20140228_10 DESIGN_Badshahpur IT Park_Beyond Magazine

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Office Architecture

A Modern International Working Environment Badshahpur IT Park

现代化国际工作环境 印度Badshahpur资讯科技园总部



占地面积:84 983 平方米


建筑面积:150 000平方米 建筑设计:10 DESIGN (拾稼设计)


设计师:Gordon Affleck(艾高登)


设计团队:Nigel Height, Lukasz Wawrzencyk,

——10DESIGN(拾稼设计)设计合伙人Gordon Affleck(艾高登)

Abraham Fung 采编:汤文蕾

“The Badshahpur IT Park is a campus of ten buildings, set across a sinuous series of Location: Gurgaon India Site Area: 84,983 m²

adjacent plots of varied ownership. The challenge was to create a common identity

Gross Floor Area: 150,000 m²

across the site, a hierarchy of amenity spaces, and a strategy for future expansion of the

Architectural Design: 10 DESIGN

campus. The ambition was to create a vibrant and inclusive work environment that meets

Designer: Gordon Affleck Design Team: Nigel Height, Lukasz Wawrzencyk, Abraham Fung Contributing Coordinator: Wenlei Tang


the expectations of today’s IT graduate candidates, employees, and the employers that seek to attract the same talent.” — Gordon Affleck, Design Partner at 10 DESIGN



Office Architecture

A Modern International Working Environment Badshahpur IT Park

现代化国际工作环境 印度Badshahpur资讯科技园总部



占地面积:84 983 平方米


建筑面积:150 000平方米 建筑设计:10 DESIGN (拾稼设计)


设计师:Gordon Affleck(艾高登)


设计团队:Nigel Height, Lukasz Wawrzencyk,

——10DESIGN(拾稼设计)设计合伙人Gordon Affleck(艾高登)

Abraham Fung 采编:汤文蕾

“The Badshahpur IT Park is a campus of ten buildings, set across a sinuous series of Location: Gurgaon India Site Area: 84,983 m²

adjacent plots of varied ownership. The challenge was to create a common identity

Gross Floor Area: 150,000 m²

across the site, a hierarchy of amenity spaces, and a strategy for future expansion of the

Architectural Design: 10 DESIGN

campus. The ambition was to create a vibrant and inclusive work environment that meets

Designer: Gordon Affleck Design Team: Nigel Height, Lukasz Wawrzencyk, Abraham Fung Contributing Coordinator: Wenlei Tang


the expectations of today’s IT graduate candidates, employees, and the employers that seek to attract the same talent.” — Gordon Affleck, Design Partner at 10 DESIGN



Office Architecture

外立面的多样化效果。建筑内部,百叶窗和可开启窗为工作环境提供了 更多的被动控制措施。 遍布建筑幕墙的凹槽与窗间墙单元为外墙照明设备提供了周到的考 虑和保护,使它们免受当地沙尘暴的侵扰。同样地,幕墙细节上也尝试 设计出间隙与窗台(考虑了当地建筑的耐受性)以降低维护成本。 造型与整体设计概念延续至项目方案的核心内部区域,接待台、等 候区和路径标示系统环绕着建筑与景观内的设计主题。 Badshahpur信息园建立了建筑概念统一的公建设施、开放的工作环 境、开辟了小径、广场和分组空间,打造出了全球访客视为现代化的国 际工作环境。园区内当地人才兴盛,其新型理念值得分享借鉴。

External finishes and the landscaping layout use a common language to create distinct identities for groups of buildings. Mimicking the sinuous nature of the site, a series of ribbon forms navigate the campus defining a series of outdoor areas – smaller areas servicing a cluster of buildings, and larger, delivering functions for the campus as a whole. The largest space sees the ribbon forms converging to create annexes and spill out areas for the campus canteen, fitness gyms, nurseries and similar amenities. Smaller outdoor spaces offer simpler functions such informal meeting and greeting areas, as well as shading and seating for groups or individuals. Planting as well as each of the ribbons that travel across the site create an individual identity to various areas of the site, and therefore establish a form of passive way-finding between the buildings of the campus. Having the elevations of the buildings mimic the forms within the landscape would hopefully assist in making the landscape become part of the work environment – a place to have

园区建筑的外墙饰面和景观布局采用统一的建筑语汇创造出建筑群 间独特的身份特征。模拟基地蜿蜒的自然特性,一系列缎带造型引导园 区定义出系统的户外区域——较小区域用于布置建筑组团,较大区域履 行园区的整体功能。在园区内的最大空间处可见缎带造型时而汇聚形成

informal discussions, or take walking breaks from workstations. Building heights vary across the overall site owing to its make up from subplots and ownerships. Equally building footprints varied in response the sites undulations. It was necessary to create a flexible façade module that would work

配套建筑,时而散开成为园区食堂、健身房、育婴所和类似公共设施的 载体。较小的户外空间承载了更简单的功能,如,非正式会议和迎宾 区,还有为群体和个人设计的遮阳就坐区。 景观植被和每条贯穿基地的缎带造型塑造出基地内不同区域的身份 特征,由此确立了园区建筑间的被动式导向标识。建筑立面摹拟景观形 态,极大的有助于将景观融入为工作环境的一部分,为工作者提供非正 式讨论区或工作室的散步休息区。 由于地块细分和所有权归属等综合因素,整个基地内建筑高度不 等。因此,建筑基底随地势起伏而变化。设计灵活且适用于不同建筑的 幕墙模数十分必要,以使他们看起来如同一个群落,同时,与基地整体 视野、建筑间的桥网连接、街道人视点的主要视觉通廊形成呼应。建筑 立面的最终设计寻求建筑体块的拆分,设立两个相互交织的体量,一个 由石板面组成,另一个由玻璃面组成,从而使基地内不同尺度的建筑由 一个统一的造型元素贯穿。 建筑主要向阳面的凹槽、幕墙、阳台设计等都基于一定数量的模数 化外墙构件(模数基本宽度为1 500毫米)。整体建筑造型体量因这些构 件的咬合得以减小,同时达到了重申项目景观中缎带造型概念的效果。 最终,互相咬合的体量延展分布于基地建筑中,如同一个更大体量的多 个组成部分。 双层玻璃幕墙中的夹层进一步降低了日照辐射;这种夹层特有的不 同透明度可形成遍布建筑外墙面的大型超级形象视觉,创造出整个建筑




Office Architecture

外立面的多样化效果。建筑内部,百叶窗和可开启窗为工作环境提供了 更多的被动控制措施。 遍布建筑幕墙的凹槽与窗间墙单元为外墙照明设备提供了周到的考 虑和保护,使它们免受当地沙尘暴的侵扰。同样地,幕墙细节上也尝试 设计出间隙与窗台(考虑了当地建筑的耐受性)以降低维护成本。 造型与整体设计概念延续至项目方案的核心内部区域,接待台、等 候区和路径标示系统环绕着建筑与景观内的设计主题。 Badshahpur信息园建立了建筑概念统一的公建设施、开放的工作环 境、开辟了小径、广场和分组空间,打造出了全球访客视为现代化的国 际工作环境。园区内当地人才兴盛,其新型理念值得分享借鉴。

External finishes and the landscaping layout use a common language to create distinct identities for groups of buildings. Mimicking the sinuous nature of the site, a series of ribbon forms navigate the campus defining a series of outdoor areas – smaller areas servicing a cluster of buildings, and larger, delivering functions for the campus as a whole. The largest space sees the ribbon forms converging to create annexes and spill out areas for the campus canteen, fitness gyms, nurseries and similar amenities. Smaller outdoor spaces offer simpler functions such informal meeting and greeting areas, as well as shading and seating for groups or individuals. Planting as well as each of the ribbons that travel across the site create an individual identity to various areas of the site, and therefore establish a form of passive way-finding between the buildings of the campus. Having the elevations of the buildings mimic the forms within the landscape would hopefully assist in making the landscape become part of the work environment – a place to have

园区建筑的外墙饰面和景观布局采用统一的建筑语汇创造出建筑群 间独特的身份特征。模拟基地蜿蜒的自然特性,一系列缎带造型引导园 区定义出系统的户外区域——较小区域用于布置建筑组团,较大区域履 行园区的整体功能。在园区内的最大空间处可见缎带造型时而汇聚形成

informal discussions, or take walking breaks from workstations. Building heights vary across the overall site owing to its make up from subplots and ownerships. Equally building footprints varied in response the sites undulations. It was necessary to create a flexible façade module that would work

配套建筑,时而散开成为园区食堂、健身房、育婴所和类似公共设施的 载体。较小的户外空间承载了更简单的功能,如,非正式会议和迎宾 区,还有为群体和个人设计的遮阳就坐区。 景观植被和每条贯穿基地的缎带造型塑造出基地内不同区域的身份 特征,由此确立了园区建筑间的被动式导向标识。建筑立面摹拟景观形 态,极大的有助于将景观融入为工作环境的一部分,为工作者提供非正 式讨论区或工作室的散步休息区。 由于地块细分和所有权归属等综合因素,整个基地内建筑高度不 等。因此,建筑基底随地势起伏而变化。设计灵活且适用于不同建筑的 幕墙模数十分必要,以使他们看起来如同一个群落,同时,与基地整体 视野、建筑间的桥网连接、街道人视点的主要视觉通廊形成呼应。建筑 立面的最终设计寻求建筑体块的拆分,设立两个相互交织的体量,一个 由石板面组成,另一个由玻璃面组成,从而使基地内不同尺度的建筑由 一个统一的造型元素贯穿。 建筑主要向阳面的凹槽、幕墙、阳台设计等都基于一定数量的模数 化外墙构件(模数基本宽度为1 500毫米)。整体建筑造型体量因这些构 件的咬合得以减小,同时达到了重申项目景观中缎带造型概念的效果。 最终,互相咬合的体量延展分布于基地建筑中,如同一个更大体量的多 个组成部分。 双层玻璃幕墙中的夹层进一步降低了日照辐射;这种夹层特有的不 同透明度可形成遍布建筑外墙面的大型超级形象视觉,创造出整个建筑




Office Architecture

across the varying buildings such that they would all read as a family, whilst also responding to opportunities such as views across the site, the creation of bridge links between buildings, and key vistas from road level approaches. The resultant design of elevations seeks to split the masses of the buildings into two intertwined volumes - one of stone, and one of glass – thus allowing common masses across the varying scales of building. A number of modular cladding components (based on a 1,500 mm width) were developed to offer deep reveals (to building faces prone to solar gain), curtain walling, balconies, etc. The overall mass of the building forms was reduced by the articulation of these components, also creating an opportunity to reiterate the ribbon forms and concepts within the landscape. The result is that the intertwined volumes continue across the buildings of the site as if pieces of a larger volume. Interlayer to the double glazing of the curtain walling again reduce solar gain; the same interlayer have varied opacities to create variation across the façade, with the opportunity to create large super graphic imagery across the faces of the buildings. Internally, blinds and operable windows allow additional passive control over the working environment. The deep reveals and flush spandrel units [across the curtain walling] allow the facade lighting fixtures to be discreet and protected from local dust-storms. Similarly, the detailing of the facade attempts to design-out gaps and ledges (whilst considering local building tolerances), in order to reduce maintenance. The forms and themes continue into key interior areas of the scheme, where reception desks, waiting areas, and way-finding, embrace the themes within the architecture and landscape. The Badshahpur IT Park creates a unifying architectural concept around the amenities, open working environments, creating pathways, plazas and break-out spaces. It is a place that global visitors will recognize as a modern international working environment, where regional talent can flourish, and new ideas can be generated and shared.




Office Architecture

across the varying buildings such that they would all read as a family, whilst also responding to opportunities such as views across the site, the creation of bridge links between buildings, and key vistas from road level approaches. The resultant design of elevations seeks to split the masses of the buildings into two intertwined volumes - one of stone, and one of glass – thus allowing common masses across the varying scales of building. A number of modular cladding components (based on a 1,500 mm width) were developed to offer deep reveals (to building faces prone to solar gain), curtain walling, balconies, etc. The overall mass of the building forms was reduced by the articulation of these components, also creating an opportunity to reiterate the ribbon forms and concepts within the landscape. The result is that the intertwined volumes continue across the buildings of the site as if pieces of a larger volume. Interlayer to the double glazing of the curtain walling again reduce solar gain; the same interlayer have varied opacities to create variation across the façade, with the opportunity to create large super graphic imagery across the faces of the buildings. Internally, blinds and operable windows allow additional passive control over the working environment. The deep reveals and flush spandrel units [across the curtain walling] allow the facade lighting fixtures to be discreet and protected from local dust-storms. Similarly, the detailing of the facade attempts to design-out gaps and ledges (whilst considering local building tolerances), in order to reduce maintenance. The forms and themes continue into key interior areas of the scheme, where reception desks, waiting areas, and way-finding, embrace the themes within the architecture and landscape. The Badshahpur IT Park creates a unifying architectural concept around the amenities, open working environments, creating pathways, plazas and break-out spaces. It is a place that global visitors will recognize as a modern international working environment, where regional talent can flourish, and new ideas can be generated and shared.



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