For and on behalf of the Governor Jammu & Kashmir State, I the Executive Engineer PWD(R&B) Division vailoo here by invite sealed tenders affixed with Revenue stamps worth Rs.5/= from the approved Self Help Group (SHG)/ Registered Contractors only for the works indicated in the enclosed annexure:s. N 0
Name of work
E a r n e s t Class of Time for Cost of Head of Position of Money(R s) Contract or Complet ion D e m a n d Account Funds Draft
Construction of Deep Drain/Walling at 4.65 lacs Rehmatabad at Achabal.
25 days
State Sector
1. The tenders be submitted on the prescribed tender documents to be obtained from of fice of the Executive Engineer (R&B) Division Vailoo on Demand Draft indicated of the NIT. The tender documents to be purchased on 02.07.2014 to 03.07.2014 upto 2:00 pm on production of CDR applicable for the work and valid registration card applicable to the work duly renewed for the year 2014-15 2. Tenders to be delivered by hand or through post so as to reach the office of :-Executive Engineer PWD(R&B)Division vailoo on or before 05.07-2014 upto 2.30 pm .Tenders which are submitted /received after expiry the due date or receipt of tenders shall not be entertained . 3. In case the last date of receipt of tenders is declared holiday or office is closed due to any unavoidable circumstances , tenders shall be received on the next working day upto the time specified above This shall also be applicable if the next day is a Sunday or Gazetted holiday. 4. Amount of earnest money as specified above for item of work should be deposited in the shape;; Of CDR in any schedule bank pledged to the Executive Engineer PWD(R&B) Division Vailoo 5. -Tenders quoted with fractional rates shall be rejected out rightly. 6. Tenderers quoting below percentage rate shall have to furnish analysis of rates in support of their tender documents. 7. A penalty of Rs. 1000/per day shall be imposed upon the contractors failing to start the work with in stipulated time. The work shall be put to fresh tenders at the sole risk and cost of the defaulting contractors besides forfeiting their CDR's 8. However all other terms and conditions will remain same as per detail NIT issued vide SL.No.01/vailoo-2013-14/. . TIN No.is pre-requisite before submitting the application . 10. Stock recoveries as admissible for deduction shall be deducted at the following rates:-a) Cement @ Rs.450/-Bag,(b)lron of sorts @ Rs.5500/Qntll. at the time of payment of the bill of the contractor. How ever cement shall be issued departmentally on cash payment. 11. The tenders where the rates are not covered with transparent Cello type shall be rejected out rightly as per Chief Engineer vide his order No. PS/21198-21229 Dated 11-11-06 DIPK:2565 Sd/- Executive Engineer PWD(R&B) Division Vailoo
Office of the Executive Engineer, (R&B) Special SubDivision Uri., Tender Notice No.: (22) of 2014-15.
For and on behalf of Governor of Jammu & Kashmir State, sealed tenders affixed with Six Rupee Revenue stamp are hereby invited from the Govt, approved contractors of the classes shown against each of the following works. Sr. No. Name of the work
Adv. Cost Earnest (Rs: in lacs) Money
Class Time for Cost of of Contract Completion Tender Document
Head of Account
Construction of Crate Work in Km 1st, RD: Mtrs. of Machikrand Dayar Road.
71 2.20, incl. C/O 4,400/= Crates.
10 days
M.H: 5475BADP.
Constr. Of Pipe Culvert by way of Crate work in 3.60, incl. 7,200/= Km 3rd, RD: 470 Mtrs. of Zehanpora Khachardari C/O Pipes & Road. Crates.
15 days
M.H: 5475BADP.
Position of funds: Demanded. (Two works only). The tenders should be addressed to Executive Engineer, R&B Special Sub-Division, Uri and should reach in his office by or before 04-07-2014 up to 3.00pm. in case the tender receiving date being declared as holiday or fiartal, the tenders shall be received on the next working day. The tender document for the works can be ha^d from the office of the undersigned against cash payment on any working during office hours up to 03-07-2014. The contractors are also at liberty to caste their tenders on the tender form valid for the current financial year along with requisite valid postal order equivalent to the cost of tender document (not more than one month prior). The contractors are advised to paste cello tape over the rates quoted by them on the tender document, without which the tenders will be rejected without assigning any reasons. The contractors shall in no case give the rebate of their quoted rates. The tender of such contractor shall be rejected without assigning any reasons, who has given the rebate on his tender. The contractor is liable and bound to taken photographic evidence at every stage of work and submits the same in duplicate duly attested by the A.E.E/ J.E and cost on account of this has to be borne by the contractor. The work shall be completed within the stipulated period from the date of issuance of allotment order and in case the contractor/ agency fails to complete the work physically within the stipulated-time, a penalty of Rs: 1000/ day shall be imposed upon him for a delayed period. The tender should be delivered* duly sealed with proper cover/ envelop with the name of the contractor, name of the work, reference to C.D.R No.: and date etc. without which the tender can be rejected by the opening authority without assigning any reasons. Also the C.D.R's must be pledged in favour of the tender opening authority, failing which the tender will be rejected without assigning any reasons. The contractor shall not in any case quote more than one rate per item of work. In case the tenderer splits the quantity of any item of work and quotes more than one rate for the same item, his tender will not be accepted. The Contractor if wishes can also cast his tender up to Rs: 5.00 lacs in the Office of the Superintending Engineer, P.W.D (R&B) Circle Baramulla/ Kupwara as due date and time and ensure its delivery to u/s till date of opening. The contractors should submit their Phone No's, in the original document. All other terms & conditions shall remains same as per this office detailed N.I.T No.: (01) of 2014-15. DIPK:2857: Sd/-Executive Engineer R&B) Special Sub- Division Uri.,
Government of Jammu and Kashmir
Office of the Executive Engineer Department of Floriculture Srinagar. Gist of Short Term Notice Inviting Tender No ( 11) of 2014-15
Vide this office endorsement No. EE/FD/581-90 dated: 25.06.2014. For and on behalf of the Governor of Jammu and Kashmir State, sealed tenders affixed with Rupees Six Revenue stamps are invited for below mentioned work from approved PWD contractors class of whom shown which should reach to the office of the undersigned through registered post/courier/Speed post by or before 07.07.2014 till 2.00 P.M on the prescribed tender documents which can be obtained from the office of the undersigned upto 04.07.2014 till 02:00 P.M .In case of holiday etc. the tenders will be received on next working day upto 12.00 Noon. s. No
Name of the work
Estt. cost E a r n e s t Class of Time of Cost of Position in lacs Money contract completion T e n d e r of funds. Document
Providing of cement concrete blocks Rs. 4.90 with Iron posts around proposal park Near TRC at Dawer Gurez.
4 Rs. 9800/-
Position Position ofAA ofTS
20 days
Rs. 500/-
Demanded U n d e r U n d e r process process
Note 1.The card holder who is interested to participate in the tendering process should attend the office personally along with Tin No/Pan No. and Vat clearance certificate along with CDR of required amount without which the tender documents cannot be issued . 2.Tenderer before applying for obtaining the tender document should read carefully the detailed tender notice in the office of the undersigned. 3.The CDR/FDR of unsuccessful contractor (s) will be released after 15 days from the date of opening of tenders or issuance of allotment which ever is earlier except 2nd lowest tendererwhich shall be released after start of work by 1st lowest tenderer DIPK:2883
Sd/-Execctive Engineer, Floriculture Department, Srinagar
Government of Jammu and Kashmir
District Employment & Counseling Centre Pulwama Tel/Fax: 01933-241218
Visit us at: www.jakemp.nic.in
Applications on prescribed format are invited from educated unemployed youth of District Pulwama who are desirous of setting up their income generating units under Jammu & Kashmir State Self Employment Scheme in industry, Service and Business Sectors. TERMS & CONDITIONS: ELIGIBILITY: 8TH Class passed and above. However, no educational qualification shall be insisted upon for candidates having qualified training course of not less the one academic year's duration from Government Institutions. AGE: 18-42 years general category with 5 years relaxation for female and for persons belonging to the categories of ST/SC/ Ex Serviceman/ Physically Handicapped as on date of interview. Last Date Of Submission of Application Forms: Julyl5, 2014. INCENTIVES: The Employment Department Provides: 1. Subsidy 5% of the total subject to maximum of Rs,7500/= per Project. 2. Govt. Margin Money 15% of project cost as soft loan (without interest) recoverable after liquidation of Bank Loan. 3. Interest Subsidy During 6 months 100% 1 year after 6 months 75% Next 6 months 50% Financial Patterns: Loan from Bank 75% of the Project Cost. Govt. Margin Money 15% of the Project Cost. Capital Subsidy 5% subject to maximum of Rs. 7500/= Unit Cost: Up to Rs.2.00 lacs for trade and Rs 3.00 lacs for industry/sevice and Rs. 10.00 lacs incase of joint venture. The eligible candidates may submit their complete application forms in duplicatealong withthe relevant documents/certificates in the office of the Deputy DirectorEmployment & Counseling Centre Pulwama. The eligible candidates shall have to enclose the following documents/certificates in duplicate duly attested by a Gazetted Officer. • Date of birth certificate (2 copies attested) • Qualification certificate( 2 copies attested) • State Subject Certificate^ copies attested) • First page of ration card( 2 copies attested) • Identification certificate as prescribed in the loan application form from a Gazatted officer. • Un employment certificate from a Gazatted officer. • Affidavit a prescribed by the Department. No: DE&CC/Pul/2014/263-75 Dated26/06/2014 DIPK:2780 Sd/Deputy Director Employment &Counseling Centre Pulwama
Srinagar, Monday June 30 2014