Srinagar, 25 February, 2014
Sealed tenders affixed with revenue stamps worth Rs.6/- are invited for and on behalf of Governor of Jammu and Kashmir State from Registered Contractors /Self Help Groups, whose Registration are valid for the current financial year, for the works shown in below, which should reach the office of the Executive Engineer Flood Control Division Anantnag on or before 28.02-2014 upto 2.PM The tenders shall be opened on the same day or any other date convenient to the tender opening authority, in presence of the tenderers who may like to be present at the time of opening of tenders. The tenders should be duly appended with CDR's equivalent to the 2% of the total value of the works-, and 1% in Self Help Groups , in absence of which the tenders will be rejected. The tender opening authority reserves the right to reject one or all tenders without assigning any reason thereof. Further details can be had from the office of the undersigned on any working day after the dispatch of this NIT. The tender documents containing rate list/Qty schedule and other details can be had from the office of the Executive Engineer Flood Control Division Anantnag on any working day from 20.02-2014 to 26.02-2014 up to 2 PM against cash payment on the production of CDR, Tin No, Sales tax clearance certificate ending 3/2013 and valid Registration card without which no tender document shall be issued by this office. In case of any Holiday /Hartal or any other unavoidable circumstances the tender document shall be issued on next working day upto 2.PM s. No
Name of Work
Advz. Cost (Rs in lacs)
E/ Money
Class of Contr.
Time for M.HA/C compl.
Cost of Tender document
Construction of F.P work on R/S of River Jehlum at Village Keypora (Herpora) near Masjid.e sharif by way of laying of toe crates and Earth Filling
07 Days
Construction of F.P work on R/S of River Jehlum at Keypora Hajam Ivlohallah by way of laying of toe crates and Earth Filling Section 1st
07 days
Construction of F.P work on R/S of River Jehlum at Keypora Hajam Mohallah by way of laying of toe crates and Earth Filling Section 2nd
07 Days
Further details can be had from the office of the undersigned on any working day after the dispatch of this NIT. Position of Funds: Demanded DETAILS OF DEPARTMENTAL MATRIAL B.A wire Woven crates 4"x4" mesh @ Rs. 17.50 per sft DIPK: 14191
Sd/- Executive Engineer
Advertisement Notification No: SKIMS-MCH 19 Acad of 2014 Dated 22.02.2014 SKIMS Medical College, Bemina, Srinagar invites applications on prescribed application forms from eligible car the posts of Registrars/ Tutor Demonstrators as per following details: Sidates for Registrars Tutor Demonstrators Sr. No. Department 01. Radio-diagnosis Sr. No. Department 02. Gen. Medicine 01. Anatomy 03. Chest Medicine 02. Physiology 04. Paediatrics 03. Biochemistry 05. Psychiatry 04. Forensic Medicine 06. Ophthalmology 05. Pathology 07. Gynae. & Obstetrics 06. Pharmacology 08. Orthopedics 07. Microbiology 09. Gen.Surgery 10. Dermatology Note: A) The application forms can be got from Academic Section of the College up to 28.02.2014 till 3.00 pm against bank receipt
of the value of Rs.500/- (Rupees five hundred only) to be deposited in Account No: CD-10 at J&K Bank Branch JVC, Bemina (located in SKIMS Medical College). B) The applicants desirous of applying for the post of Registrar/Tutor Demonstrator should possess the requisite PG qualification /DNB from MCI recognized Medical institution in relevant subject and should have permanent registration with the J&K Medical Registration Council. However, if PG qualified candidates in relevant subjects are not available for Tutor Demonstrator posts, MBBS degree holders can be taken till suitable candidates are available. C) Preference shall be given to the candidates who have not worked anywhere; D) In-service candidates (PSC confirmed) should route their applications through their parent department. No advance copy of application shall be accepted. The application form (affixed with recent passport size photograph attested by a Gazetted Officer) duly completed and accompanied with the attested copies of following certificates must reach the Academic Section. SKIMS Medical College, Bemina, Srinagar latest by 01.03.2014 till 2.00 pm. 1. MBBS Degree Certificate 2. Post-graduate Degree/Diploma/DNB Certificate 3. Marks Cards of all Professional examinations 4. Attempt certificate(s) of all professional examinations 5. Internship Completion Certificate 6. Permanent Registration Certificate from J&K Medical Registration Council 7. Character Certificate from the Institute last attended for acquiring MBBS / PG qualification; 8. Medal/Merit Certificate, if any 9. Publication(s) if any in National/International Indexed Journals only 10. Date of Birth Certificate (Matriculation/Secondary School Exam.) 11. State Subject Certificate Interviews shall be conducted on 06.03.2014 10.00 am sharp in the Office chamber of the Principal, SKIMS MC, Bemina. Pay Scale: Rs. 17000 - usual allowances during Ist year & Rs. 18000+ usual allowances during 2nd year onwards for those holding PG/ DNB qualification. However, in-service candidates shall be entitled to same salary as they are drawing in rheir parent deptt. with usual allowances admissible here. Few other terms & conditions: l) The tenure engagement shall be for period of (02) years extendable by another one year only on performance during the first two years of engagement to be reported by the HOD concerned. te basis of 2)The selected candidates shall have to join within one week from date of issuance of engagement order except for in-service candidates who shall have to join within three weeks after getting properly relieved from their parent deptt. In case he/she fails to join within the stipulated period his/her engagement order shall stand cancelled auiomatically without any further notice and such candidates shall forfeit claim for engagement subsequently; 3) The engagement on tenure basis shall not confer any right/claim on the candidates selected./ engaged for s Peking any continuation or extension and they shall have to submit an undertaking duly attested by the First Cla .s Judicial Magistrate to this effect; 4) The tenure engagees shall not be entitled to any private practice and shall have to submit an undertaking duly attested by the First Class Judicial Magistrate to this effect; 5) Application forms incomplete in any respect or received late even by post shall not be accepted and shall be rejected without assigning any reason thereof. 6) SKIMS Deemed University leave rules for tenure engagements applicable in case of Sr. Residents sh„II apply to Regisrars Tutor Demonstrators having PG/DNB qualification in relevant subject and irrespective of whether one is PSC confirmed (in-service) or not. The in-service leave rules shall remain suspended during the tenure period
DIPK: NB: 2952:
Sd/- Principal
Srinagar, Tuesday February 25 2014
Tuesday 25 February 2014