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year of high-precision weapons

Thunder in the sky Bur grenade–launcher system

1 (80). 2015

C O N T E N T S front line


6 Year of High Precision Weapons General Director Valeriy Stolnikov

14 Crisis in Ukraine – When will it end?

Chief Editor Egor Dakhnov Deputy General Directors Aleksey Leonkov Inna Illarionova Sales Director Ilia Kolikov Executive Director Elena Stolnikova

weaponry 18 Armata: a technology of victory 22 Laser technologies: dream becoming reality

Commercial Director Pavel Gerasimov Marketing Director Anthon Voschevatov Deputy commercial Director Yuri Moschenskiy Oleg Zavgorodniy Vladimir Neminovich

companies & technologies 28 BUR small–size grenade–launcher

Project Manager Gennadiy Zadneprovskiy

system Editors Irina Kachan Vladimir Karnozov Svetlana Samchenko Designers Arthur Yegorov Timofey Babkin Aleksey Pirozhkov Olesya Timofeeva Konstantin Soldatov Circulation: 5000 The magazine is registered in the Committee for Press of the Russian Federation. Certificate № 016692 as of 20.10.1997. Certificate № 77-15450 as of 19.05.2003. Any material in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher. The editorial staff’s opinion does not necessarily coincide with that of the authors. Advertisers bear responsibility for the content of provided materials.

30 Komandirsha–E anti–tank units control system 34 THUNDER IN THE SKY 36 CJSC KSF Peredovaya Tekstilschitsa

Political situation in the world makes nations once again reconsider their defense possibilities. Threat of local conflicts to be evolved into global ones, failure of worldwide system of safety and non-ending economic crisis – all of this leads to an unstable and dangerous situation. One can predict raise of defense means market in times like this. But together with developing of defense technologies in order to secure people’s safety, rivalry among sellers of weapons and defense systems increases in order to achieve such goals as increasing profits and market share. World experience shows that it is not about how many weapons you have, but quality and possibilities of every single one of them is what leads to victory on the battlefield. Other significant factor is technological independence from seller – modern technologies make it possible to shut down any device from any place of the globe if you have appropriate access. And so, we believe, Russia has all it takes to remain one of the leaders of defense market in these conditions. With hi-tech technology, solid after-sales service and proven reliability of products, Russia is an honest and friendly partner for all countries, ready for mutual work. And we are looking forward to see it once again in Abu-Dhabi. Valeriy Stolnikov

retrospectives 38 Electronic warfare: new standarts

ARMS, 2014

ADDRESS A4 Press P.O. Box 77, Moscow, 125057, Russia Tel.: + 7 495 459 9072 Fax.: + 7 495 459 6042 E-mail:

Dear readers!

of combat 43

introducing elite of russian military-industrial complex

Year of High Precision Weapons, p. 6


10 years anniversary of BMP–4


Instrument Design Bureau celebrates 10 year of BMP‑4 adoption by military forces. This armored vehicle combined most advanced technologies – from laser targeting to availability to perform combat actions at nights. Today, facilities of NPO Highprecision Weapons JSC concern are producing several deeply modernized combat modules for BMP‑4: Bacha-U and Berezhok.

Сoncern "Kalashnikov" commented on illegal production of their weapons


small arms were always extremely popular abroad. So, there is nothing to be surprised of, when other nations try to establish their own production of weapons, banned for import. So, we see logic in actions of RWC company and others, but we are still targeting on claiming our rights”. We were not truly concerned of protecting our brand's intellectual property for about 20 years. Nowadays, it's clear for us, that our small amrs are being produced illegaly in a number of countries. Still, we are aiming to change this situation by introducing fundamentally new models with unique features".

Almaz-Antey JSC finished R&D works on a series of air control complexes of the Russian Federation


2014, Almaz-Antey JCS air navigation experts has done a great and fruitful work in the framework of implementation of the federal program "Modernization of the Unified Air Traffic Management System of the Russian Federation (2009–2020)". Company received positive feedback on project documentation and engineering survey results for fourteen sites and validation of the esti-


ARMS Defence Technologies Review

mated cost for the five sites by Glavgosexpertiza Rossii, the main facility of governmental quality control in Russia. Special attention was caused by several projects in SaintPetersburg, targeted on aircraft service and air control activities. Considering the need of accelerating of building such facilities, Almaz-Antey experts made their best to do their work as fast as possible.


URALVAGONZAVOD R&P Corporation OJSC receives gratitude from Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation


Borisov, Deputy Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation thanked URALVAGONZAVOD on completion state order in 2014. In addition, Yuri Borisov expressed gratitude for company's participation in the organization and conduct of a single day of acceptance of military products project, that has been then praised by the administrative board the Russian Defense Ministry and the state. "I am confident in continuation of a fruitful and constructive cooperation aimed at strengthening the defense of the Russian Federation", was also noted in the letter.

President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin visited TSNIITochnMash JSC


his visit, Vladimir Putin examined a series of small arms and was introduced to a robotic sniper. Then he took part in a conference, where he announced establishment of a new position in defense industry – development director, whose duty would be managing most important projects and resources.

JSC "Shvabe - defense and protection" became the best enterprise in the social partnership


the 24th of June 2014 JSC “Shvabe – defense and protection” was awarded with the Certificate of Merit as the best enterprise of the industry in terms of social partnership. For participation in the X industry competition "The best enterprise of industry in the social partnership", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of AllRussian Trade Union of Workers of the defense industry and achievements, JSC "Shvabe - defense and protection" was awarded with the Certificate of Merit. The Certificate of Merit was presented to leader of the enterprise, Vasily Rassokhin, on behalf of organizers of the competition, by the Chairman of AllRussian Trade Union of Workers of the defense industry Andrey Chekmenev. During the meeting, Andrei Ivanovich Chekmenev acquainted with the best models of enterprise and approved the vector of development of the enterprise, looking to the future. 1(80).2015



Vladimir Putin: “We will expand our presence on weapon markets of three continents”


President also stated that Moscow does not intend to make the fulfillment of its obligations on the arms market to depend on political si tuation and instead, will make the most from Russia's competitive advantages in this area, including - its reputation as a "reliable, predictable partner who does not put their obligations behind any current political situation. Russia competes with world's leading manufacturers of defense products in an honest and worthy way"- concluded Vladimir Putin.

There is a chance, that Armata new generation tank will be shown at Russia Arms Expo - 2015 exposition


R&P Corporation, OJSC and the Defense Ministry are negotiating on the opportunity to demonstrate fighting qualities of the new Armata chassis at the Russia Arms Expo - 2015 (RAE-2015) exhibition, which will be held in September in city of Nizhny Tagil. Deputy Director of the corporation for special equipment Vyacheslav Halitov: "Public would like to see the tank not only during Victory Parade, but with a demonstration of firing and mobility properties”.


ARMS Defence Technologies Review


New chassis of S-400 Triumf antiaircraft weapons systems makes it 25% cheaper


mission of new chassis was to reduce the cost due to the difference in the prices of components and reducing transport costs. In addition, chassis has undergone a qualitative change - axle load has been halved, allowing the S-400 Triumf to move freely on all types of roads, including rough terrain. Also, fuel consumption was reduced by 35%.

Sergei Shoigu visits countries of Latin America


Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has accepted invitation of Venezuelan colleagues to participate in military exercises and combat firing of multiple rocket launchers. He also noted that he was offered by Defense Minister of Venezuela to implement user-friendly approach of Russian Navy ships in ports of the country. "I would like to note willingness of our Venezuelan partners to act with us as a united front addressing most serious problems world community is experiencing", said Sergei Shoigu.

Air Force Commander of the Russian Federation: a new generation T-50 fighter will begin to enter the army in 2016


technologies are developing every year, increasing its capabilities. Next year we will begin to receive the T-50 the fifth generation aircraft, which is not inferior to the American F-22, and on most of the indicators surpasses it, " stated Colonel-General Viktor Bondarev. 1(80).2015



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Year of High Precision Weapons In early December, 5th Russian scientific conference on the establishment and application of high precision weapons in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was held in Tula.

President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, CEO of NPO High-Precision Weapons JSC Alexander Denisov and Managing Director of KBP JSC Dmitriy Konoplev discussing prospects of Russian weapons


his conference has become another kind of confirmation of the fact of extremely high importance of high precision weapons (for strengthening the power of the Russian army, and for the export of military equipment as well), and the NPO High Precision Weapons JSC holding (part of the State Corporation Rostec), which brings together local developers and producers of these weapons and has shown great re-


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sults in 2014. In July, the company received congratulations from the President of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev on the occasion of producing third set of operational-tactical complex "Iskander-M" and its transfer to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Achievements and Prospects At 5th Russian scientific and technical conference on development and application of high-precision

weapons in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation held at Tula (by the way, host-city was not chosen by chance, since there are several key companies of NPO High-Precision Weapons holding located in Tula) Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov said: "Currently, the creation of highprecision weapons is a priority and a particularly important area of development of means of warfare. Supreme Commander has put before us the task of supplying our troops

front line with systems and armaments of new generation. We need to reflect further on the situation in the development and application of high-precision weapons and get practical suggestions for solving scientific, technical and technological issues in the preparation of the draft state arms procurement program in 2016–2025". According to Yuri Borisov, the new state armaments program for 2016– 2025 years includes special place for high-precision weapons and it is planned to increase the fold of serial production of this effective means: "We should be prepared for this. Military science must have the necessary scientific and technological potential, and production capacity of our companies — to comply with existing requirements". These words emphasize once again high national importance of the NPO High-Precision Weapons JSC holding company, which acted as one of the organizers of the conference in Tula together with the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation and the Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences. The event was attended by the governor of the Tula region, Vladimir Gruzdev, First Deputy Governor — Chairman of the Government of the Tula region Yury Andrianov, General Director of NPO High-Precision Weapons JSC Alexander Denisov, representatives of the Russian Defense Ministry and other law enforcement agencies, representatives of the leading enterprises in defense industry and science. Conference attenders widely discussed the development of systems and high-precision weapons in Ground Forces, Airborne Forces, Navy and Air Force. The participants discussed the current state and the requirements for systems and subsystems of high precision weapons, scientific and technological problems of their formation, and development trends of the complexes and their elements, forms and methods, ways to improve the effectiveness of combat employment. Defense industry representatives expressed their views on the subject of reactive and tube artillery, high-precision systems of aviation.

Tula Arms School As stated by the Tula governor Vladimir Gruzdev, "Tula gunsmiths were always a reliable bulwark of the Ministry of Defense and are ready to fulfill the state defense order at a high level. I am confident that among the results of the conference, it will be found a lot of new solutions, including those related to industrial, scientific and technical cooperation between enterprises of the defense industry. " Governor words relates primarily to Tula companies of NPO High-Precision Weapons, including the world-famous designers and manufacturers of unique weapons — KBP JSC, Tulamashzavod JSC, Tulatochmash JSC, TOZ JSC, CKBA, CKIB SCOO JSC, Shcheglovsky Val JSC …Great school of Tula weapon design today and historically is unmatched worldwide. It should be added, that the last conference was dedicated to the memory of academician Shipunov — the genius who created the most perfect weapons, and on whose ideas Russian highprecision weapons design largely stands today. At a conference in Tula repeatedly sounded the idea that today NPO High-Precision Weapons JSC holding confidently embodies and promotes technological ideas of

Shipunov design school, providing Russian Armed Forces with modern weapons. In the outgoing 2014. NPO HighPrecision Weapons JSC has repeatedly became the hero of positive news in the global information space. In July, the company has transferred the third set of Iskander-M PTRC, designed to equip missile brigade to Russian Defense Ministry. Delivery was made under the contract signed in 2011 with the Ministry of Defence. Then the contract is specific about delivery of the whole complex of PTRC. Before that the elements of the complex have been acquired separately by Defense Ministry, under separate contracts with each enterprise cooperation. Combat coordination of the complex was delayed for an indefinite period, which directly affected the combat capability of the missile brigades. Under the contract, KBM JSC shall transmit two sets of complex to the troops each year. By the way, precisely because of this principle of complete delivery, which implements NPO High-Precision Weapons JSC holding, in 2013 Iskander-M PTRC could take part in combined military exercises almost immediately. All combat launches were successful, demonstrating high quality of the newest high-precision weapons,

Pantsir-S1 is shown to Commander of the Air Force of the Kingdom of Bahrain, Major General Sheikh Hamad Abdullah Hamad



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President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin on his visit to KBP Malasyian paratroopers finding out advantages of Russian small arms


as well as an excellent training level of personnel units and missile forces. Iskander-M PTRC remains to be the most effective weapon in its class, well ahead of the best foreign analogues. The complex has significantly raised possibilities of Missile Forces and Artillery of the Russian Federation. It is intended to be the basis of missile units of the Land Forces and one of the most important elements of the system of national security of Russia. For example, just recently (in November) the delivery by NPK KBM JSC another set of modern Verba MANPADS to the Army of the Russian Federation and a divisional set for the Airborne Troops. Totally, NPK KBM JSC has equipped Russian army with two brigadier and two divisional sets of MANPADS. MANPADS Verba is a very "young" weapon, the complex has passed state tests in 2011. Suppling of "Verba" is carried out in complex. The kit includes combat agents, control, detection and targeting, IFF equipment, maintenance facilities and training facilities. An important point: the principle of complete delivery (this is when the troops get all the ingredients necessary for a combat mission, operation, inspection, maintenance, education and training) is a signature style of NPK KBM JSC and NPO HighPrecision Weapons JSC in general. It allows full combat readiness of army units, to form and maintain skills of usingt missile systems, increases the effectiveness of their application.

ARMS Defence Technologies Review

And one more important fact about the holding in this year. In the summer 2014 by the Russian Federation Government order № 1186‑P modernized self-propelled anti-tank missile complex Sturm-CM was adopted in military forces. The new complex is significantly different from its predecessor (Sturm-C): for example, it has a so-called "machine vision" — heat sight that allows you to work at night and in the snow and rain and fog, and also a seriously extended range of combat means. Range of guided missile flight has been increased from 5 to 6 kilometers. Sturm's missiles has supersonic speeds (up to 550 m/s), which allows them to attack aerial targets. Sturm is a unique complex, which can be mounted directly on all kinds of carriers: land, air and sea. Note that the main purpose of its activities is to ensure a high-tech holding claims armament of the Armed Forces, the full and unconditional implementation of the State Weapon Programme and state defense order. For this holding has been active in foreign trade activities, the modernization of productive assets, maintaining and improving the scientific and industrial enterprises and human resource capacity. As the main purpose of its activities the holding claims ensuring a high-tech armament of the Armed Forces, full and unconditional implementation of the State Weapon Program and state defense order. In order to achieve it, holding has

been active in foreign trade activities, modernization of productive assets, maintaining and improving the scientific and industrial potential of it's enterprises and human resource capacity. By the way, since 2009 (establishment of the holding) the volume of the state defense order for holding companies is constantly growing. As the general director of NPO HighPrecision Weapons JSC, Alexander Denisov: “given the mission of military-industrial complex, we consider full implementation of the commitments made by the state defense order, as the main priority activities". Wide power range The peculiarity of NPO HighPrecision Weapons JSC is also a very wide range of applications of their products by various banches of military forces. For example, in November of this year, the commander in chief of Interior Ministry troops of Russia, Viktor Zolotov discussed with the Director General of holding "Precision complexes" Alexander Denisov the development and delivery of modern samples of small arms and ammunition for state defense troops. "The share of Tula arms production in Internal Forces of the Russian Federation is 21% " — said the commander in chief after visiting two holding companies in Tula — KBP and Scheglovskiy Val." Viktor Zolotov acquainted with the production, samples of products and discussed with the leaders of the region issues concerning

front line the further development and delivery of the Russian Interior Troops with modern firearms, close combat weapons and ammunition in the framework of the state order. He personally tested a number of samples: sniper rifles VKS and MC‑116m, submachine gun PP‑2000, GS‑18 pistols, OC‑38 and other samples. He noted high performance of weapons, convenience and comfort of fire, low noise. During the meetings, it was noted that NPO High-Precision Weapons JSC for the last three years have supplied Russian Interior Ministry troops with more than 1.6 thousand special models of small arms and more than 1 million munitions. In particular, special forces are supplied with special sniper rifles, Stechkin revolvers, AGS‑30 grenade launchers and other samples. In 2013, the Russian Army adopted an automatic DT, which became a real breakthrough in the segment of close combat means. The head of another agency, Ministry of Emergency Situations Vladimir Puchkov also visited one of the holding companies — CKIB SOO (branch of KBP JSC) this year. Vladimir Puchkov acquainted with the production and development of Tula weapon designers and gave them high marks. Guests were presented with sports and hunting rifles carbines, AGS‑30 automatic grenade launcher, GM‑94, 6G30, GP‑30M grenade launchers, OC‑02 "Cypress" submachine guns, PP‑2000, GS‑18 pistol, Ots‑38 revolver and a wide range of a sniper weapons. During the visit, Vladimir Puchkov said that it is necessary to consider the possibility of developing a hand grenade ammunition for the purpose of fighting fires in remote locations, purchasing of GS‑18 guns fot providing security of Russian Emergency Situations Ministry personnel in peacekeeping and rescue missions abroad. "We have discussed the issues and programs of developing new equipment in enterprises of Tula region. We see experts here, who are willing to work on such projects and have a desire to cooperate. I think the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and Tula region implement

Iskander M

Solider, armed with Verba MPADS

Palma anti-aircraft complex 1(80).2015


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President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin discussing social projects with Managing Director of KBP JSC Dmitriy Konoplev

Guidance of Kornet missile


this breakthrough project, intended for 2014–2016 years ", — said Vladimir Puchkov on the visit. He said that the Russian rescue equipment is the best in the world and added: "I am sure that we would have large projects ahead of us to be implemented under current conditions!" Achievements in export NPO High-Precision Weapons JSC weapons are well known in

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the Russian Army and in various regions of the world. Among the most sustainable export routes are the Middle East, Gulf, North Africa and India. In recent years, export activity of the holding is increasing in promising markets — in SouthEast Asia, Latin America, Central and Southern Africa. Every year, export growth is from 25% to 40%, and this stability is also a record for Russian mechanical engineering industry in general. And in terms of income, holding company is among the top five largest holdings of Rostec State Corporation. There is also statistics, that says about annual increase in production volumes and revenues — from 20% to 40%. Holding sets itself very ambitious but achievable targets by 2020 to double the volume of production and sales of military equipment. This year, the holding is marked by high activity on foreign markets. Holding products were presented at a number of global platforms of leading defense expositions. In particular, at Eurosatory, Africa Aerospace & Defence, IndoDefence and others. And it is clear: at all of the exhibitions NPO High-Precision Weapons JSC products are being one of the most attractive points of interest for experts and professionals from all over the world. This is understandable, because in the field of high-precision weapons Russian industry is believed to be one step ahead.

For example, on Africa Aerospace & Defence exhibition (held in September), holding's exposition caused a lot of interst — especially anti-aircraft Pantsir complex, multi-purpose Kornet complex (modified version of Kornet) and anti-aircraft seabased artillery complex Palma with Sosna-R guided missile. Many countries, including some African states, have intention to buy the complex, some are already negotiating with Rosoboronexport", — said Vladimir Slobodchikov, CEO of Nudelman Precision Engineering Design Bureau. Also specialists of KBP JSC and CKIB SOO JSC presented Bur smallcaliber grenade launcher complex and Shmel-M infantry flame thrower of increased range and power. Small arms product line was represented by AGS‑30 30‑mm automatic grenade launcher, GS‑18 9‑mm pistol, PP‑2000 9‑mm submachine gun, 6G30 40‑mm grenade launcher manual with VOG‑25 and VOG‑25P shots and other weapons. Moreover, foreign partners often visit NPO High-Precision Weapons JSC companies on their own. This year, for example, the holding company took an official delegation of the Ministry of Defence of the Kingdom of Bahrain, led by the commander of the Air Force of the Kingdom of Bahrain, Major General Sheikh Hamad Abdullah Hamad. The talks began ZRPK «shell-C1." Guests were introduced to the industrial complex, talked about the concept of construction, development prospects ZRPK. Were presented the development of the enterprise in all other directions. The visit took place in a friendly and businesslike atmosphere. But foreign clients often visit holding companies ont their own. This year, for example, the holding company was visited by an official delegation of the Ministry of Defence of the Kingdom of Bahrain, led by the commander of the Air Force of the Kingdom of Bahrain, Major General Sheikh Hamad Abdullah Hamad. Main theme of negotiations was Pantsir-S1 anti-aircraft complex, but developments of the enterprise in other directions were represented as well. The visit took place in a friendly and businesslike atmosphere.

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Brief history NPO High-Precision Weapons JSC holding company was established in 2009 to consolidate scientific and technical potential of group of specialized companies to develop advanced weapons, military and special equipment (AMSE) in the field of high-precision systems and armament tactical combat zone based on innovation and technological modernization of the existing production base. Is included in the Rostech State Corporation. Development and consolidation of the holding occurred progressively, in two stages. Originally it joined nine companies, in December 2012 it became 19 of them. Main activities of the enterprises, included in the holding company, are development, production, modernization, repair and sale of weapons, military and special equipment (AMSE):   Operational-tactical missile systems (Iskander-M);   Close-contact anti-aircraft complex for Army, Air Force and Navy (Pantsir-S, Igla-S);   Antitank missile systems (Kornet, Chrizantema, Konkurs and others);   Guided artillery complexes (Krasnopol, Kitolov);   Combat modules (Berezhok, Bachcha);   Active protection complexes (Arena, Drozd).

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An example of exellence in defense technologies Five years have passed since the establishment of the holding. It's mission was forming an integrated structure in high-precision weapons industry, which would bring together not only leading design and manufacturing capabilities and competencies, but also provide dynamic development of enterprises in the industry. NPO High-Precision Weapons JSC stands out for its exceptional innovative component: the quantity and quality of its defense novelties even statistically are unique. Weapon, designed by the holding, often marks a new stage of development of technology thought, the revolutionary outlook on the efficiency and combat capabilities of modern high-precision weapons. The holding became an integration of scientific and technological, industrial and human capacities of leading defense companies, specializing in the design and manufacture of high-tech high-precision weapons, which experts believe to be among the most effective means of warfare of coming decades. The task, which was given to holding and which it successfully per14

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forms — essentially is creating a new model of the functioning of defense enterprises. According to the managers of the holding, this model provides stable development in domestic and global competitive markets arms. The first five years of the holding work have proven optimal combination of assets and consolidation of production and technological forces. It should be noted, that opportunities of the holding company, defined by scientific, technological and industrial potential of these enterprises, allowed not only to successfully implement the program of state defense order, but also to successfully carry out foreign economic activity, to perform contracts within the framework of military-technical cooperation. Best among the best Specializing in the design and creation of high-precision weapons systems and complexes, NPO HighPrecision Weapons JSC implements a complete cycle of developing weapons and military equipment — from a concept to realization of finished products. The mission of the holding and its member companies is announced to be the creation of highprecision weapons, which clearly surpass the best world standards. And these words are not just a brand slogan: relying on its own innovation, using rich design and technological opportunities, the holding is developing better weapons. Among most popular of holding products military experts emit Pantsir anti-aircraft complex, developed by KBP and sea-based Palma weapon system armed with Sosna-R guided missile. This military equipment has no analogues in the world in its combat characteristics and effectiveness. Also, one can remember small caliber artillery systems for various purposes, Kornet-E anti-tank missile complexes, Konkurs, Metis-M1, Krasnopol guided weapons system, Arkan, etc. The concept of Palma anti-aircraft complex was formed under the leadership of academician Arkady Shipunov with the direct involvement of a number of leading experts of the Navy and industry. Development was carried out in Nudelman Precision Engineering Design Bureau. This

concept involved use of combined arms, including small-caliber rapidfire guns and small-sized high-precision missiles; the use of high-precision opto-electronic control system in combination with a redundant mode of operation in harsh weather conditions of the ship RCS; providing full automation of combat operation and perimeter defense of the ship by the inclusion 4‑fire units to the complex. One of the advantages of Palma from other weapons of its class are that means of target tracking and guidance are placed directly on the gun mount — on the "one axis" to avoid errors, caused by deformation of the ship. In a class of anti-missile systems, developed by holding, Cornet ATGM should also be noted. In class of guided artillery — Krasnopol-M2 and Kitolov‑2M complexes and Gran guided artillery mine. For modern armored vehicles, holding enterprises developed Arkan shot with a guided projectile, and for modernization of armored vehicles — Berezhok and Bakhcha combat modules with modern weapons control system. The holding company is constantly engaged in the development of advanced weapons and military equipment. For example, the modernized Kornet-EM received additional opportunities of fighting low-flying low-speed air targets such as a helicopter or UAV units. "We have a lot of attention paid to the development of modernization of fixed range of weapons and military equipment on our own initiative at the expense of enterprises own funds." (Denisov). According to the management of the holding, the dynamic growth of scientific and industrial potential is the most important requirement in the present stage of development of enterprises. The solution to this problem is provided by increasing of investments. So, for the period up to 2020 in the framework of the federal target program for the development of the military-industrial complex enterprises holding are planned to have a budget of about 15 billion rubles, Including its own funds — more than 5 billion rubles.  Valery Stolnikov

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Crisis in Ukraine – When will it end? By January 2015, the Minsk Protocol ceasefire had comp­ letely collapsed. Following the separatist victory at Donetsk International Airport in defiance of the Protocol, DPR spokesman Eduard Basurin said that "the Minsk Memorandum will not be considered in the form it was adopted". At a second summit in Minsk on 11 February 2015, the leaders of Ukraine, Russia, France, and Germany agreed to a package of measures to alleviate the ongoing war in the Donbass region of Ukraine.


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front line here were no new ideas, the new package of measures is only intended to revive the previous Protocol, that failed to establish peace. Which means – to stop combat actions between Ukranian people, to see this huge mistake brought to an end. For despite all political discussion, the truth is every war is a tragedy. Not a statistics or a way to solve global political problems. A tragedy of people, who are involved. A tragedy of a country built by generations, turned into ashes for reasons not worth it. And as for civil war reality it is children dying before they're even fully adults, or being maimed or mentally scarred for life. It is brothers and sisters being taught to kill each other -- and to hate people who are just like themselves and who originally don't want to kill fellow citizens either. It is men, being forced to fight against their relatives and former partners due to interests, which can't be classified other than economical. It is the destruction of homes for which people





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worked for decades. There no point in finding those, who are responsible for horrors and nightmares. Not until arms are laid down. Other tragedies inevitably trail in the wake of war. Politicians lie even more than usual. Secrecy and coverups become the rule rather than the exception. The press becomes even less reliable. War is genocide, torture, cruelty, propaganda, dishonesty, and slavery. War is the worst obscenity government can inflict upon its subjects. It makes every other political crime -- corruption, bribery, favorit18


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ism, vote-buying, graft, dishonesty -- seem petty. Being part of journalist community, our team cant stand aside from how Ukrainian crisis is being shown in international media. Seeing all the lies and propaganda, we don't want to express our opinion about whom or what is to blame. We wanted to show what really happens beside numbers and media reports – a country, betrayed by it's own government. A nation, split in half for somebody elses interests.  Egor Dakhnov



a technology of victory From 2015, the Russian Army will receive new "Armata" tanks armored "Typhoon" vehicles and 5th generation PAK-FA fighters. While we are not able to actually see how the new-generation tank looks like, we can still try to imagine it's future specifications, based on existing information and world­ wide trends. What can be clear for us - is that this armored vehicle have all the chances to become the next big thing among warfare means. rmata" tank changes conventional ideas about the military tank." – The withdrawal of the URALVAGONZAVOD R&P Corporation OJSC product by Igor Korotchenko, a member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Defense of Russia. For beginning – a little history of Armata design process. Back in 2010, Deputy Defense Minister for Armaments Vladimir Popovkin said that work on the "195 project", better known as the T‑95 will be terminated, and to replace it there will be something completely new and even revolutionary. Until then, the evolution of the Russian tank was consistent and concrete: T‑90 tank, in fact, is a modernized version of the T‑72, which, in turn, was a modification of the T‑64 – with a new automatic loader. By the way, the automatic loader (AL) can be considered as the main



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distinguishing feature of SovietRussian tanks. He was originally developed in Russia – in the late fifties, for T‑64 tanks. It was a kind of breakthrough back then, giving possibility to reduce the crew from 4 to 3 people, and thus improve the operation of combat armored vehicles. NATO block managed to develop and implement something similar for the French AMX‑13 tanks. TodayAL is used, for example, by French AMX‑56 tanks, "Leclerc" and Korean "Black Panther". At the same time American Abrams tanks crew still includes charging personnel… Reducing number of the crew due to the automatic loader gives the possibility to reduce the amount of inner volume of the vehicle (thus, increasing armor), and reducing the total weight of the tank relatively to Western models at the same weapons power and higher vulnerability. Russian tanks are lighter than their competitors by about 10–15 tonnes

(for different modifications), which greatly increases their mobility, economy and facilitates their transportation. Another technological breakthrough for Russian armored vehicles is the use of dynamic protection against cumulative ammunition with “counter-explosion” technique, as well as active protection. It is represented by systems located directly on the tank, combined with radar system of local action. Improvement of Russian armored vehicles over the years has led to an increase in engine power and the total weight of a generic tank, mainly due to an improved armor. Early modification of 60s tanks weigh about 36 tons ("object 167") and T‑90–46 and a half tons. A further increase in the weight of armor and weapons power would require the development of a new chassis as the previous one, in fact, exhausted modernization resource.


The T‑95 was supposed to have a new arrangement. For example, the turret had to become unmanned, and the crew to stay in a well-armored capsule, isolated from the department of ammunition. According to statistics, when the tank is exposed to fire, the enemy's shot hits the tower in half of the cases, the body – 25% of cases, and the remaining – chassis. So, to have a crew out of the turret is undoubtedly safer. But there is a problem of remote control of tank weapons: you're not supposed only to defend yourself, but you also need to attack the enemy! The idea of unmanned turrets is not new: "Science and Life» magazine № 5 for 1968 published a sketch of the tank with such design. Carrying out the project at the same time was prevened by lack of technology that allows remote control of arms. This is what slowed the introduction of such an idea. Location of the crew in an armored capsule increases its survival in combat: the local portion of the body is much easier to protect. In addition, if the crew is isolated from the warhead, you can vary the layout of the tank: develop a vehicle with different placements of the engine compartment. If the tank has engine compartment on it's front side, then – the crew, then – combat unit, fron-

tal armor being hit, still let the crew module with the probability to remain alive and combatready. Therefore, the front-mounted design is favoured by military analysts. By the way, this design shares Israel Merkava tank, created under specific climatic conditions of Palestine, having positive feedback from military experts and proven to be effective in combat actions. The main disadvantage of this design is that the tank is completely out of order after frontal armor destroyed: a crew remains unharmed, but the engine receives the first blow! Exhaust pipe on the side on the front of the body is unmasking factor, and the cooling system will be damaged and unusable, even after 30mm cannon projectile … If the crew module is in front it requires a massive armor with integrated fuel tanks, making it overall heavier. By the known data the T‑95 tank will have second version of the layout. Statements include powerful 2A83 152 mm gun, developed by Design Bureau of the plant number 9 and VNIITM JSC with 36–40 ammunition capacity, and X‑shaped diesel engine of 12N360 type with capacity of 1500 hp, which would reliably provide mobility and maneuverability for 55 tons tank. Crew of the tank would consist of two people: a driver and commander. There is also a

modification of the project under the classic crew of 3 people. Tank T‑95 was theoretically not bad, though pricey relative to conventional military department prices for armor vehicles. But the main reason for the rejection of its mass production was not even a high cost, but the requirement of the Ministry of Defence to provide versatility of the chassis. Chassis of the new tank was supposed to be universal and also used by heavy infantry fighting vehicles, self-propelled artillery and anti-aircraft missile systems. However, with all the complexities of design, the T‑95 was probably close to getting into serial production and adoption by military forces. And only the latest development of NPK URALVAGONZAVOD R&P Corporation OJSC slapped down his "career". By 2015 UVZ presented series of armored vehicles with use of new technical solutions. Based on the same chassis systems are designed main army tank, heavy infantry fighting vehicles and antiaircraft missile systems at the same time and other military tracked vehicles for engineering purposes. Experience in designing the T‑95 is considered. And yet, in the development of events in accordance with the plans, next year we would see fundamentally new tank – Armata. With the same unmanned turret as the T‑95 tank, the crew is 1(80).2015



protected by an armored capsule. 125‑millimeter caliber gun is of a new type – not 2A46M as the T‑90 2A82. This gun muzzle energy of 1.17 times against NATO samples, and in particular, the best western gun, 120‑graph paper tank "Leopard‑2A6". By the way, a good gun was always considered to be the key to the effectiveness of the tank in a real fight. Armata has amazing weapon systems. For example, it's machine gun would be used to fight against the enemy projectiles. So far, the machine-gun armament was not used for such purposes. In fact, this does not meant that the machine-gun bullet would destroy enemy projectile. It's enough that after contact with machine-gun fire, the projectile will be knocked off course. But this task requires unique characteristics of the technical equipment: a combination of high precision weapons, excellent sensitivity radar, lightning speed automatic weapons control. In fact, the gun is included in the active protection of the whole structure: shot is done in the direction of the enemy's projectile. The shape of armor of the Armata should ensure stealth in radar, infrared and optical spectrums. Idle mass media has already dubbed Armata as "Russian stealth tank" or "invisible vehicle". This, of course, is not quite true: if there are moving equipment, parts, changing their position in the process of the configuration, it means it's not abso22

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lutely invisible to modern means of detection. UVZ designers honestly talk more about stealth technologies, rather than the "invisibility". Nowadays primary anti-tank means are not, as before, other tanks and self-propelled artillery. The most reliable means of tank destruction is considered to be anti-tank guided missiles. And the missile "sees" the tank for heat radiation of its engine. Customers of Armata from the Ministry of Defence took into account that the US Army adopted tactical NLOS-LS missile launcher – comes from the Non-Line-of-Sight Launch System. It gives the ability to quickly hit a target at a distance of 40 km from indirect fire position. "Favorite" target for overseas systems are tanks … Long story short, for the first time United States army obtain high-precision tank destroyer system with guided missiles. The installation itself is a block of 16 containers with two types of missiles – PAM and LAM. Aim and launch of all 15 missiles happens in 5 seconds, bringing a weapon to the characteristics of multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS). Rockets first type PAM (Precision Attack Missiles) are precision-guided munitions, which are sent to the target using GPS satellite navigation system or own inertial navigation system (Inertial Navigation System – INS). The final section has several modes of homing. Missiles of second type LAM (Loitering Attack Missiles) are guid-

ed to predetermined area with use of GPS/INS as well. They fly over the battlefield in search of targets and then hit them by a command from the ground. They can carry out reconnaissance, aerial photography and target designation. Simply put, until ordered a specific attack, behave as reconnaissance drones. NATO experts attribute NLOSLS to the so-called "smart weapons". LADAR detects a target, determines the distance to it, together with automatic recognition (ATR) identifies it with a resolution of up to 15 cm (with a distance of 1000 m) and hits the target. Builtin target determinant is based on three-dimensional images previously uploaded and 3‑D models on the onboard mini-computer. If the target is detected, projectile enters patrol mode to gather more data. LADAR gradually creates a complete 3‑D model of the target and makes the final decision on the identification and attacking. For conventional tanks to hide from such weapons is an extremely difficult task. But Armata, judging from the open data can manage to avoid it. The new gun barrel is even covered with thermal jacket … Every detail was thought out, and neither how "smart" missile is, it won' t be easy to copy a 3‑D model of the new Russian tank. The identification will take some time. For which the combat situation is likely to change. Armata crew in the initial project consists of two people. Gunner position is abolished because of the presence of automated control systems. According to others, there is a version of the tank with a crew of three people. What will be the final version – time will tell. It is still not much known about Armata – only few generals are familiar with it's specifications. But still, nowadays there are lot of talks about converting all combat means into unmanned versions. While the tank is still controlled by man, the chassis itself can become a basis of creating a fully unmanned tank of next generation.  Valeriy Nikitin





Laser technologies: dream becoming reality

For thousands of years, scientists dreamed of developing a weapon, able to hit immediately, precisely and from a long distance. There is a legend of Archimedes have set fire to the enemy fleet, focusing sun's rays with help of mirror system on wooden ships of the Persians. Not long ago, the military use of lasers was limited to auxiliary functions such as projectile guidance, aiming and range detection. But now the situation has changed radically, laser weapons, whose destructive effect on the target is determined by the thermo-mechanical and shock-pulse action, are being developed in a number of countries. ot so long ago, the media reported that the Navy United States have tested the Laser Weapon System (LaWS) latest laser gun in the Persian Gulf. LaWS, based on USS Ponce amphibious transport ship has a capacity of 30k watts. The laser is mounted on the bow of the ship and can shoot in several modes, ranging from preventive to lethal and is able to destroy a reconnaissance drone or even a small boat. Tests were very successful, according to the head center of Naval Research, and now command the fleet gave the USS Ponce an order for using the laser system in case of self-defense. In the near future it is planned to establish a similar laser mobile air de-



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fense system, which will be used by US Marine Corps on ground vehicles. Like naval LaWS, it's mission will be protection from UAV units. Head of Naval Research of the US Navy Rear Admiral Matthew Klander stated that this is the first case in the recorded history of combat of using energy weapons of directed action. Among the main advantages of the new weapon is almost endless ammo: gun can be used as much as necessary until the ship is able to produce energy. Beam reaches the target at the speed of light and can track fast moving units. Another important advantage of the new weapon is its price. One shot a gun costs less than a dollar. For comparison: the launch of one of the interceptor short-range missile is

worth $ 1.4 million. The development of the laser was not particularly expensive as well: for six years the project has spent $ 40 million. As Klander explained, it can be used in different weather conditions, including unmanned aerial vehicles and high-speed boats. "The fact is that we never missed," said Klander. At the same time, he said that laser gun, the range of which is not disclosed, has not yet took part in a real combat. Former Chief of the Russian Armed Forces, Army General Yury Baluyevsky commented on Klandera: – "I can only say one thing: the development of military technology and the creation of modern samples of promising and effective weapons is roughly parallel in all the states that have the possibility of such developments."

weaponry Some Russian experts confirm Baluevskii words about developments in Russian Federation. Specifying that in Russia, in addition to the relevant US Marine Engineering, work proceeds on developing air-based laser. Inevitably, attracting significant financial resources for the implementation of such projects. But progress is moving in this direction and such development can be considered as necessary. So what do we mean exactly by saying “laser weapons”? High-energy laser weapons use directional electromagnetic radiation. Its damaging effect on the target is determined by thermo-shock and impulsive action, which in view of the flux density of the laser radiation can cause temporary blindness or mechanical failure (melting or evaporation) of the body of hitted targets. When operating in the pulsed mode at a sufficiently high energy density, thermal impact is accompanied by force impact that is caused by emergence of plasma. Today, as the most suitable for combat use are considered chemical solid-state lasers, with free electrons and x‑ray lasers with nuclear pumping. Thus, the solid-state laser is considered by US experts as one of the most promising for aircraft based laser weapons designed to counter ballistic and cruise missiles, aircraft, suppression of optoelectronic means of air-defense and protecting aircraft carrying nuclear weapons. The possibility of beaming solid-state lasers at several wavelengths allows this type of lasers to be used not only as force means, but also in the information channel, namely for the detection, target identification and precise guidance. X‑ray lasers are of enormous importance, both military and scientific. Very small X‑ray wavelength allows these lasers to probe for atomic distances and deciphering the atomic structure of complex molecules that is extremely difficult to do by conventional methods. Battery of X‑ray lasers, harnessing and focusing the power of nuclear weapons, could in theory provide enough power to blow up the entire planet. Nuclear reactions release about 100 million times more

energy per unit weight than chemical. Piece of enriched uranium no bigger than a tennis ball would be enough to burn in a fiery whirlwind a city, despite the fact that only 1% of the mass of uranium is converted into energy. There are many ways of pumping energy into the laser working fluid. In recent years there has been significant progress that is associated with the transition from the active elements of the pump tube to pumping with laser diodes. But the most powerful of these ways (much more powerful than all the others) is to use the energy of the explosion of a nuclear bomb. It is known that a laser device with pumped X‑ray radiation from lowyield nuclear explosion has been tested during underground nuclear tests. Such a laser operates in the range of x‑ray radiation with a wavelength of 0.0014 microns, and generates radiation pulse with duration of a few nanoseconds. Unlike conventional, in particular from chemical lasers, where the targets are affected

by coherent beams due to thermal effects, X‑ray laser provides target engagement due to shock pulse action, which leads to the evaporation of the material of the target surface and its subsequent spalling. The first test of X‑ray laser, called "test Cabra» (Cabra), was conducted in 1983. A hydrogen bomb was exploded in an underground mine, and then indiscriminately X‑ray flux from it was turned into a focused and coherent X‑ray laser beam. Initial tests have been found it to be successful; in fact, it was this success in 1983, that inspired President Reagan for historical statement of intent to build a defensive shield from the "Star Wars". So the multi-billion dollars program of construction of a device network such as an X‑ray nuclearpumped lasers to shoot down enemy ballistic missiles was launched. Works on this program continue today. Is it possible to actually shoot down ballistic missile warheads by such trivial device? It is not excluded. But we should not forget that 1(80).2015



the enemy can come up with many simple and inexpensive ways to neutralize such weapons (for example, could deceive radar, releasing millions of cheap decoys, or give warhead rotation to dissipate X‑rays, or come up with a chemical coating that would protect the warhead from the X‑ray beam). Development of laser weapons have been conducted for several decades and media is now awared of several countries that are working on the creation of this type of weapon. Concept of developing laser weapons at the beginning of the XXI century literally "came down from space to earth and of the sea" – Today the intensive development of laser weapons are maintained by armies and navies of the United States, Russia, 26

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Israel, Britain, France, South Korea. Back in the 1990s, the Army of Israel and the US became interested in creating a compact and mobile laser gun of relatively low power and short range, but able to shoot down artillery and mortar shells and "Katyusha" missiles. The reason for these countries to be interested by laser weapons of this type were the regular attacks by Palestinian terrorists in the border areas of Israel, as well as attacks on US military bases in Iraq and Afghanistan. The first experience of creating tactical laser cannon was a joint project of Israel and the United States, called "Nautilus". Agreement on joint development of tactical high-energy laser (THEL) "Nautilus" was signed by the US and Israel on July 18, 1996.

The agreement was to develop a missile-defence system on the basis of a chemical solid-state laser. Already in 1998 the first developed stationary system passed through tests. "Nautilus" test results inspired optimism – in 2000 and 2001 THEL knocked 28 "Katyusha" missiles and five artillery shells. During tests conducted on August 24, 2004, the system has successfully shot down a few mortar shells. Mobile version of the system was also successfully tested. Tests included different scenarios: destruction of missiles, artillery and mortar shells, destruction of single shells and several shells at salvo firing. Besides destruction of guided missiles, the laser beam allow disabling high-important opto-electronic devices and sensors mounted on unmanned aircraft, which resulted in loss of control over the drones and destroying them. However, the Israeli and American military were unhappy with, in particular, the size of the system – even it's mobile version required number of heavy trucks for transportation of its components. And in 2006 the "Nautilus" project was closed. Another American development is a Ground Area Defense Anti-Munitions (ADAM) compact laser by Lockheed Martin company – "Guidance weapons defence system", designed to intercept missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles. This mobile laser system uses a fiber laser with power of 10 kW and is installed on a trailer. ADAM captures a laser beam onto the intercepted tar-


get for a few seconds, which leads to destroying of the projectile. And the Israeli military-industrial RAFAEL corporation announced the creation of a combat laser missile defense complex, dubbed Iron Beam in January 2014. It is designed to destroy missiles, mortars and artillery shells at short distances. Israeli experts believe that Iron Beam will provide the lowest level of missile defense. February 11, 2014 combat laser system was presented in Singapore. According to the deputy director general of the Israeli militaryindustrial Rafael corporation Ezra Senderovitsa, laser power is calculated "in tens of kilowatts," but in the future it will be increased to "hundreds of kilowatts." "We are waiting for more powerful lasers," – said Ezra. In America and Israel, there are other projects to develop laser weapons, but it is unlikely in the coming years combat lasers will be adopted by military forces. South Korea, as reported by the media, also develops a laser weapon that will be able to disable Chinese missile and artillery systems. Powerful laser system is being developed by a group of researchers from the Department of Defense and several South Korean military companies. This became known after Japanese reports based on South Korean sources. Laser guns, due to their high mobility, are planned to be based on several special vehicles. Japan, in order to protect against North Korean ballistic missiles, plans to develop a powerful laser capa-

ble to shoot them down. Japanese Defense Ministry is developing a new laser weapon capable of neutralizing ballistic missiles. In contrast to the US anti-missile systems Patriot, laser systems will shoot down missiles soon after launch. According to Tokyo, Japan had already appealed to the leadership of the United States for assistance in the development of laser weapons. It is believed that the US is interested in the development of the US-Japan military cooperation and strive to put the Japanese scientific and financial potential at the service of US interests. As for China, it can be assumed, that like other high-tech country, it has a laser weapon. According to media reports, Chinese scientists were able to create a laser system that

can shoot down missiles at low altitudes on the basis of developments received from Russia. Chinese laser beam version presumably affects missile control system. According to experts, Russia was the first country to achieve considerable results in this area. According to RIA Novosti news agency expert, commenting on the successful testing of chemical laser by Boeing company on an airplane, Russia started to practice development in the field of tactical laser weapons before the United States and has prototypes of high-precision combat chemical lasers in its arsenal. According to him, "The first such installation has been tested by us in 1972. Even then, the domestic mobile" laser gun "was capable of successfully hitting aerial 1(80).2015



targets. Since then, Russia's capabilities in this area have increased significantly, and the United States have to catch up with us." He noted that at the present time significantly more resources are being allocated in this 28

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field of study, that will undoubtedly lead to further success. Back in 2006, several Russian media reported that the domestic arms program involves the implementation in the future work on the research

and development of laser and kinetic weapons. This was stated by General developer of ballistic Topol and Bulava missiles Yuri Solomonov. According to him, "In the weapons program that is approved by the scientific and technical council of the Military-Industrial Commission, there are appropriate sections where work in this direction are assumed." Yuri reported that US and Japanese scientists have already conducted research and development in the framework of a missile defense system designed to be actual till 2025, and Russian scientists should respond to these facts to protect the security of the state. The successes of domestic creators of laser weapons, as well as the above, supported by the following well-known facts. This picture is created by experts of the Pentagon. That's how they imagines laser shield of the USSR. It accurately reproduces the look of top-secret Omega‑2 installation. It had, according to available information, the actual ability to destroy light aircraft. Russia has decided to resume the development, started in the USSR, of accelerated flow carbon dioxide laser, capable of defeating missile and aircraft industries. The Soviet Union was actively engaged in the development of such weapons in the 1970s. Back then the scientists have developed a fast flow carbon dioxide laser of open type, capable of destroying missiles and aircraft. Product testing revealed a unique laser precision: it hits even nickels. R&D activities of a new laser weapons lasted until the collapse of the Soviet Union – until 1991. After that, all design and technological documents and deliverables remained in Moscow, and the entire infrastructure and testing were transferred to Kazakhstan. Now, many experts agree that development of laser weapons, and adopting it my military forces is possible in the near future. This is due, first of all, to rapid development of modern technologies, the expansion of use of laser means for other purposes and desire to create such weapons and advantages that it has compared to traditional means of destruction.  Irina Kachan




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BUR small-size grenadelauncher system – the law enforcement weapon

The rocket-assisted grenade launchers earned a reputation of convenient, efficient and popular close range engagement asset. Further, the introduction of various types of warheads has considerably broadened their application range. heir high combat power (comparable to that of artillery projectiles), as well as small dimensions and low weight, allowing employment as shoulderweapon, turns them into one of the main infantry fire support means in a wide range of missions. The experience of law enforcement and counter-terrorist operations shows that in most cases such missions take place in urban areas or separate buildings. This eliminates the possibility or hampers the employment of combat vehicles for engagement lightly-armoured vehicles and low-vulnerable targets concealed in shelters or terrain and unreachable for the small-arms. Under such circumstances the weapon should be extremely light-


weight (to allow higher ammunition carrying capacity), highly maneuverable (small dimensions) and accurate, as well as possess long firing range and powerful warhead. KBP Instrument Design Bureau have been over a long time involved in the researches aimed to extend the firing range and enhance accuracy of grenade-launching (flame-thrower) system rounds, as well as increase the payload relative to the total weight of the weapon. The R&D resulted in rocket-assisted infantry flame-thrower of increased range and power with thermobaric warhead (RPO PDM-A), adopted for service with Russian Army in late 2003, which proved the efficiency of the solutions implemented by KBP into the new method of grenade-launcher (flame-thrower) rounds propulsion.

Figure 1. “BUR” SGLS

Day optical sight

Thermal sight Figure 2. Launcher and sights


ARMS Defence Technologies Review

Further, based on the design of RPO PDM-A, KBP developed a smallsize grenade-launcher system (SGLS) “BUR”. The general view of “BUR” SGLS with launcher and day optical sight is shown in Figure. 1. The wide range of missions and specific requirements of a number of defence and law enforcement agencies, for which this multifunctional weapon was intended, determined a need for system approach to its development. The SGLS comprises a launcher with day, night optical sights or thermal sight (Figure.2), as well as rounds with various warheads. The launcher features a metal plate with a dove-tail side-rail for mounting the sights which are zeroed with a particular launcher. The


Night optical sight

companies & technologies grip incorporates a miniature generator providing an electric pulse required for launch. The grenade-launcher rounds comprise a launch container, motor and grenade itself. The container and motor are uniform for all types of rounds, whereas only a grenade payload varies. However, the warhead is designed in such a way that the payload variation does not affect the exterior ballistics, allowing employment of optical sights for firing all types of grenades. The governmental testing of BUR SGLS is successfully completed. The small-size grenade-launching system is intended for: •  engagement of manpower in urban environment, inside buildings, fortifications, as well as exposed on various terrain (including mountainous areas);   • inactivation of soft-skinned and lightly-armoured vehicles. The system allows firing from limited space rooms. The system ensures reliable firing within the whole operational temperature range: from minus 40 оС to plus 60 оС and in adverse conditions. While developing the SGLS the designers managed to create a highly accurate rocket assisted grenade launcher allowing effective engagement of wide range of targets de-

Specifications BUR SGLS Caliber, mm Maximum range, m Grouping at point-blank range Dv, Dw, m Round weight, kg Length, mm Warhead type Weight of launcher with day optical sight, kg Sight types pending on the mission scenario at ranges up to 650 m. To guarantee high accuracy of firing a “reactive-active” grenade propulsion principle was introduced, since standard methods, e. g. increase of the booster motor power or employment of sustainer motor running during the flight, lead to increased size and weight of the weapon or higher dispersion respectively. The “reactive-active” propulsion principle implies jet thrust acceleration of the grenade placed in a barrel fixed to the jet engine and simultaneous active acceleration in the moving barrel due to gas bleeding from the engine chamber. Further, the barrel and engine stop, inducing additional acceleration to the grenade. Thus, the energy induced to the grenade is increased (doubled) and accordingly grows the muzzle veloc-

62 950 less than 0,5 3,5 742 fragmentation HEF 1,3 day, night, thermal

ity compared to that of the conventional design grenade launchers with similar container length. However, high grouping of shots is maintained. The efficiency rate was practically proved in the course of the system testing at KBP and by subcontractors. Engagement of a building and vehicle is shown in Figures 3, 4.   Creation of highly efficient and at the same time easy in operation grenade launching system allows engagement of most targets in closerange battle, as well as flexible response to the changing combat environment due to employment of various warheads. The system may become a demanded light weapon for various services of defence and law enforcement agencies.

Table 1. BUR SGLS specifications

V. M. Kuznetsov, V. A. Zamarakhin, M. N. Davidov

Figure 3. Concrete building engagement

Figure 4. Vehicle engagement 1(80).2015


companies & technologies

Komandirsha-E portable system for automated control of anti-tank units Anti-tank missile systems like “Kornet” make up a type of high-precision weaponry, meant for the engagement of modern and future tanks with active protection, lightly-armored vehicles, fortifications, low-velocity air targets, sea-surface and other targets. ffective usage of ATGW should correspond to modern demands of combat actions and should be executed in one informational environment with battalions and regiments, within the structures of which they are implemented, should have maximal level of automation for solving of reconnaissance orientation, communications and control tasks. The tactics of anti-tank units’ implementation, armed with ATGW is based on: •  moving forward from concentrating areas to tank-hazardous sector;   • quick grouping in combat deployments at the designated sector and organizing of firing against enemy tanks;   • moving out to new area.


The peculiarities of combat task fulfillment by ATGW units involves combat operations from prepared and unprepared positions by day and at night, at any weather in the wide variety of war theatres. Today anti-tank units armed with ATGW don’t have enough means of control, communications automation, not enough of effective means of reconnaissance, topographic survey and orientation, which significantly decreases the effectiveness of anti-tank units’ usage. Komandirsha-E portable system for automated control of anti-tank units, designed by the KBP Instrument Design Bureau as per the task of Ministry of Defense is meant to increase the effectiveness of control of the units, armed with portable “Metis” ATGWS and por-

table and vehicle-borne “Kornet-E” ATGWS in all types of combat conditions. The Komandirsha-E system is designed in two versions and provides for automation of processes: •  reconnaissance and tactical environment information displaying on the digital map;   • maintenance of radio communications of the anti-tank unit commander with fire positions of the crews;   • distribution of targets and target designation to ATGW crews during the battle;   • laying of each ATGW at its target; •  control the task fulfillment by the ATGWs crews by the unit commander. The composition of the Komandirsha-E system in two versions is shown on figures 1 and 2.

Control and observation post of the platoon commander

Access module KAU BD commander’s console

B7X30 Binoculars

MK‑1 Magnetic compass 1L‑111-1 reconnaissance portable radar

Crew 1

Night-vision binoculars BN‑3 (1PN94)

Crew 2 Access module

Access module

KAU BD commander’s console

KAU BD commander’s console

KAU BD commander’s console

MK‑1 Magnetic compass

Launcher* with orientation device

MK‑1 Magnetic compass

Launcher* with orientation device

* Launcher is not included into the composition of the system Figure 1. Composition of the Komandirsha-E system (variant 1) 32

Crew 3

Access module

ARMS Defence Technologies Review

MK‑1 Magnetic compass

Launcher* with orientation device

companies & technologies The first variant features high level of automation of the processes of unit preparation for combat actions and ATGW crews control during the battle both from prepared and unprepared positions. The second variant features less cost and lower level of process automation of unit preparation for combat actions and ATGW crews control during battle on unprepared positions. The fact, that the crews don’t have the means of satellite topographic survey increases the time of fire positions taking by the crews and the time of preparation of the unit firing plan the by the commander. The commander of the unit obtains the possibility to plan the route of the unit movement from the concentrating area to the deployment position as well as to control the unit during the movement along the route and maneuvering during the battle with the help of the digital map.

System basic specifications Range of target detection • by day • at night with the help of radar, moving targets

up to 6000 up to 4800

Range of radio communication on the plain terrain with the help of the system’s VHF radio, m

up to 1500

Time of TD preparation and forwarding it to the crew, s

20 or less

Figure 3 displays the view of the commander’s console display with the route of the unit moving to the position of deployment and the current position of the unit on the way. On reaching the deployment position, the commander of the unit and the radar operator take the position of the control and observation post, and combat crews take the fire positions (for prepared positions). When taking unprepared positions the commander of the unit with

Figure 3. View of the commander’s console display with the route of the unit moving to the position of deployment and the current position of the unit on the way

the help of the commander’s console prepares the fire plan of the unit on the digital map on site. On figure 4 the view of the commander’s console display with fire plan of the unit is represented. After taking the deployment position, the unit commander provides the target reconnaissance (detection) with the help of the radar. Figure 5 shows the view of the commander’s console display with sector of radar observation and detected targets.

Figure 4. View of the commander’s console display with fire plan of the unit when adopting the deployment position

Figure 5. View of the commander’s console display with sector of radar observation and detected targets

Control and observation post of the platoon commander

Access module KAU BD commander’s console

B7X30 Binoculars

MK‑1 Magnetic compass 1L‑111-1 reconnaissance portable radar

Crew 1 Access module

MK‑1 Magnetic compass

Night-vision binoculars BN‑3 (1PN94)

Crew 2 Access module

Launcher* with orientation device

MK‑1 Magnetic compass

Crew 3 Access module

Launcher* with orientation device

MK‑1 Magnetic compass

Launcher* with orientation device

* Launcher is not included into the composition of the system Figure 2. Composition of the Komandirsha-E system (variant 2) 1(80).2015


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Figure 6. View of the commander’s console display with the result of TD to one of the crews

Figure 7. View of the crew commander’s console display (for variant 1 of the system) when TD order is received

On detection of targets the unit commander carries out automatic target distribution and target designation to the crews. Figure 6 shows the view of the commander’s console display with the result of TD to one of the crews. Figure 7 shows the view of the crew commander’s console display (for variant 1 of the system) when TD order is received. After receiving of the TD the ATGW operator conducts the laying of the launcher as per the azimuth and elevation (if necessary), providing for the correspondence of current angle values on the indication unit of the orientation device to the angles of TD (figure 8). After turning of the launcher at the angle given in the TD, the operator carries out the search of the target in the eyepiece of the sighting unit, and, if necessary, carries out the after-search of the target (figure 9). ATGW crew reports to the commander on detection and engagement of a target. The Komandirsha-E system provides for the possibility of plotting of the vicinity and blind zones, which helps the commander to efficiently make up the firing plan of the unit, taking into consideration the said zones when executing the target distribution (target designation is giv-

en to the crew, within the vicinity of which the target is positioned). The vicinity zone is defined in the radius of the designated fire range from the fire position and is shown on the digital map as a painted area of the correspondent color (yellow area on figure 10). The implementation of the Komandirsha-E system enables a commander to conduct the control of the unit in real time conditions and in one informational environment. The basic advantages of the system are: •  visualization of the tactical information presentation on the digital map;   • the possibility of vicinity/blind zones plotting for the crews, and target distribution taking into consideration the said information;   • automatic topographic survey of the control and observation post and fire positions of the crews with the implementation of GLONASS/ GPS equipment;   automated orientation (bearing • finding) of the ATGWS on the terrain; •  round-the-clock and all-weather target detection with the help of the radar;   • automated unit control during preparing for combat actions and during the combat actions;   • feedback of the crews to the unit commander, which allows to effi-

Figure 9. Target detection after target data follow-up 34

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Figure 8. The exterior of the indication unit of the orientation device with indication of laying angles of the ATGW launcher after the TD is processed ciently react to the changes in the tactical environment. Thus, Komandirsha-E portable system for automated control of anti-tank units provides for significant increasing (more, than 1.5 fold) of the efficiency of anti-tank units combat implementation due to the systematic automation of the control processes during preparation for battle and during the combat actions themselves at any time of the day, in complicated weather conditions. As the tests have shown, the greatest effectiveness of the system is achieved during combat actions at night in complicated weather conditions. The system provides for effective target distribution and target designation during the firing of an anti-tank unit, armed with portable ATGWS “Metis” and “Kornet -E”-type portable and vehicle- borne ATGWS. The “Komandirsha-E” system can be used also for control of grenade launchers, artillery guns, as well as to be the means of automation of a motorized infantry company actions and give target designation to three anti-tank platoons. The adaptation of the system to be used with other types of ATGWS (“Konkurs, “Fagot”) is possible.  N. I. Khokhlov, Y. B. Podchufarov, Y. S. Romanov

Figure 10. Vicinity zone for fire position 1, crew #12

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THUNDER IN THE SKY In view of active rivalry of air attack means and air defense equipment it has long ago become apparent a tendency of transfer of the confrontation domain to extremely low heights. It significantly complicates mission of Air Defense since it not only impairs accuracy of weapon guidance to a target but abruptly reduces the range of the attack means detection decreasing thereby the time required to process and hit targets by AD facilities. hort-range air defense systems of the Tor family (Tor-M2E, Tor-M2K, Tor-M2KM) produced by Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant KUPOL — were developed for fighting against various up-to-date air attack facilities: high precision weapons (anti-radar missiles, guided and gliding air bombs), different maneuvering, high-speed manned and unmanned aerial vehicles functioning at extremely low, low and medium altitudes, during day and night, flying at a speed of up to 700 m/s, including maneuvering targets or the targets using active and passive interferences. The systems initially were designed as a main combat facility to fight against massive strikes of high precision weapons above a battle area or defended locations, in


SAMS Tor-M2K combat vehicle


ARMS Defence Technologies Review

other words actually as "the system of final position". They ensure effective air defense of military units on the move and in cantonment areas, during all mobile types of modern combat actions, as well as defense of key state and military installations. Ability to destruct simultaneously four air targets by four guided missiles launched from one combat vehicle at the distance of up to 15 km has been implemented in the SAM systems for the first time; the highest level of automation of combat operation process has been achieved and immunity to any interferences has been considerably improved. Combat vehicles (CV) of the Tor-M2E and Tor-M2K systems and the self-contained combat module (SCCM) of the Tor-M2KM system are capable of carrying out the assigned battle mission independent-

ly, by group of two CVs (SCCM) in the Squad mode as well as within a SAM battery consisting of four CVs (SCCM) controlled by a battery command post (BCP). It is important to dwell on the work features of two combat vehicles in the Squad mode. In the mode due to automatic exchange of data on air situation through telecode channel two CVs have common pattern of an air raid and each of the vehicles is capable of firing any air target irrespective of the fact which of the vehicles has detected the target. Such operation enhances considerably the CV's battle performances, improves efficiency of rebuff of flight attack and strengthens the CV firing life. In that case if target acquisition radar of one of the vehicles is damaged, another one is capable of transmitting the data on air situation

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to the first vehicle and it can be used further as a launcher and fulfill its combat mission. In comparison with other similar SAM systems in the systems of the Tor family the rate of such a fighting quality as the parameter of a hit air target reaches 8 km. That has been confirmed in practice. That means one combat vehicle can hit an air target laterally within 16 km line, hence in case of appropriate tactical arrangement of combat vehicles of a SAM battery a wall-to-wall defense is created throughout the whole fighting line. The overwhelming majority of modern short-range systems are capable of firing and hitting such only the targets which are moving at zero or close-to-zero parameters so they can defend themselves only, but not the territories and the installations covered by them. It is important also to note that a surface-to-air missile (SAM) 9M331 used in the system is stored in surface-to-air missile module (SAMM) 9M334 and needs neither maintenance nor any check during 10 years. SAM 9M331 is launched vertically and it doesn't have boost stages of the booster as it is with twostages missiles of some other systems. That remains to be rather dangerous such as after separation within a close zone because of their highspeed characteristics they can inflict great damages to the covered facilities, equipment and military person-

nel. In some SHORAD systems using low-intellectual missiles, in case of missed interception detonation of warhead is caused by hitting the ground. At extremely minor ranges it can result to strike friend lines. In a case of missed interception the SAM 9M331 is guided upward where its warhead is detonated safely. State-of-the-art software for combat vehicle of the Tor SAM system enables introducing automation into combat operation and minimizing influence of a human factor. Several methods of SAM guidance are implemented in operation algorithms of combat vehicle. After processing of various target's parameters computer system selects the best guidance method. This is especially important when handling the most complicated maneuvering and low-flying targets. Besides, it makes impossible effect of reflection of underlying surface. The best demonstration of leading positions of the Tor family SAM systems on the world-wide arms market is the result of firing tests carried out both on territory of foreign states and Russian firing ranges. One of the latest demonstration firings were carried out in October, 2014, within the bounds of tendering process for procurement of SHORAD systems, where the first training target (the Saman missile) was hit by the first SAM at a range of 10 km. The next launch was done during

the hours of darkness against an unmanned aerial vehicle. This target was hit by the first missile too. In such a way the SAM system of the Tor family once again demonstrated one hundred percent successful result at all the parameters. No other SAM system currently is capable of performing such combat missions, this is an evidence of the fact that dew to combination of combat and engineering performances and effective operational use there are no any short-range surface-to-air missile systems equal to the Tor system neither in Russian Federation no all over the world.

SAMS Tor-M2E combat vehicle Independent combat module of Tor-M2KM SAMS on the truck chassis

Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern, JSC 121471, Moscow, Vereyskaia st., 41 Tel.: (495) 276‑29‑65, fax: (495) 276‑29‑69 E‑mail:

Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant KUPOL, JSC Russia, Udmurtia, Izhevsk, Pesochnaya str., 3 Tel.: (3412) 903211, fax: (3412) 726819 E-mail: 1(80).2015


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CJSC KSF Peredovaya Tekstilschitsa One of the leading Russian industrial enterprises - Royal silk factory "Peredovaya Tekstilschitsa " celebrates 140 years anniversary in 2015. Between XIX and XX centuries the company produced best brocade and silk in Russia and one of the best in Europe. The factory was traditional supplier of the Russian Imperial Court and leading fashion shops in France, England, Germany. During long years of its history, the company of Korolev city accumulated a lot of new competencies and today is a leading national manufacturer of composite fabrics.

talked with General Director of CJSC KSF Peredovaya Tekstilschitsa Dmitry Bruskov about current situation and prospects of his company. – Dmitry, what types of products today are key for “Peredovaya Tekstilschitsa”? – Currently, our product line includes over one hundred items of ex-



ARMS Defence Technologies Review

clusive composite fabrics, which are used in aviation and aerospace industries to create parachutes, balloons, airships, mobile field hospitals, flame retardants and so on …Range of application is extremely wide and quality is consistently high. – Are there any new products? –  Certainly. We are constantly working on creation and introduction of new types of materials among with improving quality of popular

products. For example, you can mark the launch of high-strength fabrics from high-molecular aramid fabrics of new generation "Rusar." On their basis, for example, are made particularly strong flak jackets and helmets for law enforcement agencies. We develop and implement in production dozens of different articles of fabrics. Thanks to modern equipment we are able to produce fabrics of the highest quality according to best world standards. Fabrics made from high-strength aramid fibers are used in manufacture of ballistic protection equipment, personal protection of personnel and in the heavy-duty and ultralight composite materials for a number of air and rocket technologies, pneumatic structures for the Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc. – Can you give specific examples of your products, used by the army? – It's easy – for example, our fabrics used in modern military equipment under the name "Ratnik", which received positive feedback by both Russian government and international experts. There is a similar situation with "Cowboy" equipment – in both cases we talk about the use of a number of “Peredovaya Tekstilschitsa” own innovation. Aramid fibers of a new generation of "Rusar" are used for Topol-M and Bulava missiles, special suits of general purpose such as "Permiachka". Fluorine-containing fabrics developed by our company are used as thermal panels on space objects. Aramid fabrics are featured by meteorite trap systems on space stations and re-entry vehicles. Another important area is the production of fabrics for different

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parachutes systems – from sports to transport ones. Our company created fabrics for parachute systems of Su‑22 and MiG‑21 aircraft. Another field of work of our factory is production of filter fabrics. Our filters are used in porcelain, mining and metals, aluminum, dairy industry. –  What competitive advantages of CJSC KSF Peredovaya Tekstilschitsa do you consider most important today? – Our greatest strengths are quality, innovations and unique characteristics of our product. For example, flame retardant camouflage, wherein in practice, all these characteristics are present. Another our advantage is decent quality products with flexible pricing

policy. You also need to say that the company manages to combine high production rates and an individual approach to each customer. We always look forward for long-term partnerships both at the domestic and global markets. –  CJSC KSF Peredovaya Tekstilschitsa is well known in the professional world, but you are still actively participating in exhibitions… – I am convinced that it is necessary. Yes, indeed, products of our company are widely known not only in domestic but also in international markets, including through participation in federal and international exhibitions. We have good com-

munication with a lot of partners. However, as it is known, one of the main criteria for assessing supplier is reliability and stability. Therefore, we must always be present in key international exhibitions, for all to see that the company maintains its leadership position. – Is it Difficult to work with foreign customers? – For us it is not. We switched to the international quality management system that is certified under requirements of DIN EN ISO 9001– 2000 in the design, production and finishing of fabrics. This allowed us to expand markets, improve the manageability of enterprise and improve product quality.  1(80).2015



Electronic warfare:

new standarts of combat New scientific team will be formed by the end of the year on the basis of universal training center and combat employment of electronic warfare (EW). Formation of this team is intended to improve the efficiency of scientific research and testing in the field of electronic warfare, improving technical means and forms of learning and development of EW methods in order to achieve information protection in automated systems for various purposes.

nvention of radio, telegraph and telephone radically changed the way of controlling manpower, and greatly facilitate the work of the High Command to bring together large numbers of troops in order to achieve a common goal during combat. T has given unprecedented possibilities of communication and organization through inaccessible space and territory, occupied by the enemy.


Radio – first steps of the path First Russian radio stations were spark-based, which used the invention of Heinrich Hertz – establish40

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ment of electromagnetic waves as a result of the impact on the surrounding area with electric discharge spark or lightning. First radio transmitters demanded too much power for effective radio emission. Waves emitted in a very wide frequency range. Simultaneous operation of multiple, closely spaced, spark transmitters was almost impossible due to interference of signals. Work on improving of radio transmission technology was yet to come. But even this imperfect, by today's standards, technology has allowed Russian army to become first in the world to use radio to control ground forces directly in the theater of military operations during the war with Japan. Moreover, there have been developed two methods of communication: radio guidance – just between the two headquarters and radio – network among several headquarters. Radio – network remains relevant to the present, and network communication is the most relevant way to communicate in the modern world. Birth of a new weapon In mid-April 1904 Russian sailors, for the first time in military history have been able to break the enemy's radio connection. Pobeda battleship radio station and Zolotaya Gora shore radio station created a "big spark" disturbance, that was able to tore the adjustment of artillery fire on Japanese

ships, fire harbor of Port Arthur. Rear Admiral Ukhtomsky reported to Admiral Alexeyev: "Enemies shot more than 60 large-caliber shells. None of them were successful." April 5, 1904 was the day of birth of a new kind of combat – electronic warfare (EW). In Russia, since 2000, this date is celebrated as the Day of a specialist in electronic warfare Scientists and military engineers of all industrialized countries have started to work on the problems of intelligence signals and ways of suppression of enemy radio communications, through the creation of artificial interference. Further development of means and methods of electronic warfare took place during the First World War, in which Russian radio communications were used for interfering with German radio communication. December 16, 1942 USSR issued a decree "On the organization of special service for plugging German radio stations operating on the battlefield." Types of electronic jamming.  Masking noise increases the number of received information, create background, which disturb detection, identification, isolation purposes.  Imitating (misleading) interference – signals, emitted by interference station to transpass false information. Their structure is identical to useful signal that causes a terminal RES to mark decoys as re-

al signals, reducing system capacity, increasing probability of a false alarm. When exposed to weapons control systems, they tear automatic target tracking in direction, distance, speed terms, and redirect them to the simulated noise target. An example of interference used to suppress radio-electronic stations (RLS) control arms are spoofing. signals They bring false information and disrupt operation of automatic tracking of targets in range, speed and direction. Noise interference are continuous electromagnetic (acoustic) vibrations with randomly changing amplitude, frequency and phase. Therefore, they are often called chaotic. Readers of the older generation remembers a terrible noise and crackle of radio when you try to listen to ultra-short waves. EW – stages of development After World War II there was a rapid improvement of radio communications, aircraft and ships radar stations, development and production of missiles with radar homing. First stage – until 1980 EW operations were supportive in nature and consisted of interference on reconnaissance and communications of the enemy, as well as simulation of various radio-electronic means to introduce opposing side confusion about the real combat situation. 1(80).2015



Over this period radio-electronic means to reduce effectiveness of the use of weapons and electronic systems of a potential enemy and defend their radio and electronic systems of oppression have been developed. Since the 1950special EW tools: transmitters RFI, dipole and corner reflectors were supplied to the troops. Even during the Second World War, British experts have invented a "Window" – a means of creating passive radar jammers to protect bombers. In terms of technical performance it were simply strips of metallized paper, which size was selected so that they are visible in the frequency range of the German work locators. Dipole radio reflectors is a strip of thin passive vibrators foil or metallized paper or metallized glass segments. For successful signal reflection, they should have a length of about a half wavelength of suppressed radar. For setting false target bursts with an effective surface scattering (EPR) is equivalent to set up goals are fired. For example, an aircraft can drop charges equivalent to 20 m2, with a typical plane EPR of about 1 m2. ESR is a quantitative measure of properties of a particular object to dissipate electromagnetic wave, which depends on its shape, size, 42

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material from which it is made, on its orientation with respect to transmitting antennas and receiving radar position. Since EPR is a formal input parameter, its value does not coincide with value of total surface area of the reflector (eg, aircraft) or the value of its cross-section. Calculation of EPR is one of the tasks of Applied Electrodynamics, solved analytically with varying degrees of approximation. Efficiency is increased when using a spiral DPRO scattered so as to form a cloud of many feeds. Advantages DPRO include their low cost and ease of manufacturing Among disadvantages are shortterm exposure and a narrow frequency range, which, however, can be increased, for example, the use of complex reflector having dipoles of over 30 different sizes in length. It should be noted that currently use of DPRO fiberglass is prohibited in peacetime. Release of reflectors in the field of livestock grazing and wildlife habitat and leads to the ingress of fiberglass in the digestive tract of animals to their death. Second stage – 1980–1993. This stage is marked by the strategy of integrated employment of electronic warfare to influence command systems and control perceived enemy. It implies a consistent application of jamming devices, intelligence, disin-

formation and fire damage to combat enemy electronic systems. But at that time automation at an early stage of development, channel capacity was not large enough. Plus – the lack of an integrated system of command and control are not allowed to use the full potential of EW in local military conflicts of the time. Since the beginning of the 1960s. there are new powerful means of practic destruction of radio systems – missiles, suggestive radio emission. In 1963 US Armed Forces adopted "air" – "radar" aircraft missile – "The Shrike." During operation “Desert Storm” (1990–1991) anti-Iraq coalition successfully conducted interference suppression of Iraq channels, which were widely used by American F‑4G aircraft with precision anti-radar HARM missiles, as well as electronic warfare EF‑111 aircraft, dazzling Iraq radio station with interference. The third stage of EW development started in 1993 and continues to this day. As a result of "cyber revolution" and mass introduction into all spheres of life various information systems based on the use of electronic devices, hardware EW greatly improved. Automation of electronic warfare is close to one hundred percent mark; integrated communications systems, intelligence, control and electronic warfare are established and rapidly developing; it was applied perspective views of non-lethal EW weapons using electromagnetic pulses capable of hitting radio electronics in a large radius. The modern development of computer networks provides users access to global databases tactical level, target designation of weapons and electronic warfare in real time. All these advances have led to the formation of a new concept – "information war". By this term is understood in the modern world a kind of fighting, where key target is information (stored or circulating in control), reconnaissance, combat systems and other. Information warfare weapons are devices and methods of information processing, which are

retrospectives used for large-scale, targeted, rapid and secretive influence on military and civilian information systems of the enemy reducing level of readiness and capability in order to help achieve the final victory. In this case, it is understood that the information war can be conducted independently, ie without the use of traditional means and methods of warfare, and in combination with other types of fighting. EW during combat During the war with Iraq (1991) it was created a space grouping of reconnaissance assets – up to 40 satellites (artificial satellites) and 1550 land-based stations, electronic intelligence and direction finding. As part of the air group, there were 108 electronic warfare aircraft, equipped with anti-radar missiles. All strike aircraft of US Air Force, the United Kingdom, France, and the ships were were equipped with individual stations to protect against radio-electronic means of detection and guided weapons. A significant part of the aircraft was equipped with a hanging containers with collective protection EW equipment. 60 ground stations and 37 helicopters were deployed to meet the challenges of intelligence and jamming KB, UHF and microwave transmission with range of up to 150 km. The main objective of the United States was EW suppression and disruption of the control system of air defense of Iraq across the country. As a result of using these means t in conjunction with anti-radar missiles in the first 10 days of the fighting has been disabled up to 80% of all Iraq radar systems. During the second local war in Iraq (2003) it carried out an EW operation, which in addition to a powerful barrage jamming suppression and the impact of radio electronic nationwide facilities and contained a variety of military precision fire strikes on radio-emitting objects with special high-precision missiles with graphite and metallic dust-filled warheads, smote transformer substations and power relay automation. For the first time during a military operation it was carried out

suppression of potential enemy information channels – television and radio stations, repeaters, editions of electronic and print media, which were used for coverage of military actions and propaganda. The result was completely suppressed outreach capacity of Iraq. NATO military actions in 1999 in Yugoslavia became the prototype of the war of the sixth generation. It was a non-contact a local war, which was based on aerospace-marine operations and information warfare. Those experiences demonstrated in practice that EW has evolved from a means of operational support to the means of warfare. Modern Russian EW means In Russia, there are being actively being developed means of electronic warfare. Leader in the creation of electronic warfare is KRET holding company – it's share in the Russian market is about 94%. Creation of EW involves 18 KRET companies. Electronic warfare systems can be divided into several groups, including suppression (REP), remedies (REZ) and reconnaissance (SIGINT) systems. The role of electronic warfare is now fully recognized by Russian military and political leadership. This was in one of his speeches Deputy

Prime Minister and Chairman of the Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation Dmitry Rogozin when he said: "Previously all military experience in this field affects only the security of computer systems and communications, information technology is now considered as a first strike weapon. In case of conflict with any state, the first attack is made possible through information networks, during which critical infrastructure of the state is destroyed, violating system of political and military control, turns off machines based on imported electronic-component basis. When the State victim of aggression is practically paralyzed, it is hit by classical military means.   Countering potential threats In 2014, media reported on negotiations between the US and Georgia authorities about possible granting of Tbilisi Georgian logistics centers for large-scale troop, machinery and equipment transport from Afghanistan. These reports have generated the fears that transshipment points are slowly transformed into a full-fledged NATO military bases, especially due to Georgia had offered their establishment on its territory in 2008. It is necessary to be ready for very unwelcome consequences for aircraft of the United States and its allies will 1(80).2015



be based in close proximity to Russian borders. In response to this it will be needed not only to strengthen the Air Force grouping in this are, but also to organize a powerful radio-electronic protection of borders. According to a statement by Oleg Antonov, head of the "Aviakonversiya" company in order to effectively counter NATO aircraft in such a case, it will be enough to build only two objects in a friendly South Ossetia, with electronic warfare systems. Two "jammers", located near Leninogori village, working in turn, can make it difficult to carry out aviation operations over a considerable part of the territory of Georgia. "Aviakonversiya" offer is based on the fact that the Air Force, as well as 44


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other kinds of troops of leading nations of the world have a large number of different electronic systems to facilitate various aspects of combat operations. Advantages of these systems are compensated by their vulnerability - any signal may be muffled by noise, completely disrupting the equipment. In this regard, according to the "Aviakonversiya", EW system has a special priority on the modern battlefield. According to Antonov, in order to effectively counter combat aircraft it is enough to suppress signals of satellite navigation systems. According to him, foreign pilots are ill-prepared to fly without the use of such systems, which can be useful for the country,

employing EW. Suppression of navigation signals from satellites makes it much more difficult or even impossible to navigate and operate in adverse weather conditions. While suppressing other signals, opponent may be left without communication, without the ability to identify aircraft units with help of the "friend or foe" defendants, without intelligence, etc. In addition, significantly complicated by the use of guided weapons, suggestive goal with the help of satellite navigation systems. It is alleged that the company "Aviakonversiya" found a way to effectively deal with opponent radio signals. A special apparatus has been developed, which studies signal of suppressed system and imitates it. It is very difficult to deal with such suppression. For comprehensive coverage of given territory by means of electronic warfare and effective response to enemy action, "Aviakonversiya" created a territorial defense system (TCO) "Umbrella." The complex is designed for the suppression of signals of different enemy hardware . Constituent elements of the complex are placed at a certain distance from each other, mounted on its own antenna towers. Management of all systems is centralized, with united control center. The main objective of the TCO "Umbrella" is to prevent attacks by means of modern high-precision weapons and countering enemy aircraft.  Irina Kachan


a r m s

s p e c i a l s

introducing elite of russian

military-industrial complex




introducing elite of russian military-industrial complex Behind every weapon there is a certain group of people. Their talents in engineering, management and everyday hard work – that’s what make complicated ideas and dreams a reality. It is them, who develop modern warfare means and raise defense possibilities of their nation. Being the ones ahead, they lead companies and scientific groups towards a world of tomorrow – with a vision of it, they obtain. And sometimes, for different reasons, they are not well known to the public, even for those, being part of an expert community. To tell about this people and make it possible for an audience to get familiar with actual persons, responsible for scientific and industrial progress, is a mission of ARMS magazine special “Introducing Elite of Russian Military-Industrial Complex.” We consider it to be important for our foreign partners to get full information of people, on whom Russian defense technologies stand today and will, in the nearest future. We’ll try our best to personally introduce our readers with CEOs of leading Russian companies, talented engineers and top managers – people, having a strong impact on the world we see today. We hope that our project will allow you to personally meet persons, who became a living legend in our country. The ones, we are proud of.

Sincerely yours, “A4 Press” team 46

ARMS Defence Technologies Review

introducing elite of russian military-industrial complex

DOSIE Oleg Salukhov Commander of the Ground Forces leg Salukhov became commander in times of new weapons systems being developed and implanted into the Armed Forces. Which makes his mission harder – achieving not only safety of Russian Borders, but to assure successful implantation of new technologies in a world of completely new standards of combat activities. In his opinion, victory is gathered not by technological advancement – he sees people behind it in the first place, soldiers who operate these weapons systems and armored vehicles. And he considers one of his missions to further improve personnel equipment of current generation and develop future concepts in order to increase effectiveness, comfort and survivability. Colonel-General Salukhov sees plans of modernizing equipment and technology race to be carried out with realistic approach. “We need to consider situation in


the world, different economical and political aspects along with our own opportunities in order to achieve successful results in re-arming programs” – says Oleg Salukhov. He also said that these plans include modernized tanks T-72B3, BMP-3, modernized BMP-2, BTR-82A. Commander of the Ground Forces also noted BMP-3 and BTR-90 would be once again adopted by the Army. Oleg Salukhov took part real combat, so we are sure his decision to be driven by experience and actual needs of the Army. Colleagues and partners of Oleg see him as a symbol of the new stage of Ground Forces development, a Chief Commander, who can set new standards of management and foresee future problems of the Army. We live in hard times – times of crisis, political and economical stress in the world. Times, full of doubts and problems to be solved. And situation like this requires strong and talented leaders. Leaders like Oleg Salukhov.

Oleg Leonidovich Salukhov was born May 21, 1955 in the city of Saratov. In 1977 he graduated Ulyanovsk Guards Higher Tank Command School with honors, in 1985 the Military Academy of Armored Forces, in 1996 - the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces. In 1977-1982 he served as commander of a platoon, company commander, chief of staff and battalion commander in the Kiev Military District. In 1985-1994 - deputy commander of a training tank regiment commander of a tank regiment, deputy commander of the Guards Tank Division of the Moscow Military District. In 1997-2005 he held the post of division commander, chief of staff and commander of the army, deputy commander of the Far Eastern Military District. In 2005-2008 he was the Chief of Staff - First Deputy Commander of the Far Eastern Military District. In 2008-2010 - commander of the Far Eastern Military District. In 2010-2014, he served as Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. May 2, 2014 Oleg Salukhov was appointed Commander of the Ground Forces by order of the President. Colonel-General Salukhov took part in combat actions. Is awarded with four orders of merit and nine medals. In 2003, awarded a diploma and a sign of the supreme council of the forum "Public Recognition". He is married and has a son.



DOSIE Born on February 20, 1967 in Potsdam, German Democratic Republic. 1989 - Kiev Military Tank Engineering College 1996 -Faculty of Engineering at the Military Academy of Armored Forces 2004 -Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces 1989 - 1993 Western Group of Forces 1996 - 2002 - Chief of armored infantry brigade service, deputy commander for armaments head of the technical part of motorized rifle regiment, deputy commander for armaments - head of the technical part of motorized infantry division in the North Caucasus Military District. 2004 -2009 - Chief of Armaments - Deputy Commander of the Army of Moscow Military District, head of the operation, maintenance and disposal of weapons and military equipment of the General Armament Department of the Armed Forces. 2009 - Chief of the Armored Vehicles Directorate of the Defense Ministry.


Shevchenko Alexander Head of the Main Armored Vehicles Directorate of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant-General ur family served country for centuries, so I definitely had to become a soldier to continue this tradition. I graduated from the Kiev Tank Engineering School named after Marshal Jakubowski and had service as a lieutenant in the combatant forces. Then I Joined the Western Group of Forces, where I saw armed forces in action with my own eyes. After that, I graduated from the Academy of Armored Forces named after Malinowski and went to North Caucasus and went through both of the Caucasian wars. Therefore, I have experience of what equipment is


ARMS Defence Technologies Review

needed in real actions, in actual combat. Problems of technical support of combat operations, including use of armored vehicles directly dependent on the forms and methods of warfare. I personally believe that they have changed, we are in the middle of a real reform of the armed forces. Today, we have perfected the concept of armored vehicles, the concept of military and automotive engineering until 2020 and until 2025. These concepts have been approved, we had discussions with engineers and representatives of the military-industrial complex. And I see great potential in these projects”.

introducing elite of russian military-industrial complex

DOSIE Alexander Denisov General Director of NPO High-Precision Weapons JSC lexander Denisov is a professional in traditional meaning. Fair, punctual, demanding, charming, with a good sense of humor. He began his career with service in the Air Force of the Soviet Army, to which he has dedicated 18 years of his life, and later worked in the field of military-technical cooperation. He received considerable experience in the government of the Russian Federation, and now stands the leader of one of the most powerful structures of Rostec holding company – NPO HighPrecision Weapons JSC. “I enjoyed service in the Air Force. I was promoted from lieutenant (the title I got after Riga Higher Military Aviation Engineering School in 1975) to lieutenant general. There was time, when I worked in Germany, in a group of Soviet troops. In 1988, I was offered a job in the field of military-technical cooperation, and I decided to try myself in this direction. I worked in so-called regional administration. After a year of thorough study of the features, culture, religion, population,


I passed the exam and started to work in a number of countries in the Middle East. In the mid‑90s each company sought to host a vicious cycle, which dramatically increases the overhead and, in turn, affect the final cost of production. Some business leaders could not, and often did not want to consider a step forward. Conventionally, they were totally satisfied with small orders. The unification process was not easy. The main difficulty was a lack of understanding companies the need to unite, unwillingness to share. Some business leaders had their own personal interests. In the early years, when structure of the holding company was just forming, resistance was serious. Many were convinced that this is a temporary phenomenon and everything will return back to normal. But, with formation of the holding company, reasonable redistribution of work began. Lagging enterprises were given space to develop, revenue volumes began to grow. This is a big plus. I guess, coordinated work of industrial enterprises is always in the interests of national security."

Born May 16, 1952 in Strachevo Suzemsky District Bryansk region Education 1975 – Riga Higher Military Aviation School named after Ya.Alksnisa; 1979 – Air Force Engineering Academy named after prof. Zhukovsky. Candidate of Economic Sciences. Occupation 1970–1988 – military service. 1988–1995 – Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of the USSR, the Russian Federation. 1995–1997 – State Committee of the Russian Federation on military-technical policy. 1997–2001 – Assistant Deputy Prime Minister and First Deputy Prime Minister and Prime Minister. 2001–2004 – First Deputy Chairman of the Russian Federation on military-technical cooperation with foreign states. 2004–2007 – Deputy Director of the Federal Service for MilitaryTechnical Cooperation. 2007–2008 – Head of the Federal Agency for the supply of weapons, military and special equipment and material resources. In 2009–2010 – Adviser to the Director Rostec. From 2010 to Present – General Director of NPO High-Precision Weapons JSC

NPO High-Precision Weapons JS

7, Kievskaya Street, Moscow, Russia Tel. +7-495-981-92-77



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