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March 2016, Issue No. 32


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Up to 70,000 migrants may be trapped in Greece in March

Hot Spots to be created on Crete? The number of refugees and migrants trapped in Greece may reach 70,000 in coming weeks, Greece’s migration minister said, adding that a NATO plan to crack down on smugglers could limit migrant flows significantly. Greece, a primary gateway to Europe for tens of thousands of people fleeing war in the Middle East and beyond, has been inundated with refugees and migrants after border shutdowns through the Balkans, stranding thousands in the country in the past month. read more in p.3

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Hope is...

...merely the strong be- only the good news !!!

lief in it. Here are some quotes that prove just that..

“It’s really a wonder that I haven’t dropped all my ideals, because they seem so absurd and impossible to carry out. Yet I keep them, because in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.” - Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl “There is neither happiness nor misery in the world; there is only the comparison of one state with another, nothing more. He who has felt the deepest grief is

CHANIA POST facts. That hope best able to experialways triumphs ence supreme hapover experience. piness. We must That laughter is the have felt what it is only cure for grief. to die, Morrel, that And I believe that we may appreciate Elpida “Hope” Katsarakis love is stronger the enjoyments of by NEA TV Journalist than death.” life. “ Live, then, and be hap- - Robert Fulghum py, beloved children of my heart, and never forget, that “The world is indeed full until the day God will deign of peril, and in it there are to reveal the future to man, many dark places; but still all human wisdom is con- there is much that is fair, tained in these two words, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it ‘Wait and Hope.” grows perhaps the greater.” - Alexandre Dumas - J.R.R. Tolkien, The FellowI believe that imagination is ship of the Ring stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent “Life’s under no obligation than history. That dreams to give us what we expect.” are more powerful than - Margaret Mitchell

“You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore.” - William Faulkner “The very least you can do in your life is figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope. Not admire it from a distance but live right in it, under its roof.” - Barbara Kingsolver, Animal Dreams “If you’re reading this... Congratulations, you are alive. If that’s not something to smile about, then I don’t know what is.” - Chad Sugg, Monsters Under Your Head

Photos of the month... by Pavlos Mpouzakis and Elżbieta Marek

Your local free paper by FTP Publications 73, El. Venizelou str., Chania, 73100 Tel. +30 6977 295075 Owner/Publisher: FTP Publlications Web: E-mail: FB: Twitter: @chaniapost Editors: Pandelis Giaitsis, Elpida “Hope” Katsarakis, Pandelis Spiridakis, Miltiades Markatos, Giannis Venetakis, Giannis Xamonakis, Petros Marinakis, Antonia Tsakirakis., Giorgos Atsalakis, Stavros Tsihlis, Manolis Karpadakis, Katerina Polizou. Advertising:

Chania Post, 73, El. Venizelou str., Chania Tel. +30 6977295075

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CHANIA POST... on the go Android Mac OS ECO friendly paper - Please recycle When you finish reading... give it to a friend Find CHANIA POST at the following points: CHANIA Municipal Market, Airport, Public Bus Central Station, Old Harbour, Municipal Tourist Information Desk PLATANIAS Central Square Infokiosk, Botanical Park KISSAMOS Gramvousa and Balos boats, Elafonissi, Falassarna KANDANOS-SELINO Paleochora Info Desk, Sougia, Kandanos SFAKIA Hora Sfakion Infokiosk, Loutro, Agia Roumeli, ANENDYK boats APOKORONAS Georgioupoli, Kavros, Vamos, Kalyves, Vrysses Also in Chania taxis, Limnoupolis Water Park and in selected cafes, businesses and shops throughout Chania Prefecture.

Live @ Love @ Laugh

p. 2



guys... do you smell the spring snicking around@first_ bath_calling? by Pandelis Spiridakis Don’t you even expect that this sun is March benefit? In Rethimno I even watched the first crazy guys doing their first bath…I heard people screaming one day, turned my head and BLOOM ! Auuuuuuch…. March, March, March in Rethimno stands for Carnival, Carnival, Carnival! The one and only SOLD OUT Crete issue is the Rethymno Carnival… 2015 numbers talk : 15.000 participants, 47 carnival groups and 34 chariots. 2016 is loading and the QUEEN of Crete for this month is ... Rethimno! This year’s carnival subject is focused on this inversion and invites whoever deeply hopes for better days, whoever sees rainbow colors beyond grey to be part of the large, emotional and fresh Team of the Carnival of Rethymno and share, create, have fun and experience things that nobody wants to miss.

Bombaaaaaaaa…are you in it ?Do you at least picture yourself in the fiesta and the sound of ΄΄ Carrapicho - Chiki Chiki Ta΄΄. Since 1914 the Carnival of Rethymno turned a live organism, tending to reverse the natural route of life: the “older” it’s getting the better it is becoming! So leap year or not …March is the most ΄΄ baci foci tambo΄΄ month and we all live it in the maximum! Thuersday 10/03/2016 City tour on bicycle

Party at 2nd Primary School Sunday 13/03/2016 The Grand Parade 14:00 Big parade of carnival floats - teams. Meeting & departure point at Theotokopoulou interchange 19:00 Closing ceremony - burning of the King Carnival along the beach front of the old town of Rethymno

19:00 Agnostos Square Friday 11/03/2016 Cretan Serenades Traditional Cretan Serenades will fill the streets of the old town of Rethymno, participating the Orchestra of traditional music from the Music School of Rethymno. 18:30 All over the old town. 20.30 Party at Agnostos square Saturday 12/03/2016 Kid’s parade 17:00 Meeting at “Astali” hotel

So cheer up and Laugh – Time and Fun – Time is all yours! People created life – breaks to fulfill their batteries , forget their problems for a while! They didn’t bare them for decades like our dearest politicians!!! People then were just good life – keepers and not life – spenders! So …it’s A ‘HAVE FUN’ DATE! March your world with a bit of trips, communication and smart well living-> My Spring Roller People …Live it for Good ! Roll throughout your very special spring…It really works I’m telling you!

Ryanair The 40-year concession of 14 Greek regional airports to Fraport will be “bad for consumers”

The agreement for the concession of 14 Greek regional airports to a consortium led by German company Fraport was not the best possible for the country, Ryanair chief

executive officer Michael O’Leary commented. The Irish businessman explained his view at a press conference in Athens, saying that if the government just

wanted to pass the airports on to the highest bidder, it did the right thing, but if it wanted to increase passenger traffic at those airport, it should have obtained a pledge from the preferred

bidder saying as much. The fact that the contractor is not obliged to produce any growth in traffic, O’Leary said, creates the risk that regional airport charges will soar, which will most likely lead to a reduction to air arrivals. While announcing the addition of new flights and another aircraft to its hub in Athens, O’Leary said the country’s success story is its tourism and that the Greek government will have to invest in it. He went on to reveal that he had submitted a Ryanair plan to the government in December that would have led to an for mo re news clic k on increase in the Irish airline’s http://cre traffic to Athens by up to 50 percent if the airport charges of the Athens International Airport were reduced. Up until yesterday, though, he had received no response. Ryanair will start six new routes linking Athens with Bucharest, Dublin, Malta, Bologna, Sofia and Myconos, and will increase the number of flights to Rhodes and Rome, aiming to carry 3.4 million passengers per year. eKathimerini

Up to 70,000 migrants may be trapped in Greece in March number of refugees and migrants trapped in Greece may reach 70,000 in coming weeks, Greece’s migration minister said, adding that a NATO plan to crack down on smugglers could limit migrant flows significantly. Greece, a primary gateway to Europe for tens of thousands of people fleeing war in the Middle East and beyond, has been inundated with refugees and migrants after border

shutdowns through the Balkans, stranding thousands in the country in the past month. “We estimate that we will have a number of people trapped in our country which will be between 50,000 and 70,000… I believe in the coming month,” Migration Minister Yannis Mouzalas told About 22,000 migrants and refugees were already in Greece, he said. At Idomeni, a small community on Greece’s northern border with the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, a Reuters witness saw dozens of people, including families, walking towards the frontier to join an estimated 6,000-7,000 more at a makeshift camp where many pitched tents in a field close to a razor wire fence. More buses with migrants were on their way. NATO envoys set out how ships already deployed in the Aegean, including Turkish and Greek vessels, will pass intelligence and reconnaissance information to Turkish and Greek coastguards and to the European Union border agency, Frontex, as well as returning to Turkey any migrants NATO crews rescue. The plan is aimed at

complementing an EU accord with Turkey to stem the flow of refugees arriving in Europe. “If the NATO plan is implemented… it could reduce the inflow by about 70 percent,” said Mouzalas. Asked whether the operation could end arrivals, the minister responded: “No, migration cannot be sealed.” Greece has asked for emergency funding from Europe to tackle the unprecedented crisis which is testing the crisis-hit country’s limits, Mouzalas said, without providing details on the amount requested. Athens has asked for tents, blankets, sleeping bags, transport vehicles and ambulances among other supplies, a government official told Reuters. Migration Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos has warned of an imminent humanitarian crisis in Greece unless “all sides assume their responsibilities” in the coming days, as both the European Union and Athens hammered out emergency measures. “There is no point in playing the blame game any more. We simply have to do everything possible to control the situation,” Avramopoulos said in an interview, pointing at the conclusions reached at last week’s EU meeting of interior ministers. The Greek official called for the implementation of a deal signed between Brussels and Ankara in November to slow the migrant flow; he urged EU states to fulfill pledges to accept asylum-seekers for relocation; and condemned “unilateral actions” taken by several countries, such as the introduction of border controls and Vien-

na’s cap on asylum seeker numbers. “Time is no longer on our side,” Avramopoulos said. Speaking to Kathimerini on condition of anonymity, a senior European official said that the Commission is preparing a package of measures to be activated in the event of a humanitarian crisis in Greece or other nations along the Balkan migrant route. These, the official said, include providing funding to an international organization to set up a refugee camp as well as vouchers for refugees to acquire food and accommodation. Similar aid has been provided to African countries, as well as Lebanon and Jordan. Meanwhile, the Greek government requested 228 million euros in emergency aid from the Commission to be spend on infrastructure for the ballooning number of migrants. An emergency plan submitted by Athens foresees the creation of new reception places in addition to the 50,000 Athens has already pledged to the Europeans.

Hot spots on Crete? According to, government MPs asks Mayors on Crete if there are any proper places to create “hot spots” for refugees. In particular, a government MP in Chania asked two Mayors if they can create a “hot spot”. Both of them gave the same answer… “It is not the solution to bring refugees on Crete, especially now! We are just a few days before the beginning of the new tourist season”.

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Hot Spots to be created on Crete?

Latest update of the Greek Economy (part 3) E. Tourism sector performance remains resilient despite political turmoil

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Tourism is a key sector for the Greek economy and one of the key drivers of the economic recovery in 2014. According to the OECD Tourism Trends and Policies 2014 Report, the contribution of tourism to GDP and employment is the highest among the OECD economies. The remarkable growth of tourism activity over the 2013-2014 period is mirrored both in terms of international tourist arrivals, which increased by 25% y-o-y and 23% y-o-y in 2013 and 2014 respectively, but also in terms of travel receipts, which increased by 17.9% and 12.4% in 2013 and 2014, respectively. The strong performance of the tourism sector continues in the first seven month period on of 2015, as tourist arrivals k c li c s .gr re new epost increased by 14.2% y-o-y for mo ttp://cret h against 20.8% y-o-y in the corresponding period of the previous year while, over the same period, travel receipts increased by 6.2% y-o-y, albeit at a slower pace than in the corresponding period of 2014 (+12.1%). However, despite the decelerating increase registered in January-July 2015, especially in July 2015 as a result of the capital controls imposition, travel receipts in absolute terms, reached the highest level of the past years, standing at €7.0 billion from €6.6 billion in the corresponding period of 2014, re-

spectively. Over the past decade the structure of tourism arrivals by visitor’s country of origin altered significantly. Tourism arrivals from EU-28 recorded a gradual decline from 78% as a percent of total arrivals in 2005 to 68.1% and 54.6% in 2010 and 2014, respectively, as a result of the decline in tourism arrivals from eurozone countries. Conversely, tourism arrivals from non-EU countries increased markedly from 22.0% in 2005 to 31.9% and 39.9% in 2010 and 2014, respectively. In the first semester of 2015, tourism arrivals from EU-28, but non – Eurozone countries, increased by 51.3% y-o-y, against 26.5% y-o-y in the first semester of 2014 while tourism arrivals from Eurozone countries rose by 17.8% y-o-y against 11.6% in the corresponding period of the previous year. In the first semester of 2015, the number of inbound visitors from US and Germany rose significantly by 41.6% and 23.5%, respectively, against 22.0% y-o-y and 1.9% in the first semester of 2014. On the other hand, according to the business expectations of IOBE, the Index of Business expectations in hotels and restaurants was on a declining trend since April 2015, recording a significant decrease in July 2015, to 86.3 units from 98.4 units in June 2015 and 108 units in July 2014. However this downward trend was significantly reversed, reaching 101.5 in September. Another worrisome fact though is that the increase in tourism arrivals outpaces the increase in travel receipts. As

a result, the average expenditure per journey in January-July 2015 is lower, standing at €568.7 against €609.2 in the corresponding period of the previous year. F. Budget 2016 towards a milder fiscal adjustment General Government (GG) Primary Balance targets were revised significantly downwards under the new programme agreement. Political instability and severe delays in policy implementation in H1 2015 deteriorated economic prospects and led to the revision of budget outcomes. The new targets involve a GG primary budget deficit of 0.25% of GDP in 2015 against a surplus of 1.5% of GDP that was previously estimated. Accordingly, budget estimates entail a primary surplus of 0.5% of GDP in 2016 and 1.75% in 2017. The revision of the targets will have three consequences over the medium term. More specifically: The reduction of the primary budget targets will require further sources to cover financing needs during 20152018, hence increasing equivalently the public debt-to-GDP ratio. According to the IMF, the debt-to-GDP ratio is expected to peak to 206.6% of GDP in 2016. It allows a moderate fiscal stimulus, a scenario that economizes resources available to mitigate the recessionary shock in the economy, amounting to € 19.2 billion in 2015-2018. The drop off in fiscal tightening together with the im-

by Prof. George S. Atsalakis

plementation of structural reforms enhance economic prospects thus leading to a reduction in the debt-to-GDP ratio in the medium-long term. The new fiscal consolidation policy ensures that fiscal discipline is maintained in the coming years, allowing a less restrictive impact on the economy. The new slippage in growth and further tension in business stemming from capital controls imposition is expected to raise unemployment rate and amplify social distress. This is more than evident in the latest data on private-sector dependent employment flows (“ERGANI” Information System). In particular, in July 2015, new hirings in the private sector decreased by 13.3 thousands compared to July 2014 while dissmissals increased by 16.6 thousands y-o-y and as a result, the net dependent employment flow decreased by 29.9 thousands compared to July 2014. The net flow was also negative (-0.4 thousands) in August 2015 and decreased by 1.8 thousands compared to August 2014. In the first eight months of 2015, new hirings in the private sector increased by 144.6 thousands compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, while dismissals increased by 149.4 thousands against the respective period of the previous year. As a result, net hirings budget was lower by 4.9 thousands against the January-August 2014 period ALPHA BANK Economic & Financial Outlook October 2015

20 things you need to keep in your car 11. A pen and paper. You will be able to take notes and telephone numbers or keep the details by Stavros Tsihlis of other drivers in Insurance & Investment case of an accident. Advisor Smartphones and tablet also work well in this case, you just need to make sure that you have a notes application installed in your device. Some apps also work in the cloud and are accesible from any device that you log into (e.g. Evernote). 12. Pocket money. If you happen to forget your wallet having some spare change in the car will prove very useful for small purchases such as water or parking payments. Be careful though as if they are in plain sight, unwanted ‘’visitors’’ might be attracted!

13. Change of clothes. If, for some reason, you have to walk in the rain or get dirty and it will take you hours until you reach home. An extra jacket is also a good idea if the weather suddently changes. Parents should also carry extra clothes for their children. 14. Mobile phone car charger. You never know how your phone’s battery will react and it is crucial that you stay connected in case you need to contact someone in an emergency! Another solution would be to have a second battery in the car at all times (applicable for the smartphones that allow removable batteries), or purchase a Powerbank which are really low-cost these days. 15. Fire extinguisher. Under the Greek traffic law, drivers are obliged to carry a fire extinguisher in their vehicle. If a small fire is dealt with at once it can

part 2

prevent total damage and even save lives! Do not forget to regularly check the expiry date.

thing that will not easily go off and provide instant energy such as cereal bars or dried fruits and nuts.

16. Duct tape. This might sound peculiar but for people who are familiar with car mechanics, some centimeters of duct tape might be all you need to temporarily repair something until you reach a garage. You can also attach your side mirrors in case they are damaged when you are parked.

18. Toilet paper or wipes. In case you drop food or coffee or someone in the car feels sick.. No need to expand on further details here...

17. Something edible. Stress levels rise for many people when they are hungry which leads to bad driving behaviour. Having something edible of your choice in the vehicle not only allows you to keep your diet in schedule (as you will otherise stop for a pizza!), it will calm you down allowing for a safer drive. It is usually better to choose some-

19. Snow chains. Compulsory if you plan a snow ride. They can also be used in mud or sand so it’s a good idea to keep them in the car boot at all times if there is enough space. 20. Blanket It will prove very useful if you are stuck for hours in the cold waiting for a snow-covered road to clear. This way you avoid having the engine on for heating. You can also use it to carry animals and keeping the car clean.

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A writer is born in Apokoronas Amongst

the many Europeans who live in Apokoronas there are several artists, musicians and writby Yannis Xamonakis ers, many of whom were artists, musicians and writers before they came to live in Crete. Several others however, had another career in a previous life in another country and found the time in retirement to pursue a lifetime ambition in another field. Owen Mullen, a newly published writer who had not just one, but two of his novels published earlier in February, does not belong to either category. I went to his house in the heart of Apokoronas, built on a slope with stunning views of the Cretan Sea to the north, on a warm February afternoon. Unfortuon s click nately the gale force southw e n e r ep for mo ttp://cret erlies, common to this part h of the world - but not at this time of the year- forced us indoors. We sat in the spacious living room and we started to talk about his work and life in Crete, over a cup of delicious English tea and a couple of hobnobs. Owen explained how he and his wife Christine got to live in Crete. They had visited Crete for the first time 15 years ago. “We were touring Europe. We got to

Athens via Paris, Amsterdam and Istanbul and then went to Aegina, Santorini and Crete” he said . “We really liked Crete, the people were great and we thought this is a really nice friendly place with great weather”. So, when they went back to Glasgow, Owen suggested they come to live in Crete, and Christine took less than five seconds to agree to the idea. Six months later they returned to Crete, bought some land, where they later built their house, and 11 years ago they moved from Glasgow to live in Apokoronas for good. Owen was a graphics designer with his own business, and a lecturer. And before that, a musician, something that explained the presence of couple of guitars on stands discretely placed in one corner of the living room. But Owen likes to try out new things. So when one morning, seven or eight years ago, “caught himself worrying about the electricity bill”, he thought about writing as a way making a living. No, he had not written anything before. Not for forty years anyway. And neither did he have a burning desire or ambition to write before then. The only other time he had written something lengthier than a shopping list was when, as a ten year old boy in school, he had won a short story competition.

“It was about a little girl with a hole in her heart” Owen recalled. “At the time there was a lot in the news in Scotland about a girl born with a hole in her heart” something that fascinated young Owen. So why not try writing again ? he thought. And just like that, he did. “I wrote another short story called ‘The King Is Dead’.The first thing I’d written since primary school. When I typed the last word [Christine taught me to type] I held the pages in my hand then started to read. An hour and a half, rooted to the chair unable to believe what was in front of my eyes. For four decades I had shunned a god given gift. And as I read I started to understand why. It was awful. Not just bad. Bloody terrible” he says. At least he could tell terrible writing when he came across it. He didn’t just want to write. He wanted to write well. And he kept going. And wrote more. He wrote a mystery set in Pakistan, and a detective story set in New Orleans, places he had visited with Christine during their travelling days. And then someone suggested the obvious, setting his stories in Scotland. The resulting work was impressive. Owen now has three literary agents, at a time when other writers struggle to get one, and his two Scottish novels were published.

So what are his books about? “Real ‘whodunnit‘ stories, with a twist in the tail” says Owen. And reading the reviews, they seem to be a really good read too. “Christine is my editor” Owen continued. “She does a lot more than correcting the grammar and punctuation. She comes up with ideas, she discusses the plot with me. We bounce ideas off each other”. The story in the first book opens with the abduction of a child from Ayr beach in Scotland, taken while her parents are yards away. “Well, Christine had that idea one day when we were in Georgioupolis and saw a couple strolling on the beach, their young child following behind looking for shells and pebbles to pick up. ‘Imagine what would happen if someone were to abduct the child’, she said”. And that was how the story was born. Has he thought about setting one of his books on Crete? He has, but he has not written one yet. But it is still early days in the career of a writer who has been described by a literary agent as “a major new force in British crime fiction”. And maybe one of his future books will be set in Crete. In the meantime I am looking forward to reading the first two books by Owen Mullen, a promising Scottish writer who chose to make his home in Apokoronas.

p. 6

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Games People Play and Old Friends and New Enemies by Owen Mullen are available from Amazon in paperback and Kindle form

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Persephone... She who kills darkness in Spring Time H umans feel

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greater affinity with the forces of nature when the latter are personified. When by Panagiotis Terpandros these forces Zachariou acquire poetic substance, the very spirit of nature is clearly perceived. The myth of Persephone is seething with symbolism kept alive to this day in Greece proper through religious ceremonies and folk traditions. n o According to myth, Persek r s clic re new cretepost.g o phone, whose name litm r / fo http:/ erally means “dark killer,” is the daughter of crop-bearing Demeter (from ΔΑ-Earth as survived in modern Greek ΔΑΠΕΔΟΝ-floor and ΑΛΛΟΔΑΠΟΣ-allien from another “land” plus Ματερ-Mother, hence EARTH MOTHER). One day, in the company of friends, Persephone is picking flowers in a blooming valley. Suddenly, as she bends over to pick a narcissus, the earth opens up and Pluto, the god of the Underworld, springs forth on his chariot drawn by his fierce black horses, Chthonus, Erebeus, Zaphius and Lygaius. The god of Hades seizes the screaming daughter of Demeter and vanishes inτο the depths of the earth to make her his Queen. Demeter’s mourning over the loss of her daughter is accompanied by the death of Nature. In fear of the total devastation of his kingdom, Zeus succumbs to Demeter’s threat that she will allow nothing to flourish until her daughter is returned to her. He, therefore, persuades his brother Pluto to allow her return. However, Persephone has already consumed seven seeds of the pome-

granate (the fruit of the dead) in the Underworld, which unconditionally bind her to it, and is therefore obliged to reside in Hades for six months, hence Autumn and Winter, while she returns to the surface for another six, hence Spring and Summer. What is stressed here is the correlation of the Underworld and the surface of the earth. It concerns the cycle of everything; that is to say, Birth, Life, Deterioration, Death, Rebirth and so on. During Persephone’s subterranean sojourn, Demeter descends to earth and everything withers (autumn) and is shed onto the “PERSEPHONE’S LAMENT”

all-consuming soil, which is in turn enriched. The Greek word for ‘wealth’ is ‘Ploutos’, hence the name of Pluto. On her reemergence, Persephone returns this ‘Ploutos’ (wealth) to the surface, at which time Demeter returns to Olympus. The flower wreaths that to this day Greeks weave to hang on their doors in springtime symbolize the return of Persephone, whilst the seeds of pomegranate which commemorate her loss to the underworld are mixed with wheat and served in memorial services at churches. The litanies of the church, such as that of the

DEMETER: My gracious child, Persephone, Oh, Flower-Bearing Daughter, the upper world put into bloom so that you may be endowed with wreaths and garlands weaved of Spring from fields that I enshroud in orgiastic Chloe that thrives beneath your velvet feet. Oh, precious child, take leave of Pluto’s underworld to meet my warm embrace and let your laughter echo through the fields releasing Spring unto the world and all that nature yields. Rise, my offspring, from dark Hades with the morning dew Shed upon the flowers and trees your vibrant, youthful hue. PERSEPHONE: Oh, mother how I long to come and feel your warm caress, but I no longer am the one your memory has enshrined in wintry dreams that Morpheus brings - that daughter you won’t find. My youthful hue’s deserted me and I grow yet so pale. Oh, Harvest-bearing Demeter, I have become so frail! The time has come when humankind no longer loves the trees; the ground below is not enriched, does not absorb their leaves. And I, like soil, am trapped below the concrete-laden tomb, where water does not quench my thirst, where I await my doom. And what does wet my lips is putrid, poisonous to drink, succumbing to my fate, into eternal sleep I sink. I ask you, mother, golden-haired protector of the field, what flowers, what trees, what blooming wreaths can lifeless concrete yield? Where can children run and send libations such as these when in this era humankind no longer loves the trees! DEMETER: Oh, woe! Oh woe! By all the gods, Persephone, I swear, I shall avenge your plight, my sweet - mankind shall feel despair!




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Look no more, British Food Store in Chania, Crete. We stock a massive array of British foods from Frozen to Ambient products. Biscuits, breads, Extra matured Cheddar, bacon, Black puddings & cakes. Over 600 British items in store. We also stock local Greek produce and everyday items.

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procession of the epitaph during Greek Easter stem from the procession held during the Elysian Mysteries of ancient Greece. In fact, ancient Greek civilization is preserved in the traditions, customs and generally in all facets of contemporary Greek culture. However, the original meanings that could improve man’s attitude toward nature are generally forgotten. This state of oblivion is evident when the weaving of flower wreaths taking place on the first of May to celebrate Persephone’s homecoming is now associated with Labour Day, while few are aware of the symbolic character of ‘kollyva’ (the meal of the dead served in memorial services) which contain wheat and pomegranate, the former symbolizing life and the latter blood and affluence. This loss of memory is a consequence of the “lobotomized” neo-human, who, devoid of the memory that created such traditions, now functions robotically under a totalitarian world government that has put void on any effort towards human development beyond consumption and technology. Nowadays, when the planet is heavily sighing under the nature-ravaging activities of mankind, it is time we remembered the substantial meaning residing within such myths. With the passing of time, the return of crop-bearing Persephone is increasingly hindered, as tar and concrete obstruct her return, whilst the rainy libations of Ouranos (the sky) that reach the depths of the underworld have lost their purity due to pollution. And as such, there will no longer be any sort of Eleusis (coming) of Spring Time in any literal or metaphorical sense.

A Pleasant Summer Evening

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news & articles

It is the middle of summer and you are sat at a little taverna at the edge of the sea. The sun is about to set and there is a very gentle and warm breeze blowing off the sea. A small fishing boat moves toward the nearby harbour and splinters the brilliant, reflected colours of the sky. As it moves and the sun sinks further the colours change. The first meze dish arrives and your first glass of wine is going down well. You are at peace with the world. There are no political or economic crises in your mind. Religious conflict, suffering, famine and poverty are not even considered. As you lift your glass and look toward the place where the sun was a few moments ago all seems good and you are one with Nature and the sea. Nature and the ck on ws cli e n sea also seem at peace. e r e for mo ttp://cret h Four years ago my daughter completed a thesis on the ecology of the Mediterranean bottle-nosed dolphin. In order to understand the ecology she had to discover much about the environment that the dolphin inhabits. This species of dolphin is on the IUCN Red List of endangered species and is considered ‘vulnerable’. The known population history was also uncovered to determine whether the present status is a new phenomenon. What she learned shocked her – not just the problems of living but also threats from Man’s behaviour and life style. In a short article it is not possible to detail the problems but a few of the difficulties are considered below. Although using dolphins as an example their plight is reflected over other species of dolphin in the Mediterranean as well as whales, turtles, sharks etc. And the problems affecting the Mediterranean are repeated over the planet. The Mediterranean Sea is in a difficult geographical position. It is nearly a large enclosed sea and is bordered by countries on three continents. Many, if not most, of these countries are presently affected by either political or economic issues and policing any regulations is difficult. And that is if you can get agreement from all the

by David Capon

countries involved. (This is not a situation specific to the Mediterranean – for example similar political differences can also be seen in the waters around the Antarctic). Historically, dolphins were persecuted and the persecution persisted in some areas till fairly recent times. In some areas there was a bounty paid for each dolphin killed. This persecution has stopped but illegal fishing methods mean that dolphins are still being caught and drowned (indirectly) or killed (directly). One of the biggest problems now confronting dolphins is the lack of food. The levels of fish populations in the Med have dropped due to over-fishing. I think we are all aware of dwindling fish stocks in all the Earth’s seas and oceans and so I will not explain further. But the problem is far worse than previously understood. One of the world’s leading marine biologists, Daniel Pauly of the University of British Columbia and a contributor to my daughter’s course, published new findings in late January. These findings show that fisheries have greatly underestimated catches possibly by about 32 million tones per year. He stated very aptly “The world is withdrawing from a joint bank account of

the atmosphere is making rain more acidic. A residue of the manmade chemicals that are used on the ground as fertilizers or herbicides / pesticides ends up in the sea. Medicines that humans use (for example, antibiotics and even oestrogen supplements) are also found in the Sea, even after being through the human body. These manmade chemicals are seriously affecting all marine life. We, also have a problem with the waste that is illegally dumped. Often on Crete, as most of you will know, this is in a dry riverbed; but, of course, when we have torrential rain there is only place that this waste can end up. None of these examples are beneficial to marine life. A less obvious problem is disturbance and, especially, noise and the full effects of marine noise are being studied and more understood. Noise generated by Man has increased enormously over the last few decades. The most obvious comes from shipping. In Northwest Crete there is noise from tourist boats, the regular ferries as well as the military shipping and especially when they are on manoeuvres. (For anyone interested please see the following chart, which identifies the link between naval / military exercises and whale strandings:

(like their land cousins) shy away from humans – and for good reason. We are causing huge problems for these animals. But does the problem of noise stop with the larger animals? It is now known that in many fish species the fry communicate by clicks. These clicks are quiet and can be lost in general noise. In January, researchers from Southampton University issued a report in the journal “Scientific Reports” indicating that manmade sounds from shipping and wind turbines causes a behavioural response from seabed creatures. These creatures are vital in the ecosystem of the seabed and their behavioural changes are such that the seabed is not functioning as it should be. Is it all bad news? Not exactly. There are many MPAs (Marine Protection Areas) in the Mediterranean. These provide refuge, if policed and administered properly and marine life is given an advantage. Recovery within the areas depends upon minimal pollution and 100% protection; as mentioned above policing of many of these areas is difficult because of political and economic issues. The other problem is that marine animals do not understand that they are safe (perhaps, nor accurately, safer) within the MPAs.

fish without knowing what has been withdrawn or the remaining balance”. This is a very dangerous position. Another report issued this year has indicated that soon there will be more plastic than fish in the seas and oceans. At first glance this is worrying enough but some serious problems caused by plastic are not obvious from this. In the seas and oceans there are now minute particles of plastic. These are being inhaled through the gills of even the smallest of marine creatures. Very little of that is exhaled. This affects not only the small creatures but the plastic is then ingested by predators and their predators. Another example of the problems of plastic is that a bag floating on the surface can look like a jellyfish from below. Jellyfish are in the diet of turtles and I am sure I do not need to detail the consequences. Plastic is causing problems in the digestion systems of most species of sea birds and the figures do not make good reading. The Mediterranean is polluted. The increased amount of carbon dioxide in

Newer sources of noise are marine wind farms, oilrigs and the associated drilling and surveying. Most people realise that marine mammals, such as dolphins and whales, communicate and members of a group are ‘talking’ continually (general chatter, information about prey or dangers). A lot of anthropogenic marine noise is created at frequencies very close to those used by the animals and a lot louder. Apart from the noise these mammals

The Sun that warmed the day has sunk well below the horizon and your main course has just arrived. When you saw the menu you felt the price of the fish you ordered was quite high. But the meal would add to the ambience of the evening. Your mind is peaceful and the senses enjoy all that the evening offers. The question is “will our children and, especially, their children be able to experience similar evenings?”

Kydonias & Parth. Kelaidi Chania 73100 Informations : 2821 093052

Kefalogiannidon Street Rethymnon 74100 Informations : 2831 022785 email:

Μπορείτε να κάνετε και online την κράτηση του εισιτηρίου σας You can do online booking of your ticket

The most characteristic plants of Crete are the aromatic plants that thrive here To get an idea of how rich the bio-

diversity of Crete is, just consider that Crete has almost as many species and subspecies of plants (about 1750) as the whole Britain (1450), even if it is 35 times smaller. This diversity is not only reflected in the total number of species but also in the number of endemic species, which grow only in Crete and nowhere else in the world. In Crete, there are about 160 endemic species and subspecies, which means that 9% of the plant species of Crete do not exist anywhere else in the world. The Cretan flora has adapted itself so as to resist human interventions and

by Petros Marinakis Botanical Park & Gardens

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cretan nature

n click o news e r o /cre for m http:/

especially the free grazing, which has been a traditional practice in Crete for thousands of years. The plants have developed ways to resist grazing, like thorns or bad taste. There no large forest areas, like for example in Macedonia or Epirus. This is partly because of the grazing and the climatic conditions. However, Crete has some of the rarest biotopes in Europe, like, for example, those of the palm trees (Phoenix theophrasti). There are some biotopes, which, despite being very small – like, for example, the seasonal lake of Omalos – have amazing biodiversity. The forest species that prevail on the island are the pine tree (Pinus spp) and the

cypress (Cupressus sempervirens), which are coniferous species with large adaptability to extreme conditions, and the evergreen maple-trees (Acer sempervirens). There are also other species, like the Zelkova abeliceae, which is one of the rarest trees in the world and grows almost exclusively in the White Mountains in small populations. The Cretan flora includes the Cretan ebony (Ebenus cretica), an impressive bush that is found only in Crete, the crocus of the Cretan mountains (Crocus oreocreticus), the ladania (Cistus creticus), the bush from which the rockrose is collected, the Cretan bell (Campanula cretica), a rare and very beautiful plant that is found only in

The way to a wild west adventure The Wild West is synony-

mous with the development of the western US from as far north as Oregon to the southern states of California, Arizona and the mid-states of Wyoming, Montana and Colorado. The early days were often littered with lawlessness and gunfights, one of the most well-known being the Gun Fight at the OK Coral in Tombstone Wednesday, October 26, 1881. In its cemetery, Boot Hill, are buried those who met their end on that fateful day. Boot Hill is full of men who pulled their triggers without aiming. The Wild West has captured our imagination through films immortalized by actors John Wayne and Randolph Scott. In the history of the Wild West the names Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday, Billy the Kid, Jessie James, Annie Oakley and Calamity Jane were all real people associated with those early days. They were cowboys and cowgirls From the vast expanse of land and lawlessness evolved large ranches for raising stock. It required cowboys and cowgirls to use horses to tend the herds. They became known as wranglers. Have you ever wanted to experience what the Wild West was like its traditions and perhaps, especially for nonhorse riders, take that first brave step of getting onto a horse and becoming a real cowboy/cowgirl? If an experienced rider do you have time to go and work on a ranch? Many ranches offer vacation packages that are divided into two basic categories, Dude and Working. A Dude ranch is the name given to those ranches that cater for tourists, firsttime riders and experienced riders. A Working ranch is as the word suggests for the experienced rider who is looking for that extra excitement beyond riding for pleasure. Some ranches will take on experienced riders from European countries as wranglers. You may be a student on gap year or simply have a couple of months to spare. If you speak another language other than English it is advantageous to a ranch to have

someone who has a passion for horses and riding who can communicate with those guests who only speak limited English. No matter which type of ranch you choose they each have similar themes based around western style riding and living that gives you a unique feeling of nostalgia and adventure. Working ranches involve physical activities as if you were employed by the ranch e.g. numerous hours in the saddle, actual ranch work doing those normal chores with perhaps a night or two living semi-rough. You could be branding, mending fences or rounding up strays. A word of advice if out for the day herding cattle - there is an old cowboy saying that says ‘Always drink upstream of the herd’. You could be working and living with the wranglers experiencing the day to day life in the Wild West and being at peace with nature as you also revel in the scenery. Imagine at the end of the day sitting by camp fires sharing tales, re-counting the day’s experiences, feeling at ease with yourself. Accommodation will vary you may have rooms like a hotel or simply be bedding down with the other wranglers. Dude ranches duplicate that Wild West feeling in comfort and they provide authentic styled rooms/apartments. They cater for all age groups with riding allowed for children from around 5 years of age. Ranches also offer guided walks over nature trails, fishing or you can simply take a break from riding and relax in a hot tub. Most offer additional facilities such as games rooms, pool and gym. A ranch allocates a horse based on information you provide e.g. weight, height, experience. Before you non-riders say to yourself ‘you’ll never get me on a horse’, ranches have horses to ‘fit’ all types of riders. They have horses so sedate that if they were entered into a race the jockey could keep a diary of the trip. They know their horses – the process of matching horse to rider is like being matched to your perfect partner by a very successful dating agency. The

horse is yours for the duration of the vacation or can be changed if the wrangler or you feel the horse is incompatible. Both categories of ranches ensure that you can get plenty of riding usually under the supervision of wranglers. Supervised rides on Dude ranches are generally classed as slow and fast, slow being walking pace maybe with a little trot for a few yards. No matter how experienced you may be you will

not be permitted to go on a fast ride until checked out by a wrangler or you are known (repeat visitor). Rides go on trails in various terrains from flat, rugged to over mountains. For first timers as you mount your horse you will have all thoughts going through your head but as John Wayne said ‘Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway’. After your first ride excitement kicks in and more than likely after you get off your horse the funny walk also kicks in. As you gain confidence, and you will, you may decide to take a private lesson or two which is an additional cost. Well worth it to improve riding skills and confidence. In no time you will up for team penning of cattle a fun experience competing to see which team can do it the quickest. You don’t have to be the best rider to pen cattle in the fastest time just a member of a well-coordi-

the prefecture of Chania, the oleander (Nerium oleander), a very beautiful and impressive bush that often grows on street sides, many species of very beautiful orchids and a lot more. The most characteristic plants of the island are the aromatic herbs that thrive here. Because of the essential oils that they contain, they are used as ingredients in cooking, in the preparation of teas and as medicines. The thyme (Corridothymus capitatus), the sage (Salvia futicosa), the mountain tea (Sideritis syriaca spp. syriaca), the wild marjoram (Origanum microphyllum), the dittany (Origanum dictamnus) are only some of the herbs that one can see and smell on the island.

by Gil Holton

nated team. A ranch may have professional photographers who capture your thrilling moments during the ranch vacation. Early evening many guests meet in the bar area for pre-dinner aperitifs to reflect on the day’s events. Meals are excellent and plentiful based on local cuisine associated with the State you are in. Savour a steak breakfast, mouthwatering BBQ evenings perhaps followed by some country/western dancing. Many ranches provide free evening entertainment ranging from live Country and Western music, roping acts and a rodeo show to factual presentations about the local critters (wildlife). At the end of the exciting day you will be relaxed, have no cares in the world, tired and ready to ‘turn in’ quite early. Now of course the million dollar question is ‘How much does this cost?’ Prices have quite a range depending upon length of stay, the luxury and if you want just bed and breakfast or all-inclusive. Bear in mind the cost of flights and ranch location, some are in isolated areas far from an airport. Many ranch visitors from Europe make it a part of their US vacation. For good reliable information on ranches and prices go to Whichever type of ranch you choose you will meet people from all over the world, make new friends easily even as a single traveler. You will get a little sore but you will laugh about and cherish those incredible times; a childhood dream come true. Do not be surprised if a tear or two comes on the day you have to leave and say goodbye to the other guests and staff that have made your stay so enjoyable and authentic. You are never too old to become a cowboy or cowgirl many still ride well into their 70’s. The rule in becoming a successful rider is to always keep the horse between you and the ground and to again quote John Wayne ‘When in doubt let your horse do the thinkin’. So get the hat, get the boots and head ‘em up, move ‘em out.


“Culinary” magic in the Botanical Park & Gardens of Crete

A tasting event was organized by the Business Association of Platanias “Iardanos”, at the Botanical Park & Gardens of Crete, in Fournes, Chania. All visitors had the chance to taste traditional recipes, based on citrus fruits of Crete. “Iardanos” aims to make a new menu for all restaurants of Platanias, based on traditional Cretan ingredients.

for more n

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Cretan gastronomy

ews click o n http://cre

What you have to know for Rethymno Carnival It’s been one century, since a group

of people from Rethymno – with optimistic mood and open heart to every pleasant challenge – decides to put some colour to the everyday life of the city, during the Carnival season. So, in 1914 the first Carnival of Rethymno was organized, bringing the original mark of the intentions of the people of Rethymno. Through the years, these intentions turned into actions that exceeded every time the expectations of their inspirers and finally turned to be an amazing event: the Carnival of Rethymno, a live organism, tending to reverse the natural route of life: the “older” it’s getting the better it is becoming! This year’s carnival subject is focused on this inversion and invites whoever deeply hopes for better days, whoever sees rainbow colors beyond grey to be part of the large, emotional and fresh Team of the Carnival of Rethymno and share, create, have fun and experience things that nobody wants to miss. We invite you to create and n o click news share this experience, have r o e m /cr for http:/ ing in our mind and our

(by Niall Finn)

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A feast in Rethimno Large lemons in the trees above, A chef who cooks with skill and love, Successive dishes that just melt Onto your tongue until each felt We couldn’t ask our tight-stretched tum To take another tiny crumb. Originality and verve The trademark from the first hors d’oeuvre. Sun-dried tomatoes, unctuous cheese Then salad with a fine-judged squeeze Of lemon in amongst the dill To tempt us then to eat our fill. Great serving rhythm, time to talk Before they brought the sliced smoked pork On nested greens with soft-cooked egg A flare of flavours that just beg For contrast from the Cretan bread. Cicada music overhead Kids playing football in the square. We’re getting full, which isn’t fair To our main course, now deftly placed In front of us, once more a taste That’s subtle while both strong and rich: Two kinds of chicken, can’t say which Is better – stuffed or served with cream; They both would be a gourmet’s dream. Somehow we both found space to eat Some offered grapes – green, crisp

heart the fact that when people cooperate, every day becomes special and life itself becomes more beautiful. It is as simple as that. Live, Act, Create! Creativity is what binds together thousands of people for years on the biggest cultural event of modern Crete. This common passion is exactly what aids the start up of many established

and sweet – And strength to walk – at least to totter Quite finished off by panacotta.

theatre groups, ateliers, hand-crafts, art venues e.t.c. here in Rethymno . Moreover, the happenings that are organized by the groups contribute to the vividness of the town for many years now.
 Creation begins from the costume making and the float designs, it goes on with the scenario, the direction and the scenery making for the presentation of the groups’ sketches. During


Is sitting down to crack the code. Important, though, to bring to mind The sounds are sounds we often find In our own language – yours and mine – Just written with a different sign. And even then, there’s quite a few Will seem like long-lost friends to you. A, M, N, T, keep their place (or do when in the upper case). Some signs for sounds are also new While some (like Q) are missing too. A few small traps you’ll soon have found The self-same letter – different sound! The “B” a “V”; the “P” an “R” (The Greek P’s like a chin up bar) Not “D”, Greek Delta is more soft The “X” as if a person coughed. My tip? Don’t try to learn each letter By itself – you’ll find it better To learn a little useful word In which the letter’s clearly heard. And write it down, you understand What you have written with your hand. While doing so, you’re bound to bless The clear Greek way of marking stress. You’ll have a score of words to say; Be firmly launched upon your way.

Difficult but worthwhile


If mental challenges you seek Then have a try at learning Greek. At first frustrated you may get To find a different alphabet. Oops – I see that there I’ve slipped It’s technically a different script. But either way, the only road

Journey begins

********** Encounter in the White Mountains I saw a hare upon my walk That didn’t flee or hide or baulk; Instead, as if I were a tree, It ran straight down the track to me. Then stopped as sudden, wild surprise Lit up those honey-coloured eyes. “My goodness” clearly thought the hare “What is that object doing there?” The “object” stood still as a rock A minute while the hare took stock. I didn’t want to be a threat But if you walk up hills, you sweat. So, though immobile as the stones, I was betrayed by pheromones Of which the hare had caught a whiff At once his backbone went all stiff. “A human! Their idea of fun Is shooting at us with a gun.” So, sooner than I would have hoped, He turned his head and off he loped.

My ticket stub from Ryanair Told me to use the rearward stair And so I did, but I could see No-one at all had followed me.

the phase of implementation, talented people of all ages, take the opportunity that the carnival gives them to unfold or even.. discover their talent on a fruitful way. By working together they transform the town with a festive carnival atmosphere that matches the spirit of the locals. This is the main characteristic of the Carnival of Rethymno, creating together! The most beautiful way to give birth to cultural formations on a social context basis, promoting the power of participation!

 Every year the Carnival has a theme on which the festival unfolds. In the year of 2014 the participants focused on the theme for the 100 years of Carnival History and in the year of 2015 the theme was an invitation for the visitors to “Become a child with us” regardless of ones age. This year’s theme is a strong message about working and creating together: LIVE, ACT, CREATE!

 Each of us is uniquely important, but when we are all together we are able to upgrade and participate in something greater than ourselves, hoping that everybody who enjoys the Carnival of Rethymno will loose themselves in our festive celebration!

As if it were a well-planned stunt The others crowded to the front And there they queued so it was fun To be a peaceful crowd of one Unpressured by a pushing horde, The steward smiled “Please step aboard”. While switching off my mobile phones I watched men fill three orange cones With plastic chains, quite nifty things So folks don’t stroll beneath the wings The preparations now complete I peer out from my window seat And as we move I have a sort Of word-association thought: Although I used the airport bus It’s taxi now for all of us! ********** Last but not least The nicest treat I know by far? A piece of Cretan baklava. The filo pastry that they bake With flavour locked in every flake, All wrapped around a chopped-nut core To leave your taste-buds crying “More!” And that’s not mentioning, of course, The way it’s drenched in honey sauce That makes this most delicious treat So decadently, sinful sweet. A most hardworking lady friend Now licks each finger’s sticky end Then swallows every tasty crumb That’s still adhering to her thumb. She then with confidence asserts It means she’s had her just desserts.

Sneaky Storage Ideas You’ve Never Thought Of Baskets and Covered Boxes

Inside of Doors The inside of a closet or cabinet door is an underutilized space and a great place for additional storage in a bedroom, bathroom, or kitchen. In a bedroom closet, you can hang a fabric shoe hanger to gather small items. Scarves, socks, and undergarments fit perfectly in the little pouches. In a bathroom closet, you can use the same type of hanger to store cotton balls and swabs, makeup, hair ties, and more. You can also purchase sturdy wire shelving for storing heavier items, like the tops of pots and pans, on the inside of a cabinet door in the kitchen.

Baskets and covered boxes are great for decorative storage. They not only hold a variety of items, but they look great in the home as well. Check any home store and you’ll find a plethora of storage baskets and boxes in any style you might be looking for. Baskets are perfect for firewood, newspapers and magazines, blankets, pillows, and more. Covered boxes are great for closed storage and can be stacked in an empty corner to add design interest.

Ledge Picture Shelves

Benches and Ottomans Benches and ottomans are great for putting up your feet and for additional seating. Buy a hollow storage bench or ottoman, and you have an instant hideaway for living room clutter. Use a storage bench or ottoman to store blankets, pillows, toys, blocks, and more. The list is endless. Hooks and Bars

Ledge shelves are made for displaying pictures. However, you can utilize these narrow shelves for storage as well. Put one in the kitchen, on the wall beneath your upper cabinets, and store salt, pepper, and other spices. Or try one above your bathroom sink for holding toiletries like toothbrushes, hair accessories, and more. Rolling Drawers Rolling drawers, baskets, and containers are perfect for storage in a bedroom or living room. Shallow rolling drawers can be slid under a couch or bed. You can also raise your bed with the use of risers, and slide larger bins underneath. In the bedroom, use these rolling drawers to store out-of-season clothing, or sheets and blankets. In a living room, you can use them to store games and toys.

Adding hooks and bars to rooms in your home gives you an extra spot to hang items that you use often. Towel bars are perfect in the bathroom, but can also be placed on the end of an island to hold kitchen towels or a roll of paper towels. Hooks can be placed on a mudroom wall, twelve inches above the floor, for hanging shoes. Kitchen Benches It seems that kitchen benches are making a come back. They are certainly a great way to add additional seating at the table. However, they can also be a great way to build in

some extra storage space. If you have the space, a built-in kitchen bench is perfect for storing items that don’t get used often. If you don’t have a place for a built-in bench and table, consider purchasing a long and narrow separate bench that has storage underneath. Under the Stairs

The space under the stairs is often an awkward and unused space. But if you aren’t using this space, you are missing a great opportunity. If you have the time and energy, this space is a great place to add a built-in bookcase or even a closet. If you are short on time, measure your space and add a premade bookcase or storage unit. Lastly, you can add shelves to the walls and top with baskets or covered boxes. If you implement one or more of the sneaky storage ideas above, you’ll be well on your way to organizing your space and reducing clutter. Ways to Get More Work Space from Your Garage For many homeowners, the garage is not only a space to house vehicles, but it is also the first place one thinks of to store oddball items. The garage is often home to an assortment of things including tools, household items, unused materials, and seasonal decorations. With the garage also doubling as a great DIY workspace, things can get messy in a hurry. With that in mind, here are ways to get more work space out of your garage without having to relocate many items. Ceiling Storage The ceiling is often an overlooked area in many garages. Adding a storage area in the ceiling is a great way to keep things up and out of the way. If your garage has exposed rafters, then it’s as easy as laying down a few boards or plywood. KAccess to whatever you store in the ceiling is limited,

so only store items that don’t get a lot of use, like seasonal decorations or seasonal sporting equipment. Rolling Benches While they work great for traditional shops, stationary work benches are not ideal for the garage. For a more versatile alternative, consider a rolling bench instead. With a movable work bench, you can easily keep it hidden when not in use and slide it out whenever you need. If you already have a work bench, then adding casters will accomplish the same goal. Organize Tools The wall is a great way to smartly store bulkier items, including gardening and yard tools. Peg board is a great material for this purpose and can be hung on just about any exposed wall. Furthermore, installing peg- for m ore news cl ick on board around the height of http://cre a vehicle will help allow the space needed to park a car. Tame the Small Stuff The smaller items are often the hardest things to keep organized. This includes nails, screws, jars, sandpaper, and extension cords, to name a few. In order to keep these items in check, consider organizing everything into labelled containers. Even better, find stackable storage containers to optimize space. Wall Storage In addition to the ceiling, adding wall storage in the form of shelves is a great way to organize items and keep things from cluttering up. The more shelves you can add the better, as floor space is key in creating a great work environment. Even more, adjustable shelving offers the option of adding more space whenever your tools outgrow the area. Zones With the garage serving a multitude of purposes, it is a great idea to divide it up into distinct areas or zones. Not only will this help organize the space but it will make things easier to find. The only trick is sticking to the system once everything is put in its own zone.

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all accumulate stuff, and often that stuff seems to sit in piles around our living spaces. If you find yourself in need of organizational help, or are simply looking for additional storage tips, here are some storage ideas and places you may not have thought of to help you add space to your home.

do it yourself


Should I be screened for Depression? Everyone over the age of 18 should

by Miltiades Markatos


be screened for depression, says the US Preventive Services Task Force – and the government-appointed body really means everyone. Doctors should ask people if they are sad, tired or distracted – even if they have come in with an ingrown toenail. The rationale for this is that only half of those in the US who are depressed get treatment, yet the World Health Organisation projects that by 2020, depression will be the second leading cause of disability worldwide. Generally, for a condition to be screenable, it should be important, common, treatable and the benefits of screening should outweigh the harms. It shouldn’t have high rates of false positives (diagnosing someone with-

out the condition) or false negatives (missing someone who does have it). The task force says screening for depression fulfills these criteria and that cognitive behavioural therapy and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs, a type of antidepressant) both reduce symptoms. So if screening is so good, why do the UK and Canada say that only people at high risk (for example, those with chronic medical conditions or a history of depression) should be specifically asked about depression? Since screening can be as simple as asking two questions: “During the past month have you often been bothered by feeling down, depressed or hopeless?” and “Do you have little interest or pleasure in doing things?” aren’t the Americans right?

The solution We shouldn’t all be screened because the evidence for doing so isn’t good enough. The risks may also be higher than the “none” claimed by the US task force. Screening may identify people as depressed when they aren’t, and may lead to unnecessary treatment of mild symptoms that could have resolved themselves. SSRIs are linked (as the task force acknowledges) with increases in birth abnormalities and, more significantly, they are also associated with an increase in suicidal behaviour, especially in under-18s, as shown in research in the BMJ last week. A review of screening for depression in the Canadian Medical Journal in 2012 said that there are no good trials that show the benefits of screening when

people are given the same treatment, regardless of how they were diagnosed. In the US, where there is more collaborative and intensive care for depression, the results for treating after screening may be better. But there is also no evidence on how often you would need to be screened – and depression can often return. The task force now also recommends screening in pregnancy – using a different test – as well as afterwards, because post-partum depression can actually start before the baby is born. Since post-partum is a known risk period, this does seem sensible. And if you ever screen yourself, bear in mind that it is just a screening test and not a proper diagnosis – for that you should see your GP. The Guardian

Eye problems after the age of 45

1. Warning Signs Difficulty seeing clearly for reading and close work (Computer task) Diagnosis of PRESBYOPIA is among the most common problems adults develop between ages 40-50. You may find you need to hold Ioannis Aslanidis reading materials Scientific Director farther away to EMMETROPIA see them clearly. This continues to increase up to the age of 60.

health & nutrition

on r s click re new cretepost.g o m r / fo :/ p t ht


2. Problems with Glare and colors and deterioration of vision Diagnosis: Cataract You may notice additional glare from headlights at night or sun reflecting off of windshields or pavement during the day, making it more difficult to drive. Changes within the lens in your eye cause light entering the eye to be

scattered rather than focused precisely on the retina, thus creating more. 3. Reduced Tear Production Diagnosis: Dry Eyes With age, the tear glands in your eyes will produce fewer tears. This is particularly true for women after menopause. As a result, your eyes may feel dry and irritated. Having an adequate amount of tears is an essential element in keeping your eyes healthy and maintaining clear sight.

eye INNOCENT CONDITION most of the times) Occasionally, you may see spots or floaters in your eyes. In most cases, these are actually shadowy images of particles floating in the gel that fills the inside of the eye. Although they can be bothersome, spots and floaters are usually harmless and typically do not risk vision. They are a natural part of the eye’s aging process.

4. Warning signs of Fluctuating Vision Diagnosis: Diabetes / Hypertension (high blood pressure) These chronic conditions can damage the tiny blood vessels in the retina, the light sensitive layer at the back of the eye, causing vision loss that can sometimes be permanent.

6. Warning signs of flashing lights and curtain like loss of vision Diagnosis: Retinal Detachment (Emergency!) But if you suddenly see more floaters than normal, and they are accompanied by bright, flashing lights, they may be a warning sign of impending retinal detachment—a tear of the retina. This should be treated immediately to prevent serious loss of vision.

5. Warning signs of Floaters and Flashes Diagnosis: Vitreous detachment (breakup of the gel at the back of the

7. Warning signs of Loss of Side Vision Diagnosis: Glaucoma If it seems that you are losing periph-

A life changing visit to our pharmacy can make you change the way you see life and put your body and mind in harmony. Have you ever visited a pharmacy to taste health? A different pharmacy in the centre of the old town of Chania is waiting to share with you secrets of well being and longevity. Taste the biolo gical honey, the royal jelly, tea from plants carefully chosen in therapeutic recipes, high concentration and purity juices of pomegranate, cranberry, aloe. Orthomolecular nutrition with suggestions on detox programs and a carefully selected range of supplements, vitamins an gluten free products from all over the world. In the same premises you can find a live homeopathic lab with 6.000 homeopathic remedies in stock and the ability to produce any kind of homeopathic form i.e. pills, granules, solutions etc Evangelia Sakka is the pharmacist in charge who has created that special pharmacy and will be happy to introduce you to that fantastic world but also suggest whatever will be more settable for you. Our philosophy doesn’t stop on food and supplements but we want you to think of your mind and body as well. That’s why we have created next to our pharmacy the Green Care SPA. A SPA that helps to uplift your mind and body with biological face an body treatments, reflexology, reiky, su jok and moxa treatment, Bach flower remedies, homeopathy sessions, bowtech as well as nail therapies. We are waiting for you to restart your life at Daskalogianni 43 - 45, SAKKA Pharmacy /

eral or side vision, this may be a sign of glaucoma. Glaucoma occurs when the intraocular pressure (pressure inside the eye) is invariably high the optic nerve is damaged and no longer transmits all visual images to the brain. It often has no symptoms until damage to sections of your vision has begun. 8. Warning signs seeing distorted images and/or loss of central vision Diagnosis: Age related Macular Degeneration If straight lines appear distorted or wavy or there appears to be a blind spot or empty area in the center of your vision, you may have the signs of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The disease affects the macula, the part of your retina that is responsible for central vision where the eye’s acuity is sharpest. The disease causes a blind spot that’s right in the middle of your field of vision. based on information of American Academy of Optometry

Gosport dog lover helps Crete shelter find homes for strays A Gosport resident in the UK is ap-

pealing to animal lovers to donate to a shelter in Crete which looks after stray dogs and cats. by Giannis Venetakis Samantha Millerchip is a supporter Zoo Technician of the Takis Animal Shelter, located in Ierapetra. The shelter is home to more than 200 formerly stray dogs that without the shelter would not have been able to survive. The shelter is run by Theoklitos Proestakis, who cares for the strays, after visiting a rubbish dump and finding it was home to many uncared-for dogs. Mr Proestakis tries to give the dogs the best chance for a new life by sharing pictures and videos of the dogs to the shelter’s Facebook page, in the hope of finding them loving new owners. Praising the work Mr Proestakis does, Ms Millerchip said: ‘He has given up his job and his social life to run this shelter full- time so the expenses are ongoing on a daily basis. He needs to buy food, build shelters, fencing, vet bills, etc. lick on c People sponsor dogs within s w re ne epos for mo ttp://cret the shelter making monthly h donations.’

The situation and quality of life for stray dogs in Crete is far from ideal. Commonly the dogs are taken out into the mountains or the wilderness to hunt. Those that are less successful than the rest of the pack are often left to fend for themselves. Ms Millerchip became aware of the issue after rescuing a dog, named

STOP animal abuse in Greece! Poisonings,


pets & vets

beatings, hangings, abandonment, are just some of the ways by which animals are being abused in Greece Daily, gruesome allegations come to light from all around the country, but this is not enough to stop the crime. It is necessary to change our mentality and the way we treat other living beings, and to do so, we all need to try together. Only if we push toward establishing legislation that protects and ensures the respect for the animals, our com-

panions in life, can we solve this problem once and for all. On the occasion of the World Animal Day on October 4, 2014, we start the great effort, to all together shout out loud that we do not tolerate animal abuse anymore. The process of the revision of the Greek Constitution is about to start. Animals, in the current legislative grid, are regarded as tools – human property. So let it be clear that we ask the legislators that the new Constitution

Zante, while on holiday on the Greek island of Zante back in 2004. Together with her mother she sponsors four dogs at the shelter and also plans to take a working holiday to Crete to aid the shelter. Ms Millerchip said: ‘I have already carried out a fundraising initiative via Facebook, amongst friends and fam-

ily, and have raised £500 which has been donated to Takis to help build new houses for the dogs within his shelter. ‘My main aim is to raise awareness of the work he is doing and also to hopefully get people to donate via Paypal to his shelter.’

include provisions for the animals in order to coexist with us, without pain and misery, without ordeal and exploitation. Our message is clear: We demand to assert their rights within this very Constitution that protects the rights of people. Sign this petition now and share it with as many people as you can. Let us be the ones that will make the start for a better life! Each and every one of our signatures demonstrates that animals must be

regarded as intelligent and sentient beings, and not as objects. When we get past the 100,000 signatures mark, the Pan-Hellenic Animal and Environmental Federation will officially deliver them directly to the Prime Minister, the Party Leaders and the President of the Greek Parliament. Sign here... https://secure.avaaz. org/en/petition/Proedro_tis_Voylis_ton_Ellinon_kEyaggelo_Meimaraki_Telos_stin_kakopoiisi_ ton_zoon_Nai_stin_Anatheorisi_ toy_Syntagmatos/?rc=fb&pv=50

The Portsmouth News

Greens and Indigenous Herbs

Crete is famous for its aromatic plants and herbs is famous for its aromatic plants and herbs, which grow everywhere, in the mountains, in farming areas and in coastal areas. There are 130 species of wild flowers and herbs unique to Crete. Some of them are endemic and have been known since the ancient times for their remedial properties. Nowadays, their use is somehow limited, but everybody drinks a herb tea in winter (sage, mountain tea or dittany). Don’t forget that the exquisite taste of the Cretan dishes is owing to the use of aromatic herbs. The flora of Crete is at its best in Spring, after the rain showers of the early season. Crete really looks green, and hundreds of flowers, plants and

herbs start to blossom. There are 130 species of wild flowers and herbs unique to Crete. Museum of Cretan Herbs The Museum of Cretan Herbs - Herbarium Jacques Zaffran, which was inaugurated on 3 June 2008 as part of an international conference on ‘Ecological Theology and Environmental Ethics’, is a department of the Institute of Theology and Ecology (ITE). The Museum of Cretan Herbs is housed in an OAC building, which was renovated with the contribution of the Region of Crete and the Organization for the Development of Crete, and was organized with the financial support of the General

Secretariat for Youth. The surrounding space was redeveloped with the financing of the Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works. The original wealth held by the museum includes about 9,000 herbs from the Collection of Cretan Herbs, which was presented to the OAC in 2003 by the French professor of botany Jacques Zaffran. This distinguished scientist has dedicated his life to the scientific study of the rich flora of Crete. He was born in Algeria in 1935. Having graduated from the Faculty of Botany of the University of Algiers, he made his career at the University of Marseilles, and since 1964 he has engaged in the systematic study of

the herbs of Crete. His book on the flora of Crete (615 pages in French, 1990) is a classic work on the subject. Since 2004 he has been permanently settled in Crete, in order to continue the study of herbs and the enriching of the Collection, and to facilitate its optimal utilization. The Museum of Cretan Herbs of the OAC includes an exhibition hall, a workshop and rooms for hosting researchers. Naturally, the other facilities of the OAC also serve the needs of the museum. For information regarding the programs run by this museum, and visits, please call the following numbers: +30 28240 22500, 22245. with info from




only 1,5 €

plants and gardening


Triple Chocolate Cheesecake with Oreo Crust

by Marilou - Chief executive chef at Marilou Cupcakes and more -

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Prep time: 30 mins Cook time: 1 hour 10 mins Total time: 1 hour 40 mins

To make the filling: 1. Melt 280gr bittersweet chocolate and set aside to cool. 2. Mix cream cheese and sugar until smooth, mix in cocoa powder 3. Add the eggs one at a time, mixing on low speed and do not overbeat it. 4. Add melted chocolate and mix on low speed to combine. 5. Pour the filling over the crust and smooth the top. 6. Bake the cheesecake until the center is set and the top looks dry (about 1 hour to 1 hour 10 minutes). 7. Cool on a wire rack for 5 minutes, then run a thin knife around the sides of the pan and set the cake in the refrigerator (uncovered), for at least 8 hours, or better overnight.

Triple chocolate delight- chocolate

cookie crust, chocolate cheesecake filling and chocolate topping garnished with chocolate curls, these cake will swept off their feet even the bigest chocoholic. Ingredients For the Crust: • 24 Oreo cookies-finely crushed • ¼ cup unsalted butter-melted For Cheesecake Filling: • 1000gr cream cheese- room temperature • 1 cup powdered sugar • 3 Tablespoons cocoa powder n click o • 4 eggs- room temnews e r o /cre for m perature http:/ • 280gr bittersweet chocolate-chopped

To make the topping: 1. In a medium saucepan stir together cream, chocolate and sugar on low heat until the chocolate is completely melted and the mixture is smooth. 2. Cool and pour over the cheesecake. 3. When the topping is set and cooled again run a thin knife around the sides and remove the springform pan sides. 4. This cheesecake can be prepared up to 2-3 days in advance just store covered in the refrigerator. 5. Garnish with chocolate curls (optional).

For Chocolate Topping: • ¾ cup heavy cream • 170gr bittersweet chocolate-finely chopped • 1 Tablespoon granulated sugar Instructions To make the crust: 1. Preheat oven to 175C, grease a 9cm springform pan and set aside. 2. Finely crush the cookies in a food processor, add melted butter and

blend until it’s all moistened. 3. Press crumb mixture onto the bottom of the prepared pan and bake for

p. 22

food & wine

Maleviziotika Mini Mizithra Cheese Pies

Ingredients Ingredients for the filling • ½ kg sweet fresh mizithra cheese Ingredients for batter • 1 glass milk • 1 egg • ½ teaspoon of baking powder • Enough all-purpose flour to make a thick batter • Oil for frying Preparation Make a thick batter with the milk, egg, baking powder and flour. Beat with a whisk or hand blender. Make small balls from the mizithra cheese. Dip them one by one in the batter, drain a little, and drop into a pan of very hot oil (a few pieces at a time). When golden, remove with a slotted spoon and serve with honey, molasses or sugar.

8 minutes. Remove from the oven and set on a wire rack to cool while making the filling.

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PGS Kissamikos F.C.

We present you the team of Kastelli, Kissamos, which “shines” in Football League

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PGS Kissamikos F.C. is a Greek football

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sports & leisure

club, based in Kissamos, Chania. The club was founded in 1926. They played for two seasons in Football League 2 and won the championship for the season 201415 and promoted to Fooball League. This season (2015-2016) Kissamikos “shines” in Football League, as the team seems to be the one of the most competitive for title rivals (Apollon, Larissa, Kerkyra).

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