Iclei korea initiative 2015 2018 eng 2015 4 4

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ICLEI Korea Initiative 2015-2018

ยก ICLEI Korea Initiative 2015-2018 will be established to choose Korean projects under the Seoul Declaration and the ICLEI Strategic Plan 2015~2018, which will be (or were) adopted by the ICLEI World Congress 2015 (April 9, 2015), promoting them as key projects for local and sub-national governments in Korea. ยก Local and sub-national governments of Korea, the host country of the ICLEI World Congress, will build their capacity to promote local sustainable development and contribute to global sustainable development by highlighting the importance of local governments' role for sustainable development worldwide through the leading and responsible implementation of ICLEI Korea Initiative 2015-2018.

1. Asking the global community once again to set definite urban sustainable development goals (SDGs) in U.N. SDGs, ICLEI members in Korea implement urban SDGs through regular assessments for sustainability at the local and sub-national levels, with sustainable development as a basic policy. 2. ICLEI members in Korea expand and implement local climate action linked to global efforts to promote engagement in a new global climate regime as well as the effectiveness of responses to climate change. 3. ICLEI members in Korea plan for and aggressively pursue

sustainable consumption and production (SCP), a leading means of realizing a green economy, at the local and sub-national levels. 4. ICLEI members in Korea adopt specific policies or projects to realize sustainable communities and improve the performance by 10%.

The annex includes the following:

April 9, 2015

Mayor of Seoul Metropolitan Government; Mayor of Seongbuk-gu Municipal Government of Seoul; Mayor of Seodaemun-gu Municipal Government of Seoul; Mayor of Jongno-gu Municipal Government of Seoul; Mayor of Gangdong-gu Municipal Government of Seoul; Mayor of Nowon-gu Municipal Government of Seoul; Mayor of Incheon Metropolitan Government; Governor of Gyeonggi-do Province; Mayor of Ansan; Mayor of Bucheon; Mayor of Suwon; Mayor of Gwacheon; Mayor of Gimpo; Mayor of Seongnam; Mayor of Namyangju; Mayor of Siheung; Mayor of Osan; Mayor of Anyang; Mayor of Uiwang; Mayor of Gapyeong-gun; Governor of Gangwon Province; Mayor of Hoengseong-gun; Mayor of Pyeongchang-gun; Mayor of Wonju; Mayor of Jeongseon-gun; Mayor of Gangneung; Mayor of Inje-gun; Mayor of Sejong Self-governing City; Governor of Chungcheongnam-do Province; Mayor of Seocheon-gun; Mayor of Buyeo-gun; Mayor of Cheongyang-gun; Mayor of Boryeong; Mayor of Gyeryong; Mayor of Taean-gun; Mayor of Asan; Mayor of Cheongju; Mayor of Yuseong-gu Municipal Government of Daejeon; Mayor of Daegu Metropolitan Government; Mayor of Gumi; Governor of Gyeongsangnam-do Province; Mayor of Changwon; Mayor of Hadong-gun; Mayor of Yeongju; Mayor of Busan Metropolitan Government; Mayor of Ulsan Metropolitan Government; Mayor of Jeonju; Mayor of Gwangju Metropolitan Government; Mayor of Suncheon; Mayor of Damyang-gun; Mayor of Yeosu; Governor of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province; Mayor of Seogwipo

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Annex: Details of ICLEI Korea Initiative 2015-2018

1. Background ¡ In 2015, the global community is accelerating its efforts to create the first year of another sustainable development model after the Rio Summit in 1992, facing the adoption of SDGs (in September) and an agreement on a new global climate regime (in December). ¡ Local governments around the globe, however, have contributed to tangible improvement in sustainable development and climate change mitigation through Local Action. They have increasingly built their global presence as key movers of sustainable development. ¡ The Seoul Declaration adopted by local governments around the globe at the ICLEI World Congress 2015 urges the world to support local and sub-national governments with enhanced access to legal, institutional and financial resources. This would come through raising worldwide awareness of the integral role played by local and sub-national governments for responses to climate change and sustainable development. ¡ ICLEI drives and supports the promotion of the sustainable development agenda by local and sub-national governments by defining 10 agenda items as well as the Strategic Plan 2015-2021 at the World Congress 2015. ¡ By working out and promoting the ICLEI Korea Initiative interlinked with the Seoul Declaration and the ICLEI Strategic Plan, ICLEI strengthens sustainable development at the local and regional levels, facilitates further action-oriented cooperation between members, and intensifies local-level contributions to global sustainable development and climate change adaptation.

2. Strategies & Action Plans ICLEI Korea Strategic Plan 2015-2018 includes strategies and action plans for four sectors: ① sustainability assessment linked to SDGs; ② local climate action; ③ sustainable consumption and production; and ④ 10 % Performance-Gain Program.

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Strategy 1.

Urban SDGs & Sustainability Assessment

Asking the world again to set definite urban sustainable development goals (SDGs) in U.N. SDGs, ICLEI members in Korea implement urban SDGs through regular assessments for sustainability at the local and sub-national levels, with sustainable development as a basic policy.

¡ Strategic Cornerstones & Why We Act Ÿ

Local and sub-national governments around the globe and related groups have proposed the need for setting a standalone goal on sustainable cities and human settlements to ensure appropriate involvement of local governments in defining sustainable development agenda, developing and implementing policies under the U.N. Post-2015 Development Agenda negotiations expected to be concluded in September 2015.


Designing standalone SDGs to collectively tackle all urban challenges is thus essential to mobilize local governments and governmental stakeholders for sustainable development, promote city-level integrated approaches and cover what cities specifically need.


By securing global support for the necessity of urban SDGs/New Urban Agenda on the strength of these efforts, alliances of local and sub-national governments, including ICLEI, have enabled the inclusion of the composition of "inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities and human settlements" in the 17 goals of the U.N. Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals outcome document (July 19, 2014).


Local and sub-national governments need to set sustainable development as a guiding principle for administration, and integrate sustainability assessment and its results at the local level into policies and programs to implement the principle.

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ยก Priority Tasks to Implement 1.1 ICLEI Korea member local and sub-national governments implement local-level sustainability assessments on a regular basis. 1.2

Local and sub-national governments cooperate with actors from different sectors to secure and promote transparent and effective sustainability assessment mechanisms.

1.3 The results of sustainability assessments are declared and integrated into local government policies.

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Strategy 2

Local Climate Action

ICLEI members in Korea expand and implement local climate action linked to global efforts to promote tangible engagement in a new global climate regime, as well as the effectiveness of responses to climate change.

¡ Strategic Cornerstones & Why We Act Ÿ

Local governments around the globe have made it clear to the world that they will strengthen, expand and accelerate local climate action, initiating the Compact of Mayors at the Climate Summit of September 2014. Accordingly, they agreed to use the carbon Climate Registry (cCR), a tool which enables the transparent and objective promotion of local climate action, as a single platform for reporting local and sub-national climate action to enable the greatest local-level strategy for climate change.


This will was reconfirmed by the Lima Communique* from the 20th Conference of the Parties (COP20) of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Lima, Peru, in December 2014. ICLEI also initiated the Global Protocol for Community­scale Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GPC) 2.0** at COP20 to gain a foothold for implementing reporting into the cCR more effectively.


Based on this, climate action is expected to be strengthened and expanded by local and sub-national governments, and the conventions on climate change are to be implemented at the global level with increasing speed. A massive upscaling of efforts for the transparent, objective and effective reduction of local GHG emissions through the cCR is required to secure financial resources essential to local government involvement in a new global climate regime, which will be on the table at COP21 (Paris, December 2015), and responses to climate change.


To promote these local-level policies on climate change, institutional and financial support and cooperation between central and local governments, including the support at the central government level (e.g.

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environment corporation), for signification reduction in local GHG emissions and reporting into the cCR; for example, about 90 percent of local governments in Japan completed reporting into the cCR with central government support. * Lima Communique: An ICLEI declaration outlining the new approach of local and sub-national governments toward the severity of climate change, need for legal and financial support for local climate action essential to global responses to climate change, the importance of multi-actor cooperation and engagement of local governments in a new global climate regime, which will be negotiated at the end of 2015. It was declared at COP20 and gained great attention and support from the global community. * GPC2.0: Global Protocol for Community­scale Greenhouse Gas Emissions made to collect and release data on city-level GHG emissions. This was developed in 2012 by ICLEI, World Resources Institute and C40 in collaboration with the World Bank, U.N. Environment Program (UNEP) and UN-Habitat. As a standardized system compatible with the system used by the global community, it was reborn as an advanced convention, GPC2.0, at COP20 after two years of improvement efforts after the first development.

ÂĄ Priority Tasks to Implement 2.1

Enhance local action for climate change mitigation through inter-links with ICLEI climate platforms.

2.1.1 Enable reporting into the cCR to promote systematic climate action and sharing among local, regional and national governments. 2.1.2 Update contents in the cCR yearly to continue promoting effective climate action. 2.2 Intensify partnerships with a wide range of stakeholders to effectively implement policies on climate change. 2.2.1

Request the expansion of multi-level governance projects to the central government for building up cooperation between central and local governments.


Invite local sustainable development promotion organizations as major partners and cooperate with them to expand involvement by local civil society.

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Strategy 3

Sustainable Consumption & Production

ICLEI members in Korea plan for and aggressively pursue sustainable consumption and production (SCP), a leading means of realizing the green economy, at the local and sub-national levels.

¡ Strategic Cornerstones & Why We Act Ÿ

The world emphasizes green economy as a major means of SDGs, which are expected to be on the table in 2015. Also sustainable consumption and production (SCP) are a leading means of stimulating green economy, while the U.N. adopted the 10-Year Framework of Programs on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns (10YFP) as one of the Rio+20 Outcome documents.


Focus on five sectors - sustainable public procurement, consumer information, sustainable lifestyles and education, sustainable construction and building, and sustainable eco-tourism - from the 10YFP, we form cooperative networks between members and implement locally contextualized concrete projects.


ICLEI adopted sustainable consumption and production as major initiatives in 1996 and held the first EcoProcura Conference in Europe in 1998. Subsequently, we launched the EcoProcura+ campaign in 2004, initiated the Procurement Forum in 2010, and promoted the establishment of the Sustainable Resource Center in 2011, strengthening the role of local and sub-national governments in the 10YFP with UNEP.


Korea has 71 mid- and long-term administrative initiatives in accordance with Article 10, Paragraph 2 of the Enforcement Decree of the Sustainable Development Act, with 19 initiatives from SCP. Starting with the eco-mark system in 1992, the country has actively promoted eco-friendly consumption and production policies. The Act on the Encouragement of the Purchase of

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Environmentally-friendly Products enacted in 1995 provided an opportunity to promote the consumption of eco-friendly products. Ÿ

Central and local governments and public institutions have been required to announce procurement records and plans for goods recycled (GR) on an annual basis under the Act on the Encouragement of Purchase of Green Products since 2005.


Such institutionalization, however, remains limited and needs upgrading by strengthening the role of local and sub-national governments with substantial purchasing power, as well as active promotion and expansion of sustainable public procurement at the local level.

¡ Priority Tasks to Implement 3.1

Implement local-level green procurement by making good use of global platforms including ICLEI's Sustainable Public Procurement, an inter-city network to be initiated at the World Congress 2015, and keeping monitoring to share the results with key stakeholders, including local and sub-national governments and global society for cooperation.


Expand the range of public procurement at the local level to encourage the private sector to access a sustainable consumption culture and contribute to forming a sustainable production infrastructure. * Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP): A city network formed and operated by ICLEI (Global Sustainable Procurement Center in European Secretariat and East Asian Secretariat) together with UNEP and leading cities in Europe and East Asia to promote production and consumption of environmentally, socially and economically valuable goods, with the ICLEI World Congress serving as momentum.

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Strategy 4

10 % Performance-Gain Program

ICLEI members in Korea adopt specific policies or projects to work on sustainable communities and enhance action and implementation to encourage the 10 % Performance-Gain Program.

¡ Strategic Cornerstones & Why We Act Ÿ

With eight agenda items adopted through the Strategic Plan 2012 covering 2012-2018, we support members when they implement their policies for sustainable cities.


As the need increasingly appeared for revising and complementing strategic plans accounting for changes in global trends for sustainable development, we accepted amendments to existing plans and opinions on ICLEI's ten agenda items from all levels of government globally before the World Congress 2015. * ICLEI's ten agenda items (2015-2021): Sustainable City, Resource-efficient City, BiodiverCity, Low Carbon City, Resilient City, Smart City, EcoMobile City (Sustainable Urban Mobility), Sustainable Local Economy & Procurement, Happy, Healthy & Inclusive Communities, Sustainable Regions


We plan to implement the 10 % Performance Grain Program on locally adopted policies or projects corresponding to the ten agenda items for giving members the chance to strengthen and expand Local Action for sustainable cities.

¡ Priority Tasks to Implement 4.1 Select regionally tailor-made thematic programs and projects such as those on expansion of urban biodiversity, renewable energy and green procurement to strengthen and expand Local Action for sustainable cities and improve performance 10 percent.

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3. Action Plan for ICLEI Korea Initiative

3.1 [Roadmap] Give shape to the Plan's contents, set up Action Plan and design detailed roadmaps and strategies to check the implementation process and performance by the second half of 2015. 3.2 [Local government mandates] ICLEI members base the setup and implementation of the Initiative on partnerships with stakeholders from various sectors. 3.2.1 Promote implementation through intergovernmental cooperation at all levels (central-metropolitan-primary). 3.2.2

Use cooperation with neighboring cities as a key factor.


Collaborate with local-level sustainable development actors based on various stakeholders.


Submit an annual report outlining the performance of local-level strategic plans to the Secretariat (Korean Office; KO).

3.3 [Secretariat] Promote KO to a Secretariat to manage the implementation and performance of the Korea Initiative through regular reporting. 3.3.1

KO collects and analyzes the implementation and performance of the Korea Initiative by local and sub-national governments, and reports and releases it to members every year.


The Korean representative of ICLEI, Suwon Mayor Yeom Tae-young, oversees annual checks for the implementation and performance of the Korea Initiative at KO by 2018.


KO devises plans to prepare and promote an incentive program, including overseas training and participation in global conferences for cities of excellence in the implementation of the Initiative.

3.4 [Spread of performance] The Korean representative of ICLEI gives a presentation on the outcomes of the ICLEI Korea Initiative 2015-2018 as the performance of the Korean network at the ICLEI World Congress to spread it worldwide. /The end/

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