6 RNI NO:JKBIL/2011/39764 Registered No: JKNP-158/SKGPO-2010-2012
Office of the Executive Engineer SPL PHE Division Kulgam
GIST OF SHORT TERM NIT SL. No 10 ISSUED UNDER No. PHEK/Camp/3413-30 Dated: 16-12-2013
For & on behalf of the Governor of Jammu & Kashmir State, sealed tenders affixed with Revenue Stamps worth Rs.5/- are invited from the approved and eligible contractors whose registration cards are valid in terms of standing rules, for the works mentioned in the Annexure "A" to this office above referred NIT. The tenders shall be received in the office of the Executive Engineer Special PHE Division Kulgam by registered post AD/ or by hand on or before 07-01-2014 upto 2:00 PM together with the earnest money equivalent to 2% of the advertised cost of work in the shape of CDR to contractors and 1% to Self Help Groups. The tender documents containing Rate list/Quantity Schedule can be had from the office of the undersigned (excluding holidays) from 20-12-2013 to 04-01-2014 against cash paym ent (Non-refundable) as shown against each work. All other terms and conditions shall remain same as laid down in the NIT/Form No.25-double/FC-33.
DIPJK: 11503
Sd/- Executive Engineer Spl. Public Health Engg. Division Kulgam