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CONTENTS Procurement Weaponry and rivalry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Director General Valeriy Stolnikov Deputy Director General Ilya Kolikov Dmitry Butorin

Commodity-Money-Commodity UAC and the buck. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

Marketing Director Leonid Belyaev Editors Vladimir Karnozov Maxim Khrustalev Designers Mariya Marakulina Olga Khrisanova Timofey Babkin Print Manager Anton Patsovsky

Jubilee Ilyushin turns 80 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16

Success story Il-76/Project 476 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

Cover photo ILYUSHIN Aviation Complex Photos in this issue Vladimir Karnozov, open sources and courtesy of advertizing companies

Civil aviation Asia, future of aviation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Vendors FED still Industry Leader . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 Circulation: 10000 The magazine is registered in the Committee for Press of the Russian Federation. Certificate № 016692 as of 20.10.1997. Certificate № 77-15450 as of 19.05.2003. © AIR FLEET, 2013 ADDRESS P.O. Box 77, Moscow, 125057, Russia Tel.: + 7 495 459 9072 Fax.: + 7 495 459 6042 E-mail:

Naval aviation VIkramaditya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38

Aircraft MiG-29UPG delivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




WEAPONRY AND RIVALRY Despite Jawaharlal Nehru's call for self-reliance in the area of arms production, India is still far from reaching it. The world largest democracy's defense budget 2012 amounted to US dollar 50.6 billion (24% up to 2011) including 14 billion for equipment procurement of which half was spent abroad. The nation still relies on imported equipment especially in the high-tech areas such as combat jets, rotorcraft, conventional and nuclear powered submarines. In this market, traditional supplier Russia increasingly meets competition from United States. This century the latter managed to achieve considerable success with sales. The list of US-arms acquisitions has been growing fast; it now includes six C-130J Hercules propeller driven tactical airlifters (US dollar 1.2 billion), ten C-17A Globamaster strategic airlift aircraft (5.8 billion) and 12 P-8I Poseidon maritime patrol jets (3.3 billion). Most recently, CH-47 Chinook and AH-64 Apache were declared winners of international tenders. But Vladimir Putin seemed to have his strong arguments in favor of his country's weapons when he paid a visit to New Delhi at the end of the past year. The Russian president witnessed signing of several major arms deals. The largest of those calls for shipment of 42 additional Sukhoi Su-30MKI jetfighter kits for subsequent assembly at Hindustan Aeronautics Limited. The value of that deal is estimated between 2 and 3.7 billion US dollars.


Besides, during the past year India purchased about a thousand AL-31PF engines (powering Sukhoi fighters) worth some five billion US dollars. According to Konstantin Makienko of the Moscowbased Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies (CAST), the value of "indentified contracts" (i.e. those featured in the press and open sources) finalized during the past year amount to between 7 and 8.7 billion US dollars. This means that Indian sales accounted for roughly half of Russia's grand total (US dollar 15 billion) in the year of 2012. At the same time, Russia has lost a number of international tenders to US and European rivals. The tendency has been

that Russia wins almost nothing when the competition is open and conducted in accordance to so-called Defense Procurement Procedures (DPP). The largest tender in which Russia bided but did not win has been the Medium Multirole Combat Aircraft (MMRCA). Dassault Rafale come first. Besides, the Indians have selected the US-made CH-47 Chinook heavy transport and the Apache attack helicopter. The US products were chosen over the Mil Mi26T2 and Mi-28NE respectively. Despite these facts and the clear message they carry, some experts in Moscow warn not to jump to premature conclusions and rather wait and see what happens next. They point at the incoming Parlia-

President of Russia Vladimir Putin makes a speech


mentary elections and say these may change the Indian political landscape. Consequently, those who won the tenders may, after all, not get contracts signed and approved of by new decision makers who will soon come to power in the aftermath of the elections. This shall mostly concern western manufacturers. Their Russian colleagues have strong on-going programs. These have tended to proceed with followon orders, just to mention such "continuing bestsellers" as the Sukhoi Su-30MKI multirole fighter, Mil Mi-17 medium transport helicopter, and Project 11356 Talwarclass frigates. Te recent order for additional 42 Su-30MKIs came on the top to the earlier signed contracts covering 230 such fighters (and 18 Su-30Ks). As a result, the grand total has risen to 290. This is more than respective number of Sukhoi Su27UBK/SK and Su-30MKK/MK2 aircraft purchased by China or assembled there under license (281). The experts from CAST believe the Su-30MKI story is far from completion. In future the customer may well add a substantial number to the already placed orders. Besides, the Russian industry expects a good income from mid-life upgrade and modernization program on the Indian Su-30MKI inventory. The related work would include turning the early delivered airplanes into far more capable Super-30 standard. Second largest direction of the IndoRussian military technical cooperation in the sphere of combat jets is related to the products of the Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG (RAC MIG). Although the MiG-35 failed in the MMRCA tender (in which Dassault Rafale of France won), RAC MIG keeps firm ground in the Indian market. Its main current activity is carrying out mid-life upgrade and modernization of MiG-29s in service with the Indian air force. Some sixty airframes are subjected to the work under respective contracts worth some one billion US dollars. The reworked airframes are designated MiG29UPG. There are expectations that in future India may increase its MiG-29UPG fleet up to 80-85 aircraft. The customer A I R



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may do it by taking newly built or second hand aircraft with their subsequent upgradation to the new standard. The Indian armed forces and civilian operators have a large number of Mil Mi8/17 fleet of medium transport helicopters. The numerical strength of the nation's rotorcraft fleet is estimated at 900 machines, of which 300 serve the civil market. This fleet is largely outdated and in the need of renewal. Russia may expect good deals in the given market in foreseeable future. CAST notes, however, that Russian models are not yet popular with commercial operators, whose fleet grew from 117 in 2002, to 190 in 2007 and to nearly 300 at the end of the past year. There are only six Mi-172 in that fleet, including a couple imported in 2012. By contrast, the Armed Forces' inventory is dominated by Russian types. It includes three super heavy Mi-26s, 25 Mi-25/35 attack and 160 Mi-8/17s medium transport helicopters. In the early 1980s, New Delhi applied to Moscow for heavyweight fire support helicopters. It acquired 12 Mi-25 attack rotorcraft in 1982-1984, and 20 Mi-35s (more capable derivative of the same baseline model Mi-24) in the late 1980s. The world's largest Mi-26 rotorcraft appeared in the Indian inventory in 1986; eventually four were purchased. Starting in 1971, India procured 124 Mi-8s. Then its attention shifted to the evolved Mi-17 featuring a

new gearbox and more powerful engines. Deliveries commenced in 1986. India resumed rotorcraft purchases in Russia in the new century, after imported western helicopters proved unable to completely replace more rugged Russian designs better suited to operations in harsh climate. Shopping resumed in 2000, when 40 Mi-17s were bought for US dollar 170 million. Then, in 2008, Rosoboronexport won contract worth US dollar 1.345 billion for 80 Mi-17V-5s. Deliveries commenced in September 2011. These helicopters represent a new production standard and feature many improvements. So far Russia has delivered 36 helicopters and will due to add 44 in 2013-2014. There is a new contract for 59 machines being finalized. The abovementioned contract for the Mil Mi-17V-5 went to Russian arms trade agency Rosoboronexport in December 2008. It was signed during Russian president Dmitry Medvedev visit to New Delhi. The rotorcraft are made by Kazan Helicopters plant of the Russian Helicopters. That time the press reported about over 200 mid-weight helicopters of the Mi-8/17 family as being in service with the Indian air force. Russian Helicopters said "India is viewed a strategic partner, especially as government structures are concerned". The company lost attack helicopter tender (to the AH-64 Apache), but still hopes for victory in the light helicopter

President of India Pranab Mukherjee talks to media








FGFA prototype




tender for 197 machines. In this competition Russian Helicopters and Rooboronexport bid with the Kamov Ka-226T. It faces still competition from the side of the Eurocopter Fennec. The customized Indian Mi-17V-5 features brand-new KNEI-8 navigation, information-display and cueing system. It is built on four MFDs instead of dial instruments on previous Mi-17 models. This new version shall become a new factory standard from now on, and provides for a reduction in pilots’ workload. Integration of the new avionics with advanced night-vision equipment and a glass cockpit was made by Mil and its partner Russian Avionics company. Over 11,000 Mi-8/17 series helicopters have been assembled so far at Kazan and Ulan-Ude plants. With takeoff weight of 13 tons, the Mi-17V-5 can carry either 36 armed soldiers internally or 4.5t of cargo on sling. The Indian navy air arm operates a number of Russian types. It has a handful of Tupolev Tu-142MKI four-engine giants – the largest combat aircraft in the inventory of Asia-Pacific nations. Earlier this century these were underwent


overhaul that included lifetime extension work and partial replacement of NK-12 turboprops. This work shall enable the aging giants to continue in service until more capable P-8I Poseidon attributed to new generation of ASW aircraft becomes available. The big Tupolevs are supplemented by somewhat Ilyushin Il-38SD turboprops. These have recently undergone lifetime extension work and installation of the stateof-the-art Sea Dragon ASW set. India has ordered a total of 45 navalised MiGs able to operate from carrier decks. Over twenty MiG-29K/ KUB have been delivered already. There is a possibility that the Indian navy would take some twenty more MiGs, as it needs a total of sixty deck fighters so as to equip its imported and home-grown STOBAR carriers. The Indian Navy has nine Kamov Ka-31 flying radars, 16 Ka-28 ASW rotorcraft (new from factory, delivered in 1986-1991) and keeps five ancient Ka25PLs (ex-Soviet navy machines handed over in 1980). More recently the navy took possession of nine Ka-31s (19992004). It expects four additional Ka-28s

and five Ka-31s to come aboard the INS Vikramaditya when the ship appears in the Indian waters hopefully by the end of this year. As a rule, Kamov rotorcraft operate from warships made in the Soviet Union and Russia. Such as the Talwar class or Project 11356 frigates, three of which are already in service. Three ships of the second batch are getting ready at the Yantar plant on the Russian Baltic coast. There is a possibility that India would place a follow-on order for the Talwar class. The navy is considering the Amur 1650 in frame of the Project 75I tender for six diesel-electric submarines. These would supplement and partially replace ten Project 877 submarines acquired from Russia earlier. Right now these ageing boats are being subjected to mid-life upgrade and modernization. They are receiving the Club-S system which give them the tube-launch capability for land-strike, anti-ship and antisubmarine missiles. The last – but not least – the Indian navy operates, under ten-year lease terms, a Russian-built nuclear powered submarine of the Project 971, the Chakra-II.

Procurement Sino-Russian relations Ninth international aviation and space exposition Airshow China 2012 held 13-18 November 2012 in Zhuhai provided some evidence to growing Sino-Russian military cooperation. After complete absence of Russian exhibits in the air and in the static of the previous event two years ago, this time the northern neighbor brought four Sukhoi27s and a Su-27UB fighters of the Russian Knights air display group that flew daily. In the static there were an Ilyushin-76MD of the Russian air force and a Sukhoi Superjet 100 hundred-seat passenger jet. Head of Rosoboronexport's department for aviation Sergei Kornev Kornev provided the following assessment on the current state of Sino-Russian cooperation in the military technical sphere. "We did have a certain period of stagnation which lasted for several years. Now we note a positive dynamics in all directions related to air force and antiaircraft defense equipment. After a certain period of lull, the customer is showing interest in procurement of Russian equipment". China is Russia's largest neighbor; relations between the two great nations in many ways shape the world-order, they are essential part of that world-order. During the whole of the past century China was more interested to have good relations with its northern neighbor so as to have the means to defend its independence (that time threatened by Japan, Great Britain and US imperialists) and develop the national economy. China enjoyed massive support of the Soviet Union in the middle of the past century, and this support helped China rebuild its econo-

Nikolai Patrushev and Xi Jinping A I R



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my on the way of industrialization. That time the Chinese armed forces were equip with everything they needed to defend the newly founded People's Republic. China entered the 21 century as a big and united country with fast-growing economy. At the beginning of the new century Chinese economy grew at 8-10% year on year. During the period of 2006-2011 this growth continued at 10.5% (peaking at 11-14% in 2005-2007) against India 8%, Russia 3.7% and Brazil 4%. Chinese economy grew with a 9% rate even in 2008-2009, when world's GDP was flat. In 2011 China's GDP rose by 9.2%, exports and imports grew by 20.3 and 24.9% respectively. Last year the growth slowed down to 7.4% in the third quarter of 2012, and yet this three times above of the entire world (2.4% in 2012). Ongoing reshuffle on the top of Communist Party of China (CPC) following the 18 Congress in November coincides with growing interest of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) in procurement of modern Russian weapons and technologies. People’s Republic of China (PRC) continues importing jet engines (AL-31F/FN, D-30KP, AI-222F), multirole helicopters (Mil-17) and anti-aircraft systems. Besides, it takes additional Kamov naval helicopters (to nine Ka-28s and nine Ka-31s already in service) and Ilyushin heavy airlifters (contract for ten is being materialized). Most recently, PRC ordered four Amur 1650 diesel electric submarines, in addition to twelve Kilo-class the last of which was delivered in spring 2006. Beijing is negotiating license production of the Tigr 4x4 armored vehicle. China is close

Su-35 to signing for Sukhoi-35 multirole fighters and certain surface-to-air missiles (SAM), while seeking to procure modern electronically scanned radars and other advanced components to equip indigenous end-products. In case the deal on 24 Su-35s worth US$ 1.5billion materializes, it would mean resumption of Russian combat jet deliveries to China after 24 Su-30MK2s shipped in 2004. In all, China procured 178 Sukhoi fighters (38 Su-27SK, 40 Su-27UBK, 76 Su-30MKK, 24 Su-30MK2) and assembled, from Russian kits, under license 105



Xu Qiliang Su-27SKs, with which taken into account the total number comes to 283. The key change of today's China is Xi Jinping. He is taking top positions in the party and government from outgoing leader Hu Jintao, RPC President since 2003 and head of the central military council since 2005. The new leader is expected to correct Hu’s policy of massive investments into long-term and expensive infrastructure and industrial projects under which country’s leadership gave almost every chance to local companies to develop local substitutes to imported weapons. Personally, Xi Jinping seems more hard-line and aggressive politician (partly due to his younger age, 59, as compared to his predecessor). Although his strategy is yet to shine through his actions, there are some interesting signs already. Firstly, the choice of Xu Qiliang and Fan Changlong as vice-chairmen of the PLA's top decision-making body, the Central Military Commission (CMC). A good pilot and tactician, Xu served, 2007 to 2012, as commander of PLAAF, the largest air force in Asia. PLAAF is the third largest in the world behind the USAAF and RusAF, with approximately 330,000 personnel and over 2,500 aircraft. It is important to note that PLAAF is more than any other PLA’s component equipped with Russian-made products and technologies. As PLAAF commander, Xu directed the serious process of PLAAF transformation into a more compact, yet more powerful and


modern force. This was achieved through massive withdrawals of outdated J-6, J-7 and Q-5 and their replacement by lesser count of far more capable J-10 and J-11 fighters with technology level corresponding to earlier imported Sukhoi-27/30s. At the same time, air-defense units received S-300PMU-2 Favorite (2007-2010) and indigenously developed HQ-9/HQ-11 SAMs. Earlier China acquired ten divisions of the S-300PMU and PMU-1, and 35 Thor-M1 SAMs directly from Russia. Touching on recent developments to do with PLAAF at the end of Xu Qiliang’s term, it is ought to mention two events. Below are quotations from MoD’s website. “More than 100 top pilots from 14 aviation brigades/ regiments of the Air Force of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) piloted their fighters to conduct a fierce “air-combat” from November 19 to 30, 2012, at an experimental training base of the PLA Air Force in northwest China, which is the largest confrontation air-combat testing assessment of the PLA Air Force in recent years”. “A comprehensive support experiment drill with multi-types of fighters on the doublerunway under information conditions was recently held by the Air Force of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) at an airport in southwest China. Nearly 100 fighters of over 10 different types opened the curtain of the base-oriented transformation of the combat support mode of the PLA Air Force”. Another interesting figure, Chang Wan-

quan, has also been nominated for a climb up PLA’s ladder. In the capacity of Head of the General Armaments Department, Chang has supervised the Manned Space Project since 2008. He distinguished himself as “a strong advocate of rapid modernization in PLA military equipment and of the integration of a combined operations supreme command, with an emphasis on better operational coordination among the army, navy, land forces, and missile forces in warfare” [quotation from PRC MoD website]. Promotion of Xu Qiliang and Chang Wanquan may entail changes in PLA procurement policy with more focus on hightech. Welcoming Russian defense minister Sergei Shoigu to Beijing In November 2012, Xu happily observed that “the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination has maintained a positive, healthy and stable momentum”. Earlier that month Xu Qiliang met RusAF commander Victor Bondarev and told him that “the friendly and cooperative relations between Chinese and Russian militaries are at the best-ever stage of development”. Sergei Shoigu was in Beijing to chair the 17-th meeting of the Sino-Russian intergovernment commission on military-technical cooperation held 20-22 November. In addition to Qiliang, the Russian defense minister had exclusive moments with his Chinese counterpart Liang Guanglie and President Hu Jintao. Talking to Chinese TV on the occasion, Shoigu congratulated his hosts with ‘successful completion’ of the 18 CPC Congress and described the currently achieved level of Sino-Russian cooperation as ‘unprecedented’ and ‘carrying strategic character’. Shoigu depicted Sino-Russian military-technical cooperation as ‘fruitful’. ‘Russia is ready to further strengthen this cooperation and contribute a new input into the multisided strategic interaction and partnership between the two countries’, he added. Behind the curtain of welcome speeches and performance for cameramen that always surrounds such events, far-sighted observes saw two important developments that followed Shoigu’s visit to Beijing: the sale of Amur 1650 submarines and coming to terms on the Su-35 and certain antiaircraft systems.


Russia expects China to undertake modernization of earlier delivered Sukhoi Su-27SK/UB and Su-30MKK/MK2 fighters (NATO codename Flanker). "Equipment such as this normally undergoes two or three mid-life upgrade and modernization programs", Sergei Kornev says. Russia has submitted its proposal on the matter. In particular, the Russians propose adding "more modern, more precise guided missiles and other munitions". At the same time, China has been looking at integration of its own PGMs onto Sukhoi fighters operated by the PLA Air Force and Navy Air Arm. Should China make a move with the Sukhoi fleet modernization, this may entail resumption of Russian missile deliveries after a pose of several years. Kornev confirmed that as of November 2012, Russia's Tactical Missile Corporation was not making any shipments to PRC. Rosoboronexport tries to keep open to China in relations to these fighter jets. On the eve of the Airshow China 2012 and during it, Russian air force commander, his deputies, pilots and technicians of the Russian Knights team on the Su-27 had "many meetings" with their Chinese colleagues "who were very open to communications", Kornev insisted. Numerical strength of the Chinese Flanker fleet including locally made copies is estimated at 400 units. China is interested in purchasing a quantity of the Beriev-200 amphibian twinjets. Rosoboronexport estimates solvent worldwide demand for the type at 40-50 units, basing on requests received from a number of foreign countries. The company signed for cooperation on the Be-200 with the Italian partners at Farnborough 2011. General director of Beriev company, Victor Kobzev

hold negotiations with interested Chinese customers including tops of the Ministry for Forestry and the Ministry for Public Security; these are seeking to buy ten Be-200s in firefighting version. But in this case these talks and would be contracts will not be under Rosoboronexport's supervision, since this is a case of purely civilian application. About five years ago China negotiated a deal on a dozen of Be-200s in a special version for the PLA Navy, but did not place an order. It might be suggested that China is still considering locally-made propeller-driven flying boats and weighting them against the Be-200 and would buy a quantity from Russia in case the local products appear vastly inferior in performance. By purchasing a small quantity for a civil structure, China may expect to attain access to Russian technologies that might be useful in the efforts on improving indigenous designs. In a very bold move, Phazotron NIIR demonstrated at its stand at Airshow China a full scale model of its most recent radar, the Zhuk-MAE, developed for the MiG-35 and flight-tested on the latter's demonstrator. The MiG-35D was screened out of the Indian MMRCA tender – a serious blow to the project, whose destiny looks darker than ever. Apparently, the radar developer seeks ways to secure future for the ZhukMAE, and looks at China as a potential buyer of a large quantity. Phazotron general designer Yuri Guskov spent all says of the show at the stand, answering questions related to the radar to everyone showing an interest in the exhibit. Phazotron had a number of projects with China before. Back in 1992 it was contracted to develop a device for the J-8-II

J-10 fighter powered by Russian AL-31FN engine A I R



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interceptor as an alternative to the exportable version of the AN/APG-66 available to PRC via Peace Pearl program. This radar, Zhemchug, was than reworked to fit a smaller aircraft and presented to customer in 1993. Although Russia did not get an order for quantity production of this model, Phazotron's general designer, nonetheless, is happy about the results of the work done for China. The customer paid well for R&D work, which helped the design house survive in the most difficult years, when domestic orders ran low. The Chinese were also happy with the work done, and, having acquired critical technologies and a couple of specimens, created their own radars. Using the Zhemchug as specimen, the National Research Institute of Electronic Technology (NRIET) in Nanjing developed devices for the J-10 and the J-11B. Essentially, NRIET unit is a Chinese version of the Zhemchug with Russian microchips replaced by specially developed Chinese analogues. Although this added another two-three years to the development cycle, in the end China attained self-efficiency in modern fighter-size radars with slotted antennas with mechanical beam scanning, Guskov said. Besides, Phazotron assisted Leihua Electronic Technology Research Institute (LETRI) in Wuxi on development of the radar for the JF-17 Thunder of the Pakistan air force. Next move would be mastering electronic scanning technologies. Another Russian design house, Tikhomirov's NIIP, did some related work for Chinese customers in the 1990s. It culminated in delivery to China of a development prototype of the Pero passive electronically scanned antenna. Although the customer accepted the work and paid for it, it temporarily lost interest in the theme. However, after Chinese radars with slotted antenna were perfected and went into mass production, the interest in electronic scanning devices appeared again. NIIP was contracted to resume work on the Pero, and responded with delivery of a far more advanced version of the antenna. This device was meant to be integrated with a Chinese radar that would equip a Su-27-sized aircraft. But the customer again lost interest, and instead began asking for the most



Z-10 recent NIIP model, the Irbis multifuncChina did not ask for Russian jetfighters tional radar developed for the Su-35 to equip its only aircraft carrier, the Liaonmultirole fighter. ing, Kornev insisted. Instead, the J-15 was But Russia is now taking a lot more caudeveloped locally. This airplane is based on tious attitude to exporting specimens for early development prototypes of the Su-27K production. It notified the Chinese clients which was left at Saki AFB after complethat the older practice – whose examples tion of their flight testing. Ukraine, which were the Zhemchug and the Pero – is no inherited Saki after breakup of the Soviet longer suitable. The Russian industry is now Union, sold these prototypes to China. The well loaded with well-paid orders from local J-15 is now in production, rendering China and foreign customers, and unless China independent in the domain of deck fighters. places a worthwhile order, it would not Although Kornev did say about absence of export high-tech products. Chinese interest in purchasing Russian carAs of late 2012, the share of engines in rier borne aircraft, there has been informaRussian military export to China was very tion that Beijing wanted the Su-27KUB, but high, at about 90%. In 2011-2012 China Russia replied with an offer of the original placed large orders for Russian engines "of – and less advanced- Su-27K. Besides, there the AL-31F, AL-31FN series 3 and D-30KP was an interest in carrier borne version of types. Shipments have started", Kornev the Su-35UB built in a single copy, but it said. By rough estimates, PLA has received also came to nothing. over a thousand AL-31F series engines and Chinese naval aviation uses the Kamov continue taking additional quantities. When Ka-28 helicopters and their Ka-31 derivative asked about Russian involvement in the with the powerful Oko observation radar. WS-10 Tai Hang broadly similar to AL-31F "We continue working with the customer in in appearance and advertized performance, that direction", Kornev said. PLA Navy air Kornev answered that Russia did not hand arm operates about twenty Kamov heliover design or manufacturing documentacopters including nine Ka-31s delivered in tion on the AL-31F/FN, and “we have not 2010-2011. Upon delivery of 32 Mi-17s been briefed on that model". in 2010-2011, Rosoboronexport won Russia and China have a framework follow-on Chinese order for 52 more such agreement on 500 Klimov RD-93s (other helicopters. A joint Sino-Russian group has sources give 150), of which one hundred been formed to address the issues of after have been delivered. Commercial negosales support. It is now looking at the issue of tiations on follow-on batches continue, setting up technical service centers to support the sides are negotiating on price. The Mi-17 series helicopters and their engines. As RD-93 is a derivative of the MiG-29's per airplanes, China already has such cenRD-33 differing in high, rather than low, ters established with help of Belarus partners. positioning of the gears drive box. The Commenting on the Chinese procurement motor powers the JF-17 fighters develpolicy, Kornev described it as "reasonoped and manufactured in China for the able”. PLA is primarily interested in new Pakistan Air Force. Operable prototype technologies and new products available in of the next-generation Chinese lightRussia, "especially those recently accepted weight fighter, J-21 (J-31) that first-flew or ordered by the Russian armed forces". In on the eve of the Zhuhai show, is apparits turn, Rosoboronexport is authorized to ently using two RD-93s. sell only production examples of weapons


cleared for export. "It is difficult for us to negotiate on those models that are not in service with the Russian armed forces". On Russia’s chances to sell more equipment to PRC in future, Kornev said: "Although the Chinese industry has recently demonstrated certain success and today can independently produce a wide spectrum of defense products, we are optimistic about our prospects in the Chinese market". As time goes, the Kremlin is expected to continue a weighted approach targeting a reasonable balance between Beijing and New Delhi. Such a policy would target to keep the big triangle stable and not to allow foreign powers to drag Moscow into a direct confrontation with Beijing. Meantime, this is part of a future war scenario. It would pursue starving PRC of sea borne trade and limiting oil and other fuels income to Chinese ports. Such a scenario is being considered by foreign powers not interested in seeing PRC outgrowing USA in economic and military strength and thus challenging its global hegemony. And also in the case of mainland China's policy going too far in the direction of defending the great nation's interests out in the sea. But without Russia joining this would-be anti-China coalition, that scenario does not work well. While the Kremlin strives hard to escape being dragged into the anti-China's coalition (and that of anti-Persia), New Delhi seems very keen to expand its ties with the United States. In the process the Indian armed forces get more and more of advanced US weaponry and defense technologies. This makes India rapidly close the gap in military strength with PLA. The gist of this gap-closing process is that China has to rely on the technologies developed in-country, while India also takes critical technologies from US and Western Europe – and so moves faster. The process of growing up to China's military strength may be a very interesting and intriguing for the Indians. But there shall be a point in time when they would have to make a pause and think it over. Is it worth for the great nation of Indians to be a tool to play in the hands of foreign powers? Vladimir Karnozov




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Russia’s United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) estimated its income in 2012 at Rouble 180 billion (US$ 5.806 billion) and expressed a hope for a figure of about 200 billion [$6.452billion] in 2013.

Mikhail Pogosyan These numbers were given to the media by UAC president Mikhail Pogosyan at a briefing on the New Year’s eve. Sukhoi leads with "above 40%" share, closely followed by Irkut. RAC MiG came third, with Rouble 20billion [$0.645billion]. According to mister Pogosyanm the corporation will continue its transformation from "a collection of Soviet brands brought


together by administrative methods" – into "a world-class aircraft manufacturer with focus on the end results and common goals... and a new positioning in the global marketplace". Besides, a closer look at UAC 2012 results reveals that its current leader was unable to deliver his earlier promise of a dramatic boost in civilian production. The share of the latter is still at some 80% of the total income. Despite the promises to manufacture more passenger jets, UAC remains narrowly focused on governmental orders coming from the home country and foreign ones. An analysis of UAC current plans, capabilities and market response to its products leads us to believe that combat jets will stay UAC' main product for a long time, and that the annual output of combat jets will stay relatively flat in terms of aircraft deliveries. Admittedly, it will rise in terms of income chiefly due to the continuing escalation of manufacturing costs resulting in ever-growing sticker prices for Russian aeronautical products. For the first time in the past twenty years, deliveries to Russian MoD exceeded ex-

port (the latter is estimated at 29 jetfighters in 2012). Past year deliveries to Russian defense ministry rose twofold, according to Pogosyan. These numbered 35 aircraft, of which Irkut contributed two Sukhoi-30SM fighters and 15 Yakovlev-130 advanced jet trainers/light attack aircraft. Under local orders, Sukhoi produced one PAKFA (fourth prototype for testing), ten Su-34s and six Su-35s.Next year UAC plans to deliver 70 warplanes to its main customer. During the aforementioned press briefing, Pogosyan called the maiden flight of the Ilyushin-76MD-90A (Il-76MD-90A) in September and the Russian MoD order for 39 such aircraft placed in October as the major milestone of the passing year. The respective contract is worth Rouble 140 billion (US$ 4.5 billion). The air lifter business received additional boost in November, when India signed a contract for development of the Multirole Transport Aircraft (MTA) with payload capability of twenty tons. This move allowed Indian specialists to join Ilyushin designers in practical work on shaping the airplane. At the same time, UAC failed to secure long expected state orders for resumption

Commodity-Money-Commodity production of the Antonov-124 Ruslan superheavy airlifter and go-ahead for commencement of the An-70 project. In December Pogosyan tried to picture situation with UAC restructuring proceeds as going at full throttle. Starting on January 1, 2013 Sukhoi is a unitary company, comprising the design house named after Pavel Sukhoi, KnAAPO and NAPO plants. The latter plants located in Siberia used to be separate businesses to that of the Moscowbased design house. "This consolidation shall help decrease expenses and improve productivity, and result in a higher profitable growth", Pogosyan insisted. During 2013, RAC MiG and NAZ Sokol are ordered to merge into a single entity. Merging shall help further streamline series production, capitalizing on the initial success achieved past year with deliveries of MiG-29K/KUB jetfighters' second batch to the Indian navy (29 aircraft on order) and upgraded MiG-29UPGs to the Indian air force. Next year first MiG-29K shipment shall commence to the Russian navy, Pogosyan said. He expects formalization of a MiG-35 order in 2013. Tupolev design house and KAPO plant are also ordered to merge. Their merger will focus on strategic bombers and special purpose aircraft. Another single entity shall be made by Ilyushin design bureau, UACTransport Aircraft division, Myasistchev,

and Aviastar-SP. Beriev design house and TAVIA, both located in Taganrog on the Black Sea coast, have been merged already. This starts to pay off, UAC president insisted. The corporation will continue implementing its policy on creation and development of "centers of competence". Pogosyan claimed that in 2012 concerted efforts resulted in a 20-30% reduction in manufacturing costs in production of subassemblies by means of higher specialization for involved enterprises, various synergy effects, introduction of modern technologies and completion of new production facilities. UAC boss specially mentioned composite materials, as he finds it impossible to complete internationally in both defense and civil aviation markets "without modern technologies and localized production in that sphere". Aerocomposite company shall provide the core of the proposed "center of competence for composite materials". That center shall be fully established in the middle of 2013 with completion of two brand-new factories. One of those will be located in Kazan and specialized in empennage and high-lift devices. The second one situates in Ulianovsk and produces wings. UAC is also planning a center of competence for integrated onboard systems, and that for fairings penetrated by radio-waves. The MC-21 narrow body

jetliner projects shall be the first project to benefit from creation of these centers. In 2012 the Russian armed forces received 40 airplanes [other sources insist on 58, perhaps with inclusion of overhauled and modernized aircraft from line units] and 127 helicopters, according to deputy defense minister Yuri Borisov. In his turn, President Vladimir Putin said that in 2012 Russia won military export orders exceeding US$ 15billion. And that the 2012 income from earlier concluded deals amounted to a record US$ 14billion. The share of aviation in the newly finalized orders is 37% against 34% in 2011, and air defense systems 25% against 20%, while that of the land forces equipment went down from 21% to 10%. India, Algeria and Vietnam remains largest imports. Iraq is likely to join them should its US$ 4.2billiion order package materializes. In the domain of combat jets, the biggest achievement of UAC was the shipment of six Su-35 single seat multirole fighters to the Russian air force, a first deliverable batch for the type (previous year two were built, largely for flight tests). Built at KnAAPO plant in Komsomolsk-upon-Amur, these Su-35s were accepted by the customer on December 28. The airplane met New Year at KnAAPO aerodrome. In January they were ferried to the Russian air force based

Tu-214 A I R



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Commodity-Money-Commodity Su-34

in southern Russia. Sukhoi describes the Su35 as a 4++ generation fighter with 5-gen. UAC underperforms According to mister Pogosyan the corporation will continue its transformation from "a collection of Soviet brands brought together by administrative methods" – into "a worldclass aircraft manufacturer with focus on the end results and common goals... and a new positioning in the global marketplace". Besides, a closer look at UAC 2012 results reveals that its current leader was unable to deliver his earlier promise of a dramatic boost in civilian production. The share of the latter is still at some 80% of the total income. Despite the promises to manufacture more passenger jets, UAC remains narrowly focused on governmental orders coming from the home country and foreign ones. An analysis of UAC current plans, capabilities and market response to its products leads us to believe that combat jets will stay UAC' main product for a long time, and that the annual output of combat jets will stay relatively flat in terms of aircraft deliveries. Admittedly, it will rise in terms of income chiefly due to the continuing escalation of manufacturing costs resulting in ever-growing sticker prices for Russian aeronautical products. For the first time in the past twenty years, deliveries to Russian MoD exceeded export (the latter is estimated at 29 jetfighters in 2012). Past year deliveries to Russian defense ministry rose twofold, according to Pogosyan. These numbered 35 aircraft, of which Irkut contributed two Sukhoi-30SM fighters and 15 Yakovlev-130 advanced


jet trainers/light attack aircraft. Under local orders, Sukhoi produced one PAKFA (fourth prototype for testing), ten Su-34s and six Su-35s.Next year UAC plans to deliver 70 warplanes to its main customer. During the aforementioned press briefing, Pogosyan called the maiden flight of the Ilyushin-76MD-90A (Il-76MD-90A) in September and the Russian MoD order for 39 such aircraft placed in October as the major milestone of the passing year. The respective contract is worth Rouble 140 billion (US$ 4.5 billion). The air lifter business received additional boost in November, when India signed a contract for development of the Multirole Transport Aircraft (MTA) with payload capability of twenty tons. This move allowed


Indian specialists to join Ilyushin designers in practical work on shaping the airplane. At the same time, UAC failed to secure long expected state orders for resumption production of the Antonov-124 Ruslan superheavy airlifter and go-ahead for commencement of the An-70 project. In December Pogosyan tried to picture situation with UAC restructuring proceeds as going at full throttle. Starting on January 1, 2013 Sukhoi is a unitary company, comprising the design house named after Pavel Sukhoi, KnAAPO and NAPO plants. The latter plants located in Siberia used to be separate businesses to that of the Moscowbased design house. "This consolidation shall help decrease expenses and improve productivity, and result in a higher profitable growth", Pogosyan insisted. During 2013, RAC MiG and NAZ Sokol are ordered to merge into a single entity. Merging shall help further streamline series production, capitalizing on the initial success achieved past year with deliveries of MiG-29K/KUB jetfighters' second batch to the Indian navy (29 aircraft on order) and upgraded MiG-29UPGs to the Indian air force. Next year first MiG-29K shipment shall commence to the Russian navy, Pogosyan said. He expects formalization of a MiG-35 order in 2013. Tupolev design house and KAPO plant are also ordered to merge. Their merger


PAK FA and MiG-29M will focus on strategic bombers and special purpose aircraft. Another single entity shall be made by Ilyushin design bureau, UACTransport Aircraft division, Myasistchev, and Aviastar-SP. Beriev design house and TAVIA, both located in Taganrog on the Black Sea coast, have been merged already. This starts to pay off, UAC president insisted. The corporation will continue implementing its policy on creation and development of "centers of competence". Pogosyan claimed that in 2012 concerted efforts resulted in a 20-30% reduction in manufacturing costs in production of subassemblies by means of higher specialization for involved enterprises, various synergy effects, introduction of modern technologies and completion of new production facilities. UAC boss specially mentioned composite materials, as he finds it impossible to complete internationally in both defense and civil aviation markets "without modern technologies and localized production in that sphere". Aerocomposite company shall provide the core of the proposed "center of competence for composite materials". That center shall be fully established in the middle of 2013 with completion of two brand-new factories. One of those will be located in Kazan and specialized in empennage and high-lift devices. The second one situates in Ulianovsk and produces wings. UAC is also planning a center A I R



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of competence for integrated onboard systems, and that for fairings penetrated by radio-waves. The MC-21 narrow body jetliner projects shall be the first project to benefit from creation of these centers. In 2012 the Russian armed forces received 40 airplanes [other sources insist on 58, perhaps with inclusion of overhauled and modernized aircraft from line units] and 127 helicopters, according to deputy defense minister Yuri Borisov. In his turn, President Vladimir Putin said that in 2012 Russia won military export orders exceeding US$ 15billion. And that the 2012 income from earlier concluded deals amounted to a record US$ 14billion. The share of aviation in the newly finalized orders is 37% against 34% in 2011, and air defense systems 25% against 20%, while that of the land forces equipment went down from 21% to 10%. India, Algeria and Vietnam remains largest imports. Iraq is likely to join them should its US$ 4.2billiion order package materializes. In the domain of combat jets, the biggest achievement of UAC was the shipment of six Su-35 single seat multirole fighters to the Russian air force, a first deliverable batch for the type (previous year two were built, largely for flight tests). Built at KnAAPO plant in Komsomolskupon-Amur, these Su-35s were accepted

by the customer on December 28. The airplane met New Year at KnAAPO aerodrome. In January they were ferried to the Russian air force based in southern Russia. Sukhoi describes the Su-35 as a 4++ generation fighter with 5-gen. technology insertions. It features a digital combat management system, a comprehensive control system over all onboard system including Item 117S engines with vectored thrust, and a high-power Irbis radar with a passive electronically scanned antenna. In November the Russian air force added the Su-30SM twin seat multirole fighter to the list of its possessions through formal acceptation of two such aircraft built by Irkut. On December 19, the defense ministry awarded the manufacturer a follow-on contract for 30 Su-30SMs due by 2016, in addition to the launch order for same number placed in March. Another ”first” for Irkut in 2012 was commencement of deliveries of Yak-130 advanced jet trainer to the Russian air force flight school in Borisoglebsk. A total of 15 aircraft were shipped in three batches during the entire year. Production of Su-34 frontal bomber continues to gear up at NAPO plant in Novosibirsk. Two aircraft were assembled in 2009, four in 2010, six in 2011 and ten in 2012. As of January 2013, the Russian air force operated 26 Su-34s out of 124 on order. All RAC MiG deliveries in 2012



Il-96-300 were to India, encompassing four new MiG-29K/KUB deck fighters and three MiG-29UPGs produced from earlier built MiG-29As. “Having delivered [4] MiG-29K/KUBs and [3] MiG-29UPGs, we have fulfilled, on time and in full, all our contractual obligations before India, a priority customer for our corporation”, RAC MiG general director Sergei Korotkov commented. The batch of four MiG-29K/KUB aircraft was delivered in December. It was the first batch under 2010 contract for 29 units, which followed the 2004 contract for 16 airframes, delivered in 2009-2011. Next year MiG-29K shipments shall commence to the Russian navy. The biggest MiG’s failure was its inability to secure a launch order for the MiG-35. The maker hopes to get the Russian air force sign for a small batch in 2013.

Slow to gear up The Russian industry achieved little success in expanding its civil production by completing 11 jetliners in 2009, 10 in 2010, 18 in 2011 and 19 in 2012. These figures include Antonov-148, Ilyushin-96, Sukhoi Superjet 100 and Tupolev-154/204/214 types with passenger and VIP cabins, as well as their special purpose derivatives and prototypes for flight testing. At his December press briefing, Pogosyan insisted that 23 civil airplanes were produced during 2012 and that “about twenty” of them delivered. His numbers apparently included Ilyushin-76/476 ramp freighters, as well as Antonov-140 turboprops. Clearly, this is much below the earlier promise: United Aircraft Cor-


poration (UAC) had pledged 36 jetliner deliveries in 2012, including 24 Superjet and nine license-built An-148 regional jets attributed to the latest generation of indigenously developed airliners. The MC-21 next generation narrow body remains a priority for the long-term, UAC president Mikhail Pogosyan insisted. At the same time, he had to admit the postponement of the maiden flight to June 2015 and entry-into-service to 2017. Project leader Irkut is yet to finalize contracts with major suppliers and complete formation of an international industrial cooperation, he added. Work on documentation for production has not been completed either. Pogosyan's aspirations over bright future of the MC-21 project are based on "most modern technologies" whose implementation promise make the airplane 7 to 10% more efficient than the 737MAX and A320neo, mostly through the advantages of an all-composite wing. The Russian government has agreed to invest Rouble 12.4 billion into the MC-21 project during 2012 alone. Speaking of 2012 deliveries, Pogosyan did not provide distribution of newly assembled airplanes over UAC factories. Looking through individual factory reports, we found that VASO completed one Il-96 quad and three An-148 regional jets during the entire year. This plant in Voronezh delivered three An-148-100Es (including two produced in 2011) to Ilyushin Finance Co. lessor which subsequently handed them over to Angara airline in October – December. Besides, VASO delivered one Il-96-400PU-M1 quad (RA-96020) in special configuration to the Presidential

Air Detachment. One An-148-100EA was completed and flown, but not yet delivered to the Presidential Air Detachment. VASO was contracted the Ministry of Emergencies to produce one An-148100EM in 2012. Although this airplane was in a high degree of readiness in December 2012, it did not flew that year, and its delivery to customer seemingly slipped to 2013. Ulianovsk-based Aviastar-SP did not produce any new passenger aircraft in 2012, and yet delivered a pair of Tupolev-204-300 twinjets built in 2011 in special VIP configuration to the Presidential Air Detachment. At the same time, the manufacturer assembled a single Il-76MD-90A ramp freighter that flew in September. But that example is a test prototype and is not intended for revenue service. In 2011 KAPO plant in Kazan completed a pair of Tupolev-214 twinjets s in SUS version (a special radio relay aircraft). One of those went to the government in December 2011, while the second was accepted only in April 2012. During the whole of 2012, KAPO produced only one Tu-214 (RA-64521) and delivered it to the Presidential Air Detachment. Obviously, none of the above mentioned aircraft manufacturing plants performed well by any standard. And yet the biggest failure for UAC in 2012 was its inability, under the current leader, to meet its own promises to do with the Sukhoi Superjet 100 meant to be the primary civilian product of the ailing corporation. Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company (SCAC) produced a dozen of new airplanes at KnAAPO plant in Komsomolsk-Upon-Amur, but managed to deliver only eight to airline customers. Aeroflot took six, Yakutia and Lao Central one each. Only Aeroflot began operating Superjet delivered in 2012 by the year-end, which is not the case with the other two carriers. Finally, Aviacor plant in Samara, which is not a member in UAC and instead owned by private capital, assembled three An-140 turboprops. Of those two were delivered, both to the Russian defense

Commodity-Money-Commodity ministry. Besides, Aviacor completed two Tupolev-154M tri jets: these were assembled from long-stored parts and believed to be the very last of the type. Both went to the Defense ministry, including one on December 31. That airplane now serves a personal transport for defense minister Gen. Sergei Shoigu.

“Consolidated order” This year UAC expects to win an order from various governmental structures on 130 civilian airliners of An-148, Tu-204SM, Superjet and Il-76MD-90A types worth Rouble 200 billion. Referred to as "the consolidated state order”, this one is meant to render a much important "starting boost" to production of civil platforms at UAC factories. It is being formed by Russia's governmental structures including Defense ministry (wants over 50 aircraft), Federal security service (9), Presidential administration (21), Ministry of Interior (10), Ministry for Emergencies


the given class of regional jets" as demonstrated by the fleet of nine VASO-built An-148s in the inventory of Rossiya and Angara airlines. On average, Rossiya demonstrates a monthly utilization rate of 300 flight hours per aircraft, and a record of 402 in the best month so far. According to one source, the consolidated state order would call for 57 An-148s, 4 Tu-204-300, 13 Tu-204SM, 13 Tu-214, eight Il-96-300s, five Il76MD-90As and five Superjets. This makes for 105 aircraft worth Rouble 258 billion. The Kremlin wants to have all aircraft in the consolidated state order to be delivered in 2013-2020 timeframe. They are meant to replace Soviet legacy airplanes quitting service. The defense ministry alone is going to withdraw 80 Tu-134/154 and Ilyushin 18/62 airplanes. Replacing them with newer types would save between 20 and 30 million dollars on fuel. Vladimir Karnozov

Il-96-400T crew station

An-140 A I R

(7), Russian Space agency (6) etc. Speaking to media in December, Pogosyan said he expects "main decisions" on the subject in early 2013, with a rider that “signing of contracts may continue through 2013-2014”. He declined to confirm 130 as the target number set by the Kremlin, but said the order "is likely to exceed a hundred units". Numerically, the An-148 is likely to lead. The defense ministry alone "wants more than ten" An-148s, Pogosyan said. In actual fact, this type is the undisputed leader in the eyes of the above listed customers. MoD alone wants up to forty An-148s, Ministry of Interior six, and Federal security 4. UAC and Antonov are working jointly on new customized versions. Pogosyan does not see a practical need in rising the types annual output at VASO plant above eight to ten airframes. "I think this is a sufficient production rate, meeting solvent demand in the market". Yet he phrased this type for "very high monthly utilization rates in


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THE WORLD-FAMOUS “ILYUSHIN AVIATION COMPLEX” CELEBRATES EIGHTIETH ANNIVERSARY During all these years our engineering team has been amassing experience in aircraft designs and expanding intellectual potential. Nowadays, our designers create airplanes meeting most recent and demanding international standards. We believe that a big future lies ahead of us. Our glorious team has proved able to solve most difficult tasks. Right now we are introducing digital technologies into Russian aircraft development and production practices. The open joint stock company “ILYUSHIN Aviation Complex” (JSC “IL”) traces its history back to 1933, when an experimental design bureau was founded by outstanding aircraft designer Sergey Ilyushin. Today, our company is among the leaders of Russian firms specialized in development of modern aircraft. During the eighty years since foundation, the design house developed over 230 aircraft designs, and saw 120 going into production. Over all these years mass



production plants manufacturing Ilyushin designs assembled more than sixty thousand airplanes. Manufacturing process was streamlined for time-saving and cost effective production. These featured simplicity of design, high reliability, long lifetime, ease of handling and low maintenance. The Russian air force operated bombers, attack aircraft, air lifters and special purpose aircraft developed by the Ilyushin team. The legendary Il-2 and Il-10 attack aircraft, along with Il-4 long-range bombers contributed a great deal into the allied victory in the WW2. After the war, the air force received a large number of Il-28 jet bombers. The Il-78 aerial tanker and Il-38 antisubmarine warfare aircraft have proven irreplaceable tools in the inventory of the Russian armed forces. Since the middle of the seventies, the Il-76 four engined air lifter and its derivatives have been serving

in the role of the major strategic airlift type. Thousands of millions passengers and millions tons of belly cargo were carried aboard Il-12, Il-14, Il-18, Il-62, Il-62M and Il-86 airliners. Today, the Il-114-100, Il-96-300 and Il-96-400T types continue in revenue service and prove successful. The Il-96-300 in a “command post” version acts as personal transports for the top state officials of the Russian Federation. For achievements in the course of the indigenous aviation development, the government of the Soviet Union awarded the Ilyushin company the following high decorations: Order of Lenin, Order of Combat Red Star, Order of the Red Banner of Labor and Order of October Revolution. Today, the line of Ilyushin designs is being extended with addition of newly designed airplanes able to serve in a wide variety of roles. The Il-103 and Il-96T become the first in the Russian aviation


Victor livanov history to win type certificates from both Russian and US civil aviation authorities. Certification of the Il-114-100 and setting up its series production was the next moves on the way to expand international cooperation. Development of freighters and air lifters are a priority for Ilyushin team. In September 2012 the Il-76MD-90A (project “476”) commenced flight-tests. This airplane is the first whose series production is being set up completely in digital 3D computer aided design technologies. Onboard systems and airframe structure have been reworked by 70%, compared to the earlier baseline model. In December 2012 ILYUSHIN Aviation Complex won the First Prize in the nomination “For achievements in the sphere of military equipment production, introduction of new technologies and innovative solutions”. This award came to Ilyushin design team for its success with setting up series production of the new air lifter under project “476”. In 2012 a joint work began on creation of the Multirole Transport Aircraft (MTA), involving the United Aircraft Corporation – Transport Airplanes (UAC-TS) and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) of India. Airplanes developed by Ilyushin design team meet modern international requireA I R



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ments set by International Civil Aviation Organization and US Federal Aviation Administration. Ilyushin’s designers cooperate with world’s leading vendors and parts suppliers, scientific research institutes and large airlines as they continue to carry out their comprehensive work on development, modernization, flight testing and production preparation of new aircraft, and on support of production activities at manufacturing factories, as well as introduction of modern computer-aided design technologies, keeping earlier produced Ilyushin aircraft up to modern airworthiness requirements. ILYUSHIN Aviation Complex pays special attention to young specialists and their employment. Together with the ministry for education and the military-industrial commission of the Russian Federation, the company has developed a special program to do with graduation of young people from higher education establishments and their subsequent employment. Contract on preliminary design phase of the Multirole Transport Aircraft (MTA) was signed by the Indo-Russian joint venture Multirole Transport Aircraft Ltd (MTAL) – acting as the client - and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) and the United Aircraft Corporation – Transport Aircraft (UAC-TS) – acting as the contrac-

tors. The signing took place in New Delhi on October 12, 1912. Practical work by Russian and Indian specialists on implementation of this contract has already started, using specifications issued by the Indian and Russian defense ministries. Representatives of these ministries will supervise the process of contract fulfillment, including compliance of the aircraft being developed to the specifications. On behalf of the client, the abovementioned contract was signed by MTAL General Director N.C. Agarwal. Signatures to the contract were also applied by UAC-TS general director Sergey Velmozhkin and by T. Suvarna Raju, Director, Design and Development, HAL. According to the plans of the sides involved, the airplane shall have the following characteristics: payload 15-20 tons, cruise speed 800 km per hour, maximum flight range 25002700 km. The airplane shall have modern built-in self-monitoring systems and two engines. The MTA is supposed to be able to perform short takeoffs and landings. According to the MTA development schedule, an Indian delegation arrived in Moscow on December 3, 2012. Among the group members there are leading HAL specialists. Victor Livanov, General director – General designer at ILYUSHIN Aviation Complex, said: “About 150 designers are working on the MTA draft design. It will be a brand-new airplane. The core of the Russian engineering and design team is formed by employees of ILYUSHIN Aviation Complex. We hope that the aircraft will have its first flight in 2017 and that deliveries will commence in 2018 to the Indian air force and the Russian air force”.

45 "G" Leningradsky Avenue, Moscow, 125190, Russian Federation Phone: +7 (499) 943-81-17; 943-81-21 Fax: +7 (495) 612-21-32 E-Mail:


Success story

IL-76/PROJECT 476:


In October 2012 the Russian defense ministry awarded United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) an order for 39 Il-76MD-90A heavy lifters, also referred to as Project 476. This is a launch order for the redeveloped Il-76, with deliveries scheduled for 2014-2020. It gives this popular type a new lease of life and extends its future well into this century.. The baseline four-engine quad had its maiden flight in 1971 and entry-into-service three years later. It was built in nearly a thousand copies. Among other nations, the type continues in service with the Russian air force (over 250 examples including special versions), Indian air force (16 Il-76MD air lifters, 6 Il-78MKI tankers and three AI flying radars), Pakistan (four Il-78 tankers acquired from Ukraine after overhaul) and China (about fifteen aircraft) as well as Algeria. Presumably, by placing the large order for the Il-76MD-90A, Moscow meant to


convey a signal to potential customers in China and India. These countries already operate a number of “classic” Il-76 quads on which the Il-76MD-90A design is based. Beijing and New Delhi have long been targeted as primary foreign buyers of the newer airlifter able to transport a 114,500-lb payload over a range of 2,700 nm. The launch order for the Il-76MD-90A was placed on 3 October, when Vladimir Putin visited Aviastar-SP plant in Ulianovsk. After witnessing a demonstration flight by

the type’s first operable prototype, the Russian president said that the Rouble 140 billion ($4.5 billion) contract [or $115 million per aircraft] is expected to be followed by foreign sales. He especially mentioned China as a potential client for the renewed Il-76. “Some six years ago we were talking to our partners in the Asian countries, including the People’s Republic of China. They were ready to buy form us some 50 airplanes. I am sure this new airplane will be in demand both in Russia and our potential partners abroad”, Putin said.

Success story The Ilyushin design house began “working in earnest” on the redeveloped Il-76 in 2005, the President of the Russian Federation stated. This happened after “long talks with our partners and friends in Uzbekistan (the final assembly of this machine was set at the plant at the Tashkent Aircraft Production Organization in the Soviet times). Unfortunately, we did not manage to come to terms, due to economic issues. Hence with, we made this final decision to set up a new manufacturing line at the Ulianovsk plant”, Putin said. The Il-76MD-90A features a reworked wing and a number of new onboard systems. The Il-76MD-90A relies on Aviadvigatel/Per Motors PS-90A-76 high-bypass engines attributed to fourth generation, each producing a thrust of 35,300lb. Besides, the modifie aircraft has an improved avionics set and a new pilot station featuring large LCD screens. The Il-76MD90A promises a 10 to 15% reduction in lower fuel over the Il-76, and greater payload through increase in maximum take-off weight up to 463,000 lb. First operable prototype flew on September 22. State acceptance trials of two delivered aircraft should be finished in 2014. Meantime, "classic" Il-76 remains popular on the secondary market. China has recently ordered ten used Il-76s from Russia's arms vendor Rosoboronexport. This move seems to be an interim measure to enlarge the People’s Liberation Army inventory of the four-engine heavyweight airlifters before the Il-76MD-90A version becomes available. The media leant about the fact of this new Chinese order from Sergei Kornev, head of Rosoboronexport's aviation equipment department. He ran a press briefing at Airshow China 2012, held in the week starting 13 November. The man told reporters that, as of mid-November 2012, his company found seven suitable airframes on the secondary market. These were being subjected to a major overhaul effort. On its completion, these aircraft will be delivered to China and enter service with the People's Liberation Army Air Force. Touching on the remaining three airframes on order, Kornev said that RoA I R



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Russian air force Il-76MD soboronexport continues looking for them on the market. The search is not limited to within the Russian air force inventory and that of other Russia's governmental structures, he added. According to unofficial Russian websites, Rosoboronexport has so far found suitable airframes for overhaul at Staraya Russa maintenance station: three Il-76s from Russian air force, two from Belarus air force and three from Transaviaexport airline. Kornev refused to provide an exact number of Il-76s already delivered to China. And yet he noted that not only Rosoboronexport, but also its Ukrainian counterpart Ukrspetsexport has been involved in sales of new and used Il-76s. According to western observers, during 1990s China received about twenty Il-76s new from TAPO, the Tashkent Aviation Production Organization named after Valery Chkalov. This plant is situated in the capital city of Uzbekistan. In the times of the Soviet Union, TAPO served as the manufacturing plant for the Il-76. China placed first order for three Il76MDs in 1990. Deliveries took place next year. A follow-on order for seven more followed in 1992, with shipments in 1993-1994. After several years, deliveries resumed in 1996, deliveries counted four airplanes. All of the above mentioned aircraft jointed the PLAAF 13 Aviation Division. In addition to the fourteen newly built Il76MDs, China procured a small number of used airplanes from Ukraine and used some of those for certain specific ground testing. A quantity of used airframes went into China from inventories of independent industrial

players, including LII, the Flight Test and Research Institute named after Mikhail Gromov. A couple of LII test-beds found their way into China. These are test-beds on the Il-76 platform, outfitted with large rotating antennas above the fuselage. Presumably, these were used in the interests of China's flying radar program. China received one very special airframe in 2002. The one was employed on flight trials of the Israel’s Elta EL/M-205 PHALCON (Phased Array, L-band, CONformal, Lband) long-range observation radar. Israel was on contract to supply such equipment but under heavy pressure from the US, the respective contract was cancelled. This, however, did not prevent PLAAF from acquiring powerful flying radars. In November 2003 China sent to the air the flying radar of its own make, the KJ-2000. It used the Il-76 as a platform. Following tests conducted on several development prototypes, PLAAF ordered four KJH-2000s to be produced using Il-76MD airframes taken from the 13 Aviation Division. In the new form, all four were delivered in late 2007, for service with the 76 Regiment of the 26 Aviation Division. Earlier this century China was seeking to buy some 50-60 new Il-76s from Rosoboronexport, and even signed a preliminary agreement on 38 airframes (34 air lifters and four tankers) in September 2005. But materialization of that deal has been postponed. Kornev explains: "Indeed, there has been a postponement with fulfillment of that agreement due to the inability of the plant in Tashkent to build that many new


Success story


IndAF Il-76MD

RusAF A-50

RusAF Il-76MD

airframes and fulfill the solvent demand in China. That was the primary cause to a slow-down in Il-76 deliveries ina. We put our hopes into the Il-76MD90A model that is being re-launched into production at the Aviastar-SP plant in Ulianovsk. One such airplane is already flying, and the customers have been following flight-test progress with interest". As stated above, in early October Russia's president visited Aviastar-SP to inspect the Il-76MD-90A (Russian air force version of the Il-76MD-90A). That time Vladimir Putin said the reworked Il-76 is on offer to China and India. Asked to comment on that point, Kornev provided the following statement: "Rosoboronexport is working with these customers. In our view, the Il-76MD-90A has a large export potential, and we are making efforts to explore that potential. This newer version features modern avionics, higher payload-range capability, more powerful and economic PS-90A-76 motors. However, flight tests could take a couple of years". Today, the Il-76 is the only heavyweight air lifter type in the inventory of PLA's Air Force, giving it a strategic airlift capability. India has also relied on the Il-76 as its only strategic airlift aircraft. But recently New Delhi and Washington signed for a number of C-17 Globemaster aircraft. Their deliveries are expected shortly.


Motors It is interesting to note that the D-30KP engines powering the Il-76 are used in China not only on this aircraft type. Imported motors power China's indigenously developed Y20 heavy airlifter which began flight tests on 26th of January, 2013. Besides, China is known to have been installing D-30KPs into refurbished H-6 bombers (locally made Tupolev-16) in order to achieve a range extension. Russian officials turn a blind eye on this. Furthermore, China attempted production of reverse-engineered copies under the designation of WS-18. So far, however, their usage has been limited due to reliability issues. In autumn 2012 executive director of NPO Saturn Ilya FedĐžrov spoke to press. He confirmed that his company was working on fulfillment of the Chinese order for 184 D-30KP turbofans intended for in-service Il-76s. Respective contract was signed in November 2011. It won approval of the Russian government in February 2012. According to Fedorov, the contract value is over US$ 1.5billion, with deliveries due to be completed by 2016. On another occasion, Saturn reported that in the middle of October 2012 China accepted a batch of 12 D-30KP2 motors. In a press release the engine maker pictured this act of acceptance as a milestone for the company (otherwise, the production

of this elderly engine would have to close down due to weak solvent demand). China placed order for 184 motors in 2011, due for delivery by 2016. This year Saturn plans to assemble 60 D-30KP2s, and, starting next year, achieve annual production rate of 72 units. "China is a major overseas customer for Saturn", the engine maker said in the press release. In the period of 2009-2011 the company delivered 55 D-30KP-2s to China and thus fulfilled its obligations before that customer. Saturn executive director Ilya Fedorov was quoted as saying that "the experience of operations of the Il-76 family aircraft in China has proved reliability of the D-30KP2 motors and simplicity of their maintenance. The Chinese customers expressed their complete satisfaction with the manufacturing quality of our motors and the level of after sales support from Saturn". Fedorov further stated that the follow-on order awarded in 2011 became "a logical step in further expansion of our cooperation, based on the positive experience of D-30KP2 operations. Successful fulfillment of our contractual obligations in frame of the follow-on order will give a further boost to Sino-Russian cooperation".

Production In December 2006 the Russian government made decision for restoration of the Il-76 production in an improved version. It

Success story was decided to establish a new assembly line for the type at Aviastar-SP in Ulianovsk. Previously, the Il-76 assembly line was at TAPO plant in Uzbekistan capital city of Tashkent. Between nine and ten hundred such aircraft was the type's production run at TAPO. Of those, one hundred and twenty were exported to eleven foreign countries outside (Soviet Union and Commonwealth of Independent States), not counting lease those operated under lease or hire deals. During the process of preparations to production restart, Ilyushin design house reworked the old documentation packages into a new, computerized form featuring 3D drawings. Over forty years of its history, the Il-76 saw many improvements introduced to the original model. Worthy of mentioning is the airplane's version with extended fuselage (two insertions each 3.3m, to increase cabin volume from 326 to 400 cubic meters) and higher-thrust PS-90A-76 motors. The Il-76MF had its maiden flight in 1995. This interim model was built in small quantities for experimental purposes and for the Jordanian air force. The above mentioned Perm motors were also employed on the Il-76TD-90VD commercial cargo planes, a customized version

IL-76MD for Volga-Dnepr airline. Several airplanes for the airline were assembled at TAPO earlier this century. Besides, the Russian air force ordered refurbishment of several Il-76MDs into the Il-76MD-90 variant. The latter also features Perm power plants in lieu of less powerful and far less economical D-30KP2s. During the press of digitizing the initial drawing of the Il-76 wing, the designers introduced corrections so as to retain the wing's airfoil and overall dimensions, yet make the reworked wing more technologically sound. The reworked wing has a new structural layout: the wing panel is now a one-piece made using long panels with riveted frames. The number of the wing spars

reduced from there to two. This allowed a meaningful reduction in structural weight and manufacturing expenses. The outdated Kupol-II nav system gave way to far more modern Kupol-III-76M(A), which works in conjunction with BPSN-2 satellite navigation. The SAU-1T-2B flight control system was replaced by SAU-76 digital FCS. The place of the elderly TA-6A APU is taken by far more modern TA-12A. The Il-76MD-90A had its rollout ceremony on 15 December 2011. In July next year the airplane was handed over from the manufacturing division of Aviastar-SP to the plant's flight test station. The maiden flight occurred on 22 September 2012, with Ilyushin test pilots Nikolay Kuimov and

IL-76MD-90A A I R



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Success story Vladimir Irinarkhov at the controls. They were accompanied by navigator Valery Grechko, flight engineer Alexey Zhuravlev, radio operator Sergey Orlov, flight test engineer Vladimir Lysyagin, electric systems operator Alexander Tsvetkov and cargo compartment operator Alexey Mitin. The same airplane registration 78650 and S/N 0102 flew a second – short, but spectacular – mission on 4 October, before the eyes of the Russian president. Speaking after the successful completion of that flight, Vladimir Putin said: "I have every reason to thank and congratulate the general designer (Genrikh Novozhilov) and the manufacturing plant general director (Sergey Dementiev) and the whole team who have worked hard to achieve this stage of the development of a new Russian air lifter. Today we witnessed the final stage of that development. Today’s event is not merely a flight of a reworked Il-76. Essentially, this is a considerably reworked, almost new aircraft upgraded by 70%. Now we have an advanced air


lifter with outstanding performance and superior qualities in the domains of reliability, payload-range, fuel efficiency and capability to transport various cargoes. I am certain that the aircraft will be in demand in its home country and with our partners abroad". Russian vice-premier responsible for military-industrial complex, Dmitry Rogozin, said that the long term procurement plan calls for acquisition of more than a hundred aircraft of the Il-76MD-90A type and its variations such as the Il-78M tanker and A100 flying radar. According to AviastarSP general director Sergey Dementiev, three airframes in the initial production batch are under work in the plant's workshops. Work on these commenced back in 2010. Dementiev said two of those airframes shall be complete in 2013, to enable deliveries in 2014. In the last week of January the Il76MD-90A prototype carried out a long-duration flight lasting for 4 hours 25 minutes, as part of the manufacturer’s tri-

als. It originated at the Ulianovsk-Vostochny (-East) aerodrome. The airplane was manned by the crew under command of Ilyushin test-pilot Nikolay Kuimov. Most of the flight was at the altitude of 10,000 meters and uneventful. While in the air, the crew checked for would-be flaws in the onboard systems, and assessed the work of automatic flight control system. Besides the pilots assessed airplane’s handling qualities, stability and maneuverability. It is interesting to note that the airplane flew for the first time after painting in a grey livery, after a comprehensive check and tuning of onboard systems and test equipment. Ilyushin ferried the prototype to Zhukovsky near Moscow. The airplane continues flights tests operating from the Ramenskoye aerodrome of Mikhail Gromov’s Flight Test and Research Institute (LI I). Vladimir Karnozov

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ARJ-21 China and India, the largest AsiaPacific countries, will shape the future of the region’s airline and aircraft manufacturing industries. They show strong economic growth, at 7-10% year on year recently, and in many ways are considered rivals. Although both countries have large anchor markets for civil airplanes, their aircraft manufacturing industries are undeveloped to meet the solvent demand. China is trying hard to amend this, by pursuing an ever-growing number of national programs on creation of indigenous designs in the widebody, narrowbody, regional, commuter and business aircraft classes. By comparison, India has committed to only one passenger aircraft program – the small propeller-driven Saras. In this story we look in detail at recent achievements of China in the civil aviation domain. At the beginning of the new century Chinese economy grew at 8-10% year on year. During the period of 2006-2011 this growth continued at 10.5% (peaking at 11-14% in 2005-2007) against India

8%, Russia 3.7% and Brazil 4%. Chinese economy grew with a 9% rate even in 2008-2009, when world's GDP was flat. In 2011 China's GDP rose by 9.2%, exports and imports grew by 20.3 and 24.9% respectively. Last year the growth slowed down to 7.4% in the third quarter of 2012, and yet this three times above of the entire world (2.4% in 2012). Population of mainland China reached 1.347 billion in 2011 and urban population exceeded that of rural areas, with 690million and 51.3% share. With this, the predominantly rural China of Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao has transformed into a far more balanced society demanding Xi Jinping to govern accordingly. One of the first Xi Jinping’s country tours in the capacity of CPC general secretary was a visit to a poor rural region where people live on a modest annual income of merely Yuan 2,500. China’s biggest problem is, still, the poverty in rural regions, the big and growing difference in wealth between

the village and the city. Over past few years PRC government tried to solve the problem by creating new jobs for the poor rural people at an annual rate of 10-15 million. Such a huge influx of new workers has helped Chinese economy to maintain profitable growth. Disposable annual income in 2011 was Yuan 7,000 for rural 22,000 for urban populace; in 1998 the figures were 2,000 and 5,000 respectively. With US$ 7,298 billion GDP, China is a second largest economy in the world after the United States with US$ 15,076b. By GDP, Russia is no.9 with US$ 1,850b. Because of the notable difference in the scale of the two national economics, China is number one partner for Russia, but not vice versa. PRC has much larger trade with USA and Western Europe. Even RoK is a larger trade partner, with annual turnover in excess of US$ 300 billion compared to US$ 86 billion for Russia. Half of the Chinese export into Russia is taken by equipment, tools and other products of the machinery industry, whereas the Russian export is 80% related to fossil fuels and raw materials.

Table 1: Global Fleet Forecast by category (Source: COMAC Market Forecast 2012-2031) Single aisle Regional jets Twin aisle Year/Aircraft


2011 fact





2016 forecast





2021 forecast





2026 forecast





2031 forecast








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Civil aviation development is the area sharply illustrating the difference between PRC and its northern neighbor. Chinese jetliner fleet rose from 200 in 1991 to 1,839 in 2011, or nine times over ten-year period. At the same time, Russia/CIS fleet reduced from 1,751 aircraft in 1991 down to 960. In the period of 2007-2011 the income of civilian jetliners into Chinese fleet numbered 879, roughly same as to North America with 931 and six times above Russia/CIS, with 149. China is now generating airline passenger traffic four times higher that Russia/CIS region, 0.52 trillion RPK (revenue passenger kilometers) against 0.16. By comparison, the respective figures for North America and Europe are 1.43 and 1.27 trillion respectively. Chinese airports served 620.5 million passengers in 2011 against 332 million in 2006. Mainland China's airlines carried 292 million passengers in 2011, +9.4% to previous year, and generated +11.8% more RPK. To support and bolster economic growth, PRC government invested a lot into public transport. Very illustrative to Hu Jintao’s poliсy was construction of


Table 2. Jetliner deliveries to China and Russia/CIS Period















high-speed railways (HSR) under the grand plan to connect 25 cities with 13,000km long rail lines (a bit down from the initial figure) withstanding trains moving at speeds between 200-350 km/h (down from 420 km/h after a pair of crashes). When slower trains [travelling with speed of 160-200 km/h] are taken into account, the length increases to 40,000 km. Materialization of this plan is now more than half through, making China the largest user of high speed rail network in the world. China's GDP is expected to rise on average by around 6.5% a year over the next 20 years. This is lower than the 8-10% annual growth the country chalked up over the past decade, but it is still much higher than the rest of the world. In 2011, Chinese airlines revenues rose 18% to US$57 billion, though profits slipped nearly 14% largely due to fuel prices, according to IATA. Still, they made a profit of just over US$4 billion, accounting for half of the global aviation industry's profits last year. Chinese domestic passenger traffic is expected to surpass that of the USA in 2031. Boeing says that China will need 71,300 pilots and 99,400 technicians up to 2030. US-based Boston Consulting Group says: "China's rapidly emerging airlines are poised to further shake up the industry, as China becomes a viable and costeffective midpoint stop for Europe-to-Asia traffic flows. Already among the top performers in terms of growth and profitability, carriers in China and the Middle East are poised to reshape the Europeto-Asia routes, squeezing the business of legacy endpoint and hub carriers". Aviation connectivity will be critical as China increases its share of world trade from 10% to 15%. The country is prioritising investment in airports and air navigation

infrastructure, IATA chief executive and director-general Tony Tyler was quoted as saying. "The challenge is to keep pace with rapidly growing demand, based on the global standards which underpin safe and efficient global connectivity. Of the 877 million additional global air travelers expected to fly in 2015 than in 2010, more than 212 million will be on journeys within or connected to China."

Commuter: Y12F Let us begin with our review of the Chinese civil airplanes with the Y12 commuter turboprop from Aviation Industries of China (AVIC), a legacy program which has been running for many years already. Since the first flight of development prototype in July 1982 and EIS in 1985, the Y12 has gone through numerous improvements. Many examples built in Harbin went to military and governmental service in the role of short takeoff and landing utility transport. Some found applications with commuter airlines operating from short runways or semiprepared airfields. The aircraft made appearance at the Airshow China 2012 in the newest Y12F "Aircar" version, on which the tricycle landing gears are made retractable. Earlier variants of Pratt&Whitney Canada PT6 series turboprops are replaced with newer and more powerful PT6A-65Bs each developing 1,100hp. The Aircar features a new wing with larger span (19.6m against 17.25) with cantilever design instead of strutted, and a glass cockpit – the Primus APEX avionics suite with 4 multifunctional displays on liquid-crystal panels supplied by Honeywell. AVIC offers the Y12F with three passenger cabin layouts: high density seating 25 people, airline-style taking 19

Civil aviation

economy class passengers and VIP for eight business travelers. Besides, there is a cargo version able to transport three LD3 containers. The Y12F's ramp weight is 18,629lb, useable fuel being 5,511lb. It can transport 19 passengers 831mn at cruise speeds between 202 and 232kt. Cargo version has a range of 1350nm with a 1.5-tonne cargo or 415nm with maximum payload of 3tonne. The Y12F's first flight occurred in December 2010. CAAC/FAA type certification had been expected in 2012, but slipped into 2013. AVIC claims 25 firm orders and 60 "intents", as well as full compliance to CCAR-23P3 and FAA Part 23 airworthiness requirements. The airframe is designed to sustain 62,000 cycles or 40,000 flying hours.

Regional: MA600 Freighter At the 2012 airshow in Zhuhai, Aviation Industries of China (AVIC) exhibited its Modern Arc 600 in the newly-made Freighter version, seemingly seeking ways to support weak sales of this twin turboprop through giving it a new application. The reason behind inventing a freighter version was a notable drop in last year's and this year's editions of AVIC Fleet Forecasts, their section for 30-60 seat passenger planes. The latter predicted its strength at 437 units in 2030, the former gives only 376.




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Y12F 'Aircar' During the whole of 2011, the Chinese inventory in that category grew by one aircraft only, from 98 to 99. For their part, dedicated freighters, with 91 units in 2011, account for 5% of China's civil fleet. The share of "small freighters" – to which category the MA600F falls – is 28%, but predicted to rise to 37% over the next twenty years. AVIC fleet forecast 2012, presented at the show by vice president Geng Ruguang, says that in 2031 the Chinese dedicated cargo aircraft fleet will grow to 764 units, including 210 "small freighters". With the MA600F, AVIC is targeting this market segment. This century the Chinese cargo traffic rose at an average annual rate of 14.2% and, when measured by weight handled in the Chinese airports, it came to 11.29 million tons in 2010, of which domestic 7.22 million. The total volume of cargo turnover in China reached 17.89 billion

ton-kilometers in 2010, with year on year growth rate of 41.8%. Dedicated freighters carried 5.63 million tons, with the lion's share contributed by large and medium sized aircraft. Although "small freighters" carried 36.5% more cargo than previous year, the volume was merely 0.21 million tons. The AVIC Fleet Forecast 2012 predicts that the share of regional aircraft in the Chinese civil fleet will grow from 1.7% in 2010 to 4.6% in 2030. In order to facilitate economic rise of undeveloped regions, especially western provinces, the Chinese authorities have eased tax and airport fee regime for commuter and regional aircraft serving socially important routes. Over one hundred aircraft serving socially important routes took advantage of that eased regime in 2011, including the country's [almost] all turboprops in active service: 7 MA60s, 29 Dornier 328s and 5 ATR-72s.


Civil aviation Table 3. GPD for world top ten economies

Large regional jet: ARJ-21 The ARJ-21-700 development prototype side B-992L flew daily – and well – during 9th China International aviation & aerospace exhibition held in Zhuhai 13-18 November 2012, enabling its developer COMAC turn a bold face and claim bright future for the much delayed program whose maiden flight dates back




DGP value, billion US$


United States



People's Republic of China















United Kingdom






Russian Federation





to 28 November 2008. The manufacturer intends to certify the aircraft to FAA Part 25 standards and sold it worldwide. Originally, it had wanted to start shipments in 2007, but this was then pushed back to 2011 and then to 2012. Now deliveries are not expected earlier than 2014. At a press conference in Zhuhai, COMAC disclosed details of a recent emergency evacuation test witnessed

by officials from both the Civil Aviation Administration of China and the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration. During the test, it took 57 seconds to evacuate 90 passengers and 4 crew members from the ARJ21—significantly within the airworthiness requirement of 90 seconds. COMAC has announced that during test flights conducted last month the ARJ-21 prototypes demonstrated stall characteristics compliant with specification. In September 2012 the emergency evacuation test completed and passed the joint review of CAAC and FAA, and in June 2012, the engine splash water test was performed. In March this year one of operable airframes flew to Urumchi for natural icing simulation tests to complete the second step in type certification trials following Chinese civil aviation authority CAAC approval for this issued on 14 February 2012. The first step was completed on 26 February 2012 when the engine nacelle successfully passed anti-ice tests. It is interesting to notice that the program had a large gap between CAAC approval and that of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: the latter competed its critical review of the ARJ-21-700 back in December 2008 and formally allowed the airframer to enter "Flight test and Certification Phase". During factory's trials, in August 2011 flight flutter test was completed successfully, and in June that year an airframe built for bench testing successfully passed

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ARJ-21 "whole aircraft pitch (2.5G) load static tests". By Airshow China 2012 four operable ARJ-21 prototypes had accumulated 2,800 flying hours in 1,300 flights. COMAC describes the ARJ-21 as "a new turbofan powered regional jet with exclusive intellectual property rights owned by China. The [baseline version] ARJ-21700 is designed to carry 90 passengers in standard configuration and 78 passengers in mixed class configuration. It has a fiveabreast passenger cabin to offer maximum jet comfort. The normal cruise Mach number is 0.78 and the maximum operation altitude is up to 39,000ft. The design range of the standard version is 1,200nm, and up to 2,000nm for the enlarged range version. It is equipped with two rear-mounted CF34-10A turbofan engines and the maximum takeoff weight the standard version is 40,500kg". At a press conference on the Airshow China 2012 opening day, vice general manager Luo Ronghuai confirmed COMAC commitment to the ARJ-21 program, while admitting that type certification could take another “one or two years” to complete. A I R



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COMAC's message to attending journalists was formulated in the freshly released 2012 edition of COMAC market forecast for the next twenty years. It says: "The development of new airports in the next ten years, many in the smaller and medium sized cities, will encourage the use of regional aircraft. COMAC's new 90-seat ARJ21 program will be the right size for developing these routes, as well as providing off-peak frequencies on routes currently served by larger jets". The aforementioned Forecast has a prediction that the Chinese airlines (including HK and Macau operators) will take 678 regional jet deliveries in 2012-2031, together with 3,405 single-aisle jets and 868 twin-aisle jets, for a grand total of 4,960 passenger jets. The Forecast further says: "Regional jets are now an established element of the airlines industry although the share of the regional jets will drop [from 18.8% in 2011] to 13.4% of the total fleet. Some 3,819 deliveries of new regional jets are forecast over the 20 year period (on the global scale), of which 80% (3,062) are

expected to be in the 90-seat size, which includes the ARJ-21... The main focus of demand is in the 90 seat size, where more competition to Bombardier and Embaraer is occurring, firstly with the ARJ-21 and the Superjet, and then Mitsubishi's MRJ due in 2015". The Forecast further says that average seat size for regional jets (of the global fleet) will grow from 68 to 88. The ARJ21 has a large anchor market: China's mainland domestic routes connect 170 cities. They form the world's second largest domestic market (after US with 28%), and it has been grown strongly in recent years. It now accounts for about 19% of all domestic air markets, up by 11.5% year on year. COMAC forecast gives the combined strength of Chinese airlines (incl. HK and Macau) at 1,839 aircraft as of early 2012, including 115 regional jets. In 2011 China's GDP grew by 9.2% year in year, significantly higher than other major regions of the world. In 2012 air traffic in China is expected to surpass 300 million passengers.


Civil aviation Narrowbody: C919 During the Airshow China 2012, COMAC received 50 more commitments for its new C919 narrowbody airliner. Three contracts announced on the first day of the show, call for 20 each of the twinjet to go to Chinese carriers Joy Air and Hebei Aviation, with 10 more signed for by leasing group GECAS. First flight had been scheduled in 2014, and first delivery in 2016. COMAC claims to have orders for 380 of the aircraft. While the order book has grown significantly, up to 380 aircraft as of now, little new has been heard of C919's development progress since the previous China International aviation & aerospace exhibition, when a full-size cabin mockup was unveiled on November 15, 2010. That mockup was absent at this year's event in Zhuhai, but on display was an engineering flight simulator, which is believed to be used for shaping C919's cockpit. Also, there was another simulator for a regional class airliner, perhaps the Modern Arc 700, effectively a Chinese clone of the ATR72-600. COMAC says that, following the launch of the feasibility study on July 3, 2008 – a starting point for the C919 effort – the developer has held four project review conferences, including one earlier this year, whose aim was to assess the progress before commencing a next phase. This means the C919 program is now in the fifth phase, and somewhere half-way through should Boeing's gate system have been followed. According to COMAC, the C919 passed the national level preliminary design review on December 7-9, 2011, and formally switched into the engineering development phase. Seven Chinese airframe companies have been selected as main suppliers, including Xi'An, Chengdu, Shenyang, Jiangxi Hongdu and Harbin. COMAC adds that the industrial chain has taken "initial shape", and that the work is distributed to 100 aviation companies in 12 provinces of China. COMAC adopted the public tender method to select suppliers of the C919's Propulsion System and Airborne Equipment items. The maker has so far named 17 international suppliers to the C919 program including


CFMI, GE, Honeywell, Goodrich etc. AVIC has established "a dozen of joint ventures" with some of the selected suppliers. COMAC describes the С919 as a narrow body commercial jet having a classic aerodynamic layout with a supercritical low-set wing, composite empennage of low horizontal stabilizer and single vertical stabilizer, and three-point type retractable landing gears. Under standard configuration and payload, the basic version is designed to cover a range of 4,075km (2,200nm) with takeoff field length no more than 2,000m, while the extended range version stretches to 5,555km (3,000nm) with takeoff field length no more than 2,200m. Maximum cruise altitude is 12,131m with initial cruise altitude no more than 10,668m. Landing filed length is less than 1,600m. COMAC's placard in the exhibition hall further says that through adopting the CFMI LEPX-1C engine, emission level is reduced by 50% compared to the ICAO CAEP 6 regulation, and CO2 emission is 12-15% lower compared with advanced aircraft in operation, meeting emission reduction objectives. Through adopting advanced materials such as composites and Aluminum-Lithium alloys, advanced configuration and systems, operating weight empty is effectively reduced, payload, range and performance are improved and weight per seat is 2% lower compared with aircraft of the same seat category in operation. Although

COMAC sticks to the original schedule, with first flight planned for 2014 and entryinto-service in 2016, vice general manager Luo Ronghuai told journalists on November 13 that delays with ARJ-21 certification will push back development of the C919.

Business jet: CNGBJ A recent addition to the growing list of Chinese civil aviation programs is “China New Generation Business Jet” (CNGBJ). A scaled model of this new design is on display at the AVIC stand at Airshow China 2012. AVIC describes the CNGBJ as “a highend large business jet with long range, large cabin and high cruise speed”. The aircraft, which now exists only in numerous leaflets and aforementioned scaled model, shall have “full-digital fly-by-wire, highly integrated avionics and new generation propulsion systems”. AVIC further says that CNGBJ’s performance shall exceed that of the western business jets flying today – just like a dozen of Gulfstreams, Falcons and Bombardiers on display at Airshow China. “It can easily achieve a transcontinental flight and can meet the requirements of all kinds of business flights under complicated environmental conditions. The spacious and comfortable cabin allows you to enjoy the extraordinary air travels”, the leaflet adds. The airplane will have “fashionable spacious and comfortable cabin, global IM

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The Bateleur has a transverse layout of four-bladed main rotors, their disks overlap but the blades should not touch since both rotors rotate at same angular speed. In cruise flight the thrust is produced by a pair of eight-bladed pushing propellers apparently driven by turboshaft engines mounted at wingtips just below the masts of the main rotors.


CNGBJ entertainment system, providing unparalleled office and leisure enjoyment”, as well as “high dispatch rate, low operating costs, green low-carbon emission, and [be] high [er] cost-effective than same level products”. Although some may smile at this just another addition to the already long line of “high-quality” Chinese products, little would argue that the growing Chinese economy does create a big solvent demand for business aircraft and their services. And here comes AVIC, willing to meet this growing demand. Those who are in Zhuhai now may argue that the J-10 fighters performing formation flying and aerobatics here, as well as the ARJ-21 large regional jet, also doing daily flight display, look like a good match to best foreign products in the respective classes.

China is emerging as a new powerful player in the global market for civil airplanes with a complete range of products, from small commuter turboprop to large commercial jets. Continuing economic growth drives solvent demand for pasconcepts with a long way to go before flysenger transportation, and Chinese central able machines could come into being. government replies to that with huge The Avant-Courier features coaxial investments into nation-wide infrastructure main rotors each with four blades and programs, development of in-country aviaseparate six-bladed tractor propellers on tion schools and manufacturing capabilities. stubby wings. Although solvent demand for passenger The Platypus can be described as a highairplanes is also strong in India, the secwing airplane with two turbofan engines on ond-largest Asian nation does not follow pylons under the wing. It has a large dish China’s example. So far it invested little into mounted above fuselage in style of AWACS “home-grown” passenger aircraft designs. aircraft alike the E3 Sentry, but having six Obviously, more political will is necessary, rigid blades protruding from edges of the in the case India wants to comply with dish. The blades are said to be made retract- the desired superpower status. able: they are used for takeoff and landing and retracted into the dish in cruise flight. Vladimir Karnozov

High-speed rotorcraft concepts At Airshow China 2012 Chinese developers exhibited three scale models of proposed high-speed rotorcraft. By this move China seemingly wants to demonstrate that it intends to develop a next-generation of rotorcraft, and probably be waiting responses from interested foreign parties. Previously, China had license agreements with Eurocopter and used consultancy services of Kamov, AgustaWestland and other brand-name rotorcraft makers on indigenous helicopter projects. All of the three models on display look like merely design A I R



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A.A. Zhdanov. President of PSC "FED", director of Kharkov mashinery plant "FED", Hero of Ukraine The Scientific Production Corporation FED is an association of Ukrainian enterprises that specialise in the development, production, service, and overhaul of hydromechanical and hydraulic components




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for aviation and other heavy industries. The company is a perfect example of how certain sectors of Ukraine’s aerospace industry have been able to grow their business and expand into markets that did not exist during Soviet times. FED has two main strong points that have permitted it to achieve the level of success that it enjoys. One is that the company occupies a unique place in the aerospace industry in that it manufactures components that have applications across multiple product lines – both aircraft and aeroengines and other subsystems. FED is also one of the only producers of these components in the entire former Soviet aerospace industrial sector. The other strength is that the current corporate structure has progressed through several reformations until it was reorganised into the arrangement that exists today. By combining the proper research, design, manufacturing and fabrication entities into one entity, FED now has created the economies of scale necessary – the proper size and number of enterprises necessary when working

the precision design and machining of such high-performance components. The main design centre for these hydraulic components produced under FED’s name is the State Enterprise Kharkov Aggregate Design Bureau (GP KADB). The design centre is the leading organisation in designing, manufacturing and testing aggregates for hydraulic, fuel and electrical systems in aviation and missile systems. This technology is particularly complicated when it comes to the design of regulators and other components for fuel control systems. Fuel pumps and the other components used in jet engine and rocket motors is one of the most difficult design techniques to master, but FED has almost unmatched capabilities in this area. Other than the design bureau, the other major component of the FED structure is the State Enterprise Kharkov Machine-Building Plant FED. It is this plant that has produced the most difficult fuel-regulating equipment, integral hydro-drives, hydro-motors, hydraulic pumps and pumping stations for aviation industry and for other industries. Along with aviation units, the plant



produces a wide range of consumer goods. These included at one time the famous FED cameras in different modifications, plus hydraulic cutters and mixers used in other industrial applications. Since 1993 FED was has been organised along the lines of a Soviet-era into scientific production association. This included: the State Enterprise FED, Kharkov Aggregate Design Bureau, the Volchans-


kiy Aggregate Plant and the Pervomaiskiy Mechanical Plant. Between 1995 to 2005 the corporation association was reorganised again into JSC “Corporation FED�, and the company became a nearly fullscale aerospace enterprise that no longer produced cameras. Some of the products for the aerospace sector that the company has produced since this is an upgraded pump for the

regulator NR-3VM (VM-A) into NR-3VMT, (VMA-T) for use in tropical climates for the TV3-117VM (VM-A) series of engines. The company also mastered production of aggregates models GP26, ND450 for the AI-450 engine, models NDMS2, AUKPVMS2, for the AI-450MS engine, and the model DT-400 for the MS-400 engine. Since 2005 the company has continued to be very active in the aerospace sector, having had an active role in producing components for the latest Antonov aircraft designs, the A-140 and An-148. For the An-148 the company manufactures 19 different major components. In addition, there is an entire line od actuators and hydraulic components used in the production of the AI-222-25F afterburning jet engine produced by Motor Sich in Zaparozhye. FED is one of the most important suppliers for the An-148 and other derivative aircraft based in its design. These include complex electromechanical actuators for the flight control system, similar systems for the wing control surfaces and the hydromechanical systems that control them, pumps and electro-drive pumping stations,


aggregates for hydraulic systems and the power supply and management system of the aircraft. Some of the newer products by FED are used in the TV3-117VM (VMA), AI-22225F, AI-450,AI-450MS, TV3-117VMASBM1V,MS-400, MS-500, MS-350 engines that are installed in the Yakovlev Yak-130, Antonov An-140 and An-148, Tupolev Tu-204 and Tu-214, Kamov and Mil model helicopters and the Chineseproduced Hongdu L-15 jet trainer. The major consumers of FED’s products

in Ukraine market are the JSC Motor Sich aircraft production company plus the Ivchenko-Progress engine design bureau, the Antonov State Enterprise aircraft corporation and the Kharkov aviation plant. FED also closely cooperates with the leading Russian developers of aviation hydromechanical components and producers of engines and aviation equipment. These r partners in Russia are: JSC Voronezh Aircraft Building Company, the aviation enterprises of Saratov, Samara, Rostovon Don, Irkutstk, Komsomolsk-na-Amure (KNAAPO), OMKB Omsk, Aircraft corporation RUBIN, Balashikha, Joint Stock Company STAR in Perm, OSC Kristall and many others. The company also has developed a mutually beneficial cooperation with the aviation firms of India, China, Iran, Czech Republic, countries of Southeast Asia, Central and South America and North Africa. Reuben F. Johnson




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Naval aviation

VIKRAMADITYA BEING PREPARED FOR DELIVERY This year Russia pledges to deliver the INS Vikramaditya, the largest-ever surface combatant in the inventory of the Indian navy. With a powerful aviation group aboard, she can be an effective tool of defending the nation's interests in the blue waters of the Indian Ocean and Asia-Pacific. Last year the ship underwent severe trials in the Arctic waters. She spent 108 days at sea staring 8 June 2012, and covered about 12,500 nautical miles before returning to Severodvinsk for some necessary work before delivery to customer. During the trials INS Vikramaditya developed a top speed of 27.9 knots, and demonstrated admirable maneuverability and handling qualities. She behaved well in stormy conditions of the Barents Sea. These facts enable the Russian shipbuilders to claim that the program of the ship refit and modernization was a success. The INS Vikramaditya can stay in service for some forty years provided maintenance and repairs are carried out as prescribed by the shipbuilder. The trials revealed that the ship complies with specification issued by the Indian navy. Inevitably for such a big ship, some technical faults were discovered. There are being annihilated in the view of delivery to customer later this year. 38

Naval aviation Flying The central part of the trials were deck landings and takeoffs by the MiG-29K/ KUB deck fighters – the ship's primary weapon. These aircraft are developed and built by Russian Aircraft Corporation "MiG" (RAC MIG). The number of flights made in frame of these trails totaled 218. Some of them were performed by MiGs, and some by Kamov Ka-27PS and Ka-31 helicopters. Also, there were some sorties flown by the Russian air force MiG-31 heavyweight interceptors and A50 flying radars. They were employed to attest Vikramaditya's radioelectronic equipment. Besides, Su-27K (Su-33) carrier borne fighters of the Russian navy air arm were involved as well. The Russian navy pilots at the controls performed deck landings with aborts at finals so as to check whether the ship's system associated with deck landings worked well. The MiGs performed 41 flight cycles involving takeoff and landing on the ship without any malfunctions. Most of these sorties were flown by test pilots of RAC MiG Mikhail Belyaev and Nikolai Diorditsa. They were accompanied by Colonel Oleg Mutovin of the Russian navy. There are three other pilots that flew the MiGs: Andrei Shishov, Sergei Rybnikov and Dmitry Demenev. It is interesting to note that RAC MIG general director Sergei

Korotkov was in the back seat of a MiG29KUB when it landed on the deck on 12 September 2012. After a series of touch-and-goes, the first deck landing occurred on 28 July 2012, by a MiG that operated from Severomorsk AFB. This opened a period of extensive carrier borne takeoffs and landings that lasted for two months. Operations from the deck were performed by a pair of specially selected aircraft, Side 941 and Side 204. Besides, the airframe Side 311 (retired from active service) was used in the role of a full-size mockup on the flight deck and in the hangar. Also in that role were employed a couple of inoperable helicopters, a Ka-28 and a Ka-31.

Agreements between Russia and India in the domain of aircraft carriers necessitated development of a customized MiG-29K single seat and MiG-29KUB twin seat multirole fighters. The first single seater, side 941, flew for the first time in 2007, and was soon joint by twin seater Side 947. Deliverable aircraft began flight tests in March 2008. In September 2009 the MiGs intended for the Indian navy saw trials on the Russian navy only operational carrier, the Admiral Kuznetsov. The Russian navy has on order 20 MiG-29Ks and 4 MiG-29KUBs with deliveries due to start next year. They will operate from the Admiral Kuznetsov after she is back from a mid-life repair and modernization program which shall commence soon.

Refit and modernization The work was performed by the Sevmash Dockyards in Severodvinsk near the border line between Russia and Finland. It has drastically changed the ship's outward appearance. Her flight deck increased in size and now its total length measures 283 meters. The Vikramaditya has nine decks below the waterline and 13 decks above it (with the superstructure counted in). The ship has 2,700 rooms and compartments, and so can be likened to a 22-storey building when its height is measured from the keel to the Fregat radar antennae. A I R



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There are 328 sea cabins (by that the ship’s developer understands living chambers containing one, two, four or even six beds) and 43 mess-decks (living accommodation for rating). Also, there are three messes (galleys/canteens): wardroom (officers), for midshipmen and for ratings. Most of the living areas are in the nose section with some also near the hangar. During refit and modernization work, the Indian side asked for a number of additional measures to be implemented so as


to make the ship more durable, reliable and comfortable for the crew on long sea patrols. The Russian shipbuilders did as they were told, and got paid only after a certain amount of work having been done. This prevented overpricing. Originally an aircraft-carrying cruiser known as Project 1143.4, the ‘Baku’ was laid down on 26 December 1978 at the Nikolaev Shipbuilding Plant on the Black Sea coast. Subsequently the breakup of the Soviet Union caused her to be rechristening

as the Admiral Gorshkov, since the name of Azerbaijan’s capital was no longer suitable from the viewpoint of national identity and pride. Public discussions on converting the Gorshkov into a through-deck carrier began shortly after the navy decommissioned her in 1998 – along with three earlier built sister ships Kiev, Minsk and Novorossiysk. Their withdrawal from service had been influenced by Russia’s inability to maintain numerous capital ships inherited from the Soviet Union. Furthermore, the Yakovlev Yak-38 vertical takeoff and landing aircraft on them were by then outclassed by the far more advanced Su-33 (Su-27K) fighter on the Admiral Kuznetsov developed under Project 1143.5, whereas Project 1143.4 cruisers could not accommodate the bigger Sukhois. The Gorshkov arrived at the Sevmash Dockyards in July 1999. The relatively young age of the redundant cruiser made the navy think of ways to rework her for other applications, but the budget did not permit this. Consequently, the ship was offered to India as an alternative to an Invincible-class “Harrier-carrier” available from the UK. Negotiations progressed slowly until March 2004, when the Kremlin donated the ship “as is” to the Indian navy upon

Naval aviation

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Naval aviation A mixture of old and new

New Delhi’s promise to fund a refit and modernization. Renamed INS Virkamaditya, the cruiser went into dry dock in December 2005. She was re-launched in November 2008 as a Project 11430 aircraft carrier. The initial contract for the ship’s comprehensive refit and modernization amounted to US $617 million (excluding training and after-sales support). The customer agreed to pay the builder a portion after passing each stage in the mutually agreed program. A thorough inspection in dry dock revealed that requisite amount of labor hours appeared much higher than earlier


expected due to hull and system deterioration. The customer agreed to pay extra, but came up with additional requirements aimed at making the ship more capable and longer-lasting. Most of her pipework and trunking was to be new, as well as cabling. The Indian Navy further asked for additional systems. This added 14 new programs to the refit and modernization process. Subsequently, the rebuilding contract’s value rose to US$ 1.75 billion. With the inclusion of separate contracts for training, ground equipment and shore infrastructure installations, the grand total finally came to US$ 2 billion.

Rework included the installation of a 14-degree sky ramp and fitting three arrestor wires (as opposed to four on the Kuznetsov), to enable operations of the MiG-29K/KUB fighter. Smaller than the Su-33, the MiG better matches the carrier’s size and can be stowed in greater numbers in her hangar: 128m in length, 25m in width and 7m high. Reflecting considerable changes to the original design in the cause of modernization, most of the existing constructions inside the hull had to be removed. Around 500 technological cutaways were made in the hull and the superstructure to get out everything that could be lifted. The hull itself was subjected to thorough cleaning by jets of small particles (grit blasting). The ship’s 116 internal fuel tanks have a capacity of 8,500 tons. Since the Indian navy ships run on diesel, all remaining Furnace Fuel Oil (FFO, a heavy oil mixture) had to be removed. During the several years during which the cruiser remained idle after decommissioned the remaining fuel started to carbonize, which complicated its eventual removal.

Naval aviation

The flight-deck has received a sky ramp and an extender in the stern, the work being undertaken in a covered workshop. Yet most of the modernization work was done in the open. All eight boilers for the main propulsion machinery are new. The Baltic Plant produced one more for the training purposes in its St. Petersburg educational facilities for use by Indian specialists. The Vikramaditya’s machinery is a mixture of old and new. Some items have been retained from the Gorshkov. However, certain vendor items were purchased new from non-Russian suppliers in accordance with the Indian Navy’s procurement requirements. Lastly, the ship developer Nevskoye PKB required installation of additional equipment in order to meet the customer specifications.

Vendor items During the course of the modernization work Sevmash placed over 800 contracts for vendor items with more than 200 suppliers, including ten Indian companies as well as a number of others from Croatia, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Japan, Finland, France, Norway, Poland, Sweden and the UK. The grand total of companies involved in the industrial cooperation on the Vikramaditya exceeded 400.




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Indian-made systems include the CCS-MK II for communication, the LINK II for data transfer, the KATC for automatic telephone exchange and DAPS for landing indication, as well as the ALAN P-11430 administrative local network and cable TV. The Macrotech protective coating, interrogators friend-or-foe, transponders, torsion meters, life rafts, pumps, circuit breakers, filters, smoke density indicators, hygiene and galley equipment also come from India. France supplies Thales telephones and gyrocompasses, the UK adds a cargo transfer system between ships at sea. Six auxiliary diesels come from Wartsila of Finland. Key control and resource management systems are of Russian and Indian origin. Early on, the Indian side considered the Barak-1 short-range antiaircraft system from Israel. The Russians flatly refused to accept such things from a third country on the ground that otherwise they cannot guarantee performance of the ship in wartime. Firms based in St. Petersburg including Transas supply global navigation system receivers using global positioning signals from the GPS and the Glonass satellite constellations, as well core systems for ship controls, data acquisition, processing and management. The Fregat


Naval aviation

Suraj Berry

and Podberezovik radars come from Moscow-based Salut Plant. The former (with antennae atop the superstructure) can detect aerial targets at a distance of 250 km, the latter (antennae seen above the flag-deck) at 500 km. The Ladoga navigation system comes from Elektropribor, and lighting equipment, lamps and signal projectors from Saturn company. The Resistor and Luna systems help pilots make flight-deck landings. Its elements are found in the stern, on the superstructure (including that covered by a large protective ring below the Fregat antennae) and on a special mast astern of the superstructure. The Gorshkov had a Resistor and the Vikramaditya features a newer version. The most recent addition is an automated communications channel enabling two-way data exchange between airborne aircraft and the ship. The forward elevator has been retained, while the second one has been enlarged. As of now, the Vikramaditya does not have missiles or guns. The customer is choosing between the AK630 30-mm six-barrel antiaircraft cannon and the Kashtan combined missile/cannon antiaircraft system. There are some rooms in the superstructure reserved for the Kashtan system, large enough for two or four AA/SAM mountings. Russia is ready to cooperate with India on various naval projects, including those to do with carriers and deck aviation. Fruitful cooperation between the two nations in the naval domain has been going since 1965. There is a proposal to form a joint venture that would be seeing to after sales support of INS Vikramaditya in the Indian navy service. It can also take part in the programs on "home-grown" carriers that are being developed or constructed. Vladimir Karnozov


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MIG-29UPG DELIVERS Russian Aircraft Corporation "MiG" (RAC MiG) reports that the first batch of three MiG-29UPG single seat fighters have been delivered to India aboard an Antonov An-124 Ruslan superheavy air lifter. The MiG-29UPG is customized Indian version of the baseline MiG-29SMT, which represents a mid-life upgrade and modernization of the original MiG-29 and its early production variants. Reworked airplane has considerably expanded combat

Sergey Korotkov


capabilities especially in the area of strikes against ground and sea going targets. The work involves removal of the outdated N-019 Topaz air-intercept radar outfitted with a Cassegrain parabolic antenna and installation of more advanced Zhuk-ME unit with multimode capabilities with slotted antenna, yet mechanical beam scanning. The new radar and improved fire control system enables use of precision guided munitions including Kh-31 series highspeed missiles. The MiG-29UPG specimen first flew in February 2011 from the aerodrome of Mikhail Gromov’s Flight Test and Research Institute [LII]. Since then RAC ‘MiG’ has conducted intensive trials in LII, its own base in Lubertsy and also at Russian MoD’s GLITS firing ranges in Southern Russia. According to specification of the Indian air force, upgraded MiG received extended lifetimes, to 3,500 flight hours during 40 calendar years. Commenting on the recent delivery, RAC MiG general director Sergey Korotkov said ‘This is a first step in materialization of the big contract on modernization of the Indian air force MiG-29s. Right now we are preparing a second step, that calling for modernization work [on MiG-29s] to be done in India

under our supervision and in tight cooperation with the local industry’. In the middle of October 2012, a group of Russian Parliament members working in the defense committee inspected the aircraft manufacturing plant in Lukhovitsy belonging to RAC MiG. The enterprise was also available for inspection by a group of selected journalists on 25 October. The Parliament members told the media that their purpose is to ensure that the MiG company continues to be one of the major suppliers to the Russian armed forces over many years to come. But they said they are concern with the fact that the share of MiGs in the Russian air force inventory has tended to reduce over the past few years. Besides, the MiG-35D dropped from the Indian tender for 126 medium multirole fighter aircraft, in which it was bitten by the French bidder Dassault Rafale. Earlier, Algeria refused to accept 36 MiG-29SMT/UBT aircraft due to their “bad manufacturing quality” (admittedly, all of these airplanes were subsequently purchased by the Russian air force). The Parliament members said they will insist that the RAC MiG management continue to make steps towards improvement in

Aircraft the quality of the company’s products. They pointed out that RAC MiG’s current manufacturing infrastructure is not optimal and needs improvements. At the same time, the Parliament members insisted the money that the Russian government is spending on the defense is sufficient to provide a high workload for the key enterprises of the national militaryindustrial complex. In particular, they stated that in the 2013-2015 timeframe, the Kremlin is going to spend Rouble 7.7 trillion (US dollar 257 billion) on weapon procurement, and Rouble 20 trillion (US dollar 0.67 trillion) by 2020. This shall allow an increase in the share of modern weapon systems in the inventory of the Russian armed forces from 10% currently to 70% over the next twenty years. RAC MiG ceased the opportunity to claim that its order backlog has exceeded six billion US dollars. The company further claimed that it has more than 100 various contracts with 20 countries being executed. “We have a considerable backlog of orders from the local customer and foreign countries, which gives us a high workload through to 2017”, RAC MiG general director Sergei Korotkov told the media members. The plant in Lukhovitsy is located to south of Moscow and is one of the three aircraft-making plants in RAC MiG’s industrial structure (other ones are situated in Moscow and in Nizhny Novgorod). During the press tour, the company demonstrated new MiG-29K/KUB and MiG-29M2 airframes being built. Besides, the workshops also housed some earliermade MiG-29s undergoing refit and modernization to UPG standard. The MiG-29K/KUB and MiG-29M2 models are attributed to generation 4++ of the supersonic fighter aircraft. They feature fly-by-wire flight control systems, much reduced effective radar cross section and open architecture of on-board systems. Korotkov said the deck fighters MiG29K/KUB for Indian and Russian navies, along with their land based derivatives MiG-29M/M2, provide the lion share’s of the company's workload. He stressed that MiG aircraft are operation in sixty five A I R



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countries, and that over 1,600 MiG-29s have been delivered to local customers and 28 foreign countries. “The U.S. is one among the type’s users, as we know that MiG-29s are currently being employed in a US pilot training center”, he stated. “After a pause, we resume deliveries of newly built airplanes to the local customer, with first deliveries due next year”. Korotkov further said he expects the Russian MoD to place orders for MiG-35/D sometime in the 2013-2014 timeframe. Touching on India, he confirmed that the order for 16 MiG-29K/KUBs was fulfilled in 2011, adding that "these aircraft are being successfully operated”. The second contract placed in 2010 is being implemented and MiG is “on track” to start deliveries later this year. RAC MiG is expected to ship eight more ship-borne MiGs to the Indian navy before the year draws to a close. Separately, in March 2008 India signed for modernization and refit of MiG-29s in service with the Air Force into MiG-29UPG version. Some 90% of their

count shall undergo the work in India under Russian supervision. The MiG-29UPG features a avionics suit “harmonized with that of the MiG-29K”. First batch of six aircraft has already completed repair and refit at MiG. Indian-colored MiG-29UPGs were seen at the Lukhovitsy plant with a slotted-type radar antenna fitted to them. Apparently, this device has replaced a Cassegrain-type (parabolic) antennae as originally fitted to the N-019 radar equipping early-production MiG-29s. Touching on the sea trials on the INS Vikramaditya, Korotkov said: “all tests on the MiG29K/KUB involving the ship have been completed successfully, and the customer signed the respective protocol. We no longer need a carrier [for trials]”. During the press tour the journalists were shown a number of MiG-29 parts made of composite materials. It was stated that a composite specimen of the air brake weighs 30% less than older one made of aluminum. In some other cases, the use of composites allows a re-



duction in the weight by the order of four to five times as compared to all-metal force-bearing structural members. The plant in Lukhovitsy has its own production facilities to make composite parts for the MiG-29 family fighters. “We use only local technologies and components”, a workshop chief proudly told the media. More than half of washed surface of the most recent MiG-29s is made of composites. Their share in the structural weight falls in between 10 and 12%. RAC MiG officials also told the media that the company offers overseas customers various programs on life extension for their MiG-29s and turning them into the MiG-29SM/SMT and MiG-29SD standards, doubling their assigned lifetimes, fitting the aircraft with larger fuel tanks and in-flight refueling systems for longer ranges. Separately, the customers are urged to transit from calendar mainte-

nance principles to “on-condition” ones, which shall bring considerable savings over time. Touching on the theme of Unmanned Combat Air Vehicles, RAC MiG said the company is in agreement with Sukhoi on co-development of a UCAV for the Russian armed forces.

MiG deliveries 2012 All RAC MiG deliveries in 2012 were to India, encompassing four new MiG-29K/ KUB deck fighters and three MiG-29UPGs produced from earlier built MiG-29As. “Having delivered [4] MiG-29K/KUBs and [3] MiG-29UPGs, we have fulfilled, on time and in full, all our contractual obligations before India, a priority customer for our corporation”, RAC MiG general director Sergei Korotkov commented. The batch of four MiG-29K/KUB aircraft was delivered in December. It was the first batch under 2010 contract for 29 units, which followed the 2004 contract for 16 airframes, delivered in 2009-2011. Next year MiG-29K shipments shall commence to the Russian navy. The biggest MiG’s failure was its inability to secure a launch order for the MiG-35. The maker hopes to get the Russian air force sign for a small batch in 2013.


A new MiG under assembly at plant in Lukhovitsy


Vladimir Karnozov

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