard is designed to the highest standards, densely planted using modern agro-technical measures, protected from frost and hail and with the drip system irrigation. The capacity of the cold storage is 900 tones, and the distillery can produce 120.000 litres of brandy per year. It is equipped with the state-of-the-art German-made cauldrons. The kiln capacity of four tons of fruit per day produces dried Stanley plums and healthy apple chips. Further plans are still expanding and move toward organic production.


Pod brendom “Monogram”, koji za Mišiće predstavlja pečat kvaliteta i prepoznatljivosti, “Krušik” proizvodi šest vrsta rakije i šest vrsta likera. Tehnološki proces, kojim rukovodi prof. dr Predrag Vukosavljević sa Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Zemunu, zasniva se na kvalitetu, prirodnosti i kontroli. Bilo da dolazi iz “Krušika” ili od kooperanata, samo najbolje voće prvoklasnih sorti namijenjeno je proizvodnji, a svaka od tri faze u procesu je brižljivo nadgledana. Osmišljen je i poseban način pripreme buradi. Ono što je posebno važno je to da su sva pića potpuno prirodna, bez dodatog šećera za fermentaciju, a likeri su i bez drugih vještačkih aditiva, iako su za to piće zakonom dozvoljeni. Kontrola se obavlja u nadležnim institucijama u Banjoj Luci i Sarajevu, a svaka serija prolazi i provjeru na zemunskom Poljoprivrednom fakultetu. Za stručna ocjenjivanja i takmičenja toči se rakija iz redovne proizvodnje, ne iz posebnih serija, na šta su Mišići posebno ponosni.

“Krušik” under the “Monogram” brand, which for the Mišić family represents the seal of quality and recognition, produces six different types of brandies and six types of liqueurs. Technological process managed by professor Predrag Vukosavljević from the Agricultural Faculty in Zemun, is based on the quality, naturalness, and control. Only the best fruits of first-class varieties intended for production are used regardless of whether they are made by “Krušik” or subcontractors, and each of the three phases in the process is being monitored very carefully. A special way of preparing barrels has also been designed. A particularly important fact is that all drinks are completely natural, without any sugar added for fermentation, and liqueurs - without any other artificial additives even though they are allowed under the law. Control is performed in competent institutions in Banja Luka and Sarajevo, and each series undergoes control at the Zemun Agricultural Faculty. Brandy from regular production is poured for expert evaluation and competitions, not the special selections, the fact the Mišić family is particularly proud of.


Od prve javne prezentacije na Rakija festu u Beogradu, 2013. godine, “Monogram” rakije do sada su se predstavile na brojnim sajmovima, festivalima i takmičenjima u regionu i osvajale najviša priznanja. Naravno, tu nije kraj težnjama i ambicijama. Poslovna i tehnološka znanja porodice Mišić i profesora Vukosavljevića udružila su se i na još jednom projektu - na proizvodnji vinjaka. Tehnološki proces je već završen i ovo omiljeno vatreno piće sada odležava u buradima prije nego što se, kao prvi vinjak proizveden u BiH, pojavi u prodaji. Iako je minimum odležavanja za vinjak godinu dana, “Monogram” vinjak sazrevaće i duže, do tri godine, kako bi zadovoljio visoke standarde i nivo ekskluzivnosti. Ujedno, destilerija se priprema i za proizvodnju niza mliječnih likera, što će dodatno obogatiti Monogram ponudu.

“Monogram” brandies have been since their first public debut at the Rakija Fest in Belgrade in 2013 presented at numerous fairs, festivals and competitions in the region where they earned the highest awards. Of course, that is not the end of aspirations and ambitions. Business and technological know-how of the Mišić family and professor Vukosavljević joined forces for yet another business endeavour - production of cognac type wine brandy. Technological process has already been completed and this favourite fiery drink is now maturing in barrels before being offered for sale, as the first wine brandy produced in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Even though the shortest maturation period for wine brandy is a year, “Monogram” wine brandy will mature even longer, up to three years, in order to meet the highest standards and the level of exclusivity. At the same time, the distillery is being prepared for the production of a range of dairy liqueurs, which will further enrich the “Monogram” offer.


KRISTALNA SALA destilerije Krušik, kapaciteta do 300 gostiju, idealna za svaki vid proslave. CRYSTAL HALL of Krušik distillery with a capacity of up to 300 guests, ideal for any kind of celebration. 31

Nesvakidašnjem ukusu, visokom kvalitetu i ekskluzivnosti “Monogram” alkoholnih pića odgovara i pakovanje od najfinijeg italijanskog stakla, i sofisticirani, savremeni dizajn koji je delo Lidije Mićić. Ove plemenite kapljice mogu se probati i na licu mjesta, u samom “Krušiku”. Tik do samog voćnjaka i prekrasnog, mirnog šumarka kojim je oivičen, nalazi se i sala za degustaciju, prijatni, komforni ambijent s kaminom, poput elegantnog dnevnog boravka. Gosti takođe mogu obići i podrum od 1000 kvadratnih metara, u kome vladaju savršeni temperaturni uslovi za sazrijevanje rakije. Ovo je i svojevrsni mali muzej destilerije, koji krije mirisna hedonistička blaga. Pod finim svjetlom prelamaju se ćilibarskozlatne i smeđe boje buradi od hrasta kitnjaka, uredno označena koju kupažu kriju i opkoljena crvenom trakom, prepoznatljivim znakom “srpskog bureta”. Tu se nalazi i kazan iz 1982. godine u kojem su se pekle prve “Krušikove” rakije. U njemu su prije 10-15 godina ponikle i sada brižljivo čuvane ograničene količine šljivovice i dunjevače.

Unusual taste, high quality and exclusivity of “Monogram” alcoholic beverages is complemented with the appropriate packaging made from the finest Italian glass of the sophisticated, contemporary design, the work of Lidija Mićić. These noble drops can be tasted on the spot, at “Krušik”. The tasting room with tis friendly and comfortable atmosphere with the fireplace, like an elegant living room, is situated right next to the orchard and the beautiful, peaceful grove surrounding it. Guests can also visit the 1000 m2 basement with a perfect temperature for brandy maturing. It is a kind of a small distillery museum coveting scented hedonistic treasures. Ambers and gold of the barrels made from sessile oak are refracted under the fine light, duly designated by the blend they keep, and encircled with the red tape, a recognisable signature of the “Serbian barrel”. Therein is a cauldron from 1982 that was used for making the first “Krušik” brandies. It produced 10-15 years ago now carefully preserved limited amounts of plum and quince brandy.


Pod budnim okom tehnologa čuvaju se i puštaju da stare sa duhom i stilom. Cijeli prostor odiše aromom voća i svježine, a čulo vida svoj odmor nalazi u slikovitom ikonopisačkom prizoru, koji se prostire na čak 14 kvadratnih metara.

They are, under the watchful eye of technologists, kept and allowed to mature with soul and style. The entire area exudes the aroma of fruit and freshness, and the eyesight finds its solace in the picturesque icon-painted scene covering 14 m2.

Za prezentacije i poslovne skupove postoji namjenska sala na spratu, a uz njih i prostrana sala za ručavanje i proslave, koja se iznajmljuje zainteresovanim klijentima.

A dedicated room on the first floor is used for presentations and business meetings, with a spacious dining hall for celebrations rented to interested clients right next to it.

U neposrednoj blizini je i lovačka kuća, koja i sada prima posjetioce. No, budući da kraj ispod Trebave ima veliki potencijal za turizam, naročito lovni, ideja je da ovdje nikne i manji hotel sa četiri zvjezdice, koji bi gostima koji žele i cijene visoki kvalitet, ponudio i spa usluge, biciklističke ture, lokalne izlete, a kompanijama svojevrsne teambuildinge i antistres pakete.

The hunting lodge is located in the immediate vicinity and open to visitors. However, since the region under Trebava abounds in tourist potential, hunting in particular, the idea is to establish a smaller 4-star hotel that would accommodate guests that thrive on and respect high quality, and offer spa services, cycling tours, local trips, and unique corporate teambuilding programmes and anti-stress packages.

Uz restoran “Monogram” koji se nalazi u Banjoj Luci, time bi se u potpunosti zaokružila priča o balansu između ličnog i poslovnog, priča o uživanju sa smislom i promocija ovog kraja, što porodica Mišić shvata kao svoju dugoročnu misiju.

Thus, together with the “Monogram” restaurant in Banja Luka, the story of balance between personal and business, the story of vigorous life, enjoyment with purpose, and promotion of this region completes itself, a long-term mission of the Mišić family.

Važno je napomenuti da je svako arhitektonsko rješenje vezano za “Krušik” u skladu sa idejom prirode i duhom tradicije - poput toplog gnijezda u kom se osjećate zaštićeno i slobodno u isto vrijeme. I projekat i gradnja, brižljivo osmišljeni i izvedeni, prepušteni su firmi Igmin grupacije - Koncept adc, na čelu sa arhitektom Tamarom Čaušević.

It is important to point out that each architectural solution regarding “Krušik” is in line with the idea of nature and spirit of tradition, like a warm nest making you feel protected and free at the same time. Carefully designed and implemented, both the design and construction works were delegated to a Igmin Group company - Koncept adc, led by an architect, Tamara Čaušević. 33

KONFERENCIJSKA SALA destilerije Krušik, kapaciteta do 150 ljudi, idealna za sve vrste seminara, stručnih predavanja, konferencija... CONFERENCE ROOM of Krušik distillery accommodate up to 150 people, ideal for all kinds of seminars, lectures, conferences...



Priroda NATURE



Šljiva Drvenasta biljka iz porodice Rosaceae (ruža) i roda Prunus u koji još spadaju kajsija, višnja, breskva i badem. Pominje se još u doba Asiraca i Rimljana, poznavali su je i stari Kinezi, gajili je i Stari Sloveni. U svijetu je poznato preko 2000 vrsta, a najveći proizvođači su Rusija, Kina i SAD. Bosna i Hercegovina i Srbija godinama su u vrhu svjetske proizvodnje zbog povoljnih klimatskih i zemljišnih uslova. Šljiva sadrži visok procenat šećera, ali je niskokalorična i nema skroba. Bogata je vitaminima A, C i K, kao i kalijumom i magnezijumom. Snažan je antioksidans. Na ovim prostorima često se shvata kao simbol tradicije i bogatstva. U hrišćanstvu označava nezavisnost i odanost. U kineskoj simbolici predstavlja čistotu, ljepotu, pobjedu, dugovječnost.

Plum Ligneous plant from the Rosaceae (rose) family and Prunus genus that also includes apricot, cherry, peach, and almond. The first mention dates back to the time of the Assyrians and Romans, and the ancient Chinese were also familiar with it. Ancient Slavs cultivated it. There are over 2000 species in the world, and the largest producers are Russia, China and the USA. Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia have been at the top of world’s production for years due to their favourable climate and soil conditions. Plum contains a high percentage of sugar, however is low in calories and starch-free. It is rich in vitamins A, C, and K, potassium and magnesium and a powerful antioxidant. Plum in this region is often symbolises tradition and wealth. In Christianity, it symbolises independence and loyalty. In Chinese symbolism, it represents purity, beauty, victory, and longevity.

Kruška Još jedna drvenasta biljka iz porodice Rosaceae porijeklom iz zapadne Azije. Pominje je još Homer u Odiseji, ali pretpostavlja se da je za ishranu korišćena još u kameno doba. U svijetu se uzgaja oko 6000 sorti. Najpoznatija je viljamovka koju je otkrio Englez Ričard Vilijam. Bogata je mineralima i vitaminima A i C. Zovu je i “darom bogova”. U Staroj Grčkoj drvo kruške bilo je posvećeno boginjama Heri, Afroditi i Veneri. U Francuskoj je u 14. vijeku bila simbol luksuza, a u Kini simbol besmrtnosti. U kineskom jeziku reč “li” označava i krušku i rastanak, zbog čega se smatralo da prijatelji i zaljubljeni parovi nisu smeli da podijele plod kruške da se ne bi rastali. U snovima ima tipično erotsko značenje.

Pear Another ligneous plant from the Rosaceae family. It is native of western Asia, mentioned in the Homer’s Odysey, and assumedly consumed as food even in the Stone Age. Around 6000 varieties are grown around the world. The best known is Williams Pear discovered by the Englishman Richard Williams. Rich in sweetness, minerals and vitamins A and C, and also referred to as the “Gift from the Gods”. In Ancient Greece pear tree was dedicated to the goddesses Hera, Aphrodite and Venus. In the 14th century-France, pear was the symbol of luxury, whereas in China it symbolises immortality. In the Chinese language, the word “li” means both pear and farewell, meaning that friends and loved ones are not allowed to share the pear fruit so they do not part from each other. In dreams, it has a typical erotic meaning. 39



Drvenasta biljka, takođe iz porodice Rosaceae, ali iz roda Malus. Poznata još u staroj Persiji i centralnoj Aziji, Aleksandar Makedonski je posle osvajanja, proširio i po Grčkoj i okolini.

Ligneous plant from Rosaceae and Malus families. Native to Ancient Persia and Central Asia, and brought to Greece and surrounding area by Alexander the Great after his conquests.

Bogata je mineralima i vitaminima A, C, E i bez nje se ne može ni zamisliti zdrava i uravnotežena ishrana.

It is rich in minerals and vitamins A, C, and E and an indispensable ingredient in a healthy and balanced diet.

Najčešće je nazivaju rajskim voćem, a u brojnim kulturama simbol je ljubavi i strasti, znanja, mladosti, svježine, potpunosti, ravnoteže, sporazuma. U hrišćanskoj tradiciji istovremeno je povezana sa protjerivanjem iz raja, ali i sa novim čovjekom i iskupljenjem. Grčki Paris je bacio jabuku razdora, zlatne voćke u vrtu Hesperida su bile simbol besmrtnosti, jabuka u “Pjesmi nad pjesmama” prikazuje Božju riječ. U svakom smislu je simbol spoznaje i nužnosti opredjeljenja.


It is most often referred to as the fruit of paradise, as in numerous cultures it symbolises love and passion, knowledge, youth, freshness, completeness, balance and agreement. In the Christian tradition it is at the same time linked to the expulsion from paradise, but also with a new man and redemption. Greek Paris threw an apple of discord; golden fruits in the garden of Hesperides were a symbol of immortality; apples in the Song of Solomon show the word of God. In every sense, an apple is the symbol of cognition and necessity of determination.



Još jedna predstavnica porodice Rosaceae, iz roda Cydonia. Potiče iz jugozapadne Azije, a u Jermeniji i Iranu raste slobodno i u prirodi.

Another representative of the Rosaceae family, Cydonia genus. It originates from Southwest Asia, and grows wild in Armenia and Iran.

Izuzetno bogata vitaminom C i mineralima kao što su kalijum, mangan, cink, gvožđe...

It is extremely rich in vitamin C and minerals: potassium, manganese, zinc, iron.

Zovu je kraljicom jeseni, a Rimljani su je smatrali Venerinim voćem i mladencima pripremali kao afrodizijak. Simbol je sreće, postojanosti i pameti. U književnosti ju je ovjekovječio Servantes, kao dulce de membrillo kojeg je Don Kihot preporučivao svom vjernom pratiocu Sanču Pansi. U našim krajevima čuvala se u gostinskoj sobi na ormaru, kao simbol gostoprimljivosti, a u ljubavnim odnosima označavala je vjernost i plodnost.

It is referred to as the queen of autumn, and the Romans considered it the Venus fruit and prepared it for the newlyweds as an aphrodisiac. It is a symbol of happiness, persistence, intellect. In literature it was perpetuated by Cervantes, as dulce de membrillo that Don Quixote recommended to his faithful companion Sancho Panza. In our region, quince is kept on top of the cupboard, as a symbol of hospitality, and in love it signifies fidelity and fertility.


Kantarion Ljekovita zeljasta biljka, specifičnog mirisa i gorkog ukusa. Obiluje gvožđem, eteričnim uljima, smolom, karotenom, kolinom i vitaminom C. Zovu je još i gospina ili bogorodična trava, zbog simbolike brižnosti i ljekovitosti. Koristili su ga još Stari Grci i Rimljani. Bere se kada je sunce najsnažnije. Paracelzijus, otac farmacije, veličao je njegovu moć, govorio je da “cvijet tokom ljeta skuplja sunčeve zrake, da bi ih ljudima dao u tmurnim mjesecima”. Koliko je dobar za kožu i sluzokožu, toliko je koristan i za unutrašnje organe, zglobove i mišiće, a takođe je i prirodni antidepresiv.

Hipericum performatum The curative herbaceous plant with a specific odour and bitter taste. It abounds in iron, essential oils, resins, carotene, choline and vitamin C. It is also called Perforate St John’s Wort or Common Saint John’s Wort due to the caring and healing it symbolises. It was used by ancient Greeks and Romans. It is harvested when the sun is at its peak. Paracelsus, the father of pharmacy, extolled its power by saying that “the flower during summer collects sun’s rays, to give them to people in bleak months”. It is as valuable for the skin and mucous membranes as it is useful for internal organs, joints and muscles, and is a natural antidepressant.


Lincura Ljekovita biljka koja raste u planinskim predjelima i može da doživi pedesetogodišnju starost. Poznata po svom blagotvornom dejstvu na organe za varenje i za opšte jačanje organizma. Koristi se i kao oblog za rane. U stara vremena u Evropi je čak bila jedino sredstvo protiv malarije, dok nije pronađen kinin.

Yellow gentian Medicinal plant that grows in the mountains and can live up to fifty years. It is known for its beneficial effects on the digestive tract and generally for strengthening the organism. It is used as a poultice for wounds. In the old days in Europe before discovering quinine it was the only means against malaria.


Malina Listopadna biljka iz porodice Rosaceae, crvenih, ukusnih, slatko-kiselih plodova. Poznata još u antičkim vremenima. Bogata vitaminima A, C, B2, gvožđem, kalijumom, bakrom... Za ljekovite svrhe koriste se list i plod, a djeluje antivirusno, antiupalno i antialergijski, pročišćava krv i pozitivno utiče na kardiovaskularni sistem. Crvena boja maline je našla svoje mesto u folkloru Starih Slovena, a slikar Vasilij Kandinski nazvao ju je jedinom hladnom, umirujućom crvenom. To je boja čiste radosti i blaži oko i dušu.

Raspberry Deciduous plant in the Rosaceae family, with red, tasty, sweet acidic fruits. It has been known since the Ancient times. It is rich in vitamins A, C, B2, iron, potassium, copper. Both fruit and leaves are used for medicinal purposes, and it has antiviral, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties, purifies the blood and maintains a healthy cardiovascular system. Raspberry red has found its place in the folklore of ancient Slavs, and the painter Wassily Kandinsky referred to is the cold and calming red. That is a colour of pure joy that soothes the eye and soul. 44

Višnja Drvenasta biljka iz porodice Rosaceae, porijeklom iz Azije, a zahvaljujući dobroj prilagodljivosti, danas je ima u cijelom svijetu. Prema budističkoj legendi drvo višnje ponudilo je svoje plodove Maji, Budinoj majci, da bude zdrava i sita tokom trudnoće. Legenda ima osnova, jer višnja neguje čitav organizam i daje osećaj sitosti. Ima protivupalno dejstvo, štiti od slobodnih radikala i odličan je diuretik. Umiruje i dobra je za nesanicu.

Sour cherry Ligneous plant from the Rosaceae family, originating from Asia and nowadays found throughout the world due to its good adaptability. The sour cherry tree, according to Buddhist legend, has offered its fruits to Maya, Buddha’s mother, to stay healthy and nourished during pregnancy. The legend is well grounded as the sour cherry nourishes the entire body and gives a feeling of satiety. It has anti-inflammatory properties, protects from free radicals and is an excellent diuretic. It soothes and is good for insomnia.



Drvenasta biljka, raširena skoro u cijelom svijetu, uspijeva čak i na kamenitom zemljištu. Snažan je izvor energije, a bogat je mnoštvom vitamina, minerala i antioksidansnih materija. Redovna konzumacija oraha podiže nivo dobrog, a snižava nivo lošeg holesterola u krvi, podstiče koncentraciju, pamćenje i uopšte je izvrsna hrana za mozak. U antičkom Rimu slavljen je kao sveto drvo Jupitera. Rimljani, do naših dana, mladence zasipaju takozvanim svadbenim orasima, radi plodnosti i izobilja. U Hamurabijevom zakoniku, u Starom i Novom zavjetu i u Kuranu, smiješta se među sveto voće. Simbol je plodnosti i vjeruje se da ima afrodizijačka svojstva.

Ligneous plant, widespread almost worldwide, flourishes even in rocky soil. It is a strong source of energy, rich in numerous vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Regular consumption of walnuts increases the level of good and decreased bad blood cholesterol, stimulates concentration, memory, and generally serves as an excellent brain food. Walnut tree in the Ancient Rome has been celebrated as the holy tree of Jupiter. Romans to this day lavish the newlyweds with so-called wedding walnuts to symbolise fertility and abundance. Walnut is in the Code of Hammurabi, and in the Old and New Testament considered as the holy fruit. It symbolises fertility and it is believed to have aphrodisiac properties.

Mladi zeleni plodovi oraha sadrže dosta C vitamina i joda, a tradicionalna medicina ih najčešće preporučuje za lijecenje štitne žlijezde kao sastavni dio likera od oraha ili orahovače. Osim toga, ovaj narodni lijek blagotvorno djeluje na želudac i jača krv. U kombinaciji sa medom, orah je izuzetan prirodni lijek jer organizmu obezbjeđuje sve neophodne vitamine, minerale, bjelančevine, masti, ugljene hidrate.

Young green walnuts contain an abundance of vitamin C and iodine, and traditional medicine commonly recommends them for the treatment of the thyroid gland as an integral part of the walnut liqueur or walnut brandy. This remedy additionally is beneficial for the stomach and strengthens blood. In combination with honey, walnut is a remarkable natural remedy as it provides all the necessary vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Med Slatki prirodni proizvod pčela, sirupasta smjesa, bez dodatih supstanci. O njegovoj čistoći svjedoči i arapska poslovica “Ne kupi pčela sa svakog mjesta med”. “Stari zavjet” u više navrata pominje med kao simbol zadovoljstva i uživanja. Tako je obećana zemlja predstavljena kao mjesto gde teku med i mlijeko. Ova izreka se zadržala i danas, a na našim prostorima se kaže i da je nekom upala sjekira u med. Riječ med je u zapadnoj civilizaciji postala uobičajena za tepanje kojim se obraća voljenim bićima. Bogat hranjivim materijama, mineralima i vitaminima, pretežno se koristi za ishranu i kao lijek. U istoriji je korišćen i u obredne svrhe i za balzamovanje. Alkoholna pića s medom spravljala su se još u Staroj Grčkoj.

Honey The sweet natural product of bees, a syrupy mixture without any added substances. The purity of honey is best illustrated with the Arab proverb about bees’ meticulous cleanliness. The Old Testament repeatedly mentions honey as a symbol of pleasure and enjoyment. The Promised Land is hence presented as the place of flowing milk and honey. This saying is used to this day, and in our region an alteration of it for someone who is doing well is that his axe felt into honey. The word honey in western civilisations is a synonym for sweet talking to your loved ones. Rich in nutrients, minerals and vitamins, the honey is mainly used for food and as medicine. Throughout history it was used in ceremonial purposes and for embalming. Alcoholic drinks with honey have been prepared even in the ancient Greece. 47



Francuski moderni filozof Gaston Bašlar (Gaston Bachelard), kog nazivaju još teoretičarem poetske mašte, nazvao je alkohol vatrenom vodom, vodom koja plamti, energijom iz sjedinjavanja dva suprotna elementa. Stari Kinezi su ga smatrali duhovnom hranom, a i za rane hrišćane bio je božji dar. Do dana današnjeg vodile su se rasprave o njegovoj dobrobiti ili štetnosti, a najnovija istraživanja kazuju da male količine alkohola imaju blagotvoran efekat na ljudski organizam, da umjerene količine ne štete, dok veće količine sasvim sigurno škode. Konzumiranje rakije, baš kao i vina i ostalih alkoholnih pića, traži posebnu kulturu i mjeru, iziskuje umijeće uživanja u ukusima i aromama, a ne u količinama. Rakija, kao i svaki proizvod ljudske vještine, kao jedinstvo onoga što nam nudi priroda i naše sposobnosti da to preoblikujemo, ima svoju plemenitu stranu koja slavi život sam. Kažu da su se destilacijom prvi bavili ljudi na Dalekom Istoku, a u Evropi nešto ozbiljnije od VIII vijeka. Nacionalna pića - džin, šnaps, votka... a na Balkanu i u Srednjoj Evropi - rakija proizvode se od XV vijeka. Recepti su čuvani kao nacionalni ponos. Najstariji spisi potiču iz XVII, a oni vezani za Bosnu - iz XIX vijeka. Riječ rakija je, vjeruje se, arapskog porijekla (al-rak) i znači znoj. Simbolika truda i vreline. Na našim prostorima rakija ima i svoje socijalno značenje i integrišući momenat. Uz rakiju se veselilo i plakalo, rađalo i umiralo, s njome se išlo u prosidbu, uz nju su se slavile slave, a uz slatko i čašu vode bila je uvijek znak dobrodošlice. Služila se uz meze, tokom objeda ili uz kafu. Najčešće kao aperitiv, nekad kao dižestiv. Vjerovalo se da čašica rakije našte srca obezbjeđuje zdravlje i dug život.

Contemporary French philosopher Gaston Bachelard, also known as the theoretician of poetic imaginations, has referred to alcohol as fiery or flaming water, energy derived from the union of two opposite elements. The ancient Chinese regarded it as spiritual food, and the early Christians considered it godsend. To this very day there are numerous discussions about its welfare or harm, and recent studies indicate that small quantities of alcohol have beneficial effects on the human body, moderate quantities are not harmful, whereas higher quantities are certainly detrimental. Consumption of spirits, as well as wine and other alcoholic beverages, requires distinctive culture and extent, skill to enjoy the taste and flavour rather than quantity. Brandy, like every creation of human dexterity, as the union of nature’s gift and our ability to reframe it, has a kinder side that celebrates life itself. They say that people in the Far East were the first who dealt with distillation, and in Europe, distillation in a more serious format has been present since VIII century. National drinks - gin, schnapps, vodka, and in the Balkans and Central Europe - brandy, has been produced since XV century. The recipes are safeguarded as the national pride. The oldest writings date back to the seventeenth century and the ones related to Bosnia - from the nineteenth. The word rakija (brandy) is believed to be of Arab origin (al-rak) and means sweat. The symbol of effort and heat. Brandy in our region carries a specific social meaning and integrating ability. With brandy one rejoices and cries, is born and dies, brandy accompanies marriage proposals and saint days, and fruit preserve and a glass of water always symbolise a warm welcome. It is served with a meze, during meals or with coffee. The most commonly it is served as an aperitif and sometimes as a digestive. The belief is that a glass of brandy on the empty stomach warrants good health and longevity. 49

Pečenje rakije uvijek je bilo prava svetkovina, forum, prilika za okupljanje i druženje, prilika da se nešto napravi zajedno u dobroj atmosferi. Puno smijeha, priče, tajni, iščekivanja, gustiranja. Rakija se poslije poklanjala, onako od srca, ona domaća, nekom ko vam je drag i ko će znati da cijeni vaš trud. A ono “dobra!” nakon prvog gutljaja, primalo se kao najveća pohvala. Ono kad klizne niz grlo, pa zagrije, a ne peče i ne pali, pa prostruji kroz cijelo tijelo. Pri ocjenjivanju, najviše se vrednuju miris i ukus, ali i boja, bistrina, tipičnost. A da bi se dobila dobra rakija, kažu, neophodni su najkvalitetnije voće, dobra burad i dobro obavljena svaka faza - vrenje, destilacija i odležavanje. Ako se želi kvalitet - nigdje ne smije biti greške. I još kažu, da i uz prisustvo savremenih tehnologija i dalje je najvažniji ljudski faktor. Kakav izazov! Zadovoljstvo čistog stvaranja. Imati taj sluh i tu senzibilnost za svaku vrstu voća posebno, za vrijeme, za temperaturu, za bistrinu. Za trenutak kad se srce rakije ostavlja da se smiri. O, koliko tu ima života i koliko poezije! Priča se da je rakija bolja ako joj se pjeva, kao cvijeću. Priča se i da se pri odležavanju dešava ljubav između rakije i hrasta. Toliko je razloga da rakija bude tretirana sa dostojanstvom, kao plemenito piće sa plemenitom svrhom. Nije ništa manje vrijedna od vina ili nekog drugog žestokog pića. Ništa manje poželjna ili prefinjena od pića sa stranih trpeza. Samo je treba poznavati, samo je treba pogledati iz pravog ugla i poslužiti na pravi način. Treba iz voća izvući njegovu pravu prirodu i sjediniti je umješno sa alkoholom. Treba piti i treba cijeniti dobru rakiju.

Making brandy has always been a true feast, a forum, an opportunity to gather and socialise, and an opportunity to do something together in a good atmosphere. Heaps of laughter, stories, mystery, suspense, tasting. Brandy was afterwards gifted, from the heart, to someone who is dear and can appreciate the effort. And the “good!” after the first sip remains the greatest praise. When it slides down your throat, and warms the body, without added sting or burn, and surges through the entire body. In evaluating brandy, smell and taste are the most valued, but also the colour, clarity, typicality. Good brandy, they say, requires the best quality fruit, good barrels and well executed each phase - fermentation, distillation, and aging. Quality requires flawless procedure. And they also say that regardless of modern technologies, the human factor is still the most essential. What a challenge! The pleasure of pure creation. To have that sense and that sensibility for each type of fruit individually, for the duration, temperature, clarity. For the moment when the essence of the brandy is being let to calm. Oh, how much life there is and poetry too! The story goes that brandy is better if sang to, like flowers. The story also goes that when aging, the love between the brandy and the oak is being born. There are so many reasons to treat brandy with dignity, as a noble drink with a noble cause. It is no less valuable than wine or any other liquor. No less desirable or sophisticated than the drinks found on foreign menus. Only thing required is to know it, to see it from the right angle and to serve it in the right way. The true nature should be extracted from the fruit and skilfully combined with alcohol. Good brandy should be consumed and appreciated.


“Monogram” rakije i likeri predstavljaju kombinaciju znanja, iskustva, povjerenja i prepoznavanja. Tako o njima govori njihov glavni tvorac, profesor Predrag Vukosavljević. Ovaj stručnjak za tehnologiju voća i povrća proizvodnjom “Monogram” rakija ostvario je svoj lični san i viziju o kvalitetnoj rakiji. U ideji porodice Mišić ostvario je slobodu da u ovo piće utka prirodnost, jednostavnost i izuzetnost. Osim kvaliteta, preciznosti i discipline, zajednički imenitelj ove saradnje jeste i otvorenost u pristupu, fleksibilnost i kreacija. Mogućnost da se u procesu proizvodnje odlože stari nameti i principi koji ne prate vrijeme i da se ubaci nešto novo i svježe, samo će dodatno naglasiti kvalitet ovog pića. Tako su nastala vrhunska i autentična pića - šest rakija i šest likera “Monogram”, potpuno prirodna, od pažljivo biranih plemenitih voćki, bez dodavanja šećera ili bilo kojih drugih sastojaka, proizvedena na tradicionalan način. Otkrivaju se u slojevima. Serviraju se rashlađeni, kao aperitiv ili dižestiv. Izbor su znalaca i hedonista.

Monogram brandies and liqueurs are an amalgamation of knowledge, experience, trust and recognition. Thus speaks about them their main creator, professor Predrag Vukosavljević. The fruit and vegetable technology specialist has by making Monogram brandies realised his personal dream and vision on the quality brandy. In the idea of the Mišić family he found the freedom to weave into this drink the naturalness, simplicity and excellence. In addition to quality, precision and discipline, the common denominator in this cooperation is openness in the approach, flexibility and creativity. The possibility to remove old levies and out-dated principles in the production process and to include something new and fresh will only further accentuate the quality. Hence were created the best and authentic drinks - six Monogram brandies and six Monogram liqueurs. Completely natural, made from carefully selected precious fruits, without any added sugar or other ingredients, produced in the traditional way. They are revealed in layers. Served chilled as an aperitif or digestive. The choice of connoisseurs and hedonists.


Viljamovka Prefinjena, a snažna rakija od kruške. Svijetla, svježa, blago mrazna, diskretno reska. Prepoznatljiva, a opet jedinstvena. Hedonističko nepce prepoznaće dubinsku slast i zaigranu sočnost. Piće za mirna popodneva i iščekivajuća predvečerja. Laki dodir prijateljske ruke. Pogled u prolazu. Fino se uklapa sa jelima od ribe i povrća.

Williams pear brandy Subtle and powerful pear brandy. Light, fresh, slightly frosty, discreetly pungent. Distinctive, yet unique. Hedonistic taste buds will recognise the depth of sweetness and playful juiciness. A drink for calm afternoons and expectant evenings. Light touch of a friendly hand. View in passing. Fine fit for fish and vegetable dishes.




Dunjevača Harizmatična, raskošna vladarka. Opojni topli miris ljetnjeg dana. Pun, moćan ukus pobjede. Boja starog zlata. Pitkost dunje nadograđena je bukeom hrasta kitnjaka u kojem odležava. Buja od života. Piće za jaka jela, prave odluke i nepotkupljive ljude. Moćna kao istina.

Quince brandy Charismatic, striking ruler. The intoxicating scent of warm summer day. Full, powerful taste of victory. The colour of old gold. The smoothness of quince is upgraded with the sessile oak bouquet in which it ages. Full of life. A drink to accompany strong dishes, right decisions and incorruptible people. Powerful as truth.


Šljiva Zlatnožuta, stamena i provokativna. Dobijena od kupaže požegače, trnovače i čačanske rodne, odležala u hrastovom buretu, ima snažan, karakterističan ukus, ali lako klizi niz grlo. Rakija povjerenja i jednostavnosti. Vrhunska varijacija na klasičnu temu. Za one koji vole sigurnost i mir.

Plum Golden yellow, unshaken and provocative. Obtained from Požegača, Trnovača and Čačak gender, aged in oak barrel, with a strong and characteristic flavour, slides down the throat easily. The brandy of trust and simplicity. A top notch variation of the classic theme. For those who enjoy safety and peace.




Jabuka Boja ćilibara, miris kore od jabuke, svježina kiše, sa primjesama hrastovine, ukus jeseni i večeri ispred kamina. Iza prividne jednostavnosti krije se zanimljiv gost. Stari prijatelj koji ne prestaje da vas iznenađuje svojom širinom. Za one koji traže nove perspektive.

Apple Amber colour, the smell of apple bark, the freshness of rain with a hint of oak flavour and autumn evenings in front of the fireplace. Behind the apparent simplicity hides an interesting guest. An old friend who does not cease to surprise you with its greatness. For those looking for a new perspective.


Kantarion šljivovica Otmeni eliksir. Boja konjaka i miris šume i bilja. Harmonija žestine i ljekovitosti. Piće za posebne prilike, čarolija tajne, melem za stare rane, raskošna uvertira za nove izazove.

Plum and hypericum brandy Refined elixir. Cognac colour and smell of forest and herbs. Harmony of ferocity and healing. Drink for special occasions, the magic of a secret, remedy for old wounds, and sumptuous overture to new challenges.




Lincura šljivovica Gorštački svoja i snažna. Bakarne boje, jedinstvene arome i specifične gorčine koja budi i ozdravljuje. Za one odlučne, postojane, izdržljive i plemenite. Lako se pije sama, a može i u društvu sa čajem ili koktelima. Izvanredan partner crnoj čokoladi.

Plum and yellow gentian brandy Highlander strong. Copper colour, unique aroma and specific bitterness that awakens and heals. For the decisive, reliable, durable and the noble. Easy to drink alone, but also good with teas and cocktails. An outstanding partner to dark chocolate.


Liker med Sklad rakije šljivovice, bagremovog meda i pet vrsta ljekovitog bilja. Nježnožut, somotast, sa mirisom saća i mladosti. Lagano provejava svježina limuna. Umjerene slasti. Ukus bezbrižnosti, pitomosti, blagosti, vedrine. Za nesebične i nostalgične.

Honey liqueur The harmony of plum brandy, acacia honey and five species of medicinal plants. Softly yellow, velvety, with the smell of honeycomb and youth. Gently prevailing lemon freshness. Moderate sweetness. The taste of peace of mind, tranquillity, gentleness, serenity. For unselfish and nostalgic.




Liker dunja Zlaćane boje, prefinjene arome, blago osvježavajućeg, egzotičnog ukusa. Poput nježnog, razigranog maestrala. Divna pratnja laganim desertima. Originalan, uzvišen osjećaj. Za one koji se ne plaše bliskosti.

Quince liqueur Golden colour, sophisticated aroma, slightly refreshing, exotic taste. Like gentle, playful mistral. Beautiful accompaniment for light desserts. Original, exalted feeling. For those unafraid of intimacy.


Liker višnja Nesvakidašnji ukus, bistrina akvarela i razgaljujući miris. Boja rubina i osjećaj proljeća i živosti. Zavodljiv, ali ne presladak. Dobar i za planiranje i za rekapitulaciju. Partner tihim mislima i povjerljivim razgovorima.

Sour cherry liqueur Unusual taste, the clarity of watercolours and exhilarating scent. Ruby colour and sense of spring and life. Seductive, yet not to sweet. Equally as good for planning as for recapitulation. Partner to silent thoughts and confidential conversations.




Liker malina Slast koja razoružava. Bezuslovna predaja šumskim vilama. Djevojačka žurka. Pitomocrvene boje, gust, upečatljiv, harmoničnog ukusa, mami na avanturu. Za one koji i kad stoje, ne miruju. Pratilac kafe i deserta.

Raspberry liqueur The sweetness that disarms. Unconditional surrender to forest fairies. Girls’ party. Tame red in colour, thick, distinctive, with harmonious taste, enticing adventure. For those who are not still even when standing. Companion of coffee and deserts.


Bitter 54 Zdravlje u čašici. Nutritivno vrijedno alkoholno piće, antioksidantnog svojstva, tople karamel boje, karakteristične gorčine i finih biljnih aroma. Svjež i potpuno prirodan, sadrži ekstrakte 46 ljekovitih biljaka i 8 voćki. U idealnom odnosu upleli su se pelin, hajdučka trava, kičica, zova, glog, breza, nana, kamilica, žalfija, lipa, lavanda, cimet, smokva, šljiva... Jača organizam, stimuliše duh, liječi dušu i tijelo.

Bitter 54 Health in a cup. Nutritionally valuable alcoholic beverage, with antioxidant properties, warm caramel colour, characteristic bitterness and subtle herbal aroma. Fresh and completely natural, contains extracts of 46 herbs and 8 fruits. Ideal mix of wormwood, yarrow, centaury, elder, hawthorn, birch, peppermint, chamomile, sage, linden, lavender, cinnamon, figs, plums... It strengthens the body, stimulates the spirit, and heals the body and soul.




Liker zeleni orah Ekskluzivna serija, ograničenog broja i zapremine. Miris zrenja, osjećaj hladovine po vrelom danu, dah mira i sigurnosti. Pitak i ljekovit. Autoritet u izgledu, ubjedljiva blagost u pristupu. Za one koji umiju da uvijek iznova pronađu svježinu u stvarima i pojavama koje već poznaju.

Green walnut liqueur Exclusive series, limited in number and volume. The smell of ripening, the sense of shade on a hot day, the breath of peace and security. Fluent and healing. Authority in appearance, persuasive gentleness in the approach. For those who over and over keep finding the freshness in things and phenomena they already know.


Restoran i kuvar RESTAURANT AND CHEF



Mađarski mislilac i hedonista, Béla Hamvas, govorio je da je jelo svjetlost stomaka i da treba jesti tako da čovjek uživa u stanju milosti. Na tragu te filozofije uživanja i prepuštanja, otvoren je u Banjoj Luci restoran “Monogram”. Još jedna prilika da se dobije bitka za kvalitet. Ideja porodice Mišić, koja je uvijek cijenila kafanu kao hedonistički topos, bila je ta da se napravi spoj tradicionalnog i savremenog u kuhinji, da se sačuva gastronomska osobenost, ali da se jela učine zdravijim, privlačnijim i kreativnijim.

Hungarian thinker and hedonist, Béla Hamvas used to say that the food is the light of the stomach and that one should eat as to enjoy the state of grace. Restaurant “Monogram” was opened in Banja Luka following that philosophy of enjoyment and indulgence. Another opportunity to win the battle for quality. The Mišić family, who always appreciated taverns as the hedonist top, was all for the idea to blend the traditional and modern in the kitchen, to preserve gastronomic peculiarity, and to make meals healthier, more attractive, and more creative.


Smješten relativno blizu centra grada, “Monogram” je prijatan, prostran restoran, u kome u nekoliko enterijerskih cjelina preovlađuju nježni plavi tonovi, a higijena je besprijekorna. Kada se poveže sa fino osmišljenom terasom, može da primi nešto više od sto gostiju. Savršen je za organizaciju poslovnih ručkova, ali je dovoljno topao da obezbijedi opuštenost porodičnog obroka ili intimne večere i pruži sklad domaćinske gostoprimljivosti i ekskluzivne atmosfere.

Situated relatively close to the city centre, “Monogram” is a cosy, spacious restaurant dominated, in several interior units, by placid blue tones and impeccable hygiene. Together with a nicely planned terrace it can accommodate a little more than a hundred guests. It is perfect for business lunches, however warm enough to ensure relaxedness of family meals or intimate dinners. The harmony of homey hospitality and exclusive atmosphere.


Centralno mjesto u baru zauzimaju, naravno, “Monogram” rakije, ali se može naći i izvanredna ponuda ostalih žestokih pića, piva i regionalnih i svjetskih vina. Poseban kutak odvojen je i za ljubitelje cigara, te se u humidoru baškare Cohiba i Romeo & Juliette. Briga o gostima je na prvom mjestu, pa je i parkiranje briga ljubaznog osoblja. Diskretni i obučeni konobari pomoći će vam u odabiru jela i pića i uslužiti vas besprijekorno. The central place in the bar is occupied, of course, by Monogram brandies, but the bar also has an extraordinary offer of other spirits, beers and regional and world wines. A special corner is dedicated to cigar lovers, with comfortably placed Cohiba and Romeo & Juliette in the humidor. Customer care comes first, and thoughtful staff takes care of the parking as well. Discreet and suited service staff will help you select dishes and serve your drinks impeccably.


Na meniju su se, u više kategorija, našla probrana jela, koja bismo na prvi pogled mogli nazvati oplemenjenim klasicima (raznovrsna ponuda bifteka okupanih u svom soku), ali i inovacijama (stejk od jadranskih lignji). Meni je pažljivo osmišljen tako da ste uvijek sigurni da ono što piše na listi, sigurno možete dobiti i na tanjiru. Odlična je ponuda finih internacionalnih predjela, pasti i rižota, mesnih i ribljih specijaliteta. Sigurno ćete rado probati i jela spravljena uz dodatak “Monogram” rakija. Za svakog po nešto, a zadovoljiće i najprobirljivije goste. Ovdje ujutro možete s uživanjem pojesti i tradicionalni doručak, a popodne svratiti da se zasladite nekim od brojnih slatkiša uz odličnu kafu. Već od samog opisa jela lako ćete ogladniti, a natpis “po recepturi našeg kuvara” dodatno će vam zagolicati maštu. Glavni kuvar restorana “Monogram” je Dragan Šljivić, nosilac brojnih medalja sa takmičenja i gastronomskih festivala u okruženju. Na Kuharskom kupu evropskih regija (IKKER), održanom u Makarskoj 2015. godine, ovaj kuvar ponio je i zvanično titulu najboljeg.

Exquisite dishes, divided into many categories are found on the menu, which, at the first glance could be referred to as refined classics (diverse offer of steaks bathed in own juices, for example), but also innovations (Adriatic squid steak). The menu has been carefully designed so that you can be certain that what is listed on the menu will be served on your plate. Excellent offer of fine international appetizers, pastas and risottos, then meat and fish specialties. You will certainly be happy to try out dishes made with Monogram brandies. There is something for everyone, to satisfy even the most demanding guests. In the morning you can enjoy a traditional breakfast, in the afternoon you can pop in to have one of many desserts with an excellent coffee. Pure description of the dish will make you hungry, and the inscription “Made according to our Chef’s recipe” will further capture your imagination. Dragan Šljivić is the executive chef of the “Monogram” Restaurant and the winner of numerous medals in competitions and gastronomic festivals in the region, with the official title of the best chef earned at the Interregional Culinary Cup (IKKER), held in Makarska in 2015. 81

Dragan Šljivić Restoran/Restaurant MONOGRAM, Banja Luka

Kaže da je odluka da postane kuvar bila iznenadna, ali želja nije. Raznovrsni mirisi, dodir sa hranom, mogućnost kombinovanja i traganja, sve je to Dragana Šljivića od rane mladosti polako opredjeljivalo da zaroni u svijet gastronomskih čarolija. Vrlo rano, u 22. godini, postao je šef kuhinje jednog restorana i to ga je nagnalo da brže donosi odluke, sam istražuje i stiče potreban autoritet. Na osnovu takvog iskustva, danas smatra da je za pravog Chefa neophodna moć dobre komunikacije i balansiranja, domaćinsko poslovanje, postizanje dobre timske atmosfere, nesebičnost i sloboda. “Kad god imaš slobodu, imaš viziju”, govori Dragan, a njegova je vizija mjera između povratka tradiciji i stepena rizika. A toga mu nikad nije nedostajalo. Sam otkriva male tajne drugih majstora, na licu mjesta stvara neke nove recepte, ne udvara se sudijama prilagođavajući recepte njihovim afinitetima. To je, kako sam kaže, rezultat samouvjerenosti i malčice bezobrazluka. Omiljena mu je mediteranska kuhinja, a naročito voli da sprema ribu. Cijeni italijansku jednostavnost i prirodnost nordijskog kulinarskog stila, voli mentu i bosiljak. Ne voli kruta pravila i tvrdoglave navike. Kuva tako da namirnicu stavlja u prvi plan, a na pitanje šta je tu onda posao kuvara, odgovara “da omogući dijalog sa hranom i stvori malo magije”. U kuhinji se kreće lako, tiho, vješto, koristi prostor kao balsku dvoranu, sa mirom i razdraganošću. Kako drugačije, kad i sam vjeruje da je to posao koji moraš voljeti i da se s tim jednostavno - rodiš. Ovdje doda prstohvat začina, tamo prstohvat duha. U punom posvećenju proba zalogaj pa jednom doda malo vatre, drugom vinski tuš. Pažljivo servira, kao da lagano polaže dijete u kolijevku. Njegova kuhinja je nježna, ali sa jakim akcentima. On je skroman čovjek i vrhunski kulinarski majstor.

He says that the decision to become a chef was a sudden one; however the desire was always there. A variety of fragrances, contact with food, the ability to combine and search, all of these slowly swayed Dragan Šljivić from his early youth to dive into the world of gastronomic magic. He became a head chef of a restaurant very young, at the age of 22, and that thought him to make prompt decisions, to explore and acquire the necessary authority. He today believes, based on that experience, that a true Chef requires good communication skills and balance, homelike business etiquette, good team atmosphere, selflessness and freedom. “Whenever you have freedom, you have a vision”, says Dragan, and his vision is the measure between return to tradition and the level of risk. And he never lacked measure. He himself reveals little secretes of other masters, makes new recipes on the spot, doesn’t court the judges by adapting own recipes to their preferences. This, as he says, is the result of selfconfidence and a bit of naughtiness. Mediterranean cuisine is his favourite, and he particularly enjoys preparing fish. He appreciates Italian simplicity and the naturalness of Nordic culinary style, he loves mint and basil. He dislikes rigid rules and stubborn habits. He cooks so that the ingredient is pushed to the forefront and his answer to the question “what is chef’s job?” is to enable a dialogue with food and create a moment of magic. In the kitchen he moves with ease, quietly, skilfully, he uses the space as a ballroom, with peace and glee. How else when he himself believes that this is a job that you have to love and simply, be born with. Here he adds a pinch of spice, there a pinch of spirit. He tastes with complete dedication, and adds to one a little more heat and to the other a wine shower. He serves carefully, just as if lifting a baby from the cradle. His cuisine is light, with strong accents. And he is a modest man and a supreme culinary master.



Banja Luka. Šarmantna i vedra u svom zelenilu i širini. Izdašna u dobrodošlici. Na mah tradicionalna, mirna, u sljedećem trenutku već moderna, živa, s tragovima različitih kultura. Bogate istorije, prkosna da odoli nedaćama, zemljotresima, ratovima. Na granici Dinarskih planina i Panonskog bazena, usidrena u kotlini, nudi nam duh savremenog srednjoevropskog grada, niz brojne aleje i cvjetne gradske niše. Raste iz dana u dan, kroz spojeve drevnog kamena i čelično-staklenih konstrukcija. Poslovno - univerzitetski centar i topao porodičan grad u jednom. Naslonjena na rijeku Vrbas, žubori i struji od rijeke i od mladosti koja u njoj živi. Puna parkova, kafea, restorana. U restoranu “Monogram” Dragan Šljivić otvara vrata za puni sklad hrane i pića. Mi otvaramo “Monogram” rakije i čarolija uparivanja može da počne.


Banja Luka. Charming and cheerful in its vegetation and breadth. Generously welcoming. At one moment traditional and peaceful, and at the next, modern, alive, with traces of different cultures. Rich in history, defiant to resist adversities, earthquakes, wars. On the rim of Dinara Mountains and Pannonia Basin, anchored in the valley, down numerous alleys and urban flower niches it offers a spirit of a modern Central European city. Growing each day through a mishmash of ancient stone and steel and glass structures. A business and university centre and a warm family town, all at once. Leaning against the Vrbas river, it ripples and drifts from the river itself and the youth living therein. Bursting with parks, cafes, restaurants. And within, at the Monogram Restaurant, Dragan Šljivić opens its doors to a far-reaching harmony of foods and drinks. We herewith open Monogram brandies, and the pairing magic can begin.




Riblji menuet. Bijeli zavežljaji sa rumenim krunicama. Jednostavno spremljena riba u velu od dima. Mocarela iskričava. Gambori daju završnu riječ. Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM rakijom od jabuke Jabuka se pokroviteljski odnosi prema različitim ukusima i blagosilja ih svojom mirnoćom i stabilnošću. Potrebne namirnice: file brancina (2 komada, oko 200-220 g) gambori (2 komада, oko 120 g) mocarela 20 g rakija od dunje Monogram 0,03 l Filete brancina oblikujemo u traku, urolujemo, probodemo čačkalicom i pečemo 8 minuta na 180⁰C. U međuvremenu, očišćene gambore kratko zapečemo u tavi, a zatim ih flambiramo rakijom od dunje Monogram. Rolnice brancina vadimo iz rerne, uklonimo čačkalice, punimo mocarelom i gamborima i kratko zapečemo u rerni na 220⁰C 2-3 minuta.

Sea bass ROLLS WITH PRAWNS Fish minuet. White bundles with rosy crowns. Simply prepared fish in a veil of smoke. Sparking mozzarella. Prawns give the final word. Paired with MONOGRAM Apple Brandy The apple patronizes the variety of tastes and blesses them with its calmness and stability. Required ingredients: Sea bass fillet (2 fillets, approximately 200-220 gr) Prawns (2 prawns, approximately 120 gr) Mozzarella 20 gr “Monogram” Quince Brandy 0.03 l Slice sea bass fillets into strips, roll, fasten with a toothpick and bake at 180⁰C for 8 minutes. In the meantime, sear prawns with heads and tails removed in the pan and flambé in the “Monogram” Quince Brandy. Remove sea bass rolls from the oven, remove toothpicks, stuff with mozzarella and prawns and finish in the oven at 220⁰C for about 2-3 minutes.






Pileći batak bardiran u slaninici, sa nadjevom od piletine i sira. Šljivić nikad ne dopušta pilećem mesu da ostane neutralno, već ga armira snažnim ukusima, pa je tako i ovaj put. Kremasti pate u sredini uokviren je ukusom dima. I sve to uz raznobojne i zaigrane kapljice nekoliko umaka u kojima se prepoznaju šumske gljive, jogurt, senf, vorčester. Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM rakijom od jabuke Dobitna kombinacija u kojoj se, i ukusom i bojom, rakija i jelo oslanjaju jedno na drugo kao najbolji prijatelji. Ili je jabuka stariji brat. Bez začikavanja, sa sigurnošću i povјerenjem. Potrebne namirnice (jedna porcija) : 150 g pilećeg bataka 50 g pilećeg filea 40 g dimljene slanine 30 g vrhnja za kuhanje

Jelo na koje je Dragan Šljivić izuzetno ponosan, jer mu je donijelo jednu od mnogobrojnih zlatnih medalja, spremamo na sljedeći način: Aluminijumsku foliju namažemo puterom na koji slažemo listove tanko sječene pančete. Preko nje stavljamo otkošteni batak koji punimo nadjevom od pilećeg filea. Njega pravimo tako što pileći file isjeckamo na najsitnije moguće komade, dodamo vrhnje za kuhanje i sve to sjedinimo štapnim mikserom uz dodatak začina. Ovu masu stavimo na batak, urolujemo tako da dobijemo kompaktan valjak koji pečemo u rerni 18-20 minuta na temperaturi od 200 stepeni.

Chicken drumsticks wrapped in bacon, filled with chicken meat and cheese. Šljivić never lets chicken be bland, but reinforces it with strong aromas, same as here. Creamy pate in the middle is framed by the taste of smoke. All is served with colourful and playful drops of several sauces uncovering wild mushrooms, yogurt, mustard, Worcestershire sauce. Paired with MONOGRAM Apple Brandy. A winning combination in which, both in terms of taste and colour, the brandy and the dish rely on each other as the best of friends. Or the apple may be an older brother. Without tease, but with certainty and confidence. Required ingredients (one serving) : 150 g chicken drumsticks 50 g chicken fillet 40 g smoked bacon 30 g cooking cream


The dish Dragan Šljivić is extremely proud of as it earned him one of many gold medals, is prepared as follows: Coat the aluminium foil with butter and line with thinly sliced pancetta. Place boneless drumsticks filled with chicken fillet stuffing. For the stuffing, mix finely chopped chicken fillet, cooking cream and spices with the hand blender. Place the stuffing over each drumstick, roll to create a compact roll, and bake in the oven for 18 to 20 minutes at 200 degrees.




Opuštenija, razigranija, šarmantnija varijanta filea Welington. Osvajanje na italijanski način. Marinirana svinjetina ušuškana u aromatični domaći pesto na jastuku od rimskih njoka. Uparuje se s MONOGRAM rakijom od šljive Bez puno priče, jednostavno, ruku pod ruku, u moderato ritmu. Dolce far niente, osim jesti i piti rakiju. Potrebne namirnice: 200 g svinjskog filea 30 g pesto đenovezea 100 g kora za pitu 50 g pšeničnog griza 30 g parmezana Svinjski file očistiti i fino obraditi, zatim uviti u kore za pitu koje smo prethodno premazali pestom đenoveze i zapeći u pećnici. Od pšeničnog griza napraviti rimske njoke, posuti parmezanom i gratinirati. Tako spremljene njoke servirati na tanjir, a preko njih file u korici.



A relaxed, playful, more charming take on the fillet Wellington. The conquest Italian way. Marinated pork tucked into aromatic homemade pesto on the pillow of Roman gnocchi. Paired with MONOGRAM Plum Brandy Without further ado, simple, hand in hand, rhythm moderato. Dolce far niente, delicious idleness, simply eat and drink brandy. Required ingredients: 200 g pork fillet 30 g pesto Genovese 100 g phyllo dough 50 g wheat semolina 30 g Parmesan cheese Clean and finely process the fillet, than wrap in phyllo dough previously coated with pesto and bake in the oven. Make roman gnocchi from wheat semolina, sprinkle with parmesan and gratinate. Serve crusted pork over gnocchi.

Monogram torta Ovo je već odana, posvećena ljubav, puna malih slatkih iznenađenja. Čvrsta čoko podloga nadograđena pjenastim, a kompaktnim nadjevima, krunisana korpicom svježeg voća. Simbol veze koja izgleda jednostavno, ali je u njenu stabilnost ugrađeno mnogo toga što se ne vidi. Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM likerom od višnje Svježina i autentičnost ovog likera u kombinaciji sa kolačem, liče na fini, bliski razgovor i sigurnost pravog izbora. Povratak kući.

Monogram cake This has been a loyal, devoted love, full of small sweet surprises. Solid chocolate base upgraded with foamy and compact fillings and crowned with a fresh fruit basket. A symbol of a relationship that seems simple, yet with much unseen embedded into its stability. Paired with MONOGRAM Sour Cherry Liquor The freshness and authenticity of this liquor in combination with the cake resemble a fine, close conversation and safety of rights choice. A return back home.


Potrebne namirnice za 16 porcija : Biskvit: 150 g tamne čokolade 110 g maslaca 90 g šećera 1,5 jaje 15 g vanilije 75 g brašna 4 g praška za pecivo 75 g bijele čokolade 30 g kikirikija 30 g lješnika

Čokoladu otopiti i u nju dodati sve gore navedene namirnice. Smjesu izliti u pleh i peći 10 minuta na 180 stepeni. Kada se biskvit ispeče i skroz ohladi, zaliti šoljom mlijeka i “Monogram” likerom od višnje.

Krema: 750 ml slatke pavlake 375 g bijele čokolade 2 jajeta + 1 žumance 4,5 lista želatina 75 g lješnika 75 g kikirikija 0,03 l “Monogram” likera od višnje

Jaja, žumance i “Monogram” liker od višnje zagrijati i u sve to dodati prethodno otopljenu čokoladu. Kada se masa sjedini, dodati napola umućenu slatku pavlaku. U kremu potom dodati listiće želatina koji su prethodno bili potopljeni u hladnoj vodi. Izmrvljen lješnik i kikiriki dodati na kraju i sve lijepo umiješati. Biskvit filovati ohlađenom kremom i oblikovati po želji. Prije jela tortu držati u frižideru.

Required ingredients for 16 servings: Cake: 150 g dark chocolate 110 g butter 90 g sugar 1.5 eggs 15 g vanilla 75 g flour 4 g baking powder 75 g white chocolate 30 g peanuts 30 g hazelnuts

Melt the chocolate and add all listed ingredients. Pour the mixture into the pan and bake for 10 minutes at 180 degrees. Once the cake is ready and cool, soak with a cup of milk and Monogram Cherry Liqueur.

Crème: 750 ml sweet cream 375 g white chocolate 2 eggs + 1 egg yolk 4.5 gelatine sheets 75 g hazelnuts 75 g peanuts 0.03 l Monogram Cherry Liqueur

Heat eggs, egg yolk and Monogram Cherry Liqueur and add to the previously melted chocolate. Once the mixture is combined, add half whipped sweet cream. Add gelatine sheets previously soaked in cold water to the crème. Add crushed hazelnuts and peanuts at the end and blend nicely.


Fill the cake with cooled cream and shape as desired. Keep refrigerated until serving.


Riblje rolnice FISH ROLLS

Pjenasti, nježni valjčići, dvobojni mus od lososa i brancina, u kaputu od pistaća, sa „dugmićima“ od crnih maslina. Kad raskopčate - otkrijete kraljevski zalogaj, nesvakidašnji balans ukusa. Riba na splavu od finih slasnih šparoga. Čista bonaca. Da postoji slani desert, ovako bi se zvao. Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM rakijom viljamovkom Dah vjetra na mirnom moru. Blaga reskost kruške diskretno kontrira pitomosti rolnica, dajući pistaćima i maslinama slobodu da se izraze i zaokruže cjelinu. Za pravljenje jedne porcije potrebno je: 100 g lososa 100 g brancina 150 g šparoga 30 g praha od pistaća

Za ovo jelo koristiti losos i brancin zbog boje i, naravno, kvaliteta ribe. Lososa isjeći u obliku pravougaonika i začiniti, a od brancina bez kostiju i kožice uz dodatak vrhnja za kuhanje, maslinovog ulja i začina napraviti farst, kojeg nanesemo na losos, uvijemo u plastičnu foliju i kuvamo. Uz ovo jelo kao prilog serviramo marinirane šparoge, a gotove rolnice uvaljamo u prah od pistaća, isječemo i složimo na tanjir.

Foamy, gentle rolls, two-tone salmon and sea bass mousse, coated with pistachios with black olive buttons. When unbuttoned - discover the royal bite, extraordinary balance of taste. Fish served on the bed of fine and delicious asparagus. Pure calm sea. If there was a salty dessert, this would be it. Paired with MONOGRAM Pear Brandy The breath of wind over a calm sea. The mild pungency of the pear discreetly counters the tameness of rolls, giving pistachios and olives freedom to express and round up the meal. Ingredients for one serving: 100 g salmon 100 g sea bass 150 g asparagus 30 g pistachio dust

This dish uses salmon and sea bass for their colour, and of course, exceptional quality. Slice the salmon into rectangular slices and season; cook skinless and boneless sea bass, with added cooking cream, olive oil and seasoning (“farst”), and top the salmon with sea bass, wrap in plastic foil and cook. This dish is served with marinated asparagus. Finished fish rolls are rolled into pistachio dust, sliced, and arranged on the plate.


Stejk od lignji Originalni recept. Usitnjeno meso lignje sa koricom od palente i parmezana. Kruna od hrskavog slanog čipsa paniranog u kukuruznom brašnu i čiliju. Sve to na ratatuju od povrća, nježnom i pikantnom, oplemenjenom ruzmarinom, koji pomalo podsjeća na blage istočnjačke arome. Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM rakijom od šljive Lignje su tražile plemenito sirovu notu. Jednostavnost doma. Sidro. Jedrina i punoća šljive upravo su se blagonaklono uparile sa temperamentom ovog stejka.

Za jednu porciju ovog neobičnog jela, koje je upotpunilo Draganovu riznicu zlatnih medalja, potrebno je: 200 g lignji 0,05 l mlijeka 0,03 l maslinovog ulja 20 g tikvica 20 g patlidžana 20 g crvene paprike 20 g zelene paprike Lignje isječemo na krupnije komade i u bokalu uz dodatak mlijeka, maslinovog ulja i začina, pomoću štapnog miksera, napravimo pate koji stavljamo u okruglu formu prethodno obloženu pek-papirom. Pečemo u rerni na 180 stepeni 20 minuta. Ovako spremljen stek serviramo na grilovanom povrću, dekorišemo čipsom od krompira i uz jelo poslužimo sos od prženih glava škampi.

Squid steak The original recipe. Like a warm tartar that has crossed several meridians. Minced squid meat with polenta and parmesan crust. With the crunchy salty chip crown coated in corn flour and chilly. Served on the ratatouille of vegetables, slightly resembling mild oriental flavours. Paired with MONOGRAM Plum Brandy The squid were looking for a noble raw note. The simplicity of home. The anchor. The vigour and fullness of plums have just auspiciously complemented the temperament of this steak.


One serving of this unusual dish, which crowned Dragan’s treasure of gold medals, requires: 200 g squid 0.05 l milk 0.03 l olive oil 20 g zucchini 20 g eggplant 20 g red pepper 20 g green pepper

Cut the squid into larger chunks. In a bowl, combine squid, milk, olive oil and spices, and with a hand blender make the pate. Place the pate into the spherical mould lined with baking paper. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. Thus prepared steak serve over grilled vegetables, garnish with potato chips and serve with fried shrimp heads sauce.

Bosforska rapsodija BOSPHORUS RHAPSODY


Piramida od karamelizovanih diskova. Vrcavost badema. Strasno i slasno. Podsjećanje da ništa nije kao što izgleda i da treba tragati dalje. Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM likerom Biter 54 Kombinacija voća i bilja iz likera rashlađuje slatku ustreptalost deserta i svojom složenošću parira njegovoj snazi.

Potrebne namirnice za 2 komada: 100 g šećera 100 g prženog badema (listići ili granule) 100 g maskarpone sira 100 g tečnog šlaga 0,05 l likera od dunje Monogram 50 g pesta od badema Šećer karamelizujemo, a zatim ga ohladimo u tankom sloju na mermernoj ploči. Ovakav šećer i pržene bademe izblendamo u prah, a zatim ga pomoću okruglih prstenova nanesemo na silikon vrlo tanko. Ovako pripremljene silikone stavljamo u peć na 180⁰C dok se masa ne počne topiti. Ovako spremljene diskove koji kad se ohlade budu hrskavi, pažljivo skinemo sa silikona. Tečni šlag i pesto od badema mutimo mikserom do 80% čvrstine, a zatim dodamo maskarpone sir i liker od dunje Monogram. Pažljivo izmiješamo poslastičarskom špatulom i onda naizmjenično filujemo korice od šećera i badema.


Pyramid made from caramelised discs. Almond sparkle. Passionate and delicious. A reminder that nothing is as it seems, to keep looking. Paired with MONOGRAM Biter 54 Liquor The combination of fruit and herbs from the liquor cools the sweet desert vibrancy, and with its complexity competes with its strength.

Required ingredients for 2 servings: 100 gr of sugar 100 gr of toasted almonds (flakes or granules) 100 gr of mascarpone cheese 100 gr of liquid whipped cream 0.05 l of the “Monogram” Quince liqueur 50 gr of almond pesto First caramelise the sugar and then cool it by pouring a thin layer of caramelised sugar over marble pastry top. Combine cool caramelised sugar and toasted almonds into a dust, and pour the thin layer of dust using round rings on the silicone pastry mat. Place the prepared silicone pastry mat in the oven heated to 180°C and keep it in the oven until the mixture starts melting. Once cool, carefully remove prepared crunchy discs from the silicone mat. Mix liquid whipping cream and almond pesto with a mixer to reach 80% density, add mascarpone cheese and “Monogram” Quince liqueur. Carefully combine with the pastry spatula and then alternatively fill sugar and almond crusts.


Tri gracije Čokoladna korpica sa mariniranim malinama u pjenastom voćnom negližeu. Trobojna kula na sunđerastom čoko jastučiću s naglašenom vedrinom pomorandže. Cheese cake sa pistaćima i oreo keksom, dječački razdragan, vuče na avanturu. Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM rakijom od šljive i lincure i MONOGRAM likerom od zelenog oraha Dostojanstvena gorčina lincure savršeno prijanja uz čokoladni ukus, a njen ritam travke i čila prirodnost spajaju se sa voćnim aromama. Pije se polako, u malim gutljajima, otvarajući prostor mašti i povjerenju. Ako se odlučite za zeleni orah, sačekaće vas ekskluzivna slast, pitomost i ležernost. Skoro da poželite da svaki zalogaj unaprijed natopite ovim zdravim nektarom.

Three Graces Chocolate basket with marinated raspberries in a foamy fruit negligee. The three-coloured tower on a chocolate sponge bed with a distinctive orange serenity. Cheese cake with pistachios and Oreo cookies, boyishly hilarious and oozing of adventure. Paired with the MONOGRAM Gentian and Plum Brandy and MONOGRAM Green Walnut Liqueur Dignified bitterness of the gentian perfectly complements chocolate flavours, whereas its herbaceous rhythm and natural vivaciousness counterparts fruit aromas. It is consumed slowly, in small sips, leaving room for imagination and expectation. If you opt for green walnut, you will be greeted by exclusive delight, tameness and leisure. You’ll almost wish to soak each bite in this healthy nectar.


Tri gracije (za 12 komada)

1. Cheese cake sa oreo keksom i pistacijama oreo keks 200 gr mascarpone sir 200 gr tečni šlag 200 ml pesto od pistacija 100 gr prah od pistacija 50 gr šećer u prahu 100 gr žumance 2 kom

Oreo keks blendiramo, a zatim stavljamo u okrugli kalup koji smo obložili poslastičarskom folijom. Tečni šlag ulupamo na 80% čvrstine, dodamo pesto od pistacija, šećer u prahu i žumanca. Sve lagano izmješamo, nalijemo na oreo keks i pospemo prahom od pistacija. Ostavimo u hladnjaku da se steže.

2. Čokoladni valjak sa malinom i espumom od malina maline 200 gr smeđi šećer 200 gr aćeto krem 50 gr prženi listići badema 50 gr sok od malina 1 dcl vrhnje za kuhanje 3 dcl crna čokolada 300 gr

Od tempirane čokolade napravimo valjak u koji stavljamo marinirane maline. Maline mariniramo sa smeđim šećerom i aćeto kremom, a pred serviranje dodamo i pržene listiće badema. Sok od maline i vrhnje za kuhanje stavimo u sifon za šlag, stavimo ampule za stvaranje espuma. Ovu smesu praviti i stavljati neposredno pred serviranje.

3. Troslojni čokoladni mus crna čokolada 150 gr mliječna čokolada 150 gr bijela čokolada 150 gr žumance 5 kom šećer 4 kašike mlijeko 2 dcl želatin 15 gr tečni šlag 330 ml


Žumanca i šećer dodati u prokuvano mlijeko dok se ne zgusne. Zatim dodati želatin i tučeni šlag, lagano umutiti i razdvojiti na tri dijela, pa dodati otopljene čokolade i sipati u kalupe obložene poslastičarskom folijom. Prvi sloj od crne čokolade, zatim od mliječne čokolade i na kraju od bijele čokolade.

Three Graces (12 pcs)

1. Cheese cake with Oreo cookies and pistachios Oreo cookies 200 gr Mascarpone cheese 200 gr Sweet cream 200 ml Pesto pistachio 100 gr Pistachio dust 50 gr Powdered sugar 100 gr Egg yolks 2 pcs

Blend Oreos and place in the round mould coated with confectionary foil. Beat sweet cream to 80% consistency, add pistachio pesto, powdered sugar, and egg yolks. Wisk gently, pour over cookies and dust with pistachio dust. Leave in the refrigerator to harden.

2. Chocolate roulade with raspberries and raspberry espuma Raspberries 200 gr Brown sugar 200 gr Aceto cream 50 gr Roasted almond flakes 50 gr Raspberry juice 1 dcl Cooking cream 3 dcl Dark chocolate 300 gr

Make a roulade from tempered chocolate mixed with fresh marinated raspberries. Marinate raspberries with brown sugar and aceto cream, and before serving add roasted almond flakes. Place raspberry juice and cooking cream in the whipping siphon, add the ampoule to make the espuma. Make the mixture and plate just before serving.

3. Triple-layer chocolate mousse Dark chocolate 150 gr Milk chocolate 150 gr White chocolate 150 gr Egg yolks 5 pcs Sugar 4 spoonfuls Milk 2 dcl Gelatine 15 gr Liquid cream 330 ml

Add egg yolk and sugar to the boiled milk and cook until thick. Then add gelatine and whipped cream, whisk lightly and separate into three parts, add melted chocolate and pour into moulds lined with pastry foil. First pour in the layer of dark chocolate, than milk chocolate and white chocolate at the end.


Miloš Maričić Manjo Pomoćnik šefa kuhinje restorana MONOGRAM Restaurant MONOGRAM Sous-Chef

Tek šest godina u gastronomskom svijetu, a već se nametnuo specifičnom energijom i nekonvencionalnošću. U kuhinji siguran i opušten, voli saradnju, a umije i da zapjeva. U potpunosti koristi slobodu koja mu je povjerena i balansira između krajnosti. Upija tuđa iskustva. Voli i odlično sprema tradicionalnu, ali i mediteransku kuhinju, naročito paste.

For someone who only spent six years in the culinary world, he managed to position himself with that specific energy and unconventionality. In the kitchen he is confident and relaxed, enjoys cooperation, and can chant too. He fully exploits the entrusted freedom by balancing the extremes. He absorbs other people’s experiences. Enjoys and is really good in preparing both traditional and Mediterranean cuisine, pasta in particular.






Riba nježnoružičasta kao devojački obrazi. Uz hercegovačku domaću mocarelu koja se topi u ustima, laki krem od tikvica i osvježavajući pesto đenoveze fino se vezuju najbolji ukusi vode i zemlje. Bogatstvo sjemenki doprinosi da svaki zalogaj budi svježu, visprenu misao.

Gently pink fish just like girl’s cheeks. Served with homemade mozzarella from Herzegovina that melts in your mouth, light zucchini cream, and refreshing pesto Genovese, it finely binds the best flavours of soil and water. The fullness of seeds awakens fresh and reasonable thoughts with each bite.

Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM likerom od meda

Paired with the MONOGRAM Honey Liqueur

Spoj meda i ljekovitog bilja grije, lako uznosi i predstavlja udobni tepih na koji se polaže riblji delikates. Provokantna, ali bezbjedna kombinacija.

This union of honey and herbs warms up easily, uplifts and serves as a comfortable bed laid before the seafood delicacy. Provocative, yet safe combination.


Potrebne namirnice: losos (3 komada, oko 220 g) tikvice 100 g krompir 50 g domaća mocarela 50 g mješavina sjemenki (crni i bijeli susam, lan, suncokret) pesto đenoveze 30 g vrhnje za kuhanje 1 dl Formirane kocke lososa začinimo, a zatim zapečemo sa svih strana da ostanu sočne u sredini. Ovako pripremljen losos glaziramo maslinovim uljem i uvaljamo u mješavinu sjemenki. Od kuvanih tikvica i krompira pomoću štapnog miksera napravimo kremu koju serviramo na tanjir. Na nju stavimo kriške domaće hercegovačke mocarele, na koju potom serviramo losos. Pored serviramo sos napravljen od vrhnja za kuhanje i pesta đenovezea. Dekorišemo šeri-paradajzom i svježim bosiljkom.

Required ingredients: Salmon (3 pieces, approximately 220 gr) Zucchini 100 gr Potatoes 50 gr Homemade mozzarella 50 gr Mixed seeds (black and white sesame seeds, flax seeds, sunflower seeds) Pesto Genovese 30 gr Cooking cream 1 dcl Season salmon cubes, sear on all sides to remain juicy in the middle. Glaze prepared salmon with olive oil and roll in mixed seeds. Using the hand blander, pulverise boiled zucchini and potatoes into the puree to be served on the plate. Add slices of homemade Herzegovina mozzarella to the puree and plate the salmon. Top with the cooking cream and pesto Genovese sauce. Garnish with cherry tomatoes and fresh basil.


n a r o G inić N Goran Ninić

Pomoćnik šefa kuhinje restorana MONOGRAM

Restaurant MONOGRAM Sous-Chef

Skroman po prirodi, voli jednostavnost u kuhinji. Zaljubljenik u planinu, obilato koristi začinsko bilje. Najviše voli da sprema meso. Sam malo jede, ali s uživanjem pojede šta mu devojka skuva. Kažu da ima lucidnost i hrabrost, i da se, kad je on u kuhinji, posao radi sam. On priznaje da voli da eksperimentiše i da uči i sa fotografija. Smatra da kuvar treba da prođe različita iskustva, da mora da ima znanje, izoštrena čula i dobru organizaciju. Rutina je neophodna da savlada porudžbinu od stotinak jela na sat. Ipak, bori se da kuvanje ne bude mehanika, već kreacija i tvrdi da nemogućeg nema. Spreman je da uči na izvoru različitih svjetskih kuhinja. Želi da ima svoj mali restoran, sa desetak mjesta, baš za gurmane i znalce, u kojem se bez gužve i trke uživa u hrani.


Humble by nature and in love with simplicity in the kitchen. Loves the mountains and extensively uses herbs. His preference is in preparing meat. He himself doesn’t eat much, but consumes with pleasure everything his girlfriend makes for him. He is known as both lucid and courageous, and in the kitchen, completely self-reliant. Admittedly he enjoys experimenting and learning from photographs.He believes that any chef ought to encounter diverse experiences, and have knowledge, keen senses and superb organisation. Routine is indispensable for overcoming the order of over one hundred meals per hour. However, he deeply contests cooking as a routine, but rather a creation, by claiming that nothing is impossible. He is prepared to learn from the source of different world cuisines. He would like to own a small restaurant with ten seats, solely intended for epicures and connoisseurs, in which one can enjoy food without any rush and crowd.

Svinjski file


Mediteransko-kontinentalni šmek. Suptilan spoj mesa i mora podvučen svježinom povrća. Zavodljivi kontrast. Ukusi okrenuti naopačke nježnost mesa i snaga sipinog mastila. Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM rakijom od jabuke Sočnost i svježinu jabuke fino upijaju mirisna riža i krompirići, dok se aroma hrasta izdvaja iz rakije i prijanja uz savršeno ispečenu svinjetinu.


Pork Fillet

Mediterranean and continental flavours. A subtle blend of meat and squid, underlined by the freshness of vegetables. A seductive contrast. Flavours turned upside down - the tenderness of meat and the strength of squid ink. Paired with the MONOGRAM Apple Brandy Juiciness and freshness of apple nicely is absorbed by fragrant rice and potatoes, while the distinctive oak aroma from the brandy complements well the perfectly roasted pork.


Potrebne namirnice za 2 osobe: svinjski file 500 g špinat 100 g krompir 100 g tikvica 150 g parmezan 50 g pinjole 20 g vrhnje za kuhanje 1/2 dl prezle od crnog sipinog hljeba listovi bosiljka maslinovo ulje

Required ingredients for 2 servings: Pork fillet 500 gr Spinach 100 gr Potatoes 100 gr Zucchini 150 gr Parmesan cheese 50 gr Pine nuts 20 gr Cooking cream 1/2 dcl. Bread crumbs from black squid ink dough Basil leaves Olive oil

Svinjski file peći sa svih strana, potom premazati maslacem, posoliti i pobiberiti. Zatim ga uvaljati u prezlu od sipinog crnog hjeba i pečenje završiti u rerni 10 min na 220⁰C.

Brown pork fillet on all sides, coat with butter, add salt and pepper to taste. Roll in bread crumbs from black squid ink dough and complete roasting in the oven at 220°C for 10 minutes.

Prilog: Prethodno glaziranu rižu dinstati na maslacu, dodati blanširani špinat i začiniti. Tikvicu isjeći na ploske, kao i krompir, začiniti i peći dok ne porumeni.

Side dish: Simmer glazed rice on butter, add blanched spinach and season. Slice potatoes and zucchini into thin slices, season and bake until golden brown.

Sos: Izblendati bosiljak, pinjole, maslinovo ulje i parmezan. Sve to izmiješati sa vrhnjem za kuhanje i prokuvati. Servirati redoslijedom po želji.

Sauce: Combine basil, pine nuts, olive oil and parmesan cheese in the food processor. Combine with the cooking cream and bring it to boil. Serve in the order as desired.


n v e a r j o o Z lag B Zoran Blagojević

Tehnički savjetnik za pekarstvo, slastičarstvo i čokoladu kompanije PURATOS Technical advisor for bakery, confectionery and chocolate with the PURATOS Company

Četvrt vijeka u pekarstvu, a posljednjih godina posvetio se poslastičarstvu i Njenom Veličanstvu Čokoladi. Iako je samouk, vještinama je ubijedio stručnu komisiju da prezenter najboljih čokolada treba da bude baš on. Tvrdi da je rad sa čokoladom vrhunac, prava nauka, između ostalog i zato što sedam njenih kristala treba svesti na jedan, a zatim u nizu procesa dovesti ukus i izgled do savršenstva. Tu se lako pogriješi i zato su pravi majstori - zaista čarobnjaci. Pošto smatra da na ovim prostorima nedostaje znanja ove vrste, sprema se da ode u Francusku na dodatno školovanje. Zanima ga rad sa šećerom, food pairing po molekularnom sistemu i brojne majstorske “cake”. Voli mir i tišinu u kuhinji i da radi sam, posvećeno i koncentrisano.

He has spent a quarter of the century in baking, and has dedicated the past few years of his career to the confectionary and Her Majesty the Chocolate. Although self-thought, he has managed to skilfully convince the expert committee that he ought to be the presenter of the best chocolate. He claims working with chocolate is the uppermost, the true science, that apart from other reasons must reduce seven chocolate crystals into one, and then fine tune and perfect the taste and the appearance in a series of processes. Room for mistakes is plentiful; true masters are magicians indeed. Seeing that our region lacks knowledge of this kind, he is getting ready to leave for France for additional education. He is interested in working with sugar, molecular food pairings and numerous “tricks of the trade”. He enjoys peace and quiet in the kitchen and works alone, with dedication and focus.



Monogram lincura mille follie i Trio Kaskada Simfonija ukusa u kojoj se nadmeću nijanse i varijeteti. U krinolini od tri vrste čokolade kriju se pjenasta, čvrsta i hrskava struktura kroz koju klizite u harmoniji. Lakoća badema, poslastičarski krem i razgaljujuća svježina marmelade od divlje ribizle daju definiciju kompleksnog i moćnog slatkiša. Tri musa u malim slapovima koketiraju sa kokosom, lincurom i zelenim orahom. Vrijednost oba deserta podiže red velvet biskvit u kom veselo pucketaju lješnici. Uparuju se sa MONOGRAM rakijom od lincure i šljive Lincura je za čokoladu najbolja prijateljica, čuvar tajni, oslonac i motivator. Poput bibera, fino pecka i stimuliše, a gorčinom naglašava bazični, zdravi ukus čokolade.

Monogram Gentian Mille-Follie and Trio Cascade The symphony of flavours with competing nuances and varieties. The crinoline made of three types of chocolate that hides foamy, firm and crunchy textures, just like sashaying through a symphony. The ease of almond and pastry cream and the exhilarating freshness of wild blackcurrant jam define a complex and powerful desert. Three mousses in small waterfalls flirt with coconut, gentian and green walnut. The value of both deserts is elevated by the red velvet cake joyfully crackling with hazelnuts. Paired with the MONOGRAM Plum and Gentian Brandy Gentian brandy is chocolate’s best friend, confidante, support and motivator. Like pepper, it finely burns and stimulates, and with the bitterness it underlines the basic and healthy chocolate tang.


Monogram lincura mille follie MONOGRAM GENTIAN MILLE-FOLLIE




brašno 200 g šećer u prahu 60 g prehrambena boja crvena 2 g kakao-prah 2 g puter 100 g lješnik prženi sjeckani 100 g passionata (vrhnje za šlag) 60 g

Flour 200 g Powdered sugar 60 g Red food colouring 2 g Cocoa powder 2 g Butter 100 g Roasted chopped hazelnuts 100 g Passionata (whipped cream) 60 g

U pomiješano brašno, šećer, boju i kakao dodati otopljen puter i lješnike. Sve zajedno promiješati, istanjiti na pek- papiru otprilike 3 mm i peci na 180⁰C 12 minuta. Kada se ohladi, izmrviti i dodati passionatu, smiješati i staviti u modlu debljine 4 mm. Dobro ohladiti i ohlađeno koristiti kao podlogu za desert.

Add melted butter and hazelnuts to the flour, sugar, colouring and cocoa powder mixture. Mix together thoroughly, roll out on the baking paper to be about 3 mm thick and bake at 180⁰C for 12 minutes. When it cools, crumble and add passionata, mix together and place in the 4 mm thick cake mould. Cool well and use as dessert base.

Mus od lincure i crne čokolade

Gentian brandy and black chocolate mousse

Passionata (vrhnje za šlag) 60 g mlijeko 15 g žumance 45 g liker od zelenenog oraha 45 g crna čokolada min. 55 % 100 g šećer u prahu 60 g agar-agar 5g passionata (vrhnje za šlag) 125 g ambiante (vrhnje za šlag) 350 g

Passionata (whipped cream) 60 g Milk 15 g Egg yolk 45 g Gentian brandy 45 g Black chocolate min. 55 % 100 g Powdered sugar 60 g Agar-agar 5g Passionata (whipped cream) 125 g Ambiante (whipped cream) 350 g

Na laganoj vatri (do 72⁰C) ukuhati passionatu (60 g), mlijeko, liker, žumance i šećer u prahu. Sve to zajedno pomiješati sa agar-agarom i čokoladom. Umutiti oba vrhnja za šlag. Prvo sjediniti sa masom passionatu, pa onda ručno lopaticom ambiante.

Al low heat (up to 72⁰C) cook passionata (60 g), milk, liqueur, egg yolk and powdered sugar. Mix together with agar-agar and chocolate. Whisk both whipped creams. First add passionata to the mixture and then ambiante with a spatula.

Choco feuille

Choco feuille

300 g temperirane čokolade izliti tanko na podlogu. Kada se ohladi, isjeći na krugove dimenzija 8 cm, 6 cm i 4 cm.

Pour 300 g of temperature-controlled chocolate in a thin layer into the pan. When cool, cut into 8 cm, 6 cm and 4 cm circles.

Pire od borovnice

Blueberry puree

200 g borovnica 100 g šećera 2 g pektina

200 g blueberries 100 g sugar 2 g pectin

Prokuhati borovnicu i šećer, potom dodati pektin i sve zajedno sjediniti.

Cook blueberries and sugar, add pectin and mix well.





Biskvit brašno 200 g šećer u prahu 60 g prehrambena boja crvena 2 g kakao-prah 2 g puter 100 g lješnik prženi sjeckani 100 g passionata vrhnje za šlag 60 g Brašno, šećer, boju i kakao pomiješati, dodati otopljeni puter i lješnike i sve sjediniti. Istanjiti na pek- papiru otprilike 3 mm i peći na 180⁰C 12 minuta. Kada se ohladi, izmrviti i dodati passionatu, potom pomiješati i staviti u modlu debljine 4 mm. Dobro ohladiti i ohlađeno koristiti kao podlogu za desert. Mus od likera od zelenog oraha passionata vrhnje za šlag 60 g mlijeko 15 g žumance 40 g liker od zelenenog oraha 45 g bijela čokolada 100 g šećer u prahu 60 g agar-agar 7 g passionata vrhnje za šlag 125 g ambiante vrhnje za šlag 350 g Na laganoj vatri do 72⁰C ukuhati passionatu (60 g), mlijeko, liker, žumance i šećer u prahu. Sve to zajedno pomiješati sa agar-agarom i bijelom čokoladom. Umutiti oba vrhnja za šlag. Prvo sjediniti sa masom passionatu, pa onda ručno lopaticom ambiante. Izliti u četvrtasti ram, dobro i duboko ohladiti, te isjeći na deset jednakih dijelova Mus od lincure i crne čokolade passionata vrhnje za šlag 60 g mlijeko 15 g žumance 40 g liker od zelenog oraha 45 g crna čokolada min. 55 % 100 g šećer u prahu 60 g agar- agar 5 g passionata (vrhnje za šlag) 125 g ambiante (vrhnje za šlag) 350 g Na laganoj vatrii do 72⁰C ukuhati passionatu (60 g), mlijeko, liker, žumance i šećer u prahu. Sve to zajedno pomiješati sa agar-agarom i čokoladom. Umutiti oba vrhnja za šlag, prvo sjediniti 126

sa masom passionatu, pa onda ručno lopaticom sa ambiante vrhnjem. Izliti u četvrtasti ram, dobro, duboko ohladiti, te isjeći na deset jednakih dijelova. Mus od kokosa passionata (vrhnje za šlag) 30 g mlijeko 30 g žumance 20 g pastra od kokosa 20 g bijela čokolada min. 28 % 50 g šećer u prahu 30 g agar-agar 4 g passionata (vrhnje za šlag) 60 g ambiante (vrhnje za šlag) 175 g Na laganoj vatri (do 72⁰C) ukuhati passionatu (60 g), mlijeko, žumance i šećer u prahu. Sve to zajedno pomiješati sa agar-agarom i čokoladom, potom dodati pastu od kokosa. Umutiti oba vrhnja za šlag. Prvo sjediniti sa masom pasionattu, pa onda ručno lopaticom sa ambiante. Izliti u četvrtasti ram, dobro i duboko ohladiti, te isjeći na deset jednakih dijelova. Čokoladna glazura sa miroar bianco mlijeko 30 g glukozni sirup 50 g belcolade bianco 100 g miroar bianco 100 g želatin u listićima 3.5 g Prokuhati mlijeko i glukozni sirup, potom preliti preko čokolade, sjediniti masu i dodati miroar bianco. Potom sve zajedno dobro izblendati štapnim mikserom. U posebnu posudu potopiti želatin u vodu (dvadesetak minuta), ocijediti ga i dodati u sjedinjenu glazuru. Dobro izblendati sve zajedno i procijediti kroz cjediljku. Temperatura za glaziranje je 45⁰C. Trećinu glazure obojiti zelenom bojom za čokoladu, te tom glazurom preliti mus od likera od zelenog oraha. Drugu trećinu glazure obojiti crnom bojom za čokoladu i preliti čoko mus sa lincurom. Trećom trećinom preliti mus sa kokosom.

Cake: Flour 200 g Powdered sugar 60 g Red food colouring 2 g Cocoa powder 2 g Butter 100 g Roasted chopped hazelnuts 100 g Passionata (whipped cream) 60 g Add melted butter and hazelnuts to the mixture of flour, sugar, colouring and cocoa powder. Mix together thoroughly, roll out on the baking paper to be about 3 mm thick and bake at 180⁰C for 12 minutes. When it cools, crumble and add passionata, mix together and place in the 4 mm thick cake mould. Cool well and use as dessert base. Green walnut liqueur mousse Passionata (whipped cream) 60 g Milk 15 g Egg yolk 45 g Green walnut liqueur 45 g White chocolate 100 g Powdered sugar 60 g Agar-agar 5g Passionata (whipped cream) 125 g Ambiante (whipped cream) 350 g Al low heat (up to 72⁰C) cook passionata (60 g), milk, liqueur, egg yolk and powdered sugar. Mix together with agar-agar and white chocolate. Whisk both whipped creams. First add passionata to the mixture and then ambiante with a spatula. Pour into a square mould, cool well, and cut into ten equal pieces. Gentian brandy and black chocolate mousse: Passionata (whipped cream) 60 g Milk 15 g Egg yolk 45 g Gentian brandy 45 g Black chocolate min. 55 % 100 g Powdered sugar 60 g Agar-agar 5g Passionata (whipped cream) 125 g Ambiante (whipped cream) 350 g

creams. First add passionata to the mixture and then ambiante with a spatula. Pour into a square mould, cool well, and cut into ten equal pieces. Coconut mousse: Passionata (whipped cream) 30 g Milk 30 g Egg yolk 20 g Coconut paste 20 g White chocolate min. 28 % 50 g Powdered sugar 30 g Agar- agar 4 g Passionata (whipped cream) 60 g Ambiante (whipped cream) 175 g Al low heat (up to 72⁰C) cook passionata (60 g), milk, liqueur, egg yolk and powdered sugar. Mix together with agar-agar and chocolate, add coconut paste. Whisk both whipped creams. First add passionata to the mixture and then ambiante with a spatula. Pour into a square mould, cool well, and cut into ten equal pieces. Chocolate frosting with Miroar Bianco: Milk 30 g Glucose syrup 50 g Belcolade Bianco 100 g Miroar Bianco 100 g Gelatine leafs 3.5 g Boil the milk and glucose syrup, pour over chocolate, combine and add Miroar Bianco. Mix everything well with the hand blender. In a separate dish soak the gelatine in water (for twenty minutes), drain and add to the mixture. Combine well together and strain through a sieve. Glazing temperature is 45⁰C. Colour one third of the glaze with green chocolate colouring, and use to cover the green walnut liqueur mousse. Colour the second third of the glaze with black chocolate colouring and use to pour over the gentian brandy mousse. Use the third to pour over the coconut mousse.

Al low heat (up to 72⁰C) cook passionata (60 g), milk, liqueur, egg yolk and powdered sugar. Mix together with agar-agar and chocolate. Whisk both whipped 127


Miris mora i bora. Jedinstven, za mnoge jedini pravi. Nigdje ga nema. I “nima Splita do Splita” ni ljepšeg svetionika od Pharosa. Prozirno plavetnilo Jadrana okupano suncem. Duge, divne plaže, riva za dnevne meditacije i večernje šetnje. Otisci rimske civilizacije, tragovi Mletaka. Ćakulanja. Ribarenja. Brodice. Klape. Cvrčci. Radost. Neposrednost. Gostoprimstvo. Uske kamene ulice. Žaluzine. Lavanda. Jednostavna, a tako omamljujuća kužina. Obilje svježih namirnica, puno ribe, školjki, rakova, maslinovog ulja, začinskog bilja. Sve pršti od boja i aroma. Sve miriše na čisti hedonizam...

The scent of sea and pine. Unique, for many, the only true one. Nowhere else to be found. And “There is no Split without Split”. Nor more beautiful lighthouse than Pharos. Transparent azure of the Adriatic bathed in the sun. Long, beautiful beaches, waterfront for daily meditation and evening walks. Footprints of Roman civilization, traces of Venetians. Chatting. Fishing. Boats. Harmony singing groups. Crickets. Joy. Immediacy. Hospitality. The narrow cobblestone streets. Shutters. Lavender. Simple, yet so intoxicating cuisine. Plenty of fresh ingredients, oodles of fish, shellfish, crab, olive oil and herbs. Everything bursting with colour and aroma. Everything smells like pure hedonism...


o c a r n B wi a S Braco Sanjin

Restoran/Restaurant KADENA, Split

Kuvao je za Stinga, Alanis Moriset, predsjednike država, ali najveće zvijezde za njega su obični ljudi, gosti koji uživaju u njegovoj hrani i to pokazuju. Za jednu gala večeru na jahti spremio je čak 62 slijeda na slow food meniju. “Kadena” je jedan od devet restorana u kojima je postavio standarde. Koristi isključivo svježe, sezonske namirnice i od njih pravi čudo. Još kao dijete volio je da bude uz majku i baku u kuhinji i tamo kupio mirise i trikove. Zato čuva autohtonu dalmatinsku kuhinju, ali je prezentuje na moderan način. Jedini u Hrvatskoj sprema ribu sa lomljenim zrnom pšenice. Kaže da mladi kuvari treba da daju prednost osnovama spremanja jela, a ne atraktivnom serviranju. Smatra da vrhunski kuvari moraju da stvaraju nešto novo, pa čak i na kratkom putu kakav je onaj od stola gosta do kuhinje. Važno je i da chef ima dobar personal koji ga prati u ideji i ljubavi. Cijeni slobodu i misli da bez nje kreacija nije moguća. Jedan je od osnivača Saveza kuhara mediteranskih i evropskih regija (SKMER) i ponosan je na njegove aktivnosti, saradnju bez sujete i kuvanje bez granica.


He cooked for Sting, Alanis Morissette, state presidents, but even the biggest stars for him are just ordinary people, guests who enjoy his food and are not afraid to show it. For a gala dinner on the yacht he even prepared 62 slow food courses. Kadena is one of the nine restaurants in which he has set the standards. He only uses fresh, seasonal ingredients and shapes them into a true miracle. Even as a child he loved to be with his mother and grandma in the kitchen where he collected aromas and learned tricks. He is the only one who in Croatia prepares fish with cracked wheat. He says that young chefs should give precedence to the basics in preparing food over attractive presentation. He believes chefs must create something new, even in the short journey from the kitchen to the guests’ tables. It is important for a chef to have a good staff to trail his idea and his love. He appreciates freedom and believes that creation without freedom is impossible. He is one of the founders of the Alliance of Chefs of Mediterranean and European Regions (SKMER) and very pleased with its activities, vanity-free cooperation, and cooking without borders.

Grilovana kapesanta SA AZIJSKOM RSKOM Nježnobijelo i sočno meso školjke posluženo je sa pireom od cvekle i aromatizovano uljem od koštica šljive. Uz njih se gnijezdi krem od mrkve sa uljem od kafe i ljupka fritula od blitve i krompira. Kao amorova strelica na fritulu je zabodena pipeta sa umakom od pečenih škampa i prošeka. Svi sastojci se tope na jeziku, oslobađajući slojevit ugođaj, a posebnu draž daje originalni miks indijskih oraščića, lanenog sjemena i niza drugih sastojaka u azijskoj rsci. Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM rakijom od šljive i kantariona Savršeno sljubljivanje, zalog vječnosti. Kao crvena jasna linija ukusa, kroz slast školjke i mrkve provlači se blaga, razbuđujuća gorčina i tako na tragu šljivakafa-blitva-kantarion zaokružuje sofisticiranu celinu.

Grilled scallops WITH ASIAN CRISP Gentle white and juicy scallop flesh is served with a beet puree flavoured with prune pits oil. Nested along is the carrot cream with coffee oil and lovely spinach and potatoes fritter. Pipette with roasted shrimp and sherry sauce is pinned on top of the fritter as Amor’s arrow. All ingredients melt on the tongue releasing a stratified experience, and the special charm oozes from the original mix of cashew nuts, flax seed and a number of other ingredients in the Asian crisp. Paired with MONOGRAM Plum and Hypericum Brandy Perfect blending, pledge of eternity. And a gentle, awakening bitterness rounded up along the plumcoffee-chard-hypericum trail as a clear red line of taste runs through the sweetness of scallops and carrots.

Potrebno je:


dvije veće capesante dvije manje cvekle dvije mrkve 20 dkg škampa (neočišćenih) prošek 0,1 l ulje od košpice šljive 0,01 l ulje od kafe 0,01 l so biber sjemenke lana korica limete biljno ulje blitva 10 dkg indijski oraščić brašno 10 dkg prašak za pecivo

Cveklu očistimo i skuhamo. Štapnim mikserom napravimo kremu i začinimo solju i uljem košpica šljive. Mrkvu očistimo i skuhamo te štapnim mikserom napravimo kremu i začinimo solju, biberom i uljem od kafe. Škampe neočišćene zapečemo, dodamo prošek, malo vode i kuhamo dok se umak ne redukuje. Indijske oraščiće stučemo drvenim čekićem na krupnije komadiće pa ih tostiramo u tavi bez ulja. Isto napravimo sa sjemenkama lana. Pomiješamo oraščić i sjemenke lana, naribamo koricu limete i začinimo solju i biberom. Blitvu operemo i isječemo na sitne rezance. U jednoj posudi zamijesimo malo gušću smjesu za palačinke, unutra dodamo blitvu te prepržimo u dubokom ulju. Capesantu očistimo, začinimo solju i biljnim uljem, pa pečemo na grilu ili gril-tavi. Mora biti napola pečena. Serviranje: Na kremu od cvekle stavljamo napola pečenu capesantu. Kremu od mrkve serviramo sa strane. Fritulu od blitve isto serviramo sa strane te u nju zabodemo ampulicu s umakom od pečenih škampa i prošeka.

Required ingredients:


Two large scallops Two smaller beets Two carrots 20 dkg of shrimp (with heads and tails) Prosecco 0.1 l Plum kernel oil 0.01 l Coffee seed oil 0.01 l Salt Pepper Flax seeds Lime zest Vegetable oil Swiss chard 10 dkg Cashews Flour 10 dkg Baking powder

Clean the beets and boil them. Puree them with the hand blender, season with salt and plum kernel oil. Clean the carrots and boil them; puree with the hand blender and season with salt, pepper and coffee seed oil. Bake the shrimp with heads and tails, add Prosecco, a bit of water, and cook until the sauce reduces. With a wooden mallet crush the cashews into larger chunks and toast them in a pan without oil. Do the same with flax seeds. Mix flax seeds and cashews, add lime zest and season with salt and pepper. Wash Swiss chard and cut into strips. In a separate dish prepare a thick pancake batter; add Swiss chard and deep fry. Clean the scallops, season with salt and vegetable oil, bake on the grill or in the grill pan. Scallops must be half-baked. Plating: Place half-baked scallops over beet root cream. Serve carrot cream on the side. Serve Swiss chard fritters next to the carrot cream, garnish with an ampule filled with Prosecco and baked shrimp reduction.



j l e Ž ven c e N rem B Željko Neven Bremec BISTRO NO STRESS, Split

Višestruki kuvar godine u Hrvatskoj što mu je donijelo titulu viteza kulinarstva. Kombinuje klasičnu francusku kuhinju prefinjenih tehnika sa pomalo divljom dalmatinskom kuhinjom. U bistrou “No stress” radi u kuhinji od svega 13 kvadratnih metara, što mu ne smeta da smišlja različite izazove, ukrašava jelo sa nekom od 14 vrsta jestivog cvijeća i poslužuje svaki dan drugi prilog. Voli da zna za kog konkretnog gosta kuva. I kod kuće uživa da isprobava novotarije. Voli čulnost, toplotu, zvuke i mirise kuhinje. Svjestan je da ovaj posao iziskuje puno rada, ali drži ga dobra energija, koju pruža i koja mu se vraća, saradnju sa timom i stvaranje. Misli da su takmičenja dobra jer promovišu struku, kao i da cio život treba edukovati sebe, radnu okolinu i goste. Uvjeren je da je osnovni zadatak masterchefa da stečena znanja prenese drugima, pa sa zadovoljstvom učestvuje u aktivnostima Saveza kuhara mediteranskih i evropskih regija.


Repeatedly the chef of the year in Croatia that earned him the title of the Knight de Cuisine. He combines classic French cuisine and its sophisticated techniques with somewhat wild Dalmatian cuisine. At No Stress Bistro, cooking in the kitchen of only 13 square meters does not prevent him to come up daily with various challenges, garnish dishes with some of the 14 species of edible flowers and serve new side dish each day. He likes to know for whom he is cooking. He enjoys trying out innovations at home too. He loves sensuality, heat, sounds and smells of the kitchen. He is well aware that this industry requires plenty of work, but is motivated by good energy he gives and receives, and cooperation with his team and creativity. He believes that competitions are good as they promote the profession, as well as that one should endeavour in the mission of life-long learning in regards to oneself, the work environment and guests. He is convinced that the main mission of the master chef is to transfer acquired knowledge, and therefore with utmost pleasure participates with colleagues in activities of the Alliance of Chefs of the Mediterranean and European Regions.

Goveđi obrazi

Beef cheeks



Divno spremljeni obraščići, taman za štipkanje prstima. Meko meso posluženo na rustičnoj palenti upotpunjeno je slatkasto-slanim pireom od jabuke i jabukovim umakom. Gusta šalša obogaćena je sjemenkama suncokreta, pa njena blagost puca i vrca ispod nepca.

Lovely prepared cheeks, just to want to pinch them with your fingers. Tender meat is served on a rustic polenta and complemented by a sweet and savoury apple puree and apple sauce. A thick sauce is enriched with sunflower seeds, and its gentleness bursts and jugs below the palate.

Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM rakijom od jabuke

Paired with MONOGRAM Apple Brandy

Mirisna jabuka rashlađuje i osvježava, oplemenjuje robusnost govedine i harmonično uvezuje sve voćne arome.

Fragrant apple cools and refreshes, refines the robustness of beef, and harmoniously incorporates all fruit flavours.


GOVEÐI OBRAZI S UMAKOM OD “MONOGRAM“ JABUKOVAČE ZAPEČENA PALENTA S DODIROM LIMUNA ŠALŠA SA SJEMENKAMA SUNCOKRETA PIRE OD ZELENE JABUKE (ZA 2 OSOBE) Goveđe obraze očistiti od opne. Začiniti krupnom morskom solju i biberom, korjenastim povrćem i ekstra djevičanskim maslinovim uljem. Pustiti da se marinira preko noći. U posudi za dinstanje naglo propržiti obraze sa obje strane. Flambirati “Monogram” jabukovačom i podliti demi-glace umakom. Lagano dinstati dva sata u polupokrivenoj posudi uz povremeno okretanje. Pred kraj dotjerati ukus umaka rakijom i marmeladom od jabuke. Na samom kraju umak procijediti kroz fino sito. Palentu skuhati u povrtnom temeljcu uz dodatak korice limuna, cvijeta soli te ekstra djevičanskog maslinovog ulja s aromom limuna. Izliti palentu u namašćeni pleh ili kalup. Palentu prije posluživanja zapeći u rerni da dobije hrskavu koricu. Na maslinovom ulju propržiti luk, mrkvu i korijen celera. Kad požuti, dodati konkase od paradajza, so, biber, malo šećera i kuhati otprilike 45 minuta dok se šalša ne zgusne. Na kraju začiniti sjeckanim peršunom i bijelim lukom. U začinjenu šalšu umiješati sjemenke suncokreta i dodatno zgusnuti. Na maslacu propržiti kockice zelene jabuke, lagano začiniti. Kad omekšaju, prebaciti ih u multipraktik i dodati krem sir. Napraviti pire. Ukrasiti svježim zelenim jabukama.


BEEF CHEEKS WITH MONOGRAM APPLE BRANDY SAUCE BAKED POLENTA WITH A TOUCH OF LEMON SALSA WITH SUNFLOWER SEEDS GREEN APPLE PUREE (FOR 2) Clean beef cheeks from skin. Season with coarse sea salt and pepper, root vegetables and extra virgin olive oil. Let marinate overnight. In a sautéing dish quickly brown the cheeks on both sides. Flambé with Monogram Apple Brandy and add some demi-glace. Gently simmer for two hours in a half-covered dish, occasionally turning. Towards the end dress the taste with brandy and apple sauce. At the very end, strain the sauce through a fine sieve. Cook the polenta in vegetable broth with added lemon peel, pinch of salt and lemon-flavoured extra virgin olive oil. Pour the polenta into a greased baking dish or mould. Before serving, bake the polenta in the oven to brown and crispy. Sauté onion, carrots, and celery root in olive oil. When golden, add tomato concasse, salt, pepper, a pinch of sugar, and cook for approximately 45 minutes until salsa thickens. At the end season with finely chopped parsley and garlic. Add sunflower seeds to the seasoned salsa and reduce. Sauté green apple cubes in butter and season lightly. Once tender, transfer to the food processor and add cream cheese. Puree. Garnish with fresh green apples.


ć i o r e ov n P va a S Pero Savanović

Restoran/Restaurant MEDITERAN, Primošten

Ne voli kompromise, teži visokim standardima i posvećen je hedonističkom načinu razmišljanja. To ga je i spojilo sa vlasnikom restorana “Mediteran”, gdje u otvorenoj kuhinji koristi najkvalitetnije namirnice dalmatinskog podneblja. Nije zadovoljan kada gost samo kaže da je hrana dobra, već kada ponovo dođe u restoran. Većinu stalnih gostiju zna po imenu i prima ih kao u svoj dom. Njihov osmijeh prihvata kao najveću medalju za kvalitet. Vjeruje da su namirnice najbolje u podnebljima odakle su i da treba osluškivati prirodu. Iako, kako sam kaže, živi trista na sat, voli da brine o hrani, a zna da hrana umije da uzvrati tu brigu. Na sve te mirise i ukuse, zadatak kuvara je da doda ljubav i da uz jela sa menija uvijek posluži i doživljaj. Misli da smo generalno robovi stereotipa i preporučuje otvorenost ka novim kombinacijama i ukusima.


Doesn’t like compromises, strives to high standards and is dedicated to the hedonic way of thinking. United with the owner of the Restaurant Mediteran, where in the open kitchen he uses the best ingredients of the Dalmatian region. What makes him happy is not when guests simply rate the food as good, but when they return. He knows almost all regulars by name and welcomes them as in his own home. Their smile is his greatest medal for quality. He believes that ingredients are the best in their native climates and that nature should be listened to. Even though, as he often says, he lives in the fast line, he likes to take care of the food, and he knows that food can repay it. Chef’s task is to add love to aromas and tastes and to serve dishes on the menu with experience. He believes that we all generally are enslaved by stereotypes and recommends being open to new combinations and tastes.

ć Morska plata “STRAST JAČA OD LJUBAVI” Lagana, a zavodljiva i mirisna šetnja od sen žak školjki u velute umaku, preko zaigranih flambiranih kozica na tren se umiri na hobotnici na brudetu, da bi se uzvitlala ponovo kroz školjke i škampe na buzaru i dostigla klimaks uz grbavice zapečene sa začinskim biljem. Sve se produžava u bijelom vinu i kroz dugu noć. Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM rakijom od jabuke Dinamičnost i uskovitlanost jela traži jaču podršku od kruške, standardnog pratioca ribljih specijaliteta. Jabuka je donijela artikulisanost i usmjerenost u strastveno jelo, ne dopuštajući mu da sagori, već da opstane sublimisano u sjećanju.

Seafood platter “PASSION STRONGER THAN LOVE” Lightweight, yet seductive and fragrant walk from scallops in beetroot sauce, over playful flambé shrimp, reassured for a moment in the octopus stew, to once again spiral away through boiled prawns and climax with shells baked with herbs. It all extends in white wine into the long night. Paired with MONOGRAM Apple Brandy The dynamism and whirl of the dish sought increased support from the pear, as standard companion of fish dishes. The apple brought articulation and orientation in this passionate dish, not allowing it to burn out but to endure sublimated in memory. 141

JAKOBOVE KAPICE Meso školjke naglo prepečemo, flambiramo konjakom, stavimo u školjku uz dodatak repova kozica, prekrijemo ribljim veluteom, naribamo sir grana padano, te gratiniramo u salamanderu. Riblji velute napravimo tako da u posudu stavimo mješavinu maslinovog ulja i maslaca, te dodamo odgovarajuću količinu brašna, zalijemo ribljom supom, dodamo bijeli luk, peršun, konjak i vrhnje, pustimo da prokuha i procijedimo na fino sito. FLAMBIRANE KOZICE NA RIKULI Rikulu začinimo maslinovim uljem i aceto balsamicom, dodamo čeri paradajz i domaće kapare. Na jako vruću tavu bacimo prethodno oguljene kozice, flambiramo konjakom, začinimo solju, biberom, svježe sječenim peršunom, te bacimo po začinjenoj salati, a na vrh izribamo fine strugotine grana padano sira. HOBOTNICA NA BRUDET U teču na maslinovom ulju zažutimo mladi luk, ljutiku ili luk srebrenac. Dodamo hobotnicu, koju smo prethodno skuhali i isjekli na komade. Stavimo bijeli luk i peršun, te dinstamo uz dodatk pelata (pulpe paradajza). Podlijevamo ribljom supom i prošekom, te začinimo mediteranskim biljem (majčina dušica i bosiljak), po želji dodamo peperoncin ili kajenski papar da bude pikantnije. Seviramo uz palentu koju smo kuhali u ribljoj supi, a obogatili je maslinovim uljem i krem sirom mascarpone. MIJEŠANA BUZARA OD JADRANSKIH ŠKAMPI I ŠKOLJKI Školjke i škampe stavimo u zagrijanu posudu na maslinovo ulje. Dodamo fino isječen bijeli luk i peršun. Flambiramo konjakom, ugasimo bijelim vinom, dodamo kašiku do dvije dalmatinske šalše od paradajza.Po želji dodamo malo peproncina, podlijemo s još malo ribljeg temeljca, pustimo da se blago redukuje i serviramo u posudi u kojoj smo kuhali. 142

SCALLOPS Sear the scallops, flambテゥ with cognac, and place back in the shell, add shrimp tails, cover with fish veloute, grate Grana Padano, and gratinate in the salamander. For the fish veloute, in a bowl mix butter and olive oil, add the appropriate amount of flour, cover with fish soup, add garlic, parsley, cognac and cream, boil, and strain through a fine sieve. FLAMBテ右D SHRIMP ON ARUGULA Season the arugula with olive oil and aceto balsamico, add cherry tomatoes and homemade capers. Pan fry previously peeled shrimp in a hot pan, flambテゥ with cognac, season with salt, pepper, fresh cut parsley, and place over seasoned salad, and top with fine shavings of Grana Padano cheese. OCTOPUS STEW In a pan brown green onions, shallots, or white onions in olive oil. Add octopus, previously cooked and cut into pieces. Add garlic and parsley and stew with peeled tomatoes (tomato pulp). Keep adding fish stock and Dalmatian Prosecco, season with Mediterranean herbs (thyme and basil), for a spicy note add pepperoncini or cayenne pepper to taste. Serve with polenta cooked in fish stock and seasoned with olive oil and mascarpone cheese cream. MIXED ADRIATIC SHRIMP AND SHELLS STEW Place shellfish and shrimp in a warm dish over olive oil. Add finely cut garlic and parsley. Flambテゥ with cognac, quench with white wine, add a spoonful or two of Dalmatian tomato salsa. As desired, add some green peppers, a bit more fish stock, let it slightly reduce and serve in the dish it cooked in.



ć o i v v r e H iroj Z Hrvoje Zirojević

Restoran LAGANINI, Pakleni otoci kraj Hvara, uvala Palmižana Restaurant LAGANINI, Pakleni otoci near Hvar, Palmižana Bay

I poslije dvadesetak godina u poslu, kuvanje mu je još uvijek izazov. Tome pogoduje činjenica da se na gastronomskoj sceni mnogo šta promijenilo na bolje i da se svijet približio lokalnim podnebljima. Uživa da otkriva stara jela, a obilje namirnica koje se mogu naći u Jadranu, prava su inspiracija. S guštom koristi morske trave i pravi čips od riblje kože. Od početka karijere gura neki svoj nesvakidašnji pristup i kako kaže, ne da se ukalupiti. Zato voli odriješene ruke u kuhinji. Sloboda je neophodna, tvrdi, ali zna da se ona zaslužuje kao i povjerenje. Svjestan je šta može, zna i umije i želi da od „ Laganinija“ načini najbolji restoran na Jadranu. Priznaje da je kuvanje težak posao, koji traži puno znanja i energije, i da je zato kuvaru neophodna podrška porodice i dobar tim. Za Hrvoja kuvanje nije samo ljubav, već cio život.


For him even after twenty years in business, cooking is still a challenge. This is supported by the fact that in the gastronomic scene a lot has changed for the better, and the world has come nearer to local climates. He enjoys bringing the old dishes back to life, and the true abundance of ingredients found in the Adriatic for him are an inspiration. With pleasure he uses seaweed and makes fish skin chips. From the very beginning of his career he has been assertive in his own, unusual approach, and as he says, that is not to be moulded. That is why he loves carte blanche in the kitchen. Freedom is indispensable, he claims, but knows that it is also deserved, just like trust. He is well aware of what he can, know and is able to, and wants to make Laganini the best restaurant in the Adriatic. He admits that cooking is hard work that requires a lot of knowledge and energy, and therefore a necessary family support and a good team. Cooking for Hrvoje is not just his love, it is his entire life.



Potpuri od morskih plodova, ples vatre i vode. Flambirana tortica od liganja sa umakom od pečenih gambora u susretu sa sirovim školjkama i škampima, jedinstvena ikra od crne morske trave i zanosni tartar od tune, meso od raka na brunoaz (brunoises)povrću. Ukus dubine i potpunog prepuštanja. Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM rakijom viljamovkom Aristokratska svježina kruške parira prefinjenim i nesvakidašnjim morskim kombinacijama i za tren čini da bogovi budu vidljivi i na domak ruke.



Seafood potpourri, dancing fire and water. Flambé calamari cake with roasted prawns sauce joining with raw shellfish and shrimp, unique spawns of black seaweed and enthusiastic tuna tartar, crab meat on brunoises vegetables. The taste of depth and total abandonment. Paired with MONOGRAM Pear Brandy Aristocratic freshness of pear competes with the refined and unusual seafood combination, and for a moment makes Gods visible and at hand.


Potrebne namirnice: lignje 200 g mlijeko ½ dl maslinovo ulje ¼ dl povrće 100 g demiglas od gambora 1 dl Od lignji, mlijeka i maslinovog ulja pomoću štapnog miksera napravimo kremastu masu i stavimo u okrugli kalup obložen papirom za pečenje. Pospemo parmezanom i krušnim mrvicama i pečemo na 180 stepeni 20 minuta. Povrće isječemo na kockice, na njega serviramo torticu od lignji, a na nju tartar od tune koji smo začinili maslinovim uljem i limunovim sokom. Uz ovo jelo serviramo sos od prženih ljuski gambora.

Required ingredients: Squid 200 g Milk ½ dl Olive oil ¼ dl Vegetables 100 g Shrimp demi-glace 1 dl Using hand blender, mix squid, milk and olive oil into a creamy paste and place in the round mould lined with baking paper. Sprinkle with parmesan and bread crumbs and bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. Cut vegetables into cubes, top with squid cake, place tuna tartar seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice on top. Serve with the roasted shrimp shells sauce.




Ona ima sve: kamen, more, šumu i maslinu, tartufe, malvaziju i teran. Ima oaze tišine i dinamične izlete, čuvene znamenitosti i neotkrivene predjele, jednostavnost i ekskluzivnost. Ima tu prirodnu, pomalo divlju ljepotu, ima divne, vrijedne ljude. Uvijek posebna, malo na svoju ruku, ali je baš zato vole.

It has it all. Rocks and sea, forests and olive trees. And truffles, and Malvasia and Teran. And oasis of tranquillity and dynamic excursions. And famous attractions and undiscovered landscapes. And simplicity and exclusivity. It has that natural, slightly wild beauty, and wonderful, hardworking people. Always particular, a little bit on its own, but loved precisely for that.

n i a m š a u r D od M Damir Modrušan Restoran/Restaurant ZIGANTE, Livade

Kuvao je po italijanskim skijalištima i jahtama, formirao kuhinje najboljih bistroa i restorana, a danas je specijalista za jela sa tartufima. Hvali svoj mladi tim iz kuhinje “Zigantea”, prepoznajući u njima talenat i želju za učenjem. Naglašava da je edukacija jako bitna i da ako želite postići mnogo, morate imati znanje, ali i disciplinu, budući da posao chefa iziskuje puno odgovornosti. Ipak, napominje da kreativnost ne vrijedi ništa ako nemate samopouzdanje, malo “pozitivnog ludila” i podršku - onaj čuveni “vjetar u leđa”. Kuhati je počeo još kao dječak, sa bratom, a danas se trudi da sačuva autohtonu istarsku kuhinju. Nikada nije volio da kopira tuđe, pa tako starim receptima daje svoj pečat, praveći maneštru u kuglicama, kavijar od kukuruza i kremu od kosti pršute. Najviše voli da sprema ribu, paste i rižoto, jer je, ipak, “dečko s mora”. U duši je, kako sam kaže, roker i uživa u svemu što je dobro.

He has cooked in Italian resorts and yachts, established kitchens of best bistros and restaurants, and today specialises in truffle dishes. He praises his young team from Zigante kitchen, recognising in them the talent and the desire to learn. He stresses that education is very important, and that high achievement requires knowledge and discipline, since chef’s work is a great responsibility. However, he notes that creativity is worthless if self-confidence is lacking, that slight “positive madness” and support, that famous “tail wind”. His work in the kitchen started as a young boy, with his brother, and today he tries to preserve the authentic Istria cuisine. He never liked to copy someone else’s work, so he gives the old recipes his own signature seal, by making minestrone balls, corn caviar, bone ham cream. He prefers to cook fish, pasta and risotto, as he is, after all “a kid from the coast”. Deep down in his soul he is, as he likes to say, a rocker, and enjoys everything good.



Guščija jetra SA PATEOM OD TELEĆEG JEZIKA I LJETNJIM TARTUFIMA Spoj dva gastronomska delikatesa meke strukture i snažnog karaktera, autoritet koji se gradi na povjerenju, a ne na sili. Pjenasti i razigrani dvobojni valjčić okružen mirnim žele sosom od terana i posut ljetnjim pahuljama od tartufa. Licenca za prepuštanje i uživanje. Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM rakijom od dunje Ovdje je dunja i mirišljava zavodnica, koja će hrani dati novu energiju, i stabilna ruka, koja će umiriti i balansirati sve kaprice ovog ekskluzivnog jela.

Goose liver WITH VEAL TONGUE PATE AND SUMMER TRUFFLES Joining of two gastronomic delicacies of soft structure and strong character. As an authority that is built on trust, not on force. Foamy and playful two-tone roller surrounded with a calm Teran jelly and sprinkled with summer truffle flakes. License for indulgence and enjoyment. Paired with MONOGRAM Quince Brandy The quince here is both a fragrant temptress that gives food new energy, and stable hand that soothes and balances all the quirks of this exclusive dish.

Potrebne namirnice:


100 g telećeg jezika 50 g guščje jetre 1 g svježeg timjana 40 g lardo pancete 1 žumanjak 0,20 g vrhnja za kuhanje so biber

Teleći jezik skuhati, očistiti i samljeti u paštetu. Lardo pancetu otopiti i pomiješati sa paštetom od telećeg jezika, posoliti, pobiberiti i dodati timjan. Guščju jetru očistiti od žilica, umiješati žumanjak, vrhnje za kuhanje,so,biber i kuhati na pari do 70 stepeni. Guščju jetru zatim treba ohladiti u valjkastom kalupu. Na prozirnu foliju razvaljati teleći jezik na debljinu od 0,5 cm. Položiti guščju jetru na teleći jezik i obmotati је jezikom. Zamotati u foliju kao valjak i pustiti da se ohladi u frižideru. Podloga od terana 1 dl terana 0,04 g gelificante 5 g šećera U teran staviti šećer i gelificante. Promiješati i zakuhati. Izliti u kalup i pustiti da se ohladi.


Required ingredients:


100 g veal tongue 50 g goose liver 1 g fresh thyme 40 g lardo 1 egg yolk 0.20 g cooking cream Salt Pepper

Cook veal tongue, clean and mince into a pate. Melt lardo and mix with veal tongue pate, add salt, pepper, and thyme. Clean goose liver from veins, add egg yolk, cooking cream, salt, pepper, and steam at 70 degrees. Cool goose liver in a cylindrical mould. Roll out veal tongue on transparency foil to be 0.5 cm thick. Place goose liver over veal tongue and wrap with veal tongue. Roll the foil and let it cool in the refrigerator. Teran base 1 dl Teran 0.04 g gelling agent 5 g sugar Place gelling agent and sugar in the Teran. Mix and cook. Pour in the mould and let it cool.


i v o a D ok k S David Skoko

KONOBA BATELINA, Banjole, kraj Pule

TAVERN BATELINA, Banjole, near Pula

Ako želite da probate tridesetak jela koja sprema u svom porodičnom restoranu, morate zakazati bar 10 dana unaprijed. “Batelina” je posljednjih godina gastronomska senzacija jer David pravi čarolije od onog što neki drugi ugostitelji ne bi ni pogledali: ribe nižih kategorija, riblje iznutrice i slično. Meni zavisi od dnevnog ulova, a otkupi se i ono što klinci iz zabave upecaju. Koriste se samo lokalni začini i vina. Davidova ideja je da predstavi i izvuče najbolje iz namirnice i da valorizuje ribarski trud. To itekako razumije, pošto je i sam iz ribarske porodice. Kaže da ni kao porodica ni kao restoran nisu bili nikad konvencionalni i ponosan je na to. Sam je primjer te originalnosti, on je bajker dječačkog osmijeha, kojeg nosi jednako nonšalantno kao i brojne tetovaže. Osim što sprema hranu, nerijetko je sam i posluži, a i konobarima dozvoljava da daju svoj lični pečat. To doprinosi opuštenoj atmosferi, koja je dobra za ionako težak posao kojim se bave.


If wanting to sample some thirty dishes he prepares in his family restaurant, you will have to make a reservation at least 10 days ahead. In recent years Batelina has become a gastronomic sensation since David makes magic from what other restaurateurs would not even look at: the lower categories of fish, fish offal and so on. The menu depends on the daily catch, including the fish caught by kids out of fun. He uses only local spices and wines. David’s idea is to present and make the best of ingredients and to valorise fisherman’s effort. He understands that effort very well as he himself comes from a family of fisherman. He says that they were unconventional both as a family and as a restaurant and he is proud of that. He is a true specimen of that originality as a biker with a boyish smile that he carries with the same nonchalance as numerous tattoos. Besides preparing food, he often serves it himself, and lets waiters give their personal touch. That contributes to the relaxed atmosphere which is great for the already very difficult job they do.

Jetra od grdobine SA ZAPEČENOM PALENTOM Meka duša morske nemani. Ukus dubine i avanture. Slast marmelade od luka fino zaintrigira ajoli sos sa bijelim lukom i domaćim šafranom. Sve to idealno dopunjava rustična, hrskava palenta sa heljdom, aroma djetinjstva i jednostavnosti. Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM rakijom viljamovkom Kruška se ovde potrudila da unese malo vatre, a njena elegancija ponudila je odličan balans pomalo divljem jelu.

Monkfish liver WITH BAKED POLENTA Tender soul of the sea monster. The taste of depth and adventure. The sweetness of the onion marmalade finely intrigues the garlic aioli and homemade saffron. All is ideally complemented with the rustic, crunchy buckwheat polenta, the aroma of childhood and simplicity. Paired with MONOGRAM Pear Brandy The pear here has made an effort to bring in some fire; nevertheless its elegance has provided an excellent balance to a slightly wild dish.


Namirnice za dvije porcije:


jetra grdobine 200 g (jetru grdobine možete naručiti kod omiljenog trgovca ribom kako bi vam je sačuvao prilikom čišćenja ribe)

Jetru grdobine očistiti od žilica, blago posoliti te pustiti da se ocijedi. Crveni luk nasjeckati na kockice i kuhati s moskavado šećerom 30 minuta da omekša, dodati crno vino i kuhati dok se ne redukuje u marmeladu. Pri kraju dodati malo “Monogram” viljamovke. Bijeli luk kuhati na pari dok ne omekša.Šafran namočiti u malo tople vode i umješati s kremastim lukom da se dobije fina pasta. Nekoliko kapi limuna i maslinovo ulje dodavati kao da pravite majonezu, posoliti i pobiberitii po želji. Palentu kuhati jedan sat u omjeru 3:1. Pri kuhanju dodati malo maslinova ulja i soli. Palentu staviti u kalup i pustiti da se ohladi.

1 glavica crvenog luka dvije kašike moskavado smeđeg šećera 2dl crnog vina 2 glavica bijelog luka 6-8 pera šafrana domaća grubo meljena palenta so biber kriška limuna maslinovo ulje “Monogram” viljamovka


Serviranje: Kada smo napravili pripremu, serviranje je krajnje jednostavno. Tanko narezane ploške palente propržiti dok ne postanu hrskave. Narezati jetru na ploške debljine 5 mm, okrenuti dvaput na tavi i kratko flambirati „Monogram“ viljamovkom. Položiti filete jetre na marmeladu od luka, dodati kašiku aiolija i ploške hrskave palente, malo bibera, kap maslinova ulja i jelo je gotovo!

Ingredients for two servings:


Monkfish liver 200 g (Monkfish liver can be ordered from your favourite fish trader who can save it for you when cleaning the fish)

Clean the monkfish liver from veins, slightly season with salt, and let it drain. Chop red onion into cubes and cook with Muscovado sugar for 30 minutes until soft, add red wine and cook until reduced into a marmalade. At the end add a touch of “Monogram” Pear Brandy. Steam garlic until soft. Soak saffron in warm water and mix with creamy garlic to obtain a fine paste. Keep adding drops of lemon and olive oil to make the aioli, season with salt and pepper to taste. Cook polenta in 3 parts liquid to 1 part polenta for one hour. While cooking, add a touch of olive oil and salt. Place the polenta into the mould and let it cool.

1 red onion Two spoons of Muscovado sugar 2 dl red wine 2 garlic heads 6-8 saffron sprigs Homemade coarse grind polenta Salt Pepper Lemon wedge Olive oil “Monogram” Pear Brandy

Serving: Once the preparation is complete, serving is quite simple. Fry thinly sliced polenta until crispy. Slice liver into 5 mm thick slices, pan sear on both sides and briefly flambé with “Monogram” Pear Brandy. Place the liver fillets over onion marmalade; add a spoonful of aioli, crispy polenta cakes, a bit of pepper, a drop of olive oil, and the dish is served!




Čarobni dragulj Slovenije. Idilično jezero sa ljupkim ostrvcetom nudi mir i opuštanje, a u svojoj okolini krije brojne atrakcije. Šetalište je okruženo zelenilom po kojem slobodno šetaju labudovi, a bajkoviti zamak iz 11. vijeka mami svojom tajanstvenošću. Ne propustite vožnju fijakerom i čuvenu poslasticu “blejsku kremnu rezinu”.

Magical gem of Slovenia. The idyllic lake with a delightful tiny island offers peace and relaxation, and hides in the background numerous attractions. The promenade is surrounded by vegetation with swans walking freely, and the fairy-tale castle from the 11th century lures with mystery. The carriage ride and the famous Bled Cream Cake dessert (blejsku kremnu rezinu) are not to be missed.


a m l ć A eki R Alma Rekić

Hotel PARK, Sava Resorts Hotels

Dan počinje trčanjem oko jezera, a svoj tim od desetak ljudi okuplja već u šest ujutro. Tako mora jer treba pripremiti 15 torti i 20 ostalih vrsta deserta. Svakog dana naprave pet hiljada kremšnita čija je Alma neprikosnovena kraljica. Jedina žena masterchef u Sloveniji i osvajačica 2. mjesta na Svjetskom takmičenju poslastičara u Luksemburgu. Poslastičartsvo je sama učila, a i dan- danas joj taj posao predstavlja izazov. Voli da eksperimentiše i uživa u pravljenju slatkih vajarskih djela. Vuče je adrenalin da samu sebe forsira i ispituje granice zanata, što traži mnogo vremena i ulaganja. Želja joj je da otvori Poslastičarsku akademiju gdje bi mlađima prenijela znanje o teksturama, tajmingu i balansima i gde bi zajedno s njima ostvarivala snove o novim finesama i skulpturama.

The day begins with a jog around the lake, and the team is already rounded up and ready at six in the morning. It has to be so since there are 15 cakes and 20 other types of deserts to be made. They make five thousand cream cakes, of which Alma is the undisputed queen. The only women Master Chef in Slovenia, the winner of the 2nd place in the Culinary World Cup in Luxembourg. She is self-thought in the pastry business, and that job for her is still a challenge. She loves to experiment and enjoys making sweet sculptures. She is pulled by adrenalin to push herself and test the limits of the trade that require a lot of time and investment. Her desire is to open a Pastry Academy to convey her knowledge to younger generations regarding textures, timing, and balance, and to jointly realise dreams about new finesse and sculptures.


Mus od kefira SA KRAMBLOM OD KOKOSA I MALINE I KREMOM I SORBEOM OD MANGA Osvježavajuća egzotična kombinacija. Vazdušasti, lagani mus na biskvitu, okružen dominantnim mangom i naglašen sočnom kuglicom od dvije vrste čokolade. Kapi maline kao slatke suze radosnice. Puslice kao ljetnji šeširići daju iskričavi šarm. Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM likerom od maline Šumska aroma maline lijepo dopunjava djevojački karakter ovog deserta. Slast radoznalosti i mladosti. Fini balans sa tropskim ukusima. Strasni poljubac za nježni mus.

Kefir mousse WITH COCONUT RASBERY CRUMBLE AND MANGO SORBET Refreshing exotic combination. Airy, light mousse on sponge cake surrounded by the dominant mango and emphasized with a savoury ball made from two types of chocolate. Raspberry drops as sweet tears of joy. Meringues as summer hats give the dish its sparkling charm. Paired with MONOGRAM Raspberry Liquor Forest aroma of the raspberry nicely complements the girlish character of this dessert. The sweetness of curiosity and youth. A fine balance with tropical flavours. Passionate kiss for a gentle mousse. 163

Jacondе biskvit sa lješnikom: 4 bjelanca 75 g šećera vanilin-šećer 100 g mljevenih badema 30 g lješnika (granulat) 30 g mljevenih lješnika Bjelanca i šećer umutimo, dodamo ostatak namirnica, izlijemo na papir za pečenje i pečemo 20 minuta na 160⁰C.

Mus od crne čokolade: 115 g slatke pavlake 225 g crne čokolade 32 g glukoze 2 lista želatina 200 g napola umućene slatke pavlake Ugrijemo slatku pavlaku i dodamo želatin koji smo prethodno ostavili u vodi da odstoji. Kada provri, dodati crnu čokoladu i miješati dok se ne istopi. Ohladiti smjesu na 35⁰C i dodati napola umućenu slatku pavlaku.

Sorbe od manga: 500 g pirea od manga 25 g glukoze 2,5 g stabilizatora 18,2 g meda 94 g šećera 217 g vode Vodu zagrijavati i dodati šećer, glukozu i med. Smjesu dovesti do ključanja. Kada smjesa bude mlaka, dodati pire od manga i stabilizator. Ostaviti da se prohladi. U mlaku smjesu dodati pire od manga i stabilizator te zamrznuti.


Sos od maline: 200 g zamrznutih malina 150 g šećera 50 g glukoze 15 g skroba Maline kuvati sa šećerom i glukozom pa dodati skrob.

Umak od manga: 150 g pirea od manga 60 g šećera 30 g slatke pavlake 10 g skroba 20 g glukoze Pire od manga kuvati sa šećerom i glukozom. Smjesu zgusnuti skrobom. Kada se ohladi, dodati slatku pavlaku.

Film mliječne čokolade: 200 g šećera 100 g glukoze 150 g mliječne čokolade 0,2 l vode Vodu sa glukozom zavriti da se skoro karamelizuje. Dodati rendanu čokoladu, miješati i izliti na silikonsku podlogu te peći 10 minuta na 180⁰C. Ohlađenu koru izmeljemo u prah, a potom je u cjedilu istopimo direktno na silikon. Opet pečemo na 180⁰C, ohladimo i izlomimo na manje komade za dekoraciju.

Espum od pina kolade: 200 g soka od ananasa 5 cl Bacardia 100 g kokosovog mlijeka 30 g emulgator-sosa u pasti Sve sastojke sjediniti ručnim mikserom i dobro ih ohladiti.

Kokosov krambl sa dehidriranim malinama: 100 g brašna 100 g kokosovog brašna 100 g putera 50 g šećera 70 g dehidriranih malina Rukama izgnječiti puter, brašno i kokosovo brašno dok se ne napravi krambl. Smjesu postaviti na silikonsku podlogu i peći 20 minuta na 150⁰C. Kada je pečeno, ohladiti, dodati dehidrirane maline i koru malo izlomiti.

Sunđer od maline: 8 jaja 4 žumanca 40 g brašna 7 g gustina 76 g putera 150 g pirea od maline Sve sastojke sjediniti i izmiješati ručnim mikserom. Staviti u sifon i ostaviti da stoji 2 sata u frižideru. Od ove smjese potom napraviti dvije loptice, staviti u dvije plastične posudice pogodne za mikrotalasnu peć i u istoj ih peći 20 sekundi.

Panakota od kefira: 0,80 g kefira 200 g šećera 0,7 l slatke pavlake 40 g vanil-šećera 16 listova želatina Prethodno namočeni želatin rastopiti u 1 dl kefira sa šećerom i vanil-šećerom. Smjesu dodati preostalom dijelu kefira i napola umućenoj slatkoj pavlaci.

Jocondе hazelnut biscuit: 4 egg whites 75 g of sugar Vanilla sugar 100 g of ground almonds 30 g of hazelnuts (granules) 30 g of ground hazelnuts Whip egg whites with sugar, add the rest of ingredients, pour onto a baking sheet and bake at 160⁰C for 20 minutes.

Dark chocolate mousse: 115 g of sweet cream 225 g of dark chocolate 32 g of glucose 2 gelatine sheets 200 g of half-whipped cream Warm up the cream and add gelatine previously soaked in water. Bring up to a boil, add dark chocolate and stir until chocolate melts. Cool the mixture to 35⁰C and add half-whipped cream.

Mango sorbet: 500 g of mango puree 25 g of glucose 2.5 g of stabiliser 18.2 g of honey 94 g of sugar 217 g of water Heat up the water and add sugar, glucose and honey. Bring the mixture to a boil. Once the mixture is lukewarm, add mango puree and stabiliser. Let it cool. Freeze.

Raspberry sauce: 200 g of frozen raspberries 150 g of sugar 50 g of glucose 15 g of starch Bring raspberries, sugar and glucose to a boil and add starch at the end.

Mango sauce: 150 g of mango puree 60 g of sugar 30 g of sweet cream 10 g of starch 20 g of glucose Boil mango puree with sugar and glucose. Thicken the mixture with starch. When cool, add sweet cream.

Milk chocolate film: 200 g of sugar 100 g of glucose 150 g of milk chocolate 0.2 l of water Bring water with glucose to a boil and continue to boil until almost caramelised. Add grated chocolate, stir and pour onto a silicone baking mat, and bake for 10 minutes at 180⁰C. Mill the crust once cool into a powder, and melt and place through a funnel directly onto a silicone baking mat. Bake once again at 180⁰C, allow it to cool, and then break into smaller pieces for decoration.

Pina colada espuma: 200 g of pineapple juice 5 cl of Bacardi Rum 100 g of coconut milk 30 g of emulsifying paste

Coconut crumble with dried raspberries: 100 g of flour 100 g of coconut flour 100 g of butter 50 g of sugar 70 g of dried raspberries Rub butter, flour, and coconut flour together into a crumble using your fingertips. Place the mixture onto a silicone baking mat and bake for 20 minutes at 150⁰C. When lightly coloured, allow it to cool, add dried raspberries, and gently break the crust.

Raspberry sponge: 8 eggs 4 egg yolks 40 g of flour 7 g of cornstarch 76 g of butter 150 g of raspberry puree Combine all the ingredients using a hand blender. Place into a siphon and let is sit in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Use the mixture to make two round spheres, place the spheres into plastic microwave-safe dishes and bake in the microwave for 20 seconds.

Kefir panna cotta: 0.80 g of kefir 200 g of sugar 0.7 l of sweet cream 40 g of vanilla sugar 16 gelatine sheets Melt gelatine previously soaked in water in 1 dl of kefir, and add sugar and vanilla sugar. Add the mixture to the remaining kefir and half-whipped cream.

Combine all the ingredients with a hand blander and cool well.



“Ispod Trebevića sanjali smo sne ko će brže rasti, ko će ljepši biti...” kaže pjesma. U stvarnosti je Sarajevo zaista veleljepan grad. Ušuškan u kotlini između olimpijskih planina, naslonjen na rijeku Miljacku, živi čas u ritmu sevdalinki, filma i pozorišta, čas po taktovima poslovne užurbanosti. Tako je uvijek i bilo. U srcu suprotnosti, u sudaru i saglasju Istoka i Zapada, i tradicionalan i moderan, s bremenom istorije, ovaj grad živi, užurbano ide dalje, ostavljajući za sobom miris urmi, dunja, somuna, pita i rahat-lokuma.

“Ispod Trebevića sanjali smo sne, ko će brže rasti, ko će ljepši biti... (Beneath Trebević hills we dreamt dreams, who will grow up faster, who will be more beautiful)” in a song (Kemal Monteno, “Sarajevo, ljubavi moja”). In reality, Sarajevo truly is a magnificent city. Tucked in a valley between Olympic Mountains, leaning against the Miljacka river, at one moment living the rhythm of love songs, theatre and film, and in the next, of commercial bustle. And it has always been so. Living in the hearth of contradiction, at the same time in collision and harmony between East and West, traditional and modern, with the burden of history, this city is vigorously moving forward, leaving behind the lingering smell of dates, quince, flat bread, pies, and sweet delights.

Kibe Mahala

Edin Vreto Vlasnik restorana KIBE MAHALA The owner of the KIBE MAHALA Restaurant

Treća generacija u kući koja odiše toplinom, iskrenošću i gostoprimstvom. Preuzeo je porodični ugostiteljski posao, koji se oslanja na ono najbolje iz tradicije pa ga nadogradio promišljenim detaljima, s mjerom i srcem. Tako je stvoren ambijent sa predivnim pogledom na grad i okolne planine, prostor u kojem svaka soba ima svoju posebnu priču. U kuhinji ovog restorana već 27 godina spremaju se ista dobra jela i mijesi domaći hljeb. Ovo je restoran u kojem se rado opuštaju i objeduju i Sarajlije i gosti iz regiona, restoran koji inspiriše najbolje svjetske glumce i očarava strane diplomate. Kao što je vjeran tradiciji, Edin je vjeran i saradnicima, za koje je vezan dugogodišnjim povjerenjem. Voli i poštuje lagano uživanje u akšamluku1 i ne podliježe jurnjavi za poslom i novcem. Cijeni vrijeme kojeg imamo sve manje i kaže da nema ništa ljepše od trenutka u kom umočiš hljeb u ulje, zavrtiš čašu vina, posvetiš se prijateljima ili jednostavno - uživaš u tišini. Želja mu je da otvori hotel nalik na kućicu u mahali.

Third generation in the house that exudes warmth, sincerity and hospitality. He took over the family catering business, which relies on the best of tradition, and upgraded it with thoughtful details, with measure and heart. So was created the ambiance with a beautiful view of the city and the surrounding mountains, a space in which each room has its own special story. This restaurant’s kitchen has been for 27 years making the same good dishes and kneaded homemade bread. This is a restaurant in which both people of Sarajevo and guests from the region relax and dine; the restaurant that inspires the world’s best actors and enchants foreign diplomats. Edin is as faithful to his associates to whom he is related with long-term confidence as is to tradition. He loves and respects slowly enjoying akšamluk1 and is not consumed by the pursuit of work and money. He appreciates the time we have less and less of, and says that there is nothing more beautiful than the moment of dipping your bread in the oil, spinning the glass of wine, devoting yourself to your friends or simply - enjoying the silence. His desire is to open a hotel resembling a small house in the mahala.

1 Akšamluk (akšam (tur.)=predvečerje) je večernje druženje i razgovor prijatelja uz rakiju i meze, a često i sevdah, muslimanski običaj i institucija kulture koju karakteriše lagani ritam i povezivanje sa drugima 1 Akšamluk (akšam (Tur.)= evening) refers to evening socialising and chatting with friends along brandy and snacks, and often love songs, a Muslim custom and cultural institution characterised by a slow rhythm and mutual bonding.



Bosanski ravioli, ali još ukusniji. Ručno miješeno tijesto, meko kao duša, sječeno i preklapano na poseban način nosi sa sobom i blagost i čvrstinu te iste ruke. Snaga u finom ogrtaču. Ukus djetinjstva, zvuk priča iz kuhinje, miris radoznalosti. Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM rakijom od šljive i kantariona Posebnost ove rakije odgovara jednostavnosti i prividnoj skromnosti ovog divnog, punjenog tijesta. Sunčana po boji, jačini i ukusu, savršeno se stapa sa blagim prelivom od putera i sitne paprike, a mesnom nadjevu daje kompleksnost i punoću.


Bosnian ravioli, but tastier. Hand-stirred batter, soft as a soul, sliced and overlaid in a particular way, revealing at once the gentleness and firmness of the same hand. Might in a nice robe. The taste of childhood, the sound of kitchen stories, the smell of curiosity. Paired with MONOGRAM Plum and Hypericum Brandy The uniqueness of this brandy matches the simplicity and apparent modesty of this beautifully filled dough. Sunbathed in colour, strength and taste, it perfectly blends with the mild butter and small peppers sauce, giving the meat stuffing complexity and fullness.


Sastojci :

Način pripreme:

jufka 500 g brašna tip 400 1 kašika soli 1 jaje

Od tijesta napraviti 2 lopte, premazati ih uljem i pokriti celofanom. Pustiti da odstoje 30 minuta. Dok tijesto stoji, u jednu posudu pomiješati mljeveno meso, jednu glavicu sitno isjeckanog crnog luka, so i biber. Ova smjesa služiće kao nadjev za klepe.

Fil 500 g mljevenog mesa 1 glavica sitno isjeckanog luka 1 kašika soli ½ kašičice bibera

Tijesto razvući na pobrašnjenoj površini u debljini od 5 do 6 mm, zatim isjeći uzduž i poprijeko tako da se dobiju kvadrati. Na njih stavljati nadjev i presavijati ih dijagonalno kako bi se formirali trouglovi.

Preliv 250 ml pavlake 3-4 čena sitno isjeckanog bijelog luka malo putera kašičica crvene mljevene paprike svjež peršun

Prokuvati pola litre vode i začiniti je solju i biberom. U nju ubaciti klepe i kuvati 5 do 10 minuta. Kada počnu da isplivavaju na površinu, to je znak da su gotove. Kuvane klepe izvaditi i ocijediti. Napraviti umak od pavlake i sitno sjeckanog bijelog luka. Na zagrijan puter dodati kašičicu mljevene crvene paprike i otopiti. Klepe servirati i preliti umakom od jogurta i bijelog luka. Preko toga preliti otopljeni puter i crvenu mljevenu papriku. Sve posuti svježim peršunom.



Dough: 500 g flour, type 400 1 spoonful of salt 1 egg

Mix the batter and make two round balls, coat them with oil and cover with cellophane. Let stand for 30 minutes. While the dough is resting, in a separate container mix minced meat, one finely chopped onion, salt, and pepper. This mixture will serve as filling for klepe.

Stuffing: 500 g minced meat 1 finely chopped onion 1 spoonful of salt ½ teaspoon of pepper Sauce: 250 ml of sour cream 3-4 cloves of finely chopped garlic Bit of butter Teaspoon of red ground paprika Fresh parsley

Stretch the dough on a floured surface to a 5 to 6 mm thick, then cut lengthwise and crosswise to form squares. Top the squares with stuffing and fold them diagonally into triangles. Boil half a litre of water and season it with salt and pepper. Place klepe in boiled water and cook for 5 to 10 minutes. Once they start rising to the surface, they are ready. Remove and drain. Make the sauce from sour cream and finely chopped garlic. Add the teaspoon of ground red paprika to the warmed butter and melt. Serve klepe and top with the yogurt and garlic sauce. Top with melted butter and red paprika. Sprinkle with fresh parsley.


i m ć i a H adž H Hamid Hadžić

Preko 30 godina u ugostiteljstvu. Obilježio zlatno doba sarajevskog hotela “Holiday Inn” gdje je počeo karijeru, a kasnije radio kao chef. Gostujući kuvar u Švajcarskoj, Italiji, Nemačkoj, međunarodni kulinarski sudija i aktivan član Saveza kuhara mediteranskih i evropskih regija (SKMER). Putujući svijetom skupljao vještine i znanja. Organizator najvećeg takmičenja kuvara BiH - Bosanski dukat. Za 10 godina televizijskog iskustva snimio oko 700 emisija iz gastronomije. I dalje najviše voli da sprema toplo-hladni bife. Smatra da dobar restoran, osim kvalitetne hrane i pića, mora imati i dobru atmosferu. Njegova lična želja je da vodi restoran bez jelovnika u kome bi se oslanjao samo na trenutnu kreaciju.

Over 30 years in the hospitality industry. The golden era’s landmark of the Sarajevo hotel “Holiday Inn”, where he started his career and later worked as a chef. Guest chef in Switzerland, Italy, Germany, international culinary judge and active member of the Alliance of Chefs of Mediterranean and European Regions (SKMER). In traveling the world he collected skills and knowledge. He is the organiser of the largest culinary competition in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Bosanski dukat. In the course of 10 years of television experience, he recorded around 700 gastronomy shows. His favourite still is hot and cold buffet. He believes that a good restaurant, in addition to quality food and drinks, must have a good atmosphere. His personal desire is to lead a menu-less restaurant and to rely solely on immediate creation.


Sarajevski sahan

Sarajevo sahan

Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM rakijom od šljive

Paired with MONOGRAM Plum Brandy

Neizbježan par. Domaćinski dvojac. Vjernost. Jedno drugog čekaju, jedno drugom govore. Sklad autentičnog.

The inevitable pair. The host duo. Fidelity. They wait for each other, they speak to each other. The harmony of authenticity.

Izvorno bosansko jelo, kombinacija pikantnog šišćevapa i nježnog punjenog povrća. Sočno i šareno. Može da se jede toplo, ali je idealno kao meze, uz rakiju naravno. Poseban ugođaj daje sahantradicionalna posuda u kojoj je jelo posluženo. Miriše na davna vremena. Opušta.

Sastojci potrebni za dvije porcije: jedna tikvica 150 g crnog luka dvije manje paprike dva manja paradajza 70 g raštike 150 g telećeg mesa od plećke 150 g faširanog junećeg mesa 50 g slatkog kajmaka 60 g riže aleva paprika so, biber svježi peršun i kopar paradajz-pire puter, mrkva

Ingredients for two servings: One zucchini 150 g of onion Two small peppers Two small tomatoes 70 g kale 150 g veal shoulder 150 g ground beef 50 g sweet cream 60 g rice Cayenne pepper Salt, Pepper Fresh parsley and dill Tomato puree Butter, Carrot

Original Bosnian dish, a combination of spicy shish kabob and soft stuffed vegetables. Succulent and colourful. It can be consumed hot, ideal as a snack, with brandy, of course. Sahan, a traditional container the dish is served in creates that special atmosphere. It smells like old times. It relaxes.

U juneće faširano meso dodati crni luk, so, biber, rižu i peršun da se dobije dolma (smjesa za punjenje). Dolmom puniti povrće, paprike, tikvicu, paradajz, luk i raštiku, koje smo prethodno blanširali u vodi s malo sirćeta. Na čačkalicu nabosti manji komad telećeg mesa od plećke, pa red luka, mrkve i opet red mesa da dobijemo šiš-ćevap koji je sastavni dio sarajevskog sahana. U Bosni se šiš-ćevap može služiti i kao samostalno jelo. Paradajz, papriku i sve punjeno povrće poredati u vatrostalnu zdjelu ili pleh, zaliti vodom, dodati peršun i kopar i pod poklopcem kuhati ili peći u rerni. Kad je dolma gotova, na puteru propržiti alevu papriku i paradajz-pire te zaliti saftom u kojem se kuhalo. Veoma je važno da se sva dolmljena (punjena) jela lagano i s malo vode dinstaju. Serviraju se zajedno, po jedan komad svakog punjenog povrća, u tople tanjire (sahane) uz dodatak vlastitog sosa. Slatki kajmak ili vrhnje se može servirati sa strane u tanjiru ili posuti po dolmama.

Add onions, salt, pepper, rice and parsley to the ground beef to make the dolma (stuffing mixture). Fill vegetables, peppers, zucchini, tomatoes, onions and kale, previously blanched in water with a touch of vinegar, with dolma. On a skewer place a small piece of veal shoulder, follow with onion, carrot and then again meat to create a shish kebab, an integral part of the Sarajevo sahan. Shish kebab in Bosnia can be served as a main dish. Arrange tomatoes, peppers and stuffed vegetables in an ovenproof dish or baking sheet, cover with water, add parsley and dill, and cook or bake in the oven covered. Once dolma is cooked, fry cayenne pepper and tomato puree on butter and cover with gravy from cooking. It is very important that all stuffed dishes are stewed at mild temperature and with some water. Stuffed vegetable are served together, one piece of each in a warm plate (sahan) in own juices. Sweet cream or cream may be added on the side or sprinkled over.


4 sobe gospođe Safije The 4 Rooms of Mrs. Safija


r i c m a E arov P Emir Parovac



U gastronomiju ga je odvela ljubav prema kuvanju. U kuhinji se najbolje osjeća. Inspiraciju nalazi u novim jelima, kombinacijama, kreacijama i slaganju hrane i pića. Voli slow food koncept i uživa da radi degustacione menije. Zato mu rad u “4 sobe gospođe Safije”, koja nјeguje taj tip ponude, prija. Bio mu je izazov da se upusti u kulinarski poduhvat koji prati istinitu ljubavnu priču između Sarajke Safije i austrougarskog grofa Johana. Svako jelo nastaje upravo u kući gdje je živjela Safija i predstavlja poseban užitak i simbiozu kultura - bosanske u Safijinom meniju i moderne, svjetske, u Johanovom. Nije pristalica previše egzotike niti naglih promjena, ali prati novitete kada je riječ o začinima, ukusima i namirnicama te ih pažljivo komponuje u kulinarsku fuziju. Edukaciju smatra važnom i neophodnom za sve kuvare, a pogotovo za one koji rade u toprestoranima, gde i dalje vidi svoju budućnost.

The love of cooking introduced him to the world of gastronomy. In the kitchen he feels at home. He finds inspiration in new dishes, combinations, creations and matching of food and beverages. He likes slow food concept and enjoys making tasting menus. Therefore work at the “The 4 rooms of Mrs. Safija”, a place that nurtures such style, suits him. It is a true challenge to endeavour into the culinary venture that conveys the true love story between the native of Sarajevo Safija and Austro-Hungarian Count Johan. Each dish is made right in the house in which Safija lived and represents a special pleasure and a symbiosis of cultures - Bosnian culture in Safija’s menu, and modern, cosmopolitan in Johan’s. He is not a fan of excessive exotic or sudden changes, however follows novelties when it comes to spices, tastes and ingredients, and carefully incorporates them into a culinary fusion. Education for him is important and indispensable for all chefs, and in particular, for those working in top-notch restaurants, where he continues to see himself in the future.


Jagnjeći file


Blaga mesna rolnica u finom, pikantnom sosu i mantilu od crnog susama. Društvo joj pravi lagana i svježa panakota od graška. Proljeće u tanjiru. Ovo nije samo uspomena na mladost, već mladost sama. Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM rakijom od jabuke Vedra i staložena kombinacija koja čini da potpuno prihvatite trenutak u kojem ste.U isto vrijeme vas intrigira poput tajne, baš kao i sjećanje na gospođu Safiju i njenu zabranjenu ljubav.

Lamb fillet


Mild meat rolls in a nice, spicy sauce coated with black sesame seeds. Accompanied by a light and fresh pea panna cotta. Spring in a plate. This is not only the memory of youth, but the youth itself. Paired with MONOGRAM Apple Brandy Cheerful and poised combination that makes us fully embrace the moment. It intrigues like mystery, just like the memory of Mrs. Safija and her forbidden love. 182

Panakota od graška

Pea Panna Cotta

Skuhati 100 g graška, dodati 1 dl vrhnja za kuhanje, bijeli luk, so i i biber po želji. Na kraju dodati 3 g želatina, izblendati i, dok je toplo, staviti u kalup. Kalup odložiti u frižider 1 sat kako bi se smjesa učvrstila.

Boil 100 g of peas, add 1dl of cooking cream, garlic, salt and pepper to taste. At the end, add 3 g of gelatine, blend, and whilst still warm, pour into the mould. Place the mould in the refrigerator for 1 hour for the mixture to set.

Umak od ruzmarina

Rosemary sauce

U temeljac od povrća dodati luk, bijeli luk, svježi ruzmarin i svježi paradajz. Kuhati dok se tečnost ne zgusne, izblendati i redukovati.

Add onions, garlic, fresh rosemary and fresh tomatoes to the vegetable stock. Cook until thickens, blend and reduce.

Jagnjeći file posoliti, obložiti sjemenkama crnog susama i peći na tavi 4 minute sa svake strane.

Season the lamb fillet with salt, roll in black sesame seeds and brown each side in a pan for 4 minutes.


M D 184

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Moreno Debartoli Restoran 4 SOBE GOSPOÐE SAFIJE Restaurant THE 4 ROOMS OF MRS. SAFIJA

Karijeru počeo prije 23 godine. Kulinarsku akademiju završio u Izraelu. Podjednako dobro radi i kao kuvar i kao poslastičar. Desertima se više posvetio posljednjih godina zahvaljujući diplomama londonske kulinarske škole Le Cordon Bleu, Cioccolatiere u Bolonji i tituli ambasadora najfinije belgijske čokolade Callebaut. Voli da svoja osjećanja i ideje izrazi baš na tanjiru. U “4 sobe gospodje Safije” su ona u obliku slatkiša koji imaju tanani duh poput sofisticiranog i nezaboravnog ambijenta, ukus ljubavi, ljepote i prkosa. Često pohađa seminare i odaje nam informaciju da se novi trendovi kreću u pravcu raw & slowcial koncepta, koji podrazumijeva druženje i okupljanje kao socijalni momenat ishrane.

His career started 23 years ago. He finished the culinary academy in Israel. He is as good of a chef as is a pastry chef. His devotion to desserts in recent years is due to the diplomas from the London Le Cordon Bleu and Bologna Cioccolatiere, and the title of the Finest Belgian Chocolate Ambassador Callebaut. He loves to express his feelings and ideas on the plate. At “The 4 Rooms of Mrs. Safija” they are encapsulated in desserts with a subtle spirit revealing a sophisticated and unforgettable setting, taste of love, beauty and defiance. He often attends seminars and tells us that new pastry trends are moving toward the raw & slowcial concept, a concept entailing the social element of food, namely entertaining and get-togethers.


Banana u banani na banani

Varijacija na temu kako pokazati sva lica jedne voćke. Suština banane tražena je najpre u sous vide metodi kuhanja, pa u karamel umaku i konačno među pistaćima. Pitoma igra ukusa. Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM likerom mednicom Izbor za sladokusce. Nalet energije. Nepce obloženo pamukom i radošću. Kombinacija prirodnosti i egzotike.

Banana in the banana on the banana

A variation on the theme showing all faces of a single fruit. The essence of the banana was sought first in the sous vide, than in the caramel sauce, and finally among pistachios. A tame game of tastes. Paired with MONOGRAM Honey Liquor The connoisseurs’ choice. The burst of energy. The palate lined with cotton and joy. The combination of ingenuity and exoticism.


Odstraniti vrhove banana i vakuumirati sa korom u vakuum- mašini. Kuhati souse vide na 84⁰C jedan sat. Izvaditi iz vakuuma i ohladiti. Sačuvati sok i dodati 20 ml “Monogram” likera od meda.

Remove banana ends, vacuum seal the unpeeled bananas in the vacuum cooker. Cook souse vide at 84⁰C for 1 hour. Remove from the cooker and cool. Keep the juice and add 20 ml of Monogram Honey Liqueur.

Banana u tofi sosu Banana in Toffee Syrup 150 g šećera 60 g putera 2 banane Napraviti direktni karamel. Dodati puter i sjediniti miješajući. Banane izrezati na kolutove debljine 3-4 cm. Dodati u tofi i kuhati par minuta. 2 banane 100 g šećera 100 g pistaća Oguliti banane i izrezati na tri jednaka dijela. Uvaljati u šećer i karamelizovati brenerom. Dok je karamel još topao, uvaljati u mljevene pistaće i ponoviti proces dva puta.

150 g sugar 60 g butter 2 bananas Caramelise the sugar. Add butter and combine while stirring. Cut the bananas in 3-4 cm thick slices. Add to toffee and cook for few minutes. 2 bananas 100 g sugar 100 g pistachios Peel the bananas and slice into three equal parts. Roll in sugar and caramelise with a torch. While the caramel is still warm, roll in ground pistachios and repeat the process twice.


Tanja Alispahić Vlasnica restorana CAPUCCINO The owner of the CAPUCCINO Restaurant

U ugostiteljstvu od svoje 10. godine kada je pomagala ocu. Godine 1978. počela svoj biznis kao prva žena koja je otvorila kafić u Sarajevu. Dvadeset godina kasnije “Capuccino” prerasta u restoran koji nudi kombinaciju tradicionalne i internacionalne kuhinje. U prijatnom prostoru sa velikom baštom i separeom najčešće se okuplja srednja generacija poslovnih ljudi iz zemlje i svijeta. Oni su joj, kaže, najbolja reklama. Ima svoj stari tim godinama, koji diše kao jedan i njeguje uspostavljeno povjerenje. Iako je vlasnica, nije joj teško da, kako sama priznaje, radi i vikendom i “bude džoker za sve” od nabavke do čišćenja. Priželjkuje mirnu penziju, ali u planu ima i otvaranje malog hotela u Hrasnom.

In hospitality industry since the age of 10, when she first started helping her father. In 1978 she started her own business as the first women running a coffee shop in Sarajevo. Twenty years later, “Capuccino“ has turned into a restaurant offering a combination of traditional and international cuisine. In the pleasant atmosphere with a large patio and a partition a middle-aged generation of business folks from the country and abroad gathers frequently. They are, as she says, her best advertisement. She runs her old team that breaths as one, and nurtures the established trust. Even though she is the owner, for her, as she admits, it is no trouble to work on the weekends and to be a “wild card” for everything, from procurement to cleaning. She is coveting a peaceful retirement, however planning to open a small hotel in Hrasno as well. 188

Begova čorba

Čorba nad čorbama u Bosni i Hercegovini. Neizostavna u svečanim prilikama. Raskošna, topla, gusta, vјeruje se da ima afrodizijačka svojstva. Snažan ukus od nježnih sastojaka među kojima dominiraju piletina i bamijа. Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM rakijom od šljive Pitkost šljive uz kremasti ukus čorbe, osvježava, budi čula i otvara apetit za jela koja slijede, ali i za priče iz davnina.

Bey’s soup

The king of soups in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Indispensable on special occasions. Rich, warm, thick, an aphrodisiac. Strong flavour from gentle ingredients, dominated by chicken and okra. Paired with MONOGRAM Plum Brandy The smoothness of plum with the creamy taste of the soup awakens the senses and the appetite for meals that follow, but also for stories from the past.


Sastojci: 0,5 kg pilećeg mesa 200 g šargarepe 100 g korijena peršuna 100 g suvih bamija 1 crveni luk ½ l mlijeka 2 kašike putera Brašno So Biber

Piletinu, isjeckani luk, peršun i šargarepu prokuvati u 1,5 l vode. Posebno u 0,5 l vode dodati malo sirćeta ili soka od limuna i u njoj prokuvati bamiju. Sirće ili limunov sok se dodaje kako bi bamija ostala čvrsta. Kada je sve skuvano, u posebnoj šerpi propržiti puter i brašno. Kada brašno porumeni, zaliti procijeđenom supom u kojoj se kuvala piletina sa povrćem i dodati još 0,5 l mlijeka. Skuvanu piletinu isjeći na kockice, baš kao šargarepu, korijen peršuna i zajedno sa njima skuvan crveni luk. Sve to dodati u šerpu u kojoj su sjedinjeni puter, brašno, supa i mlijeko. Na kraju dodati i bamiju. Servirati toplo sa 1 kašikom pavlake i sve posuti svježim peršunom.

Ingredients: 0.5 kg of chicken meat 200 g of carrots 100 g of parsley root 100 g of dried okra 1 red onion ½ l of milk 2 spoonfuls of butter Flour Salt Pepper

Cook chicken, chopped onion, parsley, and carrots in 1.5 l of water. Separately in 0.5 l of water add a little of vinegar or lemon juice and cook okra. Vinegar or lemon juice is added to keep okra firm. Once everything is cooked, in a separate pot sauté the butter and flour. Once the flour is golden brown, pour in the strained soup from cooking chicken and vegetables and add 0.5 l of milk. Cut cooked chicken into cubes, the same as carrots, parsley root and red onion. Add all to the pot with butter, flour, soup and milk. Add okra at the end. Serve warm with 1 spoonful of sour cream and sprinkle with fresh parsley.



Izrasla na nanosima koje je ostavilo Panonsko more dok se povlačilo. Geologijom, istorijom i industrijom vezana je za so. Otud joj i ime (tuz na turskom znači so). I Luj XIV je iz Tuzle donosio so na francuski dvor. Grad sa najvećim trgom u Bosni i Hercegovini. Grad otvorenih ljudi koji vjeruju da je “ljubav izvor nastanka i vječitog trajanja svijeta”.

It emerged on the drifts left by the Pannonia Sea while retreating. Linked with salt through geology, history, and industry. Hence the name (Tuzla in Turkish means salt). Even Louis XIV brought salt from Tuzla to the French court. The city with the largest square in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The city of open-hearted people who believe that “love is the origin and eternal life of the world”.

Adnan Aliefendić Vlasnik restorana ROYAL The owner of the Restaurant ROYAL

Otvorio restoran sa idejom da bude drugačiji i u tome istrajava. Ozbiljno pristupa svemu što radi. Godinu dana pomno je istraživao restorane po Evropi, a za osmišljavanje sopstvenog koncepta pozvao je u pomoć Vladu Simića, koji zna da spremi više od dvije hiljade jela i koji je uobličio mnoge poznate restorane. Osoblju je obezbijedio mjesec dana stručnog treninga kako bi sve funkcionisalo besprijekorno. I zaista, rezultat tog rada je prijatan i opušten ambijent, diskretni i edukovani konobari i kuhinja kakve u Tuzli nema. Meni je pretežno mediteranski sa dosta istočnjačkih začina, što je u početku predstavljalo svojevrstan rizik, ali se isplatilo, jer restoran sada privlači poslovne ljude, diplomate i strance. Uz redovnu ponudu, osoblje stiže da se uspješno bavi i keteringom, što umije da bude vrlo zahtjevno kada se, na primjer, sprema ponuda za hiljadu gostiju. Najveće zadovoljstvo za Adnana je kada gost prepozna trud i kvalitet.

He opened the restaurant with the idea to be different, and he continues to persevere in that idea. He’s approach is serious in everything he does. For a year he has carefully researched restaurants throughout Europe, and in designing his own concept he invited Vlada Simić to lend a hand, a man with more than two thousand dishes under his belt who moulded many famous restaurants. He provided month-long training for his entire staff to ensure perfection. And indeed, the result of that work is enjoyable and relaxed atmosphere, discreet and educated service staff, and one-of-the kind kitchen in Tuzla. The menu is predominantly Mediterranean with heaps of oriental spices, initially a risk that paid off, as the restaurant now attract business clientele, diplomats, and foreigners. In addition to the regular offer, the staff is well versed in catering, a highly demanding task at times, when for example, preparing food for thousand covers. The greatest pleasure for Adnan is when guests recognise his effort and quality. 194


Rolnica od bifteka SA PRELIVOM OD GORGONZOLE I BUČINOG ULJA Meki mesni zalogaji u hrskavom omotaču i finom slatkastom sosu. Gorgonzola je izgubila težinu, a specifična aroma buče krunisala ovu delikatnu, ukusnu kombinaciju. Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM rakijom od dunje Sa vrhunskim mesom ide i vrhunska rakija. Pouzdan i rafiniran izbor. Snažno i plemenito piće uz ovo jelo predstavlja poseban izazov nepcu. Čisto uživanje.

Steak roll topped WITH GORGONZOLA AND PUMPKING SEED OIL Soft meat bites in a crispy wrapping and fine sweet sauce. Gorgonzola has lost its weight, and the specific aroma of the pumpkin has crowned this delicate and delicious combination. Paired with MONOGRAM Quince Brandy Top-quality brandy paired with a top-quality meat. Reliable and refined choice. Powerful and noble drink with this meal represents a true challenge to the palate. Pure joy. 196

Sastojci: biftek kore za pitu senf bundevin puter neutralna pavlaka so biber

Ingredients: Beef tenderloin Phyllo dough Mustard Pumpkin butter Neutral cream Salt Pepper

Biftek sitno isjeckati na kockice, začiniti senfom, solju i biberom. Po mogućnosti ostaviti preko noći u marinadi. Uzeti kore za pitu i isjeći ih (veličina rolnice određuje se prema želji). U koru staviti prethodno pripremljen biftek (otprilike 40 g u svaku). Koru zatim umotati kao palačinku i dobro zamotati krajeve pomoću čačkalice. Ovako napravljene rolnice pržiti u dubokom ulju. Po završetku prženja rolnica, napraviti sos od bundevinog sjemena. Umiješati dobro 2 kašičice bundevinog putera i 2 kašike neutralne pavlake, staviti na zagrijanu ringlu i bez prestanka miješati kako ne bi došlo do razdvajanja masnoće. Kada se zgusne, sos je gotov. Po želji dodati malo soli i bibera. Gotove rolnice preliti sosom.

Finely chop the beef tenderloin into cubes, season with mustard, salt, and pepper. If possible, leave overnight to marinate. Take phyllo dough and cut it (the size of rolls is determined as desired). Stuff with previously prepared steak meat (approximately 40 g in each). Wrap the dough as a pancake and seal the ends with a toothpick. Deep fry rolls. At the end, make sauce from pumpkin seeds. Stir well 2 spoons for pumpkin butter and 2 spoons of cream, place on the hot stove and continuously stir to prevent separation of fat.Once concentrated, the sauce is ready. Add a little bit of salt and pepper if desired. Top finished rolls with sauce. 197



Staro jelo koje miriše na dom. Komadi najboljeg mesa zapečeni sa mekim tijestom i pikantnim, pjenastim umakom. Rumeno lice radosti. Sve vrvi od snage. Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM rakijom od dunje Ovdje je dunja kao mjesečeva svjetlost - blista, ona razblažuje i daje posebnu ravnotežu. Pije se polako da smiri i presiječe.

Potrebne namirnice: 200 g ćuretine 200 g mlinaca 20 g gorgonzola sira biljni začini

Isjeći ćureći file na četiri parčeta, izlupati meso i staviti u tiganj da se prži nekoliko minuta. Kada je meso gotovo, u isti tiganj staviti pileću supu, neutralnu pavlaku i po ukusu so i biber. Sve miješati na tihoj vatri dok se ne dobije gusta smjesa. U vatrostalnu posudu sipati smjesu i preko nje staviti red isitnjenih mlinaca. Dodati ćureći file, još jedan red isitnjenih mlinaca, preko njih staviti gorgonzolu i sve to zaliti ostatkom smjese. Posudu staviti u rernu i peći 17 minuta na 220 stepeni.

Preliv 1 dl pileće supe neutralna pavlaka so biber



An old dish that smells like home. Pieces of the best meat baked with soft dough and spicy, foamy sauce. Blushing face of joy. Bursting with power. Paired with MONOGRAM Quince Brandy Quince here is like the moonlight - it glows, it dilutes, and provides a special balance. Drunk slowly to calm down and clear.

Ingredients: 200 g of turkey meat 200 g of mlinci (pasta tatters made from thin dried dough) 20 g of Gorgonzola cheese Herbs and spices

Cut turkey fillet into four pieces, thin the meat and place in the frying pan for couple of minutes. Once the meat is ready, pour in the chicken soup and neutral cream, salt and pepper to taste. Cook over low heat until thick. Transfer the prepared mixture into a baking dish and top with finely powdered mlinci. Add turkey fillet, then another row of finely powdered mlinci, top with gorgonzola and the remaining mixture. Place the dish in the oven and bake for 17 minutes at 220 degrees.

Sauce 1 dl of chicken soup Neutral cream Salt Pepper 199


Grad Krleže, “Gavelle” i Džonija Štulića, grad muzeja, parkova i tramvaja... Pitomo se širi uz savsku obalu i osvaja duhom Gornjeg grada, Tkalčićeve i mirisno raspjevanog Cvijetnog trga. Plijeni finom mirnoćom Srednje Evrope i odiše tradicionalnošću koja podsjeća na Englesku. Lako je biti zaveden svjetlima i izlozima, zanimljivim grafitima ili šarmom brojnih kafea. Zagreb uvijek podsjeća na proljećno jutro puno očekivanja.

The city of Krleža, “Gavella” and Johnny Štulić, the city of museums, parks and trams... Quietly spreading along the banks of River Sava and overwhelming with the spirit of the Upper Town, Tkalčićeva Street and fragrant and rhapsodic Flower Square. It captivates with the fine Central European calmness and exudes the traditionalism reminiscent of England. One can easily be seduced by lights and shop windows, interesting graffiti and numerous cafes’ charm. Zagreb always resembles the spring morning filled with expectation.

Alen Latinović Voditelj restorana BALON BALON Restaurant Manager

Već 18 godina u ugostiteljstvu, i kako sam kaže, inficiran je i ispunjen njime. Predvodi uigranu ekipu restorana koji, prema brojnim ocjenama, ima najljepšu baštu u Zagrebu i u koji, zbog odličnog menija i vinske liste, morate doći više puta. Povjerava nam da akcent jeste na mesu, i to onom najkvalitetnijem, ali oduševljenje izazivaju i riblji specijaliteti, kao i veliki izbor zanimljivih hladnih i toplih predjela. Ovdje i šampanjac možete dobiti na čašu, a četvrtkom slušati džez i bluz uživo. Kuhinja nije atrakcija iz rijaliti šoua, već spremnost da se na najbolji način odgovori zahtjevima gostiju kada imate i po stotinu narudžbi za veče. To je mješavina savršene pripreme, neprekidne edukacije, gastronomske kulture i socijalne inteligencije. Kaže da su stege nepoželjne, sloboda neizostavna, a egoizam zabranjen, ukoliko težite uspjehu i stalnom napretku. Kao i u svakom poslu, i u ovom treba imati dušu i dijeliti toplinu i dobru energiju sa osobljem i gostima.


In hospitality industry for 18 years, and as he says, infected and fulfilled with and by it. He runs a wellcoordinated restaurant team, which, according to numerous reviews, has the best patio in Zagreb, and which, owing to the excellent menu and wine list, is a must-return restaurant. He tells us that the emphasis is on meat, the top-quality meat; however fish specialties and a large selection of interesting hot and cold appetizers are also exhilarating. Champaign here is served by the glass, and on Thursdays, one can enjoy live jazz and blues performances. The kitchen is no reality-show attraction, but ready to meet guests’s demands in the best possible way, even with hundred covers per night. It is a blend of perfect preparation, continuous education, gastronomic culture and social intelligence. Chastening is unnecessary, he says, freedom indispensable and egoism banned, if you seek success and continuous improvement. As in any business, this too requires soul and sharing warmth and good energy with staff and guests.

Biftek a la Balon SA TARTUFIMA I FUŽIMA Izuzetno meko, sočno, zdravo, ukusno meso, rekli bismo - vrhunska radost za nepce. Nije ni čudo kada ovdje svaki komad ima kraljevski tretman, ili u marinadi, ili u postupku dryaged, koji iz njega izvlači najbolje. Tartufi su pripitomljeni i blagi, fuži kremasti kao od maslaca. Jednostavno i snažno jelo koje vraća ravnotežu i povjerenje. Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM rakijom od jabuke Svježina i mirnoća jabuke bifteku daju priliku da naglasi svoj moćni karakter i pruža neutralno polje na kom se, kao zvijezde, ističu tartufi. Ipak, dovoljno je snažna da sve vrijeme održava gastronomsku vatru i podstiče na sljedeći zalogaj.

Steak a la Balon WITH TRUFFLES AND FUSI Extremely soft, juicy, healthy, and delicious meat - a supreme joy for the palate one could say. And no wonder, as each component of the dish enjoys royal treatment, either in the marinade or in the dry-aged process which extracts only the very best. Truffles are tame and gentle, fusi creamy as butter. A simple and powerful dish that restores balance and confidence. Paired with the MONOGRAM Apple Brandy The freshness and calmness of the apple gives the steak the opportunity to underline its powerful nature and offers a neutral ground for truffles to sparkle as stars. It is however, strong enough to maintain the gastronomic fire and encourage every next bite. 203

Sastojci za dvije porcije:


0,5 kg bifteka 0,05 kg pancete 0,15 kg fuža 0,25 l vrhnja za kuhanje 1 kašika tartufate 1 kašika maslaca so biber

BIFTEK Biftek izrezati na 8 dijelova tako da na svakom drvenom štapiću za ražnjiće bude po 4 komada, odnosno 0,25 kg mesa. Između svakog pojedinog komada bifteka staviti komadić pancete. Ispeći na grilu. FUŽI Fuže skuhati “al dente” u puno posoljene vode. UMAK Vrhnje za kuhanje lagano posoliti, pobiberiti, staviti po kašiku tartufate i maslac. Sve pomiješati sa fužima i servirati.

Ingredients for two servings:


0.5 kg steak 0.05 kg pancetta 0.15 kg fusi 0.25 l cooking cream 1 spoonful of truffles 1 spoonful of butter Salt Pepper

STEAK Cut beef filet into 8 portions, 4 or 0.25 kg of meat for each wooden skewer. Place a slice of pancetta between each steak slice. Grill. FUSI Cook fusi al dente in plenty of salted water. SAUCE Lightly season cooking cream with salt, add pepper, a spoonful of truffles and butter. Mix with fusi and serve.



Pun suprotnosti i različitosti, otvoren, šarmantan i zavodljiv, brz, dinamičan, grad koji ne spava, ali umije da se odmara u svojim zelenim oazama, uz rijeku, u skrivenim ušuškanim dvorištima. Sudar kultura, statusa, snova. Ponekad bučan, ponekad zatrpan i zamoran. Uvijek neodoljiv. Umije da vas slaže i zaboravi, ali vas voli i zna da uzvrati ljubav. Grad koji vas tjera da se borite i mami da uživate. Beograd, grad koji opija i vuče vas u vrtloge iskustava. pa i onih gastronomskih.

Bursting with contrasts and diversity, open, charming and seductive, fast, vibrant, the city that never sleeps, nonetheless knows how to relax in green oases along the river, in tuckedin hidden courtyards. The clash of cultures, statuses, dreams. At times loud, tiresome and cluttered. But always irresistible. It may lie to you or forget you, but it loves you and knows how to love back. The city that makes you fight and lures you to enjoy. Belgrade, the city so intoxicating that it pulls you into the maelstrom of experiences, culinary ones included.

ć i v

r o e g loš e B Igor Belošević

Restoran/Restaurant GRAFIČAR

Jedan od mladih lavova beogradske gastronomske scene. Najmlađi član srpskog kulinarskog tima koji je 2010. godine na svjetskom prvenstvu u Luksemburgu osvojio bronzu. Chef čuvenog i nedavno renoviranog restorana “Grafičar” u kojem kombinuje tradicionalna srpska jela sa internacionalnim menijem. Voli francusku školu kuvanja, ali podsjeća da je knez Lazar bio šef kuhinje na srpskom dvoru na kome su se još u to doba jeli biftek s kupinama, piletina u medu i suve šljive sa kozjim sirom u slaninici. Iz tog doba, na repertoaru “Grafičara” danas je piletina sa bulgur kašom koja se jela pred Kosovski boj. Iako je maštao da postane vojno lice, za kuvanje su ga zainteresovale brojne TV emisije. Učio je od starih majstora i imao sreću da uz njih kuva u rezidencijama i vladama. Vrlo brzo je pokazao svoj talenat, te je postao glavni kuvar za italijansku kuhinju u hotelu sa pet zvezdica u Portorožu. Kaže da je praksa bitnija od teorije, ali da nije dovoljno pratiti tendencije ako ne znate osnove. Smatra da osim znanja i talenta, vrhunski kuvar mora da ima želju za stalnim usavršavanjem.


One of the young lions of the Belgrade gastronomic scene. The youngest member of the Serbian culinary team that won the bronze medal at the World Championship in Luxembourg. The executive chef of the famous and recently renovated restaurant “Grafičar”, which combines the international menu and traditional Serbian dishes. He is a fan of the French cooking school, however reminds us that Prince Lazar was the head chef at the Serbian court that even at that time served blueberry steak, honey chicken and prunes with goat cheese wrapped in bacon. Restaurant “Grafičar” nowadays offers dishes from that period including chicken with bulgur wheat porridge, supposedly eaten before the Battle of Kosovo. Although he dreamed of becoming a military officer, he was captivated by cooking through numerous TV shows. He learned from old masters and was lucky enough to cook alongside in residences and governments. He quickly showcased his talent and grew into the head chef for Italian cuisine in the five-star hotel in Portorož. In his words, practice is more important than theory; however it will never be enough to follow trends if one lacks the basics. He believes that apart from knowledge and talent, any top chef must have the desire for continuous improvement.

Pačje grudi


Meke grudi izvorne, žive, čiste arome, položene su na osvјežavajući pire od cvekle koji je obogaćen likerom od višnje. Demiglas sa likerom od maline vrca od gustine i zrelosti. Komorač, prodorno svјež, lijepo se kombinuje sa svilenkasto mekim pireom od kruške i rakije viljamovke. Zavodljivo zaobljen i savršeno paniran kroket od krompir-pirea i tartufa okićen je nitima od mirođije, poput dotjerane gospođice. Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM likerom od maline Slast maline odlično ističe plemenitost pačetine i nadograđuje već upotrijebljene alkoholne arome. Ukus ekskluzivnosti i dekadencije.

Duck breast


Soft breast with the original, alive and clean tang, placed over refreshing beet puree enriched with sour cherry liqueur. Demi-glace with raspberry liqueur jugs from density and maturity. Fennel, strikingly fresh, combines well with the silky smooth pear and pear brandy puree. Seductively rounded and perfectly planned potato puree and truffle croquettes are decorated with strands of dill, like a well-polished miss. Paired with the MONOGRAM Raspberry Liqueur The sweetness of raspberries wonderfully highlights the nobility of duck meat and upgrades the already employed alcohol aromas. The taste of decadence and exclusivity.


Potrebni sastojci: pačije grudi 200 g demi-glace 20 g “Monogram” liker od maline 0,05 dl krompir 40 g brašno 10 g žumance crni tartuf 5 g kruška 50 g “Monogram” viljamovka 0,05 dl grašak 50 g puter 50 g špargla 30 g cvekla 30 g “Monogram” liker od višnje 0,03 dl so 10 g biber 5 g

Ingredients: Duck breast 200 g Demi-glace 20 g Monogram Raspberry liqueur 0.05 dl Potatoes 40 g Flour 10 g Egg yolk Black truffles 5 g Pear 50 g Monogram Pear Brandy 0.05 dl Peas 50 g Butter 50 g Asparagus 30 g Beetroot 30 g Monogram Cherry Liqueur 0.03 dl Salt 10 g Pepper 5 g


U tankom nizu nareckati kožu na pačijim grudima da se prilikom pečenja ne bi skupile. Posoliti i pobiberiti. Staviti na hladan tiganj meso okrenuto kožom prema dnu i peći dok ne dobije lijepu boju, a zatim okrenuti na drugu stranu i peći još 3-4 minute. Nakon toga ubaciti meso u pećnicu na 180⁰C 6-8 minuta. Grašak skuvati, a zatim izblendati i napraviti od njega pire. Začiniti po ukusu. U šerpicu staviti liker od maline i demi-glace pa prokuvati dok ne dobije gustinu sosa. Od kuvanog krompira napraviti pire, dodati žumance, brašno, isjeckane tartufe, začiniti i dobro zamijesiti smjesu. Ispanirati i pržiti u dubokom ulju. Krušku prokuvati, a zatim flambirati “Monogram” viljamovkom i napraviti pire. Cveklu kuvati u vakuumu sa “Monogram” likerom od višnje 4 sata na 68⁰C i ispasirati nakon toga.

In a narrow sequence perforate the duck breast skin to prevent shrinking during baking. Season with salt and pepper. Place on a cool pan, skin down and pan fry until golden brown, then turn on the other side and fry for another 3-4 minutes. Afterwards place the meat in the oven heated to 180⁰C for 6-8 minutes. Boil peas, then blend and puree them. Season to taste. In a small pot place raspberry liqueur and demi-glace and cook until reduced to a sauce. Puree boiled potatoes, add egg yolk, flour, chopped truffles, season and mix well. Pan and deep fry. Cook and flambé the pear with the Monogram Pear Brandy and puree. Vacuum cook the beet with the Monogram Raspberry Cherry for 4 hours at 68⁰C and blend afterwards.

š ć o i r v U roše U Uroš Urošević

METRO HoReCa centar/Centre

Prvi kuvar iz Srbije koji je primljen u elitno društvo svjetskih masterchefova. A biti masterchef za Uroša znači imati posebnu energiju i viziju, prefinjen osjećaj za trenutak i ukuse te sposobnost da kreativno razmišljanje pretočiš u lonac. Kaže da se to ne može navježbati, jer dolazi iz srca, ali ističe da je stalna edukacija ipak neophodna. Zato u “HoReCa centru” organizuje radionice na kojima vrhunski kuvari bez opterećenja i u dobroj atmosferi razmjenjuju ideje, znanja i tehnike. Posvećuje se i ostalim METRO radionicama namijenjenim kuvarima hobistima, jer zna da je važno promovisati i razvijati kulturu ishrane. Misli da se nalazimo u tranziciji ukusa, ali da nema potrebe za borbom između ruralnog i modernog jer se mogu lijepo uklopiti. Voli prirodne ukuse i ne dozvoljava da se namirnice skrnave. Ne zanosi se količinama, ali ako nešto proba, voli da je najbolje. Još uvijek traga za osjećajem zdrave hrane i seoskog hedonizma iz djetinjstva. Preporučuje posvećenost trenutku i umijeće uživanja u njemu.


The first chef from Serbia who was admitted to the elite company of the world’s Master Chefs. Being a master chef for Uroš means having that special energy and vision, a sophisticated feel for the moment and flavour, and the ability to transfer creative thinking into the cooking pot. That is not practice, he says, as it comes from the heart, however underlines that continuous education is indispensable. For that very reason, the “HoReCa Centre“ organises workshops for visiting top chefs to cook without pressure and to exchange ideas, knowledge, and techniques in good atmosphere. He is also dedicated to other METRO workshops for hobby cooks, as he recognises the importance of promoting and developing the culture of food. He thinks that we are at the point of transition in terms of taste, but then again that there is no need to contend the rural and modern, as the two can be nicely fitted together.

He loves natural flavours and does not allow desecration of ingredients. He doesn’t get carried away with quantities, but if he tastes something, he is keen on it being the best. He is still searching for the feel of healthy food and rural childhood hedonism. He recommends dedication to the moment and the skill to enjoy it.

Jagnjeći stejk SA POVRĆEM Sočno, ružičasto meso okruženo narandžastozelenom simfonijom: špargle, tikvice, crveni luk, krompirići, pire od graška, sunđer od špinata i šargarepe. Čarolija boja, igra nježnih ukusa koji fino kontriraju blago robusnom mesu. Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM rakijom od dunje Aromatična dunja drži ravnotežu sa snagom jagnjetine i raskošnom povrtnom dekoracijom. Kombinacija koja traži polagano i dugo gustiranje. Sklad autentičnog.

Lamb steak WITH VEGETABLES Juicy, pink meat surrounded with an orange-green symphony: asparagus, zucchini, red onions, potatoes, pea puree, spinach and carrot sponge. The magic of colour, the play of soft flavours that nicely counter the mildly robust meat. Paired with the MONOGRAM Quince Brandy Aromatic quince holds the balance between powerful lamb and sumptuous vegetable decoration. The combination that seeks slow and long tasting.

Potrebne namirnice:


500 g jagnjećeg kotleta (sa koskom) 2 dl maslinovog ulja 100 g šargarepe 4 dl biljnog fonda 30 g putera 150 g graška 30 g putera

Jagnjeći kotlet je potrebno začiniti solju, zatim lagano opeći da se stvori korica, a nakon toga staviti u vakuum kesu i kuvati u sous-vide aparatu na 64⁰C 180 minuta. Pred serviranje ga je potrebno ponovo opeći. Isjeći šargarepu na jednake komade i kuvati u biljnom fondu. Kada potpuno omekša i veća količina tečnosti ispari, potrebno je šargarepu izblendati, a zatim dodati puter. Nakon toga pire začiniti solju i biberom. Držati na toplom mjestu do serviranja. Na isti nacin kuvati grašak, a kada omekša, potrebno ga je izblendati, a zatim propasirati, dodati puter i začiniti.

Sunđer: 100 g brašna 2 jajeta 60 g krompira 40 g pečuraka 30 g crvenog luka 30 g narandžastog cherry paradajza 70 g špargli 50 g mini-tikvica 60 g vinskog sirupa 30 g putera So biber

Sunđer : Jaja lagano umutiti, zatim sjediniti sa brašnom i posoliti. Masu podijeliti u dvije posude. U jednu dodati kašiku prethodno napravljenog pirea od graška, a u drugu pirea od šargarepe. Obje mase jednako umutiti. Nakon toga jednu masu staviti u sifon i sa 2 patrona gasa, zatim je istisnuti u odgovarajuću papirnu modlu do pola. Istim postupkom dodati u modlu masu od šargerepe. Dno modle je potrebno izbušiti, a zatim peći u mikrotalasnoj peći 1 minut na najvećoj temperaturi. Nakon toga sunđer ostaviti u modli da se ohladi. Krompir je potrebno oblikovati, a zatim ga kuvati u slanoj vodi. Kada omekša više od pola, potrebno ga je sotirati na puteru. Špargle blanširati u začinjenoj vodi pa prosotirati na puteru. Cherry je potrebno blanširati, a zatim ga lagano opeći u tiganju. Crveni luk oblikovati i kuvati u vinskom sirupu. Kada upola omekša, izvaditi ga. Vinski sirup koristiti i za pravljenje sosa. U zagrijan tiganj dodati sirup i puter pa sve vrijeme miješati dok sos ne dobije ujednačenu teksturu. Dodati so i biber. Čuvati na toplom mjestu do serviranja. Mini-tikvice i pečurke je potrebno sotirati prije samog serviranja. Za dekoraciju koristiti falte od tikvica i šargarepe kratko blanširane u slanoj vodi. U toku samog serviranja potrebno je voditi računa da svaka komponenta na tanjiru bude odvojena i pažljivo servirana.



Ingredients: 500 g of lamb chops (with bone) 2 dl olive oil 100 g carrots 4 dl vegetable stock 30 g butter 150 g peas 30 g butter

Preparation: Season lamb chops with salt, than slowly burn to form a crust, then place in a vacuum bag and cook in SousVide at 64⁰C for 180 minutes. Re-burn right before serving. Cut carrots into equal pieces and cook in vegetable stock. Once they are completely tender and the most of the liquid evaporates, blend the carrots and add butter. Season with salt and pepper. Keep in a warm place until serving. Cook peas in the same way, and once tender, blend and mash, add butter and seasoning.

Sponge: 100 g flour 2 eggs 60 g potatoes 40 g mushrooms 30 g red onion 30 g orange cherry tomatoes 70 g asparagus 50 g mini zucchini 60 g wine syrup 30 g butter Salt Pepper

Sponge: Whisk the eggs lightly, and then combine with flour and salt. Divide the mixture into two dishes. In one add a spoonful of previously prepared pea puree, and in the other carrot puree. Wisk both mixtures equally. Afterwards, place one mass into a siphon with 2 gas cartridges, and then squeeze into an appropriate paper mould, half-full. Using the same procedure, add carrot puree to the mould. Prick the mould bottom, and then bake in the microwave for 1 minute at the highest temperature. Afterwards, leave the sponge in the mould to cool. Mould the potatoes, than boil them in salt water. Once more than halfway tender, sauté in butter. Blanch asparagus in seasoned water and arrange over butter. Blanch cherry tomatoes and then lightly fry in the frying pan. Mould the red onion and cook in wine syrup. Once halfway tender remove from the syrup. Use wine syrup for sauce. In the heated pan add syrup and butter and stir until sauce is uniform in texture. Add salt and pepper. Keep in a warm place until serving. Sauté mini-zucchini and mushrooms before serving. Use zucchini and carrot pleats shortly blanched in salt water for garnish. When plating, make sure that each component on the plate is separate and carefully served.


y i r b a F igi B Fabrizio Bigi


Iako rođen u jednom od svjetskih gastronomskih carstava, u Italiji, time se nije zadovoljio, već je, još kao vrlo mlad, riješio da se otisne u svijet. Dodatna bogata kulinarska znanja i vještine sticao je od Švajcarske i Holandije, preko Bliskog Istoka, Egipta i Azerbejdžana, do Kine i Malezije.

Danas vodi mlad i perspektivan tim u beogradskom Radisson Blu Old Mill hotelu.

Inspirisana tim specifičnim iskustvom, filozofija koja leži iza njegovog rada slavi posebnosti lokalnih kuhinja i namirnica koristeći savremene tehnologije. Tako, u atraktivnoj i modernoj formi zadržava ukuse i hranljivost sastojaka i čuva plamen gastronomske tradicije.

Za Fabricija, hrana je emocija sama. Svaki zalogaj, svaki miris vodi vas na čarobno putovanje, baš kao što to čini neko umjetničko djelo. Kaže da magija leži u osjećaju koju chef umije da prenese u svakom jelu, za svakog gosta. U tom odnosu leži sva suština, i to je ono što pravi razliku.


Born in 1974 in Modena, a small city in Emilia Romagna, Italy, Fabrizio is not an armchair traveler. After finishing his training at the age of twenty, he invested a few years in an Italian restaurant, and then headed off to see the world. His extensive culinary experience spans from Jordan, Egypt and Azerbaijan in the Middle East, to China and Malaysia in the Far East, and Switzerland and the Netherlands in Europe. He’s now leading one of the youngest and most talented teams in Serbia at the Radisson Blu Old Mill in Belgrade. The philosophy behind his work is reflected in celebrating the territory’s iconic ingredients using the most advance techniques, so as to be able to preserve its essence and actual tradition in an utterly contemporary way, by maintaining intact all the nutritional properties of the food itself. Food denotes emotions, and its aroma and taste may induce a flashback into the past, like music or art. That’s why there is no absolute best, it is all about the sensation the Chef is able to transmit through a particular dish to a particular person. It’s a kind of one to one relationship, and that’s exactly what makes all the difference.

Karpaćo od hobotnice SA ČVARCIMA

Lagani morski listići kao fini prekrivači za osjetljivo nepce. Potpuno bez soli, ali zato originalno oplemenjeni isitnjenim domaćim čvarcima i posluženi uz aromatični prah od maslinovog ulja. Prefinjeni ugođaj nadograđuje pjenasta panakota od graška sa rakijom viljamovkom. Kavijar od paradajza ima blagost uspavanke. Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM rakijom viljamovkom Jedinstvena rakija za jedinstveno jelo. Zavodljiva hladnoća, osvajanje svježinom i poletom. Tjera na budnost, na još jedan zalogaj. Ljepota otkrivena samo onima koji umiju da je vide u neočekivanom.

Octopus carpaccio


Light sea leaves as a fine blanket for the delicate palate. Completely without salt, but originally seasoned with homemade shredded cracklings and served with aromatic olive oil powder. The refined atmosphere is fulfilled with foamy pea and pear brandy panna cotta. Served with tomato caviar, gentle as lullaby. Paired with the MONOGRAM Pear Brandy A unique brandy for the unique dish. Seductive coolness, conquest with freshness and enthusiasm. Prompts vigilance, yet another bite. Beauty revealed only to those who are keen to see it in the unexpected. 221

Potrebni sastojci: Za panakotu: 80 g neutralne pavlake 20 g Monogram šljivovice 6 g želatina Soli po želji Za hobotnicu: 1000 g hobotnice 100 g celera i šargarepe 100 g luka 10 g belog luka 100 g limuna 10 g lovorovog lista So i biber po želji Za krambl: 90 g brašna 60 g butera 60 g šećera 5 g mastila sipe Pire od graška: 100 g graška So i biber po želji

Priprema: Pavlaku prokuvati a želatin istopiti u hladnoj vodi. Istopljeni želatin dodati u pavlaku i za ukus dodati rakiju. Dodati so i biber i uliti u okrugli kalup. Hobotnicu skuvati, očistiti, zaviti u plastičnu foliju i zalediti. Umešati sastojke za krambl tako da se zadrži rastresita tekstura, i peći u rerni na 175 stepeni 20 minuta. Grašak skuvati i ispasirati, a zatim sipati u poslastičarsku vreću. Za kavijar: vodu prokuvati i dodati sok od paradajza i procediti. U vodi rastvoriti kalcijum i homogenizovati štapnim mikserom. Smesu premestiti u dublji sud do visine od oko 5 cm. Ubaciti sok u kupku da bi se dobili željeni sferični oblici. Serviranje: Iseći hobotnicu i aranžirati na tanjiru, dodati panakotu. Na papiru aranžirati kavijar i servirati pire od graška. Jelo kompletirati kramblom i ukrasiti.

Kavijar od paradajza: Sok od paradajza Za sok od paradajza: 300 g soka od paradajza 375 g vode Kalcijumska kupka 6,5 g kalcijuma 1000 g vode


Ingredients: For the plum brandy panna cotta: 80 g cream 20 g plum brandy 6 g gelatine Salt to taste For the octopus: 1000 g octopus 100 g celery and carrots 100 g onion 10 g garlic 100 g lemon 10 g bay leaves Salt and pepper to taste For the crumble: 90 g flour 60 g butter 60 g sugar 5 g squid ink Green pea puree: 100 g peas Salt and pepper to taste For the tomato caviar: Tomato juice For the tomato juice 300 g tomato juice 375 g water Calcic bath 6.5 g Calcic 1000 g water.


Preparation: Boil the cream; in cold water melt the gelatine. Add the gelatine to the cream and flavour with plum brandy. Add salt and pepper to taste and place in a ring mould. Boil the octopus, peel, wrap in plastic foil, and freeze. Mix, but do not bind all the ingredients for the crumble to keep the crumbling texture than bake in oven at 175 degrees for 20 minutes. Boil the peas and pass through a fine sieve, than place in a piping bag. For the spheres: bring the water to boil and add the juice, strain, dissolve calcic in the water with a blender. Pour the mix in a container to a height of about 5 cm. Drop the juice in the bath to obtain the spheres. Plating: Slice the octopus and plate it, add the panna cotta. Arrange the caviar on a paper. Pipe onto the plate some mashed peas. Finish the dish with the crumble and garnish.

Jagnjeće grudi “Karakačanska” (SOUS – VIDE TEHNIKA)1 Aromatična, sočna, hrskava jagnjetina miriše na porodična okupljanja, bliskost i radost. Okupana je u rakiji dunji kao djevojka u mlijeku pred svadbu. Ruzmarin miriše. Mladi krompiri vesele se u laganom i rastresitom kolu. Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM rakijom od dunje Kombinacija koja odiše udobnošću i aludira na slavlje. Fini spoj punih, snažnih voćnih mirisa i snage mesa. Pije se uz dozu lijepih uspomena i gutljaj nade.

Karakačanska lamb (SOUS – VIDE TECHNIQUE)1 Aromatic, juicy, crispy lamb that smells like family gatherings, intimacy and joy. Bathed in quince brandy just like a girl in milk before her wedding. The smell of rosemary. Young potatoes rejoicing in the light and loose dance. Paired with the MONOGRAM Quince Brandy A combination that exudes comfort and alludes to celebration. A fine blend of solid, strong fruit flavour and strength of meat. Consumed with a dose of beautiful memories and a sip of hope.

1 Tehnika pripremanja namirnica u vakuumu na strogo kontrolisanoj temperaturi, nižoj nego što se inače koristi u drugim tehnikama. Rezultat su ukusnije, sočnije namirnice, izuzetna mekoća mesa i kvalitet povrća kome su zadržani svi hranljivi elementi 1 Technique for preparing food in a vacuum at a strictly controlled temperature, lower than commonly used in other techniques. It results in tastier, more succulent foods, exquisite tenderness of meat and quality of vegetables that retains all nutritional components.


Sastojci: Za jagnjetinu: 1000 g jagnjetine (jagnjeće grudi) sa Stare planine 10 g lovorovog lista 5 g bobica kleke 10 g belog luka 5 g bibera u zrnu 5 g ruzmarina Za torticu od kropira: 500 g mladih krompirića 100 g maslaca Za fondu: 2000 g jagnjećih kostiju 200 g crnog luka 200 g celera 20 g belog luka 10 g lovorovog lista 50 g dunjevače So i biber po ukusu

Ingredients: For the lamb: 1000 g Stara planina lamb breast 10 g bay leaves 5 g juniper berries 10 g garlic 5 g pepper corn 5 g rosemary For the potatoes: 500 g young potatoes 100 g butter For the jus: 2000 g lamb bones 200 g onion 200 g celery 20 g garlic 10 g bay leaves 50 g quince brandy Salt and pepper to taste.

Priprema: Na vrelom tiganju kratko ispeći jagnjeće grudi sa svih strana pa staviti u vakum kesu. Kuvati na 63 stepena 24 časa. Ohladiti, otvoriti kesu i iseći. Krompir sitno izrendati. U teflonskom tiganju istopiti maslac i u tiganj ubaciti okruglu modlu. Modlu napuniti izrendanim krompirom i krompir u modli ispeći sa obe strane. Sve sastojke za fondu ispeći, zatim dodati vodu i kuvati još 24 časa da bi se dobila odgovarajuća želatinasta tekstura, a potom dodati rakiju. Serviranje Na vrelom tiganju kratko zapeći isečene jagnjeće snicle, preneti na tanjir i smestiti tik pored tortice od krompira i preliti sosom. Ukrasiti ljuspicama soli i ruzmarinom.

Preparation: Sear the lamb and place it in a vacuum bag. Cook at 63 degrees for 24 hrs. Chill, open, and slice. Thinly grate the potatoes. In a Teflon pan melt the butter and place a ring mould. Fill the mould with potatoes and panfry on both sides. Roast all ingredients for the jus, add water and simmer for 24 hours to reach the right gelatinous texture, than add brandy. Plating In a pan sear the sliced lamb, transfer to a plate next to the potatoes and dress with the jus. Decorate with salt flakes and rosemary.


a c i ć ov i J ovič J Jovica Jovičić

Restoran/Restaurant ÐORÐE

Odrastao pored djeda u obućarskoj radnji i znao da će stvarati nešto rukama. Na kuvanje nije pomišljao, iako mu je otac bio ugostitelj. Sa 16 godina htio da zaradi za more i završio u restoranu, najprije kao spoljni momak pa kao pomoćnik u kuhinji. Tad otkriva život pun uživanja. Sa 27 postaje šef kuhinje i u tom svijetu traje sa uspjehom. Kaže da je kuvanje posao pun tenzija i očekivanja, ali i druženja, solidarnosti, sjajnog osjećaja kad se spremi nešto dobro, fuzije energije koja se teško raskida. Kuva i jede sve, ali mu je važno da bude kvalitetno, zdravo i svježe. Voli pasulj iz tučanog lonca, ćevape koji ga vraćaju u detinjstvo, ali i ribu. Tvrdi da se ne može štedjeti na dobrim kuvarima i kvalitetnim namirnicama, čak i u krizi. Misli da je pojava Džejmija Olivera preokrenula shvatanja o kuvanju i motivisala gastronome da se vrate korijenima, začinskim biljkama, prirodnim ukusima poput šumskih pečuraka, cvijeta bagrema ili duvan-čvaraka. Volio bi da više gajimo sopstvenu gastronomsku kulturu i da objedovanju vratimo momenat zajedništva i okupljanja.


Even while growing up next to his grandfather in the shoe repair shop, he knew in his life he would do something with his hands. He never thought of cooking even though his father was a restaurateur. At the age of 16 he wanted to earn some money for the trip to the coast and ended up in a restaurant, in the front of the house first, and then as a kitchen assistant. It was then he discovered a life full of enjoyment. He became a head chef and continues to successfully endure in that industry. He says cooking is a job full of tension and expectations, but also friendship, solidarity, that brilliant feeling when something good is created, fusion of energies tough to be broken. He cooks and eats everything, but it must be of good quality, healthy and fresh. He likes beans from the cast iron pot, ćevapi that bring him back to childhood, but also fish. He claims that one cannot skimp on good chefs and good food, even in crisis. He thinks that the emergence of Jamie Oliver has spun the understanding of cooking and motivated gastronomes to return to their roots, herbs, natural flavours such as wild mushrooms, acacia blossoms, or shredded cracklings. He would prefer if we could be more keen on nurturing own gastronomic culture and returning the moment of communion and gatherings to each meal.

Prasetina sa pireom od karfiola, pečenom njokom i sotiranim povrćem

Divna, mlada, mirisna rebarca, položena na šareni tepih od povrća, obogaćena su sipinim crnilom i osvježavajućim džemom od crnog luka i pomorandže. Mogu se dopuniti sosom od vina iz tube. Karfiol nježan kao pamuk, njoka lagano ogrnuta dimom. Pitomo jelo, domaći delikates koji vas vraća spokoju, jednostavnosti i uživanju. Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM rakijom viljamovkom Nevini ukus mesa dobro se spaja sa prefinjenošću kruške. Ovaj zagrljaj je lak kao proljećnji vjetar i osvaja aromom i svježinom.

Pork with cauliflower puree, backed gnocchi and sauteed vegetables

Beautiful, young, sweet ribs, situated on the colourful carpet of vegetables, enriched with squid ink and refreshing onion and orange marmalade. It can be supplemented with wine sauce from the tube. Cauliflower gentle as cotton, gnocchi lightly shrouded in smoke. Tame dish, homemade delicacy which takes you back to serenity, simplicity, and enjoyment. Paired with the MONOGRAM Pear Brandy Innocent meat tang blends well with the sophistication of the pear. This embrace is as easy as the spring wind and overwhelms with its flavour and freshness. 231


Prasećim rebrima, koja smo lijepo usolili, dodati biber i sjeckano smilje. Peći na temperaturi od 125⁰C 8 časova. Kada su dobila mekoću i hrskavu koru, izvaditi ih, staviti na pleh za pečenje, odozgo staviti drugi pleh za pečenje i pritisnuti lakšim “tegom” kako bismo rebra malo ispresovali. Sjeći na porcije koje ne bi trebalo da budu veće od 0,24 kg po osobi. Karfiol očistiti i staviti da se kuva u mlijeku sa malo soli i listovima nane. Kad postane mekan, izvaditi karfiol i izgnječiti ga u pire, začiniti cimetom, maslinovim uljem i puterom. Skuvati krompir u ljusci. Kada postane mekan, odstraniti ljusku i izgnječiti ga, dodati jaja, brašno, so, muškatni orah i napraviti tijesto za njoke. Sitno sjeckani crni luk propržiti sa sjeckanom pršutom. Tijesto za njoke razvući oklagijom u pravougaonik debljine 5 mm, posuti po tijestu prodinstanu pršutu i uviti tijesto u valjak. Valjak zatim uviti u PVC foliju, pa u alu-foliju, dobro zatvoriti i kuvati 25 minuta. Izvaditi iz vode, odviti valjak i isjeći komad njoke, pa prepeći na puteru i maslinovom ulju. Da bismo napravili kranč potrebno je 0,1 kg putera, 0,1 kg šećera,0,1 kg brašna i 0,005 kg mastila sipe. Umiješati tijesto i peći na 110⁰C dok ne postane hrskavo. Šargarepu (0,04 kg), tikvicu (0,04 kg), papriku (0,03 kg), celer (0,03 kg) isjeći na kratak žilijen i samo malo prodistati na maslinovom ulju. Džem od luka napraviti tako što crni luk, koru pomorandže i šećer, razmjera 1:1, kuvamo na tihoj vatri dok se ne skuva džem. Tuba je napunjena sosom koji se dobije kad se rebra ispeku. Sipati u dublju posudu moču, dodati malo vode i “Monogram” viljamovke, flambirati i zgusnuti sos.

Add pepper and chopped immortelle to well salted pork ribs. Roast at 125⁰C for 8 hours. Once tender and crispy, remove, place in the baking pan, cover with another baking pan and press with a lighter weight to lightly press the ribs. Cut into portions not exceeding 0.24 kg per person. Clean the cauliflower and cook in milk with a bit of salt and mint leaves. Once soft, remove and puree, season with cinnamon, olive oil, and butter. Cook potatoes in the shell. Once soft, mash, add eggs, flour, salt, and nutmeg and make the dough for gnocchi. Fry finely chopped onions with chopped prosciutto ham. Roll out the dough for gnocchi with the rolling pin into a 5 mm thick rectangle, sprinkle with simmered ham, and wrap into a roll. Wrap the roll in PVC foil and then aluminium foil, close well and cook for 25 minutes. Remove from water, unwrap, cut into pieces and brown in butter and olive oil. The crunch requires 0.1 kg of butter, 0.1 kg of sugar, 0.1 g of flour, and 0.005 kg of squid ink. Mix the batter and bake at 110 ⁰C until crispy. Julienne carrots (0.04 kg), zucchini (0.04 kg), peppers (0.03 kg) and celery (0.03 kg) and slightly sauté in olive oil. Make onion marmalade by cooking onions, 1 part orange peel and 1 part sugar over low heat until cooked. The tube is filled with sauce remaining from roasting ribs. Pour gravy into a deep dish, add a bit of water and “Monogram” Pear Brandy, flambé and reduce.


Dušan Mrđenović Vlasnik restorana TABOR Owner of the Restaurant TABOR

Naslijedio porodični biznis započet 1984. godine. “Tabor” je jedan od prvih privatnih restorana u Beogradu i oduvijek je bio usmjeren na poštovanje autentičnog beogradskog duha i kulta kafane. Tako je osmišljen i enterijer i jelovnik. Udobno, prijatno, domaće, kao kod kuće. Sve je podređeno gostima koji se ovdje rado vraćaju. U “Taboru” su sjedjele, jele i uživale mnoge poznate ličnosti. Mohamed Ali je prilikom posjete Beogradu 1989. godine bio gost ovog restorana. Ovo je bila omiljena kafana slikara i pisca Mome Kapora. Osim gostiju, stalni je i gastronomski tim: glavna kuvarica je ovdje od prvog dana, a ostali članovi i po 15-20 godina. “Tabor” nema menadžera. Sve poslove organizacije i vođenja završava Dušan sa majkom i sestrom. Kaže da kafana poštuje goste, gosti kafanu i da niko ne ugrožava tuđu intimu, čak i kada je restoran pun, a veselje uz muziku na vrhuncu. Otkriva da hljeb, kolače i kobasice prave sami, a da gosti najčešće naručuju biftek na vulkanskom kamenu, tatar biftek, ćevape i tabor vješalicu, što i sam najviše voli da pojede. Primjećuje da se nekad duže ostajalo i uživalo u kafani, čak i po cijelu noć. Volio bi da vrati te trenutke koji prkose tempu života i obaveza.

He inherited the family business that started in 1984. “Tabor” is one of the first privately owned restaurants in Belgrade that has always been focused on respecting the authentic spirit of Belgrade and the cult of the tavern (kafana). The interior and the menu were thus designed. Comfortable, friendly, hospitable, just like home. Everything is focussed on guests who return gladly. Many celebrities have sat, dined, and enjoyed themselves in “Tabor”. Mohamed Ali during his Belgrade visit in 1989 dined at the restaurant. This was the favourite spot of the writer and painter Momo Kapor. Besides guests, the regulars also include the culinary team: the head chef who has been here from the day one and other team members with 15 to 20 years of service. “Tabor” doesn’t have a manager. All organisational and managerial tasks are completed by Dušan with his mother and sister. He says that kafana respects its guests, the guests respect the kafana, and no one interferes with another’s privacy, even when the restaurant is full, and the entertainment with music is at its best. He reveals that bread, cakes and sausages they make themselves, and that guests most frequently order steak on the volcanic rocks, tartar steak, ćevapi and Tabor pork loin, dishes he likes best too. He notices that folks used to stay longer and enjoy their time in the restaurant, even for the entire night. He would like those moments that defy pace of life and obligations to return. 236





Poznati slatkiš, obogaćen novim ukusima. Sočni zalogaj zapečen u nježnom velu od slatke pavlake, s dominantnim, opojnim, očaravajućim mirisom muškatnog oraščića. Zavodljiva nježnost.

The famous sweet delicacy, enriched with new flavours. Juicy bite dressed in a gentle cream veil, with a dominant, intoxicating, enchanting scent of nutmeg. Seductive tenderness.

Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM likerom od dunje

Paired with the MONOGRAM Quince Liqueur

Aromatična, diskretna slast dunje pojačava prefinjenu notu ovog toplog deserta i daje mu titraj beskonačnosti. Ukus povjerenja i bliskosti.

Aromatic, discrete sweetness of quince enhances the refined touch of this warm desert and gives it a shudder of infinity. The flavour of trust and closeness.


Način pripreme: Umijesiti tijesto i ispeći 4 palačinke. Svaku od njih filovati smjesom od oraha i šećera, po ukusu, te suvim grožđem koje smo prethodno potopili u “Monogram” liker od dunje i držali ga u njemu nešto manje od dva sata. Istim likerom poprskati i fil za palačinke. Palačinke urolati, presjeći napola i složiti u vatrostalnu posudu. Umutiti 2 dl slatke pavlake, preliti palačinke i zapeći ih desetak minuta. Kada se palačinke zapeku, posuti ivice mljevenim orasima, vanilin šećerom, a po sredini posuti muskatni oraščić.

Preparation: Mix the batter and make 4 crepes. Fill each crepe with the walnut and sugar mixture, to taste, and then with raisins previously soaked in Monogram Quince Liquor for somewhat less than two hours. Sprinkle the crepes fill with the same liquor. Roll the crepes, cut in half and arrange in the casserole dish. Whisk 2 dl of heavy cream, pour over crepes and brown for ten minutes. Once crepes are baked, sprinkle the edges with ground walnuts and vanilla sugar, and some nutmeg along the middle.



š ć o i l i ov n M oja t S Miloš Stojanović

Zamjenik šefa kuhinje restorana MALI VRABAC

Restaurant MALI VRABAC, Sous-Chef

Kada je sa 16 godina ušao u kuhinju, bila je to ljubav na prvi pogled. I danas, deset godina kasnije, kaže da su uslovi teški i da je kuvanje prije svega ozbiljan rad i predanost, da traži puno odricanja,ali da su kuvari za njega gospoda i umjetnici. Svaki chef mora sem znanja i iskustva da posjeduje i “ono nešto”, ljubav i energiju koje se prepoznaju. Voli sve da proba i trudi se da svoju strast prenese u tanjir, preko nepca do srca gostiju. Rado kuva prijateljima i često kombinuje više recepata. Smatra da su dobre one kulinarske emisije koje nisu samo reklama, već imaju neku poruku, pa bi želio da upozna Džejmija Olivera i Gordona Remzija, koji su tu neprikosnoveni. Znači mu kad gosti pohvale njegov trud i viziju, a namjerava da se okuša i na zvaničnim takmičenjima. Kaže da uvijek može da se nauči nešto novo, te bi volio da ode negdje u Evropu na usavršavanje kako bi upoznao druge kulture i gastronomije.


When he set foot in the kitchen for the first time at the age of 16, it was love at first sight. Today, ten years later, he says conditions are difficult and cooking in particular is a serious work and commitment requiring plenty of sacrifice, however, for him cooks and chefs are both gentlemen and artists. Besides knowledge and experience, each chef must possess “that something”, that recognisable love and energy. He likes experimenting and trying to communicate his passion on the plate, through the palate, and to the heart of his guests. He gladly cooks for his friends and often combines multiple recipes. He believes good cooking shows are the ones that not only advertise but also convey a message of sorts, and he would like to meet Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay, undisputed in that sense. It means a lot to him when guests praise his work and vision, and he intends to try his hand at official competitions. He is always eager to learn something new, and would love to go to Europe on training to learn about new cultures and gastronomies.


Đurin stek Spoj srpske i mediteranske kuhinje, posvećen srpskom pjesniku i slikaru Đuri Jakšiću. Aromatični fil sastoji se od buffalo mocarele, pesta i kulena od mangulice, pa bi se jelo moglo okarakterisati i kao srpska calzone varijanta. Služi se sa potpurijem od povrća i orašastih plodova. Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM rakijom od šljive Šljiva kao dobar domaćin za tradicionalne ukuse pruža prostor da se klasične kombinacije udobno razbaškare, a novima daje lokalni pečat. Utisak blagog vjetra po sunčanom danu.

Đura’s steak Blend of Serbian and Mediterranean cuisine, dedicated to the Serbian poet and painter Đura Jakšić. Aromatic filling consists of buffalo mozzarella, pesto and sausage from Mangulitza pig, so the dish can be described as a Serbian calzone. Served with vegetable and nut potpourri. Paired with the MONOGRAM Plum Brandy Plum as the good host for traditional flavours. It offers classic combinations space to comfortably curl up, and lends new ones local flare. The impression of a gentle wind on a sunny day.

Potrebno je: 300 g svinjskog filea 50 g kulena od mangulice 1 kašika pesto đenoveze sosa 30 g mocarele buffalo Povrće za grilovanje po želji i ukusu 5-6 mladih krompirića

Razlupati svinjski file u veliku šniclu, namazati pesto, preko naredati kulen pa mocarelu,dobro olupati ćoškove filea kako bi se lijepo i kompaktno sastavili prilikom preklapanja i složiti tako punjenu šniclu u pismo. Peći na roštilju zajedno sa grilovanim povrćem. Mladi krompir ispržiti na ulju. Servirati na podlozi od rukole sa grilovanim povrćem i mladim krompirićima. Prijatno!

Required ingredients: 300 g pork fillet 50 g Mangulitza sausage 1 spoonful of Pesto Genovese 30 g Buffalo mozzarella Vegetables for grilling according to taste 5-6 young potatoes

Pound pork tenderloin into a large steak, coat with pesto, cover with grated sausage and mozzarella, pound the tenderloin edges well so they can be nicely and compactly joined when overlapped and arrange thus filled steak into a purse. Grill together with vegetables. Fry young potatoes in oil. Serve over arugula with grilled vegetables and young potatoes. Enjoy!


Piletina “Vrabac” Laki mesni valjak punjen kozijim sirom. Nježni sastojci, slast brusnice, a u sljedećem momentu kontrast specifične arome duvan-čvaraka. Ljupko jelo, baš kao što mu ime kaže.

“Vrabac” chicken Light meat roll stuffed with goat cheese. Tenderness of ingredients underlined with cranberry relish, only to be defied at the very next moment by the specific aroma of “tobacco” cracklings. Lovely dish, just as its name says.

Sastojci: Pileći file 300 g Kozji sir 30 g Duvan-čvarci 30 g Sušena brusnica 30 g Grilovano povrće 150 g

Pileći file otvoriti po sredini i razvući čekićem za meso u šniclu. Puniti kozjim sirom, duvan-čvarcima i sušenom brusnicom. Urolati ga u valjak i peći na roštilju zajedno sa grilovanim povrćem.

Required ingredients: Chicken fillet 300 g Goat cheese 30 g “Tobacco” cracklings 30 g Dried cranberries 30 g Grilled vegetables 150 g


Cut the chicken fillet along the middle and pound into a steak. Fill with goat cheese, cracklings, and dried cranberries. Roll and bake on the grill with grilled vegetables.

n a ć l i i v e M orđ Đ Milan Đorđević

Šef kuhinje restorana TRI ŠEŠIRA Restaurant TRI ŠEŠIRA, Chef de Cuisine

Iskustvo sticao u zemlji i inostranstvu, a već četiri godine u jednom od najpoznatijih gostoljubivih skadarlijskih lokala gostima priprema srpske tradicionalne gurmanluke. Cijeni domaće specijalitete, pa s lakoćom i zadovoljstvom servira roštilj s ćumura i brojne pite, čime su stranci naročito oduševljeni. Teži spoju jednostavne pripreme i kvalitetnih namirnica, i rado pojede dobro meso, laku pastu ili Margaritu. Potvrđuje da se i nove tehnologije vraćaju starim načinima kuvanja, kao što je dugo krčkanje. Tvrdi da je priprema pola posla da bi tenzija bila manja, i da dobrog kuvara prepoznaje čim uzme nož u ruke. Kaže da zanat treba dugo peći, učiti od velikih majstora i sticati najrazličitija iskustva. Pri promjeni ne treba ići samo za novcem, već za iskustvom i znanjem.


He gained experience both in the country and abroad, and for four years now is in one of the most famous and hospitable Skadarlija joints where he prepares traditional Serbian delicacies. He appreciates local specialties, and with ease and pleasure serves charcoal barbecue and various pies the foreigners are particularly enthusiastic about. He strives towards a combination of simple preparation and quality ingredients, and is happy to eat good meat, light pasta or a Margarita. He confirms that even new technologies are returning to old cooking ways, such as long simmering. He claims preparation to be a half of one’s work to reduce the tension, and that a good chef can be spotted once he grabs the knife. In his words the trade requires a long time to master by learning from great masters and acquiring the most diverse experiences. When it comes to changes, money should be the only guiding principle, but also experience and knowledge.

Teleća koljenica Sočno, meko pečenje. Topi se u ustima. Pravi srpski delikates intenzivnog ukusa uz dodatak mirisnih krompira. Najbolje je kad je vruće i kad se lijepi za prste. Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM rakijom od dunje Snaga i mladost sa obje strane. Sinteza opojnih ukusa. Tradicija u najboljem smislu. Kombinacija koja održava toplotu druženja.

Veal knuckle Juicy, soft roast that melts in your mouth. A true Serbian delicacy, with intensive flavour, supplemented with fragrant potatoes. Best served when hot when it sticks to your fingers. Paired with the MONOGRAM Quince Brandy Strength and youth at once. Synthesis of intoxicating flavours. Tradition in the best possible sense. A combination that preserves that warmth of gatherings.

Teleća koljenica (za 4 osobe) Potrebne namirnice: 1,2 kg krompira 2 grančice ruzmarina 10 listova žalfije 0,5 l bijelog vina 2 glavice crvenog luka 1,5 do 2 kg teleće koljenice 1 kašika morske soli 30 gr masla

Teleću koljenicu razrežite plitko u dužini 3-4 cm na najdebljem dijelu i na dijelu uz kost. Dobro je natrljajte krupnom morskom soli. Ostavite je na hladnom tako dugo dok se kristali soli ne počnu rastapati. Ugrijte pečnicu na najjače. U pogodnoj posudi zagrijte maslo toliko jako da se skoro počne dimiti. Koljenicu prepecite naglo sa svih strana da se zatvore pore na mesu. Tako neće istjecati sok pri pečenju na rezovima koje ste načinili pri soljenju. Ako koljenicu ne možete prepeći na maslu, nemojte je ni zasjecati prilikom soljenja. U posudu za pečenje (glinena posuda za pečnicu) stavite krumpir i crveni luk narezane na četvrtine, začinjene. Dodajte mast, ruzmarin i žalfiju. Koljenicu položite na vrh. Podlite krompir sa 3 dl vina, poklopite. Glinenu posudu zatvorite i stavite u HLADNU pećnicu koju postepeno ugrijavajte na 220ºC. Po kili koljenice potrebno je sat vremena pečenja. Nakon pola sata, proveriti da li u posudi ima još tekućine. Po potrebi dodati bijelo vino, promešajte krompir i okrenite koljenicu. Teleća koljenica je gotova kada od središnje kosti možete odvojiti meso prstima.

Veal Shank (serves 4) Required ingredients: 1.2 kg of potatoes 2 rosemary sprigs 10 leaves of sage 0.5 l of white wine 2 red onions 1.5 to 2 kg of veal shank 1 spoonful of sea salt 30 gr of butter

Make 3-4 cm long and shallow slits in the veal shank along the thickest part and along the bone. Rub well with coarse sea salt. Let it sit in a cold place until salt crystals begin to melt. Preheat the oven to the maximum. In the appropriate dish heat up the butter so it nearly starts smoking. Sear the shank on all sides to close the pores of the meat. That will prevent the juices to escape from the slits made for salting. Do not slit the meat if unable to sear it in hot butter. Place potatoes and onions cut in quarters in the baking dish (stoneware baking dish), and season. Add fat, rosemary and sage. Place veal shank on top. Add 3 dl of wine to the potatoes and cover. Close the stoneware dish and place in the COLD oven. Gradually heat up the oven to 220ºC. An hour of cooking per one kilogram of shank is required. After half an hour check remaining liquid in the dish. If needed, add white wine, stir the potatoes and turn the shank. Veal shank is ready when the meat starts coming off the bone with just fingers.



Leopold Tkačik Jedan od menadžera restorana SAKURA Restaurant SAKURA Manager

Zadovoljan što je ovaj nov i neobičan restoran privukao toliki broj pristalica i stalnih gostiju. Misli da je razbijanje predrasuda teško, ali se isplati. Priznaje da je suši, koji se najviše traži, otvorio vrata i drugim jelima, jer se ljudi osmјele da probaju i egzotičnije ukuse. Osoblje je visoko edukovano i ima iskustva kako da gostu što bolje približi modernizovani koncept azijske kuhinje. U njega spada i filozofija okupljanja i zajedničkog obјedovanja, pa šarmantni i topli foodsharing začas preraste u spajanje stolova. Dobro raspoloženje se ovdje podrazumijeva. Zato se, kaže, trude da preporukama za degustaciju novih jela, uz piće, cigare i kvalitetnu muziku, produže boravak gostiju u skladu sa najboljim karakteristikama hedonizma, pa čak da taj hedonizam i znalački nametnu, ako treba.

He is pleased that this young and peculiar restaurant has attracted so many supporters and regulars. He believes that breaking prejudices is a difficult task, however worth it. He admits that the most-sought out sushi has opened the doors for other dishes, as guests dare to try even more exotic flavours. The staff is highly educated and experienced on how to introduce the guest to the modernised concept of Asian cuisine. The concept includes a philosophy of gatherings and shared meals, charming and warm food sharing that turns into joining of tables at once. Good atmosphere is implied. That is why, he says, they try to extend guests’ stay by recommending new dishes, drinks, cigars and quality music, in line with the best character of hedonism, even when necessary to skilfully impose it, if need be.


o R illa s V bo o L Roy Villa Lobos

Glavni kuvar restorana SAKURA

Restaurant SAKURA Executive Chef

Odrastao je u filipinskoj porodici u kojoj se njegovala ljubav prema kuvanju. Danas je to posao bez koga ne bi mogao da živi i koji donosi pomiješane emocije. Smatra da je ukusna i elegantna japanska kuhinja zapravo umjetnost i da vam omogućava da osim hrane prezentujete i sebe. Zato voli laki ples prstiju koji pripremaju suši i sašimi, kao i vrtlog mašte kad treba dizajnirati jelo. Kad kuva prijateljima, jelovnik prilagođava gostima i prilici. Voli da jede meso, jer kaže da je odrastajući na obali probao sve iz mora. Proputovao je svijet, kuvao je za predsjednike i ambasadore, a želja mu je da ima svoj mali restoran na Filipinima i da kuva za sunarodnike i obične ljude.

He grew up in the Philippine family that nurtured a love for cooking. Today this is a job he could not live without brining in mixed emotions. He believes delicious and elegant Japanese cuisine is, in fact, an art that apart from food allows you to present yourself too. That is why he loves that easy dance of fingers that prepare sushi and sashimi, as well as the whirlwind of imagination when designing a dish. When he cooks for his friends, he fine-tunes the menu according to the guest and the occasion. He loves to eat meat, since, as he says, by growing up by the sea he already tried everything from it. He has travelled the world, cooked for presidents and ambassadors, and his desire is to open a small restaurant in the Philippines to cook for his fellow citizens and ordinary folks. 256

Mix sashimi - sushi Morska bašta, razigrane boje, delikatni ukusi. Tuna, žutorepa hemachi tuna, losos i gambori nježno sjedinjeni sa rižom, oplemenjeni mangom, limunom i avokadom. Ovaj haiku na tanjiru lako presjeca neizbježni mirisni đumbir, soja sos i ljuti wasabi.

Mix sashimi - Sushi Sea garden, lively colours, delicate flavours. Yellowtail tuna, Hamachi tuna, salmon and prawns gently combined with rice, enriched with mango, lemon, and avocado. This haiku on the plate is gently cut down inevitable fragrant ginger, soy sauce and wasabi.

Sabljarka usuzukuri (KAJIKI USUZUKURI) Suptilna priprema za raritet svilenog ukusa. Poput proljećnog behara. Fino posut susamom, kaparima i mladim lukom liči na ukusni nježni akvarel.

Sword fish usuzukuri (KAJIKI USUZUKURI) Subtle preparation for the silky tasting rarity. Like a spring blossom. Finely sprinkled with sesame seeds, capers and onions, it resembles a delicious gentle watercolour.

Potrebne namirnice: tanko nasječena svježa sabljarka 120 g kapari 7 g ikra lososa 5 g mladi luk 2 g sjeme susama 1 g maslinovo ulje 5 ml ponzu-sos 5 ml Nasijecite sabljarku na jako tanke listiće, lijepo ih rasporedite na tanjiru, a potom na svaki listić stavite po kapar i ikru lososa. Pospite mladim lukom, koji ste prethodno sitno nasjeckali, sjemenom susama te začinite maslinovim uljem i ponzu- sosom.

Required ingredients: Thinly sliced fresh swordfish 120 g Capers 7 g Salmon roe 5 g Scallions 2 g Sesame seeds 1 g Olive oil 5 ml Ponzu sauce 5 ml Slice the swordfish into very thin slivers, arrange nicely on the plate, and top each with a caper and salmon roe. Sprinkle with previously finely chopped scallions and sesame seeds and season with olive oil and Ponzu sauce. 259

Losos tartuf tataki Novo jelo na meniju, intrigantan i izbalansiran spoj vode i zemlje sa aurom od pomorandže. Topi se u ustima i izaziva laki zanos. Kao zen načet čežnjom. Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM rakijom viljamovkom Balans različitih nivoa svježine. Ova kombinacija daje blagu, umirujuću svjetlost, kao mjesečevo srebro. Nema nametanja, samo ležeran hod od zalogaja do zalogaja.

Salmon truffle tataki New dish on the menu, intriguing and balanced combination of water and earth, with an orange aura. Melts in your mouth and pulls you into a light trance. Like Zen broached with longing. Paired with the MONOGRAM Pear Brandy The balance between different levels of freshness. This combination gives a mild, soothing light, as the moon silver. With no imposition, just a leisurely walk from bite to bite.

Potrebne namirnice: svjež file lososa 150 g crni tartuf 3 g očišćeno meso pomorandže 80 g ikra lososa 5 g mladi luk 2 g teriyaki sos 20 ml maslinovo ulje sa bijelim tartufom 2 ml ponzu-sos 10 ml začinsko svježe bilje za dekoraciju

Svjež file lososa, koji je prethodno stajao u ledeno hladnoj vodi, propržiti jako kratko. Potom ga isjeći na parčiće debljine 2 cm. Na tanjir prvo postaviti pomorandžu, preko nje losos, preliti teriyaki i ponzu- sosom te maslinovim uljem sa bijelim tartufom. Na svako parče staviti po listić crnog tartufa. Isto učiniti i sa ostatkom namirnica.

Required ingredients: Fresh salmon fillet 150 g Black truffles 3 g Trimmed orange meat 80 g Salmon roe 5 g Scallions 2 g Teriyaki sauce 20 ml White truffle olive oil 2 ml Ponzu sauce 10 ml Fresh herbs for garnishing 260

Quickly sear fresh salmon fillet that previously sat in cold water. Slice the fillet into 2 cm thick chunks. First plate the orange, top with salmon, cover with teriyaki and ponzu sauce and sprinkle with white truffle olive oil. Garnish each peace with the slice of black truffle. Do the same with the rest of ingredients.


k c i a N išev B Nikola Biševac

Glavni kuvar restorana DELTINO

Restaurant DELTINO, Executive Chef

Mlad, iskusan, ambiciozan. Osnivač Kulinarske federacije Srbije i predsjednik bronzanih olimpijacasrpskog Junior Chef Cluba (JCC). Podržava otiskivanje mladih u zahtjevnije kulinarske vode i kaže im da moraju sve da prate i stalno da uče. Misli da je veoma bitno imati mentora koji će vas voditi i upućivati na nešto novo, kao što je on učio od Stambola Geštamova, Petra Gajića, Novaka Fidanovića i Uroša Uroševića. Zbog nezavidne situacije u ugostiteljskim školama, sa JCC planira da počne akciju opremanja kulinarskih kabineta u Srbiji, počevši od Kragujevca. Teži da JCC postane što ozbiljnija organizacija i da na Kulinarskoj olimpijadi 2016. godine uzme zlato. Primjećuje da koliko god da se u gastronomskim trendovima ide naprijed, opet se vraćamo na klasičnu kuhinju. Voli odlazak na pijacu, a sebi i društvu najčešće pravi kotlić, roštilj, ribu, burgere i giros. U „Deltinu“ kuva prema raspoloženju i dnevnoj nabavci, bez jelovnika. Kaže da vrhunski chef mora prije svega imati stav, objašnjenje i viziju svakog tanjira, i naravno - dobar tim.


Young, experienced and ambitious. The founder of the Culinary Federation of Serbia and the President of the Bronze Culinary Olympic Team of the Serbian Junior Chef Club (JCC). He is supportive of the youth going abroad into more demanding culinary waters encouraging them to keep up and learn constantly. He believes that having a mentor to guide you and point you to new things is very important, just like he was able to learn from Stambol Geštamov, Petar Gajić, Novak Fidanović, Uroš Urošević. Due to the unfavourable situation in culinary schools, he plans to, together with JCC, initiate an action to furnishing culinary cabinets in Serbia, starting with Kragujevac. He strives for JCC to become a serious organisation that will take gold at the Culinary Olympics 2016. He notices that no matter how forward gastronomic trends move, we keep returning to classic cuisine. He loves going to the green market and cooking for himself and his company a real pot roast, barbecue, fish, burgers and gyro. At “Deltino” he cooks according to the mood and daily supply, without a menu. He says any top chef must primarily have an attitude, an explanation and a vision for every plate, and of course - a good team.

Guščija džigerica Deltino Lako toplo predjelo. Kombinacija različitih struktura. Zlaćani, meki guščiji delikates na hrskavom biskvitu od lješnika, okružen nježnim pireom od povrća i vazdušastom i neočekivanom šećernom pjenom. Maestral za nepce. Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM rakijom od jabuke Istančanost ove rakije u savršenom je dijalogu sa prefinjenošću jela. U isto vrijeme grije i čini bodrim. Doživljaj zalaska sunca u mirisnom voćnjaku.

Deltino goose liver Easy warm appetizer. A combination of different structures. Gilded, soft goose delicacy over a crispy hazelnut biscuit, surrounded by gently mashed vegetables and airy and unexpected sugar foam. Mistral for the palate. Paired with the MONOGRAM Apple Brandy The subtlety of this brandy is in the perfect dialogue with the refinement of this dish. It simultaneously warms it and infuses with vigour. The experience of a sunset in a fragrant orchard. 263

Potrebne namirnice: guščija džigerica 120-150g bundeva 100 g špinat 50 g grašak 50 g puter 60 g mlijeko 4 dl so i biber po ukusu brašno 30 g lješnik 10 g jaje 1 kom. špargla 10 g celer 10 g cvekla 10 g crveni luk 10 g rotkvice 10 g čeri-paradajz 10 g šumsko voće (svježe borovnice, kupine, maline i jagode) 60 g šećer 20-80g sirće 2 dl

Način pripreme: Guščiju džigericu potopiti u mlijeku, konjaku i timijanu i ostaviti da odstoji 24 sata, zatim je ocijediti, posoliti i peći na 180 stepeni. Biskvit od lješnika: Brašno, jaje i puter sjediniti dok se ne dobije kompaktna masa. Lješnike istostirati i dodati ih u masu, sve sjediniti, oblikovati i peći na 160 stepeni. Pire od bundeve: Bundevu oprati, očistiti, oljuštiti, isjeći na kocke, skuvati, a zatim izblendati i propasirati, dodati mlijeko, puter i začiniti. Pire od špinata: Špinat oprati, očistiti i blanširati, zatim izblendati i propasirati, dodati mlijeko, puter i začiniti. Pire od graška: Grašak oprati, očistiti, skuvati, zatim izblendati i propasirati, dodati mlijeko, puter i začiniti. Turšija od povrća: Šparglu, celer, rotkvice i crveni luk očistiti, oprati, formirati i ubaciti u sifon. U sifon sipati 2 dl sirćeta, 1 dl vode i 40 g šećera. Sifon zatvoriti i ubaciti dvije patrone gasa. Koristiti sifon od 0,5 l. Sos od šumskog voća Voće očistiti, oprati, skuvati, propasirati, začiniti i vratiti na vatru da ukuvavanjem dobijete željenu gustinu. Šećerna vuna U aparatu za šećernu vunu formirati kuglu od šećernih vlakana i staviti pored džigerice.


Required ingredients: Goose liver 120-150 g Pumpkin 100 g Spinach 50 g Peas 50 g Butter 60 g Milk 4 dl Salt and pepper to taste Flour 30 g Hazelnuts 10 g Egg 1 Asparagus 10 g Celery 10 g Beets 10 g Reed onion 10 g Radishes 10 g Cherry tomatoes 10 g Wild berries (fresh blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and strawberries) 60 g Sugar 20-80 g Vinegar 2 dl

Preparation: Soak goose liver in milk, cognac, and thyme and let it sit for 24 hours, then drain, season with salt, and bake at 180 degrees. Hazelnut biscuit: Combine flour, egg, and butter until compact. Toast hazelnuts and add to the mixture, combine well, shape into a cake, and bake at 160 degrees. Pumpkin puree: Wash the pumpkin, clean, peal, cut into cubes and boil, then puree in a food processor, add milk and butter, and season. Spinach puree: Wash the spinach, clean and blanch, puree, add milk and butter, and season. Pea puree: Wash the peas, clean, boil, puree, add milk and butter, and season. Pickled vegetables: Wash asparagus, celery, radishes and red onions, form and place into a siphon. Add 2 dl of vinegar, 1 dl of water, and 40 g sugar. Close the siphon and load two gas cartridges. Use a 0.5l siphon. Wild berries sauce Wash and clean the fruit, boil, puree, season and bring back to boil to reduce to the desired consistency. Cotton candy In a cotton candy maker create a sphere made from sugar fibres and plate it next to the liver.



ć n i a r ov o n Z eva t S Zoran Stevanović

Glavni kuvar restorana MADERA

Restaurant MADERA, Executive Chef

Od petnaest godina u ugostiteljstvu, u “Maderi” je deset, gdje je polako gradio karijeru. Sada vodi tim od čak 26 članova, koji vikendom za ručak ugosti i po 250 ljudi. Ima odriješene ruke za sve što je u vezi sa kuhinjom. Stiže da se posveti i mladima koji volontiraju. Kaže da ih treba stimulisati. To nije lako. Previše đaka završi ugostiteljsku školu. Primjenjuje i prilagođava nove tendencije, uči od kolega, od gostujućih kuvara iz inostranstva, a posebno mu je drago kad ima šta da nauči od nekog mlađeg. Slaže se se japanskom izrekom da se dobar chef prepoznaje po oštrom nožu i još oštrijem umu. Jelovnik s vremena na vreme osvježava u skladu sa trendovima i zahtjevima gostiju. Voli da tradiciju pakuje u moderni oblik, pa je ponosan na Maderin sladoled od ajvara sa snijegom od kajmaka i uštipke od bifteka sa pjenom od krompira. Kaže da restoran gosta privlači ponudom, a zadržava povjerenjem.


Out of 15 years in hospitality industry, he has spent 10 at “Madera”, where he slowly built his career. He now leads a team of as many as 26 members, a team that on the weekends cooks for lunch for as many as 250 covers. He has open hands when it comes to running the kitchen. He has time to dedicate himself to volunteers, and believes they need to be stimulated. That is not easy. Too many students finish culinary schools. He is however, categorical that crisis and the lack of money must not affect the quality of the restaurant. He applies and adjusts new tendencies, learns from colleagues, from visiting chefs from abroad, and is particularly fond of learning from someone younger then he is. He agrees with the Japanese saying that a good chef is recognised by a sharp knife and even sharper mind. He refreshes the menu occasionally in line with trends and guests’ demands. He enjoys dressing tradition in a modern gown, and is therefore particularly proud of Madera’s pepper chutney ice cream and steak fritters with potato foam. For him, a restaurant attracts guests with its offer and keeps them returning with reliance.

ć Čokoladni entreme


Fini slojevi balansiranih ukusa i kontrasnih tekstura. Upečatljivost kafe na besprijekornoj čoko osnovi, pojačana svježinom voća. Utisak nježnog buđenja. Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM likerom od maline Baršunasta nota likera odličan je partner tamnim ukusima deserta i daje mu otvorenost i vedrinu. Kao poljubac najbolje prijateljice.

Chocolate entremet


Fine layers of balanced taste and contrasting textures. A distinctive trait of coffee on an immaculate chocolate base, reinforced with the freshness of the fruit. The impression of gentle awakening. Paired with the MONOGRAM Raspberry Liqueur The velvety note of the liqueur is an excellent partner to the dark flavours of the dessert lending it openness and serenity. As best friend’s kiss.

Za čokoladno sable breton tijesto potrebno je: 110 g ulupanog putera 85 g šećera 50 g žumanaca 120 g brašna 10 g kakao-praha 10 g praška za pecivo 25 g čokolade 70%

Priprema: U puter dodati šećer i dobro promiješati, dodati žumanca, brašno i istopljenu čokoladu. Tijesto ostaviti da odstoji 12 sati u frižideru. Tijesto razvući do debljine 6 cm i peći u okruglom kalupu prečnika 18 cm na temperaturi 170⁰C 18-20 minuta.

Mus od kafe: 125 g neutralne pavlake 125 g maskarpone sira 50 g šećera 1 kašika espreso kafe

Priprema: Umutiti dobro pavlaku i sir sa šećerom. Kada je mus umućen, dodati kafu i dobro promiješati.

Pločice od čokolade: 200 g čokolade 70%

Čokoladu zagrijati na 48⁰C, zatim ohladiti na 28⁰C, pa ponovo zagrijati na 34⁰C i dodati mljeveni crveni biber. Izliti na ravan pleh debljine 0,2 mm ostaviti u frižideru do upotrebe.

Confit od narandže: kora od 3 narandže 160 g šećernog sirupa 1/1

Priprema: Koru narandže (samo žuti dio) blanširati prvo u hladnoj vodi, pa još dva puta u ključaloj vodi, zatim dodati šećerni sirup i kuvati do željene gustine. Serviranje: Na sable breton staviti mus od kafe, confit od narandže, zatim staviti čokoladnu pločicu, a na pločicu sladoled od kafe i još malo confita od narandže. Dekorisati čokoladom i jestivim zlatom.


Ingredients for Chocolate Sable Breton pastry are as follows: 110 g whipped butter 85 g sugar 50 g egg yolk 120 g flour 10 g cocoa powder 10 g baking powder 25 g chocolate 70%

Preparation: Add sugar to butter and mix well, add egg yolks, flour and melted chocolate. Let pastry sit in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Roll out the pastry to be 6 cm thick and bake in the round cake mould, 18 cm in diameter, at 170⁰C for 18-20 minutes.

Coffee mousse: 125 g neutral cream 125 g mascarpone cheese 50 g sugar 1 spoonful of espresso

Preparation: Whisk well cream, cheese and sugar. Once the mousse is whipped, add coffee and stir well.

Chocolate bars: 200 g chocolate70%

Heat chocolate to 48⁰C, then cool to 28⁰C, then heat again to 34⁰C and add ground red pepper. Pour on a flat baking sheet, 0.2 mm thick, and leave in the fridge until use.

Orange confit: Rind from 3 oranges 160 g sugar syrup 1/1

Preparation: Blanch orange rind (only the yellow part) first in cold water, and then twice more in boiling water, then add sugar syrup and cook to the desired density. Serving: Place coffee mousse and orange confit over Sable Breton, then chocolate bar and top with coffee ice cream and bit more orange confit. Garnish with chocolate and edible gold.


e j o ć d i a R ugov J Radoje Jugović

Šef kuhinje restorana ŽABAR

Restaurant ŽABAR, Executive Chef

Sa samo dvadeset i pet godina već je chef jednog od najboljih beogradskih restorana. Ljubav prema kuhinji naslijedio od porodice, ali je odmah znao da to nije dovoljno, pa je radne dane provodio u školskoj klupi, a vikende i raspust na praksi u restoranima. Ipak, prvi utisak kada je ušao u profesionalnu kuhinju bilo je pitanje “da li ja to mogu” i strah od užurbanosti i galame. Danas tu galamu shvata kao unošenje cijelog sebe u posao, voli gužvu i adrenalin koji izaziva, a kada su mu ponudili mjesto chefa, straha nije uopšte bilo, već samo osjećaj da mu to mjesto pripada. Novac mu nikada nije bio najvažniji, već puno srce kada i u sred haosa zna da je nešto dobro urađeno. Zaljubljen je u “Žabar”. Misli da je puno već dobio od njega i želi da mu na neki način to vrati. Otvoren je ka novom i smatra da u ovom poslu nema najboljih jela, kao ni mjesta za sujetu. Voli da sprema ribu, a želio bi da tradicionalna srpska jela kao što su sarma ili pihtije osmisli na neki moderniji način. Ne želi da se žar za ovim poslom ugasi, a htio bi još više sigurnosti, edukacije i izazova.

At only 25, he is already the executive chef of the one of the best restaurants in Belgrade. Even though he inherited the love for the kitchen from his family, he knew immediately that would not be enough, so he kept spending his working days at the school desk, and weekends and holidays practicing in restaurants. His first impression when setting foot in the professional kitchen was “Can I do this?” and the fear from hustle and bustle. That hustle and bustle he sees as giving oneself completely to the industry, as he enjoys the crowd and the adrenalin rush it creates, and when offered chef’s position, he was completely fear-free knowing that it was where he belongs. Money never came first, but rather a full heart when being certain that in the middle of chaos something is being done well. He is truly in love with “Žabar”; he thinks he received quite a bit from it already and wants to repay in way. He is open to novelties and believes this trade offers no room for best dishes or vanity. He loves preparing fish, and would like to come up with a modern way of preparing traditional Serbian dishes such as cabbage rolls or aspic. He certainly wants to keep the flame for this business alive, but would like a bit more security, education, and challenge. 274



Punoća, slast i sočnost. Bijele mesne rolnice s voćnim punjenjem, mirne kao ljetnje popodne. Dašak avanture provejava iz veselog šumskog sosa, a sigurnost iz sotiranog povrća. Ženski karakter pocrtan je poljupcima od svježih malina i, poput trepavica, finim klicama. Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM likerom od dunje Smjela, a prijatna kombinacija, koja naglašava nježnu zavodljivost. Spoj jednostavnosti i egzotike. Pije se i jede lagano omogućavajući da se ukusi potpuno stope.



The fullness, sweetness and juiciness. White meat rolls with fruit filling, calm as summer afternoon. A whiff of adventure prevails in the cheerful forest sauce, safe-guarded by sautéed vegetables. Female character underlined with kisses light as eyelashes from fresh raspberries and delicate sprouts. Paired with the MONOGRAM Quince Liqueur Daring, yet nice combination emphasising delicate sexiness. Blend of simplicity and exoticism. Drunk and eaten slowly by letting the flavours fully blend.

Potrebne namirnice za 4 osobe: ćureće grudi 800 g auva kajsija 100 g brusnica 50 g šargarepa 50 g tikvice 50 g tri vrste paprika 100 g čeri paradajz 50 g pečurke 50 g so biber peršun puter sos od šumskog voća

Required ingredients for 4 servings: Turkey breast 800 g Dried apricots 100 g Cranberries 50 g Carrots 50 g Zucchini 50 g Three types of bell peppers 100 g Cherry tomatoes 50 g Mushrooms 50 g Salt Pepper Parsley Butter Wild berries sauce


Način pripreme: Ćuretinu isjeći na šnicle, izlupati, pripremiti za punjenje, posoliti i pobiberiti po ukusu. Na sredinu šnicle poredati suve kajsije i brusnicu, a zatim je umotati u aluminijumsku foliju kako bi tokom pečenja zadržala pravilan oblik. Peći u tiganju sa svih strana, a potom u rerni 6 do 7 minuta. Na maslinovom ulju sotirati povrće isječeno na žilijen i začiniti po ukusu, a na kraju dodati 2-3 kockice putera. Šumsko voće redukovati sa crnim vinom do željene gustine. Kada je ćuretina gotova, isjeći je na kolutove i poredati pored sosa sa povrćem. Dekorisati po želji malinama i listovima svježe majčine dušice.

Preparation: Slice turkey breast into steaks, prepare for stuffing and salt and pepper to taste. Arrange dried apricots and cranberries along the middle, roll the meat in aluminium foil to preserve the proper shape during baking. Sear in the baking pan, and then continue baking in the oven for 6-7 minutes. Sauté julienned vegetables in olive oil and season to taste, add 2-3 cubes of butter at the end. Reduce wild berries with red wine to the desired consistency. Once the turkey is ready, cut into rounds and arrange next to the vegetable sauce. Garnish as desired with raspberries and fresh thyme leaves.



n a s

k e l A ić l I

Aleksandar Ilić

Glavni kuvar restorana TERMINAL Restaurant TERMINAL, Executive Chef

Trener juniorskog kulinarskog tima koji je osvojio olimpijsku gastronomsku bronzu. Ponosan je na to dostignuće i vjeruje da je prava stvar kad se znanje prenese na druge, a rezultati budu vidljivi. Misli da sa učenjem i praksom treba da se krene što ranije. I sam je već sa četrnaest godina počeo da zarađuje od ugostiteljstva i kaže da je draž posla upravo u tome što je to široka djelatnost i uvijek mu se čini da ne zna dovoljno. Kuva i kod kuće, a voli da jede i u restoranima. Jelo, prema njegovom mišljenju, mora da zadovolji sva čula, da ponudi balans ukusa i da taj ukus gost dugo pamti. Voli da komunicira s gostima, jer tako bolje osjeti i shvata njegove želje. Ipak, kaže da chef osim što je virtuoz u kuhinji, mora biti i dobar organizator i psiholog, što se stiče iskustvom. Draž srpske kuhinje vidi u njenoj umjerenoj začinjenosti. Priznaje da su nove tehnologije olakšale način pripreme, ali da su najjednostavnije stvari najljepše. Tvrdi da je gastronomija stub turizma i nada se većem ulaganju u ovu oblast od strane države, kao što to rade nordijske zemlje.


The coach of the junior culinary team that has won the Culinary Olympics bronze. He is proud of this accomplishment and believes it to be the right thing when knowledge is transferred to others with visible results. In his mind, one should start learning and practicing as soon as possible. He himself started making money in the hospitality industry when he was 14, and the beauty of the industry is in the breadth of activity in which one always feels like not knowing enough. He cooks at home and likes to eat out without much fuss, and enjoys distinctive restaurants. Any dish, in his opinion, must satisfy all the senses, offer a balance of flavours to be remembered for quite some time. He enjoys communicating with guests as it allows them to better feel and understand his desires. However, he says, any chef besides being a virtuoso in the kitchen, must be a good organiser and psychologist, all of which are gained through experience. The charm of Serbian cuisine is in its moderate spiciness. He admits that new technologies have facilitated the preparation methods, but the simplest things remain the most beautiful. He claims gastronomy to be the pillar of tourism and hopes for greater investments in the industry from the state, as seen in Nordic countries.

Tuna stejk


Istočnjačka priča u kojoj se svježe, hladno i delikatno miješaju sa izražajnim, ljutkastim i toplim. Čar sirove prirodnosti, boja i oblika. Moćnoj tuni poseban pečat daje nježna pire prostirka od šargarepe i svježi crveni biber. Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM likerom od višnje Graciozna višnja kao prirodna dopuna istočnjačkom konceptu. Dominacija slatko-kiselih nota. Uparivanje za bistre misli i osluškivanja neizgovorenog. Mač u koricama.


tuna steak

Eastern tale in which fresh, cold, and delicate blend with the expressive, spicy and warm. The charm of raw naturalness, colour, and shape. A particular flare to the mighty tuna is given by the gentle bed of pureed carrots and fresh red pepper. Paired with the MONOGRAM Sour Cherry Liqueur Gracious sour cherry leans on like the natural complement to the Eastern concept and domination of sweet and sour notes. Pairing for the clear mind and listening to the unspoken. The sword in its sheath.


Potrebne namirnice za 4 osobe: filet tune 800 g crni susam 20 g Sos: šećer 10 g bijelo vino 0,5 dl kečap 1 dl soja- sos 0,5 dl med 20 g gustin 3 g voda 1 dl tabasko (po želji)

Pire od šargarepe: šargarepa 400 g puter 40 g Prilog: pečurke 100 g krompir 200 g tikvice 200 g čeri-paradajz 100g so (po želji) biber (po želji) maslinovo ulje

Način pripreme: Filet tune uvaljati u crni susam i opeći u tiganju na nekoliko kapi maslinovog ulja. Skuvati šargarepu, dodati puter, začiniti i propasirati. U tiganj staviti šećer da se karamelizuje, dodati bijelo vino i ostaviti da kuva nekoliko minuta, dodati kečap, tabasko, med, soja-sos i gustin razmućen u hladnoj vodi. Začiniti po želji. Izgrilovati čeri-paradajz i pečurke. Oblikovati i ispeći krompir. Dekorisati i servirati po želji. Naravno, nikako ne smijemo zaboraviti najbitniji začin - LJUBAV.

Required ingredients for 4 servings: Tuna fillet 800 g Black sesame seeds 20 g Sauce: Sugar 10 g White wine 0.5 dl Ketchup 1dl Soy sauce 0.5 dl Honey 20 g Corn starch 3 g Water 1 dl Tabasco (to taste)

Carrot puree: Carrots 400 g Butter 40 g Side dish: Mushrooms 100 g Potatoes 200 g Zucchini 200 g Cherry tomatoes 100g Salt (to taste) Pepper (to taste) Olive oil

Preparation method: Roll tuna in black sesame seeds and pan sear with few drops of olive oil. Boil carrots; add butter, season and puree. Caramelise sugar in the pan, add white wine and let it simmer for few minutes, add ketchup, Tabasco, soy sauce and corn starch diluted in cold water. Season to taste. Grill cherry tomatoes and mushrooms. Shape and bake potatoes. Garnish and serve as desired. And of course, do not forget to add the most important ingredient of all - LOVE. 283



o i a t r r a o t M ava C Mario Cavatorta

Restoran/Restaurant WALDHAUS AM SEE, St. Moritz, Švajcarska/ Switzerland

Kaže da ima sreće što radi u St. Moritzu gdje ljudi većinom dolaze na odmor, te mogu u potpunosti da uživaju u hrani. Zato svu svoju vještinu koristi da zadovolji zahtjeve turista istim žarom, bili oni iz džet-seta ili ne. Gosti ga, inače, najviše i motivišu i najsrećniji je kada su na kraju zadovoljni. Inspiraciju traži u godišnjim dobima i voli da kuva sezonska jela. Cijeni sve kuhinje svijeta. Kaže da jelo mora da zadovolji dva osnovna kriterijuma - da bude ukusno i da lijepo izgleda. Priznaje da ne stavlja nikakve tajne sastojke, koristi samo ljubav i zadovoljstvo. Ljubav prema ovom poslu je neophodna, a ko je nema, bolje da se bavi nečim drugim. Vjeruje da su najbolji restorani oni koji imaju stila, dobru atmosferu i odlično organizovanu uslugu, a da vrhunski kuvari moraju biti kreativni i maštoviti. I za jedne i za druge danas je neophodno da budu inovativni i uvijek u trendu kako bi ostali i opstali među najboljima.

He believes to be very fortunate to work in St. Moritz, a place most people come to for a holiday and can therefore fully enjoy the food. He employs his skill with the same zeal to please the tourist demands, be it from the jet-set or not. The guests are the ones who motivate him the most and he is the happiest when they are ultimately pleased. He seeks inspiration in seasons and loves to cook seasonal dishes. He appreciates all kitchens of the world. The dish, he says, must meet two basic criteria in terms of taste and presentation, but admits that other than love and pleasure he uses no secret ingredient. Love is indispensable for the job itself, and the one who lacks it is better off doing something else. He believes the best restaurants are the ones with style, good atmosphere, and well organised service, and the best chefs are creative and imaginative. Both chefs and restaurants nowadays must remain innovative and always up-to-date, to stay afloat and survive among the very best.


Pizzocheri Rustična pasta s povrćem i začinima, tradicionalni recept sa granice Italije i Švajcarske. Pravo planinsko jelo - ne opterećuje, a daje snagu za skijaške ili alpinističke poduhvate. Miks boja i tekstura sa upečatljivim mirisom žalfije. Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM rakijom od šljive Puni, zaokruženi ukusi zemlje. Domaćinski spoj heljde i voćnog mirisa. Energična i topla kombinacija koja podstiče na razgovor, druženje i zajedničku akciju.

Pizzocheri Rustic pasta with vegetables and spices, a traditional recipe from the Italian-Swiss border. A true mountainous dish - undemanding, yet is empowering for skiing or mountaineering endeavour. The mix of colours and textures with a distinct smell of sage. Paired with the MONOGRAM Plum Brandy A full and rounded flavour of the country. The homely combination of the buckwheat and fruity tang. Energetic and warm combination that encourages conversation, socialising and concerted action.


Potrebne namirnice: 300 g tjestenine od heljde 200 g krompira 100 g blitve 100 g kelja 200 g sira fontina 2 čena bijelog luka 60 g putera 2 lista žalfije

Stavite vodu u koju ste prethodno dodali malo soli da se zagrije. Kada proključa, stavite u nju tjesteninu od heljde i krompir. Pustite da se kuva 15 minuta. Dodajte povrće i kuvajte još 4 minute. Pustite da sve zajedno proključa i odvojite sa strane malo tečnosti u kojoj se sve kuvalo. Rastopite puter, bijeli luk i žalfiju u zasebnoj šerpi. Sjedinite tjesteninu od heljde, krompir, povrće, puter, bijeli luk, žalfiju i dodajte odvojenu tečnost u kojoj se sve kuvalo. Na kraju dodajte sir fontina. Uživajte u svom obroku, En Guete!

Required ingredients: 300 gr of buckwheat pasta 200 gr of potatoes 100 gr of Swiss chard 100 gr of kale 200 gr of cheese (Fontina cheese) 2 cloves of garlic 60 gr of butter 2 sage leaves

Warm up the water with salt previously added. Bring to a boil and add buckwheat pasta and potatoes. Let it boil for 15 minutes. Add vegetables, and cook for additional 4 minutes. Bring it all together to a boil and remove aside a bit of cooking liquid. In a separate pot melt the butter with garlic and sage. Combine the buckwheat pasta, potatoes, vegetables, butter, garlic and sage and add separated liquid from cooking. Finally add the Fontina cheese. Enjoy your meal, “En Gueta”!


o n a ss i o R rosol G Chef Rossano Grosoli

Suvlasnik škole kuvanja ALSAVOR Modena - Italija

Co-owner of the ALSAVOR Culinary School, Modena - Italy

Vjeruje da svako mora da nađe svoj put. Zato mladima koji upisuju njegovu školu kuvanja i tek otkrivaju šta žele, ne govori ništa, sem da je bez strasti nemoguće izdržati. Strast, posvećenje, profesionalizam, uživanje u poslu jesu osnovne osobine vrhunskih kuvara i vrhunskih restorana. Uz to, neophodno je, kako kaže, umjeti postaviti i voditi ovaj posao da teče harmonično i bez stresa. Krajnji sud onda daju gosti, sa kojima je važno uspostaviti dvosmјernu komunikaciju: slušati njihove želje i očekivanja i u isto vrijeme delikatnim i zrelim pristupom vaspitavati njihov ukus. Moderne gastronomske trendove dijeli na tri segmenta. Jedan je onaj eksperimentalni, koji otkriva nove tehnike i kuvanju pristupa gotovo hirurški. Drugi je tradicionalni pristup na kom je odrastao i koji se bazira na poštovanju namirnica i sastojaka. Treći je uslovljen ekonomskom situacijom i trendom velikih trgovinskih lanaca da diktiraju nerazumno visoke cijene. Zbog toga se ljudi odlučuju da štede na hrani, što sam može da razumije, ali nikako ne odobrava. Ne voli što je u posljednje vrijeme sve više takozvanih gastronomskih stručnjaka koji sude sa premalo znanja i puno arogancije. Smatra da ne postoji “najbolja kuhinja na svijetu”, već da svaka ima svoje specifičnosti zbog kojih je vrijedna, bilo da su to namirnice koje koristi ili kulinarska istorija. Vjeruje da u kuhinji ne postoje tajni sastojci, već samo veliki rad, talenat i motivacija. Sam motivaciju nalazi u zadovoljstvu gostiju i u običnim životnim stvarima kao što su putovanja, film i upoznavanje novih ljudi.

He believes that each one of us must find our own way. That is precisely the reason why he says nothing other than success without passion is impossible to students enrolling in his cooking school, as they are only starting to discover what is it that they really want. Passion, dedication, professionalism, and enjoying the work are the main traits of top chefs and top restaurants. As he says, it is indispensable to know how to position oneself and run the business harmoniously and stress-free. The guests are the ones with the final say; it is important to institute a two-way communication with guests, to listen to their desires and expectations, while at the same time educating their taste with a delicate and mature approach. He divides modern gastronomic trends into three segments. One is experimental, revealing new techniques and treating cooking with practically surgical precision. The second is the traditional segment he grew up on, based on the respect for foods and ingredients. The third is conditioned by the economic situation and trends set by large retail chains that dictate the unreasonably high prices. That is why people chose to save on food, what for him is quite understandable, but nevertheless unacceptable. He dislikes the current trend of an increasing number of gastronomic experts who judge with too little knowledge and plenty of arrogance. He doesn’t believe in “the best cuisine in the world”, but rather each has its own peculiarities that make it valuable, be it the ingredients they use or the culinary history. He believes in no secret ingredient in the kitchen, but only in hard work, talent and motivation. He finds his own motivation in the satisfaction of his guests and in the ordinary things in life such as travel, film, and meeting new people. 290

Puding od graška i bosiljka SA BRANCINOM MARINIRANIM U RAKIJI OD VILJAMOVKE Svježina jednostavnosti. Lakoća povrća u upečatljivoj kombinacija graška i parmezana. Snažna elegancija ribe. Čvrsto meso sofisticirane arome u hrskavoj korici. Uparuje se sa MONOGRAM rakijom viljamovkom Sljubljivanje ukusa. Riba se carski kupa u mirisima kruške. Lako golicanje na nepcu. Ukus spokoja i prepuštanja. Kombinacija koja opušta.

Pee and basil pudding WITH WILLIAMS PEAR BRANDY MARINATED SEA BASS The freshness of simplicity. The ease of vegetables in the striking combination of peas and parmesan. The powerful elegance of the fish. Firm flesh with sophisticated flavour in a crispy crust. Paired with the MONOGRAM Williams Pear Brandy Blending of taste. The fish is taking an imperial bath in pear aromas. Easy tingle on the palate. The taste of tranquillity and indulgence. The combination that relaxes. 291

Za puding od graška potrebno je: 200 g bešamel sosa na 100 g brašna po litru mlijeka 5 jaja 50 g parmezana 300 g pirea od graška 2 lista svježeg bosiljka

Sjediniti ohlađeni bešamel sa pireom od graška, jajima, parmezanom i iskidanim listovima bosiljka. Dodati so i biber po želji. Podmazati puterom 4 aluminijumska kalupa od po 120 g, napuniti smjesom i peći u rerni na 30⁰C 20-25 minuta.

Za brancin je potrebno :

Očistite brancin od kože i kostiju da dobijete 2 fileta. Tako dobijena 2 fileta isjecite po dužini kako biste dobili još dva. Filete stavite u dublju posudu i marinirajte ih u rakiji od kruške viljamovke, maslinovom ulju, soli i biberu 45 minuta. Kada su odležali u marinadi, filete umotajte u po jednu jufku koju ste prethodno poprskali maslinovim uljem. Na filete narendajte koricu limuna.

1 brancin 200-300 g 15 g rakije od kruške viljamovke 1 g soli 1 g šećera Biber po želji 4 lista jufke 2 g korice limuna Maslinovo ulje po želji Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena po želji

Tako pripremljene jufke sa filetima brancina stavite u pleh koji ste prethodno obložili papirom za pečenje i pecite na 93⁰C 8 minuta dok jufka ne bude dostigla zlatnu boju. Pripremu jela završite serviranjem prethodno spremljenog pudinga, na koji ćete dodati file brancina u jufki i sve to ukrasiti tradicionalnim aceto balsamicom iz Modene i maslinovim uljem.

Ingredients for the pea pudding: 200 g of béchamel sauce per 100 g of flour per litre 5 eggs 50 g of parmesan 300 g of pea puree 2 fresh basil leaves

Combine chilled béchamel with pea puree, eggs, parmesan and handtorn basil leaves. Add salt and pepper to taste. Grease with butter 4 aluminium 120 g moulds, fill with the mixture and bake in the oven at 30⁰C for 20-25 minutes.

Ingredients for the sea bass:

Skin and debone the sea bass and prep 2 fillets. Slice those 2 fillets lengthwise to prep two more fillets. Place fillets into a deeper dish and cure for 45 minutes in the marinade made from the Williams pear brandy, olive oil, salt and pepper.

1 sea bass, 200-300 g 15 g of Williams pear brandy 1 g of salt 1 g of sugar Pepper to taste 4 sheets of phyllo pastry 2 g of lemon zest Olive oil to taste Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena to taste


Remove the fish once marinated and wrap each fillet in one sheet of phyllo dough sprinkled with olive oil. Sprinkle the fish with lemon zest. Place prepared sea bass fillets wrapped in phyllo in a pan lined with baking paper and bake at 93⁰C for 8 minutes until the dough turns golden brown. Complete the preparation by plating the prepared pudding; top the pudding with wrapped sea bass and garnishing with the traditional Aceto Balsamico from Modena and olive oil.

Hedonizam HEDONISM



Umijete li da pronađete i raspoznate cvrkut ptica u gradskoj vrevi i da budete radosni zbog toga? Obuzme li vas milošta dok vas miluje sunčev zrak? Osjećate li potpuno ispunjenje dok gledate u oči bliskog bića? Plešete li cijelim tijelom kao da nemate ni jednu brigu i obavezu? Divite li se bojama, zvucima, građevinama, licima? Cijenite li dobar razgovor, pametnu riječ, umjetnost, fina druženja, dobru muziku? Predajete li se potpuno? Vidite li ono što drugima promiče? Golicate li svoj duh? Dozvoljavate li da vas taj duh ponese? Umijete li da odvojite vrijeme za sebe? Volite li masažu? Prepoznajete li nivoe i nijanse ukusa u hrani i piću, tragate li za njihovim porijeklom, imenujete li ih? Jeste li radoznali i vedri? Volite li da ste očarani? Umijete li da stanete kad svi žure? Da li vaša čula upijaju sve? Osjećate li razliku između vjetra juče i danas, između dvije jagode, dvije zore, dva dodira? Znate li kako miriše kiša? Možete li da se opustite? Da se prepustite? Da li uživate u ljepoti, u ljudima, u ljubavi, u raznolikosti, u životu? Jeste li hedonisti? Život je čudo. Taj jedan koji nam je dat. Dat - da ga iskoristimo i da ga volimo. Za to ne treba univerzitet niti brdo novca. Za to treba samo otvorenost, budnost, osjećajnost. Umijeće življenja u sadašnjem trenutku. I to je nova vizija hedonizma koji polako skida zloglasnu etiketu i postaje ne samo prihvatljiv, već i poželjan način života. Način koji se suprotstavlja otuđenjima savremene civilizacije i vraća nas našim korijenima. Hedonizam (grč. hēdonē, užitak) etičko je učenje koje uživanje smatra vrhovnim dobrom i ciljem ljudskog djelovanja. Uživanje može biti čulno, duhovno ili obostrano. Prvi teoretičar hedonizma bio je Aristip iz Kirene, Sokratov učenik i utemeljitelj kirenske filozofske škole. “Čovjeku pripada samo ono što je sadašnje”, kaže on. Zato treba uživati od danas do sutra, jer je nada u neko buduće dobro uvijek povezana s nemirom uzrokovanim neizvjesnošću sudbine. Ipak, mudar čovjek dominira užitkom, a ne obrnuto. Pojam uživanja dominantan je i u filozofiji Epikura, koji je smatrao da užitak čine stanja kakva su sloboda od straha, požuda, odsutnost bola, nepomućenost duha... Najveći protivnik hedonizma bio je Kant, koji je smatrao da se moral ne može povezati sa zadovoljstvom i uživanjem. Ali, moderne filozofije vratile su se pojmu hedonizma kao odlučujućem faktoru u harmoničnom razvoju svakog čoveka. Zbog toga se hedonizam danas često poistovećuje sa umijećem življenja, a njegovo osnovno moralno načelo je da vaše uživanje ne smije da naškodi drugom biću. Veliki njemački književnik Hese govorio je da smo srećni samo onda kada od sutrašnjeg dana ništa ne tražimo, a od današnjega sa zahvalnošću primamo ono što nam nosi. Francuski pisac iz 18. vijeka Šamfor primjećuje da je izgubljen dan u kome se bar jednom nismo nasmijali. Pametni ljudi znaju šta vrijedi, zar ne?


Do you know how to discover and discern the birds chirping in the city bustle and be excited about it? Does grace while being caressed by sun consume you? Do you feel a complete fulfilment while looking in the eyes of a loved one? Do you dance with your entire body, as if having no concerns and obligations? Do you admire colours, sounds, structures, faces? Do you appreciate good conversation, clever word, and art, fine companionship, good music? Do you surrender yourself completely? Do you notice what others fail to see? Do you tickle your spirit? Do you allow yourself to be overtaken by that spirit? Do you know how to take time for yourself? Do you enjoy massage? Do you recognize levels and nuances of flavours in food and drinks, do you search for their origin, do you name them? Are your curious and cheerful? Do you enjoy being enchanted? Do you know how to slow down when everyone else is rushing along? Do your senses absorb all? Do you feel the difference between today’s and yesterday’s wind, between two strawberries, two dawns, two embraces? Do you smell of rain? Do you know how to relax? To let go? To enjoy? To enjoy the beauty, the people, love, diversity, life? Are you a hedonist? Life is a miracle. The one we are given. Given - to make the most out of it and to love it. It takes no university or pile of money. It only takes openness, alertness, sensitivity. The art of living in the present moment. This is a modern vision of hedonism that slowly removes the infamous label and becomes not only the acceptable, but the desirable way of life. The way that confronts the alienation of modern civilization and takes us back to the roots of ourselves. Hedonism (Gr. hēdonē, pleasure) is an ethical doctrine that considers pleasure the supreme good and the aim of human activity. The enjoyment can be sensual, spiritual, or both. The first theorist of hedonism was Aristippus of Cyrene, the student of Socrates, and the founder of the Cyrene school of philosophy. Only what is present belongs to a man, he says. That is why life ought to be enjoyed day by day, as hope for the future good is at all times linked with restlessness regarding the uncertainty of fate. However, a wise man dominates over pleasure, and not vice versa. The term enjoyment is dominant in the philosophy of Epicurus, who believed pleasure is made from conditions such as freedom from fear, lust, absence of pain, and clarity of spirit. The biggest opponent of hedonism was Kant, who believed that morals couldn’t be linked with pleasure and enjoyment. Contemporary philosophies have, however, revisited the term hedonism as the deciding factor in harmonious development of each person. Hedonism is hence in our time often identified as the art of living resting on the fundamental moral principle that enjoyment of one may not harm the another. The great German writer Hesse used to say that we are happy only when we seek nothing from the day to come, and take with gratitude what today offers. Chamfort, French writer from the 18th century noticed that a day lost is a day in which we haven’t laughed not once. Smart folks know the true worth, don’t they? 297

Statistike govore da su najrasprostranjenija zadovoljstva na svijetu hrana i piće. Slijede vođenje ljubavi, muzika, porodica, odmor i relaksacija. Hedonizam nije luksuz, veliki novac nije preduslov da budete hedonista. Hedonistički pristup životu, tvrde stručnjaci, jeste umijeće da se živi tako što ćemo radost pronalaziti u malim stvarima koje su svuda oko nas, ali ih zbog brzog ritma modernog života često zaboravljamo, guramo u stranu, ne primjećujemo ili smatramo da se one podrazumijevaju. Psiholozi kažu da je najlakše hedonizam objasniti kroz pojam osjećaja, tj. čulnog doživljaja. Danas se osnovnim čulima vida, sluha, ukusa, mirisa i dodira, dodaje čak još cijela jedna grupa osjećaja koja uključuje pokret, ravnotežu i podvarijante dodira kao što su toplo, hladno, pritisak i bol. No, nije sve tako jednostavno, jer je čovek sposoban i za apstraktna zadovoljstva, kao što je osećaj ispunjenosti u kontaktu sa bliskim ljudima ili nakon uspješno završenog posla. Naši senzori za doživljavanje svijeta su tanani i brojni. Zašto bismo se lišavali njihove funkcije, zašto bismo sebe sprečavali da živimo punim plućima? Hrana jeste čovjekova osnovna fizička potreba, ali ljepota leži u tome da on u njoj umije i može da uživa. Ukus i miris potrebni su nam da bismo prepoznali vrstu i ispravnost onoga što jedemo, ali mi, za razliku od životinja, idemo dalje. Mi možemo da kroz hranu i piće osjetimo uzbuđenje, impresiju, želju, da prizovemo sjećanje, da anticipiramo budućnost. Čovjek može da detektuje deset hiljada mirisa, a razlikuje pet hiljada. Zar to nije magično? Pa kad pomislimo da na ukupan doživljaj utiču još i naše raspoloženje, navike, okolina, kultura, da na različitim mjestima možemo da probamo različite namirnice, različita jela i pića... varijacije za upoznavanje, otkrivanje i uživanje su skoro beskonačne. Bio bi grijeh ne iskusiti bar neke od njih. Jer to je jedno od najkompleksnijih senzornih iskustava ljudskog bića. Uparivanje hrane i pića bez kojeg se danas ne može zamisliti bukvar gastronomije, dodaje svemu ovome jednu novu dimenziju, balansiranost i bogatstvo u isto vrijeme. Momenat kada svaka aroma i svaki ukus dobijaju mjesto koje zaslužuju i na kome se najbolje može prepoznati njihova priroda i suština, njihova ljepota i posebnost. A rakija je tu da pripremi savršen put za dobar zalogaj, da otvori receptore, da stimuliše, okrijepi, da pomogne tijelu da lakše iskoristi sastojke, da zaintrigira i osvježi duh. A u našoj Monogram priči, da bude ravnopravan i vrhunski partner vrhunskim gastronomskim čarolijama. I razlog vašeg vrhunskog uživanja.


Statistics show that the most widespread pleasures involve foods and drinks. What follows is making love, music, family, rest and relaxation. Hedonism is not a luxury, neither are heaps of money the prerequisite. Hedonistic approach to life, experts say, is the art of living by finding joy in little things, things that are all around us, things that we due to fast pace of modern life often forget, push aside, fail to notice, or take for granted. Psychologists say that the easiest way to explain the concept of hedonism is through the sensory experience. Primary senses of sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch are nowadays supplemented with a whole new group of sensory experiences that include touch, balance and sub-variants of touch such as hot, cold, pressure, and pain. All is not so simple, however, as man is capable to express abstract satisfaction, such as fulfilment in contact with close ones or after successfully completed work. Our sensors for experiencing the world are tiny and numerous. Why should we deprive them of their function, why should we prevent ourselves from living the life to the fullest? Food is men’s fundamental physical need, but the beauty is in the fact that we can and know how to enjoy it. Taste and smell are necessary to recognise what and how good is what we eat, but we, unlike animals, go a step further. In food and drink we can experience the excitement, impression, desire, invoke a memory, and anticipate the future. We are able to recognise ten thousand scents, and differentiate five thousand. Isn’t that magical? Knowing that the overall experience is further subjected to our moods, habits, environment, culture, and knowing that we can taste different ingredients in different places, different dishes and drinks, variations for exploring, discovering and enjoying become virtually endless. It would be a sin to not use at least some of them. As this is one of the most complex sensory experiences of a human. Food and drinks pairings, indispensable in the gastronomy alphabet, add yet another new dimension, new balance, and wealth. That moment when each aroma and each flavour receive the well-deserved place to expose their nature and essence, their beauty, and uniqueness. Brandy is precisely there to prepare a perfect road for a good bite, to open the receptors, to stimulate, strengthen, to facilitate the body to use the ingredients, to intrigue, and to refresh the spirit. And in our Monogram story, to be an equal and superior partner to top gastronomic magic. And an additional reason for your supreme enjoyment.




One su ekskluzivne i karakterne. One mogu biti avanturistične, glamurozne ili romantične, a svakako su hedonističke. One su kubanske cigare. Vezuju se za imena poput kralja Edvarda VII, Sigmunda Frojda, Radjarda Kiplinga, Orsona Velsa, Džeka Nikolsona, Stivena Spilberga, Alfreda Hičkoka, Frensisa Forda Kopolu. Bile su zaštitni znak Fidela Kastra i Gručo Marksa. U njima uživaju i žene − Demi Mur, Džodi Foster, Madona. Vinston Čerčil je voleo Romeo & Julliette, Majkl Džordan Montecristo, Džon F. Kenedi Petit Upmann. Mark Tven je, u svom stilu, izjavljivao da ako one nisu dozvoljene u raju, on tamo neće ići. Svaki list od kojih su sastavljene vodi porijeklo od vrsta koje je zatekao Kolumbo kad je otkrio Ameriku. Svaka cigara ima glavu i stopalo, kao čovjek. Svaku biljku tokom sazrijevanja treba obići i provjeriti u prosjeku sto pedeset puta. Skoro svaka se obrađuje ručno, na isti način kao i prije dva vijeka. Skoro sva čula, sem sluha, su uključena pri konzumiranju. Ponekad vas vuku u introspekciju, ponekad u razgovor. Uvijek opuštaju. Kontrolišu vrijeme. Ne gase se na silu, već „umiru“ polako, s dostojanstvom. Dostojanstvo, posebnost i vrijeme jesu srž i duh kubanskih cigara. Uz njih učite da budete pažljivi, posvećeni i strpljivi. Zajedno sa suncem, one u sebi skupljaju sav trud, energiju ruku, sve priče od plantaže do luksuzne kutije. Potrebni su mjeseci i godine čekanja da dobijete savršen duvanski list. Nužna je prava mikroklima, specifično područje, tačna mjera vode u pravom trenutku, upravo onom kada biljci treba. Bere se ručno. Sa jedne biljke dnevno se može uzeti svega dva-tri lista, pa zato morate da se vratite još jednom, pa još jednom, pa opet, pa tako mjesec dana. Ni u čemu ne smije da se žuri. Ni u sazrijevanju ni kada se čeka da duvan fermentiše, odmara i zri. Uvijek se s pažnjom prati da vazduh i vlaga budu na potrebnom nivou. Za svaku cigaru potrebno je pet posebnih tipova listova duvana. Tri lista koja rastu na suncu oblikuju ukus cigare, jedan strukturu i jedan izgled, a oni moraju da rastu u sjenci.


They are exclusive and exude character. They can be adventurous, glamorous, or romantic. But certainly, hedonistic. They are Cuban cigars. They are associated with names such as King Edward, Sigmund Freud, Rudyard Kipling, Orson Welles, Jack Nicholson, Steven Spielberg, Alfred Hitchcock, and Francis Ford Coppola. They are the trademark of Fidel Castro and Groucho Marx. Even women enjoy them: Demi Moore, Jodie Foster, Madonna. Winston Churchill loved Romeo & Julliette, Michael Jordan Montecristo, John F. Kenedi Petit Upmann. Mark Twain in his style declared that if cigars were not allowed in paradise, he would not go to paradise. Each leaf they are made of originates from the species found when Columbus discovered America. Each cigar has a head and a foot, just like any human. During maturing each plant is visited and checked on average 150 times. Almost every plant is processed manually, the same as two centuries ago. Consumption engages almost all senses, hearing excluded. Sometimes they draw you into introspection, sometimes into conversation. But they always relax. They are not extinguished by force, but rather they “die� slowly, with dignity. Dignity, uniqueness and time are the essence and spirit of Cuban cigars. They teach you how to be vigilant, devoted and serene. Along with the sun, they amass the complete effort, the energy of working hands, the stories, from the plantation to the luxury box. It takes months and years of waiting for a perfect tobacco leaf. The right microclimate and specific terrain, the exact amount of water at the right moment, just when the plant needs it, all are indispensable. It is harvested by hand. One plant daily can produce two to three leafs at the most, requiring you thus to keep returning for a month. Nothing should be rushed. Not a thing, including maturing, fermenting, resting and ripening. The right level of air and moisture must be carefully monitored. Each cigar takes five special types of tobacco leaves. Three for flavour, growing in the sun, one for structure, and one for the eye, growing in the shadows.



Svi su različite debljine, jačine i ukusa i svaki ima svoju ulogu i svrhu. A onda dolazi magija njihovog uvijanja, čarolija prstiju čuvenih torcedorasa, najčešće onih ženskih. Vještina sticana vijekovima. Sortiraju se po boji, pa u jednoj kutiji možete naći samo istu nijansu. U preko trideset brendova ima 240 vrsta cigara. Svaka vrsta cigare ima svoj karakter, u skladu sa osobama i predjelima čije ime nose, delikatan, snažan ili elegantan. Veće cigare imaju bogatiji ukus i hladniji dim. Deblje gore sporije dok puno dima ispunjava nepce. Tanje svoj oštriji ukus razvijaju na jeziku. Izbor koji pravite kada birate cigaru, način na koji je siječete, palite i pušite, kako ih čuvate, koliko o njim znate, potpuno vas određuje. Taj mali, a značajan ritual, govori o vama i više nego što mislite. Ta igra arome u ustima, umjesto da se uvlači dim, čekanje da vas obuzme, mogućnost da zadovoljstvo odložite pa da mu se ponovo vratite. Tiha strast. Nije uzalud Oldous Hakli govorio: „To je jedna od najvećih sreća. I uz to, mnogo trajnija od ljubavi i bez ceha emocionalnog razdiranja.“ Lako ih je upariti sa MONOGRAM rakijom. Uostalom, sa istom vrstom pažnje se stvaraju - lagano, s ljubavlju, znanjem, posvećenjem i uživanjem. Snažnijim ukusima cigara odlično pariraju MONOGRAM dunja, šljiva i šljiva s kantarionom. Ako želite jačinu, stabilnost, pun ukus, ovo će biti vaš izbor. Ukoliko ste ljubitelj lakših aroma, odlučite se za MONOGRAM viljamovku, jabuku ili liker 54.

All are of different thickness, strength and flavour, and all have their role and purpose. And then the magic of them being rolled up happens, the magic made by fingers of famous torcedors, female ones in particular. The skill acquired over the course of centuries. They are sorted by colour, and one box keeps only the same hue. There are over 240 types of cigars in over thirty brands. Each cigar type has its own character, in line with eponymous people and areas. They are delicate, powerful, or elegant. Large cigars have a rich flavour and cooler smoke. Thicker ones burn slower filling the palate with ample smoke. Thinner ones have a sharper taste that develops on the tongue. The selection, the way you cut it, light it and smoke it, the way you keep it, the amount of knowledge you have about cigars absolutely defines you. That small but important ritual speaks about you more than you can ever imagine. The dance of flavours in the mouth, instead of inhaling smoke, the anticipation to overtake you, the ability to postpone the pleasure and to return to it. Silent passion. Odlus Hakl said for a reason that “they (cigars) are the one of the greatest joys. And besides, far more durable than love and spared from emotional rupture”. They are easily paired with MONOGRAM brandies. They are, after all, made with same attention, unhurriedly, with love, knowledge, dedication and joy. Stronger cigar flavours are perfectly paired with MONOGRAM quince, plum, and plum and St. John’s Wort brandies. If you desire strength, stability, full flavour, this is your choice, If you, however, prefer milder flavours, opt for MONOGRAM pear, apple, or Liqueur 54.


Recept za dobar dan RECIPE FOR A GOOD DAY



Uzeti jedan taze dan i paziti da na njemu nema ostataka prošlog. Ocijediti od suvišne magle i dvaput prosijati, sivilo sa sita baciti. Zamijesiti sa dvije-tri dobre misli, čašom spokoja i prstohvatom želje. Ostaviti na duši da naraste do dvostruke zapremine. Premijesiti, posuti mrvicama radoznalosti i peći u dubokoj strasti. Poslužiti topao, ukrašen osmijehom ili poljupcima, po želji.


Take a fresh day and make sure that it has no leftovers of the past one. Drain the excess fog and strain twice, remove and discard the drab from the sieve. Mix with two to three good thoughts, a glass of tranquillity and pinch of wishes. Let it sit on a soul to double. Move, sprinkle with crumbs of curiosity and bake in deep passion. Serve warm, garnished with a smile or kiss, as desired.




Recept za hedonizam RECIPE FOR HEDONISM



Poraniti. Uhvatiti jutro i protresti. Pokupiti najljepše zrele plodove koji mirišu na radost. Presjeći ih na pola. Jednu polovinu koristiti za pripremu hedonizma, drugu, kao kvasac, razdijeliti svima koje sretnete u međuvremenu.Izmjeriti jednake količine ljubavi prema sebi, ljubavi prema životu i ljubavi prema drugima. Pomiješati. Pripremiti najbolji komad riječi i očistiti receptore. Začiniti opuštenošću. Dekantirati um da prodiše u skladu sa trenutkom. Sipati polako na svaku misao. Položiti na toplo srce. Okolo poredati osjećaj za lijepo i malo strpljenja. Između njih slagati komade dobrih riječi i plodove radosti. Dopunjavati cijeli dan, po potrebi. Zaliti mješavinom ljubavi. Receptore uključiti. Isključiti vrijeme. Zatvoriti kanal za gunđanje. Podesiti unutrašnji sat da se oglasi kad zadovoljstvo naraste na pravu mjeru. Može se konzumirati u samoći, zatvorenih očiju i otvorenih čula. Poseban ukus ima ako se dijeli s onima koje volite.


Get up early. Catch the morning and shake. Pick up the most beautiful ripe fruits that smell of joy. Cut it half. Use one half for preparing hedonism, and the other as yeast, share with everyone you encounter in the meantime. Measure equal amounts of love of self, love of life and love of others. Mix together. Prepare the best piece of work and clean the receptor. Spice with relaxation. Decant the mind to breath in line with the moment. Pour out each thought slowly. Place over warm heart. Arrange the sense for beauty and bit of patience around it. In-between arrange pieces of good work and fruits of joy. Keep refilling throughout the day, as needed. Cover with a mixture of love. Turn on receptors. Turn off time. Close off complaining channels. Adjust the internal clock to sound when satisfaction reaches the right amount. It can be consumed in solitude, with eyes closed, and senses open. It has a particular taste when shared with the ones you love.


Index recepata INDEX OF RECIPES

86 88 92 94 101 102 104 108 114 117 122 124 132 136 141 147 153 318

Rolnice od brancina sa gamborima Sea bass rolls with prawns Zlatno pile Golden chicken Svinjetina u korici od začinskog bilja Pork in herb crust Monogram torta Monogram cake Riblje rolnice Fish rolls Stejk od lignji Squid steak Bosforska rapsodija Bosphorus rhapsody Tri gracije Three Graces Losos u korici od sjemenki Seed crusted Salmon Svinjski file u hljebu od sipe Squid ink breaded Pork Fillet Monogram lincura mille follie Monogram Gentian Mille-Follie Trio Kaskada Trio Cascade Grilovana kapesanta sa azijskom rskom Grilled scallops with asian crisp Goveđi obrazi sa umakom od jabukove rakije Beef cheeks with apple brandy sauce Morska plata “Strast jača od ljubavi” Seafood platter “Passion Stronger Than Love” Ples vatre i vode Dance of Fire and Water Guščija jetra sa pateom od telećeg jezika i ljetnjim tartufima Goose liver with veal tongue pate and summer truffles

157 163 173 177 192 186 190 196 199 204 210 216 222 227 232 238 244

Jetra od grdobine sa zapečenom palentom Monkfish liver with baked polenta Mus od kefira sa kramblom od kokosa i maline i kremom i sorbeom od manga Kefir mousse with coconut rasbery crumble and mango sorbet Klepe “Klepe” Sarajevski sahan Sarajevo sahan Jagnjeći file u umaku od ruzmarina Lamb fillet in rosemary sauce Banana u banani na banani Banana in the banana on the banana Begova čorba Bey’s soup Rolnica od bifteka sa prelivom od gorgonzole i bučinog ulja Steak roll topped with gorgonzola and pumpking seed oil Ćuretina sa domaćim mlincima Turkey with homemade mlinci Biftek a la Balon sa tartufima i fužima Steak a la Balon with Truffles and Fusi Pačje grudi sa pireom od cvekle Duck breast with beet puree Jagnjeći stejk sa povrćem Lamb steak with vegetables Karpaćo od hobotnice sa čvarcima Octopus carpaccio with cracklings Jagnjeće grudi “Karakačanska” Karakačanska lamb Prasetina sa pireom od karfiola, pečenom njokom i sotiranim povrćem Pork with cauliflower puree, backed gnocchi and sauteed vegetables Gratinirane palačinke “tabor” Gratinated “tabor” pancakes Đurin stejk Đura’s steak


246 250 257 258 260 263 270 276 282 286 292


Piletina “Vrabac” “Vrabac” chicken Teleća koljenica Veal knuckle Mix sashimi - sushi Mix sashimi - Sushi Sabljarka usuzukuri (Kajiki Usuzukuri) Sword fish usuzukuri (Kajiki Usuzukuri) Losos tartuf tataki Salmon truffle tataki Guščija džigerica Deltino Deltino goose liver Čokoladni entreme sa musom i sladoledom od kafe i confitom od pomorandže Chocolate entremet with coffee mousee and coffee ice cream and orange confit Ćuretina sa suvim kajsijama i brusnicom Turkey with dried apricots and cranberries Tuna stejk u susamu Sesame crusted tuna steak Pizzocheri Pizzocheri Puding od graška i bosiljka sa brancinom mariniranim u rakiji od viljamovke Pee and basil pudding With williams pear brandy marinated sea bass


 Svetozara Markovića 5j, Banja Luka
 Tel. +387 51 260 162

 Cankarjeva cesta 15, Bled
 Tel. +386 4 579 1800

 Ivana pl. Zajca, Split
 Tel. +385 91 522 6685

 Vrbanjuša 164, Sarajevo
 Tel. +387 33 441 936

 Iza Lože 9, Split
 Tel. +385 99 498 1888

 Čekaluša 61, Sarajevo
 Tel. +387 33 202 745

 Put Briga 13, Primošten
 Tel. +385 22 571 780

 Grbavička 8, Sarajevo
 Tel. +387 33 811 212

 Palmižana, Hvar
 Tel. +385 91 174 4976

 Bosne srebrene 105/a, Tuzla
 Tel. +387 35 315 666

 Tel. +385 52 664 302

 Prisavlje 2, Zagreb
 Tel. +385 1 604 0918

 Čimulje 25, Banjole
 Tel. +385 52 573 767

 Vase Pelagića 31, Beograd
 Tel. +381 11 411 4115


 Ibarski put 20, Beograd
 Bulevar Vojvode Mišića, Beograd
 Moravska 10, Beograd
 Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 348, Beograd
 Skadarska 34, Beograd
 Skadarska 28, Beograd
 Tel. +381 11 324 7501

 VIP restoran zatvorenog tipa kompanije Delta Holding, Beograd ZORAN STEVANOVIĆ RESTORAN MADERA
 Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 43, Beograd
 Tel. +381 11 323 1332 RADOJE JUGOVIĆ 
 Kej Oslobođenja bb, Zemun, Beograd
 Tel. +381 11 319 1226 ALEKSANDAR ILIĆ 
 Bore Stankovića 17, Beograd
 Tel. +381 11 407 9502

 Via Dim Lej 6, St.Moritz, Švajcarska
 Tel. +41 81 836 6000

 Via Santa Caterina 43, Modena
 Tel. +393 92 924 7130

 Karađorđeva 2-4, Beograd
 Tel. +381 11 328 4988 323

Oktobar 2015. Štampa COMPEX d.o.o. za Krušik d.o.o. Donji Skugrić, Modriča - Republika Srpska, Bosna i Hercegovina

October 2015 Printed by COMPEX d.o.o. for Krušik d.o.o. Donji Skugrić, Modriča - Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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