We’re thrilled to have you as part of the 16 Tech community!
Our community is home to changemakers, innovators, entrepreneurs, startups and leaders from diverse backgrounds and industries. We hope you use your membership to connections into conversations and ideas into impact.
The following packet is an overview of how to best engage in our space. Consider it your 101 to utilizing your membership.
As questions arise, do not hesitate to reach out to your 16 Tech experience team - we’re here to help you.

Greer Crossley Experience Manager gcrossley@16tech.com
ROWLEY SECURITY: 317.691.1672

ALLY SMITH Experience Associate asmith@16tech.com

Only to be used for emergencies that are NOT building or maintenance related (ie. Report leaks, broken plumbing, etc to the number BELOW)

Whitney Ball Events Director wball@16tech.com

Jacqueline Eckhardt Dir. of Communications jeckhardt@16tech.com

Averi Hittle Digital Marketing Manager ahittle@16tech.com

Melanie Suder Creative Brand Manager msuder@16tech.com
Contact about hosting an event at 16 Tech
Esther Gonzalez Experience Associate egonzalez@16tech.com
Connect on media announcements/inquiries & marketing opportunities
Send news, updates or information for 16 Tech digital platforms
Send photos, logos and other creative elements to tell your story; Connect on digital signage opportunities

Alex Kurrelmeier Chief Financial Officer akurrelmeier@16tech.com

Emily Krueger President and CEO ekrueger@16tech.com

Matt Foxworthy AMP Operations Manager mfoxworthy@16tech.com

Paul Williams Machyne Workshop Manager pwilliams@16tech.com

Beth Schneider Controller bschneider@16tech.com

Eric J. Miller Director of Real Estate & Development emiller@16tech.com

Michaela Ivory Neighborhood Engagement Coordinator mivory@16tech.com

Sibeko Jywanza Dir. of Community Access & Engagement sjywanza@16tech.com

Bob Whitt Chief Operating Officer bwhitt@16tech.com

Jill Warfield Executive Assistant jwarfield@16tech.com

Nick Douglas Workshop Assistant ndouglas@16tech.com

Tamika Moore Staff Accountant tmoore@16tech.com
1220 Waterway Blvd Indianapolis, IN 4620
Staffed from 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Your Wi-Fi code can be found in your welcome email.
Keycard is needed to enter the office outside of business hours
If riding a bike please utilize the bike rack located in and outside The AMP
This Wi-Fi is for members only. This provides a secure tunnel out to our AT&T Fiber Wi-Fi Please do not share this with guests. Guests should access the 16Tech-Guest network
• January 1 • January 15
• May 27 • June 19
• July 4
• November 28 & 29
• September 2
• December 24 - 31
When office is unstaffed, it is still accessible via keycard at any of the entrances to the office. Please note the door between the AMP and offices will be locked on these days.

The mail room is located across from the front desk near the entrance to AMP.
Mail Room Code: 1220#
Mail Slot: Your mail slot is located on the left side of the mail room. If you have mailing access, there will be a dedicated mail slot with your name/business labeled on it.
Packages: Packages are delivered to the mail room. If you have an important package that you are expecting, please alert the front desk staff.
Drop-Off Mail: You can drop off letters to be picked up by USPS from the front desk. If you have larger things to ship with any other postal service, please alert the staff at the front desk before dropping off your package(s).
Please use the following address for receiving mail:
Company Name/Name
Suite/Office Number
1220 Waterway Blvd Indianapolis, IN 46202
Janitorial services occur each evening. Surfaces are wiped down and trash is emptied. It is completely up to you if you would like to bypass the cleaning services. If you would like just your waste bin emptied, please place it outside your door at by 5:00 pm. Please dispose of food waste in the cafe break area.
All members are provided with a monthly allotment for color and black and white prints.
Private Office and Reserved Desk Members: 75 B&W / 35 Color
Hot Desk Members: 40 B&W / 20 Color
If you reserve a space to use, please DO NOT overstay your allotted time, most importantly LEAVE THE SPACE AS YOU FOUND IT.
Each member/company is allotted 25 hours per month for booking time.
Cobot is our room booking platform. You will receive and email link to sign in. If more than one individual on your team needs booking privileges, please your Experience Manager know.
Please do not host meetings in social areas without coordinating the event with the Event Director or Experience Manager. When booking spaces, please factor in the time needed for set up and tear down. This will ensure that the rooms/spaces are available for others.
It is everyone’s responsibility to clean up after themselves. This includes:
• Washing your own dishes or placing them in the dishwasher.
• Labeling your food and remembering to take it home with you or disposing of it.
• Cleaning up any spills/messes made in the kitchen space or microwave. Being sure to clean up after using the conference rooms, phone booths, and Hot Desk area. (Feel free to ask your EM for cleaning supplies!)
• Not placing liquids or loose food items in your office bins; you may dispose of those in the kitchen
Leftovers: Place leftovers in the Lower Café with a label and share it on Slack.Otherwise, food left un-frigerated for 4 hours needs to be discarded. Leftovers that are placed in the fridge, please label them or discard them by the EOW.
Your space will come equipped with furniture allotted to the room. We provide desks, chairs, and file drawers for reserved desks and private office members. Please feel free to make the space your own. If any problems occur or any special service is needed, connect with your Experience Manager.
Depending on the office size (2-6 person or suite) we provide the amount of furniture needed. If additional furniture is needed, please alert the Experience Manager before taking furniture from social spaces.
You are welcome to add furniture, apply sticking whiteboards or decals, and make cosmetic updates to the space.
Please do not:
• Paint the walls
• Hang heavy equipment yourself (arrange for maintenance to hang things like televisions or heavy wall art)
Office Slack Channel #innovationdistrict-network #offices-and-coworking
Slack is a tool used to give members access to information at every level of the organization. This is used to receive communication such as information pertaining to the building, road interferences, and social events. This is also an opportunity for organizations to share news about their own company for network amplification.
We value community involvement, sustainability and accountability. As a flexible workspace we simply ask that members are respectful of space, members and guests. We also encourage members to share their knowledge, experiences, resources, and learn from peers.
Our mission is to help ensure your business goals are met and exceeded. Your Managing Director of Innovation and Start-up Support is here to help you. Communicate issues, requests or ideas.
• Introduce yourself to other members via slack and in person
• Utilize the TV by the front desk for events and updates or ask your Experience Manager
• Engage! Please, think about what you can offer to the community
• Use the #office-and-coworking channel in Slack to share company updates
• Bring a guest! Grab some lunch, show them around and grab a 5-day pass from the front desk
• Host a meeting, gathering or event by connecting with our Events Director
• Explore the district and local community ask your Experience Manager for more info
• Attend the member events
• Be sure to cancel or adjust any unused booking time and leave promptly at the end of your reservation
• Keep the space clean and inviting by cleaning up after yourself every time a shared space is used
• Don’t take furniture or shared resources from shared areas without first asking a staff member
• Don’t let guests roam freely, please have them stop at the front desk first to be escorted or meet them at the front desk
• Don’t deface any office property
• Don’t use speakerphones to conduct individual or conference calls in the shared spaces
• Don’t use reserved desks or private offices that are not your own
Concourse exists to build communities and foster ideas. In order to create an collaborative environment, we must hold each other accountable to the community standards. Our Code of Culture guides our community in promoting an environment that values diversity, equity, and inclusion.
We strive to create a safe space for all our members. Our wish is to provide a welcoming and inclusive environment. Harassment in any form onsite or in our online community will not be tolerated.
Sexual, vulgar, and other exclusionary language and imagery is not appropriate in any facet. This includes any HQO and/or external programming that may be open to non-member attendees. Be kind to others. Do not insult or put down fellow community members.
Harassment includes, but is not limited to: Offensive verbal comments related to gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, and religion. Sexual images in public spaces. Deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, inappropriate physical contact and unwelcome sexual attention.
Please report any incident, accident or harassment, via email or phone call, or to office staff manager. All reports are confidential. 16 Tech employees are well-informed on how to deal with reported incidents and how to further proceed with the situation. If you do feel your safety is in jeopardy, please do not hesitate to contact local law enforcement by dialing 911.
If parties housed in the 16 Tech flexible office/incubator space are asked to stop harassing behavior is expected to end immediately. If you are harassed by an office member or guest, please report the incident directly to the Experience Manager. If you experience harassment from a 16 Tech team member, please report the incident to our Chief Operating Officer Bob Whitt (bwhitt@16tech.com).
Members, sponsors, partners and staff violating these rules may be subject to cancellation of their Membership Agreement and asked to leave our grounds and/or online engagement platforms without notice and/or refund at the sole discretion of the 16 Tech leadership team. Violating parties are not permitted back on to Concourse for any Concourse/or external programming and meetings.
The following are general guidelines that call for cancellation of terms of your membership agreement:
• Multiple offenses resulting in a warning from staff
• Continuing to harass after any “No” or “Stop” instruction
• A pattern of harassing behavior, with or without warnings
• A single serious offense (e.g., punching or groping someone)
• A single obviously intentional offense