AIESEC Unity Report 13/14/15

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June 2013- July 2015 "Hey AIESEC - what is up ,Such a pleasant evening with AIESEC members. I left inspired & motivated to listen to what they have achieved in the past four years since their founding. They are examples of what our youth can achieve. Real entrepreneurs. The level of their confidence, motivation & passion is incredible. Proud of you AIESEC. Look forward to working with you closely." Dr Tewodros Adhanom Ministry of Foreign Affairs Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

Letter from the President……………………………………….1 About AIESEC............................................................................2 About AIESEC Unity..................................................................3 Performance Report: Leadership Development .........................4 Community Development Projects…………………………… 6 Trainings and Seminars ………………………………………..9 Events.........................................................................................10 Conference..................................................................................17 Finance........................................................................................19 Partners.......................................................................................20

AIESEC| Unity | Report | 2013 – 2015 | Addis Ababa , Ethiopia

Dear Valued Stockholders, On behalf of the board Directors ,it gives me great pleasure to present you the 2013-2015 compiled report . Since 2011, Our Local office have been creating potential young entrepreneurs and positive change agents, we have impacted plenty of Ethiopians and international students through our programs, This two years. Our Local office has done it again, Ending another year on a greater note of massive societal impact with our stockholders, even if our organization faced a challenging years but we continued to deliver on our promises delivering sustainable growth by developing the youth and enable them to make positive impact in the society. The private higher educational institutions in Addis Ababa have given us the access to the young students and enable us to activate the leadership and create the next generation of leaders with our professional and volunteering experience. We create opportunities for the youth to discover their potentials and expand their networks with ,International students, NGOs ,Business sector and the cooperate world. We proudly want to acknowledge and thank all the organizations, universities and individuals for contributing to delivering thousands of impacts and developments. Thanks to them our office is one of the largest AIESEC Local Offices in Ethiopia.

Mohammed Nuru President AIESEC in Unity 2013-2015 Addis Baba, Ethiopia

AIESEC| Unity | Report | 2013 – 2015 | Addis Ababa , Ethiopia


ABOUT AIESEC Global, non political, independent, no-profit since 1948, AIESEC is the world’s largest youth-led organization, and an international platform for young people to discover and develop their potential to have a positive impact on society, AIESEC ( ). We are global, non-political, independent, nonprofit, student run organization present in more than 127 countries and territories and with over 100,000 members globally. Our vision is Peace and fulfillment of humankind potential. To achieve this vision, we believe that leadership is the fundamental solution and use our leadership development model in our daily operations. We provide our members with an integrated practical experience comprised of leadership opportunities, international internships and participation in a global learning environment.

AIESEC is one of the largest providers of high-calibre youth talent and volunteers in the world. We develop the next generation of leaders and connect them with businesses and NGO’s. We Empower the young Student`s university experience with real opportunities. We don’t tell them how to do it, but enable them to try, fail, and succeed. They can intern, volunteer abroad or even lead a team. We enable them to feel a shared responsibility for the world and provide them with the tools to change it.

AIESEC| Unity | Report | 2013 – 2015 | Addis Ababa , Ethiopia


ABOUT AIESEC in Ethiopia OUR REACH • Addis Ababa University • AAiT - Addis Ababa institute of Technology • EiABC - Ethiopian institute Architecture, Building Construction, City Development • Addis Ababa School of Commerce • Mekele University • Hawassa University • Private Sector of Higher Educational Institutions

OUR MEMBERSHIP:AIESEC members are selected through a rigorous process, with a ratio of 1 out of 10. The candidates are evaluated on the basis of a Global Competency Model internationally applied to guarantee the same quality standard of individuals. This Model of evaluation assesses five main competencies which are: • Entrepreneurial Outlook • Proactive Learning • Emotional intelligence • Social Responsibility • Global Mindset

ABOUT AIESEC Unity AIESEC Unity is one of the Local Committees in AIESEC in Ethiopia which is operating in a city based local office reaching Private Higher Education Institutions in Addis Ababa.

Since AIESEC`s Existence in Ethiopia, AIESEC Unity has been working on youths, Empowering their university experiences with real opportunities. We don’t tell them how to do it, but enable them to try, fail, and succeed. they can intern, volunteer abroad or even lead a team. We enable them to feel a shared responsibility for the world and provide them with the tools to change it. We have impacted over thousands of people through our Projects, Internship programs , Events , Conferences and seminars.

AIESEC| Unity | Report | 2013 – 2015 | Addis Ababa , Ethiopia


PERFORMANCE REPORT: LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Team Member Programme It is one of the most crucial ways in which young person can start his/her path towards leadership development. In this phase, young person will be introduced to a practical team experience, gain access to a global network and engage in practical hard skills development. Team Leader Programme This experience will culminate in young person’s personal and professional development through the concept of teambuilding and management. Young person will get to experience leading other members and guiding them in their work, thus becoming a crucial part of their development.

Team Members and Team Leaders participant

Bethlehem Belihu, Vice President of incoming exchange 2011 - 2013

I joined AIESEC to build my potential. Since then AIESEC Helped me to discover my potential , open an opportunities and make an impact to the society. I got many skills on project management , leadership and wide network of people all over the world

University Operations level





1200 % +



5% 4% 4%

Unity University

Admas University HiLCoE Tech.Inst Africa Beza


Rift-Valley University





Lions Tourism collage SriSai Collage

0 2012






AIESEC| Unity | Report | 2013 – 2015 | Addis Ababa , Ethiopia


We deliver a leadership experiences by providing an opportunity to create, develop and implement Projects ,Events, Trainings, Conferences and Seminars. Through this opportunities we provide for the youth ,they develop and discover their Leadership potential to make a positive impact in the society. Here is the total experience delivered to our members through Leadership experiences, Internship opportunities and Global Learning Environment Team Member







Team Leader




Henok Negusse Vice president of incoming exchange and business development, 2013-2015

Joining AIESEC has been one of the greatest things that happened in my life. I become a team member in several portfolios then I can get team leader opportunities like Project Manager, ICX coordinator and after months I get my biggest experience opportunity to become in Executive Board then I Become Vice president of Exchange and Business Development in LC Unity where I have the opportunity to lead teams and managing projects. The experience I have gained in AIESEC in Unity has developed me more than years of school lesson. To be more confident, global minded and interactive, and also gave me the creativeness to be an entrepreneur and build my own organization. I am more conscious of my society and global environment, in this amazing life experience I get the chance to meet amazing and inspiring young people, I AM SO PROUD TO BE AN AIESECer‌.

AIESEC| Unity | Report | 2013 – 2015 | Addis Ababa , Ethiopia


COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS YES 2.0 Young entrepreneurs is a program that aims to positively impact a significant amount of Admass University collage youth by offering them a platform to acquire knowledge. Skills and values that will support their development as entrepreneurs. The objective of the 6 weeks program is to provide a guided process that allows the creation of business plans and the generation of a network of contracts critical to become a successful entrepreneur. The project took place in Admas university ,Addis Ababa. Students had teams for every session each team conceived a business idea and developed a plan to put it into reality at the end of the project each team had a business plan that includes from vision and objectives to target markets and marketing strategies. • 4 interns from countries across Africa were part of the project o Ghana o Uganda • 30 students were part of Yes 2.0 • Two events were held during the project time line. o Reception ceremony o Global village

Project Partner : • Admas University

AIESEC| Unity | Report | 2013 – 2015 | Addis Ababa , Ethiopia


COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS F.L.A.T (Foreign Language Advanced Training)

Advanced Language Training including Cultural mind set for students to understand the original cultures and traditions of the Native speaking country of French and Chinese languages. The Project focused on Students in Universities and colleges, youths that are expected to be part of the professional world after 1 up to 4 years when they graduate. The project helped them to be competent in today’s International environment and making easier for them to integrate in to globalization. We have impacted over 300 University students taking Chinese and French language Trainings by bringing International Volunteers from China and Congo to give the training for 1 month and 2 weeks to the students for free. We have partnered 7 Universities and the project was successfully finalized with a great achievement with both our partners (the universities) and the students. Project Partners : • Admas University • Rift valley University • Lion Tourism collage • HiLCoE Tech.Institute

• • •

Central Collage Africa Beza Collage SriSai Collage

AIESEC| Unity | Report | 2013 – 2015 | Addis Ababa , Ethiopia


COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS The Joy Center Project 2013 Joy center is a project on Community Development aims in children who are very essential for the growth of the country. We focus on children who are especial in needs. This children need to have global mind set. As part of international organization we want to bring international volunteers to raise awareness on different cultures and life style. One of the center which we give this service for is joy center. This project was implemented in Nia Foundation `s Autistic Center called Joy Center. An Intern Participated on the project from Netherland, for 5 days per week full time. • Provision of holistic rehabilitation services for children with autism and related disorders • Guiding children in age appropriate curriculum activities (English, Mathematics . . .). • Exchange of culture & customs.

Project Partner: • Nia Foundation – Joy Center

AIESEC| Unity | Report | 2013 – 2015 | Addis Ababa , Ethiopia


TRAININGS AND SEMINARS Orientations Orientations are Pre-AIESEC Forums give for Non-AIESEC Students in University, to give them the opportunity to get to know about AIESEC. Since 2013 up to 2015, 3 huge Orientation events took place at Admas University which holds total of 600 participants. Information Desks and surveys are collected to identify student`s major study areas and Interested programs.

Accounting 20, 20% Marketing

42, 42%

27, 27% 15, 15%


38, 38% Information Technology

AIESEC| Unity | Report | 2013 – 2015 | Addis Ababa , Ethiopia


Events Intern Reception Ceremonies The aim of this program is focused on the interns coming to Ethiopia to participate on the project, The Ceremony is all about showcasing Ethiopian culture, Traditions, foods, dresses, music and dances to the Interns. It is enjoyable and most entertaining ceremony for interns to have and to set their mind set they have about Ethiopia. Since the Interns Arrival upto their departure, the inters had a great time with the participants and with the project team during their stay and they have got a chance to visit most museum and historic places in Addis Ababa and they enjoyed and experienced Ethiopian traditional foods and cultures. The interns were able to go outside of Addis Ababa they vested historic and most enjoyable places,which give them the platform to know and understand about Ethiopia since it the first time experience for them. The also participated in Conferences , workshops and Seminars in order to enhance their experience.

AIESEC| Unity | Report | 2013 – 2015 | Addis Ababa , Ethiopia


Events Charity Day A day where we celebrate Ethiopian New year with people who do not have shelters and have No income who lives in street. The theme of the event was” Put the Power of Joy into the whole of your life “. We made the day for them to remember it as their happiest day and motivate them not to give-up and try harder. The Event was held at Admas University, and organized by Vision Anti-Drug and Conduct center collaborating with AIESEC.. The event includes: • Lunch and coffee Ceremony • Cloth donations and • Money Donations for Orphans, Street Children and elders. Regional Leaders, Community Development experts ,AIESEC members and Leaders were part of the Ceremony.

September 9, 2013

AIESEC| Unity | Report | 2013 – 2015 | Addis Ababa , Ethiopia


Events Global Village This is the biggest cultural event for the Interns and is open to all residents and guests around who will have opportunity to get acquainted with cultures of different nationalities from different countries through interactive exhibitions. All countries which are working on community Development projects will showcase themselves to all the participants and the public in forms of traditional food, informative material, pictures, cultural presentations and performances. Netherlands 13% Kenya 13%

Tanzania 9%


Tanzania Uganda

Ethiopia 35%

Uganda 9%

China 17%

China German

Ethiopia Netherlands

German 4%

November 18, 2014 AIESEC| Unity | Report | 2013 – 2015 | Addis Ababa , Ethiopia


Events YOUTH INTERNSHIP PROGRAM! This program is about engage youth in Ethiopia to AIESEC beside that also as the Showcasing event of Out going exchange department of AIESEC in Ethiopia. International experience now is not an option but mostly demanded by the working world for the new job finder, the youth. Gain formal education in University is the main key, but it will not enough to satisfied what people need nowadays, youth need to gain their organizational skill, team work, and global mindset to completely support the skill they already have. Most people says, what we learned in University is mostly theory, and in the working world theory only used around 20%, and the rest 80% is the technical things that student rarely got in campus. During the Event panel discussion, experience were shared by 4 Internationals who are under AIESEC Volunteering and professional Internship programs in Ethiopia. Our Local Office Decided to organize the Event with aim of creating understanding and awareness on two of our Institutional partners( Admas and Unity University)`s Students about international experiences though AIESEC. It was a success full event in terms of awareness creation, After the event Students Started showing interests of taking the program. Event Partners • Enyew Café and Restaurant

23rd November 2013 AIESEC| Unity | Report | 2013 – 2015 | Addis Ababa , Ethiopia



AIESEC| Unity | Report | 2013 – 2015 | Addis Ababa , Ethiopia


Events Chinese Day Chinese Day took place after the successful completion of FLAT 1.0 Project. Its aim was to showcase the impact and accomplishment of the FLAT 1.0 Project which held in over 5 Private Higher Educational Institutions. During the Event Higher Officials of Universities ,Partners , International and Ethiopian Students from deferent Universities attended the Event. Top Students of the FLAT Project performed a short live conversation dialog in Chinese language. University representatives and also Academic Dean of Africa Beza University College and Head of International relations for Ethiopian Institution of Architectural and Building Construction were part of Talk Show and delivered their experiences and advices for the audiences.

Partner Company: • • • • • •

PolySolar Africa Beza University College Admas University Rift valley University Lion Tourism collage HiLCoE Tech.Institute

August 30, 2014

AIESEC| Unity | Report | 2013 – 2015 | Addis Ababa , Ethiopia


Events BIG SERVE The Event is about Leadership and Volunteerism, Brief Training about Volunteerism and AIESEC focusing on Leadership side of view. The main goal of this event was to create awareness and understanding among students about Volunteerism. On this Event we had a panel that enable the students to gain open discussions with Psychologist ,Students development experts, and AIESEC Leaders.

Power of Volunteerism

April 4, 2015

AIESEC| Unity | Report | 2013 – 2015 | Addis Ababa , Ethiopia


Conference AddiPreneur “Activate entrepreneurship within” The addipreneur Conference involves different entrepreneurial trainings and workshops with the sole purpose of Creating Understanding and inspiration to university students whom are interested in being an entrepreneur. We believe the younger generation has such untapped potential which we tapped it into that potential in this was held at British Council, in the British Embassy. It was attended by hundreds of talented, motivated, educated and skilled students. The main objective of the conference was to give business or non-business students who are interested in being an entrepreneur the chance to get the best learning platform so that they could succeed easily and to open an opportunity for students to the great world of entrepreneurship. Conference Venue partners: • British Council

Conference Institutional partners

Conference Penel & Seminar partners: • British Council • Passionate For Love • • Misgana Shoe Factory Catering Partner • Gabriela's Catering Service

• • • • • • • •

Admas University Africa Beza University College SeriSay college Royal college Central college Info-net college Lion Ethiopia Tourism and hotel college HiLCoE Tech.Institute

June 20, 2015 AIESEC| Unity | Report | 2013 – 2015 | Addis Ababa , Ethiopia


Conference AddiPreneur …….. Continued

AIESEC| Unity | Report | 2013 – 2015 | Addis Ababa , Ethiopia


Finance Sources of Income

During 2013 – 2015 years, Financial transactions finalized successfully. Since we are not a profitable organization we handle our incomes and expenses directly related with actual works done with no human resource expenses. The value we deliver to our members is the experience and connections they get from our global network. Thanks to the support of our partners: Africa Beza and British Council, Misgana Shoe Factory, MJobs , and Passionate For Love for all their support for Our Conference and Events. A big thank to Admas University, We have been able to cost cut on many administrative costs related with office expenses and for Events Venue for our Events , Trainings, Seminars, Summits , meetings and workshop spaces.


Student Membership Student International Internship Fee Event Partnership Conference Partnerships Project Partnership

Administrative Costs Entrepreneurship Project Educational Project Humanitarian Projects Events Conferences

22% 3%



12% 34%

AIESEC| Unity | Report | 2013 – 2015 | Addis Ababa , Ethiopia


Partners Institutional Partner

Event and Developmental Partners

Passionate For Love Africa Beza University College SeriSay College Royal college Central college Info-net college

Mesegana Chama Sere Enterprise Lion Ethiopia Tourism & Hotel College HiLCoE Technology Institute

AIESEC| Unity | Report | 2013 – 2015 | Addis Ababa , Ethiopia


Our References AIESEC in Unity is giving the students an opportunity to engage and learn with the international community. Admas University will always use this kind of organizations as useful tool to involve its students in commutative environment. Ato Tesfaye Zewge Academic and Research Vice President Admas University

Working with AIESEC Unity was excellent and much appreciated by the management of the college Accordingly, The college needs to tank and wish to AIESEC Unity to work with others, all the important skills and knowledge that it provides. Ato Yezihalem Sisay Academic Dean Lion Ethiopia Tourism & Hotel College

"The energy that comes from AIESECers is really tremendous. Working with them has been very rewarding for our organization and we are looking forward to many more collaborations." Leon Diouf, Acting Exam Manager, British Council

The network and Experience AIESEC has given to its members is significant and important for the current generation youth to be part of their journey to develop their potentials. AIESEC Unity is a recommend able organization to work with. Ato Abubeker Abdu Students, Graduates and Community Development Director Admas University

AIESEC| Unity | Report | 2013 – 2015 | Addis Ababa , Ethiopia


www.aiesecunity, LCUnity aiesecunity P.O.Box 518 Addis Ababa ,Ethiopia

AIESEC| Unity | Report | 2013 – 2015 | Addis Ababa , Ethiopia

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