© 10 Design
© 10 Design
拾稼設計將會主理中國重慶彈子石中央商務區的規 劃,於當地建造佔地36萬平方米的綜合發展項目。 這位處長江畔的項目將提供總共80萬平方米的空 間,其中15萬平方米將撥予高級商店及消閒設施,其 餘空間則由數座高達100至250米的大樓瓜分,用作商 務辦公室、酒店及酒店式公寓等,創造出全新的大型 高級商務及購物中心。 項目的購物廣場將設於有蓋花園廣場的四周, 採用梯田般的設計,彼此則以一系列行人天橋連接, 形成景觀獨特的公共空間。 項目已於2013年動工。
In association with local firms A Tasarim Mimarlik and KKS, Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates is set to design the new headquarters for Ziraat Bank, Turkey’s largest and oldest financial institution, in the new Istanbul International Financial Centre. The new 400,000 sq-m complex will feature two towers of 46 storeys and 40 storeys respectively, with a podium which
commercial office space, hotel and serviced apartments, all accommodated in a series of towers ranging from 100-250m in height, creating an extensive, high-end business and retail destination. The sheltered garden plazas will be surrounded by a series of terraced retail c o u r t ya r d s a n d l i n k e d t o g e t h e r by elevated walkways, forming a civic and retail landscape. The project began construction in 2013.
10 Design has been commissioned as the lead architect of the Danzishi Central Business District masterplan, a mixed-use development with a total site area of 360,000 sq-m, in Chongqing, China. Perched on the banks of the Yangtze River, this development will comprise 800,000 sq-m of accommodation in total, including 150,000 sq-m designated as premium retail and entertainment areas. The remaining area will be dedicated to
serves as a plinth that organises the interior and exterior spaces to create vibrant and dynamic public realm around the buildings. Drawing on the cultural heritage of Turkey, the form of the towers will adopt motifs of the Ottoman Empire, such as the symbol of the Tughra. The facades will combine high quality glass and metal frames to accentuate the buildings’ geometry, creating significant architectural presence.
Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates將與A Tasarim Mimarlik 和KKS兩間土耳其公司合作,在伊斯坦堡的新國際金 融中心為Ziraat銀行建造全新的總部大樓。 身 為 土 耳 其 最 大 、 歷 史 最 悠 久 的 金 融 機 構 , Ziraat銀行的新總部將由兩座樓高分別為46和40層的 建築組成,佔地共40萬平方米。偌大的平台不單會成 為兩座大樓的底座,亦會明確劃分總部的室內和戶外 區域,在大樓四周塑造出生動的公共空間。 大樓的外形設計則取材自土耳其的傳統文化,加 入如「Tughra」標記等奧圖曼帝國的象徵。此外,建 築的幕牆將結合高質玻璃和金屬框,造出鮮明的幾何 線條,同時突顯大樓的建築風格。
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