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6 RNI NO:JKBIL/2011/39764 Registered No: JKNP-158/SKGPO-2010-2012
Office of the Executive Engineer, R&B Division Sopore Gist of Tender Notice No: 106 of 2013-2014 Issued vide endorsement No: 7233-53 dated: 09-11-2013
For and on behalf of the Governor of J&K State, the Executive Engineer, R&B Division Sopore hereby invites sealed tenders affixed with Rs. 2/- Revenue stamps from the approved government contractors for the work/works mentioned in the annexure. The tenders should be addressed to the Executive Engineer, R&B Division Sopore which should reach in his office on or before 22-11-2013 upto 2 P.M. The tender documents of the work/ works covering with terms and conditions of the contract can be had from the office of the Executive Engineer, R&B Division Sopore after production of valid enlistment card by the contractor on any working day during office hours upto 20-11-2013 on cash payment. In case the tenderer is unable to purchase the tender document for the work/works he should quote his rates in his tender form which should enclosed with a crossed postal order equivalent to the cost of tender document provide such forms have been issued during 2013-14. Moreover the postal orders shall be produced within 2 years from the issuance of post office. These will be opened on the same date or any subsequent date convenient to the Executive Engineer, in presence of the contractors who may like to be present there. In case the last date of receipt of tenders happens to be a holiday/Hartal/Curfew the same shall be received on next working day. The Payment for the work shall be made as and when funds for the same are available. One time used CDR shall not be accepted. The terms and conditions can be seen in the tender notice available in the Divisional office. S. No 1.
Name of Work Providing/ fixing CGI sheets roofing over Budloo wood trusses to Library room at Govt. Degree College Sopore. Imptts. to approach road to Girls Hostel at Govt. Degree College Sopore by way of P/L WBM grade Ist and 2nd with nallah muck filling (agg: length 600 Rft)
Adv. Cost
Class of contractor
Cost of tender documents
Time of completion
4.00 lacs
25 days
3.50 lacs
25 days
Sd/- Executive Engineer (R&B) Division Sopore
DIPJK: 9931
Office of the Executive Engineer PWD (R&B) Division Qazigund
Short Term Quotation No. 01/R&B/QZD/2013-14/3772-76 Dated: 11-11-2013
Short Term quotation affixed with revenue stamps worth Rs. 5/- (Rupees Five) only are hereby invited from the approved/registered dealers for supply of Fire Wood mentioned in the enclosed Annexure. The quotation should properly be sealed and addressed to the Executive Engineer PWD (R&B) Division Qazigund and should reach in his office on or before 18-11-2013 upto 2.00 P.M. These will be opened on the same day or later in presence of the quotationers who may wish to remain present. The materials are to be supplied within one week’s time from the date of issue of supply order and in case of delay 10% penalty will be imposed. The quantity mentioned in the enclosed annexure is approximate and orders shall be placed for the actual requirement in due course of time. The undersigned reserves the right of acceptance/rejection for all quotations without assigning any reasons thereof. The rates should be inclusive of all taxes etc. including carriages and are to be delivered in the office of the Executive Engineer (R&B) Division Qazigund. All other terms and conditions shall be the same as provided in the PWD for No. 25. A NNEXURE
S. No 1. DIPJK: 9916
Particulars of Items Supply of fire wood free from moisture
Quantity 35 Qntls (Thirty Five Qntls) Sd/- Executive Engineer