Tradeshow Tips for
Aviation Inflatables Innovators Extraordinaire 15 Secrets of Highly Productive People
Where to begin? It’s been a crazy year I tell ya! I hope your 2016 has been better than mine. I’m definitely looking forward to 2017, it’s going to be a good year, I can just feel it! If you’re wondering why there was no magazine published for the months of August and September, let’s just say, we had a lot on our plate transitioning from OneAero MRO to The145. com. Now that the new website is stable, and everything is functioning the way it should be, we finally have time to dedicate more time and resources to the magazine. HALLELUJAH! Coincidently, this issue has several articles with ties to Germany. We’ve got a feel good story about the Candy Bomber, who was a World War II pilot that delivered candy to kids in Berlin. Our Executive Profile features Andreas Sauer, the CEO of Lufthansa Technik Intercoat in Hamburg as well as a piece about Lufthansa Technik Intercoat and their INTERFILL® process. We also have an awesome article for this holiday season, make sure you take the time to read the 15 things that highly productive people do and put them into effect so you can spend more time with your loved ones over the holidays.
Happy Holidays from the entire staff at 145 Magazine! Editor-in-chief 145 Magazine
Ashley Fox
November Volume 3 Issue 9
7 Candy Bomber
Tradeshow Tips for
10 Aviation Trivia 15 People in avitation 23
15 Things Highly Productive people Do
Aviation Inflatables Innovators Extraordinaire 15 Secrets of Highly Productive People
29 Executive Profile 34 Tradeshow Tips 39 About INTERFILL®
Email: Tel: +1.888.820.8551 Ext. 704 Fax: +1.801.772.1947
Aviation Inflatables Innovators Extraordinaire
Please visit us at MRO Americas - Booth 3422
ASAE’ sex c l us i v et ur nk eys ol ut i on,i nc or por at i ng t hel at es tt ec hnol ogyi nmot i onani mat i onc ont r ol s . Des i gnedwi t hamul t i f unc t i onc apabi l i t yt ogi v et he oper at orawi der angeofc omponentt es t i ngBoei ng 737NG andCl as s i c/747,757767and777aswel l asAi r busA300/ 319,320,321,330and340al l i none pl at f or m. Ouruni queappr oac ht oc us t omers er v i c eand t ec hni c al s uppor ts etusapar ti nt hei ndus t r yasone oft hemos ti nnov at i ngandv i s i onar yc ompany ,our engi neer shav edes i gnedaMobi l Dat aAc qui s i t i on Sy s t em t oi nc l udeadi gi t al c amer aal l owi ngus t oc onnec tr emot el yt oas s i s twi t ht r ai ni ngand t r oubl es hoot i ng.OurMobi l Dat aAc qui s i t i onSy s t em c anbeus edi nal l ofourpl at f or ms .
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The Berlin Candy Bomber W hat began with two sticks of gum in his pocket has led to a lifetime of love, service, and International goodwill. In January 1948 Gail Halvorsen, a 27 year old pilot, was sent to Germany to participate in Operation Vittles, a way to distribute food to the war-torn and starving people of Berlin in the wake of World War II.
One day in July 1948 while filming airplane take-offs and landings at Templehof Airport, he noticed about 30 children behind a fence. While talking to the children, Halvorsen realized how much their food drops meant to the people of Berlin. One child said, “When the weather gets so bad that you can't land, don't worry about us. We can get by on a little food, but if we lose our freedom, we may never get it back.” Halvorsen was touched by this so much that he reached into his pocket and pulled out two pieces of chewing gum, breaking both in half and distributing the gum to the children. Some of the children were content to just sniff the wrappers. He regretted not having enough for all the kids and resolved to come back the next day with more candy.
That same night he, his co-pilot, and the flight engineer pooled their candy rations and determined they would distribute the candy to the kids. However, they faced a problem – candy dropped from a plane would really hurt if it hit someone. So they decided to make parachutes from handkerchiefs and attached them to the candy. The legend of the “Candy Bomber” was born.
On September 22, 1948 – a little over 68 years ago – Operation “Little Vittles” was started with the goal of delivering chocolate and gum to the children of Berlin. Within two months Halvorsen could not keep up with the amount of candy and handkerchiefs being sent to Germany from the United States. The operation spread to several pilots and lasted until May 1949. Halvorsen received letters and artwork from children all across Europe and the United States, thanking him for his service. When all was said and done, it is estimated that Operation Little Vittles delivered over 23 tons of candy from over 250,000 parachutes.
145 Magazine
Halvorsen continued serving in the United States Air Force until 1974 when he retired at the age of 54. He continued his life of goodwill throughout his career and even after he retired. He has been asked to re-enact the candy drops of Operation Little Vittles numerous times over the past 60 years. Not content to merely re-enact the drops, Halvorsen has also been granted special permission to perform similar drops to other war-torn areas of the world – delivering candy to Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1994 and Kosovo in 1999, along with Japan, Guam, Albania, various areas of the United States, and most recently, Baghdad. Halvorsen has received numerous medals for his humanitarian efforts over the years, including the Congressional Gold Medal,
the highest honor given to a United States civilian. He was inducted into the Airlift/ Tanker Hall of Fame and the Utah Aviation Hall of Fame in May 2001. Perhaps the greatest honor he has received for his efforts was when he was asked to carry the German national placard into the Rice-Eccles Stadium in Salt Lake City, during the opening games of the 2002 Winter Olympics. Halvorsen turns 96 on October 10th, and currently lives at homes in Utah and Arizona in the United States. He continues to promote international goodwill in whatever ways he can. This just goes to show that a life of service can all start from something so simple as two sticks of gum.
145 Magazine
Name that airport
1. Is located at an elevation of over 7,300 feet (2,200 m) with surrounding mountains that are over 18,000 feet (5,500 m) in elevation? 2. Only allows nine experienced pilots who are certified to land at that the airport? 3. Hosted the Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge in April, 2016? 4. Only allows airplanes to land on clear days during daylight hours.
Answer: Paro International Airport in Bhutan
aro International Airport is located on the western side of the Kingdom of Bhutan and services the capital city of Thumphu. The original airstrip in the Paro valley was built in 1968 to assist in on-call helicopter operations for the Indian Armed Forces. In 1981, Bhutan’s first airline, Drukair, was established with the airline’s first jet being delivered in 1988. Today there are 3 different airlines that service Paro Airport, delivering over 180,000 passengers each year. Because of the difficulty of the approach to the airport only a handful of pilots are certified to land at the airport, and only during daylight hours when there’s good visibility. 10
The high mountains yield difficult winds which swirl throughout the approach to the runway. The approach requires a hard left hand bank followed by a sharp right hand bank to line up with the runway. One of the highlights of flying into Paro Airport from the west is that you pass by Mount Everest, which is clearly visible to passengers. In April, 2016, the Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge (Prince William and Kate Middleton) embarked on a royal tour of the Kingdom of Bhutan by arriving in Paro Airport to foster relations between the United Kingdom of Bhutan. In spite of everything involved to land at this airport, Paro International Airport is definitely one to visit.
145 Magazine
Lofty ambitions
Comprehensive service and support We provide customers with unparalleled service and support. Our global network of world-class service centers provide turnaround times that ensure their fleet operates at peak performance.
motivated by passion. driven to achieve. Four companies. One aim — To go above and beyond for you. We are highly skilled and professional teams working to keep you flying. We are experts in component repair and overhaul, DER repair solutions and precision manufacturing of critical components. We are specialists committed to fast turn times, exceptional customer service and proven reliability. And with more than 100 years of providing superior aircraft parts and services, we are as passionate today about aviation as we were then.
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n i e l p o Pe AVIATION If you work at a repair center, you understand that there are only about three things you can do to set yourself apart from your competition. You either have to compete by providing superior customer service, competitive pricing, or come up with innovative repair solutions. The best companies of course, are the ones that do all three. If you think about it, it’s pretty easy to give great customer service and offer competitive pricing, but to come up with truly innovative repair solutions – that’s a tough challenge. While many companies claim to offer innovative repair solutions, how many can quantifiably show a 90% success rate in repairing a product line that the OEM would have tagged BER (Beyond Economic Repair)? Or better yet, how many shops could take the same product line, with a useful lifespan of 15 years as determined by the OEM, and dial back the
clock to zero years? Now that’s innovation! And that’s exactly the kind of innovation Aviation Inflatables offers their customers. Founded a little over twelve years ago in Lauderdale Lakes, Florida, by husband and wife, German and Angie Alvarez, Aviation Inflatables began as a supplier of aircraft emergency equipment under the name Aero-Parts Connections, Inc. German started out in aviation working for a major manufacturer of emergency equipment back in 1998. A few years later he was recruited by a Seattle based company to open a repair station in Miami. He setup the shop as agreed, but his goal was always to open his own aviation company, which came to fruition on September 18, 2000 when he started Aero-Parts Connections. Initially, the company focused on after-market emergency equipment for commercial airlines, but as time went on
145 Magazine
“We have learned several things over the course of starting this business, but I would have to say one of the most important things is to always be prepared for what’s around the corner. You can’t be stagnant or get complacent, you have to try and anticipate the future.” 16
145 Magazine
Specialist EXPERIENCED IN ROTARY WING REPAIRS With 30 years’ experience in component repair management for fixed wing aircraft, Airinmar has now expanded into the rotary wing market to support industries, such as search & rescue, offshore transportation and medical emergency, with our value add services and online management systems. Currently Airinmar support repairs for more than 200 helicopters including Sikorsky, AgustaWestland and Eurocopter. To contact us or for more information please visit our website. Registered office: 1 Ivanhoe Road, Hogwood Industrial Estate Finchampstead, Berkshire RG40 4QQ. Registered in London No. 3125944. ISO 9002 Approved.
German saw the potential for extending the business into the overhaul and repair of emergency equipment. So, in 2004, Aviation Inflatables was created and four years later was certified as an FAA 145 repair station. There were several factors that led to the success of Aviation Inflatables’ business. As Angie explains: “The economic downturn in 2008 proved to be a perfect time for us to hire key management personnel. We were also fortunate enough to secure capital and enter the market just as more established businesses were cutting back.” Over the course of the next three years, the Alvarez’s assembled a top-notch team of employees, developed critical business relationships, and built the Aviation Inflatables brand name. In 2011, Aviation Inflatables acquired its first major service contract to overhaul and repair evacuation slides, and rafts, for 50% of a leading airline’s fleet. A second longterm contract followed with the same airline which added an additional 40% to the existing contract, effectively giving them 90% of all the evacuation slides and raft repairs. This contract ignited a spark to recognize the need for PMA (Parts Manufacturing Authority) sub-component parts, which would provide cost-effective solutions to Aviation Inflatable’s customers. This innovation is one
part of their business model that continues to support and grow the company today. The following year, Aviation Inflatables’ R&D team was given the challenge to develop and manufacture PMA parts that could be used in the repair of evacuation slides. The PMA program gave AI the leverage to do business with parts manufacturers and not solely rely on the surplus market or the OEM. Today the company has developed more than 18 different PMA parts that are used in AI’s repairs and overhauls. Moreover, these PMA parts also support the demand in aftermarket sales.
We try to be the most innovative company we possibly can”, says German, “and that is what has allowed us to grow the way we have. In reality, improvement and innovation is the life blood of any successful repair center.
In the fourth quarter of 2013, Aviation Inflatables won another major airline’s inflatable repair business. This airline was sending their inflatables to the OEM and the OEM would deem more than 50% of these units as BER. Aviation Inflatables took the same parts that the OEM had deemed BER and successfully repaired them to the point that less than 5% were unrepairable. This further strengthened AI’s rapport and reputation with the airline, which in turn helped them exceed their revenue expectations for the year.
145 Magazine
“We try to be the most innovative company we possibly can”, says German, “and that is what has allowed us to grow the way we have. In reality, improvement and innovation is the life blood of any successful repair center.” One innovation that has set Aviation Inflatables apart as an industry leader has been their unique DER Repairs. They have developed a repair process that resets the life of a slide back to zero years old. A slide’s useful life, as determined by the OEM, is 15 years which is followed by a yearly overhaul schedule. The DER Repair developed by Aviation Inflatable (which was recently approved by the FAA) returns a slide to year zero. The repair process won the company an Innovation Award and holds great promise, essentially allowing an airline to continue a three-year overhaul schedule once the slide reaches 15 years old. After 15 years, the airlines can opt for the DER Repair, which optimizes cost savings for AI’s customers. To date, this repair solution has saved participating airlines over $10 million dollars. When we asked German and Angie what was the most important thing they learned over the course of having started their business, Angie responded: “We have learned several things over the course of starting this business, but I would have to say one of the most important things is to always be prepared for what’s around the corner. You can’t be stagnant or get complacent, you have to try and anticipate the future.”
As good as this “niche” business is that they’ve created, they understand that diversification is the key to expansion and future growth. So, in May of this year, German and Angie formed an investment company called Alvarez Diversified Investment (ADI) as a holding company for German and Angie’s businesses. Immediately after the formation of ADI, the company acquired 360 Aerospace. The addition of 360 Aerospace was a strategic acquisition to expand the company’s existing products and services. The couple plan to implement the same innovation strategies they used to grow AI, for the development of 360 and its future accessory rating. What began as their ambition to be entrepreneurs, has helped the Alvarezes grow their company into a multimillion-dollar business with 71 employees and over 134,000 square feet of working space. And it’s their track record of success and innovation that many believe will lead the company into their next phase of growth and diversification.
145 Magazine
15 World renowned author and keynote speaker, Kevin Kruse recently published an article for Forbes Magazine discussing the 15 secrets that productive people do differently. Kruse is recognized as an authority on leadership, and set about for this article to try and determine what common traits make successful people so productive. He notes that he interviewed “over 200 ultra-productive people including seven billionaires, 13 Olympians, 20 straight-A students and over 200 successful entrepreneurs.” He asked them all a simple, open-ended question, “What is your number one secret to productivity?” After analyzing all of their responses, he came up with a list of 15 secrets to productivity that these individuals tend to have in common.
Secrets of Highly Productive People
Secret #1: They focus on minutes, not hours. Instead of focusing on 24 hours in a day, highly successful people focus on 1,440 minutes in a day. Instead of defaulting to hour and half hour blocks, successful people focus their schedule minute by minute. There are a number of activities we do throughout the day that don’t require an hour or half hour on our schedule. Regardless of who we are, we each have the same number of minutes in a day and once time is lost, it can’t be reclaimed.
Secret #2: They focus only on one thing. Productive people focus on one task. Specifically, they identify their most important task and devote one to two hours of uninterrupted time to this task each morning. They spend
the first part of the morning working on tasks that will help them build their business, reach their goals, or help them get promoted at work.
Secret #3: They don’t use to-do lists. To-do lists serve no other purpose than to give you anxiety attacks throughout the day and at night. Only about 41% of items on a to-do list actually get accomplished, which leads to feelings of failure and tends to make people less productive. Highly productive people write everything down and work and live from their calendar. By scheduling the day into 15-minute blocks (or less if possible) people find that they are actually able to get more accomplished.
Secret #4: They beat procrastination with time travel. We have good intentions for doing what’s right, or improving our lives as long as we do it tomorrow. Our future self cannot be trusted. We buy things, like vegetables, so we can start developing healthy habits tomorrow, but all we end up doing is throwing out the vegetables a week later when they’re rotten. The expression, “Today is yesterday’s tomorrow” is something we should
145 Magazine
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take to heart. Don’t ever put tasks off until tomorrow, and if we have the tendency to be lazy “tomorrow” then we should develop habits “today” so that we can overcome our future self.
Secret #5: They make it home for dinner. It seems like such a simple thing, but successful people realize that since there is always more work that can be done, it is important to enjoy and value life. Highly successful people value work, but they also value other things in life, for example: family time, exercise, school activities, or giving back. They are able to schedule these activities into their calendar and then stick to their schedule.
emails throughout the day. They don’t respond instantly to each message as it arrives. Instead, they schedule time each day where they can process emails and messages. The key is to set up a schedule that works for you, whether it’s morning, noon, and evening, or every other hour on the hour, etc.
Secret #8: They avoid meetings at all costs. Dallas Mavericks owner, Mark Cuban said, “Never agree to meetings unless someone is writing a check.” The lesson here as stated by Kruse is short and simple, “Meetings are notorious time killers. They start late, have the wrong people in them, meander in their topics and run long. You should get out of meetings whenever you can, hold fewer of them yourself, and if you do run a meeting, keep it short.”
Secret #9: They say “No” to almost everything.
Secret #6: They use a notebook. Kruse notes, “Richard Branson has said on more than one occasion that he wouldn’t have been able to build Virgin without a simple notebook, which he takes with him wherever he goes.” You can’t schedule when ideas or inspiration will come. Ultra-productive people free their mind by writing everything down.
Secret #7: They process email only a few times a day. So much time is wasted each day by sitting at a computer, waiting for emails to arrive. Productive people don’t check their
One of the secrets to being more productive is to learn to say “no” to almost everything. Unless something is definitely a good idea, the answer should be no. Once again, we only have 1,440 minutes in a day, and we shouldn’t be so willing to give them up.
Secret #10: They follow the 80/20 rule. The Pareto Principle applies to so many things in life. In most cases in business, the Pareto Principle states that 80% of outcomes come from 20% of activities, or 80% of the work is
145 Magazine
done by 20% of people. There are any number of different activities we can do throughout the day. Productive people figure out which ones yield the best results, and which ones are nothing more than time wasters.
Secret #11: They delegate almost everything. Learning to delegate is definitely a quality of a good leader. Productive people don’t ask “How can I do this task?” Instead they ask, “How can this task get done?” Good and productive leaders are not controlling and they do not micro-manage. They determine what it takes to get the job done and then they turn over control so the job can get done.
Secret #12: They theme days of the week. We as humans love routine and we operate best when there are aspects of our lives that are routine. Successful people often theme days of the week to focus on major areas or activities. For example, Monday can be for Meetings, Friday can be for Finances. You can even set aside a day for general administrative activities or clean up. By focusing on one area for a day you can maximize your efficiency and effectiveness.
Secret #13: They touch things only once. Kruse notes, “How many times have you opened a piece of regular mail—a bill perhaps— and then put it down only to deal with it again later? How often do you read an email, and then close it and leave it in your inbox to deal with later? Highly successful people try to ‘touch it once.’” If the item is something that will only take 5 or so minutes, they take care of it right then and there. This way, the item will not be a future stressor and they are more efficient because they won’t have to re-read it in the future.
Secret #14: They practice a consistent morning routine. The morning routine really seems like the springboard to a successful day. Kruse said he was surprised by how many people he interviewed that wanted to share their morning ritual with him. Most people he interviewed spent time in the morning nurturing their bodies with water, 26
a healthy breakfast and light exercise. They nurtured their mind with meditation or prayer, inspirational reading, and journaling. It’s amazing how these little activities can have so much influence on someone’s success throughout the day.
Secret #15: Energy is everything. Once again, we each only have 1,440 minutes in the day, so it’s important that we learn how to increase our energy and productivity. Kruse states the following: “Highly successful people don’t skip meals, sleep or breaks in the pursuit of more, more, more. Instead, they view food as fuel, sleep as recovery, and pulse and pause with ‘work sprints.’” It’s not enough to be a zombie moving throughout the day, but drive, energy, and focus are needed to accomplish as much as possible over the course of the day.
Of course, not every one of these items will work for every person as our situations are all different, but there are a lot of valuable insights in this list that will help people in any situation increase their productivity. As people begin to implement good habits into their schedule to increase productivity, it will become apparent which ones work, which ones don’t work, and other secrets not found on this list might come out of the woodwork as viable methods for increasing productivity. You’ll never know if something works unless you implement it in your life.
145 Magazine
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Executive Spotlight
Executive Spotlight
An interview with Lufthansa Technik Intercoat’s CEO, Andreas Sauer 145 Magazine
Executive Spotlight work, but somehow nothing compares to Hamburg. If I had to choose a place outside of Hamburg, I would probably choose St. Petersburg, Russia. St. Petersburg is a great town with a lot of culture, nice scenery, and an interesting night life. Best advice you’ve ever received? My former boss (to whom I’m very grateful for believing in me and helping me get started at Lufthansa) once said, “Always separate facts from opinion, and opinions from the people who have them.” I’ve found this to be very useful advice in both my business life and my personal life. Do you have a favorite hobby?
Andreas Sauer is the CEO of Lufthansa Technik Intercoat, a division of parent company Lufthansa Technik. We recently asked Andreas several of the questions below to learn a little bit more about his personal pursuits and professional life.
I have two primary hobbies, which are both so different it’s a toss-up which is my favorite. The first one is driving remote control cars. I have a 1.8 HP Trophy Truggy Flux, which is setup for off-roading, and is great at taking jumps and drifting. The other hobby I really enjoy is training my dogs. My wife and I have two dogs, an Australian Shepherd and a Border Collie. We’ve invested a lot of time in the dogs with training and dog sports, like agility and obedience. It’s a fun past time but we’re not interested in doing tournaments or anything like that.
How do you spend your free time? Whenever possible I love to meet-up with friends. There’s a group of five of us that have known each other since preschool. Over the years, we have managed to stay in close contact even though our lives have gone in different directions. We made a pact several years ago, to try and meet-up at least once every two weeks and spend at least one long weekend together, where we rent a house and hangout playing games and watching TV. Where is your favorite place in the world that you’ve visited? Believe it or not, I’m partial to Hamburg, Germany. In my opinion, it’s simply the coolest place on Earth. I’ve been to many places around the world because of my 30
What do you like most about your job? I enjoy working with people, regardless of whether they’re customers or employees. Aside from working with people, I love the freedom to work on the projects that the team and I decide are important. 145 Magazine
Executive Spotlight
Can you identify a company tradition that has a positive impact on the company? Once a month we have a company breakfast, where all employees are invited to sit and spend some time together talking and eating a good breakfast. I am convinced that this is an important part of creating a better work environment and reinforcing our team spirit.
What are some goals you have for the company? To help the company be fit, respond effectively to customers’ demands and address upcoming legal requirements. As we venture into new markets, I want the company be well-known for its outstanding repair capabilities and cost saving opportunities.
What’s been your greatest success? I haven’t been at LTI long enough to have a “great success,” but in my former company I was asked to setup a new company in Eastern Europe. In six months, we developed the business plan, established a new repair process and performed our first repair for a customer. It was a great feeling and I’m proud of what my team and I accomplished. 32
145 Magazine
What’s been your greatest business failure? I was once responsible for setting up a new building, which included layouts, fixtures, and equipment. Unfortunately, I mixed up a few of the rooms, which led to the fixtures not being installed where they were supposed to be. We had to tear down some walls, close some door spaces with masonry and create new door openings. In the end, my oversight put us two weeks behind schedule, not to mention all the extra costs incurred. That was a huge learning experience for me. Now I double-check everything I do, and I always share all the information with the entire team.
What motivates you? My work and working alongside people in my organization are my greatest motivations. I find it personally satisfying when I can share my knowledge and experience with others.
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and expansion. In turn, we moved into our newly renovated 72,000sq. ft. facility in January of 2014. We invite you to stop by and visit us anytime.
2. Use Clear, Concise and Eye-Catching Copy
As the trade show season draws to an end, think back and ask yourself: Of the hundreds of booths you saw, which ones do you remember? If you’re like most people, you probably only remember five, maybe ten booths if you’re lucky, and chances are many of the booths you do remember were well-staffed, large “anchor” booths of companies with unlimited financial resources that could afford the very best in trade show booth design and construction. Now jump to the other side of the fence for a moment and imagine you’re one of the hundreds of 10x10 booth exhibitors at a show. The question is: What can you do to be one of the booths, out of hundreds of other 10x10 exhibitors, that people will actually remember?
Things you can do to Make your 10x10 Booth Unforgettable:
1. Location, Location, Location Where you exhibit at a trade show is very important. If you can find a 10x10 space mingled amongst the largest, most popular exhibitors with high foot traffic, you stand a much better chance of maximizing your company’s exposure. Yes, it costs a lot more to exhibit in these areas, usually twice as much as standard in-line booth, but if you’re going to throw money at a trade show, bite the bullet and pay more for the best location with the highest amount of traffic. Where possible, try to reserve a corner booth in these high traffic areas rather than settling for in-line booths just because they are less expensive. Avoid booths at the back, or around the perimeter, of the exhibit hall. Not only do these areas get very limited visibility and foot traffic, but you may be doing your corporate image more harm than good.
As an exhibitor, you have 3 seconds to communicate to a customer what your company does. Limit the text on your display to no more than 10 words. Keep your message simple, honest and free from misinterpretation. If you’re a young company you’ll probably want to emphasize your tagline, or textual message, more than your company’s logo. By stating clearly what your company does, you’ll have a better chance of attracting the right customers to your booth.
3. Focus on One Thing and One Thing Only Ask yourself: What’s the one thing you want customers to remember? Maybe you have a new product, repair process, unique solution that eliminates a pain point. Whatever that one thing is that you want to communicate, make sure your message is laser focused so customers walk away knowing exactly what you wanted to tell them.
4. Limit Images The best 10x10 displays utilize the back wall of the display with one key graphic. Think about how graphics are used on billboards. Your graphic needs to be powerful and communicate your message without using words. Multiple images have their place, but your display isn’t one of them.
5. Limit the Number of Color
The rule of thumb in print advertising is to use no more than three colors in an advertisement. Remember, the goal is to keep things simple so that your message can be conveyed easily. The use of too many colors can make your display look busy, which will interfere with the communication of your message.
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6. Revere Blank Space
10. Make your Booth Space Interactive
Most advertising professionals agree that 40% of your display should be blank space. That’s right, nearly half of your display’s ad space should be void of graphics or text. Remember, your objective is to communicate you message quickly and clearly, not overwhelm the customer with too much stimuli.
7. Include QR Codes The use of QR codes with your graphics and text can be powerful tools to help customers remember your booth. If customers scan your QR code just be sure it links to a high impact website, phone app, YouTube video, or some sort of digital product offering.
To give your booth that truly unique feel, come up with something that makes your customers want to interact with you. Examples of this may be baking cookies, setting up a photo booth, doing a raffle, putt for prizes, etc. If done right, you’ll generate more attention as well as more sales leads. The only word of caution is to avoid making the interactive activity so overwhelming that people miss the message of your booth.
8. You Get what you Pay For Your display is an investment, so don’t skimp on the quality of your booth. There are lots of affordable, high quality, easy to assemble, pop-up displays these days. Most of the newest displays use a simple, lightweight, frameworks that you first assemble, then slide a large fabric graphic over. The nice thing about this type of display is that you can keep the framework and swap out the fabric graphics as your marketing content changes. A good website to check-out is They have everything from standard pop-up displays and wall panels to ultra-portable fabric and 3D snap displays.
9. Use Physical Elements that Complement your Display Examples might be the carpet, furniture, shelves, racks, monitors, etc., that complement the look and feel of your display. If your display has a “technical” feel to it you may want to use materials that reinforce that feeling – like aluminum racks, shelves, technician chairs, and an exposed concrete floor with yellow and black floor tape. If you had a more “professional” feeling display you may want to opt for wood accents, plants, plush carpet, leather furniture, etc.
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Advanced Epoxy Coating Process The use of epoxies is not a new science, but the field is still fairly new as a repair process within aviation, with advancements happening all the time. The purpose of this article is to highlight Lufthansa’s INTERFILL® product which uses an epoxy coating, designed and produced by Lufthansa Technik Intercoat, to repair damaged parts. In 1984 Lufthansa began repairing parts using an Advanced Epoxy Coating Process. Through continued improvement, extensive testing, and customer feedback, several different variants of INTERFILL® products have been developed. The material INTERFILL® is the key component of Lufthansa’s Advanced Epoxy Coating Process, which has been certified by the FAA and EASA Airworthiness Authorities. The process works like this: a part is brought in to the repair center where it is first cleaned. After cleaning, the part is inspected to assure that the epoxy coating is appropriate for the repair. The part is pre-machined and then Fluorescent penetrant inspection (FPI) is used to assess the structural stability of the part. If everything looks good at this point, the part has a surface preparation done to prepare for the next step which is the addition, by hand, of the INTERFILL® product. The product is cured at 120-150°C at which point the epoxy hardens. The part is then machined one last time followed by a final inspection and certification. INTERFILL® is effective at a temperature range of -100°C (-150°F) to +320°C (+608°F). The pro 145 Magazine
We Did It Again!
Best Avionics and Instrument Repair Once again we’d like to thank OneAero MRO and our loyal customers for making us their Top Shop for the second year in row. We did nothing to solicit this award other than provide the best service possible. While continuing to enjoy our unparalleled service and value added features (see below), our customers can look forward to an even more rewarding experience in the years to come.
Value Added Features
Free Evaluations No Charge for BER 7 Day Average TAT FAA/EASA Certified Personalized Service
AS9110/ISO 9001 6 Month Repair Warranty 12 Month OHC Warranty Airline Approved
Come visit us at the Orlando, FL MRO April 25-27 booth 2123
cess can be repeated an unlimited number of times with outstanding resistance to wear over time. The epoxy is also resistant to fuels, lubricants, solvents, hydraulic fluids, paint strippers, degreasers, etc. Other advantages include: up to 90% savings without a decrease in performance, quick turn-around-time, comparable compression strength to that of aluminum or steel, the ability to salvage parts that would normally be scrapped and the life extension of components also resulting in a decrease in cost. Obviously this process is not applicable to all repairs, however INTERFILL® is recommended for repairs to parts such as: Engine and APU related accessories, airframe hydraulics and pneumatics (specifically landing gear
accessories), cylinders, actuators, valves, and areas affected by corrosion, cavitation, and erosion. The application of epoxies covers so much more than just aircraft parts. Other epoxies are used in helicopters, marine vehicles, automobiles, buildings, etc. Lufthansa notes that “INTERFILL® capability is growing each year driven primarily by customer demands.” It will be interesting to see how, and in which ways, application for Epoxy Coating Processes increases in the future especially with the recent FAA approval given for 3-D printed aircraft parts. One thing is for certain the addition of epoxies to repair parts is a growing field with the potential to improve and expedite turn-aroundtimes in the repair industry in many ways.
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