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LECTURES / EDUCATIONAL TRADE FAIRS 2–4 Mar, India Clothing and Textile Trade Show,

12 Mar, 2.30pm, Crop Circles, lecture by Wouter van

Warmelo, 183 Campground Road, Newlands, 021 671 8807

showcase of 70 contemporary designer collections from India, CTICC 6–7 Mar, Professional Beauty Cape Town, cosmetics and beauty products fair, CTICC 14–17 Mar African Utilities Week, CTICC

12 Mar, 8pm, Open night and talk: Unravelling the

16–19 Mar, ‘Spotlight Singapore in Cape Town’,

12 Mar–22 July, (Mon–Fri) 2pm, Astronomy of the Great

arts-culture-trade programme between the two cities, by City of Cape Town and WESGRO, various venues, 021 487 8647

Pyramid, The pyramids of ancient Egypt were literally

25–27 Mar, 10am, Getaway Show Cape Town 2011,

Lourensford Wine Estate, Somerset West, 021 847 2259 29 Apr–2 May, Decorex (architecture and design), and South African Handmade Collection, CTICC 18–19 May AdExpo, CTICC (CTICC is in 1 Lower Long Street, Foreshore, 021 410 5000)


mystery of galaxy formation and evolution, by Bonita Swart. More lectures on every 2nd and 4th Sat of the month, throughout the year. SAAO, Observatory Road, Observatory, 021 447 0025, www.saao.ac.za

“stargates” from where the spirits of dead pharaohs were believed to ascend to the heavens. The largest of all pyramids, the Great Pyramid of Khufu, contains an elaborate system of shafts. At the time the pyramid was built, these were directed towards the most important stars in the sky. The planetarium, since it can be set back to ancient times, is the ideal device for demonstrating these alignments. (Excluding 1 May. Tue 8pm. Sat, Sun, and 21 Mar, 22, 25,27 Apr 2.30pm.) Planetarium, 25 Queen Victoria Street, Gardens, 021 481 3900, see www.iziko.org.za for more shows in the planetarium throughout the year 19 Mar, 6.10pm, Full Moon Picnics From 5pm at

Rosetta Stone

See www.iziko.org.za/sam/friends.html for more lectures throughout the year 30 Mar, 10.30am, Kirstenbosch Room to Grow Wednesday Talks, Earth artist Jenny Louw: Eat your garden, Sanlam Hall, Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens, Rhodes Avenue, Newlands, 021 465 6440, www.sanbi.org 12 Apr, 4.30pm, Lecture: Bruce Campbell Smith, A collector’s Passion for South African Art, Casa Labia, 192 Main Road, Muizenberg, 021 788 6067, www. casalabia.co.za

iziko.org.za/sang/friends.html for visits by friends of Iziko throughout the year

Taalmonument, Gabbema Doordriftstraat, Paarl, 021 872 3441, see www.taalmuseum.co.za for dates of full moon picnics throughout the year. Full moon hikes up Lion’s Head. Friends of South African Observatory will be there with small telescopes.

3 Mar, 5.30pm, Book launch of Mettle by Rupert

Full moon meditations at Novalis Ubuntu Institute,

Smith, The Bay Bookshop, 126 The Square (level 1),

Cape Quarter, Somerset Road, Green Point, www. baybookshop.co.za

39 Rosmead Avenue, Wynberg, 021 797 1857 Upcoming times of full moon: 18 April, 2.44am, 17 May, 11.09am

presents Savage Beauty, Nancy Milford’s biography of American poet Edna St Vincent Millay, as well as selected poems, Kalk Bay Books, 124 Main Road, Kalk Bay, 021 788 2266

4 Mar, 11am, Meet the artist – Deborah Poynton,

22–26 Mar, 9am, 2011 Stellenbosch International String

19 Apr, 6.30pm, Lecture: Silks to ashes and dragons to

Michael Stevenson Gallery, Ground Floor, Buchanan Building, 160 Sir Lowry Road, Woodstock, 021 481 3951

Symposium, University of Stellenbosch, Department

of Music, cnr Victoria and Neethling streets, 021 808 2345, howlett@sun.ac.za

dust, by Liz McKenzie, TH Barry Theatre, SA Museum, Victoria Road, Gardens, 021 481 3913 4 May, 10.30am, Natie Ferreira talks on landscaped

5 Mar, 10am–4pm, Cape Festival’s Symposium on

22 Mar, 7.30pm, Lecture of the Egyptian Society:

gardens in the Boland, Kirstenbosch Botanical

El Sistema and its adaptation to the South African

Professor Anthony Humphreys – Cleopatra & the ‘race’

context. A film screening, a performance by the quartet, podium discussions. South African College of Music (room C7), University of Cape Town

Gardens, Rhodes Avenue, Newlands, 021 465 6440, www.sanbi.org 13–15 May, Franschhoek Literary Festival, 021 876 3603, www.flf.co.za

5–6 Mar, 11am, Art Walkabout with Emma Bedford and

debate, The Jenny Mallet Hall, St George’s Grammar School, Richmond Road, Mowbray, 021 557 5082 24 Mar, 3pm, Walkabout of Untamed, Kirstenbosch, 021 481 3951

Stefan Weltz, as part of 7 Mar auction of South

26 Mar, 9.30am–4.30pm, Rare Plant Fair, Rustenberg

African paintings, furniture, silver, ceramics and glass, Vineyard Hotel, Newlands, 021 683 6560

Wine Estate, Stellenbosch, 021 844 0154, 078 021 2101, www.rustenberg.co.za

25 May, Africa Day

10 Mar, 5.30pm, Ian Scoones: Zimbabwe’s Land Reform,

26 Apr, 7.30pm, Lecture of the Egyptian Society,

30 May, 7.30pm, Deep Reading: Lynda Gilfillan will

Myth and Realities, Book Lounge, 71 Roeland Street, 021 462 2424, www.booklounge.co.za

The Jenny Mallet Hall, St George’s Grammar School, Richmond Road, Mowbray, 021 557 5082

10 Mar 5.30pm, 12 Mar 3pm, Amanda Botha Art

27 Mar, 27 Mar, 10am-noon, nature walk and guided

Walkabout of Walter Meyer Exhibition (in Afrikaans,

meditation with Gen Pagpa, Kirstenbosch Botanical

consider personal and political betrayal in Bernard Schlink’s The Weekend and Hugh Lewin’s Stones Against the Mirror, Kalk Bay Books, 124 Main Road, Kalk Bay, 021 788 2266

2 Mar, 11am, Visit of Groote Schuur Residence and Collection, Rondebosch, 021 481 3951, see www.

Gardens, 021 685 3428, www.meditateincapetown.org

10 Mar, 6pm, Lecture: Re-Imagining 1652,

28 Mar, 7.30pm, Deep reading: Finuala Dowling

Contemporary Revisitations of the Golden Age of Dutch Painting, Iziko, 021 481 3951

discusses Lyndall Gordon’s biography, Virginia Woolf: A Writer’s Life, as well as her To the Lighthouse and Mrs Dalloway, Kalk Bay Books, 124 Main Road, Kalk Bay, 021 788 2266 29 Mar, 6.30pm, Lecture: The Rosetta Stone, by Jonathan Downes, Friends of the SA Museum, TH Barry Theatre, SA Museum, Victoria Road, Gardens.

11 Mar, 6pm, Film Screening – Grave Decisions

(Germany 2006), RSVP until 10 Mar at 021 465 1317 Goethe-Zentrum Kapstadt, 155 Buitenkant Street, Gardens. See www.goethe.de/ins/za/kap/enindex.htm for more movie screenings throughout the year.





18 May, 10.30am, Morné Faulhammer talks on fragrant plants, Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens, Rhodes Avenue, Newlands, 021 465 6440, www.sanbi.org

021 READER’S GIVEAWAY: Win one of three double tickets to Jazz, Storytelling or Township tours with Coffeebeans Routes. (www. coffeebeansroutes.com) valued at over R1 000 each. Stay tuned via 021’s facebook group 021club


part of Woordfees), Sasol Kunsmuseum, Stellenbosch

18 Apr, 7.30pm, Deep reading: Finuala Dowling


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