江苏常州西太湖万丽酒店及星河澜月湾 Jiangsu Changzhou West Tai Lake Renaissance Hotel and Galaxy Moonbay 设计单位:10 DESIGN ( 拾稼设计 ) 开发商:星河集团 项目地址:中国江苏省常州市 占地面积:132 298 ㎡ 总建筑面积:304 285 ㎡ 设计团队:Ted Givens Adrian Yau
Adam Wang Audrey Ma
Peby Pratama Yao Ma Designed by: 10 DESIGN Client: Galaxy Group Location: Changzhou, Jiangsu, China Site Area: 132,298 m2 Gross Floor Area: 304,285 m2 Design Team: Ted Givens, Adam Wang, Adrian Yau, Audrey Ma, Peby Pratama, Yao Ma
现代 漂浮花园 因地制宜 可持续 生态绿色 商业建筑风向标 / Commercial Architecture Tide / 108
项目位于常州市武进区滨湖新城的西太湖生态休闲区, 将成为长江三角洲地区一个重要的旅游度假区。项目总面积 达 31 000 000 ㎡,将规划形成一个现代化的、可持续性的 休闲和商业社区,其发展业态包括一个标志性的豪华酒店、 酒店式公寓、会议中心、办公楼及公共空间等。
酒店及酒店式公寓 Hotel and Serviced Apartments
形态,张扬个性 / Form, to Show Uniqueness / 109
江苏常州西太湖万丽酒店及星河澜月湾 Jiangsu Changzhou West Tai Lake Renaissance Hotel and Galaxy Moonbay 设计单位:10 DESIGN ( 拾稼设计 ) 开发商:星河集团 项目地址:中国江苏省常州市 占地面积:132 298 ㎡ 总建筑面积:304 285 ㎡ 设计团队:Ted Givens Adrian Yau
Adam Wang Audrey Ma
Peby Pratama Yao Ma Designed by: 10 DESIGN Client: Galaxy Group Location: Changzhou, Jiangsu, China Site Area: 132,298 m2 Gross Floor Area: 304,285 m2 Design Team: Ted Givens, Adam Wang, Adrian Yau, Audrey Ma, Peby Pratama, Yao Ma
现代 漂浮花园 因地制宜 可持续 生态绿色 商业建筑风向标 / Commercial Architecture Tide / 108
项目位于常州市武进区滨湖新城的西太湖生态休闲区, 将成为长江三角洲地区一个重要的旅游度假区。项目总面积 达 31 000 000 ㎡,将规划形成一个现代化的、可持续性的 休闲和商业社区,其发展业态包括一个标志性的豪华酒店、 酒店式公寓、会议中心、办公楼及公共空间等。
酒店及酒店式公寓 Hotel and Serviced Apartments
形态,张扬个性 / Form, to Show Uniqueness / 109
漂浮花园 项目位于揽月湾 14 ㎞长的海岸线上,项目基地的环境 激发了设计师通过花园环境来提升滨湖公共空间品质的设想。 设计师从当地的竹雕刻工艺及具有流线型的现代船舶设计中 获取灵感构建这个项目。建筑物呈现出流畅的弧形结构,既 柔化了建筑线条,又与揽月湾水体的流动性相呼应。每座塔 楼的剖面均以雕刻手法塑造大型的海上漂浮花园,使整体环 境更加柔和舒缓,给人置身于度假村之感。
可持续的绿色设计 建筑设计充分考虑了基地特征与周边环境,使三者互相 呼应,相得益彰。设计认真考虑了周边建筑物的布局,使项 目在最大限度内实现了自然通风。绿地空间的进一步引入, 既彰显了绿色设计的概念,同时也营造了适宜的微气候。可 持续设计还体现在酒店塔楼外墙的设计上,该外墙采用了二 氧化钛纳米涂料,这种涂料可以中和空气中的污染物,清洁 空气,这将使该建筑成为常州清洁空气的象征建筑。 商业建筑风向标 / Commercial Architecture Tide / 110
形态,张扬个性 / Form, to Show Uniqueness / 111
漂浮花园 项目位于揽月湾 14 ㎞长的海岸线上,项目基地的环境 激发了设计师通过花园环境来提升滨湖公共空间品质的设想。 设计师从当地的竹雕刻工艺及具有流线型的现代船舶设计中 获取灵感构建这个项目。建筑物呈现出流畅的弧形结构,既 柔化了建筑线条,又与揽月湾水体的流动性相呼应。每座塔 楼的剖面均以雕刻手法塑造大型的海上漂浮花园,使整体环 境更加柔和舒缓,给人置身于度假村之感。
可持续的绿色设计 建筑设计充分考虑了基地特征与周边环境,使三者互相 呼应,相得益彰。设计认真考虑了周边建筑物的布局,使项 目在最大限度内实现了自然通风。绿地空间的进一步引入, 既彰显了绿色设计的概念,同时也营造了适宜的微气候。可 持续设计还体现在酒店塔楼外墙的设计上,该外墙采用了二 氧化钛纳米涂料,这种涂料可以中和空气中的污染物,清洁 空气,这将使该建筑成为常州清洁空气的象征建筑。 商业建筑风向标 / Commercial Architecture Tide / 110
形态,张扬个性 / Form, to Show Uniqueness / 111
展馆 Pavilion
酒店上落客区 Hotel Drop-off 中餐厅 ( 贵宾房 ) Chinese Restaurant (VIP Room)
Modern Floating Garden Adjust Measures to Local Conditions Sustainability Ecological & Green The project is located in the West Tai Lake’s Ecological and
garden setting environment in order to improve quality of the
to its surrounding environment and the site itself. Careful
Leisure Area, positioned to be one of the most important
public spaces surrounding the lake. The masterplan design
consideration was paid to zoning and building arrangement
vacation resorts in the Delta Region of Yangtze River. The
was inspired by the local craft of bamboo carving and the
within the site to maximize views and ventilation to all buildings.
31,000,000 square meters development will form a modern
aerodynamic shapes of modern boat design. The buildings are
The introduction of green spaces above ground plane reflects
leisure and commercial community, providing an iconic luxury
all curved to soften architectural lines and to reflect the fluidity
the concept of green design and creates pleasant micro
hotel, serviced apartments, conference centers, offices and
of the lake. A section of each tower is carved to house a large
climate. As an additional sustainable concept the hotel tower
public spaces.
floating garden, giving the masterplan a softer, more resort like
can be clad in a titanium dioxide nano-coating. The coating
neutralizes air pollution and cleans the air. The tower will become an iconic symbol of the clean air of Changzhou.
Floating Garden The project is situated along the 14 km coastline of Lanyue
Sustainable Green Design
Bay. The site environment inspires designers to create a
Architectural design and planning arrangement respond both 商业建筑风向标 / Commercial Architecture Tide / 112
商务及展览中心 Business & Convention Center
形态,张扬个性 / Form, to Show Uniqueness / 113
展馆 Pavilion
酒店上落客区 Hotel Drop-off 中餐厅 ( 贵宾房 ) Chinese Restaurant (VIP Room)
Modern Floating Garden Adjust Measures to Local Conditions Sustainability Ecological & Green The project is located in the West Tai Lake’s Ecological and
garden setting environment in order to improve quality of the
to its surrounding environment and the site itself. Careful
Leisure Area, positioned to be one of the most important
public spaces surrounding the lake. The masterplan design
consideration was paid to zoning and building arrangement
vacation resorts in the Delta Region of Yangtze River. The
was inspired by the local craft of bamboo carving and the
within the site to maximize views and ventilation to all buildings.
31,000,000 square meters development will form a modern
aerodynamic shapes of modern boat design. The buildings are
The introduction of green spaces above ground plane reflects
leisure and commercial community, providing an iconic luxury
all curved to soften architectural lines and to reflect the fluidity
the concept of green design and creates pleasant micro
hotel, serviced apartments, conference centers, offices and
of the lake. A section of each tower is carved to house a large
climate. As an additional sustainable concept the hotel tower
public spaces.
floating garden, giving the masterplan a softer, more resort like
can be clad in a titanium dioxide nano-coating. The coating
neutralizes air pollution and cleans the air. The tower will
Floating Garden
become an iconic symbol of the clean air of Changzhou.
The project is situated along the 14 km coastline of Lanyue
Sustainable Green Design
Bay. The site environment inspires designers to create a
Architectural design and planning arrangement respond both 商业建筑风向标 / Commercial Architecture Tide / 112
商务及展览中心 Business & Convention Center
形态,张扬个性 / Form, to Show Uniqueness / 113