Portfolio Landscape architecture / Zuzana Demovicova

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návrh revitalizácie priestoru Jukubovho námestia

Bratislava, MČ Staré mesto

bakalárska práca

STU Bratislava, KAKP, Bti, 3.ročník, ZS 2014/15 konzultujúci: Ing. arch. Eva Putrová, CSc.

vnútroblok Vyšehradská

Bratislava, MČ Petržalka

v spolupráci s: Katarína Stanislavová

STU Bratislava, ÚZAKA, KAKP, 2.ročník, LS 2013/14 konzultujúci: Ing. arch. Eva Putrová, CSc.

návrh parkového areálu

Urban landscape design

Zuzana Demovičová

with the group

urban open space design

návrh areálu v urbanizovej zástavbe

Tartu, Estónsko

Erasmus projekt

Estonian university of Life Sciences, DLA, 3.ročník, ZS 2014/15 vedúci práce: Friedrich Kuhlmann

Phase1 individual work

Phase 2 group work

Phase 3 group work

individual design based on final group design (phase

Phase 4 individual work


individual design in Karlova

Concept of the individual design is founded on impovement of social sustainability. The area is devided into few parts with different function: living, working and leisure.

To advance connection and comunication between them, the boundaries are only abstract, so each functional part is open to other ones and the whole area is connected.

Connections in between can be visual (open views) or communication (via paths - free access to semi-public living area). To abet interface the few meeting points are designed: playground in between central platform and living area, stairs inviting people from living area to climb up and reversal, cafe or other services situated on the ground floor of houses.

Central area platform is meant to be used for different cultural events, or just for everyday sitting around and relaxing. The culture spirit of the place is multiplied with exhibition areas, where nearby students of art can present their work. Contiguous open green areas are designed for different sport activities. The additional trees are situated as a barrier to unpleasant view, or to create simple background (for example behind the houses) The whole area should appeal as a compact unit, where all function, parts and people can meet and live together.

Outdoor recreation planning and design

Vortsjärv area

Tartu, Estónsko

Erasmus projekt

Development of the site design

Estonian university of Life Sciences, DLA, 3.ročník, ZS 2014/15 vedúci práce: Simon Bell




masterplan + detail

winter market on the pier

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