DEPARTMENT OF HOSPITAL ENGINEERING OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (Electric) Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences Soura Srinaear Notice inviting JrL-tenders Retender-II NIT NO: SIMS/HEE/E/ET/49 of 2013-14 Dated: 15 -01-2014
For and on behalf of Governor J&K State, E-tenders are invited from Registered 'A' class Electrical contractors registered with competent Authority / PDD for following work:(Rs in Lacs) S.No
Name of the Work
Estimated Amount
CDR Amount
Cost of tender document.
Time of completion
a) Providing, laying of 185 mm sq 3.5 core core AI. cable along with other allied accessories for providing emergency and normal power supply from main substation to newly Constructed C.T Scan at SKIMS Soura. b) Providing, fixing of LED Green line Smart, lighting points, 2 core Al. able and tube fixture near casuality entrance and C.T Scan Corridor Main Hospital of SKIMS Soura.
Rs 5.24 Lacs
Rs 10,500/=
Rs 500/=
20 days
2 bid cover
Bid forms and other details can be obtained from web site jktenders.gOV.in from 21.01.014 to 28.01.014 (up to 4.00 P.M) SIMS 139/Xen/E/N-49/2014-4382-89-28-D Dated: 15 /01/2014 Executive Engineer (E)
Srinagar, Friday, 17January,2014