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Take a stroll around the World Trade Center Amsterdam and you’ll see any number of projects delivered by EQUANS. From lighting installations to full-scale renovations and from climate and sprinkler systems to computer networks. With one of its locations in the heart of Zuidas, EQUANS is a global market leader in the technical services sector. Rene Tettero has been working in technical building services for 42 years, including 13 at EQUANS in the WTC Amsterdam. As a work planner, he’s currently in charge of staff assignments and the preparation of a number of projects, and also liaises with customers.
What kinds of services does EQUANS offer?
“We focus on sustainable solutions tailored to our customers. We design, install, maintain and advise on technical systems. So, we’re responsible for systems maintenance and management and we help with the creation of new buildings, but we also make existing buildings smarter.”
Is the company involved in the energy transition as well?
“Climate change is a major concern for us and we’re always in search of eco-friendly materials and techniques. It’s good to see the rapid development of sustainable options in climate system technology and electrotech, which lets allows us offer custom sustainable solutions to optimize buildings, processes, systems and installations. My own area of expertise is electrotechnology. We have a range of different specialists on our team, including one for climate and sustainability. That makes EQUANS a terrific company to work for, because we can serve everyone.”
What part of your job energizes you the most?
“I’m proud whenever we’ve deliverd a project from A to Z and the customer is satisfied. If at the end of the day a customer says, ‘Hey, Rene, you guys did a great job!’, obviously
I’m pleased. Of course, it’s important to stress that I’m not working alone, but with our whole team. A team consists of a project leader, work planner, operative crew and some ace technicians. When a team operates like clockwork, I’m happy.”
So, how do you keep teams working smoothly?
“In the WTC we work with two teams, for modification and maintenance. That makes about twenty people altogether. From day to day there are also scores of other people working for the WTC, both visibly and behind the scenes. People like drafters, engineers and designers. To keep these teams running smoothly, communication is key. I think it’s important to keep communicating with each other about both work and private issues, through good times and bad. And also to offer a listening ear to my colleagues. Standing side by side with colleagues, not in front of or behind them, is important to me.”