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Now Also At Clubsportive
Sometimes, all you crave after a good workout is a crisp salad or fresh smoothie. So how great is it that, with one location in Zuidas already, Wild and the Moon have opened a second premises at Clubsportive? Drop by for a delicious snack, juice or shake made from locally sourced, seasonal and responsible ingredients.
Nominate yourself or someone else for the 2023 Zuidas Sustainability Award!
The Zuidas Sustainability Award is returning for a second edition in 2023. Presented to sustainable initiatives at the end of the year, in Zuidas, it recognizes efforts in five categories. The first edition of the new annual competition was held last year, taking over from the Zuidas Sustainability Report that was published during the previous eight years. The award offers a platform to showcase sustainable initiatives and inspire further sustainable developments in Zuidas, while shining a spotlight on all the enterprises and individuals working to green Zuidas. From small-scale efforts to large projects, last year’s winners demonstrated just how broad the spectrum of green initiatives in Zuidas is. And this year is even better, because now you can nominate someone else, too!
Circular Expo in CIRCL
In early February it was Circular Economy Week. Naturally, it was an occasion marked by many Zuidas organizations. Including CIRCL, which put together a variety of activities and workshops. Visitors could also see a fascinating presentation by the Club of Circular Entrepreneurs. This group of 22 forward-thinking enterprises and pioneering companies, including Swapfiets, Fairphone and Reflower, hosted a free pop-up expo spotlighting circular products, services and innovations. As well as showcasing good initiatives, the presentation was also a call to action for other companies and organisations to double down on sustainability.
Social Club is a vibrant social community for all professionals based in the World Trade Center Amsterdam. To kick off a year packed with events, they hosted a fun gathering in early January with magicians, good food, great music and above all, ample opportunity to connect with other tenants. It was a fabulous start to the new year!