Jenab Omar Abdullah Hon’ble Chief Minister J&K
Sh. Sham Lal Sharma Hon’ble Minister PHE, I&FC, J&K
Sh. Nazir Ahmad Khan Gurezi Hon’ble MOS PHE, I&FC, J&K
Do You Know that:
In India, Only 46.9% of the 246.6 million households have toilets while 49.8% defecate in the open. The remaining 3.2% use public Toilets. One child every second dies due to diarrhoea caused by dirty water, poor sanitation & bad hygiene. One in three people do not have a safe, clean & private toilet.
Initiatives Taken by Government:-
Financial help of Rs. 9600/- for construction of Individual Household Latrine. Construction of Community Toilets Water Quality Testing Labs set up at Divisional / Sub-Divisional level. Field Water Testing Kits (FTKs) being provided to the Field Functionaries and the Village Water & Sanitation Committees to test the drinking water at village level. IEC campaign to spread awareness about conservation of traditional water resources and safe storage and use of Drinking water. Issued in Public interest by Communication & Capacity Development Unit (CCDU), Water & Sanitation Support Organization (WSSO) Department of PHE, I&FC, Govt. of J&K under the aegis of the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, GOI
“Sanitation is a not a Civil Engineering Activity but it is about changing Attitudes and Mindsets.” - Dr. Man Mohan Singh
NO. 30 OF 2014
Dated: 18 /02/2014
For and on behalf of Commissioner Srinagar Municipal Corporation sealed tenders affixed with rupees five revenue stamps are invited from registered dealers, registered firms and contractors for supply of PVC flexible Corrigated Pipes and Collars ( as per sample ) required for Suction Vehicles. The details can be had from the office off the Executive Engineer Mechanical from 20-02-2014 up to 28-02-2014. The interested firms/dealers shall enclose CDR equivalent to 2% of the total value of the contract from any scheduled bank of India pledged to the Financial Advisor /Chief Accounts Officer Srinagar Municipal Corporation. The last dated for the receipt of the tenders addressed to the Commissioner, SMC shall be 03/03/2014 up to 02 PM and in case the said date happens to be a holiday or the office remains closed due to any reason the next working day will be the last date of receipt of tenders and will be opened on the same date.orany. other convenient date in presence of the tenderers who intend to be present. The rates quoted shall be pasted with transparent tape and no conditional tender will be accepted, The tender opening authority reserves the right to accept or reject any offer /tender without assigning any reason-thereof. NB: 2915
Executive Engineer Mechanical Srinagar Municipal Corporation
Government of Jammu and Kashmir
Office of the Executive Engineer Rural Engineering wing. Kupwara Short Term Tender Notification No MV(I) 2013 dated 15.02.2014
For and on behalf of Governor of Jammu and Kashmir State, Executive Engineer Rural Engineering wing Kupwara invites tenders affixed with Rs 21- revenue stamp for the works mentioned below from the approved PWD contractors which should reach to the office of the Executive Engineer REW Kupwara by or before 05-03.2014- up to 2 PM. The tenders will be opened on the same day in the after noon or some other day convenient to the tender opening authority in presence of tenderers who may like to be present at the time of opening. In case the date of receipt of tenders is declared as Hartal / Govt. Holiday the same shall be received on the next working day as per the same schedule. The CDR should be pledged to the Executive Engineer REW Kupwara. The tender documents can be purchased from the office of the Executive Engineer REW Kupwara from01.03.201 to 04.03.2014 -up to 2 PM during office hours on the production of valid enlistment card against the treasury receipt / cash payment non- refundable as shown below.
S. No
Name of work
Adv Cost
Earnest money
Class of contractor
Time of completion
Cost of tender documents
Position of AA/ Funds
Construction of Common Facility centre (CFC) at Kawari Block Kupwara
19.24 lacs
4 months
Model village
AA:- under submission Funds:available
Terms and conditiom:1 The tender should be sealed with proper cover /envelope with a name of contractor, name of work, CDR No and Date etc without which the tender shall not be entertained. 2 The work should be executed strictly in accordance with specifications of the sanctioned estimate. 3 Photostat copy of the Registration Card duly attested / renewed for the year 2013-14 should be attached with the application requesting for tender documents 4 Income Tax / Sales Tax Clearance certificate of the year 2013-14 shouldTie attached with the application. 5 The contractor should visit the site before participating in the tender. 6 Any topographical error in the quantity schedule if found any shall be read as SSR 2008 7 All other terns and conditions shall remain same as per the detailed NIT and as per Form (25) PWD double leaf and FC -31 C.
Sd/- Executive Engineer
NIT No. 115-K1JP 7888-89 of 2013-14 e-tendering DATED: - 14-02-2014. For and on behalf of the Governor, J&K State e-tenders (in Single Cover System} are invited on item rate basis from approved and eligible Contractors registered with J&K State Govt., CPWD, Railways and other State/Central Governments for the following works:s. No
Name of Work
Est Cost (Rs. In Lacs]
Cost of T/ Doc. (In rupees')
Earnest Money (In rupees)
Time of Completion In days
Time & Date of Opening of Bid
Class of Contract or
Major Head of Account
Raising of 1st floor over existing ground floor and providing and fixing of CGI Sheet roofing to Veterinary Hospital building at Sogam.
60 days’ti 1
4403 Animal Husbandry NABARD
Raising of 1st floor over existing ground floor to Veterinary Hospital building at Kralpora
60 days
4403 Animal Husbandry NABARD
Raising of 1st floor over existing ground floor including laying of RCCslab to ground floor with CGI sheet roofing Veterinary Hospital building at Lalpora (Lolab)
60 days
4403 Animal Husbandry D/S
Balance items for construction of Medical Aid center at Reddi Chowkibal
60 days
4210 Medical D/S
Position of AAA/TS : AA Submitted Demanded Position of funds: Demanded 1. The Bidding documents consisting of qualifying information, eligibility criteria, specifications, Drawings, bill of quantities (B.O.Q), Set of terms and conditions of contract and other details can be seen/downloaded from the departmental website www.jktenders.govjn as per schedule of dates given below: 01.
Date of issue of Tender Notice
Period of downloading of bidding documents
From 16-02-2014 to
Bid submission start date
16-02-2014 from (10.00A.M)
Bid submission end date
24-02-2014 from (04.00P.M)
Deadline for receiving the Hard Copy (Original DD & EMD)
25-02-2014 from f4.00P.Ml in the Office of the Executive Engineer R&B Division Kupwara
Date & time of opening Bids (on line)
27-02-2014 at fll.00A.Ml in the Office of the Executive Engineer R&B Division Kupwara.
24-02-2014 (4.00P.M)
2.Bids must be accompanied with cost of Tender document in shape of demand draft in favour of Executive Engineer R&B Division Kupwara (tender inviting authority ) and Earnest money /Bid security in shape of CDR/FDR pledged to Executive Engineer R&B Division Kupwara (Tender receiving authority) 3.The date and time of opening of Bids shall be notified on web Site www.jketeAders.gov.in and conveyed to the bidders automatically through an e-mail message on their e-mail address. The Hids of Responsive bidders shall be opened online on same web site in the office of the Superintending Engineer PWD(R&B) Circle Baramulla/ Kupwara (Tender receiving authority ) 4.The bids for the work shall remain valid for a period of 120 days from the date of opening of bids. a. Any bidder/ tenderer withdraws his bid/ tender during the period of bid validity or makes any Modifications in the terms and conditions of the bid. b. Failure of Successful bidder to furnish the required performance security within the specified time limit. c. Failure of Successful bidder to execute the agreement within 28 days after fixation of contract. 5.Instruction to bidders regarding e-tendering process. 5-1 Bidders are advised to download bid submission manual from the "Downloads" option as well as from "Biddejs Manual Kit" o,n websReAvw^jktenders.gov.in acquaint bid submission process.
DIPK: 14081
Sd/ Executive Engineer
MILITARY ENGINEERING SERVICE NOTICE INVITING TENDER "Garrison Engineer, 864 Engineer Works Section, C/o 56 APO on behalf of the President of India, from eligible, enlisted contractors of MES and enlisted/un-enlisted contractors working with other Govt. Departments invites applications meeting eiibility criteria for selection of Contractors for issue of tender of under-mentioned work :S. No
Name of Work
Certain B/R repair to floor .plaster joinery and periodical services and allied work to ‘R’ centre at BB Cantt, Srinagar.
Estimated Cost in lakhs
Completion period
Amount of Earnest Money
Cost of tender in favour of
06(Six) Months
Rs. 28,000.00 in the shape of Call Deposit Receipt from any Nationalized bank/ Scheduled Bank. BGB not acceptable.
Rs 500.00 in the shape of DD / Banker's cheque from any Nationalized Bank / Scheduled Bank in favour of Garrison Engineer 864 Engr Wks Sec, C/O 56 APO payable at Srinagar,
Certain repairs to leakage /seepage in toilet of Md accn SS Colony, Thimmaya colony and allied work at BB Cantt Srinagar.
06(Six) Months
Certain petty repair to OTM and Md Accn in ZOne ‘A’ under AGE B/R 1 at BB Cantt Srinagar
06(Six) Months
Rs. 29,000.00 in the shape of Call Deposit Receipt from any Nationalized bank/ Scheduled Bank. BGB not acceptable.
Maint and repairs /replacement, cleaning of sewage line and manhole/septic tank in Zone ‘A’ at BB Cantt, Srinagar
06(Six) Months
Rs. 29,000.00 in .the shape of Call Deposit Receipt from any Nationalizec bank/ Scheduled Bank BGB not acceptable.
2. Last date of receipt of Applications
06 March 2014
3. Eligibility Criteria :(a) For MCS Enlisted Contractors: Class ‘E’, Category for Srl No 1(a),to 1(c ): (a)(i) ; 1(d): (a)(II) (b) For Other Contractors (I) Meeting enlistment criteria of MES with regard to having satisfactorily completed requisite value of works, Annual turn over, Working Capital, Fixed Assets etc., (ii) No recovery outstanding in Govt. Deptts. 4. Date of Issue of Tender On or after 07 Mar 2014 5. Date of receipt of Tender 27 Mar 2014 upto 1600 hrs. 6. Notes : (i) Applications not accompanied by requisite value of DD/Bankers cheque towards cost of tender shall not be considered for issue of tender. (ii) Contractors who not enlisted with MES will be required to enclose necessary documents to prove their eligibility as given above including Affidavit for no recovery outstanding. (iii) In case of rejection of application for issue of tender, the applicant shall be refunded the cost of tender. However, contractor may appeal to next higher Engineer Authority l.e HQ 133 WE, CIO 56 APO for rejection of his application for issue of tender, whose decision shall be final and binding and contractor shall not be entitled to any compensation what-so-ever for issue of tender. Major No. 8806/131/E8 Garrison Engineer