2 minute read
In Summary
These are the seven steps my wife and I used to move from being homeless to being financially free in a few short years. These seven steps helped us find our own financial fast track and we continue to use them today. I trust they can assist you in charting your own course to financial freedom.
To do that, I recommend being true to yourself. If you are not yet a long-term investor, get yourself there as fast as you can. What does this mean? Sit down and map out a plan to get control of your spending habits. Minimize your debt and liabilities. Live within your means and then increase your means. Find out how much invested per month, for how many months, at a realistic rate of return it will take to reach your goals. Goals such as: At what age do you plan to stop working? How much money per month will you need to live at the standard you desire?
Simply having a long-term plan that reduces your consumer debt while putting away a small amount of money regularly will give you a head start if you start early enough and keep an eye on what you're doing.
At this level, keep it simple. Don't get fancy,

the 7 Levels of Investors and my three types of investors is to offer you many glimpses into who you are, what your interests may be, and who you want to ultimately become. I like to believe that anyone can find their own unique path to the financial fast track, regardless of which quadrant they operate from. Yet, it is ultimately up to you to find your own path.
Remember what I said in a previous chapter: "Your boss's job is to give you a job. It's your job to make yourself rich."
Are you ready to stop hauling water buckets and begin building pipelines of cash flow to support you, your family and your lifestyle?
Minding your own business might be difficult and sometimes confusing, especially at first. There is a lot to learn, regardless of how much you know. It is a lifelong process. But the good news is that the hardest part of the process is at the start. Once you make the commitment, life really does get easier and easier. Minding your business is not hard to do. It's just common sense.