Anti-Racism Toolkit References (Ref 23): Unveiling Ceremony of the Sir Hormusjee N Mody Bust in HKU

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THE ZUBIN FOUNDATION Improves the lives of Hong Kong’s ethnic minorities by reducing suffering and providing opportunities

Source: The University of Hong Kong (HKU) | 香港大學 Title: Unveiling Ceremony of the Sir Hormusjee N Mody Bust in HKU 香港大學獲拜火教送贈麼地銅像 Year: 2002 URL: Eng:: 中文:

(中文版本見第 2 頁) Unveiling Ceremony of the Sir Hormusjee N Mody Bust in HKU 13 Jun 2002 The Zoroastrian Community of Hong Kong will present a bust of Sir Hormusjee N Mody to the University of Hong Kong on June 17, 2002. The bust will be installed at the entrance of the Main Building. Sir Hormusjee N Mody made a major donation towards the founding of HKU. He was a distinguished Parsi businessman and land developer. "Mody Road" in Tsimshatsui bears his name. He was also a renowned philanthropist and benefactor. Without his generosity, the University's existence may not have been realised. His initial offer of a donation of $150,000 to construct the first academic building, ie, the Main Building, was the very first such pledge, setting a good example for other benefactors to follow. His donation, eventually almost doubled to $285,000, was a very significant component of the total endowment for the inception of this institution. The unveiling ceremony will be held at 10:30am on June 17, 2002 at the main entrance of the Main Building on the university campus. Members of the Zoroastrian Community of Hong Kong will attend the ceremony. Professor Ian Davies, ViceChancellor of HKU, will give a vote of thanks at the ceremony.

© 2022 The Zubin Mahtani Gidumal Foundation Limited (registered charity in Hong Kong - IR 91/12344). All rights reserved.


THE ZUBIN FOUNDATION Improves the lives of Hong Kong’s ethnic minorities by reducing suffering and providing opportunities

香港大學獲拜火教送贈麼地銅像 2002 年 06 月 13 日 九十多年前,香港大學仍在籌備建設的時候,麼地爵士(Sir Hormusjee N Mody) 慷慨認捐十五萬元作為港大興建校舍用途。當年的十五萬不是個小數目,藉此 捐助,港大第一座教學樓(即現時的本部大樓)於一九一零年正式奠基,麼地爵士 親臨主禮。其後,麼地對港大多次捐款,總額超過二十八萬,對港大的成立功 不可沒。 麼地爵士為拜火教徒,早年在香港尖沙咀發展地產,「麼地道」就是以他命名, 到其晚年積極參與慈善事業,港大是其中一個受惠機構。 為慶祝港大成立九十周年,在港的拜火教徒為了紀念麼地爵士對港大的貢獻, 特將一座麼地銅像送予港大。銅像揭幕儀式將於六月十七日(星期一)早上十時三 十分在本部大樓正門舉行,在港的資深拜火教徒將會出席儀式,港大校長戴義 安教授將代表港大致謝辭。 誠邀 貴報/台屆時派員臨蒞採訪。

© 2022 The Zubin Mahtani Gidumal Foundation Limited (registered charity in Hong Kong - IR 91/12344). All rights reserved.


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