THE ZUBIN FOUNDATION Improves the lives of Hong Kong’s ethnic minorities by reducing suffering and providing opportunities
Source: StarFerry | 天星小輪 Title: The Company | 公司簡介 Year: n.d URL: Eng: races%20its,as%20the%20Kowloon%20Ferry%20Company. 中文: races%20its,as%20the%20Kowloon%20Ferry%20Company.
(中文版本見第 2 頁) The Star Ferry's ferry crossings at Victoria Harbour are acclaimed as an important part of the commuter system between Hong Kong Island and Kowloon, and essential journeys for visitors. The National Geographic Traveler named the ferry crossing as one of 50 places of a lifetime. The ferry ride is also well known as one of the world’s best value-for-money sightseeing trips. The Star Ferry traces its origins to 1880 when Dorabjee Naorojee Mithaiwala, a Parsee cook, embarked on a new vocation. He began a ferry service across Victoria Harbour with his steamboat, the Morning Star. The fledgling service was known as the Kowloon Ferry Company. A local newspaper reported in 1888 that the ferry ran at all hours between Pedders Wharf and Tsimshatsui on a 40-minute to one-hour trip. On Mondays and Fridays, the service halted for the boat’s coaling. By 1890, the Kowloon Ferry boasted four single-deck Star Ferries. Later on, the ferries acquired a second deck. During the next ten years, businessman Sir Catchick Paul Chater bought all the boats and in May 1898 the Star Ferry Company, as it is known today, became a public company. Its name derives from the ferries, which all bore the name “Star”. The Company celebrated its centenary in 1998. Its fleet of 9 ferries is now serving two franchised ferry routes between Tsimshatsui and Central,Tsimshatsui and Wanchai. In addition to ferry services, Star Ferry launched the only licensed harbour tour (Harbour Tour)in Hong Kong in July 2003. The one-hour journey starts in Tsimshatsui and goes on to Central and Wanchai before returning to Tsimshatsui, allowing visitors to take in a variety of harbour views at leisure.
© 2022 The Zubin Mahtani Gidumal Foundation Limited (registered charity in Hong Kong - IR 91/12344). All rights reserved.
THE ZUBIN FOUNDATION Improves the lives of Hong Kong’s ethnic minorities by reducing suffering and providing opportunities
Starting from 12 November 2006, due to the pier relocation for Central Reclamation Phase III, Star Ferry continues its ferry services at the Central Star Ferry Pier (Central Pier No. 7). The Central Star Ferry Pier with its elegant clock tower is the re-creation of a distinctive building reinforcing the history and character of the Star Ferry with its identity as an important landmark at the new waterfront in Central.
公司簡介 天星小輪 穿梭於維多利亞港的天星小輪不單是香港與九龍之間的渡海交通運輸系統的重 要組成部分,亦是訪港旅客必會體驗的行程,《國家地理旅遊雜誌》曾把乘搭 天星小輪遊覽維港兩岸譽為「人生五十個必到景點」之一。乘搭天星小輪亦是 本地其中一項最質優價廉的觀光旅程。 天星小輪的起源要追溯至 1880 年,當時一位名叫 Dorabjee Naorojee Mithaiwala 的波斯拜火教徒成立了「九龍渡海小輪公司」,並以一艘名為「曉星」的蒸汽 船開展其載客渡輪服務。1888 年報章報道記載當時的渡輪服務每相隔 40 分鐘 至 1 小時開出一班往返中環畢打街及尖沙咀九龍角,逢星期一及五則暫停服務 以便為船隊補充煤炭作燃料之用。至 1890 年,九龍渡海小輪共擁有四艘單層小 輪,不久,這四艘小輪均增設了上層客艙。 往後的十年間,亞美尼亞裔商人吉席.保羅.遮打爵士買下了所有小輪,並於 1898 年 5 月正式成立現今廣為人熟悉的天星小輪公司,當時新公司名稱主要取 材自轄下船隊的船名均包含了的「星」字。 天星小輪於 1998 年慶祝了成立一百週年,現時為本港唯一獲得專利航線經營權 的渡輪服務營辦商。現時船隊中九艘小輪均為傳統雙頭式設計,船身顏色採用 上半白色及下半綠色,船頂煙囪上有四枚星作裝飾,它們分別行走兩條往返尖 沙咀至中環及灣仔的專利航線。2003 年 7 月,天星小輪也在其渡輪服務以外增 設了一條海港遊牌照航線(天星維港遊) ,以尖沙咀作起點並以循環形式於一小 時內駛經中環及灣仔後返回起點,讓遊客可以更多角度欣賞維港景色。 因應中區填海第三期工程 (CRIII) 的展開,中環的渡輪服務已於 2006 年 11 月 12 日遷往新填海地區所在的新中環天星碼頭(中環七號碼頭)。新中環天星碼頭
© 2022 The Zubin Mahtani Gidumal Foundation Limited (registered charity in Hong Kong - IR 91/12344). All rights reserved.
THE ZUBIN FOUNDATION Improves the lives of Hong Kong’s ethnic minorities by reducing suffering and providing opportunities
(2006)除融合了新舊元素外亦凸顯天星小輪之歷史及地標意義;以 1912 年代的 天星碼頭及其鐘樓的外貌作為藍本,將天星碼頭的獨特地標和外觀,重新展現 在新中環海旁上。
© 2022 The Zubin Mahtani Gidumal Foundation Limited (registered charity in Hong Kong - IR 91/12344). All rights reserved.