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6 4 RNI NO:JKBIL/2011/39764 Registered No: JKNP-158/SKGPO-2010-2012
NIT NO. 49/LRCRD OF 2013-14 R&B/e-tendering Dated : 16-09-2013 For and on behalf of the Governor J&K State e-tendering (in Single cover System) are invited on item rate basis from approved and eligible Contractors registered with J&K State Govt. CPWD, Railways and other State/Central Government for each of the following works.:-
Name of the Work
Construction of Three no. shops at BArbarshah
Est. Cost Rs. In lacs 05.60
Cost of T/Doc
Earnest Money
Time of Completion
Time and date of Opening of Bid
30 caldays
26-09-2013 11:00 AM
Class of Contractor
Major Head of Account
Postition of AAA/TS Under Submission Position of Funds Demanded 1. The Bidding documents consisting of qualifying information, eligibility criteria, specification, Drawings, bill of quantities, (B.O.Q) , Set of terms and conditions of contract and other details can be seen / downloaded from the departmental website www.jktenders.gov.in as per the schedule of dates given below:
Date of Issue of Tender Documents
Period of downloading of bidding documents
From 17-09-2013 10 A.M to 24-09-2013 4.00PM
Bid submission Start Date
18-09-2013 from 10.00 AM
Bid submission End Date
24-09-2013 from 4.00 PM
Deadline for receiving the Hard Copy ( Original DD & EMD)
25-09-2013 upto 4.00 PM in the office of the Executive Enqineer Left River Circular Road Division Srinaqar / Development commissioner Srinaqar.
Date & time of opening of Bids (Online)
26-09-2013 at 11.00 A.M in the office of the Executive Enqineer Left River Circular Road Srinagar.
2. Bids must be accompanied with cost of tender document in shape of demand draft in favour of Executive Engineer R&B LRCR division Srinagar and Earnest money / Bid security in shape of CDR/ FDR/ pledged to Executive Enqineer Left River Circular Road Division Srinaqar (tender receiving authority). 3. The date and time of opening of Bids shall be notified on Web Site www.iktenders.qov.in and conveyed to the bidders automatically through an e-mail message on their e-mail address. The bids of Responsive bidders shall be opened online on same Web Site in the office of Executive Enqineer LRCR Division Srinaqar (Tender receiving authority). 4. The bids for the work shall remain Valid for a period of 120 days from the date of opening of bids. The earnest money shall be forfeited, if:a. Any bidder/tenderer withdraws his bid /tender during the period “of bid validity or makes any modification in the terms and conditions of the bid. b. Failure of Successful bidder to furnish the required performance security within the specified time limit. c. Failure of Successful bidder to execute the agreement within 28 days after fixation of contract. 6. Instruction to bidders regarding e-tenderinq process. 6. 1 Bidders are advised to download bid submission manual from the “Downloads” option as well as from “Bidders Manual Kit” on website www.iktenders.gov.in to acquaint bid submission process. 6.2 To participate in bidding process, bidders have to get ‘Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)’ as per Information Technology Act-2000. Bidders can get digital certificate from any approved vendors. 6.3 The bidders have to submit their bids online in electronic format with digital Signature. No financial bid will be accepted in physical form. 6.4 Bids will be opened online as per time schedule mentioned in Para-1. 6.5 Bidders must ensure to upload scanned copy of all necessary documents with the bid. Besides, original / Photocopies of documents related to the bid be submitted physically / by registered post / through courier before the date specified para-1. Note:- Scan all the documents on 100DPI With black ball and white option Scan all the documents on 100dpi with black and white option The department will not be responsible for delay in online submission due to any reasons. Scanned copy of cost of tender document in shape of Demand Draft in favour of Executive Engineer R&B LRCR Division Srinagar and Earnest Money/Bid Security in shape of CDR/FDR if applicable pledged to Executive Engineer, Left River Circular Road Division Srinagar must be uploaded with bid. The original Demand Draft (cost offender document), CDR/FDR (earnest money/bid security) and relevant documents etc be submitted to Executive Engineer LRCR Division Srinagar by registered post/Courier/by hand before due date of submission of tender/as per time schedule specified. Sd/ DIPK No. 7561 Ex. Engineer R&B Left River Circullar Road Div. Sgr.
Office of the Executive Engineer Electric Maintt. Division Awantipora Fax 01933247157 Email id.:- Ed_Awantipora@yahoo.com Tender Notice (Abbreviated) NIT NO: EDA/12 of 2013 Dated: 16-09-2013
For and on behalf of Governor of Jammu and Kashmir sealed tenders affixed with Rs. 5/- Revenue stamps are invited from “A” Class Electrical Contractors registered with JKPDD/CPWD/DGS&D/MES for below mentioned work:
S.NO. 1
Name of Work Bifurcation of feeder No. 1 (Namblebal) of pampore-II from receiving Station pamporeII to Khrew Adda
ESt. Cost (Lacs
Earnest Money (EMD)
Time of Completion
2% of Quoted Amount
15 days
Status of Funds Demanded
The Tenders document can be had on any working day from 11:00 AM- 3.00PM against cash payment of RS. 500/= (Non refundable) from the office of the undersigned up to 03-10-2013. The tenders complete in all respects should reach this office by or before 5-10-2013 upto 2 PM. The tender documents shall be issued only after production of following: 1.Original valid Registration card issued by competent authority. 2. Tax Clearance certificate from competent authority. 3. Attested copy of Tin Number. 4. Original Experience Certificate of successful execution of at least one similar job with contract value not less than Rs. 1.00 lac in case of key mater supplied by department not less than Rs. 3.00 lacs in case of Turnkey job. In case the last date of receipt of tenders happens to be Hartal or Holiday the same shall be received on the next working day. The tenders shall be opened by the tender opening committee on next date of receipt of tender or any subsequent day convenient to the committee, in presence of the tenders who may wish to participate. No reason what so ever shall be entertained for any postal delay in receipt of tenders No. EDA/2447/52 Dated: 15-09-2013 Sd/ Executive Engineer Electric & RE Division
DIPK NO. 7576