2 minute read
Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of coverage in the news and on social media about the phenomenon of women judging other women and deliberately trying to take each other down. Reading the articles about this issue reveals there’s no cut-and-dried explanation for what’s driving this behaviour. But, my goodness, is it ever difficult to root out. And if we women can’t even support each other, how can we ever get to a place where people of different genders, cultures and backgrounds can all get along?
In this issue we zoom in on Diversity & Inclusion: an important topic in the district and a new pillar in our own Hello Zuidas Foundation. We sat down with Sinan Çankaya – writer and cultural anthropologist with a PhD on diversity in the Dutch police force – to discuss it at Loetje in Zuidas. He generously took the time to set out all the sticking points and the stumbling blocks, both internal and external, that companies have to contend with. After all the interviews we conducted for this feature, we can confidently conclude that this is a complex issue. And not just a simple box to be ticked if you happen to have a black or brown employee working in your organization. Obviously, it goes way beyond that.
As always, this issue is packed with loads more stories! Also be sure to check out our calendar, filled with fun tips for you, your colleagues and friends to enjoy.
Have a wonderful summer!
Editor-in-chief Hello Zuidas r.lange@zuidaspublishers.nl
Next issue [69]
4th of September 2023
Hello Zuidas invests in trees! How we do that?
Through our sponsorship for Trees for All, we plant trees that restore existing forests.
Everything looks lovelier in summertime. The light is warm, plants are flowering, trees are in blossom. What colour or colours do you associate with Zuidas? Did you know we have a rainbow staircase in Zuidas? Or that the first edition of Pride Cinema Zuidas was held here in June?
And that Hello Zuidas is celebrating Black Achievement Month again this year? We’re happy to be working with local companies and residents to inject more colour and variety into our community. Is diversity and inclusion something you’re talking about in your organization or at home? Let us know your thoughts and what you would do to make the district more diverse. In this issue of Hello Zuidas, we offer some inspiration!
OLIVIER OTTEN Managing director of Hello Zuidas

Ontdek de samensmelting van karakter, luxe en kracht in de vorm van de nieuwe BMW XM. Stap in de luxueuze cockpit en laat u omringen door een oase van comfort en verfijning. Een absoluut contrast met de krachtige en imposante uitstraling die de BMW XM heeft op de weg, het is een échte nekkendraaier. De iconische voorzijde van de BMW XM maakt direct indruk met zijn opvallende Iconic Glow nierengrilleverlichting waar de logo’s op de achterzijde een grootse hommage zijn aan de klassieke BMW M1.
Onder de motorkap schuilen pure kracht en prestaties. De BMW XM beschikt als eerste BMW over de BMW M Hybrid aandrijving waarbij een V8 benzinemotor wordt gecombineerd met een elektromotor. Met 653 pk en 800 Nm is dit een auto waarmee u de rest het nakijken geeft.
Kom de BMW XM nu ontdekken bij één van de zeven Van Poelgeest vestigingen.