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Zeta Tau Alpha Iota Phi Chapter The Chapter
Still Seeking the Noblest Iota Phi remains to be a close-knit group of women with high ideals and soaring academics. Throughout this academic school year, members made appearances at Outstanding Women’s Awards and Zeta Day, along with being elected into NCSU Student Government, the Panhellenic Board, and the Order of Omega. We put on many philanthropic events, such as Bowlathon and Spaghetti Dinner. Also, we participated in other events, such as Sigma Chi’s Derby Days and Pi Kappa Alpha’s Jimmy V Week.
Outstanding Accomplishments! Megan Briley
Halie Shipley
Annie Cleek
This new member won First Year Outstanding Woman at NCSU’s Outstanding Women’s Awards!
This senior’s was named Valedictorian of the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences!
Another hard working senior to be named Valedictorian of the College of Textiles!
v Currently, the Iota Phi Chapter has 132 outstanding members. v After Fall Recruitment, 44 of these women were New Member initiates with 100% retention! v 25 of these girls will be moving on in May, graduating North Carolina State University! v At Zeta Day, Iota Phi won the Collegiate MVP Award!
Zeta Day 2013 At this year’s Zeta Day, Iota Phi received the Collegiate MVP Award. In addition, senior Amanda Brookie received the Outstanding Senior Award and junior Julie Donoghue received the Leadership Award!
Iota Phi also competed and won the Sigma Chi Derby Days!!
The Order of Omega Three Iota Phi juniors were inducted into the Order of Omega this April! Katie Pinion, Kari Loomer, and Sarah Beth Koonce!
Annual Spaghetti Dinner Our Annual Spaghetti Dinner was a success again this year! Other members of Greek life, parents, and NCSU students came out to support Breast Cancer Education and Awareness by eating spaghetti with our members!