6 RNI NO:JKBIL/2011/39764 Registered No: JKNP-158/SKGPO-2010-2012
Office of the Executive Engineer Left River Works Division Srinagar Municipal Corporation Short Term Tender Notice No. 29 of 2013-14 Dated: 01-10-2013
For and on behalf of Srinagar Municipal Corporation, the Executive Engineer Left River Works Division hereby invites tenders from the registered/approved contractors for below mentioned works shown in Annexure (A) which should reach the office of the Joint Commissioner (works), Srinagar Municipal Corporation on or before 14-10-2013 till 2.00 PM by hand or through registered post affixed with Rs. 2/- revenue stamp. The tender document for the work can be had from this office on all working days during office hours upto 11-10-2013 till 2.00 PM on the production of valid enlistment card and other requisite papers in person against cash payment shown for each work as the cost of tender document. The intending tenderers can also submit their tenders on book-let forms issued for the current financial year and also append valid demand draft pledged to Chief Accounts Officer, Srinagar Municipal Corporation as cost of tender document equivalent to the cost shown against the works. No postal order shall be accepted and tender shall be rejected. The tenders shall be opened by the tender opening authority of Srinagar Municipal Corporation on the same day or any other subsequent day convenient to the tender opening authority in presence of contractors who may like to be present. In case office remains closed on the last date of receipt tender due to any unforeseen circumstances, the tenders shall be received on the next working day. Further details, terms and conditions can be had from the office of undersigned on all working days. In case of any unbalanced tender (i.e 15% below the advertised cost) the successful tenderer has to furnish additional security deposits (Performance Security Deposit) equivalent to 3% of the advertised cost in the shape of FDR/ so as to protect the department against any financial loss in the event of default of the successful tenderer under the contract which the successful tenderer should submit/deposit within 15 days from the date of formal intimation is issued in his favour from the corporation and failing which his CDR shall be forfeited and his tender shall not be considered and shall be considered as invalid bid/tender and shall be rejected. The performance security shall be valid upto the 28 days from the date of expiry of defect liability period for the work. Annexure (A)
S. No 1. 2.
Name of Works Restoration and Renovation of CAO’s Office in Block at Central Office, SMC (Dev. Grant 2013-14) Construction of road barrier at Zainakote Chinar Colony Srinagar
Approx. Cost
E/M to be deposited (CDR)
Class of Contractor
Time of Completion
Cost of T.D (NonRefundable)
Rs. 4.95
Rs. 9900/-
04 Weeks
Rs. 400/-
Rs. 0.49
Rs. 980/-
01 Week
Rs. 200/-
Sd/- Executive Engineer Left River Works Division Srinagar Municipal Corporation
DIPJK-NB: 1795
Government of Jammu and Kashmir
Office of the Executive Engineer Irrigation Division Pulwama NIT No: (09) of 2013-14 Dated:- 01-10-2013
For and on behalf of Governor of J&K State, sealed fresh tenders affixed with Rs: 6/- (Rupees Six) only Rev stamp are invited from the Registered/ Approved PWD Contractors for execution of works mentioned in the Annexure (A) of this NIT. The tenders should reach the office of the Executive Engineer Irrigation Division Pulwama on or before 14-10-2013 upto 2 P.M. Position of Funds = Demanded Head of Account = C.D.F Position of works in the works programme = Existing CONDITIONS: 1. As per guidelines issued by the Ministry of Water, Resources Govt. of India for AIBP projects. If state Govt., fails to comply with the agreed date of completion, the grant component released will be treated as Loan and recovered as per usual terms of recovery of the central Loan. So in view of this condition, the contractor is bound to start the work within seven days from the date of issue of allotment and is bound to complete the same within stipulated period of time. If the lowest tenderer fails to start the work, no further notices shall be served. His CDR shall be forfeited immediately and blacklisting of his Registration card, shall be recommended. 2. The contractor who applies for issuance of tender document shall have to produce the requisite CDR at the time of applying for issuance of tender document for the particular work. Without CDR no application will be accepted and no tender document shall be issued. 3. Tenders shall be received only on prescribed tender documents to be issued by this office from 08-10-2013 to 10-10-2013 upto 2 PM against Cash payment as shown in annexure (A) on production of Registration Card duly renewed, having requisite capacity and 2% Earnest Money in the shape of CDR pledged to the Executive Engineer Irrigation Division Pulwama. 4. No extension shall be made in the date of issuance of tender documents even if there is any Hartal or any other reason. 5. In case tenders cannot be received on due date on account of any unavoidable circumstances, the tenders shall be received on next working day. 6. Tenders shall be opened on the same day or any other day convenient to the tender opening authority in presence of the tenderers or their representatives who may wish to be present at that time. 7. The tender opening authority reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason thereof. 8. 1% Cess on account of “Regulation of Employment and condition of Service Act” shall be deduct from the contractors bill in addition to the usual taxes. All other terms and conditions shall be the same as are laid down in the PWD form No. 25 & enclosed Annexure (B) of this NIT. Total No. of works Advertised = 01 No. ANNEXURE (A)
S. No
Name of Work Construction of 2 Span Foot Bridges on Qasbayar Khul (Branches) at Argicheck near house of Gulzar Ahmad Ganie
DIPJK: 8540
Advertised Cost in Lacs
Earnest Money in Lacs
Class of Contract
Time of Completion
Head of Account
Position of Funds
Cost of Tender Documents in Rs.
Rs. 1.08
Rs. 2160/-
25 Days
Rs. 200/-
Sd/- Executive Engineer