Leather tanning, the process that transforms leather Since the dawn of the humanity, leather and leather goods are in use. Undoubtedly there has been a tremendous evolution in these years and today we have perhaps the best quality tanned leather in the history. The credit goes to industrial development and chemical technology. From the era of vegetabletanned leather, we have reached to the use of strong chemical-based tanning agents. With the increasing concern towards the environment and ecological imbalance, experts recommend the use of natural substances as much as possible. Efforts are being taken to reduce the harmful effects of LEATHER TANNING CHEMICALS and make them “Green�. Why did chemical tanners replace vegetable tanners? When the use of leather was limited, it was possible to use vegetable-based tanning agents. However, with the industrialization and urbanization, the demand for excellent quality leather increased. It was not possible to fulfill it using the age-old methods. Thus, LEATHER CHEMICAL came into the existence. Today, we see a totally different scenario where chemical tanning has replaced vegetable tanning completely. Tanneries need excellent quality chemicals from renowned Suppliers like Zsivira. As people demand wide varieties of textures and finishes, there has been a total transformation in the tanning process.
Vegetable tanning makes the leather soft, smooth and more pliable than other tanning methods. It also preserves the structural integrity of the material. It is a costly process, and the final product is also quite expensive as compared to the chemical tanning. Only premium and heavily priced items are made from high-quality vegetable leather. Most of the commercial products are made from chemically tanned leather because it is cost-effective. Impacts of leather tanning can be minimized Nobody can deny the adverse effects of chemical tanning. Other than health hazards to the workers in the industry, there are environmental impacts also due to air and water pollution. Environmentalists say that it is possible to minimize the impact by implementing simple things like water treatment plant or fume extractors. It makes the use of LEATHER TANNING CHEMICALS safe for everyone. Zsivira offers all types of leather tanning chemicals to small, medium and large enterprises. It fulfills the requirements of all renowned leather industries in the country. For more information visit today http://www.zsiviraindia.com/