Office of the Asstt. Regional Transport Office Ganderbal
Whereas a joint application has been received from Shri Ghulam Qadir Bhat S/o Mohd. Sultan Bhat R/o Baroosa Lar Ganderbal. (as Transferor) and Shri Gh. Ahmad Kumar S/o Gh. Mohammad Kumar R/o Baroosa Lar Ganderbal (as Transferee) for transfer of Auto Carriage route permit No. ..... Covering vehicle No. JK16-3775. Now, Therefore, it is notified for general information that objections, if any to the proposed transfer of the said route permit/vehicle shall be filed in writing in the office of the Assistant Regional Transport Officer, Ganderbal within a period of seven days from the date of publication of this notice. No: 3688/MVD/ARTO/Gbl Sd/- Asstt. Regional Transport Officer Dated: 01-03-2014 Ganderbal
Srinagar, Wednesday March 05 2014