August 2014 | Edition 3
Healthy North Coast practitioner newsletter North Coast Medicare Local’s premier communication for General Practice, Aboriginal Medical Services, Aged Care, Pharmacy and Allied Health
3 1
GP Focus
AMS Focus
AgedCare Focus
Pharmacy Focus
AlliedHealth Focus
inside 3. GP Focus 10. AMS Focus 11. Aged Care Focus 13. Pharmacy Focus 15. Allied Health Focus 17. Healthy North Coast News 19. Events 20. Classifieds
PAL UPDATE myGov If your practice does not offer electronic claiming, your patients can create a myGov account to claim some of the most common items. For more information, go to the Human Services website and search ‘Forum’ or follow this link: PenCat recipes – correct link The last newsletter contained links that were incorrect. Our apologies. The following link will assist those wishing to access the recipes: Commonwealth Respite & Carelink Centre The Commonwealth Carelink Program ceased operations on 30 June 2014. However, under the National Respite for Carers Program, the Commonwealth Respite & Carelink Centre will continue to provide a link to carer support services and assist carers to access short-term and emergency respite through to 30 June 2015. The name of the centre remains the same and can be contacted on 1800 052 222.
Upcoming National Asthma Foundation Training Workshops These free education workshops for GPs, Practice Nurses and Allied Health professionals are being run over the next couple of months. North Coast Medicare Local is facilitating these workshops. Numbers will be limited. Workshops will cover three topics: 1. Primary Carer Updates 2. Spirometry Training and Asthma 3. Respiratory Management for Practice Nurses Invitations for these events will be sent when dates are confirmed. If you are interested, please contact your local Provider Assistance Liaison Officer (PAL) to ensure you are on the distribution list to receive this information directly.
Dementia Resources The Dementia Centre provides access to research, resources and education. Resources cover dementia topics such as Assistive Technology, Dementia Skills and Design for Dementia. They also currently have twelve free resource downloads including Delirium, Connecting with Someone Special, Telecare and Falls which are available at: Palliative Care Online Training A new free online training package to improve health professionals’ provision of palliative care to aged persons in the community is now available. The online training will help professionals: • • • • •
Reflect on the needs of people and their families as they approach the end of life Build screening and assessment skills Develop confidence in having end of life conversations, especially around Advance Care Planning Invest in own self care and build resilience Connect to a wider network of experts who can support and assist
Register and learn more at: au/
GPFocus PAL UPDATE Since 30 June 2014, NCML no longer receives eHealth program funding. As a consequence, NCML does not have dedicated project officers available to support healthcare providers with eHealth. All eHealth support will now be managed by Provider Assistance Liaison Officers (PALs) who will provide as much relevant information, resources and education as practicable. The national review of eHealth made many recommendations about the future roll-out of eHealth, including the adoption of an ‘opt out’ system and linking eHealth criteria to MBS item number claiming. PALs will remain up-to-date with developments and regularly provide feedback and details through the Healthy North Coast Practitioner Newsletter. The following are other sources of eHealth support and information: •
Phone eHealth enquiry line on 1300 361 457 for eHealth record general information and questions; completing eHealth record applications; completing Participation Agreement; assisted Registration functionality.
Email PCEHR.AssistedReg@health. for assisted registration specific enquiries
Phone HI Service enquiry line on 1300 361 457 or email healthcareidentifiers@humanservices. for HI Service general information and questions, completing seed and network, organisation HPI-O application, registering/updating an RO’s/OMO’s details, registering for an HP-I
Phone eBusiness Service centre on 1800 700 199 (option 2) for information and assistance on NASH PKI Certificates general information and questions,
human services site PKI certificates general information and questions, PKI certification installation support, PKI certificate and tokens lost/forgotten passwords •
Email NASH specific enquiries to Nash.
Contact your software vendors helpdesk for software specific eHealth enquiries, configuration support and training in eHealth features:
• • •
Medical Director - Best Practice - Genie -
Contact professional organisations and supporting bodies, such as RACGP, for information and policy templates for eHealth requirements to meet accreditation and legislative requirements
Update on Local Health District Healthenet roll-out The NSW Health clinical portal (Healthenet) contains 1.2 million clinical documents (including electronic hospital discharge summaries and electronic ‘blue book’ records for infants), 1.9 million NSW hospital visit histories, access to over 1 million medical imaging studies, and an enterprise patient registry linking all NSW identifiers, which currently contains 15 million patients. Local Health Districts across NSW will be taken from a limited ‘point-to-point’ information exchange to a shared platform from which a consolidated patient record can be built. Northern NSW Local Health District and Mid North Coast Local Health District are currently actively engaged in the implementation of Healthenet.
The key benefits of Healthenet include: • • • •
Improved connected care and communications between clinicians in different health locations. Improved chronic disease management through informed decision-making. Reduced time in searching and finding information and asking patients to “retell their story”. Early identification of current problems when the patient presents to an emergency department.
This will mean participating general practices can access: • • •
eDischarge summaries Historical versions of the patient’s GP Shared Health Summary to use as a point of reference eBlue Book health checks, immunisations and growth charts
GPFocus ABORIGINAL HEALTH Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Health Assessment Flow Chart A flow chart has been introduced by the Aboriginal Health & Medical Research Council of New South Wales’ Chronic Disease Team in North Coast GP Training to help navigation of health assessments and management plans for Aboriginal people against roles of the health professional. Laminated copies are currently being distributed, or you can access a PDF copy at: http://northcoastgptraining.cmail2. com/t/r-l-xhdyddl-jkutkunl-a/
AFTER HOURS May 2014 After Hours Activity Reporting Reminder Thank you to those practices that have already submitted their May 2014 After Hours Activity reporting. General Practices participating in the After Hours Practice Incentive Program are reminded that the May 14 reporting was due 30 June 2014 in preparation for the next quarterly payment (August). This information is also used in health planning to understand the after hours primary health care demand of communities. The reporting template can be found at under Programs – After Hours. Additional reporting will not be required until early 2015.
CLINICAL TIP May 2014 Quarter PIP Statement General Practices participating in After Hours PIP are also reminded that a copy of the recently received DHS May 14 Quarter PIP Statement should now be forwarded to the NCML After Hours program if they have not already done so. The SWPE information contained in this statement is the basis for the August AH PIP payment. NCML does not get direct access to this information by any other means at this point in time. Please email to afterhours@ or fax a copy to 02 6618 5499. Please call David Lacey on 02 6618 5421 should you require clarification.
Do not routinely prescribe antibiotics for acute mild-to-moderate sinusitis unless symptoms last for seven or more days, or symptoms worsen after initial clinical improvement. Symptoms must include discoloured nasal secretions and facial or dental tenderness when touched. Most sinusitis in the ambulatory setting is due to a viral infection that will resolve on its own. Despite consistent recommendations to the contrary, antibiotics are frequently prescribed. Source:
GPFocus PREVENTATIVE HEALTH Preventing falls in the community across the North Coast Falling over and sustaining an injury is a frightening prospect for older people and their carers since this often leads to increasing ill health and loss of independence. However, evidence shows that falls in older people can be prevented through: • • • • • • •
Appropriate exercise; Home slip and trip hazards modification; Community safety initiatives; Safe footwear; Good vision; Medication management; and Mobility mastery experiences.
Fortunately, people over 65 years are requiring hospitalisations less often on the North Coast due to a fall-related injury compared to other parts of the state. Only one Local Government Area was worse than the state average, while six were better off in 2010/11 to 2011/12. However, with the North Coast having a higher proportion of residents aged 65 years and above, continued efforts are required to prevent falls in older people.
Stepping On
Strong Foundations
Stepping On is funded by the NSW Ministry of Health and run locally by Community Health Education Groups (CHEGS) and the Northern NSW Local Health District in Northern NSW, and Gen Health and Mid North Coast Local Health District across the Mid North Coast. Stepping On is a unique group program as it allows participants to determine issues and approaches that are personally relevant. As the focus is safety, it is intended to challenge the older person to appraise their risk realistically as well as to provide a forum for gaining knowledge about safety practices. Strength and balance exercises are also taught and encouraged as a core part of the program. Community members can visit the Active and Healthy website at: to search for a program in their local area. Alternatively, they can visit the CHEGS website at or phone Mary Ward, CHEGS Coordinator on 6620 7523 for details on programs in Northern NSW, or the Stepping On Project Officer at Gen Health on 6652 8111 for details on programs in the Mid North Coast.
Strong Foundations is a new program being implemented by Feros Care with Commonwealth Government HACC support. It utilises evidence-based best practice in strength and balance to minimise falls risk through home-based, individually tailored exercises for older persons. The program includes: •
• • •
An in-home assessment of personal and environmental risk factors, conducted by a physiotherapist or occupational therapist; Four further sessions of individualised exercise prescription, aimed at improving strength, balance and mobility; Assessment of physical environment and areas of risk, such as stairs, at home; Telephone support during the program; and Two subsequent sessions to ensure the program is maintaining participants’ independence.
Strong Foundations is targeted at people over 65 years of age, or over 50 for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people, who want to stay living independently at home. Community members can call Feros Care on 1300 085 181 for more information or visit au/HACC to register.
GPFocus MENTAL HEALTH Chronic Disease and a New Avenue of Support What is NewAccess? NewAccess is a low intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) program for people experiencing mild to moderate depression and/or anxiety. NewAccess provides up to six sessions of low intensity CBT with a trained Access Coach. The sessions focus on strategies for managing depression, anxiety, low mood and life stresses. How would NewAccess be helpful to patients on a Chronic Disease Management Plan (CDMP)? People with a CDMP can experience depression and anxiety as a result of their illness and this can impact on their capacity to manage their illness. Some patients may be reluctant or not ready to access mental health services, or not require a higher intensity intervention. NewAccess is an early intervention program providing support and strategies to these patients. Here is the story of Jack* Jack is a man in his sixties with diabetes. He retired two years ago due to his health issues after a busy and active career running his own business. Jack’s GP is concerned that he is gaining some weight and his mood is flat. Jack informs his GP that he is feeling ‘down’ most of the time and is spending his days watching TV. He has stopped playing bowls, which he used to enjoy, and does not socialise with his friends. He has also been reluctant to go out with his wife or spend time with his grandchildren. Jack is referred to NewAccess. 7
At his first session, Jack’s Access Coach tells him that his ‘down’ moods are a normal result of the changes from his illness. Jack and his Access Coach develop a problem statement to define what is worrying him. “I’m feeling frustrated, because I can’t do the things I used to do. This leads me to sit around all day feeling like I have no energy and can’t be bothered. This makes me feel even worse about myself and also affects my relationships with my wife and family.” Jack develops two goals: ‘To play bowls once a week with my friends and feel happy doing it’ ‘To plan a day out with my wife every week and enjoy an activity together’ At the second session Jack still rates his problem statement highly, but he has begun to realise that he has ‘let go’ of a lot of the activities that made him feel better. The lack of activity is also affecting his physical health. Going through a module with his Access Coach called Behavioural Activation, Jack agrees to gradually reintroduce these activities, schedule them into his day, and record his feelings and responses over the course of the week. At each session he and his Access Coach talk about what has worked or not worked and explore new strategies or ideas that will support Jack. By his sixth session, Jack has reached his goals. He has also started attending the local community Men’s Shed, spending time with his grandchildren and socialising regularly with his wife. His physical health has improved as a result of more activity and he reports that his mood has improved.
*The name and characteristics of this client have been changed How does NewAccess work? Patients are offered an assessment session either in person or by phone. If a patient is suitable for the program, a plan is developed in consultation with the client for a guided series of low intensity CBT sessions. The Access Coach contacts the client by phone on a regular basis (usually weekly) and together they work through the program tailored to the patient’s specific needs. Modules offered include Behavioural Activation, Dealing with Worry, Problem Solving, Goal Setting or a combination of these. What are the criteria for clients? NewAccess is an early intervention program for people over eighteen who are experiencing emotional stress and who are not currently accessing other mental health supports. How is the program funded? NewAccess is a beyondblue program, funded by The Movember Foundation and beyondblue. The target group is men and people who are hard to reach or may have never accessed services before – although the program is available to anybody meeting the criteria.
What is the referral process to NewAccess? Clients can self-refer by phone on 1300 137 934 or online at au/NewAccessCoach. Clients can also be referred by their medical practitioner, mental health worker or other community agency by phoning the same number. Greater access to psychological services – what are the benefits? An Australian survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing found that 16% of adults reported wanting or using mental health services for focussed psychological interventions. Many people wanting to access psychological services reported experiencing symptoms of depression, anxiety and psychological distress. Seeking to maintain recovery following a past episode of mental illness was another reason for wanting to access services.
Anxiety and depression are the most common mental health issues patients seek help for, accounting for over 80% of cases. A 2010 study of outcomes for over 16,000 patients accessing focussed psychological interventions found that people showed substantial clinical gains. The greatest benefits were seen in patients experiencing greater distress and accessing services for the first time. The results of a similar review found that patients showed improvements in terms of their functioning, severity of symptoms, and quality of life. Overall, these results highlight the positive impact of accessing psychological intervention. With the roll-out of the Healthy Minds program across the North Coast region from 1 July 2014, more people will be able to access psychological interventions for common mental health issues. Healthy Minds is a free service for vulnerable people: those who are experiencing severe financial distress, or who hold a Healthcare Card.
The program particularly targets people that may not have had the opportunity to access these types of services. Over one hundred allied health practitioners are providing services either by being co-located within community-based organisations, in general practices or in their own private consulting rooms to make it easier for people to get help. The Healthy Minds service has a central referral system that matches the patient with the right practitioner and supports. Healthy Minds uses both Access to Allied Psychological Services (ATAPS) and Better Access funding. A template for General Practice software is available from the Healthy Minds team. Contact the Healthy Minds team for more details by phoning 1300 137 237 or email:
IMMUNE RESPONSE New measles campaign NSW Health is running a measles campaign in selected high schools this term. Schools in the local region that have been selected include Mullumbimby High, Lismore High, Bellingen High and Melville High, Kempsey. Students who do not attend one of the selected high schools will receive an MMR Parent Information Kit to take home which encourages those that require vaccination to attend their GP to receive free MMR vaccine. MMR is free to anyone without two documented doses. NOTE: PriorixTetra is not recommended for use in persons aged 14 years or more (page 271 of Immunisation Handbook). The campaign was organised after recent data showed that up to 2 in 5 NSW high school students are under-vaccinated against measles. Substantial outbreaks are occurring, particularly in South East Asia, in which travellers are being infected and returning to Australia. Fourteen 8
teenagers/young adults caught measles overseas and brought the infection back to NSW in the first three months of 2014. Through a variety of recent media initiatives, parents have been urged to check their child’s vaccination status. The NSW Ministry of Health has developed GP advertisements, which will be publicised via the AMA and RACGP, and a website ( au/measles) which provides further background on the program. Vaccination documentation Please be careful selecting vaccines when documenting vaccines given in your software or directly to ACIR. Documenting the wrong vaccine can have the child appear not fully immunised and overdue for vaccination. Common errors include: Meningitec instead of Menitorix, Infanrix selected instead of Infanrix –Hexa. Priorix instead of Priorix-Tetra.
Practices with any Meningitec still in their fridges should check the expiry date, if still valid place separate from childhood vaccines – with a notice stating use for catch-ups only. Priorix should always be used as first dose for MMR not PriorixTetra. Priorix-Tetra is not recommended for use in persons aged 14 years or more (page 271 of Immunisation Handbook). The 14th PHAA National Immunisation Conference presentations available online Visit onalImmunisationConference.php and click on speakers’ names to view audio and Powerpoint Slides. Presentations include ‘Clinical evaluation of adverse events following Immunisation – The Australian experience’, ‘Vaccine Safety – A Global Perspective’, and ‘Pertussis – Strategies to protect our youngest infants’.
GPFocus IMMUNE RESPONSE ThinkGP Whooping Cough education module This module discusses the diagnosis and management of whooping cough in general practice. The role of immunisation in the prevention of the spread of whooping cough is also highlighted. The module can be accessed at: Hours: 1 | RACGP C2: 2pts | ACRRM: 1pt
Deep Vein Thrombosis Anticoagulation Therapy for DVT Needlestick Injury
NSW Needlestick Hotline 1800 804 669 NSW PEP Hotline 1800 737 669
Needlestick Injury
Needlestick Injury Work Group Members:
Recently added to the Mid and North Coast HealthPathways website is the Needlestick Injury pathway. In the pathway you will find the latest diagnostic, management and local referral information for patients with Needlestick Injuries.
Incidence Needlestick injury is now more correctly known as Blood or Body Fluid Exposures (BBFE). Needlestick injuries are low risk injuries, but risk for HBV and HIV needs to be assessed urgently. Management By following detailed management guidelines and accessing the local referral information, patients can be treated as a matter of priority. Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) is normally 9
started within a few hours of exposure. Contained with referral information are also contact numbers for phone advice to:
Dr David Gregory, Clinical Lead/ Facilitator Dr Trina Gregory, General Practitioner, s100 Provider
Note: Pathways that have been localised have only been localised for the Mid North Coast area at this stage. Northern NSW Local Health District has recently joined the program and pathways that have already been localised will retrospectively have contact information added for the Northern region.
Visit the Mid and North Coast HealthPathways website: Username: manchealth Password: conn3ct3d For further information or to suggest a future pathway topic please contact Tracy Baker, Program Coordinator on 02 6583 3600 or Loading Health Pathways in clinical management software Instructions on how to load HealthPathways into Best Practice and Medical Director can be accessed here.
‘Background Artwork’ by Alison Williams
Palliative care support program for Aboriginal Health Workers Do you care for people in your community who are unwell and not going to get better, people who are getting ready to ‘finish up’? Program of Experience in the Palliative Approach (PEPA) offers a tailored program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers. This program is flexible and customised to local needs within each state and territory.
A flow chart has been introduced by the Aboriginal Health & Medical Research Council of New South Wales’ Chronic Disease Team in North Coast GP Training to help navigation of health assessments and management plans for Aboriginal people against roles of the health professional. Laminated copies are currently being distributed, or you can access a PDF copy at:
For more information visit:
PREVENTATIVE HEALTH Refer to page 6 for information on preventing falls in the community across the North Coast.
IMMUNE RESPONSE GSK Immunisation grants Four grants of $20,000 each are on offer! The four grants will be awarded to support innovative programs that clearly aim to meet one or more of the following criteria in either childhood, adolescent and/or adult vaccines:
• •
Improve access, coverage and/or timely delivery as per the Australian National Immunisation Program schedule Improve access, coverage and/or timely delivery for hard-to-reach populations (including geographically distant populations, new Australian immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers) Utilises digital technology and/or social media to improve the Quality Use of Vaccines
• • •
Improve access, coverage and/or timely delivery for indigenous populations Improve access, coverage and/or timely delivery for international travellers Applications close: Friday, 15 August 2014 at 5:00pm
Visit for further information.
Since 30 June 2014, NCML no longer receives eHealth program funding. As a consequence, NCML does not have dedicated project officers available to support healthcare providers with eHealth. All eHealth support will now be managed by Provider Assistance Liaison Officers (PALs) who will provide as much relevant information, resources and education as practicable. The national review of eHealth made many recommendations about the future roll-out of eHealth, including the adoption of an ‘opt out’ system and linking eHealth criteria to MBS item number claiming. PALs will remain up-to-date with developments and regularly provide feedback and details through the Healthy North Coast Practitioner Newsletter. The following are other sources of eHealth support and information:
Phone eHealth enquiry line on 1300 361 457 for eHealth record general information and questions; completing eHealth record applications; completing Participation Agreement; assisted Registration functionality.
Email PCEHR.AssistedReg@health. for assisted registration specific enquiries
Phone HI Service enquiry line on 1300 361 457 or email healthcareidentifiers@ for HI Service general information and questions, completing seed and network, organisation HPI-O application, registering/updating an RO’s/OMO’s details, registering for an HP-I
Phone eBusiness Service centre on 1800 700 199 (option 2) for information and assistance on NASH PKI Certificates general information and questions; human services site PKI certificates general information and questions; PKI certification installation support; PKI certificate and tokens lost/forgotten passwords
Email NASH specific enquiries to
Contact your software vendors helpdesk for software specific eHealth enquiries, configuration support and training in eHealth features:
This will mean participating general practices can access:
Leecare (Platinum) Help Desk on 03 9339 6886 or iCarehealth at Autumncare on 1800 422 472 TCM at Comcare at home/
• • • • •
Contact professional organisations and supporting bodies for information and policy templates for eHealth requirements to meet accreditation and legislative requirements
Update on Local Health District Healthenet roll-out The NSW Health clinical portal (Healthenet) contains 1.2 million clinical documents (including electronic hospital discharge summaries and electronic ‘blue book’ records for infants), 1.9 million NSW hospital visit histories, access to over 1 million medical imaging studies, and an enterprise patient registry linking all NSW identifiers, which currently contains 15 million patients. Local Health Districts across NSW will be taken from a limited ‘point-to-point’ information exchange to a shared platform from which a consolidated patient record can be built. Northern NSW Local Health District and Mid North Coast Local Health District are currently actively engaged in the implementation of Healthenet. The key benefits of Healthenet include: • • •
Improved connected care and communications between clinicians in different health locations. Improved chronic disease management through informed decision-making. Reduced time in searching and finding information and asking patients to “re-tell their story”.
• •
Early identification of current problems when the patient presents to an emergency department.
eDischarge summaries Historical versions of the patient’s GP Shared Health Summary to use as a point of reference eBlue Book health checks, immunisations and growth charts
Aged Care Providers who are participating in eHealth will have access to residents’ e-discharge summaries, including details about medication changes, results of investigations and ongoing care recommendations. Dementia Resources The Dementia Centre provides access to research, resources and education. Resources cover dementia topics such as Assistive Technology, Dementia Skills and Design for Dementia. They also currently have twelve free resource downloads including Delirium, Connecting with Someone Special, Telecare and Falls which are available at:
AgedCareFocus PAL UPDATE LGBTI Training for the Aged Care Sector ACON is delivering free face-to-face, one day workshops on LGBTI inclusive service delivery in the workplace for aged care sector workers and organisations providing aged care services. Workshops can be customised to meet the needs of your staff and will be conducted on site where 12-25 people can attend. For more details visit: or email An E-Learning module has also been produced by ACON. Visit to register for the module. (For Facilities closer to the Border) LGBTI Champion Training for RACFs workshops Kirra Training Day deferred – Register interest now
Palliative Care Online Training A new free online training package to improve health professionals’ provision of palliative care to aged persons in the community is now available. The online training will help professionals: • • • • •
Reflect on the needs of people and their families as they approach the end of life Build screening and assessment skills Develop confidence in having end of life conversations, especially around Advance Care Planning Invest in own self care and build resilience Connect to a wider network of experts who can support and assist
Register and learn more at:
The Queensland Aids Council (QuAC) is providing training which supports one champion in each aged care residential setting, day respite and community care services. In Queensland, 750 places are available and we have been advised that there will be some places available in workshops at Kirra later in the year for services in Northern NSW. This one day training will give the champion understanding and skills to support appropriate and inclusive workplace behaviours and practices. The champion will then be the ‘go to’ person for staff support and organisational change regarding LGBTI issues. For further information visit: or email Ricki Menzies at Register at:
IMMUNE RESPONSE At the 14th PHAA National Immunisation Conference, a post-conference workshop called “Equity in disease prevention - vaccines for the elderly” was held. The presentations are now available online at: Presentations include ‘Can the impact of Herpes Zoster on quality of life be improved?’, ‘Pertussis in the elderly’ and more.
PREVENTATIVE HEALTH Refer to page 6 for information on preventing falls in the community across the North Coast.
PharmacyFocus PAL UPDATE
NCML, since 30 June 2014, no longer receives eHealth program funding. As a consequence, NCML does not have dedicated project officers available to support healthcare providers with eHealth. All eHealth support will now be managed by Provider Assistance Liaison Officers (PALs) who will provide as much relevant information, resources and education as practicable.
Phone eBusiness Service centre on 1800 700 199 (option 2) for information and assistance on NASH PKI Certificates general information and questions, human services site PKI certificates general information and questions, PKI certification installation support, PKI certificate and tokens lost/forgotten passwords
Local Health Districts across NSW will be taken from a limited ‘point-to-point’ information exchange to a shared platform from which a consolidated patient record can be built. Northern NSW Local Health District and Mid North Coast Local Health District are currently actively engaged in the implementation of Healthenet.
Email NASH specific enquiries to Nash.
Contact your software vendors helpdesk for software specific eHealth enquiries, configuration support and training in eHealth features:
The following are other sources of eHealth support and information:
• •
Fred IT on 1300 731 888 Aquarious on 1800 746753
The key benefits of Healthenet include: • Improved connected care and communications between clinicians in different health locations. • Improved chronic disease management through informed decision-making. • Reduced time in searching and finding information and asking patients to “retell their story”. • Early identification of current problems when the patient presents to an emergency department.
Phone eHealth enquiry line on 1300 361 457 for eHealth record general information and questions, completing eHealth record applications, completing Participation Agreement, assisted Registration functionality
Contact professional organisations and supporting bodies, such as the Pharmacy Guild, for information and policy templates for eHealth requirements to meet accreditation and legislative requirements
This means participating pharmacists will have up-to-date information about clients’ medication changes while in hospital, including details about medications that may have ceased or changed to support ongoing safe medication management.
Email PCEHR.AssistedReg@health. for assisted registration specific enquiries
Update on Local Health District Healthenet roll-out
Consultation on Electronic Health Record
The national review of eHealth made many recommendations about the future roll-out of eHealth, including the adoption of an ‘opt out’ system and linking eHealth criteria to MBS item number claiming. PALs will remain up-to-date with developments and regularly provide feedback and details through the Healthy North Coast Practitioner Newsletter.
Phone HI Service enquiry line on 1300 361 457 or email healthcareidentifiers@humanservices. for HI Service general information and questions, completing seed and network, organisation HPI-O application, registering/updating an RO’s/OMO’s details, registering for an
The NSW Health clinical portal (Healthenet) contains 1.2 million clinical documents (including electronic hospital discharge summaries and electronic ‘blue book’ records for infants), 1.9 million NSW hospital visit histories, access to over 1 million medical imaging studies, and an enterprise patient registry linking all NSW identifiers, which currently contains 15 million patients.
The Department of Health is holding consultation sessions with pharmacists on the PCeHR in metropolitan areas in August. Pharmacists working in regional and rural locations are invited to submit their feedback via email: pcehrreview@health. by 1 September 2014.
The PSIS can:
The Schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits was updated on 1 July 2014. Visit: changes
View Price Disclosure table at: Updated Procedural and Operational guidelines have also been released, including an overview of price disclosure. Visit: Prescription Shopping Information Service (PSIS) ‘Prescription shopping’ is when patients unknowingly or deliberately obtain more medicines than they need. This is often done by visiting many doctors, without telling them about their other consultations. The PSIS provides information about patients who have met the Prescription Shopping Program (PSP) criteria. You can only receive information about a patient you are consulting, however you do not need your patient’s consent to call the PSIS if there are reasonable grounds for suspicion. If you suspect a patient of getting more medicine than they need, you can call PSIS 24 hours a day, seven days a week on 1800 631 181.
• •
Tell you if the patient has been identified under the PSP Tell you the number of prescribers who have prescribed Provide information on the amount and type of PBS medicine recently supplied to that patient
Each time you contact the PSIS, you will need to provide your: • Prescriber number • Full name • Answer to a personal validation question • Patient’s Medicare number • Patient’s date of birth • Patient’s full name If you are not already registered for the PSIS, you may find this link helpful: Free Online Learning Programs Available Learn to identify the warning signs of a heart attack and stroke with the Heart Foundation’s online learning program, ‘BeAWARE Pharmacy’, which is available at: This module has been accredited for 1 hour of Group 2 CPD (2 credits) by the Australian Pharmacy Council. ‘Unlocking asthma inhaler technique’ assists health professionals engage their patients and customers in a conversation
IMMUNE RESPONSE At the 14th PHAA National Immunisation preConference seminar, Stan Goma, Manager of Professional Services of the Pharmacy Guild of Australia (Victoria Branch) presented on ‘Immunisation through Community Pharmacies’. He spoke of the success of offering Flu vaccination through pharmacies and the development of professional standards for vaccinating in pharmacies. The presentation is available at:
about their inhaler technique and demonstrate correct technique using a specific methodology. The module is available at: This activity has been accredited for 0.5hrs of Group 2 CPD (1 CPD credit) by the Australian Pharmacy Council. Upcoming Conferences 19-20 August Brisbane FMRC workshop “Essential Pharmacy Financial Management” 29-31 August Hobart Australian College of Pharmacy Conference “Transforming your Practice” 12-14 September Melbourne Pharmacy Business Network 29 September - 2 October Vietnam Pharmacy Guild of Australia Offshore Conference 10-12 October Canberra Pharmacy Australia Congress “Solve the pharmacy puzzle”
PREVENTATIVE HEALTH Refer to page 6 for information on preventing falls in the community across the North Coast.
AlliedHealthFocus PAL UPDATE Since 30 June 2014, NCML no longer receives eHealth program funding. As a consequence, NCML does not have dedicated project officers available to support healthcare providers with eHealth. All eHealth support will now be managed by Provider Assistance Liaison Officers (PALs) who will provide as much relevant information, resources and education as practicable. The national review of eHealth made many recommendations about the future roll-out of eHealth, including the adoption of an ‘opt out’ system and linking eHealth criteria to MBS item number claiming. PALs will remain up-to-date with developments and regularly provide feedback and details through the Healthy North Coast Practitioner Newsletter. The following are other sources of eHealth support and information: •
Phone eHealth enquiry line on 1300 361 457 for eHealth record general information and questions, completing eHealth record applications, completing Participation Agreement, assisted Registration functionality
Email PCEHR.AssistedReg@health. for assisted registration specific enquiries
Phone HI Service enquiry line on 1300 361 457 or email healthcareidentifiers@ for HI Service general information and questions, completing seed and network, organisation HPI-O application, registering/updating an RO’s/OMO’s details, registering for an HP-I
Phone eBusiness Service centre on 1800 700 199 (option 2) for information and assistance on NASH PKI Certificates general information and questions, human services site PKI certificates general information and
questions, PKI certification installation support, PKI certificate and tokens lost/forgotten passwords •
Email NASH specific enquiries to Nash.
Contact your software vendors helpdesk for software specific eHealth enquiries, configuration support and training in eHealth features
Contact professional organisations and supporting bodies, such as the Australian Psychological Society, for information and policy templates for eHealth requirements to meet accreditation and legislative requirements
Update on Local Health District Healthenet roll-out The NSW Health clinical portal (Healthenet) contains 1.2 million clinical documents (including electronic hospital discharge summaries and electronic ‘blue book’ records for infants), 1.9 million NSW hospital visit histories, access to over 1 million medical imaging studies, and an enterprise patient registry linking all NSW identifiers, which currently contains 15 million patients. Local Health Districts across NSW will be taken from a limited ‘point-to-point’ information exchange to a shared platform from which a consolidated patient record can be built. Northern NSW Local Health District and Mid North Coast Local Health District are currently actively engaged in the implementation of Healthenet. The key benefits of Healthenet include: • •
Improved connected care and communications between clinicians in different health locations. Improved chronic disease management through informed decision-making.
• •
Reduced time in searching and finding information and asking patients to “retell their story”. Early identification of current problems when the patient presents to an emergency department.
Upcoming National Asthma Foundation Training Workshops These free education workshops for GPs, Practice Nurses and Allied Health professionals are being run over the next couple of months. North Coast Medicare Local is facilitating these workshops. Numbers will be limited. Workshops will cover three topics: 1. Primary Carer Updates 2. Spirometry Training and Asthma 3. Respiratory Management for Practice Nurses Invitations for these events will be sent when dates are confirmed. If you are interested, please contact your local Provider Assistance Liaison Officer (PAL) to ensure you are on the distribution list to receive this information directly.
AlliedHealthFocus PAL UPDATE Palliative Care Online Training A new free online training package to improve health professionals’ provision of palliative care to aged persons in the community is now available. The online training will help professionals: • • • • •
Reflect on the needs of people and their families as they approach the end of life Build screening and assessment skills Develop confidence in having end of life conversations, especially around Advance Care Planning Invest in own self care and build resilience Connect to a wider network of experts who can support and assist
Register and learn more at:
PREVENTATIVE HEALTH Refer to page 6 for information on preventing falls in the community across the North Coast.
MENTAL HEALTH Refer to page 7 for information on chronic disease and a new avenue of support.
HNCNews Networking Platform for Health Professionals
ealthy North Coast’s new online network allows you to communicate, network and collaborate in a private and professional environment, with colleagues from across the North Coast without leaving your office. The Healthy North Coast Network is based on the functionality of other familiar social networking platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. With over 130 regional and professionbased networks available, the Healthy North Coast Network is ready for you to join right now. Health professionals can register for the Healthy North Coast Network by visiting with full instructions for the platform at
Campaign to address strong link between racism, depression and anxiety in Indigenous Australians beyondblue has launched the Invisible Discriminator, an Australian-first campaign that shows the devastating psychological effect subtle racism has on Indigenous Australia. This comes as new research shows Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people still face widespread racism from other Australians. This includes people thinking Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are lazy and that it’s okay to make jokes about them. The campaign centres on TV ads showing non-Indigenous Australians engaging in subtly racist acts, such as treating Indigenous Australians with suspicion or avoiding them, which is as likely to cause distress as more overt forms of racism like verbal abuse. beyondblue Chairman The Hon. Jeff Kennett AC, who launched the campaign with Senator Nova Peris OAM, Aunty Diane Kerr and the Jindi Worabak Dance Group at the Korin Gamadji Institute, Punt Rd Oval, Richmond, VIC, said the ads, which will appear on TV, online and
outdoor billboards, are badly needed. “This research shows that racism in Australia is still common and that many people engage in racist behaviour,” he said. “Racism, like any form of discrimination, leads to distress, which in turn can lead to depression and anxiety. “We have launched this campaign to tell people that it doesn’t matter if it’s subtle or overt – racism is still racism and it ruins lives. ABS data tells us that Indigenous Australians are twice as likely to die by suicide as non-Indigenous Australians, and are almost three times more likely to experience psychological distress. Racial discrimination contributes to these tragic statistics and it’s about time things changed,” he said. The complete article is available at:
HNCNews Too Many People Remain Unaware They Have HIV Around 10 per cent of HIV positive people in NSW may be unaware they are infected, a statistic NSW Health is looking to change. North Coast HIV and Related Programs (HARP) is supporting NSW HIV Testing Week from 14-20 July and will be encouraging at risk people to have an HIV test.
also reduce the risk of transmitting HIV to others.”
North Coast HIV/Sexual Health Services Medical Director, Dr David Smith said testing is key to ending HIV and HIV testing is faster and easier than ever before.
“Gay and other homosexually active men are encouraged to test at least twice a year or up to four times a year for those who have more than 10 different partners in six months.
“To end HIV, it is important that people with HIV know of the infection as a critical first step in preventing infection of others. To that end, increased testing especially by those groups most at risk is encouraged and the main purpose of HIV Testing Week,” Dr Smith said. “Testing leads to early diagnosis, which enables early treatment. Treatments now available for HIV not only improve the health and wellbeing of those infected but
Smoking rates down, fewer young people drinking alcohol Smoking rates in Australia continue to drop, according to new survey results released by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. The key findings from the AIHW’s 2013 National Drug Strategy Household Survey, released online, show that fewer Australians are smoking daily. The daily smoking rate among people 14 or older dropped from 15.1% to 12.8% between 2010 and 2013. ‘This means the daily smoking rate has halved since 1991,’ said AIHW spokesperson Geoff Neideck. ‘Smokers have also reduced the average number of cigarettes they smoke per week – down from 111 cigarettes in 2010 to 96 cigarettes in 2013.’ The complete article is available at:
Most infections reported in New South Wales in 2013 were in gay and homosexually-active men (78 per cent) with heterosexual cases accounting for 17 per cent.
clinics, faster results and online booking are all part of a new era in HIV testing in NSW. People can also request a test at their GP. The complete article is available at:
“Rapid tests are now available in some centres on the North Coast where a result is available within 30 minutes,” Dr Smith explained.
HIV Information: To find out where to get tested go to: For more information on HIV testing, treatment and prevention go to: or call 1800 451 624
NSW Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant said that rapid HIV testing is just one option of a mix of high quality, safe and innovative HIV testing services being offered across NSW. Sexual health services, express clinics, after hours and drop in
National Diabetes Week A new Newspoll survey shows that nearly 80 per cent of Australians don’t think they are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes, despite evidence that over 2 million Australians already have pre-diabetes and are at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Australia CEO Professor Greg Johnson said that the threat of developing type 2 diabetes is very real. “What many people don’t realise is that type 2 diabetes doesn’t just affect older people or those who are overweight or obese. Type 2 diabetes can affect anyone. It is a serious and complex condition. Many people don’t take the type 2 diabetes risk seriously.” Professor Johnson highlighted that there is also good news. “If people do the risk test and find that they are at high risk, we can do something about it, we can offer type 2 diabetes prevention programs that may prevent or delay type 2 diabetes in up to 60 per cent of cases
through sustained lifestyle modification – losing weight, eating a healthy diet and exercising more,” he said. The new You think this is scary? campaign from Diabetes Australia uses strong images to make Australians reassess what they consider a personal threat. The Gruen Transfer commentator Dan Gregory, who has type 2 diabetes, said that fear campaigns work. “Fear is one of the most powerful motivators when it comes to human behaviour, the problem is, our fears often don’t reflect reality. You think this is scary? sets out to challenge our fears and remind us that type 2 diabetes is something we really should be more concerned about.” The complete article is available at:
HNCEvents Hastings-Macleay Events
Northern Rivers Events
12/8/2014 - Port Macquarie General Practitioner Breakfast Rydges, Port Macquarie
4/8/2014 - Case Work, Case Manager Fundamentals Crowley Village, Ballina
13/8/2014 - CPR Update for GP, Pharmacy & RACF Staff Hastings First Aid - Kempsey RSL
6/8/2014 - Communicating Mindfully in Conflict and Difficult Situations - NRSDC, Lismore
3/9/2014 - CPR Update for GPs, Pharmacy & RACF Staff – NCML, Port Macquarie
12/8/2014 - Workshop: Airway Emergencies in General Practice - UCRH, Lismore
4/9/2014 - Twilight Update: Adolescent healthcare asking the awkward questions – Opal Cove Resort, Coffs Harbour
14/8/2014 - Housing & Homelessness Forum - Lennox Head Cultural & Community Centre
Mid North Coast Events 18/8/2014 - What’s New in Neurosurgery and Pain Management - Novotel Pacific Bay Resort, Coffs Harbour 26/8/2014 - Workshop: Airway Emergencies in General Practice – UCRH, Grafton 30/8/2014 - Pain Management Symposia 2014 - Treating and Managing Pain - Novotel Pacific Bay Resort, Coffs Harbour
Tweed Events 08/08/2014 - Focus on Minor Home Modifications - Southern Cross University Gold Coast campus 19/8/2014 - Workshop: Airway Emergencies in General Practice - UCRH, Murwillumbah 5/9/2014 - Integrative Breathing - Fundamentals of Assessing and Treating Dysfunctional Breathing – Southern Cross University, Gold Coast campus
14/8/2014 - Peer Presentation: Hoarding and Squalor Info Session - Killclare House, Lismore 21/8/2014 - Bereavement Workshops - Lismore City Hall 26/8/2014 - New Directions in Leadership - YWCA, Goonellabah 9/9/2014 - Workshop: Breathing Emergencies in General Practice - UCRH, Lismore 10/9/2014 - Working with Men Who Use Violence Invercauld House, Lismore
Online Events 7/8/2014 - PracSoft: Claiming and Exceptions (webinar) 13/8/2014 - MD Sidebar (webinar) 4/9/2014 - Banking in PracSoft (webinar) 9/9/2014 - Twilight Online - Adolescent healthcare confidentiality and independence (online)
Other Events Healthy North Coast Events Calendar You can view the full North Coast Practitioner events calander at:
7/8/2014 - General Practice Accreditation: Consultation focus group - Royal on the Park, Brisbane 22/8/2014 - Centre for Primary Health Care & Equity (CPHCE) Annual Forum - University of NSW, Sydney
HNCclassifieds GPs AND NURSES NEEDED – OUTREACH CLINIC FOR HOMELESS AND DISADVANTAGED PEOPLE IN NORTHERN RIVERS Passionate about making a difference? Looking for a challenging and rewarding experience? North Coast NSW Medicare Local (NCML) is calling for expressions of interest from general practitioners and nurses to provide medical services at the Winsome Health Outreach Clinic in Lismore. NCML, in partnership with Northern NSW Local Health District (NNSWLHD), St. Vincent de Paul’s and the Winsome, has been providing an outreach health service on-site at The Winsome, a large facility owned and run by the Lismore Soup Kitchen Inc. The Winsome is a highly regarded community-based service providing valuable support for some of the Northern Rivers’ most vulnerable people. The Winsome provides accommodation for up to 17 men and daily meals for all people in need. Every Wednesday morning, an Outreach Health clinic is held on-site, providing free GP and clinical nursing services
to the clientele of The Winsome. Dr Charles Hew, Goonellabah Medical Centre and Dr James Boyd, Jullums (Lismore Aboriginal Medical Service) alternate weekly in providing GP services. NNSWLHD provide a Community Nurse each week. The Clinic is well-established and well-utilised. Seventy-seven individual patients have accessed the clinic over the last 12 months, with nearly 400 occasions of service occurring. In the next six months, NCML and St Vincent de Paul are working together to construct a purpose-built clinic on the ground floor of The Winsome comprising of a doctor’s room, a nurse’s room and a reception/waiting area. NCML is seeking GPs and nurses who are passionate about making a difference to disadvantaged communities to join our multidisciplinary team on a contractual basis. If you are interested in contributing to this valuable service, please contact Monika Wheeler, Program Manager on 02 6622 4453 or via email at
DR KALPESH SHAH General surgeon, Dr Kalpesh Shah, has commenced private consulting sessions at the Newcastle Private Specialist Medical Centre, with surgical procedures carried out at Newcastle Private Hospital. Dr Shah has an interest in hepato-pancreato-biliary (HPB) surgery and upper gastrointestinal (UGI) surgery, and also specialises in endoscopy, colonoscopy, ERCP, oncological surgery, laparoscopic surgery, hernia repair and abdominal wall reconstruction. After completing his general surgery training in Mumbai, India, Dr Shah enhanced his skills in HPB and UGI surgery units at University Hospitals in Leicester, UK, for four years and became a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Glasgow. After obtaining fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, he commenced a staff specialist appointment at JHH in 2008 where he is now Director of General Surgery. He is a founding member of the Australia & New Zealand Hepatic, Pancreatic & Biliary Association and accredited with the Gastroenterological Society of Australia for performing endoscopy, colonoscopy and ERCP. Private referrals can be posted to PO Box 362, New Lambton, 2305 NSW or faxed to 02 4985 5545. Appointments can be made by phoning 0431 225 095.
VACCINE FRIDGE FOR SALE St Vincent de Paul have a brand new vaccine fridge for sale. The vaccine fridge was purchased on 13 July 2013 from Vital Medical Supplies. It is a Medisafe Vaccine Fridge HB80 80L. The fridge was purchased for $2,198.90, including GST. St Vincent
de Paul would be happy to sell the fridge for $1,500 or nearest offer to enable them to purchase other medical equipment that they require. Please contact Kelli Babovic on 07 5523 5514 or
Would you like to post a local classified ad in this newsletter? If so, email the details to before the 25th of each month. There is no cost associated with these ads. 20
• Busy, well-established practice • Large existing patient base • Bulk billing practice • Fully accredited • Fully computerised • Flexible hours • FT nursing support • Friendly working environment Contact: Fiona Pruden Kennedy Drive Medical Centre 2/97 Kennedy Drive Tweed Heads West NSW 2485 P: 07 5599 4200 F: 07 55 99 4300 Email:
HNCclassifieds GENERAL PRACTITIONERS’ READINESS TO DEAL WITH INTIMATE PARTNER ABUSE SURVEY (GRIPS) How much do you know about intimate partner abuse in your practice? Are you feeling ready to support patients experiencing intimate partner abuse? Intimate partner abuse or violence is a common, often hidden issue for patients attending general practice. According to the World Health Organization, intimate partner violence is defined as any aggressive or controlling behaviour committed by adults who are current and/or previous intimate partners in heterosexual or homosexual relationships that causes physical, emotional, or sexual harm to those in the relationship. Recent media has shown that women and children can be injured or die as a result of the abuse. The GRIPS project aims to collect general practitioners’ (GPs’) views on intimate partner abuse issues in their clinical practice through a brief survey and build a better picture of how they can respond to the issues. This survey is a PhD research project conducted by Traci Leung, who is supervised by Professor Kelsey Hegarty, an academic GP, from the Department of General Practice, the University of Melbourne.
Who is invited to participate? If you are a GP or a GP registrar, we would like to hear your views on the issue.
The Central Pottsville Medical Centre (CPMC) is located in a shopping centre at the heart of Pottsville. Pottsville has a population of around 6,000 and is a beachside tourist destination, with a fast growth rate of around five per cent.
What does participation to GRIPS project involve? You are not required to provide your name. Please visit the Survey Link: ( to participate in the survey which will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. OR, if you choose to fill out a hardcopy questionnaire, please email us, and we will mail out the questionnaire with a prepaid envelope (no stamp required) to you.
The Central Pottsville Medical Centre is a modern, state of the art site of excellence in primary health care services. It operates with an integrated multi-disciplinary focus and brings together general practitioners, practice nurses, allied health professionals and local organisations to deliver primary health care that is tailored to the needs and priorities of the local community. CPMC provides a strong focus on chronic disease prevention and management, as well as economies of scale in the delivery of high-quality health care.
All participants will go into a random draw to win a gift voucher valued at $50 (7 winners). As your survey submission will be anonymous, please provide your contact details separately at the end to be eligible for the draw. If you have any questions regarding the project, please email Traci Leung, PhD candidate, at the Department of General Practice, the University of Melbourne, Victoria ( Your time and responses to the survey are greatly appreciated!
GENERAL PRACTITIONER - PORT MACQUARIE An opportunity exists for a General Practitioner to join the team at Greenmeadows Medical, a new, innovative and patient-focused medical centre located in beautiful Port Macquarie. Greenmeadows Medical is a large teaching practice. Our doctors are supported by a wide range of allied health practitioners including Physiotherapy, Exercise Physiotherapist, Podiatry, Dietitian, Psychology, Social Work and Pathology. 21
This Practice has broad consulting hours to allow flexible working times. It offers a position that allows the GP to have an excellent work/life balance. Visit our website to experience a virtual tour of our centre and to meet the team. For enquiries contact Robert Clarke on 02 5525 1111 or email Robert@
CPMC is looking for experienced Vocationally Registered GPs who have a desire to join the newly established practice in either a full-time or parttime capacity. We are happy to engage GPs with an independent contract. Under these arrangements CPMC provides all services, facilities, infrastructure, nursing and administrative staff. CPMC will offer 60% to 70 % of the billings to GPs depending on the experience. Contact Asitha Koralage on 0422 421 750 or email:
FOR LEASE - COFFS HARBOUR Approximately 170 square metre office space available for medical rooms to your specification. Beautiful light-filled space, already plumbed for 5 clinical rooms, each with a lovely, private garden outlook. Central location, directly below a very busy 5-chair dental surgery. Ample on and off street parking, great visibility and access on three sides, disabled access. $300+GST psm pa. Substantial rent-free period on offer. Option to buy the building. Come and have a look at the space and check what we’ve done upstairs to see the amazing potential. Call Sharon Marinucci on 0411 597 831.
HNCclassifieds UPDATE ON SERVICES AT LISMORE BASE HOSPITAL’S OUTPATIENTS CLINIC Specialists: (Referrals to the following doctors can be faxed to 02 6620 7307) Staff Specialist Respiratory: Dr Bliegh Mupunga Staff Specialist Orthopaedics: Dr Luke Henschke Staff Specialist Gynaecology: TBA (Locums covering) Lung Function Testing Lismore Base Specialist Outpatients Clinic is now offering Lung Function testing for inpatients and outpatients. Referrals may be faxed to 02 6620 7307, enquiries to 02 6620 7301.
EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR A GENERAL PRACTITIONER / BUSINESS PARTNER Allen Medical Centre is looking for a GP to join their professional team on a full-time/part-time basis. There are no weekends, 8.30 to 5pm Monday to Friday, with more scope available if desired. This practice is supported by reception and full-time registered nurse and one Dr/Director, mixed billing. Fully computerised, modern facility with a country charm and personalised service. Please email for more information.
ONLINE SURVEY ON HEALTH OF NURSES Nurses and midwives are invited to take part in an anonymous, state-wide health and wellbeing survey entitled Fit for the Future. The aim of the survey, being conducted by the University of Technology’s Faculty of Health and NSWNMA, is to gain a comprehensive picture of the health and wellbeing status of nurses and midwives in NSW, so that targeted interventions to safeguard health can be developed. You can do the survey electronically by clicking here:
Contact NCML Head Office Suite 6, 85 Tamar Street, BALLINA NSW AUSTRALIA 2478 Postal: PO BOX 957, BALLINA NSW AUSTRALIA 2478 Phone: 02 6618 5400 Fax: 02 6618 5499 Email:
Northern Rivers Tarmons House, St Vincent’s Campus 20 Dalley Street, East Lismore NSW 2480 Phone: 02 6622 4453 Fax: 02 6622 3185 Email:
Hastings Macleay Office Location: Postal Address 53 Lord Street, PORT MACQUARIE NSW 2444 Phone: 02 6583 3600 Fax: 02 6583 8600 Email:
Tweed Heads 8 Corporation Circuit, Tweed Heads South NSW 2486 Phone: 07 5523 5501 Email:
Mid North Coast Suite 6, 1 Duke Street, Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450 Postal: PO Box 920, COFFS HARBOUR NSW 2450 Phone: 02 6659 1800 Fax: 02 6659 1899 Email: