MILITARY ENGINEERING SERVICE NOTICE INVITING TENDER “Garrison Erjgineer, 864 Engineer Works Section, C/o 56 APO on behalf of the President of India, from eligible, enlisted contractors of MES and enlisted/un-enlisted contractors working with other Govt. Departments invites applications meeting elibility criteria for selection of Contractors for issue of tender of under-mentioned work :-
Srl No
Name of Work
Estimated Cost in lakhs
Completion period
Amount of Earnest Money
Cost of tender in favour of
Cleaning of underground reservoir , semi underground reservoir at different locations at BB Cantt, Srinagar
06(Six)) Months
Rs. 28,000.00 in the shape of Call Deposit Receipt from any Nationalized bank/ Scheduled Bank. BGB not acceptable.
Rs. 500.00 in the shape off DD/Banker's cheque from any Nationalized Bank/ Scheduled Bank in favour of Garrison Engineer 864 Engr Wks Sec, C/O 56 APO payable at Srinagar.
Comprehensive maint repair/overhauling of certain pumps, motors, repair/replacement of valves and its allied wks at BB Cantt, Srinagar
06(Six)) Months
Rs. 29,000.00 in the shape of Call Deposit Receipt from any Nationalized bank/ Scheduled Bank. BGB not acceptable.
Rs. 500.00 in the shape of DD/Banker's cheque from any Nationalized Bank/ Scheduled Bank in favour of Garrison Engineer 864 Engr Wks Sec, C/O 56 APO payable at Srinagar.
Repair /maintenance of split /window type Acs, refrigerators in BB Cantt, Srinagar
06(Sjx)) Months
Rs. 29,000.00 in the shape of Call Deposit Receipt from any Nationalized bank/ Scheduled Bank. BGB not acceptable.
Rs. 500.00 in the shape of DD/Banker's cheque from any Nationalized Bank/ Scheduled Bank in favour of Garrison Engineer 864 Engr Wks Sec, C/O 56 APO payable at Srinagar.
Repair /maint to central heating plant, AC plants and allied wks at BB Cantt, Srinagar.
06(Six) Months
Rs. 28,000.00 in he shape of Call Deposit Receipt from any Nationalized bank/ Scheduled Bank. BGB not acceptable.
Rs. 500.00 in the shape of DD/Banker's cheque from any Nationalized Bank/ Scheduled Bank in favour of Garrison Engineer 864 Engr Wks Sec, C/O 56 APO payable at Srinagar.
Comprehensive maint of Diesel engine Driven Generating sets of various capacities installed in BB Cantt, Srinagar.
06(Six)) Months
Rs. 29,000.00 in the shape of Call Deposit Receipt from any Nationalized bank/ Scheduled Bank. BGB not acceptable.
Rs. 500.00 in the shape of DD/Banker's cheque from any Nationalized Bank/ Scheduled Bank in favour of Garrison Engineer 864 Engr Wks Sec, C/O 56 APO payable at Srinagar.
Repair /maintenance of sewage /drainage installations at BB Cantt, Srinagar
06(Six)) Months
Rs. 28,000.00 in the shape of Call Deposit Receipt from any Nationalized bank/ Scheduled Bank. BGB not acceptable.
Rs. 500.00 in the shape of DD/Banker's cheque from any Nationalized Bank/ .Scheduled Bank in favour of Garrison Engineer 864 Engr Wks Sec, C/O 56 APO payable at Srinagar.
2. 3 (a) (b)
Last date of receipt of Applications 27 March 2014 Eligibility Criteria :For MES Enlisted Contractors Class ‘E’ Category for Sri No 1(a): (a)(ii) & 1(b) to 1(f) :(b)(i) For Other Contractors {I) Meeting enlistment criteria of MES with regard to having satisfavtorily com pleted requisite value of works, Annual turn over, Working Capital.Fixed Assets etc., (ii) No recovery outstanding in Govt Deptts. 4. Date of Issue of Tender On or after 28 Mar 2014 5. Date of receipt of tender: 21 April 2014 upto 1600 hrs. 6. Note: (I) Applications not accompanied by requisite valve of DD/Bankers cheque towards cost of tender shall n be considered for issue of tender. (ii) Contractors not enlisted with MES will be required to enclose necessary documents to prove their eligibility as given above including’Affidavit for no recovery outstanding. (iii) In case of rejection of application for issue of tender, the applicant shall be refunded the cost of tender. However, contractor may appeal to next higher Engineer Authority i.e HQ 133 WE, C/O 56 APO for rejection of his application for issue of tender, whose decision shall be final and binding and contractor shall not be entitled to any compensation what-so-ever for issue of tender. iv. Full Name of Tender IAFW-2162 and Enlistment Criteria is available in all offices on MES. Sd/Major 8806/555/E8 Garnson Engineer
Srinagar, March Saturday 15 2014