M.Friends’ Life 01 Talk M. MAG Special Issue friend.
In the beginning it was a volunteer mission, full of hope and good-will. But when I held their hands, there was a strange yet touching feeling between us. It’s still hard for me to believe that I finally came here,
Kenya - a far far away country. And I am really connecting with those little angels.
We came here to love? No, we are here to be loved.
M.Mag New thought of living
M.MAG delivers refreshing and timely
《M.MAG》 乘 載 許 多 新 穎 的 資 訊, 不 管 是 新
information, ranging from the latest fashion
trends, the latest news info of almost
everything, to useful tips that make you ever
more stylish. There’s always something
new to the world every split second that we
can wait no longer to share with our readers.
Here, slow down, and turn the focus back to
yourself. Back to the basics. Say goodbye
to materialism. Let the hustle and bustle of
the Internet world bug you no more. Focus
on life. You’ll find talking the first step of
thinking outside the box. Friends are your
best eye openers. We learn from our friends’
intriguing experience and realize that as long
as we’re willing to turn our memories into
slow-paced articles with words and pictures,
we create inner resonance and our horizons
M.Friend’s Life Talk—你我的生活縮影誌。
will be broadened. Turns out every one of you is a highly influential creator. To make ourselves more widely heard and seen, we keep on talking and making friends. Our life is thus strengthened. M.Friend’s Life Talk – Our life in miniature.
M. Friend meets
Brenda Yang
First way t o Kenya,
「冒險不一定是翻山越嶺,不再 只是去某個遙遠的國度,冒險可 以是認真地相信一件事,然後用 一生去經歷這個相信!」 An adventure doesn't have to be an exciting trip; it doesn’t have to be a trip to a far away land. An adventure could be pursuing something you believe in and diligently devoting your life to experience it.
M. Friend meets
Brenda Yang
At every chance encounter here, I know that every hello is also a good bye. In this huge world, we might not ever see each other again. So I wrote down these names in my notebook - Mukami, Mercy, Esther, Sharron, Stacy, Wana, Faith, Joy, Brian. They don’t have email, or any other contact information. To remember their names is the only possible way to be closer to them.
M. Friend meets
Brenda Yang
她叫做 Faith , 她很安靜,總是突然出現,用手指頭 戳你一下,然後對你微笑,讓你發現她。記得那天在 肯亞山上跟她的短暫交談,幾乎是只問了她的名字 ... 「 What ’ s your name? 」 「 Faith 」她說 之後我們就被人群沖散, 直到要離開了,我才又想起 這 個 小 女 孩。 我 問 大 家「 Where is Faith? 」沒人回 答我, 就在我被一群小手包圍時, Faith 突然出 現,她好像努力鑽進人群一樣,看著我,甚麼都 沒說,後面擠著一堆人。我高興地大叫,急著跟 她說「 I'll go to your school on Wednesday, but I'm afraid that I won ’ t be able to find you because there are so many kids! Please make sure you come to find me, OK? 」 她點頭,給了我一個堅定的眼神。 後來去了他們學校,那是一個 30 坪不到的中小學, 擠了快 200 個學生,雖然簡陋,他們臉上確堆滿了笑 容, 就在我們要離去時,我又想起了 Faith ,依然找 不到她,就在我幾乎要放棄的時候,我被一隻小手拉 了一下,轉頭一看,是 Faith! 她一樣用那種衝破人群 的方式出現在我面前,交會的眼神中,我知道這是我 跟她之間的小約定。我開心地抱著她說「 Faith, You always come to find me! 」 她點頭,給了我一個堅定的眼神, 就像那次在肯亞山一樣。 離 開 時, 心 裡 一 直 想 著 Faith, 也 許她正是我這趟肯亞之旅的 縮 影, 這 趟 本 來 就 是 個 信 心 之 旅, 而 現 在這個叫做 Faith 的小女孩也奇妙地提醒我,We should always find Faith 。我們總是找著信心,但只有在我們願意 為眼前的一片看不見踏出去時,信心就會衝破人群來 找你,給你一個眼神,給你一個堅定。
Faith, What a beautiful name. Her name is Faith. She ’ s a very quiet little girl. Just like the other children, she was eager to get my attention. But she was very quiet and shy. She seemed to always suddenly appear, poke you with her finger, then smile at you and let you discover her. I remember that day. I was on my way to Mt. Kenya and only spoke a few words to her. Basically just enough to say... “ What ’ s your name? ” “ Faith, ” she said.
my hand, and our encounter seemed to be interrupted by this flood of children. When the time came to leave and I was saying my goodbyes to each one of them, I then remembered Faith. “ Where was Faith? ” I thought. I asked everyone, "Where is Faith?" But no one answered me. Just when I was surrounded by another group of clingy little hands, Faith suddenly showed up looking super happy! After plowing through the crowd -without saying a word, she just looked at me. I was so happy as I shouted "I'll go to your school on Wednesday, but I'm afraid that I won ’ t be able to find you because there are so many kids! Please make sure you come to find me, OK? " She nodded and gave me a determined look. It is a primary and secondary school situated in a slum area with over 190 students crowded into less than 100 square meters of space. Although it was incredibly simple and primitive, the children ’ s smiles made you think that you are in the happiest place in the world. When we were finally leaving, I again couldn ’t find Faith. I checked each classroom one more time, and started thinking I wouldn ’ t see her again. Just when I was about to quit searching, I felt a small hand tug on mine. It was Faith! She had broken through the crowd in the same way as before, and standing before me. As our eyes met again, I knew that she had kept her word. I told her, "Faith, you always come to find me." She nodded, and gave me a determined look. Just like she had when we met at Mount Kenya. When leaving the country, I couldn ’ t stop thinking about Faith. Perhaps she is a epitome of my whole journey to Kenya. The journey started with faith, and to this day, this little girl named Faith has been a wonderful reminder to me that we should always find Faith. We ’ re always seeking for faith, but only if we are willing to step out into the unseen. It is then that Faith will break through the crowd to find you, give you a look, and bring you certainty. Faith. What a beautiful name!
Afterwards the other girls came over to hold
M. Friend meets
Brenda Yang
M. Friend meets
Brenda Yang
“Kid, I will remember you and you will be in my prayers. Be good and study hard. One day you will become a knowledgeable man, ready to see this big world. And don't forget to always have a kind heart.�
M. Friend meets
Brenda Yang
M. Friend meets
Brenda Yang
I’m always being curious about what local people wear when I’m traveling. That is because I do believe different cultures have different trends, different trends bring different standards of beauty. I remember the day when we went to the medical camp to help. I saw lots of people, wearing bright and colorful clothes. That was a brand new world to me. While I was enjoying this fun fashion admiration game in my head, a volunteer nurse came to me and we had a little chat. We talked about how we arrived to be at this same spot and why she was volunteering. She then said to me“…always love people from your heart.” At that exact moment, garbs or looks didn’t matter. She looked genuinely beautiful while she said that.
M. Friend meets
Brenda Yang
Safari Masai Faith 10
M. Friend meets
Brenda Yang
Masai Mara is a new world; the Masai people gave me a beautiful vision of simple life and natural beauty. However, I can still see the contradiction through their eyes, proud feelings for their traditions and yet longing for modern life. Especially, when they yearn for my nike shoes. We are all seeking a better world. However, we often only witness these instances when we’re traveling. It’s a personal experience that lies only in your eyes. The difference between my life and their lives reminds me of home. This wonderful nostalgic experience -this homesickness- is something we all need in our journeys. This realization is one of the most fascinating parts of traveling.
M.Friends’ Life Talk
M. Friend meets
Brenda Yang 現任 6ix pm 專欄 文案 / 元鍋餐廳第二代 / 唱片行老闆女兒 喜歡一個人跑步、騎單車、戶外生活及高 山。 從 小 在 唱 片 堆 中 長 大, 熱 愛 音 樂, 致力於為人生中各種心情場景製作歌 單, 以 此 為 樂。 喜 歡 在 音 樂 歌 詞 中 尋 找 另人安慰的人生觀,最近喜歡是 Pulp 的 Common People 。
這次跟《 M.MAG 》合作肯亞特輯,讓我有機會再一 次回顧 2013 年的肯亞,回顧自己人生中充滿信心的 一頁,那是一段極美好的時光,也讓我在往後遇到任 何低潮時,都能再次從旅途的美好記憶中汲取能量, 永遠提醒自己, Faith will always find me! 我曾想 過,在台灣也有很多需要幫助的人,為什麼一定要大 老遠飛到肯亞當義工,這也是當初我們執著的原因, 我們需要一個確據來告訴我們,這不只是我們想去非 洲旅行而已,一定有別的意義。後來我發現,這趟確 實不只是讓我們把愛帶出去,上帝更讓我們經歷什麼 是勇敢與信心,這樣的感動在我們體內產生變化,就 像因著旅行而產生一種自體混血,奇妙地改變了我們 的眼光,再也不一樣,也許這才是真正原因。 這讓我想起電影香料共和國《 A Touch os Spice 》 裡面形容的旅人有兩種,當他看著地圖,就表示他要 去旅行,當他看著鏡子,就表示他要回家了。因為, 他已經變成了另一個人。 我沒有要拯救世界,也沒有改變世界,而事實上是, 那個世界改變了我。
M. Friend meets
Brenda Yang
What is
M.Mag 《 M.MAG 》的領銜字母「 M 」集結並象徵「 M 」 PX 團隊的視野及品味、也忠實表現我們對於生 活所見所聞的「 M 」 IND, 透過文字與圖片的凝 聚反映出我們的「 M 」 OOD ,也代表我們是獨 一 無 二 的「 M 」 agazine 。 2015 年 四 月 全 新 改 版的《 M. MAG 》將破除坊間雜誌的細瑣分類, 試圖以男女間不同的觀點及敘事方式,連動著生 活五感中服裝、運動、家居、藝文等生活裡各個 面向的文化體驗 , You & Me 、 Him & Her ,相 同的時空 , 不同的角度,定義出男生與女生各自 闡述的 Refined Lifestyle 。
The first and foremost M in M.MAG stands for the vision and taste of the MPX team, our reflections of daily matters on our MIND, our MOOD depicted by words and pictures, and the one and only Magazine. The newly designed 2015 April edition of M.MAG breaks away from the trivial categories of most magazines and connects cultural experiences including clothing, sports, home styles, arts, and so forth in perspectives and storytelling of different genders. You & Me, Him & Her, in the same time and space, but see things in different aspects, thus define their own Refined Lifestyle.
Hello, We want you to be our friend. 相信你我身邊都有一種朋友, 那種很會在生活的縫隙中找到無限樂趣的他 她。 想一想, 如果能夠聚集這些生活養分製造者, 然後形成一個新型態的文化社交聚落, 他乘以她的雙倍美好效應 是不是就能讓我們得到更多關於生活的啟發? 因此我們建立 M.Friends , 藉由這個平台展開對話, 以人為出發, 讓更多好的、美的事情蔓延, 藉由文字與影像的傳播, 搭出一座又一座友誼的橋梁。 期待新朋友,你
Bottom_ Special guest_Brenda Yang Publisher_Chien Tsui Wen Editor_Lagi Chen Design_Panyuchiu Photo_Brenda Yang 、Seki Ryuita
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Please mail to us m.friend@mpx.com.tw