Zumba Talk Edt 1

Page 1






“It’s Getting Cold in Here”


Public Welcomes


Important News


Technique Class


About Amy


Referral Program




First “Zumba Talk” edition!!

Welcome our first edition of “Zumba Talk… Woohoo! I love to keep in touch with you, my zumba groupies… and this is another fantastic way to keep you update with all the gossip, news, events and special offers going on in Zumba land! I will also pop in heaps of interesting and useful information along with tips for excelling your health and well being!!

inactive people as I can, and change their perception on how “boring” being physically active can be! Correct me if I am wrong…. But doesn’t Zumba prove that?!?! That is why I love Zumba so much, it encourages people who are ordinarily inactive to exercise without even realising!!

mission! We have newly introduced this awesome giftcard referral program! Of course, your participation in the program will absolutely be recognized and rewarded! Flick over to page 4 to get all the details!!

The prospect of helping the community become happier through health and fitness is exhilarating to me!

Anyway, enough of my rambling! Let us get into the juicy stuff!

Heading into our second month of running these classes, and we had so a huge response, to the point we have outgrown 2 venues already!! (See page 2 for venue changes!) Yes, this is going to sound extremely corny, I know! But it really gives me warm fuzzies to see so many enthusiastic people in our sessions! You see, my mission not only as a Zumba instructor but also as a personal trainer, is to help as many

This is why I am so committed to spreading the word….!!! You too, can also help me on

Remember this newsletter is for you! So don’t forget to give us your feedback on our edition! I love to know how we can better help you achieve your health and fitness goals, so let us know if there something we are missing in here, or maybe you have a diet you would like us to investigate! Tell me and detective Amy is onto it! :)

Keep smiling!

Amy Smith xx

t r ly ge winte I on a … r e o F ffe nd his ing co ris a h warm C m ix fro e ’s my f ffein Jean f ca o loria m G t tea … ’s a Gate rstar ntain u supe o F Court st! Food he be t e r x a Amy x They

*To claim this special offer, simply cut out and present this voucher at Gloria Jean’s Fountain Gate Level 1 Food Court. Be quick because this offer is only valid till 28th of August 2010!!



“It’s Getting Cold In Here”... Winter has well and truly chilled us to the bone already, are you ready...ready to turn up the heat? It is hard enough to keep fit in the summer months, so with the days getting shorter, the evenings colder & the nights wetter, how are you supposed to get up and get moving?? The first hurdle is to get motivated, which is easier said than done when your alarm clock goes off and the streetlights are still on. Try keeping your trainers or kit by the front door. Often it's the hassle of having to think about it that puts people off. Research suggests that the winter months require most of us to up the level of our activity, simply because the cold


Jogging remains popular, but the weather means you have to plan more

carefully than you did during the summer months. Warm up before you head out, take three layers - one to absorb sweat, one for insulation, and one to protect you from the elements - and if the wind is up, run into it on the way out and with it on the way back. But there are problems. Slippery pavements can be especially hazardous in the dark, and not everyone feels safe jogging alone. There is also the risk of coming down with a cold if you sweat and are not insulated properly

.... What is your secret to keeping on track during winter? Let us know by emailing info@zumbainmelbourne.com

so we let our readers know in the next edition!! :)

Did You Know? Test your winter knowledge with these fun factoids about this season..!!

Be Inspired! “The only thing that stands between a person and what they want from life is often the will to try it and the faith to believe it’s possible. ~ Anonymous

persuades us to cut back on a whole raft of simple-but-effective calorie-burning activities, such as walking to the shops or doing the gardening. A recent case in the Medical Journal of Australia showed physical inactivity is associated with almost twice the risk of developing coronary heart disease (CHD), plus, there are good psychological reasons for staying fit as well. "SAD (seasonal affective disorder) is the most common form of depression and it affects many people at this time of year," So regular moderate exercise releases essential endorphins to keep the blues at bay.

Winter Solstice (in the Southern Hemisphere) begins at 11:28AM EDT on June 21st. The Winter Solstice results in the shortest day and longest night of the year.

June 2007 was the coldest recorded in Australia since at least 1950, according to the Bureau of Meteorology’s National Climate Centre. It comes close on the heels of the warmest May in many parts of Australia and the warmest autumn on record in eastern Australia.

Indigenous Australians have long had their own seasonal calendars, which are different from the seasonal calendar brought to Australia by the British in 1788. Malaparr, the cooler, middle part


of the dry period, lasts from June to the end of August.

The lowest minimum temperature Observatory on 17 August 2008

Why do we might feel warmer wearing a dark-coloured jacket than a light-coloured one? . Dark colours absorb light energy. Light colours and white reflect light energy. When light shines on your dark jacket, the jacket fabric absorbs light energy. The absorbed light energy causes electrons in the atoms of the jacket to vibrate. This activity releases heat energy, which makes the jacket and you warmer. That's why we like to wear more dark colors in winter and more light colors in summer.





Client Of month - Alexia Pamilar You see, we like to acknowledge our Zumbaholics for achievements and progress they make and we do that with our Client of the Month program!

Zumba in Melbourne’s client of the month is selected on a most improved basis, not just dance ability, weight loss or fitness improvement, but attendance, participation and enthusiasm as well!!!!!

The client chosen will be treated to a dinner for two this is your REWARD for all your hard work and effort! And don’t forget this is an added bonus on-top of all the EXCITING results you will gain each week from participating in our Zumba classes!!!!

This month’s winner has been selected for her true passion and dedication to Zumba! She’s our loudest one of all and really boost team moral during our sessions……… it is the lovely, the crazy, the gorgeous…


ALEXIA PAMILAR!! This is what she has to say about our classes!

“What can you expect from Zumba with Amy? Your sweaty yet grateful body will be buzzing with a new found energy! Ear to ear grins, double high 5's & jelly beans all round! Bring a friend & come join the party!” - Alexia

“Ear to ear grins, double high 5's & jelly beans all round!” Alexia Pamilar

Receta - Frijoles con Arroz • water • Salt and pepper to taste


• 2 tablespoons olive oil • 4 Rashers bacon, diced • 1/4 cup onion, chopped • 1/4 cup green capsicum, diced • 2 garlic cloves, minced • 2 (400g approx.) cans red kidney beans • 1 tbsp Sweet Paprika • 1/2 Cup tomato paste • 1 teaspoon Cumin • 1 teaspoon oregano, chopped or 1/2 teaspoon ground oregano • 2 cups cooked rice (your recipe)


In a medium saucepan, sauté bacon in olive oil over medium low heat until fat starts to render. Add onions and capsicum; cook 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add garlic, cook 3 minutes. Add red kidney beans, spices, tomato paste, salt , pepper and water to cover. Stir well to

combine. Cover saucepan and cook at least 30 minutes or until beans are done to desired consistency. During Serve over rice, or along side a yummy salad!! Mmmmm ….Nom nom nom nom!!


Here are some of the new clients that became members of our Zumba family this last month! We’d like to welcome you publicly, and wish you all the best!!! xx Tania Sacco Sandra Palmer Rachael Palmer Sharon Parlby Michele Harvey Jan Ravi Rozeta Ambrose Abi Vijayasinghem

Alexia Pamilar Jane Pamilar Luiletta Majovic Tracy Taylor Heather Pullen Suzette Guner Lorna Brito Sam Guner

Jess Bastiani Dora Amoretti Julie Maddocks Tanya Te archi Tui-Lee Hessey Kim Frost Shane Glancy Sarah Anning

Katie Adams Kerrie Adams Renee Clarke Trevor Clarke Melissa Wilson Alison Glancy Meagan Evans Yvonne Wooley

Stephanie JeanPeirre Jess Lee Kelly Pettifer Niki Need Ermy Dorey Melissa McGrath Elizabeth O’Brien

Sylva Hughes Melissa Miller Bec Tolland Alice Tran Karen Wilsheir Ha Tran Anita Fernandez Monica Belmar

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Thanks to YOU, we have the hottest Zumba Classes in town. Our clients and friends deserve great thanks for graciously referring us to family, friends and neighbours. We build our business based on positive referrals from people just like you!! :)



IMPORTANT NEWS! CHANGE OF VENUES!!! MONDAY Night’s session at Hampton Park Community House has now been shifted to Rivergum Primary School’s gym - Fordholm Rd, Hampton Park THURSDAY Night’s session at Hallam Community Centre has now been shifted to the Narre Warren Mechanic’s Institute Hall - 59 Webb St, Narre Warren

Help us plan our upcoming Zumba party night!!!

This is going to be a laid back night to give all our Zumba groupies and their families a chance to meet and mingle, enjoy some nibbles and have of course …...a dance! A party wouldn’t be a party without dancing, games, door prizes and giveaways right! Proceeds on the night will also be donated to a charity! If there a charity you would like us to support, let us know! info@zumbainmelbourne.com or 1800 280 947! There is still so much yet to organise… and I need your help! Simply find us on facebook (or see page 1 for the link) and give us your feedback and requests!!! :)

Don’ t forget, if you have

any questions or concerns


about your health, we’ re just an email or phone call away. We’ re here to help, and don’ t enjoy anything more than participating in

your lifelong good health. If you have a question about fitness, weight loss, health trends, or a supplement/ nutritional product you would like checked out, email or call with your question and I’ ll do my best to address it in an upcoming issue

(or with you personally).

I’ d love to hear from you.

info@zumbainmelbourne.com 1800 280 947

So, you may be new to our class or we have started a new routine and you just can’t quite pick up the steps!

songs from our routines each session too!

By requests we will be running a free fortnightly technique class for all regular clients!!

Don’t feel unco-ordinate anymore! Join us....... !!!!!

You see, when you get a good grasp on the basic steps, it is far more easier then to put more energy, effort and intensity in our routines which will increase the benefit from doing Zumba classes!.... And maybe make your work a little hard.... PLUS your confidence in busting those moves with sky rocket! In these classes we will cover, basic steps such from salsa to meringue, to cha cha to common hip hop moves. We will also cover a few



When: Fortnightly with the first class commencing 22nd of July Where: Narre Warren Mechanic’s institute Hall, 59 Webb St, Narre Warren. Time: 7:00-7:45pm Cost: FREE for members! As always, we want to make sure you have plenty of room to move so class numbers are limited, please ensure you call 1800 280 947 or email info@zumbainmelbourne.com to book!

Hi there Zumbaholics!

……. you even see a crazy woman dancing and singing in her

My name is Amy Smith, as well as

jeep… yep, that’s me! :) …….. But I do have to say one of the

a qualified personal trainer and I

things I love most about my job is meeting so many people, and

am YOUR Zumba certified

really developing a strong family like atmosphere amongst our

instructor! Although I don't have a

sessions and clients and I am absolutely loving, getting to know

latin heritage, or extensive dance

you all so well!!!

background…. I know one thing… I AM ABSOLUTELY CRAZY ABOUT

Woah… I gotta go, my ipod is playing my favourite song.. Agunaile…. I gotta dance!!!!! :)

ZUMBA! But, you know health and

Amy Smith xx

fitness hasn’t always been my passion ether… After struggling with my own weight and self image for many years, I studied to become a qualified personal trainer. In my search for the most effective way to lose weight I have seen and taken part in so many different exercise programs, that I have lost count! Since stumbling

www.zumbainmelbourne.com info@zumbainmelbourne.com 1800 280 947 CLASS TIMES Monday - 4:20pm - Narre Warren South P-12 Monday - 8:00pm - Rivergum Primary School

across Zumba.. I can honestly say.... OH..MY..GOD!

Tuesday - 8:00pm - Narre Warren South P-12

Finally!!!!!! It is seriously the most amount of fun you can have while exercising! We all love to dance right! :) And its

Wednesday - 8:00pm - Lynbrook Primary School

funny, as an avid rock and 80’s music fan… I never realized

Thursday - 8:00pm - Narre Warren Mechanic’s Hall

how much I love Latin music and Zumba-ing… I even Zumba

Friday - 9:30am - Hampton Park Community House

when I drive! Yes…. It’s true!! …….

(Childcare available at the venue on Friday mornings)

Giftcard Referral Program Do you have someone you want to recommend? Send them our way…. We want more clients like you! We will have in our hot little hands as of 1st of August “Zumba in Melbourne” Giftcard to the value of $49 for you to give to your friends, family, work collegues or neighbours! This Gift card will entitle them to 2 weeks free of zumba… UNLIMTED!! Oh, and to show our appreciation to you for passing on this giftcard, YOU will receive TWO WEEKS of UNLIMTED Zumba classes too, if the person you recommend becomes a regular Zumbaholic and signs up with us on credit card or direct debit option!!! How cool is that???!?! We encourage you to take advantage of this program… and

you can recommend as many people as you like… well think of it like this. Recommend 2 people a month to us and you’ll never have to pay for your classes ever again! It is really that simple, seriously.. no strings attached! So, how do you get in on this program? Easy, See either myself

or family member fills in their registration form, have them simply fill in the “ referred by” space with YOUR name! And when you referred person hands in their registration form... woala… 2 weeks FREE UNLIMTED classes for you!! Why do we do this? I’d much rather pay you with free Zumba classes than pay an advertising company. Besides, I want more clients like you!! However, unfortunately this offer is not valid if you recommended friend attends on a casual basis.

Our New giftcards! or Jason after the class to collect as many Giftcards as you need, and pass them on to anyone! Then when your referred friend

Putting that aside, there’s no limit to my gratitude! Just tell the person you refer to use your name when they call or come in, and we’ll roll out the red carpet for them. Seriously, we have a red carpet and we’re not afraid to use it !!! :)

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