Zabarwan Times E-Paper Urdu 22 May, 2014

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5 5 RNI No: JKBIL/2011/39764 |Registered No: JK NP-158/SKGPO-2010-2012

Government of Jammu and Kashmir

Office of the Divisional Forest Officer Urban Forestry Division Srinagar. FRESH NOTICE INVITING TENDERS

For and on Behalf of Government of Jammu and Kashmir sealed tenders affixed with revenue stamps of Rs. 5/- are hereby invited from registered / reputed suppliers and are in possession of TIN issued by Sales Tax department for supply of following fodder / feed items for seized / confiscated horses at P.C.Depot, Srinagar of this division for the year 2014-15. S.No. Type of feed Quantity to be supplied 01. Green Grass (Oats) (April to October) As per actual requirement 02. Dry Grass (Oats) (November to March -do03. Wheat Bran (Full year ) -do04. Gram (full year) -doThe tender documents shall be issued by this division against a cost of Rs.500/- (non-refundable). The tender documents shall be available during office hours in the office of the under signed up to 3ik ^-XblSiThe tenders should be deposited in the office of Divisional Forest Officer, Urban Forestry Division, Srinagar on %ÂŁ ÂŤOx,>l tf-oKk 1! and shall be opened in the same office on the same day at 2.00 p.m or any subsequent date convenient to the department in presence of the tenderers, who may like to be present. In case the office happens to be closed on that day due to some reasons beyond control, the tenders shall be received / opened on the next working day.


01. The tender should be accompanied by earnest money of Rs.25000.00 (Rupees Twenty Five Thousand only) in the shape of CDR pledged to Divisional Forest officer, Urban Forestry Division, Srinagar from any branch of the Jammu And Kashmir Bank. The money of CDR shall be retained as security deposit in case of successful tenderer till completion of the contract. The security deposit shall be released on satisfactory completion of the supplies to be certified by the Range officer, T.T.R. 02. The rate should be quoted both in words and figures n% per Kg basis for all the items listed above FOR P.C. Depot Qamerwari Srinagar, inclusive of all taxes, transportation, Octroi, loading, un-loading and other incidental charges. Rates should be written legibly without cuttings, insertion and tampering and covered with transparent Cello tape. 03. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning i reasons thereof. 4. The successful tenderer shall have to execute an agreement with the department within two days of acceptance of his offered rates. 05. In case of failure of the lowest tenderer to execute the agreement within the i stipulated time, the department shall be at liberty to allot the job to next higher tenderer and the earnest money deposited by the lowest tenderer shall be forfeited and he shall be debarred from participating in any future tender. 06. The successful tenderer shall be bound to-make supplies, strictly as per the phasing to be fixed by the department. 07. Verification of quality / quantity and weighment of grass and other fodder items to be supplied shall be made by range Officer TTR and weighment shall be subject to the physical check at weighing bridge at P.C. depot. 08. The supply on its verification by Range Officer T.T.R if not found in accordance with the tendered quality / agreement will have to be lifted back by the supplier on his own risk and cost and the security deposit / earnest money shall be forfeited. The payment shall be released only after the supply is duly verified by the R.O. T.T.R Srinagar after its qualitative check. 09. In case of failure to supply the commodities as per agreement, the undersigned shall be at liberty to make, alternative arrangements at the risk and cost of the supplier. Taxes whatever applicable as per rules shall be deducted at source while releasing the payment. 10. The lowest tenderer will be determined on the basis of lowest offered rates on average basis for all items. 11. Any other condition that the department deems necessary shall be announced before opening of tenders. 12. In case of any dispute, the matter shall be referred to the Chief Conservator of Forests, Kashmir for arbitration whose decision shall be final and binding on both the department and the contractor. DIPK NO. 541

Sd/-Dvisional Forest officer, Urban Forestry Division Srinagar.

Srinagar, Thursday 22 May 2014 Srinagar, Wednesday March 26 2014

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