For and on behalf of Governor of the J&K State sealed tenders affixed with revenue stamps worth Rs.4/- valid for 180 days from the date of opening of tenders , are invited from the registered PWD Contractors for the works as mentioned below which should reach office of the Undersigned on or before as mentioned in the Column ND.9 up to 2:00PM. In person or by registered post or the courier Service. The tender documents for the works can be had from the office of the undersigned against non-refundable & non-transferable, cash payment as shown against each work during all working days as mentioned in Column No8 during office hours on production of valid Registration Card that has capacity Equal to the amount of work for which document is demanded, to its credit and upon production of Call Deposit Receipt for an amount equivalent to 1% B 2% respectively of the advertised amount works of as earnest money, pledged to Executive Engineer Sonawari Irrigations Flood Control Division Sumbal . The tenders shall not be entertained in any case after 2.00P.M on due date. Reason whatsoever they be. Including Postal or Courier delay shall not be entertained in any case. In case the date of receipt of tenders happen to be holiday or so the tenders shall bE received on the next working t ay / date uptc 2:00 P.M
Name of work
Adv.Amt Amt. of Class of Time of Cost of T/ (in lacs) C.D.R contract compl. document
Construction of Breast wall on right side of Malapors Nallah on road.
Const. of Lining/ Protection wall and crossing at middle School (Najin)
Const.of lining wall on Boon minor of Shah- 2.23 gund canal (Effective length 275ft)
Const.of R.C.C. Covered channel at Kathpora on Kathpora to Vijipora canal
Deepeningt/widening and removal of un- D.325 hygenic material from Masjid Khan minor of Kathpora canal at Vijipora
Last dt issoe for l T/document
Dt.of receipt for T/document
Tender receiving/ Head of ac- P o s i t i o n Opening authority count of Funds 2711-M&R
From 07.03.2014 to 08-03-2014 during office hours
2702-M&R 10-03-2014 upto 2:00 PM
Ex. Engineer Sonawari I&C Division Sumbal
2702-M&R 4702Desilting
Terms and Conditions ‘;1. As per guide lines issued by Ministry of Water Resources Govt.of India for AIBP Projects, If State govt fails to comply with the agreed date of completion, the grant component released will be treated as Loan and recovered as per usual terms of recovery of the Central Loan. so in view of this condition, the contractor is bound to start the work within seven days from the date of issue of allotment and is bound to complete the same within stipulated period of time, if the lowest tenderer fails ID start the work no further notice, shall be served. His C.D.R shall be forfeited immediately and black listing of having a mention of name of the work reference to N.I.T No. and Date and name of the tenderer his registration card. Shall be recommended. 2. The tender document shall not be issued in case a) The application for tender document is not accompanied by the Call Deposit Receptor AIBP works only). b) The application is not accompanied with P/s copy of Tin No. issued by the competent authority c) There is no capacity of Card available on his Card. 3. Upon opening of tenders, the tenders shall out rightly be rejected without opening if the tenders are not received in sealed envelops having a mention of Name of the work reference to NIT No. and Date and name of the tenderer with full postal address. 4 The agency /tenderer shall have tn give the analyst nf rates in case the rates quoted by him are not found reasonable i.e more than 10% below of SSR 2012 S shall deposit an additional amount of 5% of the advertised cost and he shall also support the rate of analysis for such items of work where the rates have been quoted as 10% below of SSR 2012 DIPK NO. 14536
Sd/ Executive Engineer Irrigation Division Sonawari
Govt of Janimu & Kashmir
Office of the Executive Engineer R&B Division Handwara. NOTICE INVITING TENDERS E-Tendering Short term Fresh NiT No.108 Handwara/2013-2014 DATED:- 25.02.204
For and on behalf of the Governor, J&K State e-tenders (In Single Cover system) are invited on item rate basis from approved and eligible Contractors registered with J&K State Govt. CPWD Railwaysand other State/Central Governments for the following works:S.No. Nanus of work
Est. Cost of T/ Earnest Cost Doc. (In Money (in (Rs. In rupees) rupees) lacs)
Time of Time & completion Date of In days opening of Bid
Class of contractor
Head of Account
NFB State Sector
Construction of Superucture to Rest House at Shahnagri
08.03. 2014
Position of AAA/TS: AAA Submitted. Position of funds: Demanded. 1. The Bidding documents Consisting of qualifying information, eligibility criteria, specifications, Drawings, bill of quantities (B.O.Q), Set of terms and conditions of contract and other details can be seen/downloaded from the departmental website www. jktenders.gov. in as per schedule of date given below:1
Date of issue of Tender Notice
Period of downloading of bidding documents
From 26.02.2014 10.00 AM To. 05.03.2014 4.00P.M.
Bid submission Start Date
26.02.2014 from'10.00 AM
Bid Submission End Date
05.03.2014 upto 04.00 PM
Deadline for receiving the Hard copy (Original DD and EMD)
06.03.2014 upto 02.00 PM in the office of the S.E office and Executive Engineer R&B Division Handwara office
Date & time of opening of Bids (Online)
08.03.2014 at 11.00 AM in the office of the Executive Engineer R&B Division Handwara.
] 1-A Hard copies of uploading bids including earnest money deposit receipt and cost of tender document in original specified from shall be furnished to the respective tender receiving authority (ies) within One day after bid submission end date and beyond this date receipt of hard copies shall not be entertained. The earnest money in favour of unsuccessful/ Non-responsive bidders shall be released only after ensuring submission of tender document fee in original with the tender receiving authority, irrespective of submission of hard copies. The tender receiving authority shall ensure the recovery of tender document fee from all bidders who have uploaded the tender in electronic format within fifteen days from the receipt of tender and failure of submission of tender document fee by the bidder using the site shall be entail him for blacklisting. DIPK:14456
Sd/-Executive enginer
OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, CCDU DEPARTMENT OF PHE/I&FC, J&K GOVERNMENT Applications are invited for the following post, hiring purely on Contractual basis for the Office of Executive Director Communication & Capacity Development Unit under WSSO Department PHE/I&FC, J&K. Application on plain paper along with required documents are to be submitted in the office of CCDU, Sector - 4, House No. - 541, Channi Himmat, Jammu or through e-mail within seven days w.e.f publication of this Advertisement. (Last Date of Submission - 7th MARCH 2014) s. No.
Position and job responsibility
No. of Posts
Requisite Qualifications
Remuneration per Month
Requisite Experience
WQM &S Consultant 1. Assist to develop guidelines, Manuals / technical notes etc on various issues related to WQM&S aspect of NRDWSP. 2. Collect, Analyse, Disseminate various successful models on WMQ&S & Water sustainability. 2. Assistant organizes, seminars, workshops on water Quality and sustainability aspect of Rural water. Prepare base papers and final reports. 3. To ensure supply of field test kits Bacteriological kits to all gram Panchayats and refill every year. 4. Ensure Regular data updation and online reporting of all WQM&S parameters. 5. To undertake study to understand ground water quality in different areas. 6. Prepare Quarteiiy progress repOF? for tiiseussteri and review.
A degree in Biotechnology/ Microbiology/ Environmenal Engineering / Environental Chemistry/ Geo Chemistry 2. PhD In the concerned Field will be given preference.
Rs. 300007-
1. Adequate Experience in water quality Monitoring & Surveillance 2. Good knowledge of MS Office, Internet. 3. Working experience in water quality testing instruction.
Terms and Conditions:1. The hiring is purely on contractual basis which will be renewable on year to year based on the performance. In case of unsatisfactory performance, Executive Director CCDU/ Chairman WSSO shall have the right to terminate the contract of hiring without assigning any reason. 2. The contractual hiring shall not confer any right on the appointment to claim extension or for regular selection at any time. 3. The consolidated Honorarium per month is inclusive of all allowances and monetary benefits. 4. Remuneration for first two months shall be retained as security and shall be paid only after successful completion of one year contractual term. In case of breach of contract before its completion, two months remuneration will be forfeited for which you shall have no claim what so ever. 5. The candidate shall have to give two months notice before leaving the contractual services. 6. The candidate would be the part of State Programme Management Unit functioning under CCDU, WSSO Department of PHE / l&FC. J&K 7. The candidate will be required to tour extensively within entire State and occasionally outside State and shall be entitled to daily allowances as admissible under the financial guidelines of the State Government. 8. The entitlement of leave etc. shall be governed by the rules in vogue and as applicable to the contractual/consolidated employees of State Government. The candidate shall have to join his duties within 7 days from the date of issue of appointment letter along with all requisite testimonials failing which his engagement shall automatically be treated as cancelled. The applications should be attached with the attested copies of the following testimonials:1. Essential qualification certificate. 2. Marks certificate of essential qualification. 3. Relevant experience certificate from competent authority 4. Matriculation certificate and date of Birth Proof. 5. State subject certificate. NB:3009
Sd/-Executive Director CCDU. J&K
Srinagar,Tuesday March 04 2014