Tenants and Landlords Cutting Carbon Together
Sponsored by Kyocera
.\RFHUD¶V 7HQDQW &DVH 6WXG\ Tracey Rowling Church - Kyocera
$ WHQDQWÂśV SHUVSHFWLYH Tracey Rawling Church Director of Brand and Reputation Kyocera Mita UK Limited
Welcome to Kyocera Technology Suite ` We are sub-tenants here, on a 4.5 year lease ` To compensate for the environmental impact of having created this space, we offer it free of charge for events that promote sustainable business ` We fitted it out with the aim of minimising CO2 emissions, without compromising usability or visitor experience Multifunctional space means we need less of it Original fittings were retained or re-used where possible New products and services were selected to minimise impact
` You can find out about our culture, philosophy and technology by reading the storyboards around the walls
KYOCERA MITA UK Ltd. | 10/7/2009
Key features Ceiling grid retained and refurbished Lighting zoned and with motion sensors Tiles from pre- and post-consumer waste Prize for Green IT company of the year! Real plants in recycled planters Eco-paint Low-energy PCs Chair made of 98% recycled materials
KYOCERA MITA UK Ltd. | 10/7/2009
Key features Light well maximises use of natural light Original glass partitions retained and refurbished allow natural light to penetrate further Carpet tiles easy to refurbish, for greater longevity, and have high recycled content
KYOCERA MITA UK Ltd. | 10/7/2009
Premium coffee and chocolate is organic and fair trade. Used coffee grounds are converted to fertiliser. Teabags and waste food are composted.
Key features Low energy TV screens Movable partitions means more configurations available with less space Modular tables allow maximum flexibility
KYOCERA MITA UK Ltd. | 10/7/2009
Chilled tap water dispenser with compostable cups for XVH ³RQ WKH PRYH´ ± bottled tap water and glasses provided for meetings
Transparency of suppliers
KYOCERA MITA UK Ltd. | 10/7/2009
Modelling the way ` We chose a local, family owned supplier to refurbish the space ` The contractor had little experience of low-carbon refurbishment, but we worked closely with them on supplier selection and specifications ` As a result of what they learned from us, they have begun to adopt a more sustainable approach and are finding that it attracts more business! ` We also had to encourage our coffee supplier to find a collection bin for coffee JURXQGV WKDW ZDV VXLWDEOH DV ZH GLGQÂśW KDYH DQ RXWVLGH ELQ VWRUH ` %XW LWÂśV QRW HQRXJK WR KDYH D ZHOO-designed space; user behaviour is equally if not more Âą important!
KYOCERA MITA UK Ltd. | 10/7/2009
The importance of user behaviour Global Warming (kg-CO2 equivalent)
1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0
1399 537 Raw material Manufacturing
Product Manufacturing
Life stage Lifecycle analysis of a typical copier
Usage phase has the largest lifetime impact
KYOCERA MITA UK Ltd. | 10/7/2009
7 Use
Top ten easy wins for low carbon office practice ` Set your heating thermostat a little lower, and PLQLPLVH Ä RQ ³ time by taking DGYDQWDJH RI WKH ÄIUHH³ KHDWLQJ SURYLGHG E\ RIILFH HTXLSPHQW ` Minimise use of air conditioning (and never use it when the heating is on!) ` Use 7 day timers to ensure all electrical devices are switched off out of hours ` Optimise power save settings and invoke them whenever possible ± eg for your PC when you leave your desk ` Unplug laptops, mobiles etc. as soon as they are fully charged ` Consider replacing very old devices with newer, more energy efficient ones
` Consider buying one multifunctional device rather than separate printers, copies and faxes ± reduces embodied energy as well as electricity use ` De-lamp fluorescent fittings (take out every 2nd tube, for example) ` 6HW XS D Ä%LNHV IRU :RUN³ VFKHPH DQG HQFRXUDJH VWDII WR FDU VKDUH
` Use web conferencing to reduce business travel (especially abroad)
KYOCERA MITA UK Ltd. | 10/7/2009
,W¶V QRW MXVW DERXW WKH HQHUJ\ FRQVXPHG E\ GHYLFHV Power consumption is only one impact of office documents ` Manufacturing a sheet of paper uses 10 times as much power as printing on it ± Energy Star
` UK employees use 120 billion sheets of paper per year, of which two thirds are wasted ± Envirowise ` 86M tonnes of paper enter the UK waste stream per year - Envirowise ` 15M litres of oil are used every year to manufacture cartridges for the UK market ± Cartridge Recyclers Association ` 47M printer cartridges go into landfill in the UK every year, taking 450 years to decompose ± Cartridge Recyclers Association.
How paper is wasted Kyocera Employee Engagement Survey 2008, Q10. In your day to day use, what percentage of the material you print out each week is µZDVWHG¶ E\ HLWKHU « " (percentage)
Printing documents single-sided rather than double-sided 20%
Not wasted 33% Read on paper, rather than on screen 13% Forgetting to collect printouts from the printer 6% Printing too many copies of a document 9%
Printing the wrong document 9%
Printing for proofreading, rather than on screen 10%
Top ten tips for low carbon printing/copying ` Never print something just to read it once ` $OZD\V XVH WKH ³SULQW SUHYLHZ´ IXQFWLRQ WR HQVXUH D GRFXPHQW ORRNV ULJKW before printing ` Reduce the margin, the font size or any images rather than letting just a few lines run on to a further page ` Always print double-sided ` For internal documents, consider printing several sheets to a page (n-up) ` Only print the page(s) you need, not the entire document
` ,I \RXÂśUH SULQWLQJ PXOWLSOH FRSLHV RI D GRFXPHQW SURRI-read one copy before printing the rest ` Only ever print the number of copies you actually need ` Scan and email documents rather than send a hard copy
` Optimise sleep mode settings, and batch-print where possible
KYOCERA MITA UK Ltd. | 10/7/2009
Sources of FREE! help and advice ` The Green Card Network ± inspiring environmentally efficient business since 2000 www.thegreencard.org.uk ` The Carbon Trust - specialist support to business and the public sector to help cut carbon emissions, save energy and commercialise low carbon technologies www.carbontrust.co.uk ` Envirowise/WRAP ± one-stop shop for resource efficiency www.envirowise.wrap.org.uk ` LoCUS ± Landlords and Tenants working together to cut carbon www.locusproject.org.uk
` Last but not least ± 10:10! www.1010uk.org
KYOCERA MITA UK Ltd. | 10/7/2009
Conclusions ` (YHQ ZLWKRXW RXU ODQGORUGÂśV FRRSHUDWLRQ WKHUHÂśV D ORW \RX FDQ GR and most of it will actually save you cash!
` LV DFKLHYDEOH MXVW E\ ³VZHDWLQJ WKH VPDOO VWXII´ ` When you DO get your landlord on board, you can achieve even more!
` Demonstrating a commitment to sustainable operation can help your business to be more successful
KYOCERA MITA UK Ltd. | 10/7/2009
Thank you for listening! trc@kyoceramita.co.uk www.thegreencard.org.uk
Landlords And Tenants Working Together To Cut Carbon
Low Carbon Relationships for Landlords & Tenants
Jane Wallis, Project Manager On behalf of Reading Borough Council and the 19 Partners
01189 734014 / 07841 673054 Jane.wallis@bsk-‐cic.co.uk
Landlords And Tenants: Circle of Inertia
Property is just a long term investment for me.
Energy efficient buildings are expensive and difficult to build.
Funders: No Occupier demand
Owner / Developer: )XQGHU ZRQ¶W specify / 7HQDQWV GRQ¶W request
Contractors: %XLOGHUV GRQ¶W specify
Tenant: Energy not a material cost/ decision to business
Its not my energy bill, DQG LW ZRQ¶W increase rental
,¶OO FKDQJH the bulbs but not the light fittings.
A to B What are we aiming for?
A: Traditional Lease
Lease Obligations Service Charge
Tenant Service Obligation
Landlord CSR Objectives
Quiet Enjoyment
Tenant CSR Objectives
Source: Cardiff University Centre for Research in the Built Environment Angela Langley & Lara Hopkinson 2009
A to B What are we aiming for?
B: Green Lease
Lease Obligations
Service Obligation
Landlord Landlord external CSR Objectives
Quiet Enjoyment Shared building related CSR objectives
Shared cost / benefit
Tenant Tenant external CSR Objectives
Source: Cardiff University Centre for Research in the Built Environment Angela Langley & Lara Hopkinson 2009
Where does change come from?
1. Policy
Energy White Paper (2007)
2. Statutory requirements
3. Market demand
Cost drivers CSR agenda Supply chain Customer expectation Funding initiatives (FIT)
Starting Your Landlord / Tenant Conversation.
1. Speak to LoCus Berkshire Oxfordshire Medway -‐ Kent Basingstoke & Deane 4 of the 8 Growth Diamonds
Starting Your Landlord / Tenant Conversation.
2. Who is your landlord?
Complex ownership structures
Starting Your Landlord / Tenant Conversation. 3.
Check your lease Length of Tenure Rent Reviews Dilapidations Service Charges Insurance Assess your Organisation: Baseline environment performance Actions, costs and ROI
Starting Your Landlord / Tenant Conversation.
4. What is it you want? Changes to lease or a broad agreement Financial help Landlord to do it or enable you Partnership Joint Venture?
Starting Your Landlord / Tenant Conversation.
5. Find Shared Benefit Financial returns Commitment to stay Bringing other Tenants with you &65 ³7LFNV´ Good publicity
Starting Your Landlord / Tenant Conversation.
6. Are you being Reasonable?
Resources To Help You
Better Buildings Partnership http://www.betterbuildingspartnership.co.uk/ The Code for Leasing Business Premises in England and Wales 2007 www.leasingbusinesspremises.co.uk/downloadscode_comm_lease090805.pdf
LoCus www.locusproject.org.uk
Jane Wallis, Project Manager On behalf of Reading Borough Council and the 19 Partners
01189 734014 / 07841 673054 Jane.wallis@bsk-cic.co.uk
Case Study - Landlord
Sarah Beattie, Environment Manager Land Securities
&RPPHUFLDO SURSHUW\ SRUWIROLR ZRUWK a ELOOLRQ ZKLFK we own and manage Comprises of ~ 29 million sq ft of offices, shopping centres and retail parks Occupied by more than 2,500 private & public sector client
First and only UK property company to be ISO 14001 certified throughout all business activities In-house Environment & Energy team to manage environmental aspects
Creating greener buildings through partnership Neither landlord nor tenants have complete control of the environmental aspects associated with building operation Working together has been shown to bring significant improvements ± tremendous scope for low-cost savings Regis House - 29% decrease in carbon over 12 months
LS currently using standard framework for co-operation WKURXJK WKH %HWWHU %XLOGLQJV 3DUWQHUVKLS¶V *UHHQ /HDVH toolkit: set of best practice recommendations model green clauses for new and renewal leases model form of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for existing leases.
Using the principles of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU): Agreement between Landlord & Occupier on actions to be taken by both in relation to environmental issues Completely voluntary ± non binding and no alterations to current lease Only includes what both parties agree to Flexible to amend
Preferred approach - OHVV µULVN\¶ WR RFFXSLHUV WKDQ OHJDOO\ binding clauses
Rolling out the MoU
Five stage programme: 1. LS environment team meet with tenants to explain concept 2. Standard MoU is circulated to all tenants listing general environmental initiatives 3. Occupiers individually indicate which initiatives they are willing to address 4. LS Environment team collate responses to produce a building-specific MoU 5. Building-specific MoU is circulated to each tenant for signature which then forms
An Environmental Management Plan (based on MoU) is created setting actions and targets for both tenant and landlord to achieve
Regularly reviewed as a landlord/tenant agenda item
Occupier Commitment Relaxed set-points Improved communication ³6ZLWFK-RII´ SROLFLHV Internal awareness Change to more efficient equipment
Landlord Commitment Free training Awareness materials Energy audits Improved waste facilities Timely reporting, sharing of data Newsletters
Simple low/no cost initiatives
Insertion of appropriate clauses into the actual lease Places legally binding responsibilities on the tenants Fewer environmental actions agreed
Raises the question: MoU vs. Green Clauses ± what is the best approach for building type? Which has greater commitment? Which is easier to manage? 5 office tenants or 150 shopping centre tenants
%DUULHUV SUHYHQWLQJ 3DUWQHUVKLSÂŤ ƒ Awareness & communication ƒ Authorising commitment Âą KDYLQJ WKH ÂľULJKWÂś SHRSOH LQYROYHG ƒ Resources: ƒ Funding - even with this spirit of co-RSHUDWLRQ LWÂśV VWLOO DQ LVVXH ƒ Landlords are treated with suspicion ƒ Occupiers resist increases in service charges ƒ Âł6SHQG WR VDYH´ LV KDUG WR SXVK WKURXJK ƒ Occupiers may want reduction in rent before they sign ƒ Time
ƒ Like for like leases - existing tenants are unlikely to agree a new lease ƒ Timing (case of green clauses) Âą leases can often be signed before buildings are built and we know what we are aiming for
Getting over the hurdles
Raising awareness Quashing the myths Offering assistance where possible
Strengthen the landlord/tenant relationship by building trust
Thank  you
Cutting carbon in rented property: A tenant perspective Jo Taylor, Director Ethical Property Foundation
Ethical Property Foundation
‡ Property Advice Service for charities ‡ Ethical Workplaces initiative
Tenants and cutting carbon Tenant control
Tenant benefit
Building management
Occupant behaviour
Building fabric and systems
Tenant barriers to cutting carbon single / many tenants? contractual relationship with landlord working relationship with landlord
Options for action
‡ act where you have control and influence ‡ use your tenancy to lever change
Act where you can prioritise behaviour change
build relationships with building managers organisational buy-in engage landlord to access energy data meter, monitor, target identify quick wins and high impact actions
take action
Use your tenancy to lever change
taking on a lease renegotiating a lease
proposing works that will add value to building
In summary get organisational buy-in start with changes you can make use your influence as a tenant know your rights and obligations
get other tenants on board do your research negotiate present a landlord-friendly solution
Jo Taylor, Director Ethical Property Foundation
020 7065 0761 jotaylor@ethicalproperty.org.uk
The 10:10 Tenant Checklist Sara Turnbull - Arup Associates
Sara Turnbull Senior Consultant, Arup Associates Sara.turnbull@arup.com
Energy league table & Energy Saving Newsletter resulted in energy savings of 13%.
Annual cost ƐĂǀŝŶŐƐ ŽĨ άϲϱŬ
Sign up at www.1010global.org/uk/business/join For more information business@1010uk.org
Sponsored by Kyocera