Healthy North Coast Practitioner Newsletter

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May 2015| Edition 11

Healthy North Coast practitioner newsletter

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GP Focus


AMS Focus


AgedCare Focus


Pharmacy Focus


AlliedHealth Focus

inside 3. GP Focus 10. AMS Focus 11. Aged Care Focus 12. Pharmacy Focus 15. Allied Health Focus 16. News 18. Events 21. Classifieds


Would you like a hard copy of this newsletter? If so, please email your name and postal address to and write “Copy of Healthy North Coast Practitioner Newsletter” in the subject line.


PAL UPDATE Information Pack for GPs - Mandatory Alcohol Interlock Program From 1 February 2015, stricter penalties for NSW drivers convicted of serious and repeat drink driving offences came into effect. Under the new laws these offenders will be restricted to driving vehicles with alcohol interlock devices for a period of time when they return to driving. GPs and practice staff play a critical role in the program, and the NSW Roads and Maritime Services has developed an information pack about the program specifically for GPs and their practices. The information pack is now available online at McBYp.

New Dementia Guides The Dementia Collaborative Research Centre (DCRC) has released guides for health professionals and family carers to support patients with dementia: • • •

A Clinician’s Field Guide to Good Practice: Managing Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia A Guide for Family Carers: Dealing with Behaviours in People with Dementia The clinicians BPSD Guide Electronic Application (App) for iPhone, iPad and android devices

Hard and electronic copies are available from the DCRC website at


Neurology CNC for Coffs, Nambucca and Bellingen In January 2015 Parkinson’s NSW welcomed Vince Carroll as the Neurology Clinical Nurse Consultant for the Coffs Harbour, Nambucca and Bellingen local government areas. Vince will be working on a three-year project implementing innovative and personalised patient care systems, with the aim of easing the symptoms and financial burdens on those living with Parkinson’s disease and other neurological conditions. The project is colocated with the Mid North Coast Brain Injury Rehabilitation and Rural Spinal Cord Injury Services and begins with a focus on the Coffs Harbour region. This project is funded by a private donor and is a partnership between Parkinson’s NSW, North Coast Medicare Local and the Mid North Coast Local Health District. The Parkinson’s Support Group and a Coffs Harbour local charity, the ‘Pink Silks’, are supporting the project by providing a car and services.

GPFocus PAL UPDATE Lismore Base Hospital Specialist Outpatients Clinics

Hastings-Macleay Psychogeriatric Telehealth Initiative

The following specialists are now running their outpatient clinics from the Lismore Base Specialist Outpatients Clinic:

The Hastings-Macleay psychogeriatric team has acquired access to Telehealth via videoconferencing with Dr Lana Kossoff. This service is now offered one day per month.

Staff Specialist Respiratory Dr Bliegh Mupunga Lung function testing is now offered for inpatients & outpatients through the Respiratory Laboratory with the Specialist Outpatient Clinics. The service is bulk-billed. Days of operation are currently Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Staff Specialist Orthopaedics Dr Luke Henschke Staff Specialist Ear Nose & Throat Dr Puneet Titoria Staff Specialist Palliative Care Dr Ken Marr Staff Specialist Gynaecology Dr Thomas Tait – Director Obstetrics & Gynaecology Dr Gary Brown – Acting Staff Specialist OB/Gyn Dr David Addenbrooke - Acting Staff Specialist OB/Gyn (Dr Amelia Hare & Dr Roald Fullerton have retired) Postnatal follow-up is offered here and all obstetrics (i.e. antenatal and early pregnancy clinics) will still be located in the Women’s Care Unit. All enquiries can be made via the Specialist Outpatient Clinic’s reception; however, the preferred method of communication is by fax. All referrals for any of the above doctors can be faxed for triage: Tel: 6620 7301 Fax: 6620 7307 Mon-Fri 8:00am - 4:30pm, excluding public holidays 60 Uralba Street Lismore 2480 The clinic entrance is located near the corner of Hunter & Uralba Streets, below the ambulance bay and next door to the Women’s Health Clinic (previously the Cancer Care building).


Client criteria: • • • • • • •

client accessibility – transport available – mobility of client (for clinic clients) capacity opinion concerns about memory loss non-aggressive behaviours (for clinic clients only) variable cognition with evidence of functional deficits (something not right) mood disorders – not overt carer stress

For referral requirements or further information contact: Gai McPherson Dementia/Delirium Clinical Nurse Consultant Tel: 6588 2875 Mob: 0408 186 880

Integration Study Health care practitioners on the North Coast of NSW are invited to participate in a research study exploring the nature and extent of the connections and collaborations between you or your organisation and other health care services and systems. In addition, the researchers will be asking specifically about your connections with the Lismore GP Superclinic. Visit to participate in the study.



Cultural Awareness Training

Influenza news

Cultural awareness training is a useful tool in improving health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their community. NCML offers all general practice staff an interactive full day workshop designed to build on skills in providing services to Aboriginal people in ways that respect and support the diversity of Aboriginal cultures, and value the strengths in Aboriginal individuals, families and communities. The workshop is factual and has been designed to help people identify with past issues and how they affect contemporary Aboriginal people. It is conducted in a safe and non-judgemental environment where participants are encouraged to question freely with respect, and it encourages workers to come up with their own solutions around better service delivery and building partnerships.

There has been recent public concern about the difference between the recommended 2015 trivalent influenza vaccine and the quadrivalent influenza vaccine.

Here’s an overview of the course content: • • • • • •

Aboriginal cultures, nations & protocols, family & kinship systems discrimination, myths & stereotypes the impact of colonisation and its effect on contemporary Aboriginal peoples current statistics regarding Aboriginal people Aboriginal identity and how to improve communication practical strategies around working effectively with Aboriginal people in developing culturally appropriate programs & services

Upcoming workshops: • •

19th May 2015 – Maclean 25th June 2015 – Alstonville

Please contact your local NCML Branch for more information about the courses: Tweed Valley: 07 5523 5500 Northern Rivers: 02 6622 4453 Mid North Coast: 02 6659 1800 Hastings Macleay: 02 6583 3600

The 2015 trivalent influenza vaccine covers 3 strains: • • •

A (H1N1): an A/California/7/2009 (H1N1) - like virus A (H3N2): an A/Switzerland/9715293/2013 (H3N2) - like virus B: a B/Phuket/3073/2013 - like virus

Under the National Immunisation Program (NIP), this is available free to groups who are at an increased risk of influenza complications, including: • • • • •

people aged 65 years and over pregnant women Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children aged six months to less than five years Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 15 years and over anyone aged six months and over who has a chronic condition placing them at increased risk of complications from influenza

The quadrivalent vaccine is only available on private script and is not part of the NIP. It covers the same strains as the trivalent influenza vaccination: • • •

A/California/7/2009 (H1N1)-like virus an A/Switzerland/9715293/2013 (H3N2)-like virus a B/Phuket/3073/2013-like virus

along with a 4th strain: •

B/Brisbane/60/2008-like virus

If clients eligible for the NIP vaccine request the quadrivalent influenza vaccine, they should be counselled on the cost of this and given a script. If they have already been provided with the free 2015 trivalent influenza vaccination they can be given the quadrivalent influenza vaccination one month later. While there have been delays in supply of the trivalent influenza vaccines to accommodate the change of strains for 2015, most practices are now receiving supplies. Practices enquiring about the status of their orders should call the State Vaccination Centre on 1300 656 132.


GPFocus IMMUNE RESPONSE Pertussis vaccination news

What is a vaccine storage self-audit?

Practices can order up to 20 of these vaccines at a time from the State Vaccination Centre – 1300 656 132.

The NCML Immunisation Program recently conducted a survey of practices around cold chain (results will be published in the June newsletter). One of the survey questions asked how often practices conducted vaccine storage self-audits. While most responses indicated that this was done on a regular basis, it was also clear that many practices were unaware of exactly what vaccine storage self-audit entails. The National Vaccine Storage Guidelines Strive for 5 sets out the elements of a self-audit in Appendix 2, page 42.

This vaccine is available free for pregnant women in the third trimester and will help reduce the risk of their baby contracting pertussis before the infant can be vaccinated at 6 weeks. The pertussis vaccination is also available for Year 7 students. If the child has a consent form at the school, but would now prefer to have their vaccines at the practice, please advise the parent to write a letter of vaccine consent withdrawal and give this to the school OR to contact the Public Health Unit to withdraw the consent form. Alternatively, if the child is at the practice, the nurse or GP can notify the Public Health Unit. The Public Health Unit will need to know what year and what school the student is enrolled in and if vaccine withdrawal of consent includes all the vaccines on the consent form. Please contact Bernadette Williams, School Vaccination Program Coordinator, 02 6620 7503. The Pertussis chapter, 4.12, of the 10th edition of The Australian Immunisation Handbook has been updated and approved by the NHMRC. The Pertussis chapter includes two changes to recommendations in the administration of pertussis containing vaccine: • •

a DTPa (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis) booster at age 18 months to reduce pertussis notifications in the 1 – 3 year age group and to reduce transmission to younger siblings a preference for pertussis vaccination (the reduced content dTpa formulation) in pregnant women (third trimester) to improve protection against pertussis in young infants

The chapter also contains amendments which provide updated information and evidence. Further details and evidence to support these recommendations can be found in the March 2015 version of the chapter, now available online at NCIRS has also updated their fact sheet on Pertussis Vaccines for Australians to reflect these changed recommendations. Visit to learn more.

The self-audit should be conducted at a minimum annually (more frequently if there are problems with equipment or cold chain breaches) and documented for accreditation purposes. The self-audit is important because it is part of quality assurance and risk management processes. Self-audits review procedures, equipment, monitoring and alternative vaccine storage preparations. Completing the audit enables staff to have confidence that they are providing a safe and effective vaccine. NCML have developed a template for use by practices for vaccine storage self-audits. Contact the Senior Immunisation Project Officer, Sally Moore via email at to request the template.

Varicella vs Zoster vaccination Varicella vaccination is used for persons that have not previously had chickenpox or chickenpox vaccination. Please see page 423 of the 10th edition of The Australian Immunisation Handbook for recommendations on varicella vaccine. Zoster (Herpers Zoster) vaccination - called Zostavax - is used in prevention of Hospers Zoster in adults 50 years and over. The amount of virus in the zoster vaccine is approximately 14 times greater than in varicella (chickenpox) vaccines, hence is more costly than varicella vaccine. The higher viral titre in Zostavax is required to elicit a boost in immune response in adults who usually remain seropositive to VZV following primary infection, but have declined cellular immunity with increasing age. It is important to note that varicella vaccines are not indicated for use in preventing Herpes Zoster in older people and Zostavax is not indicated for use in younger people who have not been previously immunised or infected with VZV. See page 447 of the 10th edition of The Australian Immunisation Handbook. NCIRS also offers helpful fact sheets. Visit to learn more.


GPFocus MENTAL HEALTH Supporting patients affected by domestic violence Over one in five women make their first disclosure of domestic violence to their GP. A full-time GP is likely to see up to five women per week who have experienced some form of intimate partner abuse in the past 12 months. After family and friends, victims are most likely to tell a health professional about violence. Do you know the signs? Do you know how to respond? GPs can be hesitant to discuss their concerns about domestic violence with their patients because of their own discomfort or lack of confidence with the topic, due to limited opportunity, as well as fear of the consequences. Domestic violence is known by different names including intimate partner abuse and family violence. It is an abuse of power involving one person dominating and controlling another, causing intimidation and fear. It is not necessarily physical and can include: • • • • •

sexual abuse emotional or psychological abuse verbal abuse social and geographic isolation financial abuse

Most domestic violence is perpetrated by men, against women and children. However, women can also be perpetrators of violence, and domestic violence also happens in same-sex relationships. When assessing your patient remember that most presentations of domestic violence are probably hidden and are not the obvious black eye. They include bruises of various ages, injuries on body parts hidden from view, emotional distress and the partner doing most of the talking. If you have concerns that your patient is experiencing family violence you should ask to speak to them alone and check for immediate concerns, e.g. do they require an immediate place of safety? Questioning can be: • • •

broad - How are things at home? Is anything else happening which might be affecting your health? direct - Are you concerned about your safety or the safety of your children? specific, related to clinical symptoms - You seem very anxious and nervous. Is everything alright at home?

Patients value non-judgemental listening and reassurance that the abuse is not their fault. You should not ask, Why don’t you leave? What could you have done to avoid this situation? Why did they hit you?


Some key steps to follow after disclosure of family violence are outlined below. 1. Non-judgmental listening and validation 2. Initial safety assessment 3. Referral: counselling, police, DV line, legal advice, victim support 4. Note taking for legal purposes 5. Mandatory reporting, if required 6. Continuing care Frequently, there are no visible signs of assault. However, the emotional or psychological effects of domestic violence can be devastating. For this reason, when supporting people affected by domestic violence, a referral for counselling should be considered. This could be via Better Access or Healthy Minds. Healthy Minds is a free mental health service for people of all ages who are on a Health Care Card or in severe financial distress. Referrals to Healthy Minds can be made on the downloadable referral form and should be supported by a Mental Health Treatment Plan. For more information please contact Manpreet Kooner, Intake Officer for Healthy Minds on 1300 137 237. The article has been developed using the GP Domestic Violence Tool Kit, a resource developed by Women’s Legal Services NSW. The full resource can be found at A waiting room poster is also available at the same site. The NSW Government has a 24 hour Domestic Violence Line (1800 65 64 63) that provides information, support and referrals.



APNA Online Learning

Integrated Care Planning Workshop

The Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (APNA) Online Learning provides nurses and other health professionals working in primary health care with valuable knowledge around engaging their patient demographic and promoting healthy living. Funded by the Department of Health, nine new courses - FREE to nurses and health professionals members- have been launched in 2015:

Northern NSW Local Health District, with partners North Coast Medicare Local, NSW Ambulance Service and the Bulgarr Ngaru and Bullinah Aboriginal Medical Services, has been successful in its tender submission to the Integrated Care – Planning and Innovation Fund. The partners will receive seed funding until 2017 from the Ministry of Health to work together to significantly improve the integration of our health care services and to make those services more patient centred. The aim is to develop a better linked health system that allows patients to more easily access the primary and secondary care they need, avoiding unnecessary admissions and re-admissions to hospital. The strategy will look at:

• • • •

Health Literacy - Improving Communication and Participation in Health and Healthcare Delivery Population Health for Nurses in General Practice Optimising Health as People Age Foundations of General Practice Nursing - An orientation for nurses new to general practice Nurse Clinics in Australian General Practice Planning, Implementation and Evaluation Leadership in Action Asthma Fundamentals for Primary Health Care Nurses Chronic Disease and Fertility Adolescent Fertility and Pregnancy

Patient focussed change: by developing the health care home, redesigning primary and secondary patient management, using HealthPathways and actively fostering better patient self-management and health literacy.

Improving communication with information technology: by creating hospital admission alerts for GPs, GP inreach to hospital records, web-based access to a ‘shared care site’ and email security to share patient information.

Visit to become a member of APNA.

Workforce development: developing clinical leadership and providing training in areas such as patient self-management and new IT systems.


Quality and evaluation: having an iterative evaluation to inform program development, patient feedback and collaboration with general practice

• • • • •

Visit APNA Online Learning at

NewAccess NewAccess is a FREE program for people over the age of 18 who aren’t currently accessing other mental health services. People can self-refer to NewAccess or be referred by a health care professional, community worker, family member or friend. The program can provide early intervention for depression or anxiety symptoms like worrying, poor sleep, relationship difficulties, work stress or financial concerns. If the Access Coach identifies that the symptoms are too complex for a low intensity cognitive behaviour approach, they will support a person to make an appointment to see their GP (or find one) and will be able to support this transition to a higher intensity service. NewAccess is facilitated through the North Coast Medicare Local and is a beyondblue initiative funded by the Movember Foundation and beyondblue. Visit to make a referral or find out more about the program (select the North Coast button).


A planning workshop for Northern Rivers stakeholders will be held on 22 May 2015 from 9.00am to 3.30pm at the Ballina Beach Resort. This is an interactive day, gathering local knowledge and sharing perspectives from GPs and practice staff on implementing Integrated Care in the Northern Rivers. Visit for further details and registration information.

GPFocus than 14 workgroups have been established with 85 individuals contributing to these, including GPs (48%), specialists (26%), allied health (12%) and nursing and other (24%).

HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY MID AND NORTH COAST HEALTHPATHWAYS! The Mid and North Coast HealthPathways website went live on 31 March 2014. The original topics were developed with GPs in collaboration with clinicians from the Mid North Coast Local Health District and the team expanded in September 2014 to include the Northern NSW Local Health District. At the milestone of our first birthday we now have Pathways relevant for GPs and their patients, wherever they are in the North Coast region. One of our lead clinicians, Dr Dan Ewald comments: “It’s a great program to work with as you know you are helping to make clinicians’ and patients’ lives better”. He describes HealthPathways as “a tool for clinicians and a process to iron the bugs out of how the health system works.” A lot has been achieved in the first year of our life: •


There are now over 100 Pathways that have been published, reflecting our local models of care and our local referral information. There are a further 58 in various stages of development. The website has counted 27,897 page views, 3,780 sessions and 1,133 unique users (Google Analytics, 31 March 2014 – 31 March 2015). The project has involved lots of clinicians interested in improving how our health system works. More

Workgroups have developed and are developing a wide range of topics within paediatrics, pain, cardiology, antenatal, gynaecology, hospital in the home, musculoskeletal, mental health, cancer, respiratory, aged care, renal and lifestyle & preventive care.

All the Pathways with local information can be easily found in the ‘Mid and North Coast Localised Pathways’ section on the home page.

New to HealthPathways – April 2015

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• • Username: manchealth Password: conn3ct3d

Intrauterine Device (IUD) Insertion Post Menopausal Bleeding Contraceptive Implant Community Patient Transport Progesterone Only Contraceptive Pills (POPs) Weight Management in Children Combined Hormonal Contraceptive (CHGs) Organ and Tissue Donation

Emergency Contraceptive Deactivation of Cardiac Defibrillator Contraception and Sterilisation Bone Density Scan (DEXA) Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

More Pathways are in development, including:

More than a quarter of the work involves working to improve the resources available to GPs for chronic disease management and to make it easier to find the services they need for their patients.

A handy desktop icon can be installed on your PC for quick and easy access. The icon can be found under the HealthPathways Features section on the home page. Check it out!

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• • • •

Cardiology: Atrial Fibrillation, Heart Failure, Acute Chest Pain Paediatrics: Child with a Limp, Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH) Cancer: Prostate Cancer Mental Health: Depression, Mild Anxiety, Moderate Anxiety, Suicide Prevention Musculoskeletal: Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis, Acute Lower Back Pain Antenatal: Heart Conditions in Pregnancy, Skin Conditions in Pregnancy, Miscarriage Dementia: Cognitive Impairment Mental Health: Psychosis, AntiPsychotic Depot Medication Renal: Haematuria Drug & Alcohol: Set of Alcohol related pathways

We are always looking for keen clinicians who would like to help improve how the health system works. If you are interested in getting involved, would like more information or have a topic you would like to suggest, please contact: Fiona Ryan (02) 6583 3600 (Mid North Coast) Kerrie Keyte (07) 5523 5507 (Northern NSW)

AMSFocus IMMUNE RESPONSE Influenza news Under the National Immunisation program (NIP), the 2015 trivalent influenza vaccine is available free to groups who are at an increased risk of influenza complications, including: • • • • •

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children aged six months to less than five years Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 15 years and over people aged 65 years and over pregnant women anyone aged six months and over who has a chronic condition placing them at increased risk of complications from influenza

For more information on the 2015 trivalent and quadrivalent vaccines, as well as vaccine storage selfaudits, varicella vs zoster vaccination and pertussis news, please refer to page 6.

Integration Study Health care practitioners on the North Coast of NSW are invited to participate in a research study exploring the nature and extent of the connections and collaborations between you or your organisation and other health care services and systems. In addition, the researchers will be asking you specifically about your connections with the Lismore GP Superclinic. Visit to participate in the study.


Background Artwork by Alison Williams


PAL UPDATE New Dementia Guides

Influenza news

The Dementia Collaborative Research Centre (DCRC) has released guides for health professionals and family carers to support patients with dementia:

Under the National Immunisation program (NIP), the 2015 trivalent influenza vaccine is available free to groups who are at an increased risk of influenza complications, including:

• • •

A Clinician’s Field Guide to Good Practice: Managing Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia A Guide for Family Carers: Dealing with Behaviours in People with Dementia The clinicians BPSD Guide Electronic Application (App) for iPhone, iPad and android devices

• • • •

people aged 65 years and over anyone aged six months and over who has a chronic condition placing them at increased risk of complications from influenza pregnant women Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children aged six months to less than five years Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 15 years and over

Hard and electronic copies are available from the DCRC website at

Integration Study

For more information on the 2015 trivalent and quadrivalent vaccines, as well as vaccine storage selfaudits, varicella vs zoster vaccination and pertussis news, refer to pages 5 & 6.

Health care practitioners on the North Coast of NSW are invited to participate in a research study exploring the nature and extent of the connections and collaborations between you or your organisation and other health care services and systems. In addition, the researchers will be asking specifically about your connections with the Lismore GP Superclinic. Visit to participate in the study.

ABORIGINAL HEALTH Cultural Awareness Training Cultural awareness training is a useful tool in improving health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their community. NCML offers all GP, pharmacy and aged care staff an interactive full day workshop designed to build on skills in providing services to Aboriginal people. Upcoming workshops: • •

19th May 2015 – Maclean 25th June 2015 – Alstonville

Refer to page 5 for an overview of the workshop or contact your local NCML Branch for more information: Tweed Valley: 07 5523 5500 Northern Rivers: 02 6622 4453 Mid North Coast: 02 6659 1800 Hastings Macleay: 02 6583 3600


PharmacyFocus PAL UPDATE Changes to PBS and RPBS claiming arrangements

Behavioural Change Interventions

The Department of Human Services has implemented changes to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) and Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (RPBS) claiming arrangements. Under the new arrangements, through PBS online claiming you:

Behavioural change interventions can promote better outcomes for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) patients and their carers, resulting in less hospital admissions and associated downstream costs, according to a new report from Atlantis Healthcare. The report is written from a psychologist’s viewpoint with a focus on reasons for adherence to all relevant therapies. Visit to access the full report.

• • • • •

no longer need to send prescriptions and claim paperwork to finalise a claim can close a claim electronically through your dispensing software will get improved real time feedback about payment eligibility for medicines to assist with more timely payments and reconciliation will no longer be able to claim PBS and RPBS prescriptions with the Claims Transmission System diskette will be required to supply the new generic Authority Approval Number when claiming a prescription written under the emergency provision arrangements

Learn about the changes to PBS and RPBS claiming arrangements from 1 April 2015 at Find out more about PBS for Pharmacists and how to become an approved supplier of subsidised medicines at McUgq.


PSA health destination launch The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) has partnered with eight companies to help implement the Health Destination Pharmacy program. Pfizer, Bayer, Reckitt Benckiser, Johnson and Johnson, Blackmores, Willach Australia, NAB Health and Danone Nutricia have signed up, with the implementation stage due to launch later this year. The program supports pharmacies to have a stronger focus on consumer self-care and provide evidence based minor ailment and professional services. The PSA’s national president Grant Kardachi said a team of pharmacy experts had also been formed to help roll the program out, including Professor Charlie Benrimoj from University of Technology Sydney and PSA CEO Dr Lance Emerson. For more information go to

PharmacyFocus PAL UPDATE Blooms Ballina: Store of the Year

Safe use of codeine

Congratulations to the staff at Blooms Chemist in Ballina, crowned Blooms Store of the Year for 2014.

The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) has developed a leaflet for consumers alerting them to the dangers of inappropriate use of combination codeine pain relievers.

Pharmacist Claudia Sampson joined the Ballina pharmacy nearly two years ago as a Partner, while Lauren, her retail manager, followed two months later. In November last year she attended the Blooms conference in New York, where the pharmacy’s win was announced. Since Claudia took over, these women, supported by their fantastic team, have revitalised the store with their focus on customer service and connecting with the local community. According to the judging panel, the Ballina team clinched the prestigious award for their outstanding customer service, prioritising stock intensity and heightening their presentation standards. Blooms HealthChecks are also a drawcard for customers. They offer a wide range of services including asthma assessments, diabetes monitoring, blood pressure evaluation, flu immunisation and stroke risk assessment. In addition Blooms Ballina offers free medication packing, a local delivery service and medication reviews. A visit to Blooms at Ballina enabled us to speak to Lauren and Claudia. “We did a lot of work on the store layout and took all the giftware out. There was a lot of giftware at the front of the shop – and now the shop is much easier for customers to get around,” Claudia said. Lauren said focussing on the service offered to customers had really paid off. “We’ve really improved our customer service and along with the revamp of the shop, this is what got us across the line,” she said.

The leaflet is designed to be a useful tool for pharmacists when counselling patients on their pain management. The leaflets are available in packs of 100 for pharmacists from the PSA Bookshop or for download at

Integration Study Health care practitioners on the North Coast of NSW are invited to participate in a research study exploring the nature and extent of the connections and collaborations between you or your organisation and other health care services and systems. In addition, the researchers will be asking specifically about your connections with the Lismore GP Superclinic. Visit to participate in the study.

Recruitment training Three online courses to train pharmacists in recruitment have been developed by the Pharmacy Guild of Australia. The courses aim to help pharmacies find and keep good employees. The first course is free to Guild members or $250 for non members. Go to

Cultural Awareness Training Cultural awareness training is a useful tool in improving health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their community. NCML offers all GP, pharmacy and aged care staff an interactive full day workshop designed to build on skills in providing services to Aboriginal people. Upcoming workshops: • •

19th May 2015 – Maclean 25th June 2015 – Alstonville

Refer to page 5 for an overview of the workshop or contact your local NCML Branch for more information: Tweed Valley: 07 5523 5500 Northern Rivers: 02 6622 4453 Mid North Coast: 02 6659 1800 Hastings Macleay: 02 6583 3600

Claudia and Lauren at their winning chemist store in Ballina. 13

PharmacyFocus IMMUNE RESPONSE Influenza news

Varicella vs Zoster vaccination

Following on from the recent NSW Government amendment allowing pharmacist-administered influenza vaccines, here is an overview of the differences between the recommended 2015 trivalent influenza vaccine and the quadrivalent influenza vaccine:

Varicella vaccination is used for persons that have not previously had chickenpox or chickenpox vaccination. Please see page 423 of the 10th edition of The Australian Immunisation Handbook for recommendations on varicella vaccine.

The 2015 trivalent influenza vaccine covers 3 strains:

It is important to note that varicella vaccines are not indicated for use in preventing Herpes Zoster in older people and Zostavax is not indicated for use in younger people who have not been previously immunised or infected with VZV. See page 447 of the 10th edition of The Australian Immunisation Handbook.

• • •

A (H1N1): an A/California/7/2009 (H1N1) - like virus A (H3N2): an A/Switzerland/9715293/2013 (H3N2) - like virus B: a B/Phuket/3073/2013 - like virus

Under the National Immunisation Program (NIP), this is available free to groups who are at an increased risk of influenza complications, including: • • • • •

people aged 65 years and over pregnant women Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children aged six months to less than five years Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 15 years and over anyone aged six months and over who has a chronic condition placing them at increased risk of complications from influenza

The quadrivalent vaccine is only available on private script and is not part of the NIP. It covers the same strains as the trivalent influenza vaccination: • • •

A/California/7/2009 (H1N1)-like virus an A/Switzerland/9715293/2013 (H3N2)-like virus a B/Phuket/3073/2013-like virus

along with a 4th strain: •

B/Brisbane/60/2008-like virus

The government amendment allows pharmacists to administer the influenza vaccine provided they have completed a training course and that certain details are recorded, including the person’s name, address and date of birth. The Pharmacy Guild of Australia offers a course, Conduct Immunisation Services. Visit for more information.


Zoster (Herpers Zoster) vaccination - called Zostavax - is used in prevention of Hospers Zoster in adults 50 years and over. The amount of virus in the zoster vaccine is approximately 14 times greater than in varicella (chickenpox) vaccines, hence is more costly than varicella vaccine. The higher viral titre in Zostavax is required to elicit a boost in immune response in adults who usually remain seropositive to VZV following primary infection, but have declined cellular immunity with increasing age. NCIRS also offers helpful fact sheets. Visit to learn more.

AlliedHealthFocus PAL UPDATE Allied Health: 3.2% of Australian health costs Information released by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) shows that the cost of allied health care services in Australia came to 3.2% ($4.5 billion) of total health care expenditure in 2011/2012 ($140.3 billion). In contrast, funding to General Practice was $9.7 billion and medical specialties was $14.2 billion. Not surprisingly, public hospital spending was the biggest component of health expenditure in 2011/12, accounting for $42.0 billion, or 30% of expenditure. These results indicate potential health system savings through better use of primary health care practitioners, including allied health, to prevent hospital admissions and to hasten the transition from hospital to home post-admission. The AIHW CEO David Kalisch said that over the decade to 2011/12, the Australian Government ratio of health expenditure to taxation revenue rose by 4.0 percentage points to 26.4%, while the state and territory governments’ ratio rose by 8.1 percentage points to 24.5%.


“Our analysis of health inflation suggests that in recent years annual price rises in the broader economy have generally been greater than price rises in the health sector,” Mr Kalisch said. The estimated recurrent expenditure on health per person in 2011-12 was $5,881, a rise from $5,681 per person in 2010-11 and $4,062 in 2001-02 (after adjusting for inflation).

Integration Study Health care practitioners on the North Coast of NSW are invited to participate in a research study exploring the nature and extent of the connections and collaborations between you or your organisation and other health care services and systems. In addition, the researchers will be asking specifically about your connections with the Lismore GP Superclinic. Visit to participate in the study.

HNCNews Networking Platform for Health Professionals


ealthy North Coast’s new online network allows you to communicate, network and collaborate in a private and professional environment, with colleagues from across the North Coast without leaving your office.

The Board, Chief Executive and staff of North Coast NSW Medicare Local (NCML) are delighted to announce that NCML has been successful in its bid to operate the North Coast Primary Health Network (NCPHN).

The Healthy North Coast Network is based on the functionality of other familiar social networking platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

Dr Tony Lembke, Chair of the NCML Board said that the Primary Health Networks would work directly with general practice, other health care providers, hospitals and the broader community to improve outcomes, access, quality and teamwork.

With over 130 regional and professionbased networks available, the Healthy North Coast Network is ready for you to join right now. Health professionals can register for the Healthy North Coast Network by visiting Full instructions for the platform are available at


NCML to Become the North Coast Primary Health Network

Across Australia, the existing 61 Medicare Locals will be replaced by 31 new Primary Health Networks by 1 July 2015. These Networks are a core element of the Commonwealth Government’s plan for healthcare in Australia.

“The NCML Board and staff are excited to be given the opportunity to establish and operate the North Coast Primary Health Network,” he said. Read the full story at:

HNCNews Three months to go until smoke-free outdoor dining NSW Health is reminding the community that from 6 July 2015 all commercial outdoor dining areas in NSW, including hotels, clubs, restaurants and cafes, will be smoke-free under the Smoke-free Environment Act 2000. This means staff and patrons of hotels, clubs, restaurants and cafes will be able to work and dine outdoors without being exposed to harmful second-hand tobacco smoke. The Mid North Coast Local Health District’s Acting Director Public Health, Greg Bell, said NSW Health was working closely with local businesses to help them get ready for smoke-free outdoor dining. “There is strong public support for making outdoor dining areas smoke-free,” Mr Bell said. Read the full story at:

New website gives Aboriginal people a “step up” in their health career NSW Health has launched a website that aims to boost the number of Aboriginal people working in health professions across the state by helping Aboriginal people find jobs and helping managers to recruit and retain Aboriginal staff. The website, Stepping Up, identifies job opportunities at NSW Health and provides clear guidance to Aboriginal people wishing to build a career in the health sector. NSW Health Aboriginal Workforce Manager, Charles Davison, said the Stepping Up website helped Aboriginal applicants overcome the challenge of finding a job that matched their experience and aspirations.

The Mid North Coast Local Health District Mental Health Service is inviting local residents to join a new Mental Health Consumer Advisory Group. The new group aims to provide a way for people with a lived experience of mental illness (consumers), carers and other community members to play a part in the development of Mental Health Services, as well as the planning and evaluation of services. This new group aims to bring consumer and carer points of view to management and the decision-making processes of Mental Health Services in the Mid North Coast Local Health District.

“The Stepping Up website also provides information and tools to help managers recruit and retain the Aboriginal staff across the broad spectrum of health roles,” Mr Davison said.

The group will meet every month to provide input into planning, review draft and existing policies and procedures, and consult on improved involvement of consumers and carers in services.

“At NSW Health we offer a wide range of employment opportunities to people who are passionate about closing the health gap between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians.

Applications are encouraged from people who are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, people from culturally diverse backgrounds, and people with disabilities.

“These roles include medical and primary care practitioners, nurses, midwives, service and program managers, Aboriginal Health Workers, Aboriginal Mental Health Workers, administrators and leadership positions.

Anyone interested in being a member of the Mental Health Consumer Advisory Group will be asked to complete an application. Applications close Friday, 15 May 2015.

“We want to help Aboriginal people of all ages carve out a career path in the health sector where they can use their skills to deliver health services and culturally appropriate care in our communities, where it’s most needed.” Read the full story at: 17

Mental Health Consumer Advisory Group Seeks Members

Read the full story at:


May-July 2015 You can view the full North Coast Practitioner events calander at:



7 May - Basic Life Support and CPR Education, Port Macquarie

11 May - Tweed Kaizen Meeting – Mental Health Topic

13 May - Melanoma Management Update, Port Macquarie 14 May - Basic Life Support and CPR Education, Kempsey 14 May - COPD Education Event, Port Macquarie 23 May - Antenatal Shared Care Workshop for General Practitioners, Port Macquarie 16 June - Quitting Cannabis – Clinical Intervention, Port Macquarie 19-20 June - Explain Pain, Port Macquarie

12 May - Changed Behaviours and Transition to Care, Pottsville 14-16 May - Brave to Bold - APNA National Conference 2015, Gold Coast 18 May - End Stage Palliation and Dementia, Tweed Heads 21 May - Community Health GP Breakfast meeting, Tweed Heads 25 May - Wound Care Clinical Update – Multidisciplinary, Tweed Heads 26 May - Immunisation Update, Murwillumbah 27 May - Quality Improvement Meeting for Pharmacists, Tweed Heads 10 June - Tweed Valley Clinical Society Meeting

Mid North Coast

12 June - Conservative Sharp Debridement in Wound Management, Gold Coast

5 May - CPR Education, Coffs Harbour

20-21 June - Certificate in Primary Care Dermatology for GPs, Gold Coast

6 May - Quitting Cannabis – Clinical Intervention, Coffs Harbour 11 May - The Three Silences of Women, Nambucca Valley 20 May - The Three Silences of Women, Coffs Harbour 28 May - Addressing non-melancholic depression in the anxious worrier and perfectionist, Coffs Harbour 2 June - Double Whammy – Co-occurring Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drug Disorders, Coffs Harbour 19 June - Legal & Ethical Aspects to Suicide Risk Assessment, Coffs Harbour 20 June - Suicide Risk & Substance Use, Coffs Harbour


20-21 June - Certificate in Primary Care Skin Cancer Medicine for GPs, Gold Coast


May-July 2015 You can view the full North Coast Practitioner events calander at:

Northern Rivers 5 May - Suicide Risk & Substance Use, Ballina

26-27 May - Youth Mental Health First Aid, Ballina

6 May - Immunisation Update, Lismore

27 May - LGBTI Aged Care Training, Byron Bay

6 May - Legal & Ethical Aspects to Suicide Risk Assessment, Ballina

28 May - Aged Care Simulation Workshop, Lismore

6 May - Clarence Valley Allied Health Professionals Breakfast, Grafton 6-7 May - Legal Issues for NGO Providers in OOHC, Ballina 7 May - How to Write Great Content With Know-How & Kapow, Lismore 9 May - Alcohol and Other Drugs Symposium for GPs & Specialists, Ballina 11 May - Dementia Carer Education Course, Maclean 11 May - Culture and Compassion: CPD for nurses, midwives and educators, Lismore 12 May - LGBTI Aged Care Training, Casino 12 May - Vicarious Trauma, Ballina 12 May - Dementia Carer’s Workshop, Grafton 13 May - Telehealth Workshop, Alstonville 14 May - Managing Staff Conflict, Alstonville 14 May - What difference does it make? Impact assessment in practice, Goonellabah 19 May - Cultural Awareness Training, Maclean 19 May - Learnings from the Keep Them Safe Evaluation with Social Policy Research Centre, Ballina 20 May - General Practitioner Breakfast, Lennox Head 21 May - Hoarding and Squalor Information Session, Lismore 22 May - NNSW Integrated Care Planning Workshop for GPs, Ballina 25 May - Northern Rivers Women’s GP Group, Bangalow 26 May - Wound Care Clinical Update for health professionals, Lismore 19

27 May - Wound Care Clinical Update for health professionals, Grafton 28 May - Navigating social enterprise, Goonellabah 28 May - Richmond Valley Clinical Society, Lismore 15-19 June - Focus on Feeling Fabulous Retreat for Nurses, Byron Bay 16 June - The WHS Importance of Understanding Vicarious Trauma – for Managers, Lismore 16 June - Working with Young People – Self Harm / Self Injury Behaviours, Ballina 25 June - Cultural Awareness Training, Alstonville 25-26 June - Core of Life Facilitator Training, Ballina 2 July - North Coast Aged Care Symposium – The Many Facets of Neurodegenerative Disorders, Ballina


May-July 2015 You can view the full North Coast Practitioner events calander at:

Other Events 9 May - From Collection to Court for Health Professionals, Melbourne 11-12 May - Rheumatic Heart Disease Workshop, Sydney 15-16 May - Australian Diabetes Educators Association (ADEA) NSW Branch Conference, Newcastle 16 May - 1st Endoactive National Endometriosis Conference, Sydney 18 May - Nurturing for the Next Generation, Sydney 18 May - Mental Health Disorders (online training for rural practitioners) 20 May - Webinar: Diagnosis and Management of Fibromyalgia 21 May - Nurse Education Day, Ashfield 21 May - Immunisation Update for Nurses, Brisbane 21-22 May - Dying to Know: a two-day conference for clinicians, Dubbo 22 May - Improving Health Literacy Workshop, Melbourne 24-27 May - National Rural Health Conference, Darwin 27 May - Adverse events following immunisation – ACN webinar for nurses 29 May - Immunisation Update for Nurses, Sydney 29-30 May - Hepatitis B: Advanced Management in Primary Care, Sydney 1-4 June - Resolving Vilification Workshop, Brisbane 3 June - Working with Health Consumers in Primary Health Care Forum, Sydney 30 May - Infant GORD and its Complications, Webinar 10-11 June - Aboriginal Cultural Awareness, Sydney 13 June - Urology in General Practice Symposium, Melbourne 13 June - Hepatitis C s100 Prescriber Course, Surry Hills 20

HNCclassifieds POSITION VACANT - PT GENERAL PRACTICE NURSE (RN), CRESCENT HEAD Work on Wednesday and Fridays as a general practice registered nurse at a community-focused practice in Crescent Head NSW. You will be part of a team of health professionals and be offered a good work life balance. For more information or a confidential enquiry, please contact the practice manager. Phone: 6566 1712 Email:

SOUTHERN CROSS SKIN CANCER AND WOUND CLINIC Southern Cross Skin Cancer and Wound Clinic has a new fax number: 02 8583 3119 (NB: 02 must be included when dialling the fax number). All other details remain the same: Drs Beck, Winters, Martin and Walker 9 Murdock Street Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450 Tel: 02 6651 9536

SHOULDER AND HAND CLINIC COFFS HARBOURS After completing all the required examinations and clinical studies, I have recently earned my credentials as a Certified Hand Therapist [CHT] by HTCC [recognised specialist in Hand Therapy Certification worldwide], becoming the only such qualified therapist between Newcastle and the Gold Coast. A Certified Hand Therapist is recognised as an expert in Upper Limb Rehabilitation, having achieved the highest International recognition of competency in the profession. Working with a CHT gives assurance of the therapists’ skill and knowledge, and is thus highly beneficial to patients and physicians, as any loss of hand function through injury or disease can have devastating impact on lives. Skills include, but are not limited to, examination, diagnosis, treatment protocol development of: • • • • • • • • •

COSMETIC DOCTOR WANTED BYRON/KINGSCLIFF Cosmetic Laser Clinic in Byron/Kingscliff seeking a doctor with knowledge of fillers/injectables to work five days a week building the business alongside other technician/practitioner. Work would also include vascular and pigmented lesions, veins etc. Phone Jacqui on 0403 353 036.

Multi-traumatic and post-surgical care: tendon repairs, fractures, dislocations etc Elective surgery: joint replacements, corrective surgery, etc Wound care; scar management; oedema control Tendonopathies of wrist, hand, elbow, shoulder Nerve repairs, entrapements [CTS, Cubital or Radial Tunnel Syndromes] Arthritis: bracing, management and advice CMC, wrist, RA hands etc Customised thermoplastic and soft splint fabrication Fracture casting and management: EXOS braces CRPS

For any specific problems, please contact: Faye Wiffen Certified Hand Therapist Master Health Science [Manip. Therapy] BaSc. [Physio] 175 Rose Ave Coffs Harbour 2450 Ph 02 66511745 Fax 02 66518029

Would you like to post a local classified ad in this newsletter? Email the details to before the 25th of each month. There is no cost associated with these ads.


HNCclassifieds PATHWAYS TO RECOVERY GRANTS North Coast Partners in Recovery (NCPIR) is calling for expressions of interest to undertake innovative projects that will improve the health outcomes for people living with severe and persistent mental illness. Applications open 27th April 2015 and close June 19th 2015. A total funding amount of $602,000 is available across the NCPIR region. The max amount available for a project is capped at $200,000. All funds must be expended by the 8th June 2016. For further information, contact Lorraine Brown at Mission Australia on 66585124 or send an email to Alternatively, contact Celia Wigzell on 6658 5124 or email

BANORA SHOPPING VILLAGE MEDICAL CENTRE GP required due to high patient demand. Suit Female Doctor. Flexible hours available. Large modern medical centre, FT nurse and Care Plan nurse. Range of Allied health and onsite pathology. Excellent Remuneration.

CONSULTING ROOM AVAILABLE COFFS HARBOUR Medical consulting rooms available for rent, from the middle/end of May in central Coffs Harbour. • • • • •

Would suit Medical Doctors/ Sessional Specialists visiting Coffs Harbour - Specialists/ Allied Health Providers/ Psychologists to mention a few. Parking on site and on street for patients and free parking nearby for staff. Practice currently accommodates a few specialists in their field. Practice is wheelchair friendly, light and airy and has a staff kitchen area. Situated within 5 minutes walk to CBD, premises ideally located for conducting daily banking, postal services etc.

Please contact Michelle 044 885 1885 for further details and expressions of interest.


Please email

Contact NCML Head Office Suite 6, 85 Tamar Street Ballina NSW 2478 Phone: 02 6618 5400 Fax: 02 6618 5499 Email: Northern Rivers Tarmons House St Vincent’s Campus 20 Dalley Street East Lismore NSW 2480 Phone: 02 6622 4453 Fax: 02 6622 3185 Email: Tweed Heads 8 Corporation Circuit Tweed Heads South NSW 2486 Phone: 07 5523 5501 Email:


Hastings Macleay 53 Lord Street Port Macquarie NSW 2444 Phone: 02 6583 3600 Fax: 02 6583 8600 Email: Mid North Coast Suite 6, 1 Duke Street Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450 Phone: 02 6659 1800 Fax: 02 6659 1899 Email:

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